Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework
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b. to prov provide ide info informa rmao on n to thos those e
Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework
interested in the work of FRSC in the
1. The C Conce onceptua ptuall Framew Framework ork deals with all of
formulaon of PFRS
the following, except
c. to assis assistt prepa preparer rerss of n stat stateme ements nts in in
a. The objec objecve ve of of nanci nancial al repor reporng ng
applyng accounng standards
b. The qualitav qualitave e charac characteris teriscs cs of usefu usefull
d. d. All of these
nancial informaon c. The deni denion, on, recogn recognio ion n an and d measurement of the elements of
5. This is a complete, complete, comprehen comprehensive sive and single single document promulgated by IASB establishing the concepts that underlie nancial reporng.
nancial statements d. Su Supp pple leme ment ntar ary y inf infor orma mao on n
a. Concep Conceptua tuall Framewo Framework rk for for Financi Financial al
2. Which of the the followin following g statem statements ents is ttrue rue
b. Concep Conceptua tuall Framewo Framework rk for Finan Financia ciall
concerning the Conceptual Framework for
Financial Reporng?
c. Concep Conceptua tuall Framew Framework ork for for Busi Busine ness ss
a. It is not not a repo reporn rng g standa standard rd and and does does
not dene standard for any parcular measurement or disclosure issue. b. It is conc concern erned ed with with gener general al purpo purpose se n statements including consolidated n
d. Conceptual Framework
6. What What is the auth authori orita tave ve st statu atuss of the the Conceptual Framework?
statements. c. Nothi Nothing ng in the framew framework ork overri overrides des
a. The Conc Concept eptual ual Fram Framewo ework rk has has the the
any specic PFRS.
highest level of authority.
d. d. All are true d
b. In the the absen absence ce of of a stan standar dard d or an an
3. Which Which is not not a purpos purpose e of the Conc Concept eptua uall
interpretaon that specically applies
to a transacon, the Conceptual Framework shall prevail.
a. to assis assistt FRSC FRSC in develo developin ping g accou accounn nng g standards that will represent Philippine
c. In the the a abse bsenc nce e of a stan standar dard d or an
interpretaon that specically applies to a transacon, management shall
b. to assi assist st FRSC FRSC in the the revi review ew and and adopon of exisng internaonal
consider the applicability of the Conceptual Framework in developing
accounng standards
and applying an accounng policy that results in informaon that is relevant
c. to assi assist st audi auditor torss in formi forming ng an an opinio opinion n
and reliable.
as to whether n statements conform with Phil. GAAP
d. The Conceptual Framework applies only
d. to assist BOA in promulgang rules and
when the IASB develops new or revised
regulaons aecng the pracce of public
standards. c
accountancy d 4. Which is a basic purpose purpose of the the Conce Conceptua ptuall Framework? a. to assi assist st user userss of n n state statemen ments ts in interpreng the informaon contained in the nancial statements
7. As regard regardss the the relaon relaonship ship between between IFRS IFRS and the Conceptual Framework, which of the following is true? I.
The Conceptual Framework is a reporng standard. II. In case of conict, the requirements of the Conceptual
Framework prevail over those of the relevant IFRS.
a. Measur Measureme ement nt and and recogn recognio ion n concep conceptt
a. I only
b. Qualitav Qualitave e chara characteri cterisc sc of accounn accounng g
b. II only
c. Both d. Neither
c. Elemen Elementt of nanci nancial al statem statement ent d
d. d. Objec ec ve of nancia iall reporng
8. The Conceptua Conceptuall Framew Framework ork is inten intended ded to establish
12. The underlying theme of the Conceptual Conceptual Framework is
a. Deci Decisi sion on us usef eful ulne ness ss
b. The meanin meaning g of "pr "prese esent nt fair fairly ly in
b. Unde Unders rsta tand ndab abili ility ty
accordance accordanc e with GAAP"
c. Time imelin ine ess
c. The objec objecves ves an and d conce concepts pts for use use in developing standards of nancial accounng and reporng
d. d. Comparability
13. What is a benet of having having a Conceptual Conceptual
d. d. The The hie hiera rarc rchy hy of sour source cess o off GAA GAAP P c
Framework? a. To enable enable the the accoun accounta tancy ncy profe professi ssion on
9. The Conc Concept eptual ual Fram Framewo ework rk shoul should d
to more quickly solve emerging
a. Lead Lead to unifor uniformit mity y of na nanci ncial al statements among enes within the same industry
praccal problems. b. To provi provide de infor informa maon on from from which which to to build more useful standards.
b. Elimin Eliminate ate alte alterna rnave ve a acco ccoun unng ng principles
c. To enab enable le stan standa dard rd sen seng g body body to to issue more useful and consistent
c. Guide Guide MNCs MNCs in develo developin ping g gene general rally ly accepted auding standards
pronouncements over me. d. d. All of these d
d. d. Dene Dene the the basic basic obje objecv cve, e, terms terms and and concepts of accounng
14. Which of the following is not not a benet associated with the Conceptual Framework?
10. Which is not a purpose of the Conceptual Conceptual Framework? a. Provid Provide e deni denio ons ns of of key terms terms and and concepts b. Provide Provide specic specic guidelines guidelines for resolving resolving
a. A Conce Conceptu ptual al Fra Framew mework ork should should increase nancial statement users' understanding and condence in nancial reporng. b. Pracc Praccal al probl problems ems shou should ld be more more
situaons not covered by exisng
quickly solvable by reference to an
accounng standards
exisng Conceptual Framework.
c. As Assis sistt accoun accounta tants nts in sele selecn cng g among among alternave accounng and reporng methods d. d. Assis Assistt IASB IASB in the the standa standardrd-se seng ng process b 11. In the Conceptual Conceptual Framework Framework for Financial Financial reporng, what provides the "why" of accounng?
c. A cohere coherent nt set set of acco accoun unng ng stan standa dards rds and rules should result. d. d. Busin Business ess en enes es wi will ll need need far far less less assistance from accountants because the nancial reporng process will be quite easy to apply d 15. Which is an important characterisc characterisc of of the Conceptual Framework?
To enable the accountancy profession to more quickly solve emerging praccal problems.
c. User User grou group p such such as employ employees ees,, customers, governments and their
which to build more useful
agencies, and the public
a. I only
d. Exisng and potenal investors, lenders, and other creditors
b. II only
19. The users of nancial nancial reports include
c. Both
a. Creditors c
b. Credit Creditors ors and and gover governme nment nt agenc agencies ies
16. Which of the following is not not true concerning concerning the Conceptual Framework? I.
It should be a basis for standard seng.
The The Conce oncep ptua tual Fra Frame mew work shoul hould d allow llow praccal problems to be solved more quickly.
II. To provide a foundaon f oundaon from nancial accounng standards.
d. Neither
b. Exisng Exisng and potenal potenal lende lenders rs and other other
c. Cred Credit itor orss and and un unio ions ns d. Creditors, government agencies and unions
20. Which of the following is an an internal user user of nancial informaon? a. BOD
It sh shou ould ld be ba base sed d on fund fundam amen enta tall tru truth th
b. Sha Share reho hold lder er
derived from the law of nature. c. Bondhold lder er
a. II only
d. Creditor with a long-term contract
b. III only
c. II an and IIIII on only d. d. I and II only
21. These users require require informaon on risk an and d b
return on investment
17. A soundly Conceptual Conceptual Framework Framework should should
a. Investors
b. Employ loyees
Increase nancial statements users' understanding and condence in nancial reporng
II. Enhance comparability of nancial statements across enes. II.
Allow new and emerging praccal problems to be solved more quickly.
d. Customers
22. These users are interested in informaon informaon about the protability and stability of an enty in order to assess the ability of the enty to provide remuneraon, rerement benets and employment opportunies. a. Customers
a. I only b. I a an nd II only c. I and III III only d. I, II, III
c. Lenders
18. The primary users of nancial statements include a. Exis Exisng ng and and pot poten enal al inve investo stors rs
b. The public c. Govern Governmen mentt and and their their ag agenc encies ies d. Employees
23. These users are interested in informaon informaon about the connuance of an enty when they have a long-term involvement with or are dependent on the enty.
the related interest thereon, and other
a. Customers ers
amounts owing to them will be paid when due.
b. Employees
a. Lender Lenderss and and other other credit creditors ors
c. Trade un unions d. Suppliers
b. Borrowers
24. These users are are interested in informaon in order to regulate the acvies of an enty, determine taxaon policies and provide a basis for naonal stascs. a. Govern Governmen mentt and and thei theirr ag agenc encies ies
c. Tra Trade cred credit itor orss d. d. Owners
28. What is the objecve of nancial nancial reporng? reporng? a. To prov provide ide inform informa aon on abo about ut the the nancial posion and nancial performance of an enty
b. Major Major org organ aniza izaon on of us users ers
b. To To prov provide ide info informa rmao on n about about an
c. BIR d. De Department of Finance
25. These users need informaon on on trends and and recent developments where an enty makes a substanal contribuon contribuon to the local economy providing employment and using local suppliers.
enty that is useful to exisng and potenal investors, lenders, and other creditors in making decisions about providing resources to the enty c. To prep prepare are a state statemen mentt of nanci nancial al posion, a statement of comprehensive income and a statement of cash ows
a. The pu public
d. d. To prepa prepare re nanci nancial al stat stateme ements nts in in
b. Govern Governmen mentt a and nd thei theirr ag agenc encies ies
accordance with all applicable standards and interpretaons
c. Fin ina anc nce e en enes es 29. The overall objecve objecve of nanc nancial ial reporng is to d. d. Private enes
26. Which of the following in relaon relaon to
provide informaon a. That That is usef useful ul for for deci decisio sion n makin making g
informaon needs is true? b. About About assets, assets, liabilies liabilies and equity equity of an I.
Informaon that meets the need of
specied primary users is likely to meet the needs of other users, such as employees, customers, government and their agencies, and the public. II.
The ma management ent iiss als also o in interested in in nancial informaon but it need not rely on general purpose nancial reports because it can access addional informaon internally.
c. About About nanc nancial ial perf perform orman ance ce durin during ga period d. d. That That allo allows ws o owne wners rs to to asses assesss mana ma nage geme ment nt pe perf rfor orma manc nce e
30. Which is an objecve of nancial nancial reporng? reporng? a. to provi provide de infor informa maon on that that is usef useful ul to management in making decisions b. to provi provide de infor informa maon on that that clear clearly ly
a. I only
portrays non-nancial transacons transacons
b. II only
c. to provi provide de infor informa maon on that that is useful useful to to assess the amounts, ming and
c. Both d. Neither
uncertainty of of prospecve cash c
27. These users are are interested in informaon that that enables them to assess whether their loans,
receipts d. d. to provid provide e informa informaon on tthat hat exclu excludes des claims cla ims agai against nst the the resour resources ces c
31. One objecve of nancial reporng reporng is to
d. d. It is one one of the the implic implicit it assum assumpo pons. ns.
a. Inform Informao aon n about about the the invest investors ors in in the enty
35. The most useful useful informaon to exisng and and potenal investors, lenders and other creditors
b. Inform Informao aon n about about the liquid liquida aon on value value
in predicng future cash ow is
of the resources held by the enty
a. Inform Informa aon on ab about out cash cash ows ows
c. Inform Informao aon n that that is u usef seful ul in asse assess ssing ing
b. Curren Currentt earnin earnings gs based based on on accrua accruall
cash ow prospects
d. d. Infor Informa maon on that that will will a arac ractt new investors
c. Inform Informa aon on rega regardi rding ng th the e accou accoun nng ng
policies used by management
32. An objecve of nancial reporng reporng is "assessing "assessing
d. d. Inform Informa aon on regard regarding ing the the results results
cash ow prospects" which is interpreted to
obtained by using a wide variety of
accounng polic licies
a. Cash Cash basis basis accou accounn nng g is pre prefer ferred red over over accrual basis of accounng. accounng.
36. The accrual basis basis of accounng accounng is most useful for
b. Inform Informao aon n about about the nanc nancial ial eects eects
a. Determ Determini ining ng the the amount amount of of income income tax tax
of cash receipts and cash payments is
generally considered the best indicator
b. Predic Predicn ng g the short short-te -term rm nanci nancial al
of ability to generate favorable cash ows.
performance. c. Predic Predicn ng g the the longlong-ter term m nan nancia ciall
c. Over Over th the e long long rrun un,, tr trend endss in revenu revenue e
and expenses are generally more meaningful than trends in cash receipts
d. d. Dete Determi rminin ning g the the amoun amountt of
and disbursements. d. d. All All of tth hes ese. e. c 33. Which of the following best describes describes "nancial performance"?
dividends to be declared.
been on meeng the needs of which of the following groups? a. Management
or loss for a period
b. Exisng Exisng and potenal potenal inves investors tors,, len lenders ders and other creditors
b. The asse assets, ts, liab liabili ilies es an and d equ equity ity
c. Naon Naonal al an and d loca locall taxin taxing g autho authori ries es
c. The tota totall assets assets m minu inuss tota totall liabili liabilies es
d. d. In Ind dep epen end den entt CPAs PAs b
d. d. The The total total cash cash inow inowss minus minus tota totall
34. In measuring nancial nancial performance, performance, accrual accrual
37. The primary focus focus of nancial nancial reporng has has
a. The reve revenu nue, e, expen expenses ses and and n net et incom income e
ca cash sh oul oulow owss a
38. Which of the following best describes the term "nancial posion"?
accounng is used because
a. The The net net inco income me and and exp expen ense sess
a. Cash Cash ows ows are are ccons onside idered red les lesss
b. The net net of nancial nancial assets assets less less liabili liabilies es
important. c. The pote poten nal al to to contr contribu ibute te to to the the o ow w b. It provi provides des a beer beer indic indica aon on of abilit ability y to generate cash ows than cash basis.
of cash and cash equivalents d. d. The The as asse setts, lia liabili ilies es an and d eq equity ity
c. It reco recogni gnizes zes revenu revenue e when when cash cash is received and expenses when cash is paid.
39. The objecves of of nancial reporng reporng are based based on
a. The The need need for for con conse serv rva asm sm
d. d. An An econo economy my as as a whol whole e or to members of society as consumers,
b. Repor Reporng ng on manag manageme ement nt stewa stewards rdship hip
rather than to Individual business en en es es or ind indus ustr trie iess a
c. Genera Generally lly accept accepted ed ac accou coun nng ng principles
43. During a period period when an enty is under under the direcon of a parcular management, nancial
d. d. The The n need eedss of of the the users users of the the informaon
reporng will directly provide informaon
about 40. Which of the following statements statements is not a a. Both Both ent enty y perf perform orman ance ce an and d
major objecve of nancial reporng?
management performance
a. It sha shall ll provi provide de infor informa maon on abou aboutt enty resources, claims against those
enty performance
resources and changes in them.
c. En Ent ty y perf perfor orma manc nce e but but not not
b. It shall shall provi provide de infor informa maon on usefu usefull in evaluang management stewardship.
management performance d. d. Neith Neither er en enty ty perf perform ormanc ance e nor
c. It sha shall ll provi provide de infor informa maon on usef useful ul in investment, credit and similar decision. d. d. It shall shall prov provide ide infor informa maon on usef useful ul in assessing cash ow prospects.
b. Manag Manageme ement nt perfo performa rmance nce b but ut not not
41. Which of the following is not not an objecve objecve of nancial reporng? a. To prov provide ide inform informa aon on abou aboutt an enty's assets and claims against those assets
mana ma nage geme ment nt pe perf rfor orma manc nce e
44. Which best describes the the term "going "going concern"?
a. Current Current liab liabilies ilies exceed exceed current current assets. assets. b. Abilit Ability y of tthe he enty enty to con connu nue e in operaon for the foreseeable future c. c. Poten Potena all to contr contribu ibute te to the the ow ow of cash and cash equivalents to the enty b
b. To provi provide de infor informa maon on tha thatt is useful useful in assessing an enty's sources and uses of cash c. To provi provide de infor informa maon on that that is usefu usefull in lending and invesng decisions
45. What is an implicaon of the going concern concern assumpon? a. The histo historic rical al cost cost princ principl iple e is credibl credible. e. b. Deprec Deprecia iaon on and amor amorza zaon on policie policiess
d. d. To prov provide ide infor informa maon on abou aboutt the the liquidao liqu idaon n value value of an an enty enty d 42. The informaon informaon provided by nancial reporng pertains to a. Indivi Individua duall busines businesss enes, enes, rathe ratherr tha than n to industries or an economy as a whole or to members of society as consumers b. Busin Business ess indus industri tries, es, rathe ratherr tha than n to individual enes or an economy as a whole or to members of society as consumers c. Indivi Individua duall busines businesss enes enes,, industr industries ies and an economy as a whole, rather
are jusable and appropriate. c. The curren currentt and no non-c n-curr urrent ent classicaon of assets and liabilies is jusable and signicant. signicant. d. d. All of tth hes ese. e. d 46. The relavely stable economic, economic, polical polical and social environment supports a. Con Conse serv rva asm b. Mate Materi ria alit lity c. Time imelin ine ess d. d. Going concern
than to members of society as consumers
47. Which of the following is not not a basic assumpon underlying nancial accounng? accounng?
a. Econo Economic mic enty enty as assum sumpo pon n
b. Pe Perriodi iodiccity ity
b. Goin Going g conce concern rn assu assump mpo on n
c. Goin Going g conce oncern rn
c. Pe Peri riod odic icit ity y ass assum ump pon on
d. d. Economic enty
d. d. Hist Histor oric ical al co cost st assu assump mpo on n d
53. Inaon is ignored ignored in accounng accounng due to
48. Which basic assumpon may may not be followed when an enty in bankruptcy reports nancial results?
a. ec econ onom omic ic en ent ty y b. go goin ing g con conce cern rn
a. Econo conomi micc ent enty y c. mon moneta etary uni nitt
b. Goin Going g con concer ern n
d. d. m me pe period c
c. Periodicit ity y d. c. Monetary unit
54. The concept of of accounng enty is applicable applicable
a. Only Only to the the lega legall aspec aspectt of busi busines nesss
49. The economic economic enty assumpon
a. Is appl applica icable ble to unin unincor corpor porat ated ed businesses
b. Only Only to the the econo economic mic aspe aspects cts of business organizaons organizaons
b. Recog Recogniz nizes es the the leg legal al aspe aspects cts of business organizaons organizaons
c. Only Only to to b busi usines nesss orga organiz nizao aons ns d. d. When Whenev ever er acco accoun unn ng g is in invo volv lved ed d
c. Requ Requir ires es per perio iodi dicc inco income me measurement
55. When a parent parent and subsidiary subsidiary relaonship relaonship
d. d. Is appl applica icable ble to all all forms forms o off busine business ss orga organi niza zao ons ns d 50. What is being violated if an enty provides nancial reports in connecon with a new
exists, consolidated nancial statements are prepared in recognion of a. le leg gal e en nty b. ec econ onom omic ic en ent ty y
product introducon? c. st stab able le mon monet etar ary y unit unit a. Econo conomi micc ent enty y d. d. m me pe period b b. Per erio iod dic icit ity y 56. The valuaon of a promise to receive cash cash in c. Mon Monet eta ary unit unit
the future at present value is valid because of what accounng concept?
d. d. Connuity a 51. Which underlying assumpon serves as the the basis for preparing nancial statements at
a. enty b. me period iod
regular arcial points in me? c. go goin ing g conce oncern rn a. Ac Acco coun unn ng ge en nty ty d. d. monetary unit
b. Goin Going g con concer ern n 57. What is the accounng accounng concept that that juses c. Periodicit ity y d. d. Stable monetary unit
the usage of accruals and deferrals? c a. go goin ing g con conce cern rn
52. Which basic accounng assumpon is
b. mate materi ria ality lity
threatened by the existence of severe inaon in the economy? a. Mon Monet eta ary unit unit
c. consis isttency d. d. stable monetary unit
58. During the lifeme lifeme of an enty, enty, accountants accountants produce nancial statements at arbitrary points in me in i n accordance with what basic accounng concept?
from the subsidiary at twice the normal markup.
65. IDENTIFY ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION CLEARLY CLEARLY VIOLATED: VIOLATED: An enty decided to publish n statements only in the years when it had good news to report.
a. accrual
Time period
b. per erio iodi diccit ity y
c. unit of mea easu sure re d. d. connuity
Accounng enty
enty reported inventory, PPE and intangible i ntangible assets asse ts at at current current value at year-en year-end. d. Going
59. IDENTIFY UNDERLYING ASSUMPTION INVOLVED: The operaons of a saving bank are
being evaluated by the BSP. During the
electronics enty owned by a proprietor
invesgaon, the BSP has determined that
reported the cost of the proprietor's swimming
numerous loans made by top management
pool as an asset of the enty. Accounng enty
were unwise and have seriously endangered the future of th the sa saving bank.
68. IDENTIFY ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION CLEARLY CLEARLY VIOLATED: VIOLATED: An enty prepared nancial statements adjusted for for ch chan ange gess in pur purch chas asin ing g powe power. r.
60. IDENTIFY UNDERLYING ASSUMPTION INVOLVED: The parent enty in Manila has a subsidiary in Japan. The nancial statements of the subsidiary are translated to pesos for consolidaon with nancial statements of the pa pare rent nt ent enty y at at y yea earr end. end.
Accou ccoun nng ng ent enty y
61. IDENTIFY UNDERLYING ASSUMPTION INVOLVED: A machinery was imported from USA at a certain cost ve years ago. Because of inaon, the machinery has now a current replacement cost which is very much higher than the historical cost. Management would
Mone Moneta tary ry
unit 69. IDENTIFY ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION CLEARLY CLEARLY VIOLATED: VIOLATED: A mining enty kept no accounng records aer starng business. The enty is waing unl the mine is exhausted to determine the success or fa fail ilur ure e of bu busi sine ness ss..
Time Time pe peri riod od
70. IDENTIFY ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION DESCRIBED: DESCRIBED: An enty enty reported nancial statements in nominal pesos that have mixed rather than uniform amount of purchas purchasing ing power. power. Monetary Monetary unit unit 71. IDENTIFY ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION DESCRIBED: DESCRIBED: A MNC
like to report the machinery at current
published a complete set of nancial
re rep pla laccemen ementt co cost st..
statements at least once a year, regardless of
Mon Monet eta ary unit nit
whether the nancial results were good or 62. IDENTIFY UNDERLYING ASSUMPTION INVOLVED: An enty has experience a drasc reducon n revenue by reason of a long dry
Time period
spell in the area where the enty e nty grows its
of today can buy as much goods and services
as the pesos pesos ve years years ago. ago.
Moneta Monetary ry unit unit
73. IDENTIFY ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION DESCRIBED: An 63. The management management decided to wait wait unl next next year and present nancial statements for a two-year period rather than prepare now the tradional 12-month nancial statements. Time period 64. IDENTIFY UNDERLYING ASSUMPTION INVOLVED: A subsidiary was exhibing poor nancial performance for the current year. In an eort to increase i ncrease the subsidiary's reported income, the parent enty purchased goods
accounng enty is viewed as connuing in operaon in the absence of the evidence of the contra contrary. ry. Going Going concer concern n 74. IDENTIFY ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION DESCRIBED: An accounng praconer mixed personal accounng records with the records of the accoun acc ounng ng prac pracc ce. e. Ac Accou coun nng ng enty enty
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