Chapter 6 Communicating

February 21, 2019 | Author: edward | Category: Communication, Information, Employment, Cybernetics, Semiotics
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CHAPTER VI Communicating

WHAT COMMUNICATING IS Morris Philip Wolf and Shirley uiper de!ne communication as " a process of sharing information through symbols inclu!ing "or!s an! message# Communication may happen #et$een superior and su#ordinate% su# ordinate% #et$een #et$een peers% #et$een a manager and a client or customer% #et$een an employee and a go&ernment representati&e' 

WHAT COMMUNICATING IS Morris Philip Wolf and Shirley uiper de!ne communication as " a process of sharing information through symbols inclu!ing "or!s an! message# Communication may happen #et$een superior and su#ordinate% su# ordinate% #et$een #et$een peers% #et$een a manager and a client or customer% #et$een an employee and a go&ernment representati&e' 

()*CTI+*S +( C+MM)*ICATI+* Information function information pro&ided through communication may #e used for decision, ma-ing at &arious $or- le&els in the organi.ation' Moti&ation function Communication is also oftentimes used as a means to moti&ate employees to commit themsel&es to the organi.ation/s o#0ecti&es' 

Control function When properly communicated% reports% policies% and plans de!ne roles% clarify duties% Authorities and responsi#ilities' Emoti&e function $hen feelings are repressed in the organi.ation% employees are a1ected #y an2iety% $hich% in turn% a1ects performance' 

The communication process

S E N D E R  Develops idea



then transmit message to

R E C E I V E R  Who Receives message decodes   Accept or reject

Then provides the feedback to S

$e%elop an i!ea  The most important step in e1ecti&e communication is de&eloping an idea' It is important that the idea into $ords% illustrations% !gures% or other sym#ols suita#le for transmission'

Transmit After encoding% the message is no$ ready for transmission through the use of an appropriate communication channel'

&ecei%e  The ne2t step is the communication process is the actual recei&ing of the message #y the intended recei&er'

$eco!e  The ne2t step% decoding% means translating the message from the sender into a form that $ill ha&e meaning to the recipient'

Accept  The ne2t step is for the recei&er to accept or re0ect the message' Sometimes% acceptance or re0ection is partial'

use  The ne2t step is for the recei&er to use the information' If the message pro&ides information of importance to a rele&ant acti&ity% then the recei&er could store it and retrie&e it $hen re3uired' Pro&ide feed#ac The last step in the communication process is for the recei&er to pro&ide feed#ac- to the sender'

 'orms of Communication

( ma)or forms *erbal  Non%erbal 

*erbal communications are those transmitted through hearing or sight' This mode of transmission &er#al communication into t$o classes4 oral and $ritten

Oral communication mostly in&ol&es hearing the $ords of the sender Written communication% ho"e%er has limitations an! to reme!y these some means are !e%ise!+

*on&er#al communication is a means of con&eying message through the #ody language'

 THE 5ARRIERS T+ C+MM)*ICATI+* *arious factors may impe!e the e,cient -o" of communication+ Any or all of these factors may at any point !erail the process+ .%en if the channel transmits the message the timing an! the meaning of the message may be a/ecte! by the factors+

 The barriers to communication may be classi0e! generally as

Personal #arriers are hin!rances to e/ecti%e communication arising from a communicator1s characteristics as a person such as emotion %alues poor listening habits se2 age race socio economic status religion e!ucation etc+ Physical #arriers refer to interferences to e/ecti%e communication occurring in the en%ironment "here the communication is un!erta3en+ 

Semantic 5arriers is the stu!y of meaning as e2presse! as symbol+ Wor!s pictures or actions are symbols that suggest certain meanings+ When the recei%er has chosen the "rong meaning misun!erstan!ing occurs+ Such error constitutes a barrier to communication+

+VERC+MI*6 5ARRIERS T+ C+MM)*ICATI+* When communication barriers threaten e/ecti%e performance certain measures must be institute! to eliminate them+ To eliminate problems !ue to noise selecti%e perception an! !istraction the follo"ing are recommen!e!4

Use fee!bac3 to facilitate un!erstan!ing an! increase the potential for appropriate action+ &epeat messages in or!er to pro%i!e assurance that they are properly recei%e!+ Use multiple channels so that the accuracy of the information may be enhance!+ Use simpli0e! language that is easily un!erstan!able an! "hich eliminates the possibility of people getting mi2e!5up "ith meanings+ 

TECHNIQUES FOR COUNIC!TIN" IN OR"!NI#!TIONS Communicating may #e classi!ed as to the types of 7o$ of the message $hich are as follo$s do$n$ard% up$ard or hori.ontal' Each of the types of the message 7o$ has its o$n purposes and techni3ues'

Downward Communication 8o$n$ard communication refers to message 7o$s from higher le&els of authority to lo$er le&els' Among the purposes of do$n$ard communication are' 9' to gi&e instructions ;' to pro&ide information a#out policies and procedures
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