Chapter 3 Research Methodology This ch This chapt apter er pre prese sent nts s the me meth thod odol ology ogy us used ed in the the st study udy – the the re res sea earc rch h de desi sign gn,, sam ampl pliing pr proc oced edur ure, e, res respo pond nden entts of the the study tudy,, instrumentation and the statistical treatment of data.
Research Design Since the main objective of this study is to understand how study habits of grade eight students affect their academic performance, this study is a quantitative type research using the descriptive method of research, spec sp ecif ific ical ally ly,,
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instrument is suitable wherever the subjects vary among themselves and one is int intere erest sted ed to kn know ow th the e e ete tent nt to wh whic ich h diff differe erent nt co condi nditi tions ons an and d situat sit uations ions are obt obtaine ained d amo among ng the these se par partic ticipa ipants nts.. !cco ccordi rding ng to !r !rthu thur r "#$%#&, descriptive research design is a scientific method which involves observing and describing the behaviour of a subject without influencing it in any way. 'urthermore, the purpose of a descriptive research design is (to describe systematically the facts and characteristics of a given population or area of interest, factually and accurately) "*saac + ichael, %-&. /sing a survey survey method method researc research, h, part partici icipant pants s answ answered ered que questi stions ons dis distri tribut buted ed through questionnaires. !fter the participants answer the questions, the respo res pons nses es gi give ven n we were re ana analy ly0e 0ed. d. Th The e ut util ili0 i0at atio ion n of this this me meth thod od wi will ll be effective in gathering reliable and valid data since the participants doesn1t
need to adj adjust ust and change change their their att attitu itudes des whi while le answ answerin ering g the sur survey vey.. *nstead, they just need to answer the questions honestly and correctly to ensure the validity of the information gathered.
Participants of the Study The study was conducted in the main campus o off 2ew 3ra /niversity. T The he respondents of the study are thirty "4$& 5 th 6rade students enrolled on !cademic 7ear 7ear #$%89#$%: under the ;9%# 3ducation
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