Foc%s in credit analysis is on ability to repay debts
6i(%idity Ratios ability o# t"e #irm to pay bills d%e in t"e ne-t year &it" c%rrent assets or cas" #lo& t"at &ill be generated in t"e ne-t year olvency Ratios ! pro#it or cas" #lo& relative to debt service and ot"er re(%irements
)istorical and #orecasted
inancial Analysis !"i#uidity $atios
6i(%idity ratios can be vie&ed #rom t&o perspectives
As e##iciency ratios t"at assess t"e company$s optimal &oring capital management *t%rnover ratios+
As ratios t"at assess t"e ability o# t"e company to s%rvive *i/e/ pay its bills+ in t"e coming period or periods
"i#uidity $atios
6i(%idity Ratios
C%rrent Ratio
8%ic Ratio
Cas" Ratio
9perating Cas" Flo& Ratio
%hort!ter& li#uidity risk
.nterpreting c%rrent ratio *and ot"er similar li(%idity ratios+:
"at do t"ese ratios intend to capt%re "at is t"e implicit ass%mption
"at is t"e benc"mar #or t"ese ratios )o& "ig" is "ig"
)o& to %se t"ese ratios
$atios to &easure long!ter& sol'ency risk
olvency *or leverage+ ratios provide %s &it" in#ormation abo%t
"e e-tent to &"ic" t"e #irm$s assets are #inanced by borro&ed money
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