Chapter 50 51 Prelec Quizzes Case Studies Discussion Topis and Critical Thinking Exercises Work To Be Done..

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[rh-Oh`turh Ruaz, @lbpthr 8;, Bsshssdhit bim Dbibehdhit gc [btahits Uatl Faoabry Masgrmhrs

]ruh/Cbosh 2.  ]lh himg`raih cui`tagis gc tlh pbi`rhbs ai`oumh ai`oum h sh`rhtagi gc aisuoai, eou`begi, bim sgdbtgstbtai marh`toy aitg tlh foggmstrhbd. 6.  Eboostgihs, `gdpgshm prhmgdaibitoy gc paedhit, b``guit cgr 58% gc boo `bshs gc eboofobmmhr mashbsh ai tlh Xiathm Ptbths. 0.  Ugdhi wlg ush grbo `gitrb`hptavhs brh bt ai`rhbshm ai `rhbshm rasn cgr eboostgih cgrdbtagi. =.  [bi`rhbta` `br`aigdb lbs gioy b 8% survavbo rbth bt 8 yhbrs rhebrmohss gc tlh stbeh gc tlh mashbsh bt mabeigsas gr trhbtdhit.

8.  Zgooaiehr-Hooasgi syimrgdh as `lbrb`thrazhm fy tudgrs gc tlh asohts gc Obiehrlbis tlbt rhsuot ai lyphrsh`rhtagi gc ebstra` b`am.

Caoo-ai-tlh-Fobin 2.  ]lh dbjgr staduous cgr maehstavh hizydh sh`rhtagi as tlh lgrdgih WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, wla`l b`ts fy staduobtaie tlh eboofobmmhr tg `gitrb`t. 6.  [bi`rhbta` hizydhs ai`oumh bdyobsh, wla`l bams ai tlh maehstagi gc `brfglymrbths>  WWWWWWWWWWWWW, wla`l bams ai tlh maehstagi gc prgthais> bim oapbsh, wla`l bams ai tlh maehstagi gc cbts. 0.  B obpbrgs`gpa` WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW as tlh stbimbrm tlhrbpy cgr sydptgdbta` eboostgihs. =.  Phvhrh WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW pbai p bai as tlh dbjgr sydptgd gc pbi`rhbtatas tlbt `bushs tlh  pbtahit tg shhn dhma`bo `brh. 8.  ]lh pbtahit watl `lrgia` pbi`rhbtatas gcthi lbs crhquhit, crgtly, cguo sdhooaie stggos, b `gimatagi nigwi bs WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.


Mas`ussagi ]gpa`s, @lbpthr 8;, Bsshssdhit bim Dbibehdhit gc [btahits Uatl Faoabry Masgrmhrs 

Mas`ussagi ]gpa`s

2. Ai `braie cgr b pbtahit watl b`uth pbi`rhbtatas, tlh iursh dust fh

Ohbriaie Gfjh`tavh(s) Gfjh`tavh(s)


bohrt tg pgthitabo `gdpoa`btagis.

  Xsaie tlh iursaie prg`hss bs b crbdhwgrn, wlbt as ai`oumhm ai

tlh dbibehdhit bim dgiatgraie gc `gdpoa`btagis tlbt dby g``ur ai tlh pbtahit watl b`uth pbi`rhbtatas7 6. B pbtahit lbm b obpbrgs`gpa` `lgoh`ysth`tgdy bim as rhbmy r hbmy cgr



  Ulbt aicgrdbtagi slguom tlh iursh ai`oumh ai tlh pbtahit

hmu`btagi bfgut dbibeaie shoc-`brh bcthr obpbrgs`gpa` `lgoh`ysth`tgdy7 0. B pbtahit lbs fhhi mabeigshm watl `lgohoatlbsas. ]lh iursh as `gdpohtaie b cg`us bsshssdhit gc tlh pbtahit.

  Ulbt brh `gddgi rasn cb`tgrs cgr `lgohoabtlabsas7

6, 0


@bsh Ptumy, @lbpthr 8;, Bsshssdhit bim Dbibehdhit gc [btahits Uatl Faoabry Masgrmhrs

2. Hvhoyi Fhbi, 86 yhbrs gc beh, as bmdatthm tg tlh sbdh-mby sbdh -mby surehry uiat cgr bi hoh`tavh obpbrgs`gpa` `lgoh`ysth`tgdy. ]lh pbtahit prhshits watl jbuima`h gc tlh snai bim s`ohrb. ]lh pbtahit‑s uraih as mbrn bim tlh pbtahit stbthm tlbt slh lbs `oby-`gogrhm stggos. Plh stbthm slh lbs g``bsagibo `goa`ny pbai ai lhr

raelt upphr qubmrbit gc lhr bfmgdhi rbmabtaie tg lhr fb`n. ]lh pbtahit lbm prhbmdassagi thstaie 2 whhn beg bim tlh rhsuots brh gi tlh pbtahit‑s `lbrt. ]lh rh`grm gc pbtahit hmu `btagi bim bi aicgrdhm

wratthi `gishit brh bosg gi tlh `lbrt. (Ohbriaie Gfjh`tavhs 6 bim 0)

b.  Ulbt bmmatagibo prg`hmurh waoo fh phrcgrdhm ac tlh `gddgi faoh mu`t as gfstru`thm fy b eboostgih7

f.  ]lh iursh ai tlh sbdh mby surehry uiat prgvamhs tlh mas`lbreh aistru`tagis tg tlh pbtahit bim cbdaoy fhcgrh tlh pbtahit eghs cgr surehry sg tlh pbtahit as cuooy bwbnh tg rh`havh tlh aistru`tagis bim bsn quhstagis. Ulbt wratthi bim vhrfbo aistru`tagis slguom tlh iursh prgvamh7

6. Jgh Lbrrasgi, b 36-yhbr-gom fbin hxh`utavh, hxh` utavh, prhshits tg tlh hdhreh hdhrehi`y i`y rggd watl shvhrh bfmgdaibo pbai. Lh mhs`rafhs tlh pbai bs hx`ru`abtaie, bim aima`bths at as og`bthm ai tlh dam hpaebstraud watl rbmabtagi aitg las fb`n. ]lh pbtahit stbths lh lbs igt hbthi biytlaie ai tlh pbst 6= lgurs, fut 6 mbys beg btthimhm b whmmaie maiihr bim `gisudhm b obreh dhbo d hbo bim bfgut = tg 8 bo`glgoa` fhvhrbehs. Dr. Lbrrasgi bmdats tg fhaie b ‟sg`abo mrainhr,— aiehstaie 6 tg 0 bo`glgoa` fhvhrbehs shvhrbo mbys b whhn.

Fbshm gi las `oaia`bo prhshitbtagi bim lastgry, Dr. Lbrrasgi as bmdatthm watl b mabeigsas gc ruoh-gut pbi`rhbtatas. (Ohbriaie Gfjh`tavhs = bim 8)

b.  Foggm bim uraih sbdpohs brh shit tg tlh obf, bim tlh rhsuots aima`bth tlbt tlh shrud bdyobsh bim oapbsh brh dbrnhmoy hohvbthm. Lgw mg tlhsh caimaies `grrhobth `grrh obth tg tlh mabeigsas gc b`uth pbi`rhbtatas7

f.  ]lh iursh igths tlbt Dr. Lbrrasgi‑s stggo as pboh bim fuony, wlaoh las uraih as b mbrn thb `gogr. @grrhobth tlhsh caimaies tg tlh pbtlgplysagogey gc b`uth pbi`rhbtatas.


  `.  Dr. Lbrrasgi‑s UF@ as 2 at as `lbrb`thrazhm fy tlh prgoachrbtagi gc ihw foggm vhsshos ergwaie crgd tlh rhtaib aitg tlh vatrhgus.

Caoo-ai-tlh-Fobin 3.  @obssa` `oaia`bo dbiachstbtagis gc mabfhths ai`oumh pgoyurab, pgoymapsab, bim  WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. 5.  ]lh dbai egbo gc mabfhths trhbtdhit as tg igrdboazh aisuoai b`tavaty bim foggm eou`gsh ohvhos tg rhmu`h tlh mhvhogpdhit gc vbs`uobr bim WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW `gdpoa`btagis. slguom A staoo tbnh dy dhma`aih cgr tlh mabfhths7— (Ohbriaie Gfjh`tavh 2;)

b.  Ulbt dbibehdhit strbtheahs slguom tlh iursh prgvamh tlh pbtahit tg mhbo watl ‟sa`n mbys—7 

6. Jhrry ]lgdbs as b 63-yhbr-gom typh 2 mabfhta`. Lh wbs graeaibooy mabeigshm bt tlh beh gc 2=, bim `urrhitoy dbibehs las mashbsh watl bi aithisavh rheadhi gc g c aisuoai aijh`tagis. Jhrry as hdpogyhm bs b s`lggothb`lhr bim sg``hr `gb`l. Lh prhshits tgmby watl b 6-mby lastgry gc vgdataie bim mabrrlhb. Lh lbs fhhi `ogshoy dgiatgraie las foggm eou`gshs, bim as usaie rheuobr aisuoai cgr lael foggm eou`gsh ohvhos. Lh lbs gioy fhhi bfoh tg tgohrbth oaquams su`l bs Ebtgrbmh, fut tgmby lh as uibfoh tg hvhi h vhi tgohrbth tlbt, bim `gdhs tg tlh `oaia` cgr hvboubtagi h vboubtagi gc pgssafoh mabfhta` nhtgb`amgsas (MNB). (Ohbriaie Gfjh`tavh 1) 

b.  Mhs`rafh tlh pbtlgplysagogey gc MNB bim wly at g``urs ai pbtahits watl typh 2 mabfhths. f.  Fbshm gi tlh mabeigsas gc MNB, wlbt bsshssdhit caimaies mghs tlh iursh `grrhobth tg tlas masgrmhr7

`.  ]lh plysa`abi grmhrs b `gdpohth dhtbfgoa` pbiho, bim Jhrry‑s foggm eou`gsh as =68. Gtlhr obf vbouhs ai`oumh b shrud sgmaud gc 286, shrud pgtbssaud gc 0.;, bim FXI gc 3=. Ulbt as ygur bsshssdhit gc tlhsh rhsuots7


  m.  Hxpobai wly at as adpgrtbit cgr Jhrry tg `gitaiuh tg tbnh las aisuoai hvhi tlguel las grbo aitbnh as mh`rhbshm.

  Biswhr tlh @lbpthr 82 @rata`bo ]lainaie Hxhr`ashs 

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