Chapter – 2 Entrepreneurship

February 18, 2019 | Author: samritigoel | Category: Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Innovation, Business Ethics, Economic Development
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CHAPTER – 2 ENTREPRENEURSHIP The process undertaken by an entrepreneur to augment his business interests gave birth to “ ENTREPRENEURSHIP”.



Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship

Process of action



Introduction •

Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur , which is a French

word meaning "one who undertakes an endeavor". •

Entr Entrep epre rene neur urss asse assemb mble le reso resourc urces es incl includ udin ing g inno innova vati tion ons, s, fina financ ncee and and  business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods.


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entrep repren reneursh rship




starti rting

new businesses new businesses;; however, in recent years, the term has been extended to include social and political forms of entrepreneurial activity. •

Accord According ing to Robert Robert L Schwar Schwarz, z, what what is the basis for entrep entrepren reneur eurshi ship p characteristics can be described as follows: “The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and an actualizer. He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen.”

The concept of entreprene entrepreneurshi urship p was first establishe established d in the 1700s, 1700s, and the meaning has evolved ever since. Many simply equate it with starting one's own business. Most economists believe it is more than that.

To some economists, the entrepreneur is one who is willing to bear the risk  of a new venture if there is a significant chance for profit.

Others emphasize the entrepreneur's role as an innovator who markets his innovation.

Stil Stilll othe otherr econ econom omis ists ts say say that that entr entrep epre rene neur urss deve develo lop p new new good goodss or   processes that the market demands and are not currently being supplied.

Business expert Peter Drucker (1909-2005) took this idea further, describing the entrepreneur entrepreneur as someone someone who actually actually searches for change, change, responds to it, and exploits change as an opportunity.

Most economists today agree that entrepreneurship is a necessary ingredient for stimul stimulati ating ng econom economic ic growth growth and employ employmen mentt opport opportuni unitie tiess in all societies. •

The word is derived from the French word ‘Entrependne’ and the

German word ‘Uternchmen’ both of which refers to individuals who are undertakers i.e. who can undertake ‘risk’ by setting up a new enterprise.

They are contractors who bear the risk of profit as well as loss. They are soldiers of fortune, adventurers or merchants. m erchants. The concept of  entrepreneurship has a wide range of meanings. On the one extreme extreme an entrepreneur is a person of very high aptitude who pioneers change,  possessing characteristics found in only a very small fraction of the population.


Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter 's definition of entrepreneurship placed an emphasis on innovation, such as: 1. New New prod produc ucts ts 2. New produc productio tion n meth methods ods 3. New New ma market rketss 4. New forms forms of of orga organiz nizati ation on Weal We alth th is crea create ted d when when such such inno innova vati tion on resu result ltss in new new dema demand nd.. From From this this viewpoint, one can define the function of the entrepreneur as one of combining various input factors in an innovative manner to generate value to the customer  with with the the hope hope that that this this valu valuee will will exce exceed ed the the cost cost of the the inpu inputt fact factor ors, s, thus thus generating superior returns that result in the creation of wealth. Entrepreneurship vs. Small Business

Many any peo people ple use the the term termss "ent "entre repr pren eneeur" ur" and and "sma "small ll bus busine iness owne owner" r" synony synonymou mously sly.. While While they they may have have much much in common common,, there there are signi significa ficant nt differences between the entrepreneurial venture and the small business. Entrepreneurial ventures differ from small businesses in these ways: 1. Amount of wealth creation ‐ rather than simply generating an income stream that replaces traditional employment, a successful entrepreneurial venture creates substantial wealth, typically in excess of several million dollars of profit.

2. Speed of wealth creation ‐ while a successful small business can generate several million dollars of profit over a lifetime, entrepreneurial wealth creation often is rapid; for example, example, within 5 years. 3. Risk ‐ the risk of an entrepreneurial venture must be high; otherwise, with the incentive of sure profits many entrepreneurs would be pursuing the idea and the opportunity no longer would exist. 4. Innovation ‐ entrepreneurship often involves substantial innovation beyond what a small business might exhibit. This innovation gives the venture the competitive advantage that results in wealth creation. The innovation may be in the  product or service itself, or in the business processes used to deliver it.


“Entrepreneurship is the purposeful activity of an individual or group of associated individuals, undertaken to initiate, maintain or aggrandize profit by production or  distribution of economic goods or services”. According to Peter .P. Drucker

“Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice. It is knowledge  base. Knowledge in entrepreneurship is a means to an end, that is ,by the practice”. Schumpeter

“Entrepreneurship is based on purposeful and systematic innovation. It included not only the independent businessman but also company directors and managers who actually carry out innovative functions.”


Entrepreneurship promotes small business in the society. Government has accepted the fact that small firms have a crucial role to play in the economic development of  the the coun countr try. y. Small Small busi busine ness sses es are are an esse essent ntia iall part part of our our futu future re econ econom omic ic  prosperity because of the following reasonsEMPLOYMENT GENERATION: Entrepreneurial development is looked at as a

vehicle for employment generation through promotion of small business. India,  being far more developed and forward looking country than some of the third world world countr countries ies,, can provid providee lead lead to entrep entrepren reneur eurial ial develo developme pment nt activi activitie ties. s. However, India can benefit from the well- documented success experiences of  deve develo lope ped d coun countr trie iess like like USA, USA, Japa Japan n and and UK in the the fiel field d of empl employ oyme ment nt generation and small business promotion. Steady growth in consumer spending, expanding retail sales, a strong housing market, continued expansion of the service sector, low rates of inflation and of labour cost increases and failing interest rates contributed to a healthy environment for small business. In India, India, the government government policies, policies, political political and economic economic environment environment greatly greatly encourage the establishment of new and small enterprises. Self- employment and small scale industry schemes have been further liberalized during the last decade. The employment in the small-sector increased from 9.00 million people in 1984-85 to 13.9 million people in 1994-95. This indicates an increase of 5.4% p.a in employment in this sector. SMALL BUSINESS DYNAMISM: DYNAMISM: Great dynamism is one of the qualities of the

small and medium enterprises. This quality of dynamism originates in the inherent nature of the small business. The structure of small and medium enterprises is less comp comple lex x than than that that of larg largee ente enterp rpris rises es and and ther theref efor oree facil facilit itat ates es quic quicke kerr and and smoo smooth ther er commu communi nica cati tion on and and deci decisi sion on-- maki making ng.. This This allo allows ws for for the the grea greate ter  r  flexibility and mobility of small business management. Also, small enterprises, more often make it possible for owners, who have a stronger entrepreneurial spirit

than employed mangers, to undertake risk and challenges. BALANCED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Small business promotion needs

relatively low investment and therefore can be easily undertaken in rural and semiurban areas. This in turn creates additional employment in these areas and prevents migration of people from rural to urban areas. Since majority of the people are living in the rural areas, therefore, more of our development efforts should be directed towards this sector. Small enterprises use local resources and are best suited to rural and underdeveloped sector. This in turn will also lead to dispersal of  industries, reduction in concentration of economic power and balanced regional development. INNOVATIONS INNOVATIONS IN ENTERPRISES: ENTERPRISES: Business enterprises need to be innovative

for for surv surviv ival al and and bett better er perfo performa rmanc nce. e. It is beli believ eved ed that that smal smalle lerr firms firms have have a relatively higher necessity and capability to innovate. The smaller firms do not face the constraints imposed by large investment in existing technology. Thus they are  both free and compelled to innovate. Entrepreneurship development is accelerating the pace of small firm’s growth in India. An increased number of small firms are expected to result in more innovations and make the Indian industry compete in the international market.


1. Identifying opportunities 2. Establish vision

3. Persuade others 4. Gather resources (Capital, land and manpower) 5. Organize these resources to develop new product 6. Create the product 7. Adapt according to market changes.

FACTORS INFLUENCING ENTERPRENURESHIP The emergence of entrepreneurs in a society depends upon closely interlinked social, religious, cultural, psychological, and political and economic factors. FAMILY TRADITION: TRADITION: Indivi Individua duals ls who for some some reason reason,, initi initiate ate,, establ establish ish

maintain and expand new enterprises generate entrepreneurship in society. It is observed that entrepreneurs grow in the tradition of their families and society and accept certain values and norms from these sources. RELIGIOUS, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL FACTORS: Religious, social and

cultural factors also influence the individual taking up an entrepreneurial career, in some countries there is religious and cultural belief that high profit is unethical. This type of belief inhibits growth of entrepreneurship. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS: The psychological factors like high need for 

achievement, determination of unique accomplishment, self confidence, creativity, vision, vision, leadership leadership etc, promote promote entreprene entrepreneurshi urship p among individuals. individuals. On the other  hand psychological factors like security, conformity and compliance, need for  affiliation etc restrict promotion of entrepreneurship. POLITICAL FACTORS: The political and also the political stability of country

influence the growth of entrepreneurship. The political system, which promotes free free

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ECONOMIC POLICIES: The economic policies of the government and other 

financial institutions and the opportunities available in a society as a result of such  policies play a crucial role in exerting direct influence on entrepreneurship. In view view of the the haph haphaz azar ard d deve develo lopm pmen entt of econ econom omic ic zone zones, s, Gove Govern rnme ment nt is encouraging the entrepreneurs to establish their business in backward and tribal areas. This is primarily to arrest the migration of people from the villages to cities and to create employment opportunities locally. Government is promoting such develo developme pment nt by giving giving incent incentive ivess like like tax holida holidays ys (both (both sales sales and income income), ), subsidized power tariff, raw materials, transportation cost etc. FACTORS AFFECTING ENTREPRENEURIAL GROWTH

1. ECONOMIC FACTORS a) Lack of adequate overhead facilities: Profitable innovations require basic facilities f acilities like transportation, communication  power supply etc. They reduce cost of production and increase profit.  b) Non availability of capital Inventions are capital oriented. In less developed countries most capital equipment have to be imported which involves foreign exchange which acts as a difficult  problem. c) Great risk  Risk is high in case of less developed countries as there is lack of reliable information, markets for good and services is small etc. d) Non availability of labor and skills Though there is abundant labor supply there is generally scarcity of skills at all levels.’ 2. SOCIAL FACTORS

A society that is rational in decision making m aking would be favorable for decision making. Education, research and training is given less importance in less developed countries therefore there is very little vertical mobility of labor. 3. CULTURAL FACTORS

Religious, social and cultural factors also influence the individual taking up an entrepreneurial career, in some countries there is religious and cultural belief that high profit is unethical. This type of belief inhibits growth of entrepreneurship. 4. PERSONALITY FACTORS In less developed countries the entrepreneur is looked upon with suspicion. Public opinion in the less developed nations sees in the entrepreneur only a profit maker  and exploited. 5. MOTIVATION Motivation is the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course of  action, to push the right button to get the desired results. MOTIVATING FACTORS

1. Educ Educat atio ion n back backgr grou ound nd 2. Occupa Occupatio tional nal experie experience nce 3. Fami Family ly back backgr grou ound nd 4. Desire Desire to work independen independently tly in manufa manufacturin cturing g line 5. Assistance Assistance from financial financial institutio institution n 6. Availa Availabil bility ity of techn technolo ology gy 7. Othe Otherr fac facto tors rs FACTORS INFLUENCING ENTREPRENEURSHIP

1. Fami Family ly Trad Tradit itio ion. n. 2. Religious, Religious, Social Social And And Cultural Cultural Factors. Factors. 3. Psycho Psycholog logica icall Factor Factors. s. 4. Poli Politi tica call Fact Factor ors. s.

5. Econ Econom omic ic Pol Polic icie ies. s.


Entrepreneurship developed only in the beginning of the 19th century and though the base for industrialization had been laid a century ago. The following be the main reasons, which could be responsible for lack of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit among the Indians. 1. Caste System: - This decided occupation for members from each caste. The altitudes were restrictive and therefore there were no changes of accumulating wealth and promoting production. 2. Agriculture: - Agriculture was the main occupation. Farmers and cultivators were always in the clutches of the money lenders. The zamindars, nawabs and rajahs exploited the laborers. They spent money on enjoyment and luxury and never never risked risked money in industry. industry. Banking Banking and commercial commercial system system was also absent absent so even if there were savings, they could not be utilized for productive use. 3. Educational System: - Tale Talent nted ed youn young g men men were were prep prepar ared ed to take take whit whitee collared jobs or join government or professional services. Many were attracted towards politics. The result was that very few young men got attracted towards  becoming efficient, industrialists, technicians, managers etc. 4. Colonial Rules: - The British rulers adopted discriminatory policy Rich Indian  businessman had special connections with foreign rulers and both satisfied their  self interests. Even the few insurance and banking services catered to the needs of  some some rich rich Indi Indian an busi busine ness ssma man, n, Brit Britis ishe hers rs in Indi Indiaa did did also also not not enco encour urag agee Industrialization. 5. Managing Agents: - There were just a handful of people who were known to be having managerial skills. On common basis, these agents would lend their skills to

some top industries. Industrialists could not manage their own units. They were always at the mercy of the managing agents who filled their pockets with big chunks of the companies’ profits and took full advantage of Indian industrialists till the managing agency system was abolished in 1970. 6. Joint Family System: - Younger members of the family always depended on the Head who never gave any kind of independence or encouraged units other than family business ones. A number of young men were discouraged from diversifying from family business and doing something new and different. 7. Religious attitude: - Indians were very religious mi9nded. They gave more time to religion than to earning material wealth. Religion got priority over business. Some religions even condemned excess earnings and indulgence I in comforts. Industrial activity was, therefore, given secondary consideration by the religious Indians. 8. Mindset: - The mindset of the average Indian was never entrepreneurial. Our  religious literature and epics told us to have patience and to keep on working without expecting the fruits of labor. This also killed the drive and desire to get into entrepreneurial activities. 9. Recognition by the society: - In earlier days, the heroes India were the social reformers and the politicians. Now it is the era of sportsmen, models and film stars. It is sad that successful or the struggling entrepreneurs have never been recognized as heroes. Entrepreneurial activity did not get due importance in the India society. 10. Family Background: - Empirical studies have shown that a good number of  entrepreneurs come from families with industrial backgrounds. Unfortunately, only a few entrepreneu entrepreneurial rial communiti communities es in India India made entreprene entrepreneurial urial contribution. contribution. These communities could also not make headway in the entrepreneurial field on acco accoun untt of the the colo coloni nial al rule rule,, lack lack of infr infras astr truc uctu ture re and and othe otherr faci facili liti ties es.. Entrepreneurship development could only take place after independence in India.


The evolutionary process of entrepreneurship activities may be divided into the following broad stages: 1. Hunting Stage: - The primary stage of the evolution of the economic life of 

man was hunting hunting stage. Wants were limited and very few in numbers. numbers. The family family members themselves satisfied problems of food, clothing and shelter. Producers were the consumers also. Robinson Crusoe, living in the deserted island, satisfying his own requirements had no knowledge of business. People in some parts of  Africa and India still lead this type of life. In this stage problems of production and distribution were not complexed since wants were simple and limited. 2. Pastoral Stage: - With the progress of mankind gradually mental understanding

developed and people started realizing that instead of killing animals, they should  breed and rear them. Thus cattle breeding encouraged the use of milk, and they had to think in terms of grazing areas for their cattle. The surplus milk, meat and other  related products were spared of exchange. This stage can be termed as the first stage of economic development and the beginning of commerce. 3. Agricultural Stage: - In search of grazing areas, they further realized that they

should grow plants as food for animals. They started testing some grain products and slowly developed a taste in plants and the land was used for cultivation. Groups of persons started living together on their agricultural fields, which were subsequently converted into small villages with their farms. Free exchange of  goods was started and the activities were also divided to the extent of division of  labor at the village level to complement the needs of each other. Initially each village was selfsufficient, but later they began small trading activities on barter   basis. 4. Handicraft Stage: - In the agricultural stage, people started learning the use of 

cloth made of cotton products, and they developed the segments of the workers for 

different activities. Cottage scale setup was developed at the village level to nearby villages, and in exchange they brought requirements either to consume themselves or for their village friends. Since the demand for gold coins, silver coins, skin and hide etc increased the activities of cobblers, gold smiths, and blacksmiths, laborers also rapidly increased, and caste system was also formed on the basis of activities they did. Everybody selected their job according to their own choice and taste. 5. Present Industrial Stage: - The use of mechanical devices and the commonly

acceptable form of monetary system accelerated the growth of entrepreneurship activities activities.. The progress of science science and the increase in the means of transporta transportation tion and communication enabled to travel widely and the markets were developed in the country and abroad.



importa rtance


entrep repren reneurship



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entrep entrepren reneur eurshi ship p in any commun community ity.. Entrep Entrepren reneur eurial ial activi activity ty and the result resultant ant financial gain are always of benefit to a country. If you have entrepreneurial skills then you will recognize a genuine opportunity when you come across one.  Now the reasons why entrepreneurship holds a dominant position in the society? The following reasons are responsible for the same: ‐

1) Provides employment to huge mass of people:  people often hold a view that ‐

all those who do not get employed anywhere jump into entrepreneurship, a real contrast to this is that 76% of establishments of new business in the year 2003 were due to an aspi spirati ration on to chase hase ope openin nings. gs. This his emph emphas asiizes zes the fac fact tha that entrepreneurship is not at all an encumbrance to an economy. What’s more is that approximately 34 million of fresh employment opportunities were created by entrep repren reneurs from the period of 1980. This data makes it clear that entrepreneurship heads nation towards better opportunities, which is a significant input to an economy. 2) Contributed towards research and development system: almost 2/3% of all ‐

innovations are due to the entrepreneurs. Without the boom of inventions the world would have been a much dry place to live in. Inventions provide an easier way of  getting things done through better and standardized technology. 3) Creates wealth for nation and for individuals as well: all individuals who ‐

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entrepreneurship. The wealth created by the same play a considerable role in the development of nation. The business as well as the entrepreneur contributes in some or other way to the economy, may be in the form of products or services or boosting the GDP rates or tax contributions. Their ideas, thoughts, and inventions are also a great help to the nation. 4) Sky scraping heights of apparent prospects: the individual gets maximum ‐

scope for growth and opportunity if he enters into entrepreneurship. He not only earns, the right term would be he learns while he earns. This is a real motivating factor for any entrepreneur as the knowledge and skills he develops while owning his enterprise are his assets for life time which usually, lacks when a person is under employment. The individual goes through a grooming process when he

 becomes an entrepreneur. In this way it not only benefits him but also the economy as a whole. 5) It is a challenging opportunity opportunity for the people: although entrepreneurship is a ‐

challenging task but in most of the cases the rewards it gives are much more than what one anticipates. It does not only reward an entrepreneur at financial levels but also on individual level. It provides self satisfaction to the entrepreneur. 6) Ent Entrep repren reneur eursh ship ip provid provides es self self suffic sufficien iency: cy:

the the entre entrepr pren eneu eurr not not only only

 become self sufficient but also provide great standards of living to its employees. It  provides opportunity to a number of people working in the organization. The basic factors which become a cause of happiness may be liberty, monetary rewards, and the the feel feelin ing g of cont conten entm tmen entt that that one one gets gets after after doin doing g the the job. job. Ther Theref efor oree the the contribution of entrepreneurs makes the economy an improved place to live in.


The nature of a developing economy is quite different from a developed economy.

The developing economy can be an agricultural country moving towards the

industrialization or it may be the one where in the industry may be in its infancy lacking advance technology.

The modern era is an era of changes. The whole world is becoming a village due due to the the indu indust stri rial al revol revolut utio ion n and and fast fast deve develo lopi ping ng commu communi nica cati tion on technology. The globalization of industry and commerce is bringing a vast change in various aspects of life.

Economic development of a country is the outcome of purposeful human activity.

The modern era is an era of changes. The whole world is becoming a village due due to the the indu indust stri rial al revol revolut utio ion n and and fast fast deve develo lopi ping ng commu communi nica cati tion on technology. The globalization of industry and commerce is bringing a vast change in various aspects of life.

Economic development of a country is the outcome of purposeful human activity.

Economic development is a highly dynamic process characterized by the  pattern of demand shifts, new products pr oducts are needed, appear for the production of goods within a country.

A developing country needs entrepreneurs who are competent to perceive new opportunities and are willing to incur the necessary risk in exploiting them.

A developing economy is required to be brought out of the vicious circle of  low income and poverty.

Entrepreneur can break this vicious circle.

Entrepreneurs and helping government can change a developing economy in developed economy.

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deve develo lopm pmen entt of any any regio region n is the the outc outcom omee of purp purpos osef eful ul huma human n acti activi viti ties es.. Accord According ing to Schump Schumpter ter,, the econom economic ic develo developme pment nt consis consists ts of employ employing ing resources in a different way bringing in new factors of production or combination of the factors. The entrepreneur looks for innovative ideas and puts them into effect for economic development. The entrepreneur occupies a crucial place in the

  process of economic development by acting as a trigger head to give spark to economic activities. Some of the development activities are as follows: 1.increase in the income. 2. Brings change in the structure of business and society. 3. Wealth creation. 4. New products, services and business. 5. Generation of employment. 6. Increase in the standard of living. ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

The industrial health of a society depends on the level of entrepreneurship existing in it. A country might remain backward not because of lack of natural resources or  deart earth h of cap capital ital [as [as it is many many time timess belie elieve ved d] but but beca becau use of lack lack of  entrepreneurial talents or it inability to tap the latent entrepreneurial talents existing in that society. Entrepreneurs historically have altered the direction of national economies, industry or markets- Japan, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan T aiwan to name a few. 1.4.1 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT

Entrepreneurship is basically concerned with creating wealth through production of  goods and services. This results in a process of upward change whereby the real   per per capi capita ta inco income me of a coun countr try y rise risess overt overtim imee or in othe otherr word wordss econ econom omic ic development takes place. Thus ntrepreneurial development is the key to economic deve develo lopm pmen ent. t. In fact fact it is one one of the the most most crit critic ical al inpu inputs ts in the the econ econom omic ic deve develo lopm pmen entt of a regi region on.. It spee speeds ds up the the proc proces esss of acti activa vati ting ng fact factor orss of    production leading to a higher rate of economic growth, dispersal of economic activities and development of backward regions. If a region is unable to throw up a suffic sufficien ientt number number of entrep entrepren reneur eurss then then alien alien entrep entrepren reneur eurss usuall usually y step step in to  provide goods and services needed by the people. However the profits earned by these entrepreneurs are usually not ploughed back but repatriated to their place oforigin. As a result development in that region cannot take place. Dr. M.M.Akhori

refers to this practice as ‘The Leech Effect’. The above reiterates the importance of  entr entrep epre rene neur ursh ship ip deve develo lopm pmen entt for for fuel fuelli ling ng econ econom omic ic grow growth th of a regi region on.. Entrep Entrepren reneur eurshi ship p begets begets and also also inject injectss entrep entrepren reneur eurshi ship p by starti starting ng a chain chain reaction when the entrepreneur continuously tries to improve the quality of existing goods and services and add new ones. E.g. when computers came into the market there was continuous improvement in the models, their functions etc. like first generation computers, personal computers, laptops, palmtops etc. Not only had this fostered fostered the developme development nt of the software software industry, industry, computer computer education education institutes, institutes, comput computer er mainte maintenan nance ce and statio stationer nery y units units etc. etc. but also also other other indust industrie riess like like   banki banking, ng, railwa railways, ys, educat education ion,, travel travel,, films, films, medica medicall and legal legal transc transcrip riptio tions, ns,   bus busin ines esss proc proces esss outs outsou ourc rcin ing g [BPO [BPOs] s] etc. etc. In this this mann manner er by harn harnes essi sing ng the the entre entrepre prene neur uria iall tale talent nt a soci societ ety y come comess out out of tradi traditi tion onal al leth lethar argy gy to mode modern rn industrial culture. India needs entrepreneurs to capitalize on new opportunities and to create wealth and new jobs. 1.4.2 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND EDUCATION

Towards the end of the sixties, two significant contributions were made in the field of entr entrep epre ren neurs eurshi hip p .On .One was was tha that there here is a pos positiv itivee lin linkag kage bet between ween entrep entrepren reneur eurshi ship p and econom economic ic develo developme pment nt and the other other was regard regarding ing the emergence of a strong hypothesis that entrepreneurship can be developed through   pla plann nned ed effo effort rts1 s1.. Cons Conseq eque uent ntly ly plan planne ners rs real realiz ized ed that that abse absenc ncee of a stro strong ng entrepreneurial base acts as a serious handicap in the industrial development of a region region.. The identi identific ficati ation on and develo developme pment nt of first first genera generatio tion n entrep entrepren reneur eurss through Entrepreneurial Development Programmes is an important strategy. There is a growing realization that presence of resources and favourable government   polic policies ies cannot cannot automa automatic ticall ally y manufa manufactu cture re econom economic ic develo developme pment. nt. It is the entrepreneurial spirit of the people, which can transform the economy of that

region. Both the quantity and quality of entrepreneurs are of utmost significance for achieving the goal of economic development. The myth that entrepreneurs are   born with some innate traits is fortunately no longer held. You will learn more about this in the lesson on motivation. Many research studies have brought out that entrepreneurship can be taught and learned. Entrepreneurship is a discipline and like all disciplines it has models, processes and case studies, which can help an indi indivi vidu dual al to stud study y this this subj subjec ect. t. The The nece necess ssar ary y comp compet eten enci cies es requ require ired d of a succ succes essf sful ul entr entrep epre rene neur ur can can be acqu acquir ired ed thro throug ugh h train trainin ing g and and deve develo lopm pmen ent. t.   Numero Numerous us course coursess in entrep entrepren reneur eurshi ship p are being being taught taught all over over the world world in schools and colleges, seminars and conferences are being organized and EDPs are  being conducted. The thinking today is why just create managers why not create  people who can absorb managers. One can acquire the traits and learn the skills for   becoming an entrepreneur e.g. a person can learn to be achievement oriented, selfconfident, confident, perseverant perseverant etc. which are all part of the characteristi characteristics cs of a successful successful entrepreneur. Usually the model used for entrepreneurial entrepreneurial education has three phases:

This phase phase involv involves es planne planned d public publicity ity for opport opportuni unitie ties, s, Stimulato Stimulatory ry Phase Phase- This motivation training and help and guidance in selection of product or service. Support Phase- This provides help in registration of units, arrangement of finance

as well as land, sheds, power, water, common facility centres etc. Help is also  provided in marketing of products. Once the the ente enterp rpri rise se is set set up then then help help is prov provid ided ed for  for  Sustenan Sustenance ce PhasePhase- Once modernization, diversification, additional finance etc.

Difference Between


















An entrepreneur must take risks with his or her own capital in order to sell and deliver products and services while expanding greater energy than the average businessperson in order to innovate.

A manager’s attitudes concerning corporate responsibility are related to the organizational climate perceived to be supportive of laws and professional codes of ethics.

On the the othe otherr hand hand,, entre entrepre prene neur urss with with a rela relati tive ve with with a relat relativ ivel ely y new new company who have few role models usually develop an internal ethical code.

Entrepreneurs tend to depend on their own personal value systems much more than other other manager manager when determining determining ethically ethically appropriate appropriate course of  action.

Ethics refer to the “study of whatever is right ands good for human being”,  business ethics concerns itself with the investigation of business practices in light of human values.

Ethics is the broad field of study exploring the general nature of morals and the specific moral choices to be made by the individua individuals ls in his relationshi relationship p with others.

Business ethic is the study of behavior and morals in a business situation.

Business ethics is “any business decision that creates value for customer by matching quality and price.”

Although the English word ethics is generally recognized as stemming from the Greek ethos, meaning “custom and usage”, it is more properly identified as originating from swedhethos, in which the concepts of individual morality and behavioral habits are related and identified as an essential quality of  existence.


1. Provide Provide the customer customer with with valid valid data about about the product product and and service. service. 2. Enable Enable the custome customerr to make a free free and informe informed d choice, choice, and 3. Generate Generate customer customer commitment commitment to the product product and and the organizatio organization n that  provides it. VIOLATIONS OF THESE THREE RULES PRODUCE UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR :

1. Invali Invalid d and and false false data, data, 2. Coerced Coerced and and manipulate manipulated d decisi decisions, ons, and 3. low integri integrity ty and and poor poor reputation reputation for the firm.

In summary the ethics and responsibilities of entrepreneurs are: 1. Support law and professional code: The entrepreneurs have to follow the rules and regulations of the country. They should also follow the code of conduct  prepared by their professional association. 2. Follow business ethics: Ethics refers to what is right and good for the human  beings and society. The business practices should be developed and used which will be favorable for the human values and norms. 3. Involve in pedagogical Inquiry: The entrepreneurs have to inquire about the theoretical and empirical aspect of entrepreneurship. They should involve in research and development studies to find out the techniques and ideas of good entrepreneurship. 4. Environmental Research: The entrepreneurs should involve in external environmental research and collect the data of different variables. It will help new entrepreneurs for finding out the feasibility of their undertaking. 5. Imparting ethical insight to the business students: The entrepreneurs should help the academicians while imparting the ethical insights to the students. They

should provide financial support to the students who involve in entrepreneurial research. 6. Create Employment: Employment: Entrepreneurs should create and develop new opportunities for job to the people of the country. They should try to reduce the unemployment problem of the country. 7. Mobilization of the idle resources: The natural resources of the country should  be mobilized. While mobilizing the natural resources, the optimum use of such resources should be confirmed so that they can be conserved for future generations. 8. Increase favorable attitude of people: The earning of the enterprise should facilitate the society’s people. It should share its benefit with the society in the form of community development programs, health and sanitation programs, opening of schools and colleges etc.



Do you know that there are millions of unemployed youth in the country and by the time you graduate, this number would have increased substantially? Do you want to be part of that group which keeps knocking from pillar to post, checking with employment exchanges, relatives, friends, and neighbours and still not able to get a job to their liking and then settle for a second or third rate job? You can also choose to be like Mr. Patel of Nirma who was a chemist’s assistance and has a Rs. 2500 2500 cror croree comp compan any y toda today. y. Did Did you you know know that that the the origi origina nall Mr. Mr. Bata Bata was was a cobbler? And now has stores in more than 30 countries all over the world. Or you could be like Dhiru bhai Ambani who started life as a clerk in a French company in Aden. He was not born into a business family nor did he possess an MBA degree and yet, he is a household name in India and figures in the Forbes list of the richest Asians. Lakshmi Mittal, the steel giant, Satbir Bhatia of Hotmail fame and Narayan Murthy of Infosys are some other names in the endless list you could choose from. And let us remind you that that this opportunity is not only for boys but also for girls all those girls who think smart, are ready to act and script the story of their own life - like Shehnaz Hussain or Ritu Kumar or Kiran Majumdar Shaw.


After finishing your graduation you will be at the crossroads of life. You will face the dilemma of choosing what you have to do in life. The vast majority of human   being beingss direct direct their their activi activitie tiess toward towardss earning earning a living living,, genera generatin ting g wealth wealth and improving their standard of living. You can choose your career from two broad categories of options – Wage Employment or Entrepreneurship. The term ‘career’ signifies a continuous, ever evolving, ever expanding opportunity for personal as well as business growth and development. We may define entrepreneurship as a

career in your own business [YOB] rather than wage employment [JOB] .If you opt for a job then you will work for others. In case you opt for entrepreneurship you will be your own boss. In case of wage employment one is engaged in routine work carried on for others for which he receives salary or wages. He has to follow instructions and execute plans laid down by his superior. One can choose to be employed in Government Service or the Public Sector or the Private sector. Some of the main differences between entrepreneurship and wage employment career  options are as underWAGE EMPLOYMENT


1. Work Work for for Oth Other erss

1. Own Bo Boss

2. Foll Follow ow Inst Instru ruct ctio ions ns

2. Make Make own own pla plans ns

3. Routi outin ne Jo Job

3. Crea Creati tive ve acti activi vity ty

4. Earnin Earning g is fixed, fixed, neve neverr negati negative ve

4. Can Can be be nega negati tive ve sometimes,generally surplus

5. Does Does not not crea create te weal wealth th

5. Create Createss Wealth Wealth,, contri contribut butes es to GDP 6. Can Can choo choose se from from-6. Can Can choo choose se fro fromm•

Government service •



Service Enterprise

Public Sector, Private Sector 

In the context of employment generation the three terms- Income generation, Selfemployment and Entrepreneurship are often used interchangeably. Income generation is the initial stage in the entrepreneurial process in which one

tries to generate surplus or profit. They are ar e often taken on part- time or casual basis to supplement income e.g. a man with some surplus money might put his money in a fixed deposit account in a bank or a chit -fund to earn some interest. Self-employment is the second stage in the entrepreneurial process and refers to

an individual’s fulltime involvement in his own occupation. e.g. a person who starts a tea shop and remains happy and satisfied and has no plans to add on any other items like samosas, buns, soft drinks etc. or to grow in any other manner[e.g. supplying tea/coffee/sandwiches to others in the vicinity]. Entrepreneurship is the terminal stage of the entrepreneurial process wherein

after setting up a venture one looks for diversification and growth. We will learn more about entrepreneurship a little latter in the lesson. An entrepreneur is always in search of new challenges. An entrepreneur is not a routine businessman he might not have resources but he will have ideas. He is innovative and creative. He can convert a threat into an opportunity. Small businessmen might shut-down or  change his business if he anticipates losses but an entrepreneur will try again after 

analyzing the situation. On the other hand an entrepreneur can leave a perfectly running business to start another venture if he so desires. Functionally all entrepreneurs are self-employed and income generating persons  but the reverse is not true- all self-employed and income generating persons are not entrepreneurs. If seen on a continuum, income generation, self-employment and entrepreneurship can be considered as the initial, middle and final stages of the entrepreneu entrepreneurial rial growth growth process. process. Income generating generating experience experience encourages encourages selfemployment, which in turn facilitates graduating into entrepreneurship.

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