Chapter 3 Generation and Screening of Project Ideas
Short Description
"Projects" Prasanna Chandra...
Generation of ideas
Monitoring the environment
Corporate appraisal
Profit potential of industries : Porter model
Scouting for project ideas
Preliminary screening
Project rating index
Sources of positive net present value
On being an entrepreneur
Generation of Ideas o stimulate the flo! of ideas" the follo!ing are helpful •
S#O analysis
Clear articulation of objectives
$ostering a conducive environment
Business Eniron!ent i c m n o o c % e o i c S o
G o v e r n m e n t a l
l a c i g o l o n h c e
C o m p e t i t o r
S u p p l i e r
i c h p a r G e o g
Cor"orate A""raisa#
Mar&eting and distribution
Production and operations
'esearch and development
Corporate resources and personnel
$inance and accounting
Too#s for Identif$in% Inest!ent O""ortunities here are several tools or frame!or&s that are helpful in identifying promising investment opportunities( he more popular ones are: •
Porter model
)ife cycle approach
*xperience Curve
Porter &ode# +ccording to Michael Porter the profit potential of an industry depends on the combined strength of the five basic competitive forces as sho!n belo! Forces Driving Industry Competition Potentia# Entrants T*reat of Ne+ Entrants
Bar%ainin% Po+er of Su""#iers
THE INDUSTR' Ria#r$ A!on% E(istin% Fir!s
T*reat of Su)stitute Produ,ts Su)stitutes
Bar%ainin% Po+er of Bu$ers
Life C$,#e A""roa,* Many industrial economists believe that most products evolve through a life cycle that has four stages:
Pioneering stage
'apid gro!th stage
Maturity and stabilisation stage
,ecline stage
-nvestment in the pioneering stage" per se" may have a lo! return and negative .P/( 0o!ever" it may create options for participating in gro!th(
Most products evolve through a life cycle( he broad stages and the investment returns in these stages are as follo!s: Stage
'apid gro!th
Investment Return
May have negative .P/ but may create options for participating in gro!th stage
Positive .P/ .P/ 1 neutral
E("erien,e Cure T*e e("erien,e ,ure s*o+s *o+ t*e ,ost "er unit )e*aes +it* res"e,t to t*e a,,u!u#ated o#u!e of "rodu,tion
233 . e u # a t n e s e r P - t i n u r e " t s o C
63 73 53 23 43 53
A,,u!u#ated o#u!e of "rodu,tion
T*e /e$ fa,tors t*at ,ontri)ute to de,#ine in unit ,ost +it* res"e,t to t*e a,,u!u#ated o#u!e of "rodu,tion are #earnin% effe,ts0 te,*no#o%i,a# i!"roe!ents0 and e,ono!ies of s,a#e
S,outin% for Pro1e,t Ideas •
+nalyse the performance of existing industries
*xamine the inputs and outputs of various industries
'evie! imports and exports
Study plan outlays and governmental guidelines
)oo& at the suggestions of financial institutions and development agencies
-nvestigate into local materials and resources
+nalyse economic and social trends
Study ne! technological developments
,ra! clues from consumption abroad
*xplore the possibility of reviving sic& units
-dentify unfulfilled psychological needs
+ttend trade fairs
Stimulate creativity for generating ne! product ideas
0ope the chance factor !ill favour you
Pre#i!inar$ S,reenin% Compatibility !ith the promoter Consistency !ith governmental priorities +vailability of inputs +de8uacy of mar&et 'easonableness of cost +cceptability of ris& level
Pro1e,t Ratin% Inde( T*e ste"s ino#ed in deter!inin% t*e "ro1e,t ratin% inde( are as fo##o+s2 •
-dentify factors relevant for project rating
+ssign !eights to these factors 9 the !eights are supposed to reflect their relative importance
'ate the project proposal on various factors" using a suitable rating scale 9ypically a ;%point scale or a •
Personal aspirations
=usiness sustainability and si?e
olerance for ris&
,o - have the right strategy> •
Clear definition
Profitability and potential for gro!th
'ate of gro!th
Can - executive the strategy •
Organisational infrastructure
he founder@s role
>ua#ities and Traits of a Su,,essfu# Entre"reneur -t appears that a successful entrepreneur has the follo!ing 8ualities and traits : #illingness to ma&e sacrifice )eadership ,ecisiveness Confidence in the project Mar&eting orientation Strong ego Open%mindedness
On Entre"reneurs*i" +n internationally ac&no!ledged authority on development economics" .obel )aureate Sir +rthur )e!is commented as follo!s on the role of entrepreneurship(
“ I have devoted a lifetime to the study of developing economies. I have examined strategies of development, the role of foreign trade, of savings and investment, the most helpful role of government, and a myriad of other factors. I am now convinced that nothing matters more than the work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit of the population.”
-dentification of promising investment opportunities re8uires imagination" sensitivity to environmental changes" and a realistic assessment of !hat the firm can do(
o stimulate the flo! of investment ideas" the follo!ing are helpful: 9i S#O analysis" 9ii clear articulation of objectives" and 9iii conducive climate(
he business environment !hich needs to be monitored regularly to identify investment opportunities" may be divided into six broad sectors: economic sector" government sector" technological sector" socio%demographic sector" competition sector" and supplier sector(
+ realistic appraisal of corporate strengths and !ea&nesses is essential for identifying investment opportunities !hich can be profitably exploited( he broad areas of corporate appraisal are: mar&et and distribution" production and operations" research and development" corporate resources and personnel" and finance and accounting(
+ccording to Michael Porter the profit potential of an industry depends on the combined strength of the follo!ing five basic competitive forces 9i threat of ne! entrants" 9ii rivalry among existing firms" 9iii pressure from substitute products" 9iv bargaining po!er of buyers" and 9v bargaining po!er of sellers( Good project ideas 1 the &ey to success are elusive( So a !ide variety of sources should be tapped to identify them(
-t is possible to develop a long list of project ideas( $or the preliminary screening of these ideas" the follo!ing aspects may be loo&ed into: compatibility !ith the promoter" consistency !ith governmental priorities availability of inputs" ade8uacy of mar&et" reasonableness of cost" and acceptability of ris& level( #hen a firm evaluates a large number of project ideas regularly" it may be helpful to streamline the process of preliminary screening by employing a project rating index(
-t appears that there are six main entry barriers !hich result in positive .P/ projects: economies of scale" product differentiation" cost advantage" mar&eting reach" technological edge" and government policy(
*very entrepreneur must ans!er the follo!ing 8uestions: +re my goals !ell defined> ,o - have the right strategy> Can - execute the strategy>
-t appears that a successful entrepreneur has the follo!ing 8ualities and traits: !illingness to ma&e sacrifices" leadership" decisiveness" confidence in the project" mar&eting orientation" and a strong ago(
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