Chapter I Review of Related Studies and Literature

March 24, 2017 | Author: melzjemz | Category: N/A
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Chapter I Review of Related Studies and Literature Computers nowadays are widely used in every transaction processes.Computerizationmakes it easy for a company to do their internal and external transactions. Payroll and Financial monitoring system is one of the many transactions that are being worked on computer. The proponents worked on a custom-made payroll and financial system done for the specific need of the company. The proponents searched on related literature that would aid in developing an effective payroll system one of the research processes followed. The related literatures are as follow. Related Studies These are investigations that are unpublished materials like thesis, manuscript and dissertations that are conducted before to which the present study has similarity. Local Studies AHNEX Builders Network ² Based Payroll Systems Dayrit, 2007, AHNEX Builder Network ² Based Payroll System was designed for the newly set-up AHNEX Builders. The company is currently using Microsoft Excel in computing net pay which is time consuming. This proposed system will help in the work of the users in an easier process. Visual basic 6, Microsoft Access, and Crystal Report 9 were used for designing and creating the system. This was designed to meet the requirements of the company for a better and more enhanced system. Keeping track of record of employees, computing the salary and wages of each employee and generating reports were included in the proposed system. This automatically computes.

CHAPTER 1Introduction The Computer nowadays is a basic need for businesses orc o m p a n i e s . I t h e l p s a l o t i n s u c h a w a y t h a t i t m a k e s w o r k m o r e progressive and productive. It is an important thing that a company orsmall business should have because it helps a lot in many ways such asorganizing, storing and manipulating data. Having computer programsmay help a company grow bigger and be competitive in the flow of thebusiness world. The companies nowadays uses computer literate andvery competitive in the business (Brian Thomas, 2004). A . B a c k g r o u n d o f t h e S t u d y The Blanco Family Academy is a private educational institutionoffering pre-school, elementary, and secondary education, it is started2001. While a normal school in most respects, the Blanco FamilyAcademy places heavy emphasis in the fine and performing arts. Theschool vision is to give quality education to all levels of society and toserve the community through academic, moral, emotional, spiritualand social upliftment. The Blanco Family was headed by Jose “Pitok” V. Blanco, hiswife Loreta, and all seven children are all accomplished painters versed in the “Folk Realism” style. What’s quite intriguing is that mostof them have had no professional art training, especially the children.

CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter includes a discussion of the related literature, theoretical Framework and conceptual framework as components of a faculty evaluation. A . C o n c e p t u a l F r a m e w o r k I n t h i s r e s e a r c h , t h e r e s e a r c h e r s t o p r o v i d e a b e t t e r w a y o f monitoring the attendance of Blanco Family Academy, where the staff and the manager can handle a faster and easy way of recording and monitoring their daily Attendances. Only the Admin, HR and Accounting department has the authority to use the system that can manipulate there cords in the system. The system will provide a reliable and efficient way of Timekeeping activity. The study aims to produce a result of Timekeeping and Payroll System that can cope up with the needs of the company. FEEDBACK Figure 2: Input Process Output of LAN-Based Time keeping and Payrollusing Biometrics for Blanco Family Academy B . R e l a t e d L i t e r a t u r e 1 . L o c a l L i t e r a t u r e John Aquilan made a comparable thesis entitled “Automation of t i m e a t t e n d a n c e S ys t e m ” i n 2 0 0 4 , i t s t a t e d t h a t t h e a u t o m a t i o n o f the time attendance records, time in and time out of every employeeu s i n g b a r c o d e s ys t e m . I t t e n d s t o e l i m i n a t e t h e manual recordings y s t e m o f t i m e a n d a t t e n d a n c e a n d a l s o i n c l u d e s a l a r y c o m p u t a t i o n o f e a c h e m p l o ye e b a s e d o n t h e t i m e a n d a t t e n d a n c e reports. Ramon Floran in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, page 14 October 2005 wrote on his article “The Computer Edge of the New Employmentand Opportunities He stated that computer gives a different feelinga b o u t w h a t i s h a p p e n i n g i n t h e c o m p a n y. B u s i n e s s w i l l b e h i g h l y competitive and innovative because the computer provides instantinformation.A c c o r d i n g t o A n d r e a C a n t o m a , M a r c h 2 0 0 4 e n t i t l e d “ C o m p u t e r L i b r a r y S ys t e m f o r S t . J a m e s A c a d e m y” s t a t e d t h a t , i n manual system in retrieving, maintaining security and piling recordstake place because of the years gone by. Furthermore, these files wereo n l y k e p t i n e n v e l o p e s a n d f o l d e r s i n w o o d e n r o c k s . T h e r e a r e also instances when the right information is given to a wrong person,which affect quality of service.“Biometrics Technology to be Implemented in PNP”, 2009 The Philippine National Police (PNP) also made by the international crimedetection technologies in the market, the said Philippine agency decidedto adopt NEC’s (mentioned above) Automated Fingerprint IdentificationS y s t e m . Via the technology, PNP staff and experts are ab le t o authenticate unique body demographics, such as fingerprints in theparticular case. The technology also allows an almost instantaneousidentification. The technology was used however by first building aninitial database of 210,000 fingerprints. PNP actually used the saidtechnology in order to identify two “chop-chop” victims who’s mutilated

bodies were found dumped in several areas in Quezon City a n d Muntinlupa.A c c o r d i n g t o t h e m e n t i o n e d a b o v e w i t h t h e u s e b i o m e t r i c s technology the PNP was able to identif y a suspect because of t h e fingerprints.According to Mayor Jun Bernabe on the article Planet Biometrics,In August 2011Parañaque City, Philippines has replaced its existing biometric machines with a new fingerprint biometric attendance registrysystem, which it says is more user-friendly and efficient. The city’s mayor, Jun Bernabe, says the new attendance machineswill enable it to resolve the issues of long queues as well as employeecomplaints. A total of 40 Model 628 Double Engine ZK Finger Print StandAlone Time Recorders were purchased. City hall took 15 units while therest were installed in other local government facilities. The upgrade was jointly run by the city government’s HumanResource Management Office and the Electronic Data Processing (EDP)Office. “Aside from cutting manpower downtime, it makes timekeepingand payroll preparation simpler, systematic and more accurate. It alsoprovides an additional way to identify, discipline and fire habitual later-c o m e r s , a b s e n t e e s a n d g h o s t e m p l o y e e s , ” s a y s M a y o r B e r n a b e . According to the article mentioned above, with the use of biometric fingerprint scanner in the attendance system of the organization which is also connected to the payroll system. Saves time in lining up in theBundy clock. 2 . F o r e i g n L i t e r a t u r e According to Thomas Primer on his article “ A u t o m a t e d Computerize Process”, in Readers Digest Magazine, May 2005, Page 45,for many businesses automating the collecting of employee attendanced a t a w h e n e m p l o y e e s b e g i n t h e i r s h i f t s i s s t i l l a m a n u a l p r o c e s s . Even business that has automated or computerized processes such asscheduling, inventory, purchasing, general ledger and payroll processingstill use manual method such as time cards sheets to collect time andattendance data.NOVA time a group system developer, on last May 2007, thesystem that will give management the power to not only utilize the toolswe have available to us today, but will continue to grow and evolve,g i v i n g i t t h e c a p a b i l i t y t o i n c o r p o r a t e a n d u t i l i z e t h e t o o l s t h e newmillennium promises to brin g us. NOVA time has brought a s ys t e m designed for growth while maintaining the maximum in flexibility. Wherethe sophistication lies within the programmed mechanism of the system,allowing for a quick and simple implementation and employee trainingcycle, after all the true test of a system is not only in the production andwealth of reporting, but in the simplicity and ease of its operation in conjunction with a simple and accommodating implementation program. Better humans (2003) stated that a wireless fingerprint scannercould soon be helping law enforcement agencies; government and themilitary instantly identity the scanner, called sweet fingerprint, today. Itis being demonstrated at the government convention one mergingtechnologies, which addresses issues of homeland security. Scannedfingerprint can also be used to query a database for someone’s profile,using automated fingerprint identification system, and the profile canthen be sent to a mobile device such as a personal digital assistant.According to the related article mentioned above, fingerprints c a n n i n g t e c h n o l o g y h a s b e e n u s e d i n m a n y f i e l d s a s a m e a n s o f security to confidential government records. Technology helps lawenforcers in the identifications of employees. C.Related Study 1 . L o c a l S t u d y

Andrew Mendrez (2007) a programmer, made a similar study forVision Designer Inc. It has an identification machine aimed at verifying ap e r s o n e n t e r i n g t h r o u g h t h e s w i p i n g o f i d e n t i f i c a t i o n c a r d s . A f t e r entering their given code number, the identification cards are swiped inthe machines card reader to trigger the verification. If access granted, the micro switch will then automatically unlock to allow enter. This willhelp a lot in monitoring attendances accurately and more precise.A group of computer engineers in Rebisco Biscuits Corporation,August 2007 proposed a thesis report entitled “Computerized Daily TimeRecord System” for what is the same Innodata Corps is implementingright now a computerized daily time record as an alternative for Bundyclock. The means of getting inside the company premises is by swipingcards into a machine that reads every record of each employee then monitor and displays the time a particular employee logs in and out.In the 2005 annual report of the Forest Products AdResearch andD e v e l o p m e n t I n s t i t u t e u n d e r t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f S c i e n c e a n d Technology, it is said that “The computerized database and attendanceon Forest Production Research and Development Institute was designedto facilitate the Institutes was designed to facilitate the Institute’s dataentry, Progressing computation maintenance of employee time andattendance transactions. The system allows employees to log in/out asthe swipe their ID’s through a barcode reader attached to a computerterminal. The processing forms include those for legal holidays, travelorder, tardiness, under time, vacation and sick leave. Pertinent Reportforms have been designed for easier access to all these data.”According to Olivar (2010), “Payroll System is heart of HumanResource System of an Organization”. The solution has to take care of c a l c u l a t i o n o f t h e s a l a r y a s p e r r u l e s o f t h e C o m p a n y, I n c o m e - T a x calculation and various deductions to be done from salary based on thedaily time record using the “Biometric Attendance Record System”including statutory deductio ns like Income Tax and Provident Funddeductions. Another study, the main focus of the system should handleemployee’s records such as Employee List, Add New Employee, Edit NewEmployee, Attendance, Bonus and Pay slip for the administrator. 2.Foreign Study Columbia State Community (2006) uses computer identificationa c c o u n t ( L o g I n N a m e a n d P a s s w o r d ) f o r a c c e s s t o t h e i n s t i t u t i o n s computer usage logs occurs electrically through the individual users log in/out process. Users are also informed that they are responsible forany computer file’s, database and/or internet sites that are accessedthrough their computer identification account, not withstanding theirfailure to adhere to the log in/out process, on their voluntary publicationof their account information to others.My Time Force (2006), It is a software-based time and attendancesystem that allows the user to collect and organize employee time datasimply and accurately. You can use Time Force to easily and efficientlytrack your employee time, manage your time & attendance data ande m p l o y e e p r o f i l e s , e l i m i n a t e b u d d y p u n c h i n g , m a k e e m p l o y e e scheduling a breeze and reduce the headaches and time associated withpayroll.

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