(he -unctional roup o- carboxylic carboxylic acids consists o- a C/ ith bonded to the sa#e carbon.
Carboxyl roup is usually ritten C.
Aliphatic acids acids ha&e an al4yl al4yl roup bonded to C.
Aro#atic acids ha&e ha&e an aryl roup. roup.
5atty acids are lon6chain aliphatic acids.
Co##on 7a#es
8any aliphatic acids ha&e historical na#es.
Positions o- substituents on the chain are labeled ith +ree4 letters startin at the carbon attached to the carboxylic carbon.
I%PAC 7a#es
e#o&e the -inal 6e 6 e -ro# al4ane na#e, and add the endin 6oic 6 oic acid .
(he carbon o- the carboxyl roup is :1.
%nsaturated Acids
e#o&e the -inal 6e 6 e -ro# al4ene na#e, and add the endin 6oic 6oic acid .
Aro#atic Acids
Aro#atic acids are na#ed na#e d as deri&ati&es o- benzoic acid.
Ortho6, Ortho6, meta6, meta6, and para and para66 pre-ixes are used to speci-y the location o- a second substituent.
7u#bers are used to speci-y locations hen #ore than to substituents are present.
icarboxylic Acids
Aliphatic diacids are usually called by their co##on na#es usin +ree4 letters beinnin ith the carbon next to the carboxyl roup. 5or I%PAC na#e, nu#ber the chain -ro# the end closest to a substituent.
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