Chapter 4 [Kuliah] - Interest Rate and Equivalence

May 17, 2019 | Author: Zaki Asyraf | Category: Compound Interest, Nominal Interest Rate, Interest, Interest Rates, Revenue
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engineering economic...


1 Rejab 1438

 Ya  Ya Allah, tambahkanlah kepadaku ilmu dan berikanlah aku pengertian yang baik


4. 1

Simple Interest

4. 2

Compound Interest

4. 3 4. 4 4. 

INTERE INT EREST ST RA R A T E AND A ND Nominal and Efective Interest ates EQUIVALENCE  !he Concept E"uivalence E"uivalence Dr Nordiana Azlin binti Othman Cash #lo$%&ia'ram #lo$%&ia'ra m !a(le !a(le

!im" # T$O"

A(le to per*orm calculations *or interest rates and cash +o$s that occur on a time (asis other than yearly

4. 1

Simple Interest

%ntr&du'ti&n %ntere"t  !he cost o* usin' someone elses money It that sense, it may (e thou'ht o* as rent. !he money you (orro$ *rom the (an8 (elon's to savers $hom the (an8 pays interest. In turn, the (an8 char'es you interest. What you pay to the (an8 as interest is more than $hat the (an8 pays to the saver. !he (an8 is thus the 9middle man: poc8etin' the diference in interest.

%ntere"t A measure o* Rate interest *or a 'iven loan durin' the loan period &enoted as i and expressed in percenta'e /01 per year Annual interest rate o* 20 sated as i 3 20 4et say that you (orro$ a sum o* 5-67 *or one year. !his sum called as principal. *S. K Vajpayee in Fundamentals of Economics for Engineering Technologists and Engineers, page 7

Simple %ntere"t   n  n    =    o Interest earned on only the principal   e   i    t    i    & durin' each interest period time" a year.

Some nominal statementsH

Some statements indicatin' an efective rateH

60 per %months

).60 per month *or ) months

)60 per year, compounded monthly

0 per month compounded monthly

N&minal and E5e'ti/e %ntere"t Rate"

:&'u" &n the ;i5eren'e"< Nominal ates

Efective ates

r ? rate@peri&d A peri&d" ExampleH  ate is ).60 per month. &etermine nominal rate per "uarter, year, and over  years


r 3 ).6 K - mth 3 ;.60

 ear6 r 3 ).6 K) mth 3 )20  3 ;.6 K ; "tr 3 )20

ExampleH Credit card rate is ).60 per month compounded monthly. &etermine efective rate per "uarter and per year

rtrH r 3 ).6 K - mth 3 ;.60 , m 3 per "tr

yearH 2 yr"6

r 3).6 K ; mth 3 -0

i 3 /) L 7.7;6M-13  ) 3 ;.6D0

r 3 )20 , m 3 ) i


E5e'ti/e %ntere"t Rate"


#or an interest rate o* )70 per year '&mp&unded '&ntinu&u"ly, =nd i.

the nominal rate per "uarter

ii. the efective rate per month

Time Da"ed nit •  !he

period o* time over $hich the interest is expressed. •  !his is the t  in the statement o* r 0 per time period t , *or example, )0 per month. %ntere"t •  !he time unit o* ) year is (y *ar the most common. peri&d )t* • It is assumed $hen not stated other$ise.

•  !he

shortest time unit over $hich interest is char'ed or earned. •  !his is de=ned (y the compoundin' term in the interest rate statement, C&mp&undi *or example, 20 per year, compounded monthly. ng peri&d •  I* C is not stated, it is assumed to (e the same as the interest period. )C* •  !he


num(er o* times that compoundin' occurs $ithin the interest period

C&mp&undi • I* the compoundin' period C and the time period t are the same, the ng compoundin' *re"uency is ), *or example, )0 per month, compounded ,reuen'y monthly. )m*

:inal E+am Bue"ti&n

E+ample  You are 'iven three diferent plans $ith diferent interest char'in'. !hree interest plans are presentedH a1 F0 per year, compounded "uarterly. (1 -0 per "uarter, compounded "uarterly. c1 2.20 per year, compounded monthly.

%, payment" are made &n a l&an e/ery  m&nth". Fhi'h Dank ha" the l&-e"t annual intere"t rateG

4. 4

 !he Concept E"uivalence

The C&n'ept Eui/alen'e

Termin&l&gy 

ayment eri&d )* T p % 4en'th o* time durin' $hich cash +o$s are not reco'nied except as end o* period cash +o$s.

C&mp&unding eri&d /C or interest period1, !c % 4en'th o* time (et$een compoundin' operations.

%ntere"t Rate eri&d T % Interest rates are stated as 0 per time period. ! is the time period.

C&mp&unding ,reuen'y m % the num(er o* times that compoundin' occurs $ithin the time period o* !.

The C&n'ept Eui/alen'e

C&mparing  /". C  3 C O*ten the *re"uency o* cash +o$s d&e"n>t eual the *re"uency o* interest compoundin'. T& '&rre'tly per*orm any e"uivalence computation, it is essential that the  and C (e placed on the same time (asis, and that the interest rate and the num(er o* periods (e adPusted accordin'ly.

 Q C  R C

The C&n'ept Eui/alen'e

Ca"e 16  ? C An en'ineer plans to (orro$ 5-,777 *rom his company credit union, to (e paid in ; e"ual monthly instalments. !he credit union char'es interest at the rate o* )0 per month on the unpaid (alance. ?o$ much money must the en'ineer repay each monthB  3 5-,777 C C C C C C C C C C C C r 3 )0  

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

Mmonth  3 )m C 3 )m

S&luti&n6 ?ere (oth the payment and compound periods are e"ual to one month.  !here*ore, A 3 /AM, )0, ;1 3 5-,777 /7.7;D7D1 3 5);).).

The C&n'ept Eui/alen'e

Ca"e 26  H C An en'ineer deposits 5),777 in a savin's account at the end o* each year. I* the (an8 pays interest at the rate o* 0 per year, compounded "uarterly, ho$ much money $ill (e accumulated in the account a*ter 6 yearsB C



S&luti&n6 ?ere (oth the  Q C, there*ore, # 3 ),777/#M,).60,)1 L ),777/#M,).60,)1 L),777/#M,).60,21 L

C  

 3 5),777 r 3 0 My c"  3 )y /)m1 C 3 )" /-m1

The C&n'ept Eui/alen'e

Ca"e 36  I C 

Interest is earned only (y those payments that have (een deposited or invested *or the entire interest period /C1. usual mode o* operation o* (an8s and lendin' institutions.

 !he 

Any amount o* money that is deposited (et$een compoundin' times earns compound interest.

Num(er o* Cs per  is no$ less than ).

Gse the efective rate *ormula to =nd efective rate. Gse that rate assumin' compoundin' occurs at that rate every .

*ollo$in' rules are appliedH

All deposits made durin' an interest period are 9moved: to the end o* the interest period.

   i    t All $ithdra$als made durin' an   a   )   u interest period are 9moved: to the    t (e'innin' o* the interest period.    i   n    S  o roceed as in the case $here

ExampleH    i    t 3) $ee8 C3) "uarter r3-0 per   a      u "uarter. Efective $ee8ly i    t    i   n 03/).7-1)M)-%).    S  o 

The C&n'ept Eui/alen'e

Ca"e 36  I C



C  

 

 

C  

 

 

4. 

Cash #lo$%&ia'ram

Ca"h :l&-#;iagram

Repre"entati&n 

Cash +o$s are in+o$s and out+o$s o* money.

Every person or company has cash receipts  revenue and income /in+o$s1 E +  and cash dis(ursements  expenses or costs /out+o$s1.

lus si'ns indicate cash in+o$s and minus si'ns indicate cash out+o$s. C!SJ OT:$OF

C!SJ %N:$OF  Salaries, revenues  Income tax savin's

 En'ineerin' desi'n costs  eriodic maintenance costs  Income taxes

a m p l e

Ca"h :l&-#;iagram

Repre"entati&n 

Cash +o$ estimates are Pust estimates. 

Al$ays some uncertainty involved in

Once cash in+o$ and out+o$ estimates are developed, the net cash +o$ can (e determinedH Net cash +o$ 3 cash in+o$s  cash out+o$s

ImportantH End o* period convention means that all cash +o$s are assumed to occur at the end o* an interest period. 

When several receipts and dis(ursements occur $ithin a 'iven interest period the net cash +o$ is assumed to occur at the end o* the interest period

Ca"h :l&-#;iagram

;iagram"  •

Cash +o$ dia'ram is an important tool in economic analysis.

It is a 'raphical representation o* cash +o$s dra$n on a time scale.

In a cash +o$ dia'ram, period ).  Year )



is the present, and is end o* time  Year 6




Ca"h :l&-#;iagram

;iagram" # 

   E      ,   $   o    +    h   s   a    C


A si'n convention is applied

ositive cash +o$s /in+o$s1 are normally dra$n up$ard *rom the time line




Ne'ative cash +o$s /out+o$s1 are normally dra$n do$n$ard *rom the

Ca"h :l&-#;iagram

E+ample 1 Assume  6,777 is (orro$ed today and payments are  ),)77 per year startin' next year *or ; years. &ra$ the cash +o$ dia'ram *rom the lender>" and b&rr&-er>" perspective. A 3  ),)77Myear




$ender>" per"pekti,  % 6,777

 6,777

D&rr&-er>" per"pekti, 

;  Years 7



A 3  ),)77Myear



Ca"h :l&-#;iagram

E+ample 2 A mechanical device $ill cost  7,777 $hen purchased. aintenance $ill cost 5)777 per year. !he device $ill 'enerate revenues o*  6, 777 per year *or 6 years. !he salva'e value is  D, 777 a*ter 6 years. I* the rate o* return is estimated to (e )6.60 per year, construct the cash +o$ dia'ram *rom the lenders perspective.

 D777 L  ;777  3 ))777 A 3  ;777Myear i ) #.#7

% 7,777






 ( ) positi'e cash o+ minus negati'e cash o+

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