Accounting information systems Chapter-20 Test Bank...
AIS Test Bank Ch 20 1) A system change that results in an improved product or service and helps lower costs provided a(n) A) compeve advantage. B) improved business process. C) producvity gain. D) technological change. Answer: A ) An an!uated in"ormaon system used by an o#ce supply manu"acturer caused customer dissas"acon since it too$ two days to process a telephone order. A%er the system was upgraded and redesigned& the me to process a telephone order was reduced to three minutes. 'his is a prime eample o" A) a compeve advantage. B) a technological change. C) an improv i mproved ed business process. D) growth. Answer: C ) *hat is the correct se!uence o" the phases in the systems development li"e cycle+ A) conceptual design& physical design& system analysis& implementaon and conversion& and operaons and maintenance B) conceptual design& system analysis& physical design& implementaon and conversion C) system analysis& conceptual design& physical design& implementaon and conversion& and operaons and maintenance D) system analysis& physical design& conceptual design& and operaons and maintenance Answer: C ,) -n which phase o" the systems development li"e cycle are the broad needs o" the users converted into detailed specics that are coded and tested+ A) conceptual design B) implementaon and conversion C) physical design D) systems analysis Answer: C /) 'he purpose o" systems analysis is to A) iden"y the problem to be solved by the new (or redesigned) system and the causes o" the problem in the current system. B) determine design specicaons "or the new (or redesigned) system. C) communicate in"ormaon in"ormaon needs to consider during business process reengineering. D) discover any violaons o" policies established by the in"ormaon systems steering commi0ee. Answer: A
1 | a g e Ahmed Naser
2) *hich o" the "ollowing statements about systems development is true+ A) lanning throughout the systems development li"e cycle promotes coordinaon between systems and strategic plans. B) 3rgani4aons should conduct systems development acvies at least once every ve years. C) 'he systems development steps are crical "or prot5oriented businesses& but are too epensive and me consuming "or most not5"or5prot organi4aons. D) Diligently "ollowing the steps and suggesons in the systems development li"e cycle ensures the nal system will meet user needs and be implemented at or below the budgeted cost. Answer: A 6) *hich o" the "ollowing about planning "or systems development is false+ A) ro7ect plans are developed "or each new system and each system modicaon& and together the pro7ect plans comprise the master plan. B) A pro7ect development plan includes an economic "easibility analysis and a schedule o" acvies. C) 'he master plan idenes system goals& who will develop the system& and the resources that will be needed. D) 'he master plan includes details about organi4aonal goals& eisng systems and resources& pro7ects being conducted& and predicons o" "uture needs and re!uirements. Answer: A 8) *hich o" the "ollowing acvies is per"ormed during the systems development li"e cycle+ A) assessing the ongoing "easibility o" the pro7ect B) managing the behavioral reacons to change C) planning D) All o" the above acvies are per"ormed during the li"e cycle. Answer: D 9) *hich group o" individuals listed below can be the most eecve in generang employee support and encouraging the development and acceptance o" an A-; pro7ect+ A) accountants B) in"ormaon systems steering commi0ee C) management D) pro7ect development team Answer: C 1one o" the descripons above are appropriate. Answer: B 1/) *hich group o" pro"essionals is responsible "or planning and monitoring a pro7ect to ensure mely and cost5eecve compleon+ A) in"ormaon systems steering commi0ee B) management C) pro7ect development team D) system analysts Answer: C 12) All o" the "ollowing are benets o" planning and managing systems development except A) controlling costs. B) ensuring that the system is consistent with the organi4aon?s goals. C) guaranteeing use o" the system. D) helping $eep the organi4aon abreast o" technological change. Answer: C 16) -n which plan within planning systems development is the priori4ed list o" pro7ects contained+ A) pro7ect development plan B) scheduled pro7ect plan C) the master plan D) all o" the above Answer: C
| a g e Ahmed Naser
18) *hat is the basic building bloc$ o" in"ormaon systems planning+ A) the master plan B) the pro7ect development plan C) systems analysis D) adaptability Answer: B 19) A planning hori4on o" at least @@@@@@@@ years is reasonable "or any master plan however& the plan should be updated at least @@@@@@@@ each year. A) twice B) / twice C) 6 once D) / once Answer: A Answer: A ) -n which phase o" the systems development li"e cycle is the "easibility study rst per"ormed+ A) conceptual design B) implementaon and conversion C) physical design D) system analysis Answer: D
, | a g e Ahmed Naser
/) *hich o" the "ollowing parts o" a "easibility study is generally considered the most important and is "re!uently re5analy4ed+ A) economic "easibility B) operaonal "easibility C) scheduling "easibility D) technical "easibility Answer: A 9) 'here are several important aspects to be considered during a "easibility study. 'he aspect that as$s the !ueson& FCan people use the system and will they use it+F is called A) economic "easibility. B) operaonal "easibility. C) scheduling "easibility. D) technical "easibility. Answer: B 8) During what step in systems analysis is an eaminaon made o" each development acvity to dene the problem to be solved+ A) in"ormaon needs and systems re!uirements B) the "easibility study C) the inial invesgaon D) the systems survey Answer: C 9) *hen is a proposal to conduct a systems analysis prepared+ A) a%er a wri0en re!uest "or systems development is prepared B) a%er the development team completes the survey o" the eisng A-; C) a%er the inial invesgaon o" the pro7ect is approved D) be"ore the inial invesgaon Answer: C ,
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