Chapter 7 Serial Communication -- An Introduction

July 13, 2018 | Author: Andy Wo | Category: N/A
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Chapter 7 Serial Communications


Parallel I/O vs Serial I/O •

Parallel I/O: 8 or more lines are used to transfer data simultaneously. Serial I/O: 1 line is used. Data is sent one it at a time.


!eatures of Parallel Communications 1. Parallel I/O uses many si"nal pins PO#$% & 8 its $#IS% & 8 its for data transfer direction direction 'C( has limited numer of pins. ). (sually used for very short distances* due to $imin" s+e,: $he si"nals arrive at different times. Crosstal+: Si"nal transmitted in one channel creates an undesired effect in another channel.  –





-. Cale for parallel transfer is more e%pensive 3

Serial Communications •

$he transfer of di"ital data over over a sin"le data transmission line one it at a time. hy  –



#educe the cost of IC pac+a"e y reducin" the numer of pins used for communication. $imin" s+e, et,een different channels is not an issue. 0 serial connect reuires fe,er interconnectin" cales and hence occupies less space.


$,o ma2or dra,ac+s of Parallel I/O $imin" S+e,



Duple% 'ode Simplex:

Half duplex:

Full duplex:

Synchronous vs 0synchronous 1.  Synchronous Synchronous 0 synchroni3in" cloc+ si"nal is transmitted for synchroni3ation. 2.  Asynchronous 4o cloc+ si"nal is transmitted from the transmitter transmitter to receiver. On each end* the internal cloc+ must e the same. #ely on e%tra its that are ,rapped around the yte to e sent 5start it* stop it6.  –





PIC18 Serial 'odule •

PIC18 family microcontrollers have several uiltin modules for serial communication:  –


(0#$/(S0#$/(S0#$ for for asynchronous communication I)C port for synchronous  communication communication ,ith other I)C peripherals.


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