Chapter 2 A Practical Ethics Toolkit
December 28, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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HON]S@Q SRI N ]rnht ]r nht gh nd @tog @t oghs hs Sii dl gt
Engf Gc`ns gf Sogs Honpt`r; So` jgrst tnsl ij `toghnd nfndysgs gs ti sirt iut to` to` gssu`s gf n hns` gfti jiur hnt`birg`s; jnhtund gssu`s, hifh`ptund gssu`s, nppdghntgif gssu`s, nfc eirnd gssu`s. So` dgf`-crnwgfb e`toic gs n wny ij hiepnrgfb hiepnrgfb n hiftriv`rsgnd sgtuntgif wgto wgto ufhiftriv`rsgnd (pnrncgbe) if`s gf irc`r ti c`t`regf` wont soiudc a` sngc naiut to` hiftriv`rsgnd sgtuntgif. So` hr hr`ntgv`-egccd`-wny `ntgv`-egccd`-wny npprinho gs n wny wny ij r`sidvgfb r`sidvgfb eirnd priad`es gfvidvgfb gfvidvgfb hiep`tgfb eirnd c`enfcs ay hiegfb up wgto hiurs`s ij nhtgif tont sntgsjy ns enfy eirnd c`enfcs ns pissgad`. Ront nr` sie`tge`s hndd`c eirnd to`irg`s ir npprinho`s ti eirnd togflgfb nr` ntt`epts ti gc`ftgjy to` jufcne`ftnd gc`n(s) gf hieeif eirndgty. So`y nr` fit ndwnys f`h`ssnry jir r`sidvgfb n eirnd priad`e, aut, wo`f to`y nr`, gt gs a`tt`r ti u us` s` eir` tonf if` npprinho. So` utgdgtnrgn utgdgtnrgnf f npprinho jgfcs to` to` jufcne`ftnd gc`n ij ij hieeif hieeif eirndgty ti a` to`
gep`rntgv` ti enxgegz` iv`rndd w`dd-a`gfb. So`r` nr` s`v`rnd wnys ij nppdygfb to` utgdgtnrgnf npprinho. So` r`sp`ht jir p`rsifs (Q]) npprinho jgfcs to` ansgh gc`n ij hieeif eirndgty eirndgty ti a` to` gep`rntgv` ti nht si ns ti r`sp`ht ouenfs ns jr`` nfc `qund eirnd nb`fts. So`r` nr` s`v`rnd wnys ij nppdygfb to` Q] npprinho. So` vgrt vgrtu` u` `toghs npprinho jgfcs to` ansgh gc`n ij hieeif hieeif eirndgty ti a` to` gep`rntgv` ti nht gf to` wny to` vgrtuius p`rsif wiudc nht. Gt suppdg`s hifh`pts jir ufc`rstnfcgfb eirnd eitgvntgif nfc c`v`dipe`ft nfc bgv`s bugcnfh` wo`f eirnd nfc prij`ssgifnd rud`s privgc` gfsujjghg`ft cgr`htgif.
GF >778, GS RNX ]PADGHDW Q@Z@ND@C tont B`renfy B`renf y s O`gc`da`rb Pfgv`rsgty onc gf to` pnst us`c eir` tonf 1== hncnv`rs, gfhducgfb tois` ij ? hogdcr`f, gf nutieiagd` hrnso t`sts. Sogs r`v`dntgif cr`w gee`cgnt` gf B`renfy. Qucidpo Onee`rshoegct, spil`sp`rsif jir to` Qienf Hntoidgh Agsoip‗sprit`sts Hifj`r`fh`, iak`ht`c. @v`f to` c`nc piss`ss ouenf cgbfgty. Sogs r`s`nrho soiudc a` cif` wgto enff`qugfs, o` sngc. NCNH, B`renfy s dnrb`st nutieiagd` hdua, gssu`c n stnt`e`ft snygfb, gf nf nb` wo`f `xp`rge`fts if nfgends nr` a`gfb put gfti qu`stgif, suho t`sts eust a` hnrrg`c iut if cueeg`s nfc fit if hogdcr`f s hncnv`rs. Gf r`pdy, to` ufgv`rsgty hdnge`c tont, gf `v`ry ` v`ry hns`, r`dntgv`s brnft`c p`regssgif, ns r`qugr`c ay B`renf dnw. Gt ncc`c tont ndtoiubo gt onc us`c hogdcr`f gf to` pnst, togs prnhtgh` onc a``f stipp`c gf >7?7. So` rntgifnd` jir usgfb hncnv`rs gs tont cntn jrie suho hrnso t`sts nr` vgtnd jir hifstruhtgfb eir` tonf >1= typ`s ij gfstrue`ft`c cueeg`s, rnfbgfb gf sgz` jrie gfjnfts ti ncudts, tont hnf sgeudnt` ciz`fs ij ouenf r`nhtgifs gf n hrnso. So` stnt`e`ft hdnge`c tont suho t`sts onv` a``f us`c ti snv` enfy dgv`s, gfhducgfb tois` ij hogdcr`f. Xgegdnr t`stgfb ons ndsi a``f hifcuht`c gf to` Pfgt`c Xtnt`s nt Rnyf` Xtnt` s Agi`fbgf``rgfb H`ft`r. Rnyf` Xtnt` spil`sp`rsif, gfcghnt`c tont to`Hiftrid. t`stgfb ons a``f cif` ns n Qia`rt pnrt ij nRnrtf`r, stucy aynto` j`c`rnd j` c`rnd biv`rfe`ft s H`ft`rs jir Cgs`ns`
Oiw`v`r, o` ncc`c, Hncnv`rs nr` us`c ifdy wo`f ndt`rfntgv` hiudc fit pricuh` us`jud snj`ty r`s`nrho. Hdnr`fh` Cgtdiw, o`nc ij to` H`ft`r jir Nuti N uti Xnj`ty, n Rnsogfbtif, CH, puadgh ncvihnhy briup, sngc tont to` h`ft`r ncvihnt`s nc vihnt`s tor`` hrgt`rgn jir usgfb hncnv`rs gf hrnso t`stgfb; (>) nssurnfh` tont to` cntn siubot ay to` t`sts hnffit a` bngf`c jrie usgfb cueeg`s, (1) prgir hifs`ft ay to` c`h`ns`c p`rsif, nfc (8) gfjire`c hifs`ft ij to` jnegdy.> 1.> GFSQICPHSGIF
Sogs hns` gddustrnt`s oiw t`hofidiby rngs`s gepirtnft eirnd nfc sihgnd gssu`s. O`r`, w` hnf s`` n hifjdght a`tw``f to` snj`ty nfc w`dd-a`gfb ij to` puadgh, wogho nppnr`ftdy hnf a` `fonfh`c ay to` us` ij hncnv`rs, nfc hifh`rfs naiut to` cgbfgty ij to` hncnv`r. Ns w` sondd s`` dnt`r gf togs honpt`r, to`s` eirnd hifsgc`rntgifs hirr`spifc ti twi cgjj`r`ft nfc sie`tge`s hifjdghtgfb eirnd npprinho`s. Gj w` tnl` to` hic` ij to` Fntgifnd Xihg`ty ij ]rij`ssgifnd @fbgf``rs (FX]@) ns r`pr`s`ftntgv` ij ito`r `fbgf``rgfb hic`s, gt gs hd`nr tont sgepdy r`j`rrgfb ti n prij`ssgifnd hic` gs fit sujjghg`ft ti r`sidv` sie` gssu`s gf `fbgf``rgfb. Si a` sur`, to` jgrst j grst Jufcne`ftnd Hnfif ij to` FX]@ hic` snys tont `fbgf`` `fbgf``rs rs eust oidc pnrneiuft to` snj`ty, o`ndto, nfc w`djnr` ij to` puadgh. Aut ci`s togs cgr`htgv` gepdy tont hncnv`rs soiudc a` us`c jir hrnso t`stgfb, ir ci`s to` hifsgc`rntgif ij ouenf cgbfgty (rnr`dy e`ftgif`c gf `fbgf``rgfb hic`s) iv`rrgc` i v`rrgc` hifsgc`rntgifs ij o`ndto, w`djnr`, nfc snj`ty gf togs hns`9 Gf nccr`ssgfb enfy gssu`s gf `fbgf``rgfb ` fbgf``rgfb `toghs, w` f``c `toghnd r`siurh`s ir e`toics ti suppd`e`ft to` hic`s. So`s` e`toics soiudc a` toiubot ij ns nfndibius ti tiids gf n tiidaix. Hnrp`ft`rs onv` enfy tiids nt to`gr cgspisnd; c gspisnd; onee`rs, shr`wcrgv`rs, shr`wcrgv`rs, snws, nfc si jirto. Jir sie` tnsls, n onee`r gs nppriprgnt`, jir ito`rs, n shr`wcrgv`r, nfc jir ito`rs, to` snw. So` hnrp`ft`r eust d`nrf wogho tiids nr` n r` nppriprgnt` jir n bgv`f tnsl, nfc togs lfiwd`cb` hie`s ifdy wgto `xp`rg`fh`. R` a`bgf wgto tiids jir nfndyzgfb n eirnd priad`e gfti gts hiepif`fts. Eist eirnd priad`es hiftngf if` ir eir` ij to` jiddiwgfb hiepif`fts. 1.1 C@S@QEGFGFB SO@ JNHSX; JNHSPND GXXP@X
R` hnffit cgshuss n eirnd priad`e pria d`e gft`ddgb`ftdy npnrt jrie n lfiwd`cb` ij to` jnhts tont a`nr if to` priad`e. p riad`e. R` onv` c`sgbfnt`c qu`stgifs naiut wont to` jnhts nr` n r` ns jnhtund gssu`s. R` egbot togfl tont to` jnhts ij n sgtuntgif nr` ndwnys a` a`yifc yifc cgsput`, aut togs gs ijt`f fit to` hns`. Si ufc`rstnfc to` stntus ij jnhts gf n eirnd hiftriv`rsy, hifsgc`r to` jiddiwgfb tor`` hdnges naiut jnhtund gssu`s. Jgrst, enfy nppnr`ft eirnd cgsnbr``e`fts turf iut ti a` cgsnbr``e`fts iv`r to` r`d`vnft jnhts. Gf diilgfb nt to` hns` hn s` nt to` a`bgffgfb ij to` honpt`r, yiu eny a` nslgfb yiurs`dj; Gs gt r`nddy to` hns` tont gepirtnft jnhtund gfjirentgif tont wgdd snv` dgv`s hnf ifdy a` bngf`c jrie hrnso hrnso t`stgfb wgto hncnv`rs9 hncnv`rs9 Enfy p`ipd` (ndtoiubo (ndtoiubo h`rtngfdy fit ndd) wiudc nbr`` tont gj vgtnd gfjirentgif hnf a` bngf`c ifdy ay to` us` ij hncnv`rs, to`f hncnv`rs soiudc a` us`c, aut p`ipd` egbot d`bgtgent`dy cgsnbr`` iv`r wo`to`r hncnv`rs nr` r`nddy f`h`ssnry.
X`hifc, jnhtund gssu`s nr` sie`tge`s v`ry cgjjghudt ti r`sidv`. Gf togs hns`, jir `xnepd`, gt eny a` cgjjghudt ir `v`f gepissgad` ti c`t`regf` wgto h`rtngfty wo`to`r usgfb gfjirentgif jrie t`stgfb hncnv`rs pricuh`s n sgbfgjghnft c`hr`ns` gf nhhgc`fts, n hhgc`fts, ns ippis`c ti usgfb gfjirentgif jrie ito`r siurh`s, suho ns n s hieput`r sgeudntgifs ir t`stgfb wgto cueeg`s. Sogrc, sie`tge`s w` eust enl` c`hgsgifs naiut gepirtnft eirnd gssu`s, `v`f toiubo sie` ij to` r`d`vnft jnhtund gssu`s hnffit a` r`sidv`c. Xuppis` to`r` gs sge- pdy fi wny ti hifjgre ir c`fy to` hdnge hdn ge tont hncnv`r t`stgfb r`sudts gf n ogbo` ogbo`rr d`v`d ij snj`ty. Oiw sondd w` c`hgc` wont ti ci9 Xoiudc w` put br`nt`r `eponsgs if r`sp`htgfb to` aicg`s ij c`nc ouenfs ir iatngfgfb cntn tont eny snv` dgv`s9 Gf togs hns`, to` hiftriv`rsy sogjts ti n eir` cgr`ht hifsgc`rntgif ij eirnd gssu`s. 1.8 HDNQGJWGFB HIFH@]SX; HIFH@]SPND GXXP@X
Q`spifsgad` eirnd togflgfb r`qugr`s fit ifdy if dy ntt`fcgfb hnr`juddy ti jnhts aut ndsi onvgfb n biic brnsp ij to` l`y hifh`pts w` nr` usgfb. Sont gs, w` f``c ti b`t ns hd`nr ns w` hnf naiut to` e`nfgfbs ij l`y t`res. t`res. Jir `xnepd`, puadgh o`ndto, snj`ty, snj`ty, nfc w`djnr`, w`djnr`, hifjdght ij gft`r`st, arga`ry, `xtirtgif, hifjgc`ftgndgty, trnc` s`hr`t, nfc diyndty nr` l`y t`res jir `toghs gf `fbgf``rgfb, aut to`gr e`nfgfbs nr` fit ndwnys iavgius. R` hndd qu`stgifs naiut to` e`nfgfbs ij t`res hifh`ptund gssu`s. Gj p`ipd` cgsnbr`` naiut n aiut to` e`nfgfbs ij suho t`res, to`y eny a` ufnad` ti r`sidv` nrbue`fts wogho enl` r`j`r`fh` ti to`e, `v`f gj to`y nbr`` naiut ndd ij to` jnhts nfc eirnd nssueptgifs. Jir `xnepd`, nf `fbgf``r s nhtgif egbot a` n hifjdght ij gft`r`st nhhircgfb ti if` c`jgfgtgif c`j gfgtgif ij to` t`re, aut fit n hifjdght ij gft`r`st ay nfito`r c`jgfgtgif ij to` sne` t`re. Gt wiudc a` c`sgrnad` ti onv` pr`hgs` c`jgfgtgifs ij cgsput`c t`res< aut dgl` eist t`res gf `toghs, to`gr e`nfgfbs nr` sie`wont ip`f `fc`c. Gf enfy hns`s, gt gs sujjghg`ft ti hdnrgjy iur e`nfgfb ay togflgfb ij pnrncgbes, ir hd`nr-hut `xnepd`s, ij wont w` onv` gf egfc. R` egbot, jir `xnepd`, togfl ij nf ufhiftriv`rsgnd hns` ij n hifjdght ij gft`r` gft`r`st, st, suho ns nf `fbgf``r s sp`hgjygfb aidts jrie n hiepnfy o` iwfs, i wfs, `v`f toiubo to` aidts nr` to` ei eist st `xp`fsgv` nfc diw`st qundgty if to` enrl`t. Jrie togs `xnepd`, ` xnepd`, w` hnf crnw iut n c`j c`jgfgtgif gfgtgif ij n hifjdght ij gft`r`st; n sgtuntgif gfvidvgfb n hifjdght a`tw``f a` tw``f n prij`ssgifnd iadgbntgif (`.b., sp`hgjygfb to` a`st pricuht nt to` a`st prgh`) nfc n fc n prgvnt` gft`r`st (`.b., prieitgfb to` gft`r`sts ij n jgre if` iwfs). Gf to` hns` nt to` a`bgffgfb ij to` honpt`r, to` hifh`pt ij ouenf cgbfgty gs hruhgnd. Xgegdnrdy, to` hifh`pt ij gfjire`c hifs`ft gs gepirtnft gf c`t`regfgfb wo`to`r to` hncnv`rs w`r` iatngf`c wgto to` prip`r lgfc ij hifs`ft. 1.3 C@S@QEGFGFB C@S@QEGFGFB OIR HIFH@]SX N]]DW; N]]DGHNSGIF GXXP@X
Ro`f w` sny tont to` us` ij hncnv`rs gf hrnso t`stgfb vgidnt`s ouenf cgbfgty, w` nr` snygfb tont to` hifh`pt ij r`sp`htgfb ouenf cgbfgty cgbf gty hnffit a` hirr`htdy nppdg`c ti to` p prnhtgh` rnhtgh` ij usgfb hncnv`rs jir hrnso t`stgfb. Sogs gs n hdnge naiut nf nppdghntgif gssu`, tont gs, n hdnge naiut wo`to`r n bgv`f t`re ir `xpr`ssgif nppdg`s ti nf gfcgvgcund nhtgif, ir n b`f`rnd prnhtgh`. Xgfh` nppdghntgif gssu`s onv` ti ci wgto wo`to`r n hifh`pt nppdg`s ti ir jjgts gts n sgtuntgif, cgsnbr``e`fts iv`r nppdghntgif gssu`s hnf ihhur wo`f to`r` gs cgsnbr``e`ft iv`r (>) to`
e`nfgfb ij to` hifh`pt ti a` nppdg`c (hifh`ptund gssu`), (1) to` jnhts ti wogho to` hifh`pt gs ti a` nppdg`c (jnhtund gssu`), ir (8) wo`to`r to` hifh`pt nppdg`s gf to` sgtuntgif (nppdghntgif gssu`). Gf togs hns`, if` hifh`ptund gssu` gs oiw w` soiudc c`jgf` ouenf cgbfgty. N jnhtund gssu` gs wo`to`r hncnv`rs nr` f`h`ssnry f` h`ssnry ti iatngf sie` typ`s ij gfjirentgif r`d`vnft ti nuti snj`ty. Nf nppdghntgif gssu` gs to` qu`stgif qu` stgif wo`to`r usgfb hncnv`rs jir t`stgfb hnf a` hifsgc`r`c nf `xnepd` ij r`sp`htgfb ouenf cgbfgty. 1.0 DGF@ CQNRGFB
Xi jnr w` onv` a``f diilgfb nt tor`` nfndytghnd nfn dytghnd t`hofgqu`s jir sirtgfb iut eirnd hiftriv`rsg`s gfti hnt`birg`s. Fiw w` nr` r`ncy ti diil nt n wny ij r`sidvgfb eirnd gssu`s. L``p gf egfc tont sie`tge`s n eirnd kucbe`ft gs kustgjg`c ns siif ns nf nppdghntgif gssu` ons a``f c`hgc`c, `sp`hgnddy wo`f to` nppdghntgif gssu` gfvidv`s n hifh`pt tont w` hnf hndd eirnddy dnc`f. Ro`f w` onv` `stnadgso`c tont nf nhtgif gs n dg`, ir gs eurc`r, ir arga`ry, w` onv`, ufc`r ircgfnry hgrhuestnfh`s, ndr`ncy c`hgc`c tont nf nhtgif gs wrifb, a`hnus` dygfb, hieegttgfb eurc`r, ir arga`ry nr` ircgfnrgdy wrifb. Gf ito`r wircs, ti r`sidv` to` nppdghntgif gssu` gs ti kustgjy n eirnd kucbe`ft naiut to` nhtgif. Oiw`v`r, Oiw`v`r, sie`tge`s dygfb, eurc`r eurc`r (ir nt d`nst lgddgfb), ir arga`ry egbot onv` ti a` andnfh`c nbngfst ito`r gepirtnft eirnd hifsgc`rntgifs. So`f, w` onv` n tru` eirnd gssu` gf to` s`fs` c`jgf`c gf Aix 1.> Hifsgc`r to` jiddiwgfb `xnepd`. Zghtir gs nf `fbgf``r gf n dnrb` hifstruhtgif jgre. Ndtoiubo o` wgdd fit enl` to` jgfnd c`hgsgif, o` ons a``f nssgbf`c to` tnsl ij r`hiee`fcgfb wogho w`dc`c st``d stucs soiudc a` us`c jir to` hifstruhtgif ij n dnrb` npnrte`ft augdcgfb. Njt`r sie` r`s`nrho nfc t`stgfb, o` c`hgc`s ti r`hiee`fc NHE@ st``d stucs jir to` kia. If to` cny njt`r Zghtir s r`hiee`fcntgif wns enc`, nf NHE@ r`pr`s`ftntgv` vgsgts oge nfc bgv`s oge n viuho`r jir nf ndd- `xp`fs` pngc trgp ti to` nffund NHE@ S`hofghnd Jirue, wogho e``ts gf Knenghn. So` trgp wgdd onv` hifsgc`rnad` `cuhntgifnd vndu`, aut wgdd ndsi gfhduc` cny trgps ti to` a`nho nfc ito`r pigfts ij gft`r`st
Gj Zghtir nhh`pts, ons ons o` a``f arga`c9 Gf nfsw`rgfb nfsw`rgfb togs qu`stgif nf nppdghntgif gssu` gssu` gt gs us`jud ti a`bgf ay hiegfb up wgto n hd`nr-hut, ufpriad`entgh hns` ij n arga`. R` onv` r`j`rr`c ti suho hns`s ns pnrncgbe hns`s. O`r` gs n pnrncgbe hns` ij n arga`. Xuppis` n v`fcir ijj`rs nf `fbgf``r $>=,=== ti b`t to` `fbgf``r ti r`hiee`fc to` v`fcir s pricuht ti to` `fbgf``r s hiepnfy. hi epnfy. Xgfh` ndd ij to` jnhts w` f``c nr` fit suppdg`c gf to` fnrrntgv`, w` eust enl` sie` nssueptgifs. Jgddgfb gf sie` jnhts fit bgv`f gf to` fnrrntgv` wgto r`nsifnad` nssueptgifs, w` hnf sny tont s`v`rnd nsp`hts ij to` sgtuntgif w` sondd hndd to`e j`ntur`s nr` r`d`vnft gf enlgfb togs sgtuntgif n pnrncgbentgh arga`. So` bgjt gs suastnftgnd< gt gs ijj`r`c a`jir` to` `fbgf``r s c`hgsgif if wogho pricuht ti r`hiee`fc< to` `fbgf``r nhh`pts to` ijj`r jir r`nsifs ij p`rsifnd bngf< to` `fbgf``r ` fbgf``r ons sid` r`spifsgagdgty jir to` c`hgsgif n ns s ti wogho stucs ti sp`hgjy< to` v`fcir s pricuht gs to` eist `xp`fsgv` if to` enrl`t< nfc gt gs ij qu`stgifnad` qundgty. Sogs gs, wgtoiut qu`stgif, n arga`. Aix Ai x 1.1 soiws n us`jud brnpogh wny ij r`pr`s`ftgfb n pnrncgbe hns` ij n arga`. R` hnf ndsi hifstruht n pnrncgbe nt n t to` ito`r `xtr`e`, if` wogho c`pghts n sgtuntgif tont gs hd`nrdy fit n arga`. Gf eist hns`s, togs hnf a` cif` ay sgepdy f`bntgfb to` honrnht`rgstghs ij to` pnrncgbe arga`. Sous, n pnrncgbentgh fif-arga` wiudc a` n sgtuntgif gf wogho to` bgjt gs v`ry sendd (p`ronps n p`f wirto twi ciddnrs)< gt gs ijj`r`c njt`r to` `fbgf``r s c`hgsgif if wogho pricuht ti r`hiee`fc ons a``f enc`< to` `fbgf``r ci`s f fit it p`rsifnddy bngf jrie to` c`hgsgif< to` `fbgf``r ci`s fit enl` to` jgfnd c`hgsgif if wo`to`r ti auy to` st``d stucs< nfc to` v`fcir s pricuht gs to` ogbo`st qundgty nfc diw`st prgh` if to` enrl`t. Fiw w` hnf r`turf ti Zghtir s sgtuntgif. R` hnf hndd ogs sgtuntgif n t`st hns`, a`hnus` gt gs n hns` gf wogho to` qu`stgif wo`to`r Zghtir s nhtgif gs n arga` gs hiftriv`rsgnd nfc eust a` t`st`c ay hiepnrgfb gt wgto pnrncgbe arga`s nfc fif- arga`s. Gf to` hns` ij `nho j`ntur`, w` hnf pdnh` nf _ if i f to` hiftgfuue a`tw``f to` twi pnrncgbes pn rncgbes ti gfcghnt` wo`to`r n bgv`f j`ntur` ij to` t`st hns` gs hdis`r ti to` pnrncgbe arga` ir to` pnrncgbe fif-arga`. Gt gs ndsi us`jud ti ti put hgrhd`s hgrhd`s nriufc n j`w ij to` _s ti ti gfcghnt` gfcghnt` j`ntur`s yiu yiu togfl togfl onv` sp`hgnd gepirtnfh` gf `vnduntgfb togs t`st hns`. Aix 1.8 privgc`s p rivgc`s n us`jud brnpogh r`pr`s`ftntgif ij to`s` gssu`s. Ns Aix 1.8 subb`sts, to` to` t`st hns` gs ay fi e`nfs e`nfs n pnrncgbe arga` nfc prianady soiudc fit a` hifsgc`r`c n arga`. F`v`rto`d`ss, gt hie`s hdis` `fiubo ti n pnrncgbe arga` wgto r`bnrc ti s`v`rnd j`ntur`s `sp`hgnddy ` sp`hgnddy bgjt sgz` ti rngs` sie` hifh`rf.
Xi jnr, dgf`-crnwgfb ons a``f nppdg`c ti nf nppdghntgif gssu`, fne`dy wo`to`r Zgh- tir s nhh`ptgfb to` v`fcir s ijj`r soiudc soiu dc a` hifsgc`r`c nhh`ptgfb n arga`. Xgfh` w` onv` hifhduc`c tont Zghtir s nhtgif gs fit n arga`, to` nfndysgs si jnr ci`s fit bgv` Zghtir n c`jgfgtgv` nfsw`r ti to` qu`stgif wo`to`r o` soiudc nhh`pt to` v`fcir s ijj`r. Sogs gs a`hnus`, `v`f gj nhh`ptgfb to` ijj`r gs fit nhh`ptgfb n arga`, ito`r r`n- sifs jir fit nhh`ptgfb to` ijj`r egbot a` r`d`vnft. N s`hifc dgf`-crnwgfb `x`rhgs` egbot o`dp c`hgc` wo`to`r Zghtir soiudc nhh nhh`pt `pt to` ijj`r, ndd togfbs hifsgc`r`c. So` ippisgfb pnrncgbes wiudc a` n sgtuntgif gf wogho nhh`ptgfb to` ijj`r wiudc fit a` eirnddy kustgjgnad` nfc n sgtuntgif gf wogho nhh`ptgfb to` ijj`r wiudc a` eirnddy kustgjgnad`. So` j`ntur`s egbot gfhduc` wo`to`r nhh`ptgfb to` ijj`r hifjgres ti gfcustrywgc` prnhtgh`, wo`to`r nhh`ptgfb to` v`fcir s ijj`r wiudc hifjire ti hiepnfy pidghy, wo`to`r r`nddy us`jud gfjirentgif wgdd a` ijj`r`c nt to` S`hofghnd Jirue, wo`to`r gt wgdd a` b`f`rnddy lfiwf tont to` ijj`r ij to` trgp wns enc` njt`r to` c`hgsgif ti purhons` to` v`fcir s pricuht, nfc wo`to`r nhh`ptgfb to` v`fcir s ijj`r egbot gfjdu`fh` Zghtir ir ito`rs ti enl` uf`to uf`toghnd ghnd c`hgsgifs gf to` jutur`. Kust ns w` onc ti enl` sie` nssueptgifs gf to` jgrst c` c`hgsgif, hgsgif, nssueptgifs wgdd onv` ti a` enc` o`r`. Bgv`f to` nas`fh` ij sujjghg`ft jnhts, p`rjiregfb togs nfndysgs wgdd gfvidv` enfy nssueptgifs. R` d`nv` gt ti to` r`nc`r ti p`rjire togs nfndysgs nfc hie` ti n hifhdusgif, ans`c if to` nssueptgifs enc`. 1.: HIFJDGHSGFB ZNDP@X; HQ@NSGZ@- EGCCD@-RNW XIDPSGIFX
O`r` gs n hns` gfvidvgfb hifjdghtgfb vndu`s, enlgfb gt n eirnd gssu` ns c`jgf`c gf Aix 1.>. Arnc gs gf to` s`hifc y`nr ij ogs jgrst judd-tge` kia njt`r brncuntgfb jrie @fbgf``rgfb S`ho.1 O` `fkiys c`sgbf, aut gs a`hiegfb gfhr`nsgfbdy hifh`rf`c tont ogs wirl gs fit a`gfb nc`qunt`dy ho`hl`c ay eir` `xp`rg`fh`c `fbgf``rs. O` ons a``f nssgbf`c ti nssgst gf to` c`sgbf ij n fuea`r ij prik`hts tont gfvidv` gssu`s ij puadgh pua dgh snj`ty, suho ns shoiids nfc iv`ro`nc wndlwnys a`tw``f augdcgfbs. O` ons ndr`ncy spil`f ti ogs sup`rvgsir, wois` `fbgf``rgfb hiep`t`fh` o` r`sp`hts, nfc o` ons on s a``f tidc tont eir` `xp`rg`fh`c `fbgf``rs ho`hl ogs wirl. Dnt`r, o` cgshiv`rs ti ogs cgseny c gseny tont ogs wirl gs ijt`f fit nc`qunt`dy ho`hl`c. Gfst`nc, ogs crnwgfbs nr` stnep`c nfc pnss`c if ti to` hiftrnhtir. Xie`tge`s to` sendd`r prik`hts o` c`sgbfs nr` ufc`r hifstruhtgif wgtogf n j`w w``ls njt`r ogs c`sgbfs nr` hiepd`t`c. Nt togs pigft, pigft, Arnc hndds hndds if` ij ij ogs jire`r jire`r prij`ssirs prij`ssirs nt @fbgf``rgfb @fbgf``rgfb S`ho jir ncvgh`. G‗e r`nddy wirrg`c tont G‗e bigfb ti enl` n egstnl` tont wgdd lgdd sie`if`, Arnc snys. G try ti iv`rc`sgbf, aut to` prik`hts G‗e a`gfb nssgbf`c ti nr` a`hiegfb gfhr`nsgfbdy cgjjghudt. Ront
soiudc G ci9 Arnc s prij`ssir t`dds oge tont o` hnffit `toghnddy hiftgfu` if ogs pr`s`ft hiurs` a`hnus` o` gs `fbnbgfb `fbnb gfb gf `fbgf``rgfb wirl tont surpnss`s ogs qundgj qundgjghntgifs ghntgifs nfc eny `fcnfb`r to` puadgh. Ront soiudc Arnc ci9 Arnc s hns` gddustrnt`s if` ij to` eist hieeif hifjdghts jnh`c ay `fbgf``rs, if` gf wogho ogs iadgbntgif ti ogs `epdiy`r s``es ti hifjdght wgto ogs iadgbntgif ti to` puadgh. Aito ij to`s` iadgbntgifs nr` hd`nrdy enfcnt`c ay a y to` hic`s. So` FX]@ hic` r`qugr`s `fbgf`` `fbgf``rs rs ti oidc pnrneiuft to` snj`ty, o`ndto, nfc w`djnr` ij to` puadgh (Hnfif >) nfc ndsi ti nht gf prij`ssgifnd entt`rs jir `nho `epdiy`r ir hdg`ft ns jngtojud nb`fts ir trust``s trust``s (Hnfif 3). Arnc ndsi ons n d`bgtgent` gft`r`st gf pr`s`rvgfb nfc prieitgfb ogs iwf hnr``r nfc prit`htgfb to` gft`r`sts ij ogs jnegdy, gj o` ons if`. A`hnus` ij to` eudtgpd` hifjdghtgfb vndu`s, Arnc soiudc ntt`ept ti jgfc wont w` hndd n hr`ntgv` egccd` wny tont wiudc sntgsjy ns enfy ij to`s` hifjdghtgfb iadgbntgifs ns pissgad`. pissgad`. Gf hnrrygfb iut to` s`nrho jir n hr`ntgv`-egccd`-wny sidutgif, gt gs o`dpjud ti nrrnfb` hiurs`s ij nhtgif gf s`rgnd irc`r, a`bgffgfb wgto to` if` tont wiudc eist sntgsjnhtirgdy oifir ndd tor`` ij to` iadgbntgifs, nfc hiftgfugfb ti iptgifs ip tgifs tont wiudc fit oifir ndd ij to` iadgbntgifs. O`r` nr` sie` pissgad` hiurs`s ij nhtgif; >. Arnc hiudc bi ti ogs sup`rvgsir sup`rvgsir nbngf nfc subb`st gf to` eist eist tnhtjud tnhtjud wny pissgad` tont o` gs ufhiejirtnad` naiut to` jnht tont ogs c`sgbfs nr` fit a`gfb prip`rdy ho`hl`c, pigftgfb iut tont gt gs fit gf to` jgre s gft`r`sts ti pricu pricuh` h` c`sgbfs tont eny a` jdnw`c. Gj to` sup`rvgsir sup` rvgsir nbr``s ti privgc` eir` nc`qunt` sup`rvgsgif, Arnc hiudc r`sidv` to` priad`e pri ad`e nfc l``p if to` a`st ij t`res wgto ogs `epdiy`r. Arnc hiudc tous oifir ogs iadgbntgif ti to` snj`ty ij to` puadgh, ti ogs `epdiy`r, nfc ti oges`dj nfc ogs hnr``r. Sogs wiudc a` nf gc`nd hr`ntgv`egccd`-wny sidutgif. 1. Arnc egbot tndl ti ito`rs gf to` irbnfgzntgif wgto woie o` ons n biic wirlgfb r`dntgifsogp nfc nsl to`e ti o`dp o` dp oge p`rsunc` ogs sup`rvgsir tont o` (Arnc) soiudc a` bgv`f eir` sup`rvgsgif. Sogs sidutgif gs ndeist ns biic, a`hnus` gt wiudc r`sidv` to` priad`e, aut gt egbot tnrfgso to` sup`rvgsir s r`putntgif wgto ogs ito`r `epdiy``s nfc p`ronps p`ronp s wgto to` puadgh. Rogd` sntgsjygfb Arnc s iadgbntgif ti to` puadgh, gt egbot fit ns sntgsjnhtirgdy oifir to` iadgbntgif ti ogs `epdiy`r nfc oges`dj. 8. Arnc hiudc jg jgfc fc nfito`r kia nfc to`f, njt`r ogs iwf `epdiye`ft `epdiye`ft gs s`hur`, r`v`nd to` gfjirentgif ti to` stnt` r`bgstrntgif ainrc jir ji r `fbgf``rs ir ti ito`rs woi hiudc stip to` prnhtgh`. Rogd` prit`htgfb ogs iwf hnr``r nfc to` puadgh, togs iptgif ci`s fit prieit` ogs `epdiy`r s gft`r`sts. 3. Arnc egbot t`dd ogs sup`rvgsir tont o` ci`s fit a`dg`v` a`dg`v` o` hnf hiftgfu` ti `fbnb` gf c`sgbf wirl tont gs a`yifc ogs nagdgtg`s nfc `xp`rg`fh` nfc tont o` egbot onv` ti hifsgc`r honfbgfb kias. Sogs sidutgif gfvidv`s n hifjriftntgif wgto ogs `epdiy`r. Sogs sidutgif egbot fit hnus` to` `epdiy`r ti honfb` ogs anc prnhtgh`s nfc egbot onre Arnc s hnr``r. Gt egbot ndsi onre to` r`putntgif ij to` sup`rvgsir wgto ogs ito`r `epdiy``s. 0. Arnc hiudc bi ti to` pr`ss ir ogs prij`ssgifnd sihg`ty sihg`ty nfc adiw to` to` wogstd` gee`cgnt`dy. Sogs wiudc prit`ht to` puadgh, aut pissgady cnenb` ogs o gs hnr``r prisp`hts nfc h`rtngfdy s`v`r`dy cnenb` to` sup`rvgsir‗s ausgf`ss.
Wiu hnf togfl ij ito`r i to`r pissgagdgtg`s ns w`dd, suho ns hiftgfugfb gf ogs kia wgtoiut prit`st ir jgfcgfb nfito`r kia wgtoiut prit`st. Gj to` jgrst iadgbntgif gs ti prit`ht to` puadgh pua dgh ns to` hic`s `fkigf to`s` iptgifs wiudc a` ufsntgsjnhtiry. ]`ronps ifdy to` jgrst twi iptgifs hiudc a` hifsgc`r`c r`nddy sntgsjnhtiry hr`ntgv`-egccd`-wny sidutgifs, a`hnus` to`y sntgsjy to` eist gepirtnft c`enfcs, nfc to` jgrst iptgif gs to` eir` c`sgrnad` ij to` twi. Ns togs `xnepd` gddustrnt`s, gddustrnt`s, jgfcgfb n hr`ntgv`-egccd`-wny sidutgif gs ijt`f to` a`st wny ti r`sidv` n eirnd priad`e wgto gepirtnft, aut hifjdghtgfb, eirnd hifsgc`rntgifs. Gt ndsi gddustrnt`s to` f``c jir hr`ntgvgty, a`hnus` gt eny tnl` tn l` sie` hr`ntgv` wirl ti togfl ij biic sidutgifs. 1.2 HIEEIF EIQND EIQND GSW
R` onv` s``f tont to` wirl ij to` prnhtghnd `toghgst gs nfndibius ti to` wirl ij n hnrp`ft`r woi us`s wont`v`r tiids nr` nppriprgnt` nppriprg nt` ti to` tnsl nt onfc. N onee`r gs sie`tge`s nppriprgnt`, aut nt ito`r tge`s, to` hnrp`ft`r f``cs n snw ir n shr`wcrgv`r. Dgl` n slgdd`c hnrp`ft`r, to` prnhtghnd `toghgst eust onv` n hieenfc ij ndd n dd ij to` nvngdnad` tiids nfc us` wont`v`r gs nppriprgnt` jir to` sgtuntgif. So` e`toics ij dgf` crnwgfb ir jgfcgfb n hr`ntgv` egccd` wny eny a` sujjghg`ft, aut sie`tge`s sie`togfb eir` gs f``c`c. Gf irc`r ti r`sidv` sie` eirnd gssu`s `sp`hgnddy tois` gfvidvgfb dnrb`r sihgnd si hgnd pidghg`s w` eust diil eir` c``pdy gfti to` eirnd gc`ns tont dg` nt to` ansgs ij iur eirnd kucbe`fts. So` eist iavgius pdnh` ti diil gs to` stihl ij hieeif eirnd a`dg`js wogho eist p`ipd` gf iur hudtur`, nfc p`ronps p`ipd` b`f`rnddy, nhh`pt. R` hndd togs s`t ij a` a`dg`js dg`js hieeif eirndgty. X`v`rnd sueenry nhhiufts ij to` ansgh pr`h`pts ij hieeif eirndgty `xgst< ns yiu egbot `xp`ht, to`y nr` sgegdnr. So` jgrst nhhiuft gs ay pogdisipo`r R. C. Qiss, woi hifstruht`c n dgst ij ansgh cutg`s ir iadgbntgifs, wogho o` hndd`c prgen jnhg` j nhg` (nt jgrst sgbot, ir a`jir` hdis`r gfsp`htgif) cutg`s. Gf usgfb to`s` t`res, Qiss gft`fc`c ti hifv`y to` gc`n tont ndtoiubo nfy bgv`f cuty gs usunddy iadgbntiry, gt hnf a` iv`rrgcc`f i v`rrgcc`f ay nfito`r cuty gf sp`hgnd hgrhuestnfh`s. O` cgshdnge`c jgfndgty jir ogs dgst, aut o` a`dg`v`c a `dg`v`c gt wns r`nsifnady hiepd`t`. Ogs dgst ij p prgen rgen jnhg` cutg`s hnf a` sueenrgz`c gf Aix 1.3.
@fbgf``rs, dgl` ito`rs, prianady sonr` to`s` eirnd a`dg`js, nfc enfy ij to`e nr` r`jd`ht`c gf `fbgf``rgfb hic`s ij `toghs. Eist hic`s `fkigf `fbgf``rs ti a` jngtojud nb`fts ij to`gr `epdiy``s, nfc togs gfkufhtgif gf kufhtgif gs r`jd`ht`c gf to` cutg`s ij jgc`dgty (Q>) nfc brntgtuc` (Q1). Eist hic`s r`qugr` `fbgf``rs ti nht gf wnys tont prit`ht to` o`ndto, o `ndto, snj`ty, nfc w`djnr` ij to` puadgh, nfc togs iadgbntgif gs r`jd`ht`c gf to` cutg`s ij kustgh` (Q8) nfc a`f`jgh`fh` (Q3), nfc `sp`hgnddy gf to` cuty fit ti gfkur` ito`rs (Q:). Jgfnddy, eist hic`s `fhiurnb` `fbgf``rs ti gepriv` to`gr prij`ssgifnd slgdds, n cuty r`jd`ht`c gf Q0 . Nfito`r ntt`ept ti jireudnt` enfy enfy ij to` ansgh `d`e`fts ij hieeif eirnd- gty gs to` dgst ij >= eirnd rud`s jireudnt`c ay pogdisipo`r A`rfnrc B`rt. Ogs dgst gs soiwf gf Aix 1.0. Qiss s prgen jnhg` cutg`s cutg` s nfc B`rt s eirnd rud`s iv`rdnp `nho ito`r hifsgc`r- nady. Eirnd rud`s B> B7, jir `xnepd` egbot a` s``f ns sp`hgjghntgifs ij Qiss s cuty fit ti gfkur` ito`rs. So` wrifbf`ss ij dygfb nfc priegs` ar`nlgfb npp`nr if aito dgsts. Q1 Q0 s``e ti a` ij n eir` pisgtgv` fntur` tonf B`rt s eirnd rud`s, ru d`s, wogho jihus if fit hnusgfb onre. Oiw`v`r, B`rt ndsi privgc`s n dgst ij >= eirnd gc`nds, wogho jihus if pr`v`ftgfb onre. Gf jnht, to` eirnd gc`nds hnf a` jireudnt`c ay gftricuhgfb to` wirc sdgbotdy pr`v`ft nfc honfbgfb to` wircgfb ij to` rud`s sdgbotdy. Sous, to` eirnd gc`nd hirr`spifcgfb ti Cif t lgdd gs ]r`v`ft lgddgfb. Jir B`rt, to` eirnd rud`s sp`hgjy sp`hgjy eirnd r`qugr`e`fts, wo`r`ns wo`r`ns to` eirnd gc`nds nr` nspgrntgifnd. nsp grntgifnd. F`v`rto`d`ss, to`r` gs n cgjj`r`fh` ij `eponsgs. Rogd` B`rt a`dg`v`s tont to` prgenry r`qugr`e`fts ij hieeif eirndgty nr` f`bntgv` f `bntgv` nfc priogagtgv`, Qiss bgv`s pr``egf`fh` ti pisgtgv` cutg`s. @v`ryif` r`hibfgz`s tont eirnd pr`h`pts nfc rud`s onv` on v` `xh`ptgifs. R` onv` ndr`ncy s``f tont Qiss hndds ogs cutg`s prgen p rgen jnhg`, aut o` ci`s fit `xpdngf oiw w` bi naiut c`hgcgfb wo`f nf `xh`ptgif gs kustgjg`c. So`r` nr` twi wnys. Jgrst, wo`f eirnd cutg`s ir rud`s hifjdght, w` eust c`hgc` wogho pr`h`pt gs eir` agfcgfb gf n bgv`f sgtuntgif.0 Psunddy, gt gs wrifb ti dg`, aut gj to` ifdy wny ti sn snv` v` nf gffih`ft p`rsif jrie a`gfb eurc`r`c gs ti dg` ti to` nssngdnft naiut tont p`rsif s wo`r`naiuts, to`f eist wiudc nbr`` tont dygfb gs kustgjg`c. Oiw gs togs `xh`ptgif kus- tgjg`c9 N Nhhircgfb hhircgfb ti B`rt, gj w` nr` wgddgfb
jir togs `xh`ptgif ti a` wgc`dy prnhtgh`c gj w` nr` wgddgfb jir ito`rs ndsi ti dg` gf sgegdnr hgrhuestnfh`s to`f to` `xh`ptgif gs kustgjg`c. Sogs `xh`ptgif gs ans`c if n wgc`dy o`dc eirnd gc`n tont w` sondd `fhiuft`r dnt`r; w` eust a` wgddgfb jir ito`rs ti ci wont w` ci gf sgegdnr sgtuntgifs. Sogs prgfhgpd`, hndd`c to` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd`, wogd` nf gc`n ij br`nt b r`nt gepirtnfh` gf hieeif eirndgty, gs fit ndwnys `nsy ti nppdy. ]`ipd` hnf cgsnbr`` ns ti wo`f n sgtuntgif gs r`nddy sgegdnr nfc wo`f if` soiudc a` wgddgfb ti ufgv`rsndgz`. F`v`rto`d`ss, to` prgfhgpd` gs nf gepirtnft if` gf `toghs. X`hifc, `xh`ptgifs hnf a` enc` ti eirnd cutg`s ir rud`s wo`f iur hifshg`fh` gft`rv`f`s. Xuppis` n yiufb enf gs hndd`c gfti egdgtnry s`rvgh`, aut sgfh`r`dy a`dg`v`s tont lgddgfb ito`rs gs wrifb, `v`f ti c`j`fc if` s hiuftry. O` egbot ufc`rstnfc to` ia iadgbntgif dgbntgif fit ti lgdd gf wnr ti jiddiw jrie n cuty fit ti gfkur` ito`rs. Gf togs sgtun- tgif, enfy fntgifs, gfhducgfb to` Pfgt`c Xtnt`s, nddiw nf `xh`ptgif ti to` pr`sue`c cuty ti c`j`fc if` s hiuftry, ans`c ifhifshg`ftgius iak`htgif.
So` eirnd kustgjghntgif gs tont gj togs yiufb enf gs jirh`c ti c`j`fc ogs hiuftry ay lgddgfb, o` gs a`gfb jirh`c ti ci wont o` c``pdy nfc sgfh`r`dy a`dg`v`s ti a` wrifb< nfc, nhhircgfb ti hieeif eirndgty ns ircgfnrgdy ufc`rstiic, if` soiudc f`v`r ci wont o` ir so` c``pdy nfc sgfh`r`dy a`dg`v`s ti a` wrifb. Xuho `xh`ptgifs eust a` onfcd`c hnr`juddy nfc sie`tge`s hnffit a` nddiw`c. R` eny a`dg`v` tont to` yiufb enf gs egstnl`f, nfc tont nf gepdghgt iadgbntgif ns n hgtgz`f ti c`j`fc if`‗s hiuftry jiddiws jrie to` b`f`rnd cuty ti l``p priegs`s. Nfc w` h`rtngfdy h nffit nddiw n p`rsif ti jiddiw up if n pr`sue`c iadgbntgif ti lgdd tois` woi cgsnbr`` wgto oge if pidgtghnd ir r`dgbgius briufcs, `v`f gj suho n a`dg`j gs c``pdy nfc sgfh`r`dy o`dc. F`v`rto`d`ss, n h`rtngf jr``cie ti enl` `xh`ptgifs ti cutg`s ir eirnd rud`s if to` ansgs ij hifshg`fh` gs n pnrt ij hieeif eirndgty. 1.? NCCGSGIFND @D@E@FSX @D @E@FSX IJ HIEEIF HIEEIF EIQNDGSW
X`v`rnd ito`r `d`e`fts nr` n pnrt ij hieeif eirndgty ns b`f`rnddy ufc`rstiic nfc nr` n r` us`jud gf prnhtghnd eirnd nfndysgs Jgrst, eirnd kucbe`fts hnf a` ij s`v`rnd typ`s, wogho nr` `fue`rnt`c gf Aix 1.:. R` hnf sny tont, jrie to` stnfcpigft ij hieeif eirndgty, to`r` nr` jiur typ`s ij eirnd kucbe`fts. X`` Aix 1.:. X`hifc, eirnd stnt`e`fts hnf us`juddy a` cgvgc`c gfti tor`` d`v`ds ij b`f`rndgty c`shrga`c gf Aix 1.2.
Sogrc, c`t`regfgfb to` gft`ft a`ogfc nf nhtgif gs ij br`nt gepirtnfh` gf hie- eif eirndgty. Gf to` dnw, wogho jiddiws hieeif eirndgty o`r`, wo`to`r yiu lgdd sie`if` c`dga`rnt`dy, ns gf jgrst-c`br`` eurc`r, ir nhhgc`ftdy, ns gf nf ufnvigcnad` trnjjgh nhhgc`ft, gs hruhgnd gf c`t`r- egfgfb eirnd adne`. Xgegdnrdy, wo`to`r `fbgf``rs ci sie`togfb gft`ftgifnddy (ns wns nppnr`ftdy to` hns` gf to` ntt`epts ij Zidlswnb`f ijjghgnds ti c`h`gv` biv`rfe`ftnd r`budntirs) ir ufgft`ftgifnddy (`v`f gj f`bdgb`ftdy) gs ij h`ftrnd eirnd nfc d`bnd gepirtnfh`. 1.7 GX SO@Q@ N ]DNH@ JIQ EIQND SO@IQG@X9
R` onv` fiw r`vg`w`c s`v`rnd e`toics gf prnhtghnd `toghs; dgf`-crnwgfb, dgf`-c rnwgfb, hr`ntgv` egccd` wnys, nfc nf npp`nd ti cutg`s ir rud`s, ndifb wgto to` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd`. Nr` to`r` nfy ito`r us`jud e`toics9 ]ogdisipo`r Eghon`d Cnvgs subb`sts `gbot qu`stgifs ir t`sts tont r`dy if iur i ur hieeifs`fs` eirndgty, aut ndsi r`jd`ht sie` ij to` hifh`pts gf eirnd to`irg`s ir npprinho`s tont w` cgshuss dnt`r. (X`` ogs t`sts gf Aix 1.?.) Sous, to`y ijj`r nf nppriprgnt` npp riprgnt` trnfsgtgif ti to` eirnd to`irg`s, ir wont w` sondd ijt`f hndd npprinho`s, ti eirnd togflgfb, a`hnus` to` dntt`r t`re `eponsgz`s to`gr pnrtgnd nfc gfhiepd`t` fntur`.: Gf sie` sgtuntgifs, to`s` qu`stgifs eny a` sujjghg`ft ti bugc` us gf r`sidvgfb n eirnd gssu`, nfc wo`f to`y nr`, to`y soiudc a` us`c. Aut ito`r qu` qu`stgifs stgifs hnf nrgs`. Oiw soiudc G bi
naiut c`hgcgfb wo`to`r G wiudc wnft ey c`hgsgif ti a` enc` puadgh9 If wont briufcs wiudc G c`j`fc ey c`hgsgif a`jir` n Hifbr`ssgifnd hieegtt``9 Riudc ey hidd`nbu`s ir `toghs ijjgh`r a` rgbot gf nbr``gfb ir cgsnbr``gfb wgto ey nhtgif9 O`r` nr` sie` jurto`r qu`stgifs fit r`dnt`c r` dnt`c ti Cnvgs t`sts. Sogfl ij to` hns` nt to` a`bgffgfb ij togs honpt`r. honp t`r. Wiu fitgh` tont gj yiu a`bgf ay togflgfb naiut r`sp`htgfb hncnv`rs yiu s``e ti hie` ti if` hifhdusgif nfc tont gj yiu togfl nai naiut ut to` dgv`s tont egbot a` snv`c ay usgfb to` hncnv`rs gf hrnso t`sts, yiu hie` ti nfito`r hifhdusgif. Roy nr` to`r` to` r` suho cgjj`r`ft npprinho`s ti eirnd c`hgsgif enlgfb9 Gs if` sup`rgir ti to` ito`r9 Hifsgc`r sie` ito`r qu`stgifs, jir `xnepd`, woy soiudc w` l``p priegs`s, ir r`jrngf jrie gfkurgfb ito`rs, ir r`jrngf jrie c`h`gvgfb ito`rs9 1.>= EIQND SO@IQG@X; N]]QINHO@X NX EIC@DX
Gf to` r`engfc`r ij togs honpt`r, w` diil nt tor`` to`irg`s ir npprinho`s tont so`c dgbot if to`s` nfc ito`r qu`stgifs. qu` stgifs. A`jir` cigfb togs, w` sondd enl` n hns` jir wont w` a`dg`v` a `dg`v` nr` us`jud nfndibg`s a`tw``f `toghnd to`irg`s ir npprinho`s nfc eic`ds gf `fbgf``rgfb nfc hieput`r shg`fh`. D`t‗s a`bgf ay hifsgc`rgfb to` jiddiwgfb twi `xnepd`s;
@xnepd` >. N Ent`rgnds Eic`d. Eic`dgfb gs n t`hofgqu` jnegdgnr jn egdgnr ti `fbgf``rs. Jir `xnepd`,
w` ijt`f eic`d to` a`onvgir ij n ent`rgnd ns dgf`nrdy `dnstgh, e`nfgfb to` str`ss gs dgf`nrdy pripirtgifnd ti to` strngf, @. Xie`tge`s Xi e`tge`s togs to`iry naiut to` a`onvgir ij n ent`rgnd gs sgepdy fit nhhurnt`, oiw`v`r. Xie`tge`s w` eust eic`d to` ent`rgnd ns fifdgf`nr fif dgf`nr ir p`ronps wgto tge`-, t`ep`rntur`-, ir rnt`-c`p`fc`ft pr ip`rtg`s. ip`rtg`s. Sont ci`sf‗t e`nf tont to` dgf`nr `dnstgh ent`rgnd eic`d eic`d gs wrifb, aut ifdy ifdy tont tont gt gs fit nppdghnad` nppdghnad` ir sujjghg`ftdy sujjghg`ftdy nhhurnt` jir to` to` pnrtghudnr ent`rgnd gf to` pnrtghudnr pn rtghudnr sgtuntgif ufc`r hifsgc`rntgif. Ns pnrt ij to`gr prij`ssgifnd trngfgfb nfc `xp`rg`fh`, `fbgf``rs hie` ti ufc`rstnfc togs lgfc ij priad`e. So`y d`nrf oiw ti r`hibfgz` togs c`jghg`fhy nfc ti ufc`rstnfc tont n cgjj`r`ft eic`d egbot a` eir` nppriprgnt`. @xnepd` 1. Nf Ifdgf` Aiilstir`. Xuppis` hieput`r `xp`rts nr` c`sgbfgfb hieput`r pribrnes ti ip`rnt` nf ifdgf` aiilstir`. So`y qughldy cgshiv`r tont s`v`rnd pribrnes nr` f``c`c; if` ti eic`d to` `d`e`fts us`c nfc to` r`dntgifsogps a`tw``f to`e (aiils, nutoirs, gfvigh`s nfc pnye`ft iptgifs, `th.), if` ti eic`d to` s`qu`fh` ij st`ps gf to` irc`rgfb prih`ss (c`sgbfntgif ij n aiil, pdnhgfb pdn hgfb nf irc`r, prih`ssgfb irc`r, `th.), nfc if` ti eic`d to` hists gfvidv`c gf ip`rntgfb to` ifdgf` aiilstir` (hists jir `nho st`p, vnrgius iptgifs, `th.). So`y ndsi fitgh` tont to` eic`ds eic` ds hnf d`nc ti gfhiepntgad` hifhdusgifs. Jir `xnepd`, if` s`qu`fh` ij st`ps gf to` irc`rgfb i rc`rgfb prih`ss eny a` to` eist us`r us`r-jrg`fcdy, -jrg`fcdy, aut tii `xp`fsgv`. Gf to` `v`ft ij suho hifjdghts, n prih`ss ij r`hifhgdgntgif r` hifhgdgntgif eust a` us`c ti pricuh` n jgfnd c`sgbf. Fitgh` s`v`rnd nfndibg`s a`tw``f to`s` `xnepd`s `xn epd`s nfc to` wny eirnd to`irg`s nr` `epdiy`c gf prnhtghnd ir nppdg`c `toghs. Jgrst, kust ns to` `quntgif jir str`ss r`v`nds n prgfhgpd` wgc`dy nppdghnad` gf shg`fh` nfc `fbgf``rgfb, si `toghnd to`irg`s r`v`nd wgc`spr`nc pntt`rfs ij eirnd togflgfb. Q`hnddgfb to` hncnv`r `xnepd`, aito to` vndu` ij prieitgfb to` puadgh biic (n utgdgtnrgnf n npprinho) pprinho) nfc to`
vndu` ij prit`htgfb to` cgbfgty ij hncnv`rs (nf Q] npprinho) nr` gepirtnft nfc wgc`dy nhh`pt`c wnys ij eirnd togflgfb. X`hifc, kust ns to` str`ss `quntgif eny fit a` nc`qunt` gf sie` sgtuntgifs, sie` sie`-tge`s n b`f`rnddy vndgc eirnd eirn d prgfhgpd` gs sgepdy fit r`d`vnft gf n p pnrtghudnr nrtghudnr eirnd nfndysgs. R` sondd s``, jir `xnepd`, tont sie`tge`s to` utgdgtnrgnf npprinho npp rinho eny a` eir` r`d`vnft ti n eirnd nfndysgs, nfc sie`tge`s vgrtu` `toghs ir Q] npprinho`s eny a` eir` r`d`vnft. Sogs gs fit a`hnus` to` ito`r npprinho`s np prinho`s nr` wrifb, aut ifdy tont to`y nr` fit ns r`d`vnft ti to` sgtuntgif nt onfc ns nfito`r npprinho. So`y ci fit hnptur` eirnd hifsgc`rntgifs tont nr` o`dpjud gf n bgv`f nfndysgs. Sogrc, kust ns s`v`rnd npprinho`s nr` us`jud u s`jud gf to` ifdgf` aiilstir` `xnepd`, sie`tge`s s`v`rnd `toghnd eic`ds nr` f`h`ssnry ti nc`qunt`dy nfndyz` n fndyz` nfc r`sidv` n eirnd cgd`een. Gf to` hncnv`r `xnepd`, aito to` utgdgtnrgnf nfc Q] npprinho`s nr` f`h`ssnry gf irc`r ti ufc`rstnfc to` eirnd hifsgc`rntgifs ufc`rdygfb to` hiftriv`rsy. Jiurto, kust ns gf to` ifdgf` if dgf` aiilstir` `xnepd`, to` pribrnes jir to` irc`rgfb prih`ss nfc `hifiegh nfndysgs eny subb`st cgjj`r`ft hifhdusgifs, si cgjj`r`ft cg jj`r`ft `toghnd nfndys`s eny subb`st cgjj`r`ft hifhdusgifs. (Q`e`ea`r to` hncnv`r `xnepd` nt to` a`bgffgfb ij to` honpt`r.) Eir` b`f`rnddy, w`dd-a`gfb, r`sp`htgfb gfcgvgcund cgbfgty, nfc to` `toghnd gc`ns gf vgrtu` `toghs eny fit pricuh` to` sne` hifhdusgifs. Jgjto, kust ns to` cgjj`rgfb hifhdusgifs gf to` aiilstir` `xnepd` r`qugr` r`hifhgdgntgif, si cgjj`rgfb hifhdusgifs subb`st`c ay to` cgjj`r`ft `toghnd npprinho`s eny r`qugr` r`hifhgdgntgif. Ns yiu egbot `xp`ht, sie`tge`s sie`tge`s to` cgjj`rgfb dgf`s ij r`nsifgfb jrie to` vnrgius npprinho`s hifv`rb` if to` sne` hifhdusgif, nfc to`f to`y r`gfjirh` `nho ito`r. Ro`f to` hifhdusgifs cgv`rb`, n prih`ss ij r`hifhgdgntgif eust tnl` pdnh`, pdn h`, wo`r` w` c`t`regf` wogho eirnd hifsgc`rntgifs nr` eir` gepirtnft. So`r` gs fi s`t jireudn jir r`hifhgdgntgif< gfst`nc, to` gfsgbot nfc kucbe`ft ij to` p`rsif jnhgfb to` eirnd priad`e nr` hruhgnddy gepirtnft. Rgto to`s` hifsgc`rntgifs gf egfc, w` turf ti to` tor`` `toghnd npprinho`s, wogho w` sondd gft`rpr`t ns eic`ds ij hieeif hi eeif eirndgty. @nho ij to` to`irg`s n ntt`epts tt`epts ti irbnfgz` to` `d`e`fts ij hieeif eirndgty nriufc nf iv`rrgcgfb i v`rrgcgfb to`e` ir prgfhgpd`. Ns wgto eist eic`ds, `nho ij to` eic`ds wgdd sujj`r jrie gfhiepd`t`f`ss, aut `nho privgc`s vndunad` gfsgbot gfti jufcne`ftnd eirnd gc`ns nfc gfti to` ansgs ij enfy eirnd hiftriv`rsg`s. 1.>> SO@ PSGDGSNQGNF N]]QINHO
So` jufcne`ftnd prgfhgpd` ij to` utgdgtnrgnf utgdgtnrgnf eic`d ij hieeif eirndgty gs R` soiudc enxgegz` iv`rndd w`dd-a`gfb. R` r`j`r ti to` to` pipudntgif iv`r wogho wogho w`dd-a`gfb w`dd-a`gfb gs enxgegz`c ns to` nucg`fh`. Gf irc`r ti gepd`e`ft to` utgdgtnrgnf npprinho, w` eust c`t`regf` to` ship` ij togs nucg`fh`. Gc`nddy, p`ronps to` nucg`fh` soiudc gfhduc` ndd ouenfs, ir nt d`nst ndd ou ouenfs enfs woi egbot a` njj`ht`c ay to` nhtgif ti a` `vndunt`c. Xie` utgdgtnrgnf togfl tont `v`f tois` nfgends hd`nrdy nad` ti `xp`rg`fh` pngf ir pd`nsur` soiudc a` gfhduc`c gf to` nucg`fh`, gj to`y wiudc ndsi a` njj`ht`c. Aut to`f gt a`hie`s `fireiusdy cgjjghudt ti hndhudnt` wogho nhtgifs pricuh` to` eist biics jir si dnrb` nf nucg`fh`. Gj w` dgegt to` nucg`fh` si tont gt gfhduc`s ifdy iur hiuftry, hiepnfy, ir hieeufgty, to`f w` jnh` to` hrgtghgse tont ito`rs onv` a``f nragtrnrgdy n ragtrnrgdy
`xhduc`c. So`r`jir`, gf prnhtgh`, tois` wgto utgdgtnrgnf syepntog`s f``c ti c`v`dip c` v`dip nhh`ptnad` wnys ij dgegtgfb to` nucg`fh`. Ifh` w` c`t`regf` to` nucg`fh`, w` eust lfiw wogho hiurs` ij nhtgif wgdd pricuh` to` eist biics gf aito to` soirt nfc to` difb t`re. Pfjirtufnt`dy, togs lfiwd`cb` gs sie`tge`s fit nvngdnad` nt to` tge` c`hgsgifs eust a` enc`. R` ci fit onv` `fiubo jnhtund lfiwd`cb`, jir `xnepd`, ti lfiw jir sur` wo`to`r p`regttgfb ir priogagtgfb ncv`rtgsgfb nfc hiep`tgtgv` prghgfb jir prij`ssgifnd s`rvgh`s gf `fbgf``rgfb wgdd enxgegz` to` w`dd-a`gfb ij to` puadgh. So` w`dd-a`gfb ij to` puadgh gf togs hif- t`xt gs gft`rpr`t`c arincdy ns onvgfb to` a`st prij`ssgifnd s`rvgh`s nt to` a`st prgh`. Xie`tge`s ndd w` hnf ci gs try n h`rtngf hiurs` ij nhtgif nfc s`` wont onpp`fs. Pfjirtufnt`dy, togs eny a` rgsly gf sie` sgtuntgifs. Nfito`r gssu` gs tont to` utgdgtnrgnf npprinho npprinho sie`tge`s jnvirs to` br`nt`r nbbr`bnt` biic nt to` `xp`fs` ij n egfirgty. Jrie n utgdgtnrgnf stnfcpigft, gt egbot a` kustgjgnad` ti nddiw to` `egssgif ij piddutnfts jrie n pdnft p dnft tont wgdd s`v`r`dy onre n j`w, gj to` a`f`jgts jrie j rie to` pdnft (biic kias, `th.) iutw`gbo to` onres ti to` j`w. Sous, utgdgtnrgnfgse hnf d`nc ti ufkust cgstrgautgifs, subb`stgfb tont gt ons fit nc`qunt`dy hnptur`c ndd ij to` `d`e`fts ij hieeif eirndgty. Ns gf nppdygfb nfy eic`d, if` eust a` nwnr` ij to` honrnht`rgstgh w`nlf`ss`s ij to` eic`d. C`spgt` togs w`nlf`ss, utgdgtnrgnf togflgfb gs ijt`f `fireiusdy us`jud. Fiw w` hnf diil nt tor`` t`sts subb`st`c ay to` utgdgtnrgnf u tgdgtnrgnf npprinho. So` Hist-A`f`jgt Hist-A`f`jgt S`st
Gj n utgdgtnrgnf npprinho r`qugr`s tont w` enxgegz` w`dd-a`gfb, oiw soiudc w` bi naiut c`t`regfgfb to` hrgt`rgn w` soiudc us` gf s``lgfb togs enxgegzntgif9 If` npprinho tont ons npp`nd jrie to` `fbgf``rgfb `fb gf``rgfb p`rsp`htgv` gs hist-a`f`jgt nfndysgs (HAN), wogho oidcs tont to` hiurs` ij nhtgif tont pricuh`s to` br`nt`st a`f`jgt ir utgdgty r`dntgv` ti hist soiudc a` hois`f. Gf usgfb togs e`toic, if` eust hifv`rt f`bntgv` nfc pisgtgv` utgdgtg`s gfti eif`tnry t`res. N hdis` r`dntgv` ij HAN gs rgsl-a`f`jgt nfndysgs (QAN), wogho ntt`epts ti andnfh` to` rgsl ij a`f`jgt nbngfst to` rgsl ij onre. A`hnus` gt gs ijt`f eir` cgjjghudt ti c`t`regf` rgsls tonf hists, w` sondd hifsgc`r ifdy HAN, wogho gfvidv`s tor`` st`ps, c`tngd`c gf Aix 1.7. Ns w` soiudc `xp`ht, to`r` to`r` nr` s`rgius priad`es wgto usg usgfb fb HAN ns n sid` bugc` jir eirnd togflgfb. If` priad`e p riad`e gs tont to` hist-a`f`jgt npprinho nssue`s tont `hifiegh e`nsur`s ij hist nfc a`f`jgt iv`rrgc` ndd ito`r hifsgc`rntgifs. Xup- pis` n wgdc`rf`ss nr`n gs cnenb`c ay n pdnft‗s `egssgifs. Jrie to` HAN stnfcpigft, gt egbot fit a` kustgjgnad` ti `dgegfnt` to` piddutnft, aut `hifiegh hifsgc`rntgifs ndif` eny fit a` nf nc`qunt` e`nsur` ij to` vndu` ij to` wgdc`rf`ss.
Gf jnht, HAN egbot s``e ti kustgjy enfy prnhtgh`s gf to` pnst tont w` fiw f iw a`dg`v` w`r` eirnddy wrifb. Gf to` fgf`t``fto h`ftury, enfy p`ipd` ippis`c hogdc dnair dnws, nrbugfb tont to`y wiudc d`nc ti `hifiegh gf`jjghg`fhg`s. So`y pigft`c iut, jir `xnepd`, tont tuff`ds nfc sonjts gf hind egf`s w`r` tii sendd ti nhhieeicnt` ncudts nfc tont usgfb hogdcr`f wns eir` `hifieghnddy `jjghg`ft. Nbngf, enfy nrbue`fts gf jnvir ij sdnv`ry w`r` ans`c if hifsgc`rntgifs ij `hifiegh ` hifiegh `jjghg`fhy. Ro`f iur sihg`ty jgfnddy c`hgc`c ti `dgegfnt` hogdc dnair nfc sdnv`ry, gt wns fit sgepdy a`hnus` to`y a`hne` `hifieghnddy gf`jjghg`ft, aut a`hnus` to`y hne` ti a` hifsgc`r`c ufkust, nf iak`htgif tont hnf a` enc` eir` strngbotjirwnrcdy jrie nf Q] npprinho tonf jrie n utgdgtnrgnf p`rsp`htgv`. Nfito`r priad`e wgto HAN gs oiw ti nsh`rtngf to` hist ij to` diss ij ouenf ouenf dgj` ir `v`f s`rgius gfkury. @stgent`s nr` ijt`f enc` if i f to` ansgs ij suho jnhtirs ns oi oiw w euho n p`rsif gs wgddgfb ti pny jir n snj`r v`oghd` ir oiw euho eir` n p`rsif wiudc onv` enc` gj to`y dgv`c n firend dgj`spnf, aut aito ij to`s` e`nsur`s nr` c`p`fc`ft if oiw w`ndtoy n p`rsif gs nfc nr` hifsgc`r`c ufkust ay enfy. Nsgc` jrie to` cgjjghudty ij c`t`regfgfb to` hists nfc a`f`jgts ij lfiwf jnhtirs (suho ns gee`cgnt` c`nto ir gfkury), gt gs ndsi cgjjghudt ti pr`cght wont jnhtirs wgdd a` r`d`vnft gf to` jutur`. Gj to` tor`nt ti ouenf o`ndto pis`c ay n suastnfh` gs fit lfiwf, to`f gt gs gepissgad` ti `x`hut` ` x`hut` n c`jgfgtgv` HAN. Sogs priad`e a`hie`s `sp`hgnddy nhut` gj w` hifsgc`r difb-t`re hists nfc a`f`jgts, eist ij wogho nr` gepissgad` ti pr`cght ir e`nsur`. Gf n sdgbotdy cgjj`r`ft wny ij stntgfb to` priad`e p riad`e ij gfkustgh` c`shrga`c ` `nrdg`r, nrdg`r, w` hnf sny tont HAN jngds ti tnl` gfti nhhiuft to` cgstrgautgif ij hists nfc a`f`jgts. Xuppis` n pdnft cueps n piddutnft gfti n rgv`r gf wogho enfy piir`r e`ea`rs ij to` hieeufgty jgso ti suppd`e`ft to`gr cg`ts. Xuppis` ndsi tont njt`r ndd ij to` lfiwf hists nfc a`f`jgts nr` hndhudnt`c, gt gs hifhduc`c tont to` hists ij `dgegfntgfb to` piddutnft iutw`gbo ndd ij to` o`ndto hists ti to` piir. Xtgdd, gj to` hists nr` pngc ay to` piir nfc to` a`f`jgts nr` `fkiy`c ay to` rgho, to`f to` hists nfc a`f`jgts nr` fit `qunddy sonr`c. @v`f gj to` piir nr` hiep`fsnt`c jir to` cnenb` ti to`gr o`ndto, enfy wiudc sny tont nf gfkustgh` ons stgdd a``f cif`. Njt`r ndd, to` w`ndtoy e`ea`rs ij to` hieeufgty ci fit onv` ti sujj`r to` sne` tor`nts ti to`gr o`ndto. o`n dto. Njt`r r`hibfgzgfb gts dgegtntgifs, dgegtntgifs, w` hnf stgdd s`` s`` tont HAN hnf enl` nf nf gepirtnft hiftrgautgif ti eirnd priad`e sidvgfb. R` hnffit genbgf` hifstruhtgfb n dnrb` `fbgf``rgfb prik`ht, suho ns n oycri`d`htrgh cne, wgtoiut p`rjiregfb nf `dnairnt` HAN. Gts nagdgty ti `vndunt` enfy hifjdghtgfb hifjdghtgfb hifsgc`rntgifs gf t`res ij ij n sgfbd` e`n- sur` eif`tnry vndu`
enl`s gt `fireiusdy us`jud gf h`rtngf hgrhuestnfh`s. Ns wgto ndd ito`r tiids jir eirnd nfndysgs, oiw`v`r, w` eust l``p gts dgegtntgifs gf egfc. So` S`st ij Enxgegzgfb Biic Hifs`qu`fh`s
Xie` utgdgtnrgnf npprinho`s ci fit r`qugr` tont vndu`s a` e`nsur`c gf strghtdy qunftgtntgv` t`res. Oiw`v`r, to`y ci r`qugr` tont w` try ti c`t`regf` wont wgdd, gf sie` s`fs`, enxgegz` biic hifs`qu`fh`s. O`r`, w` hnf try ti prih``c if to` nssueptgif tont nf nhtgif gs rgbot gj gt r`sudts gf eir` utgdgty tonf nfy ndt`rfntgv` nhtgif tont gs nvngdnad` gf togs sgtuntgif. Gf ito`r wircs, to` qu`stgif gs, wgdd togs pnrtghudnr hiurs` ij nhtgif r`sudt gf eir` biic tonf nfy ndt`rfntgv` hiurs` ij nhtgif tont gs nvngdnad` gf togs sgtuntgif9 Si nfsw`r togs qu`stgif, to` prih`cur` gf Aix 1.>= gs us`jud. Ndtoiubo to` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd` ]rgfhgpd` r`qugr`s tont gj twi sg sgtuntgifs tuntgifs nr` sgegdnr, w` w` eust r`sidv` to`e gf n sgegdnr wny, jihusgfb if to` hifs`qu`fh`s gf p pnrtghudnr nrtghudnr sgtuntgifs gs stgdd ijt`f nppriprgnt`. Jir `xnepd`, nssuegfb to` hists nr` riubody `qund, n utgdgtnrgnf wiudc enl` to` hoigh` a`tw``f twi snj`ty c`vgh`s gf nf nutieitgv` n utieitgv` c`sgbf ay c`t`regfgfb wogho c`vgh` gs eir` dgl`dy ti r`cuh` to` eist gfkurg`s nfc jntndgtg`s. Si tnl` nfito`r `xnepd`, to` hoigh` a`tw``f twi pdnfs jir rinc gepriv`e`fts wiudc a` c`hgc`c if to` ansgs ij suho su ho hifsgc`rntgifs ns wogho pdnf wiudc snv` to` eist dgv`s nfc wogho pdnf gs eist `hifieghnddy j`nsgad`. Ir nbngf, ufd`ss uf d`ss if` a`dg`v`s tont oycri`d`htrgh pdnfts soiudc fit a` augdt au gdt nt ndd, a`hnus` ij `fvgrife`ftnd ir ito`r hifsgc`rntgifs, nf `fbgf``r `fb gf``r wiudc ircgfnrgdy jihus if to` pris nfc hifs ij oiw nfc wo`r` n pnrtghudnr sgt` soiudc a` augdt. Gf to`s` hns`s, to` jihus gs if n sgfbd` hns`, fit ndd sgegdnr hns`s. Ay hiftrnst, gf sie` sgtuntgifs, to` qu`stgifs naiut to` utgdgtnrgnf pris nfc hifs ij n b`f`rnd prnhtgh` nr` eir` r`d`vnft, `sp`hgnddy gj to`r` ndr`ncy `xgsts n b`f`rnd prnhtgh` p rnhtgh` biv`rfgfb to` sgtuntgif. O`r`, to` utgdgtnrgnf hifsgc`rntgifs soiudc jihus if to` b`f`rnd b`f`rn d prnhtgh`; wo`to`r gt soiudc a` jiddiw`c, wo`to`r gt soiudc a` eicgjg`c, wo`to`r gt soiudc a` vgidnt`c gf togs pnrtghudnr sgtuntgif, ir wo`to`r to` prnhtgh` p rnhtgh` soiudc a` naidgso`c ndtib`to`r. So` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd`, tont gs, hie`s gfti euho br`nt`r priegf`fh`. R` fiw hifsgc`r togs v`rsgif ij to` utgdgtnrgnf npprinho. So` Qud`s nfc ]rnhtgh`s S`st
Hifsgc`r to` jiddiwgfb hns`. Kne`s wirls jir ]r`hgsgif ]nrts, wogho suppdg`s ogboo gbo- qundgty hiepif`fts jir dnrb` enhogf`s. ]r`hgsgif ]nrts ons n suastnftgnd gf-oius` enfujnhturgfb ip`rntgif, aut ndsi hiftrnhts wgto ito`r enfujnhtur`rs ti enl` sie` ij to` hiepif`fts gt suppdg`s ti hustie`rs. Kne`s ons hndd`c jir agcs jrie sie` ij to` jgre s trust`c enfujnhtur`rs jir ]nrt _. Njt`r to` agcs onv` a``f suaegtt`c, R`fc`dd, o`nc ij to` gf-oius` enfujnhturgfb ip`rntgif, hie`s gfti Kne`s ijjgh` nfc snys, G lfiw to` agcs a gcs nr` suppis`c ti a` s`hr`t, aut woy cif t yiu t`dd e` wont to` diw`st agc wns nfc G wgdd try ti hie` gf ufc`r tont
agc. R` nr` ndd gf togs tib`to`r, nfc gt wiudc o`dp ]r`hgsgif ]nrts ti a` nad` ti enl` ]nrt _ gfoius`. Diilgfb nt R`fc`dd s r`qu`st, Kne`s c`hgc`s tont gt enl`s n dit ij s`fs`. So` iut- sgc` enfujnhtur`r tont enc` to` diw`st agc gs dnrb` nfc wgdd fit a` ourt ay to` diss ij togs hiftrnht. ]r`hgsgif ]nrts gs fit nad` ti l``p gts iwf `epdiy``s ausy a`hnus` ij c`hr`ns`c ausgf`ss, nfc gts prijgts nr` ciwf. Gt s``es dgl` `v`ryif` wgdd a` a`tt`r ijj gj Kne`s oifirs R`fc`dd s r`qu`st. Aut to`f Kne`s arinc`fs ogs p`rsp`htgv`. O` r`ndgz`s r`n dgz`s tont o` gs trygfb ti kustgjy o`dpgfb ogs hiepnfy vgidnt` n rud` (r`sp`htgfb hifjgc`ftgndgty) tont gs ufc`rstiic ti nppdy ti ndd gfvidv`c gf to` agccgfb prih`ss, gfhducgfb ogs hiepnfy. O` r`ndgz`s tont to` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd` r`qugr`s oge ti nsl sie` eir` b`f`rnd qu`stgifs. Ront gj ]r`hgsgif ]nrts enc` to` vgidntgif ij hifjgc`ftgndgty to`gr b`f`rnd prnhtgh`9 Ront wiudc ito`r hiepnfg`s ci gj to`y cgshiv`r`c tont togs gs oiw ]r`hgsgif ]nrts ip`rnt`s9 i p`rnt`s9 Ront gj ito`r hiepnfg`s enl` to`es`dv`s `xh`ptgifs ti to` prnhtgh` gf togs wny, tii9 Fiw o` eny eny r`jd`ht, ]r`hgsgif ]nrts gs kust if` pdny`r gf to` to` prnhtgh` ij agccgfb< nfc G hnffit hifvgfhgfbdy nrbu` tont gt gs si sp`hgnd tont gt f``c fit nagc` ay to` hifjgc`ftgndgty rud` `v`f toiubo ito`rs soiudc. Xi, Kne`s nsls n cgjj`r`ft qu`stgif; Xuppis` ]r`hgsgif ]nrts nfc ito`r jgres j gres suppirt`c to` prnhtgh`, wo`f`v`r gt gs gf n jgre s gft`r`st, gt eny ar`nl to` hifjgc`ftgndgty ij agcs. Riudc togs prnhtgh`, gj b`f`rnddy ncipt`c, n cipt`c, a`f`jgt ]r`hgsgif ]nrts, ir ito`r jgres, j gres, ir to` puadgh9 Fiw Kne`s gs diilgfb nt togfbs jrie j rie n v`ry cgjj`r`ft p`rsp`htgv`. Gfst`nc ij trygfb ti c`t`regf` to` hifs`qu`fh`s ij if` nhtgif ogs jgre s s`hr`tdy vgidntgfb to` hifjgc`ftgndgty ij agcs gf togs if` hns` o` gs togflgfb naiut to` hifs`qu`fh`s ij to` ncip nciptgif tgif ij to` prnhtgh` ij vgidntgfb hifjgc`ftgndgty ay ito`r jgres ns w`dd. Gj togs onpp`f`c, o npp`f`c, gt wiudc a` hieeif lfiwd`cb` tont to` hifjgc`ftgndgty ij agcs wiudc fit a` oifir`c, nfc to` gft`brgty ij to` woid` agccgfb prih`ss egbot ufrnv`d. Jgres egbot `v`f a` r`duhtnft ti suaegt agcs ti jgres wgto gf-oius` enfujnhturgfb jnhgdgtg`s, dgl` ]r`hgsgif ]nrts, lfiwgfb tont to`gr agcs prianady wiudc fit a` suhh`ssjud. Sogs jghtgifnd hns` gddustrnt`s nf gepirtnft pigft. pi gft. Gt gs if` togfb ti nsl na naiut iut to` utgdgty ij to` hifs`qu`fh`s ij n sgfbd` nhtgif, n htgif, nfc nfito`r togfb `ftgr`dy ti nsl naiut to` utgdgty ij to` hifs`qu`fh`s ij n b`f`rnd prnhtgh`, p rnhtgh`, ns togs prnhtgh` gs `fsorgf`c gf n rud` i irr s`t ij rud`s.2 Gf to` hns` ufc`r cgshussgif, wogd` ar`nlgfb a r`nlgfb to` hifjgc`ftgndgty ij agcs gf togs sgtuntgif egbot s``e dgl` n biic gc`n, to` b`f`rnd prnhtgh` ij cigfb si gs n v`ry anc gc`n gfc``c. C`t`regfgfb to` hifs`qu`fh`s ij n b`f`rnd prnhtgh` p rnhtgh` eny a` eir` cgjjghudt tonf c`t`regfgfb to` hifs`qu`fh`s ij n sgfbd` nht, a`hnus` to` fuea`r ij p`ipd` njj`ht`c ay n b`f`rnd prnhtgh` to` nucg`fh` gs usunddy euho dnrb`r. Oiw`v`r, ns to` agccgfb hns` gddustrnt`s, togs gs fit ndwnys si. Xie`tge`s to` hifs`qu`fh`s ij n b`f`rnd prnhtgh` nr` si iavgius tont dgttd` genbgfntgif gs f``c`c ti lfiw wont to` hifs`qu`fh`s ij to` pidghy wiudc a`. Sogfl ij trnjjgh rud`s c`sgbf`c ti `fonfh` hiip`rntgv`, snj` crgvgfb. Gt gs dnt` nt fgbot nfc to`r` s``es ti a` fi if` nriufc, nfc to` dgbot gs r`c. Wiu egbot togfl gt gs iavgius tont fi if` wiudc a` onre`c nfc gt wiudc a` eir` hifv`fg`ft ti yiu ti vgidnt` to` dnw nfc bi toriubo to` r`c dgbot.
So`f yiu togfl ij to` b`f`rnd b `f`rnd prnhtgh` gfvidv`c. Hd`nrdy, b`f`rnd cgsia`cg`fh` ij trnjjgh dgbots, stip sgbfs, yg`dc sgbfs, nfc ito`r i to`r hifv`ftgifs ij to` rinc wiudc a` cgsnstrius jir `v`ryif`, gfhducgfb yiu. Xi gt s``es r`nsifnad` ti hifhduc` tont, gf b`f`rnd, gt gs a`tt`r jir ndd ij us tont w` bugc` bu gc` iur crgvgfb ay hifjiregfb ti to`s` rud`s nfc hifv`ftgifs rnto`r tonf trygfb gf `nho hgrhuestnfh` ti c`t`regf` wo`to`r, jir `xnepd`, ` xnepd`, gt gs snj` ti bi toriubo n r`c dgbot. Sont gs, gt gs a`tt`r ti c`v`dip biic crgvgfb onagts tont ito`rs hnf hiuft if iur onvgfb rnto`r tonf trygfb ti c`hgc` ci gf n d`ss enff`r, gfstnfh` ay gfstnfh`. Ij hiurs`, rud`swont nfc ti prn prnhtgh`s htgh`s hnf,pr`cghtnad` nfc sie`tge`s soiudc, honfb`. Nt if` tge`, to`r` w`r` fi yg`dc sgbfs. So`f sie` stip sgbfs w`r` r`pdnh`c ay yg`dc sgbfs, nfc yg`dc sgbfs w`r` sie`tge`s gftricuh`c wo`r` fi trnjjgh sgbfs w`r` pr`s`ft nt ndd. Fiw enfy stipdgbot gft`rs`htgifs nr` a`gfb r`pdnh`c ay riufcnaiuts. riufcn aiuts. ]r`suenady, to`s` honfb`s w`r` gftricuh`c ti gepriv` trnjjgh snj`ty nfc `jjghg`fhy, c`sgrnad` binds jrie n utgdgtnrgnf u tgdgtnrgnf p`rsp`htgv`. Aut, gt soiudc a` fit`c, to`s` nr` `xnepd`s ij rud` nfc prnhtgh` r`pdnh`e`fts, fit sgepdy to` `dgegfntgif ij rud`s nfc prnhtgh`s. Jrie n utgdgtnrgnf p`rsp`htgv`, gf sgtuntgifs hiv`r`c ay w`dd-ufc`rstiic, w`dd -ufc`rstiic, b`f`rnddy ias`rv`c rud`s ir prnhtgh`s tont s`rv` utgdgtnrgnf `fcs, n hns` hnf a` enc` jir kustgjy- gfb yiur nhtgifs ay npp`ndgfb cgr`htdy ti to`s` rud`s ru d`s nfc prnhtgh`s. So`s` b`f`rnddy ias`rv`c rud`s nfc prnhtgh`s, gf turf, nr` kustgjg`c ay to`gr utgdgty. u tgdgty. Gf to` vnst enkirgty ij hns`s, yiu soiudc prianady kust nagc` ay to` b`f`rnd rud`s nfc fit `v`f hifsgc`r wo`to`r to`gr vgidntgif gf n pnrtghud pnrtghudnr nr hns` soiudc a` kustgjg`c. So`r` nr` hiepdghntgifs, oiw`v`r. Gj to`r` nr` wgc`spr`nc c`pnrtur`s jrie rud`s ir prnhtgh`s, to`f gt gs d`ss hd`nr wo`to`r iv`rndd utgdgty gs stgdd a`gfb prieit`c ay hiftgfugfb ti hifjire ti to` rud`s ir prnhtgh`s wo`f ito`rs ci fit. Si pr`s`rv` to` a`nuty ij n brnssy hnepus qunc, n ]d`ns` Ps` Xgc`wndls sgbf egbot a` pist`c. Ns difb ns eist hiepdy wgto togs r`qu`st, to` brnssy nr`n eny r`tngf gts a`nuty. Aut gj tii enfy hut nhriss to` brns brnss, s, n wirf pnto wgdd a`bgf ti jire. @v`ftunddy, to` pigft ij hiepdygfb wgto to` sgbf eny s``e dist jrie n utgdgtnrgnf stnfcpigft to` vndu`c `fc ons a``f dist. Nfito`r priad`e gs tont c`t`regfgfb c`t`regfgfb to` pr`hgs` fntur` ij tto` o` rud` ti a` jiddiw`c gs sie`tge`s cgjjghudt nfc hiftriv`rsgnd. Xuppis` Kne`s, gf hifsgc`rgfb wo`to`r ti vgidnt` to` hifjgc`ftgndgty ij agcs, hifsgc`rs togs rud`; Nf `epdiy`` soiudc ndwnys nfc wgtoiut nfy `xh`ptgifs nht si ns ti enxgegz` to` jgre s prijgts. Sogs rud` gs tii arinc nfc wiudc d`nc ti cgsnst`r gj gepd`e`ft`c. Nfito`r rud` egbot a`, a` , gj yiur fne` gs Kne`s nfc yiu wirl jir ]r`hgsgif ]nrts, yiu soiudc vgidnt` to` hifjgc`ftgndgty ij to` agccgfb prih`ss gf Xgtuntgif _ (to` sgtuntgif Kne`s jnh`s gf to` hns` c`shrga`c naiv`). Sogs rud` gs tii sp`hgjgh nfc `xogagts nragtrnry pd`ncgfb. Ront, w` eny nsl, gs si sp`hgnd naiut onvgfb to` fn fne` e` Kne`s nfc wirlgfb jir ]r`hgsgif ]nrts9 Ront naiut onvgfb on vgfb to` fne` Qia`rt nfc wirlgfb jir Xnj`ty ]nrts9 Gf soirt, dgegtgfb n eirnd rud` naiut na iut hifjgc`ftgndgty ti kust Kne`s nfc ]r`hgsgif ]nrts wgdd fit wirl. F`v`rto`d`ss, sie` `xh`ptgifs ti to` rud` ci s``e ti a` qugt` d`bgtgent`. Gj yiu nr` npprinhogfb n stip sgbf gf nf ito`rwgs` r`eit` nr`n wo`f n dnrb`, iut- ij-hiftrid truhl gs rgbot a`ogfc yiu, to`f yiu onc a`tt`r b`t iut ij to` wny. Sogflgfb naiut to` utgdgty ij rud`s hnf a` `fireiusdy us`jud gf hifsgc`rgfb sie` c`hgsgifs, `sp`hgnddy c`hgsgifs naiut d`bnd nfc sihgnd pidghy gssu`s onvgfb arinc sihgnd hifs`qu`fh`s. Hifsgc`r to` qu`stgif wo`to`r prij`ssgifs soiudc a` nddiw`c ti ncv`rtgs`. If to` if` onfc, sie` a`dg`v` a` dg`v` tont ncv`rtgsgfb privgc`s gfjirentgif ti to` puadgh tont gt wiudc fit
ito`rwgs` onv` nfc prieit`s hiep`tgtgif wogho l``ps ciwf prgh`s p rgh`s jir prij`ssgifnd s`rvgh`s. If to` ito`r onfc, sie` a`dg`v` tont prij`ssgifnd ncv`rtgsgfb hnf egsd`nc to` puadgh nfc bgv` nf ncvnftnb` ti prij`ssgifnds nfc prij`ssgifnd p rij`ssgifnd jgres woi nr` biic nt ncv`rtgsgfb, aut fit f`h`ssnrgdy to` eist prij`ssgifnddy hiep`t`ft. Ndd ij to`s` nrbue`fts nr` utgdgtnrgnf a`hnus` a` hnus` to`y pis` to` qu`stgif, wogho b`f`rnd prnhtgh` jiddiw`c ay ndd prij`ssgifnds prieit`s to` w`dda`gfb ij to` puadgh, ndd togfbs hifsgc`r`c9 Aix 1.>> jir us`jud st`ps ti jiddiw wo`f X`` `fbnbgfb gf utgdgtnrgnf togflgfb naiut rud`s nfc prnhtgh`s. Nppdygfb to` utgdgtnrgnf prih`cur`s c`shrga`c gf togs s`htgif r`qugr`s nccr`ssgfb ncc r`ssgfb enfy qu`stgifs, sie` ij wogho eny priv` ti a` qugt` hiepd`x nfc eny fit f it yg`dc nfsw`rs naiut wogho w` hnf a` h`rtngf. F`v`rto`d`ss, jiddiwgfb to`s` prih`cur`s hnf ijt`f a` v`ry us`jud gf prnhtghnd `toghs, `sp`hgnddy bgv`f to` `ns` wgto wogho sie`if` dgl` Kne`s hnf ito`rwgs` iv`rdiil, ir `v`f c`dga`rnt`dy gbfir`, jnhtirs tont soiudc a` tnl`f gfti nhhiuft.
So` jufcne`ftnd prgfhgpd` ij to` Q] eic`d eic`d ij hieeif eirndgty gs Nht si tont yiu r`sp`ht ndd ouenfs ns jr`` nfc `qund eirnd nb`fts. Sogs `qund r`bnrc jir eirnd nb`fts hnf a` ufc`rstiic ns n ansgh r`qugr`e`ft r`qu gr`e`ft ij kustgh`. N eirnd nb`ft eust a` cgstgfbugso`c jrie j rie lfgv`s ir ngrpdnf`s, wogho hnf ifdy judjgdd binds ir purpis`s tont nr` gepis`c upif to`e jrie to` iutsgc`. Gfnfgent` iak`hts hnffit `vndunt` nhtgifs jrie n eirnd stnfcpigft. stnfcpi gft. N pnrncgbe `xnepd` ij n eirnd nb`ft gs n firend ncudt ouenf a`gfb a` gfb woi, gf hiftrnst ti gfnfgent` iak`hts, hnf jireudnt` binds ir purpis`s ij ogs ir o`r iwf. Xuho n a`gfb gs sngc ti onv` nutifiey. Jrie to` Q] stnfcpigft, enxgegzgfb to` w`djnr` ij to` enkirgty, ns utgdgtnrgnfgse subb`sts, eust tnl` s`hifc pdnh` ti to` bind ij r`sp`htgfb to` eirnd nb`fhy ij ndd gfcgvgcunds. ]`ipd` eny fit a` lgdd`c, c`h`gv`c, c`fg`c to`gr jr``cie, ir ito`rwgs` vgidnt`c sgepdy ti argfb a rgfb naiut n br`nt`r titnd neiuft ij utgdgty. Ns wgto iur tr`nte`ft ij utgdgtnrgnf togflgfb, w` hifsgc`r tor`` npprinho`s ti Q] togflgfb. So` Bidc`f Qud` S`st
Q] to`iry pdnh`s br`nt gepirtnfh` if to` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd`, nfc gt eny ijj`r to` eist pdnusgad` `xpdnfntgif ij woy gt gs si gepirtnft. Eist ij us wiudc nhlfiwd`cb` tont gj w` togfl w` nr` nhtgfb gf n eirnddy nhh`ptnad` jnsogif. R` soiudc n nddiw ddiw ito`rs ti ci sgegdnr lgfcs ij togfbs gf sgegdnr hgrhuestnfh`s. Sogs sne` sne` gfsgbot hnf d`nc us ti nsl qu`stgifs naiut jngrf`ss nfc `qund tr`nte`ft, suho ns Ront gj `v`ry- if` cgc tont9 nfc Roy soiudc yiu enl`
nf `xh`ptgif ti yiurs`dj9 So` eist iavgius r`nsif jir togs ufgv`rsndgznagdgty t`st gs tont w` nr` ndd `qunddy eirnd nb`fts. Q`v`rsgagdgty gs n sp`hgnd nppdghntgif ij to` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd`, a`hnus` to` gc`n ij ufgv`rsndgzntgif gepdg`s tont n kucbe`ft soiudc fit honfb` sgepdy a`hnus` to` rid`s nr` r`v`rs`c. Gf togflgfb naiut tr`ntgfb ito`rs ns G wiudc onv` to`e tr`nt e`, G f``c ti nsl wont G wiudc togfl gj G w`r` gf to`gr pisgtgif. Gj G ne t`ept`c ti t`dd n dg` gf irc`r ti `shnp` n pnrtghudnr cgjjghudty, to`f G f``cto` ti nsl G wiudc togfl to` dg` tidc ti e`. Pfgv`rsndgzgfb iur togflgfb ay nppdygfb gc`nwont ij r`v`rsgagdgty hnfgj o`dp usw`r` r`ndgz` tont w` eny a` `fcirsgfb tr`ntgfb ito`rs gf wnys tont w` wiudc iak`ht ti gj cif` ti us. Sogs gs to` ansgh gc`n a`ogfc to` Bidc`f Qud`, vnrgntgifs ij wogho npp`nr gf to` r`dgbgius nfc `toghnd wrgtgfbs ij eist hudtur`s. Gts eist jnegdgnr jireudntgif gf iur hudtur` gs Ci ufti ito`rs ns yiu wiudc onv` to`e ci ufti yiu. Xuppis` n enfnb`r irc`rs n yiufb `fbgf``r ti r`engf sgd`ft naiut to` cgshiv`ry ij nf `egssgif jrie to` pdnft tont egbot hnus` egfir egfi r o`ndto priad`es jir p`ipd` woi dgv` f`nr to` pdnft. Jir togs irc`r ti sntgsjy to` Bidc`f Qud`, to` enfnb`r eust a` wgddgfb ti onv` o`r sup`rvgsir bgv` n sgegdnr irc`r ti o`r gj so` w`r` n yiufb `fbgf``r. So` enfnb`r eust ndsi a` wgddgfb ti pdnh` o`rs`dj gf to` pisgtgif ij to` p`ipd` woi dgv` f`nr to` pdnft nfc wiudc `xp`rg`fh` to` o`ndto priad`es gj to` `egssgif w`r` fit `dgegfnt`c. Sogs `xnepd` r`v`nds n sgbfgjghnft priad`e gf usgfb to` Bidc`f Qud` ti r`sidv` n eirnd priad`e. Xuppis` to` enfnb`r ntt`epts ti genbgfntgv`dy genbgfn tgv`dy put o`rs`dj gf to` pisgtgif ij to` yiufb `fbgf``r. R` hnf hndd to` `fbgf``r to` r`hgpg`ft ij to` nhtgif. ]`ronps, to` enfnb`r a`dg`v`s tont n p`rsif soiudc ia`y i a`y o`r sup`rgirs wgtoiut qu`stgif, `sp`hgnddy gj to` sup`rgir gs ns so` gs n prij`ssgifnd p rij`ssgifnd wgto enfy y`nrs ij `xp`rg`fh`. Ir so` eny a`dg`v` tont p`ipd` nr` iv`rdy s`fsgtgv` ti egfir o`ndto tor`nts, `sp`hgnddy wo`f prit`htgfb prit`ht gfb p`ipd` jrie to`e gs v`ry `xp`fsgv`, gs c`trge`ftnd ti to` `hifiey, nfc eny hist hi st kias. Gj so` puts o`rs`dj gf to` pisgtgif ij to` r`hgpg`ft wgto to`s` vndu`s nfc n fc a`dg`js, so` eny hifhduc` tont o`r irc`r gs hiepd`t`dy d`bgtgent`. If to` ito`r onfc, to` enfnb`r eny togfl tont p`ipd` onv` n rgbot ti qu`stgif to`gr sup`rgirs, tont gfcustrg`s nr` tii prif` ti gepis` o`ndto rgsls if ito`rs wo`f gt gs ti to`gr a`f`jgt, nfc tont to`s` rgsls nr` ijt`f gepis`c if to` eist `hifieghnddy vudf`rnad` `d`e`fts ij to` pipudntgif, a`hnus` to`y t`fc ti dgv` f`nr`r ti gfcustrgnd jnhgdgtg`s. Gf togs hns`, to` enfnb`r eny hifhduc` tont o`r irc`r gs fit kustgjgnad` ay to` Bidc`f Qud`. So` r`sudts ij usgfb to` Bidc`f Qud` ns n t`st ij eirnddy p`regssgad` nhtgif eny vnry, to`f, c`p`fcgfb if to` vndu`s nfc a`dg`js ij to` nhtir. If` hnf try ti nvigc to`s` priad`es ay gft`rpr`tgfb to` Bidc`f Qud` ns r`qugrgfb fit ifdy tont to` nhtir pdnh` p dnh` o`rs`dj gf to` pisgtgif ij to` r`hgpg`ft ij to` nhtgif, aut ndsi tont to` nhtir ncipt to` vndu`s ij to` r`hgpg`ft, nfc nssue` o`r pnrtghudnr hgrhuestnfh`s. Gj to` r`hgpg`ft gs, gf jnht, triuad`c ay to` irc`r nfc ons to` s`hifc s`t ij vndu`s cgshuss`c naiv`, to` enfnb`r eust fit irc`r to` yiufb `fbgf``r ti r`engf sgd`ft. Pfjirtufnt`dy, togs tnhtgh ci`s fit r`sidv` ndd ij to` priad`es. Xuppis` G ne nf `fbgf``r woi sup`rvgs`s ito`r `fbgf``rs nfc G jgfc tont G eust cgsegss if` ij ey sup`rvgs``s a`hnus` o` gs dnzy nfc ufpricuhtgv`. u fpricuhtgv`. So` `fbgf``r woie G wnft ti cgs - egss, oiw`v`r, a`dg`v`s tont to` wirdc iw`s e` n dgvgfb nfc ci`s fit wnft ti a` pufgso`c jir ogs grr`spifsgagdgty.
Cgsegssgfb to` sup`rvgs`` jngds togs gft`rpr`tntgif ij to` Bidc`f Bi dc`f Qud`, `v`f toiubo eist ij us wiudc prianady a`dg`v` tont grr`spifsgad` `epdiy``s soiudc a` cgsegss`c, `v`f gj w` nr` to` grr`spifsgad` `epdiy``.
Sogs gs fit to` `fc ij to` priad`es gf nppdygfb to` Bidc`f Xi jnr w` onv` to` hdnss ij Qud`. r`hgpg`fts hifsgsts ij nssue`c ifdy if` tont p`rsif, to` yiufb `fbgf``r ir to` `epdiy`` woi ci`s fit wnft ti a` cgsegss`c. Aut ij hiurs` ito`rs nr` njj`ht`c ay to` nhtgif. So` c`hgsgif c `hgsgif wo`to`r ti r`engf sgd`ft naiut n piddutnft hnf njj`ht tois` f`nr to` pdnft, nfc to` c`hgsgif wo`to`r ti cgs- egss to` grr`spifsgad` `epdiy`` hnf njj`ht enfy p`ipd`, gfhducgfb ito`r `epdiy``s. Gj w` `fdnrb` to` hdnss ij r`hgpg`fts ti ndd tois` njj`ht`c ay to` nhtgif, n htgif, w` onv` nf ndeist gepissgad` tnsl if iur onfcs. So` r`hgpg`fts wgdd ndeist h`rtngfdy fit ndd nbr`` ti to` sne` c`hgsgif, nfc to`f npp nppdygfb dygfb to` Bidc`f Qud` yg`dcs fi nfsw`r . Ndtoiubo to`s` priad`es f``c ti a` pigft`c iut, to`y nr` ijt`f fit ns s s`v`r` `v`r` ns w` egbot suppis`. Gf enfy sgtuntgifs, to` `jj`hts ij iur nhtgif jndd prgenrgdy if if` p`rsif. Jurto`reir`, wo`f to` `jj`hts jndd if enfy p`ipd`, p`ip d`, w` hnf ijt`f enl` r`nsifnad` nssueptgifs naiut wont ito`rs wiudc wnft, nfc, gf enfy sgtuntgifs wo`r` to` wnfts nfc c`sgr`s ij p`ipd` nr` prianady p rianady sgegdnr `v`rywo`r` (suho ns jir o`ndto, snj`ty, nfc `qund tr`nte`ft), w` hnf onv` n jngrdy ogbo c`br`` ij h`rtngfty naiut to`s` nssueptgifs. Gj w` onv` r`nsif ti a`dg`v` to`s` nssueptgifs n ssueptgifs hnffit a` enc`, w` eny onv` ti us` to` gfsgbots ij to` Bidc`f Qud` gf n eir` b`f`rnd wny. Ront gt r`nddy r`qugr`s gs tont w` hifsgc`r entt`rs jrie n eir` b`f`rnd p`rsp`htgv`, if` gf wogho w` strgv` ti tr`nt ito`rs gf nhhircnfh` wgto stnfcnrcs tont w` hnf sonr`.? R` eust l``p gf egfc tont wont`v`r stnfcnrcs nr` ncipt`c, to`y eust r`sp`ht ndd njj`ht`c pnrtg`s. Zg`wgfb if`s`dj ns, pit`ftgnddy, aito nb`ft nfc r`hgpg`ft gs r`qugr`c. Sogs p`rsp`htgv` enfcnt`s tont w` ufc`r- stnfc to` p`rsp`htgv`s ij nb`fts nfc r`hgpg`fts, nfc to` Bidc`f Qud` s`rv`s to` us`jud jufhtgif ij r`egfcgfb us ij togs. X`` Aix 1.>1 jir nf nhhiuft ij oiw ti nppdy gt. So` X`dj-C`j`ntgfb S`st
So` Bidc`f Qud` ci`s fit ay gts`dj privgc` ndd to` hrgt`rgn tont eust a` e`t ti sntgsjy to` Q] stnfcnrc, aut gts r`qugr`e`fts ij ufgv`rsndgznagdgty nfc r`v`rsgagdgty nr` vgtnd st`ps gf sntgsjygfb tont stnfcnrc. Fiw, w` hifsgc`r nccgtgifnd j`ntur`s ij to` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd` ns to`y nppdy ti to` Q] stnfcnrc. Xtgdd nfito`r wny ij nppdygfb to` jufcne`ftnd gc`n ij to` Pfgv`rsndgzntgif ]rgfhgpd` gs ti nsl wo`to`r G wiudc a` nad` ti p`rjire to` nhtgif gf qu`stgif gj `v`ryif` `ds` p`rjire`c to` sne` nhtgif gf to` sne` ir sgegdnr hgrhuestnfh`s. Gj `v`ryif` `ds` cgc wont G ne cigfb, wiudc
togs ufc`regf` ey nagdgty ti ci to` sne` togfb97 Gj G eust sny y`s ti togs qu`stgif, to`f G hnffit nppriv` ito`rs cigfb to` sne` lgfc ij togfb tont G onv` cif` cif`,, nfc tous ufgv`rsndgzgfb ey nhtgif wiudc a` s`dj-c`j`ntgfb. s`dj-c `j`ntgfb. Si prih``c nfywny, tr`ntgfb eys`dj ns nf ` `xh`ptgif xh`ptgif ti to` rud` gs ti pursu` pu rsu` ey iwf biic nt to` `xp`fs` ` xp`fs` ij ito`rs. Sous, gt jngds ti tr`nt to`e wgto nppriprgnt` r`sp`ht. X`` Aix 1.>8. N ufgv`rsndgz`c nhtgif hnf a` s`djs`djc`j`ntgfb `gto`r ij twi wnys. Jgrst, sie`tge`sgfto` nhtgif gts`dj hnffit a` p`rjire`c gj gt gs ufgv`rsndgz`c. uf gv`rsndgz`c. Xuppis` Kiof airriws eif`y, priegsgfb ti pny gt anhl nt nt n h`rtngf tge` aut onvgfb fi gft`ftgif ij cigfb si. Jir Kiof‗s dygfb priegs` ti wirl, to` p`rsif ti woie Kiof enl`s to` priegs` eust a`dg`v` tont o` wgdd enl` biic if ogs wirc. Aut gj `v`ryif` airriw`c eif`y if to` priegs` ti r`turf gt nfc onc fi gft`ftgif ij l``pgfb to` priegs`, priegs`s wiudc fit a` a` tnl`f s`rgiusdy. Fi if` wiudc dinf eif`y if to` ansgs ij n priegs`. p riegs`. So` v`ry prnhtgh` ij priegsgfb wiudc dis` gts pigft nfc h`ns` ti `xgst. ]riegsgfb, ns w` ufc`r- stnfc gt, wiudc a` gepissgad`. Hifsgc`r nf `fbgf``rgfb `xnepd`. Xuppis` `fbgf``r `fb gf``r Kiof c`hgc`s ti suastgtut` nf gfj`rgir nfc ho`np`r pnrt gf n pricuht o` gs c`sgbfgfb jir if` ij ogs jgre s dnrb` hustie`rs. O` nssue`s tont to` hustie`r wgdd fit ho`hl to` pricuht hdis`dy `fiubo ti c`t`ht to` gfj`rgir pnrt ir wgdd fit onv` `fiubo t`hofghnd lfiwd`cb` ti lfiw tont to` pn pnrt rt gs gfj`rgir. Gj `v`ryif` prnhtgh`c togs sirt ij c`h`ptgif nfc `xp`ht`c ` xp`ht`c ito`rs ti prnhtgh` gt ns w`dd, to`f hustie`rs wiudc a` jnr eir` gfhdgf`c ti onv` pricuhts hnr`juddy ho`hl`c ay `xp`rts a`jir` to`y w`r` purhons`c. Sogs wiudc enl` gt euho d`ss dgl`dy tont Kiof‗s c`h`ptgif wiudc a` suhh`ssjud. Gt gs gepirtnft ti r`ndgz` tont usgfb to` s`dj-c`j`ntgfb t`st ci`s fit c`p`fc if wo`to`r nfyif` nhtunddy enl`s priegs`s wgtoiut gft`fcgfb ti l``p to`e, ho`nts if `xnes, ` xnes, ir suastgtut`s gfj`rgir nfc ho`np`r pnrts gf n pricuht. So` qu`stgif gs, wont gj `v`ryif` cgc togs9 Sogs gs n oypito`tghnd qu`stgif fit n pr`cghtgif tont ito`rs nhtunddy wgdd nht togs wny ns n r`sudt ij wont sie`if` `ds` ci`s. ci` s. Ns wgto ito`r npprinho`s, to` to` s`dj-c`j`ntgfb t`st ons dgegtntg dgegtntgifs. ifs. Xie` uf`toghnd nhtgifs egbot nvigc a`gfb s`dj-c`j`ntgfb. @fbgf``r Agdd gs ay fntur` nf nbbr`ssgv` p`r- sif woi b`fugf`dy div`s n ogbody hiep`tgtgv`, hi ep`tgtgv`, `v`f arutnd, ausgf`ss hdgent` wo`r` `v`ryif` ntt`epts ti ho`nt nfc c`h`gv` ns euho ns o` hnf. O` togfls ij ausgf`ss n ns s n bne` nfc vndu`s togs nsp`ht ij ausgf`ss `v`f eir` tonf enlgfb to` ogbo`st pissgad` p prijgts. rijgts. Gj `v`ryif` jiddiws ogs `xnepd`, to`f ogs nagdgty ti a` rutod`ss gf n rutod`ss ausgf`ss hdgent` wgdd fit a` ufc`regf`c. Ogs nhtgif gs fit s`dj-c`j`ntgfb, s`dj -c`j`ntgfb, `v`f toiubo eist ij us wiudc hifsgc`r ogs prn prnhtgh` htgh` geeirnd. O`r` gs nfito`r `xnepd`. @fbgf``r Nd`x, woi ons fi gft`r`st gf pr`s`rvgfb to` `fvgrife`ft, hiudc c`sgbf prik`hts tont nr` ogbody o gbody c`struhtgv` ti to` `fvgrife`ft wgtoiut ogs nhtgif‗s a`gfb s`dj -c`j`ntgfb. -c`j`ntgfb. So` jnht tont ito`r `fbgf``rs lfiw wont Nd`x gs cigfb nfc `v`f c`sgbf`c `fvgrife`ftnddy c`struhtgv` prik`hts to`es`dv`s wiudc fit l``p oge jrie cigfb c igfb si ir c`striy to` bind o` onc gf c`sgbfgfb suho prik`hts, fne`dy ti enxgegz` ogs prijgt. Oiw`v`r,
ns wgto to` Bidc`f Qud`, Qu d`, to` s`dj-c`j`ntgfb t`st gs n us`jud t`st gf enfy prnhtghnd hgrhuestnfh`s. Fiw w` hnf diil nt n togrc t`st t` st jir to` Q] npprinho. So` Qgbots S`st
Xie` to`irgsts gf to` Q] trncgtgif trnc gtgif onv` hifhduc`c tont if` ij to` eist us`jud wnys ij jireudntgfb to` r`qugr`e`ft ti r`sp`ht to` eirnd nb`fhy ij ito`rs gs ti sny tont w` soiudc oifir to` rgbots ij p`ipd` tont nr` jir to`e ti `x`rhgs` to`gr eirnd nb`fhy nfc ti pursu` to`gr w`dd-a`gfb. N rgbot enyf`h`ssnry a` ufc`rstiic ns aito nf `ftgtd`e`ft ti nht nfc nf `ftgtd`e`ft ti onv` nfito`r gfcgvgcund nht gf n h`rtngf wny. A`hnus` ij togs cund nsp`ht, rgbots nr` ijt`f toiubot ij ns n s `xgstgfb gf n hirr`dntgv` r`dntgifsogp wgto cutg`s. Sous, gj L`ddy ons n rgbot ti dgj`, ito`rs onv` n cuty fit ti lgdd L`ddy. Gj L`ddy ons n rgbot ti aicgdy aic gdy gft`brgty, ito`rs onv` n cuty fit ti hnus` aicgdy onre ti L`ddy. Ns w` onv` c`shrga`c to`e, rgbots s`rv` ns n prit`htgv` prit`htgv` anrrg`r, sog`dcgfb gfcgvgcunds jrie ufkustgjg`c gfjrgfb`e`fts ij to`gr eirnd nb`fhy ay ito`rs. R` hnf hndd to`s` lgfcs ij rgbots f`bntgv` rgbots. A`yifc togs, rgbots nr` sie`tge`s nss`rt`c eir` pisgtgv`dy ns r`qugrgfb to` privgsgif ij jiic, hditogfb, nfc `cuhntgif. ` cuhntgif. Sous, gj L`ddy ons n rgbot ti jiic, ito`rs onv` n hirr`dntgv` cuty ti privgc` o`r wgto nt n t d`nst egfgend jiic jir survgvnd. R` hnf hndd to`s` pisgtgv` rgbots. A`hnus` suho pisgtgv` rgbots nr` n r` euho eir` hiftriv`rsgnd gf iur hudtur` nfc b`f`rnddy sie`wont eir` cgjjghudt ti ti sntgsjy, w` jihus if f`bntgv` rgbots, ir tois` r`qugrgfb ifdy fifgft`rj`r`fh` wgto nfito`r p`rsif, fit nhtgv` n htgv` suppirt ij tont p`rsif s gft`r`sts. @v`f toiubo c`t`regfgfb kust wont f`bntgv` rgbots p`ipd` onv` nfc wont to`y r`qugr` jrie ito`rs hnf a` hiftriv`rsgnd, to` b`f`rnd ufc`rdygfb prgfhgpd` gs hd`nr; nf gfcgvgcund gf cgvgcund soiudc fit a` c`prgv`c ij nfytogfb tont s`rgiusdy gep`c`s ogs ir o`r eirnd nb`fhy. Gj sie`if` tnl`s yiur dgj`, to`f yiu hnffit `x`rhgs` `x` rhgs` yiur eirnd nb`fhy nt ndd, si to togs gs rgbot gs r`dntgv`dy ufhiftriv`rsgnd, aut sie` ij to` ito`r pripis`c p ripis`c rgbots ci fit f`bnt` yiur eirnd nb`fhy, ndtoiubo to`y cgegfgso yiur piw`r pi w`r ti `x`rhgs` gt `jj`htgv`dy. Xi to`gr stntus ns rgbots eny a` eir` suak`ht ti cgsput`. If` priad`e nfy nhhiuft ij rgbots rgbo ts eust jnh` gs oiw ti c`nd wgto hifjdghtgfb rgbots. Xuppis` n pdnft enfnb`r wnfts ti snv` eif`y ay `dgegfntgfb n piddutnft jrie ogs pdnft tont gs hnrhgfib`fgh. So` enfnb`r, nhtgfb if a`ondj ij to` jgre, ons n rgbot fit ti a` c`prgv`c ij to` jr``cie ti us` ogs prip`rty jir `hifiegh ` hifiegh a`f`jgt. Aut to` piddutnft tor`nt`fs to` rgbot ti dgj` ij to` surriufcgfb gfonagtnfts. gfona gtnfts. Fit` tont to` piddutnft ci`s fit cgr`htdy nfc gf `v`ry hns` lgdd surriufcgfb gfonagtnfts, aut gt ci`s gfhr`ns` to` rgsl ij to` gfonagtnfts b`ttgfb hnfh`r. Xi w` hnf sny tont to` piddutnft gfjrgfb`s if to` rgbot ti dgj` ij to` gfonagtnfts, aut ci`s fit cgr`htdy c gr`htdy vgidnt` tont rgbot. Gf n rgbots vgidntgif, if`‗s nagdg ty ti `x`rhgs` tont rgbot gf n h`rtngf sgtuntgif gs `ss`ftgnddy woiddy c`fg`c, wo`r`ns gf n rgbots
gfjrgfb`e`ft, if`‗s nagdgty ti `x`rhgs` n rgbot gs ifdy cgegfgso`c. Sogs cgegfgsoe`ft hnf ihhur
gf if` ij twi wnys. Jgrst, sie`tge`s to` gfjrgfb`e`ft gs n pit`ftgnd vgidntgif ij tont rgbot, rgbo t, ns gf to` hns` ij n piddutnft tont gfhr`ns`s to` honfh` ij c`nto. X`hifc, sie`tge`s to` gfjrgfb`e`ft gs n pnrtgnd vgidntgif, ns wo`f sie`, aut fit ndd, ij n p`rsif s prip`rty gs tnl`f. So` priad`e ij hifjdghtgfb rgbots r`qugr`s r`qu gr`s tont w` prgirgtgz` rgbots, bgvgfb br`nt`r gepirtnfh` ti sie` tonf ti ito`rs. N us`jud wny ij prgirgtgzgfb gs ijj`r`c ay pogdisipo`r Ndnf N dnf B`wgrto>= gf Aix 1.>3. Psgfb togs og`rnrhoy, gt wiudc a` wrifb jir n pdnft enfnb`r ti ntt`ept ti snv` eif`y ay `egttgfb n piddutnft tont gs ogbody o gbody hnrhgfib`fgh, a`hnus` to` rgbot ti dgj` gs n jgrst-tg`r rgbot nfc to` rgbot ti nhqugr` nfc us` prip`rty nfc w`ndto jir if`‗s a`f`jgt gs n togrc -tg`r rgbot. Xie`- tge`s, oiw`v`r, to` og`rnrhoy gs eir` cgjjghudt c gjjghudt ti nppdy. Oiw sondd w` andnfh` n sdgbot gfjrgfb`e`ft ij n jgrst-tg`r rgbot nbngfst n euho eir` s`rgius gfjrgfb`e`ft ir iutrgbot vgidntgif ij n s`hifc- tg`r ir togrc-tg`r rgbot9 ij rgbots privgc`s fi So` og`rnrhoy nutientgh nfsw`r ti suho qu`stgifs. F`v`rto`d`ss, gt privgc`s n jrne`wirl jir nccr`ssgfb to`e. R` subb`st n s`t ij st`ps tont hiudc a` tnl`f, soiwf gf Aix 1.>0. Zgrtu` `toghs, p`ronps to` idc`st trncgtgif ij `toghnd toiubot, ons a`hie` a `hie` gfhr`nsgfbdy gepirtnft neifb hift`epirnry `toghgsts. So` jufcne`ftnd prgfhgpd` ij vgrtu` `toghs gs Nht gf to` wny to` biic ir vgrtuius vgrtuius p`rsif wiudc nht gf tto` o` hgrhuestnfh`s. Ront Gs n Zgrt Zgrt u`9
N vgrtu` gs usunddy c`shrga`c ns n cgspisgtgifnd trngt, trngt, tont gs, n honrnht`r trngt ttont ont cgspis`s ir gfhdgf`s n p`rsif ti ci to` rgbot togfb. N vgrtu` hnf a` c`shrga`c ns aito c``p nfc wgc`. Gt gs c``p gf to` s`fs` tont n vgrtu` gs n jgredy j gredy `ftr`fho`c onagt tont d`ncs n p`rsif ti hifsgst`ftdy nht gf n h`rtngf wny nfc ti wogho o` gs strifbdy hieegtt`c. Gt gs wgc` gf tont gt enfgj`sts gts`dj gf n vnrg`ty ij wnys. N vgrtuius p`rsif `xogagts vgrtu` fit ifdy gf nhtgifs aut ndsi gf `eitgifnd r`nhtgifs, gf gft`r`sts, nfc gf b`f`rnd s`fsgagdgtg`s. N trudy oif`st p`rsif gs fit oif`st sgepdy a`hnus` so` togfls gt gs to` a`st a `st wny ti stny iut ij triuad`, aut a`hnus` so` b`fugf`dy a`dg`v`s tont a`gfb oif`st gs to` a`st wny ti dgv`. Xo` gs c cgsbust`c gsbust`c ay p`ipd` woi nr` cgsoif`st nfc ci`s fit `fkiy a`gfb gf to`gr hiepnfy. Xo` ci`s fit onv` ti enl` o`rs`dj a` oif`st, a`hnus` a`gfb oif`st ons a`hie` n pnrt ij o`r honrnht`r. Oif`sty gs sgepdy n pnrt ij woi so` gs. Xo` wiudc fit a` onppy ir togfl so` wns dgvgfb n biic dgj` gj so` w`r` cgsoif`st. Gf irc`r ti a`tt`r ufc`rstnfc wont n vgrtu` gs, vgrtu` `toghgsts suho ns Nrgstitd` onv` jiufc gt us`jud ti togfl ij vgrtu`s ns ihhupygfb n egccd` pisgtgif (ir e`nf) a`tw``f vgh`s. R` hnf togfl ij hiurnb` ns n egccd` briufc a`tw``f to` vgh` ij hiwnrcgh` if to` if` onfc nfc to` vgh` ij jiidonrcgf`ss if to` ito`r. R` hnf togfl ij to` vgrtu` ij b`f`risgty b `f`risgty ns n egccd` briufc a`tw``f to` vgh` ij egs`rdgf`ss if to` if` onfc nfc to` vgh` ij a`gfb n sp`fctorgjt if
to` ito`r. R` hnf togfl ij to` vgrtu` ij diyndty ti nf `epdiy`r ns n egccd` briufc a`tw``f to` vgh` ij hiepd`t` cgsdiyndty if to` if` onfc nfc to` vgh` ij ufqu`stgifgfb ia`cg`fh` ti to` `epdiy`r if to` ito`r Kust Ku st ns Qiss nfc B`rt sueenrgz` hieeif eirndgty gf t`res ij rud`s, vgrtu` `toghgsts sueenrgz` hieeif eirndgty ay n dgst ij vgrtu`s. Znrgius dgsts ij vgrtu`s onv` a``f pripis`c, aut to`r` gs n hifsgc`rnad` iv`rdnp. So` Br``l pogdisipo`r Nrgstitd`, to` jgrst nfc prianady eist gepirtnft vgrtu` `toghgst, privgc`c n v`ry soirt dgst tont gfhduc`s hiurnb`, trutojudf`ss, s`dj-r`sp`ht, wgttgf`ss, jrg`fcdgf`ss, nfc b`f`risgty irto` enbfgjgh`fh`. Sogs dgst prianady sueenrgz`c to` eirnd gc`nds ijeic`sty, upp`r- hdnss Nto`fgnfs gf jgjto-h`ftury>1 AH, aut w` f``c n eir` ufgv`rsnd dgst. Hift`epirnry psyhoidibgsts Horgstipo`r ]`t`rsif nfc Enrtgf X`dgbenf onv` surv`y`c hudtur`s toriuboiut to` wirdc nfc hie` up wgto wont to`y a`dg`v` gs n hiepr`o`fsgv` dgst ij hir` vgrtu`s nfc nssihgnt`c honrnht`r str`fbtos (dgst`c gf pnr`fto`s`s gf Aix 1.>:). Wiu eny jgfc gt eir` pdnusgad` ti hif- sgc`r to` honrnht`r str`fbtos ns sgepdy nccgtgifnd vgrtu`s. O`r` gs nf nhhiuft ij to` hir` vgrtu`s nfc n s`d`htgif ij to` honrnht`r str`fbtos gc`ftgjg`c ay ]`t`rsif nfc X`dgbenf. @v`f @ v`f to` dgst gf Aix 1.>: eny fit `fue`rnt` ndd ij to` vgrtu`s (suho ns gft`brgty nfc diyndty), aut gt gs n biic stnrt. Gf nccgtgif ti to`s` b`f`rnd vgrtu`s, sie` vgrtu`s tont w` hnf hndd prij`ssgifnd vgrtu`s hnf nssgst prij`ssgifnds gf hnrrygfb iut to` sp`hgnd egssgif ij to`gr prij`ssgif. So` vgrtu` ij hiepnssgif tiwnrc pntg`fts gs nfgepirtnft `sp`hgnddy gepirtnft gf e`cghgf` nfc diyndty ti hdg`fts gs nf `sp`hgnddy vgrtu` gf dnw.prij`ssgifnd Ront naiut vgrtu` `fbgf`` `fbgf``rgfb9 rgfb9 Gf Honpt`r >, w` snw tont to` prgenry jufhtgif ij `fbgf``rgfb gs ti prieit` ouenf w`djnr`, w`dd-a`gfb, nfc qundgty ij dgj`. R` subb`st to` jiddiwgfb twi vgrtu`s onv` n sp`hgnd r`d`vnfh` ti to` egssgif ij `fbgf``rgfb ti pri- eit` w`dd-a`gfb. ]rij`ssgifnd Hnr`
@fbgf``rs r`hibfgz` to` gepirtnfh` ij togs vgrtu`, a`hnus` a` hnus` to`y ijt`f r`j`r ti tnlgfb cu` hnr` ns gepirtnft jir e`ea`rs ij to`gr prij`ssgif. Hnr` gs n cgspisgtgif ti aito pri prit`ht t`ht nfc prieit` to` w`dd-a`gfb w`dd-a`gfb ij nfito`r gf to` hns` ij `fbgf``rgfb, to` w`dd- a`gfb ij to` puadgh. So` pnrncgbe ij hnr` gs to` r`dntgifsogp ij pnr`fts ti to`gr hogdcr`f. So` hnr` r`dntgifsogp ti hogdcr`f ons twi cge`fsgifs; prit`htgfb hogdcr`f jrie onre, nfc prieitgfb to`gr w`dd-a`gfb. Gf enfgj`stgfb to` vgrtu` ij hnr` jir to` puadgh, p uadgh, to`s` sne` cge`fsgifs nr` gepirtnft. @fbgf``rs eust gfsur` tont to`y fit ifdy if dy ci fit onre to` o`ndto, snj`ty, nfc w`djnr` ij to` puadgh (priogagtgv` nfc pr`v`ftgv` `toghs), aut ndsi prieit` to` w`dd-a`gfb ij to` puadgh toriubo to`gr prij`ssgifnd wirl (nspgrntgifnd `toghs). Ns nf iptgifnd jurto`r `xt`fsgif ij nspgrntgifnd n spgrntgifnd `toghs, `fbgf``r eny c`vit` to`es`dv`s ti geprivgfb to` w`dd-a`gfb ij to` piir nfc cgsncvnftnb`c. Q`sp`ht jir Fntur`
Gf r`h`ft y`nrs, `fbgf``rs onv` hie` ti r`hibfgz` to` r`dntgif ij to`gr wirl ti to` fnturnd wirdc. S`hofidiby aito crnws jrie nfc njj`hts to` `fvgrife`ft. Gt gs fit surprgsgfb, to`f, tont to` vgrtu` ij r`sp`ht jir fntur` gs a`hiegfb gfhr`nsgfbdy gepirtnft jir to` `fbgf``rgfb prij`ssgif. Nhhircgfb ti So` Ne`rghnf O`rgtnb` Cghtgifnry, r`sp`htgfb sie`togfb gs ti soiw `st``e jir< ti oifir, ti soiw hifsgc`rntgif jir< nvigc vgidntgif ij< tr`nt wgto wgto c`j`r`fh`. Sogs nttgtuc` tiwnrc fntur` hnf eitgvnt` `fbgf``rs ti `fbnb` gf `fvgrife`ftnddy jrg`fcdy ir br``f `fbgf``rgfb, fit sgepdy a`hnus` gt eny a` r`qugr`c ay dnw, aut a`hnus` gt gs c``pdy riit`c gf
to` `fbgf``r s honrnht`r. Q`hnddgfb tont n vgrtu` eust a` fit ifdy c``p aut ndsi wgc`, w` hnf sny tont r`sp`htgfb fntur` e`nfs fit ifdy tont if`‗s gft`dd`ht gs gfvidv`c aut ndsi tont if`‗s `eitgifs nfc s`fsgagdgtg`s eust hie` gfti pdny. Nf `fbgf``r `fb gf``r gs hifh`rf`c naiut sustngfnagdgty nfc uff`h`ssnry `xpdigtntgif ij fnturnd r`siurh`s. Xo` gs ijj`fc`c ay dnhl ij r`sp`ht jir to` fnturnd wirdc nfc tnl`s t nl`s prgc` gf hr`ntgfb `fvgrife`ftnddy jrg`fcdy t`hofidiby. Xo` eny `v`f ` v`f a` ufhiejirtnad` gf nssihgntgfb wgto `fbgf``rs woi ci fit sonr` togs nttgtuc`. Xtr`fbtos ij Zgrtu` @toghs; So` Qntgifnd Qntgifnd nfc Gftugtgv` @d`e`fts @d` e`fts gf Eirndgty Eirndgty
Jir utgdgtnrgnf nfc Q] to`irgsts, to`i rgsts, eirnd togflgfb gs prgenrgdy n rntgifnd tnsl, gfvidvgfb to` nppdghntgif ij eirnd hifh`pts nfc rud`s ti pnrtghudnr hgrhuestnfh`s. Pftgd r`h`ftdy, enfy psyhoidibgsts stucygfb eirnd togflgfb tiil to` sne` vg`w. Qntgifnd, dibghnd toiubot gs to` wny ti nrrgv` nt hirr`ht hi rr`ht eirnd kucbe`fts. @vgc`fh` `xgsts jir togs vg`w. Hdnssriie wirl hnf prieit` to` rntgifnd sgc` ij eirnd c`v`dipe`ft. Lir`nf stuc`fts woi onc eirnd `cu `cuhntgif hntgif hdnss`s curgfb hogdcoiic nfc ncid`sh`fh` ncid` sh`fh` soiw`c sgbfgjghnftdy eir` arngf nhtgvgty nssihgnt`c wgto e`ftnd hndhudntgif. ]r`suenady, togs hndhudntgif gfvidv`c eirnd r`jd`htgif, gfhducgfb to` stucy ij hns`s, nfc enlgfb nppriprgnt` eirnd kucbe`fts naiut to`e. Eirnd r`jd`htgif if gssu`s gfvidvgfb hnr` nfc r`sp`ht jir fntur` egbot gfhduc` to` e`nfgfb ij hnr` nfc oiw ti gepd`e`ft n hnrgfb nttgtuc` tiwnrc to` puadgh nfc to` fnturnd wirdc. Eir` r`h`ftdy, psyhoidibgsts onv` a`hie` nwnr` ij to` cund fntur` f ntur` ij wont w` egbot arincdy hndd eirnd togflgfb. If` nsp`ht gs gfc``c to` rntgifnd syst`e, wogho wir wirls ls r`dntgv`dy sdiwdy nfc gfvidv`s viduftnry `jjirt nfc hifshgius eirnd r`nsifgfb. So` ito`r `d`e`ft ` d`e`ft gs to` gftugtgv` ir nutientgh `d`e`ft gf eirnd kucbe`fts nfc a`onvgir. Dihnt`c gf n cgjj`r`ft pnrt ij to` arngf, to` gftugtgv` syst`e, gs qughl nfc nutientgh ir gfviduftnry. Gt gs `sp`hgnddy nssihgnt`c wgto `eitgif, nfc gt pricuh`s eirnd kucbe`fts tont npp`nr gf hifshgiusf`ss wgto dgttd` nppnr`ft `jjirt. Eist eirnd kucbe`fts nfc nhtgifs tont w` enl` gf cngdy dgj` hie` jrie togs siurh`.>2 So`s` twi syst`es ijt`f wirl tib`to`r ti pricuh` eirnd kucbe`fts, ndtoiubo if` syst`e eny a` ciegfnft gf n bgv`f sgtuntgif.>? Sogs pghtur` ij to` cund siurh`s ij eirnd kucbe`ft nfc a`onvgir higfhgc`s wgto wont vgrtu` `toghgsts onv` difb o`dc; a`gfb n eirnddy biic p`rsif r`qugr `s `s hudtgvntgfb fit ifdy if`‗s r`nsifgfb slgdds aut ndsi nf gftugtgv`, nutientgh pnrt, hdis`dy r`dnt`c ti wont w` usunddy hndd n onagt. R` onv` ndr`ncy s``f oiw o iw to` rntgifnd pnrt hnf a a` ` hudtgvnt`c. Ront naiut to` gftugtgv`, nutientgh pnrt9 R` subb`st twi wnys. wn ys. Eirnd @x`epdnrs
If` ij to` eist `jj`htgv` wnys ti tnl` ncvnftnb` ij to` gftugtgv` nutientgh `d`e`ft gf eirndgty gs ay `xpisur` ti pnrncgbes pnrnc gbes ij vgrtu` p`ipd` woi `xogagt to` vgrtu`s ti nf iutstnfcgfb c`br``. Gf stucygfb to`s` `x`epdnrs, w` d`nrf tont vgrtu` gs fit si euho tnubot ns hnubot. Gf to`gr hdnssgh stucy ij eirnd `x`epdnrs, psyhoidibgsts Nff` Hiday nfc Rgddgne R gddgne Cneif s`t up sie` hrgt`rgn jir gc`ftgjygfb eirnd `x`epdnrs. So`y gfhduc` n strifb t`fc`fhy ti nht if eirnd gc`nds, n wgddgfbf`ss ti rgsl s`dj-gft`r`st ti jiddiw if`‗s gc`nds, n t`fc`fhy ti gfspgr` ito`rs ti eirnd nhtgif, ouegdgty naiut if`‗s iwf gepirtnfh`, nfc n hifs`qu`ft dnhl ij hifh`rf naiut if`‗s iwf `bi.>7 Xueenrgzgfb to`gr stucy ij nhtund hns`s, Hiday nfc Cneif gc`ftgjg`c sie` nccgtgifnd honrnht`rgstghs ij `x`epdnrs; n ogbo c`br`` ij eirnd h`rtngfty, hdis` jnegdy tg`s gf
to`gr jirentgv` y`nrs, n strifb s`fs` ij e`nfgfb nfc egssgif gf to`gr dgv`s, n pisgtgv` n nttgtuc` ttgtuc` tiwnrc dgj` nfc dgj`difb iptgegse, n s`fs` ij oueir, nf nagdgty ti jirbgv`, nfc r`sgdg`fh` tont nddiw`c to`e ti r`hiv`r jrie s`tanhls. Eist ij us prianady r`hibfgz` to`s` ns ncegrnad` trngts wogho w` ndd wgso w` onc. @epgrghnd `vgc`fh` suppirts to` gepirtnfh` ij eirnd `x`epdnrs gf jiregfb honrnht`r. Hidd`b` stuc`fts soiw`c sgbfgjghnft sgbfs ij s`dj-gepriv`e`ft wo`f to`y wntho`c `x`epdnrs gf to`gr enkir j g`dc. jg`dc. Gft`r`stgfbdy, suhoto` gepriv`e`ft fit `vgc`ft wo`f d`ss r`d`vnft `x`epdnrs w`r` us`c. Sogs subb`sts gepirtnfh`wns ij `xpisgfb yiufb ` fbgf``rs `fbgf``rs ti iutstnfcgfb e`ea`rs ij to`gr prij`ssgif, `fbgf``rs woi nr` fit ifdy t`hofghnddy nhhiepdgso`c nfc suhh`ssjud aut ndsi iutstnfcgfb jrie to` stnfcpigft ij prij`ssgifndgse nfc eirnd hieegte`ft. Sogs wiudc gfhduc` `fbgf``rs woi `xogagt to` twi vgrtu`s ij hnr` jir to` o`ndto, snj`ty nfc w`djnr` ij to` puadgh, nfc r`sp`ht jir fntur`. Eirnd Onagtuntgif
Jiddiwgfb Nrgstitd`, vgrtu` to`irgsts onv` ndsi r`hibfgz`c tont c`v`dipgfb onagts ij vgrtuius hifcuht gs nf gepirtnft wny ti `fonfh` eirnd vgrtu`. Nbngf, psyhoidibgsts onv` hifjgre`c togs gfsgbot. ]nrtghgpntgfb gf eirnddy eirn ddy prngs`wirtoy nhtgif (p`ronps c`sgbfgfb t`hofidibg`s ti nssgst to` onfcghnpp`c ir `fbnbgfb gf sie` typ` ij hie- eufgty s`rvgh`) gs nf `jj`htgv` nfc n e`nfgfbjud eirndippirtufgtg`s `cuhntgif.11jir Xtuc`fts woi nr` e`ea`rs ij @fbgf``rs Rgtoiut Airc`rstyp` onv`ijenfy eirnd onagtuntgif. Xtr`fbtos ij Zgrtu` @toghs; Ip`f-@fc`c Ip`f-@fc`c Xgtuntgifs Xgtuntgifs
Zgrtu` `toghs ndsi ons n sp`hgnd str`fbto r`dnt`c ti nr`ns wo`r` n p`rsif ons o ns n hifsgc`rnad` c`br`` ij cgshr`tgif ns ti oiw n eirnd gep`rntgv` gs ti a` gepd`e`ft`c. @fbgf``rgfb hic`s r`qugr` `fbgf``rs `fbgf`` rs ti oidc pnrneiuft to` snj`ty ij to` puadgh, pua dgh, aut to`y privgc` egfgend sp`hgjghntgif ns ti oiw togs iadgbntgif soiudc a` gepd`e`ft`c. Ij hiurs`, if` soiudc fit vgidnt` to` priogagtgifs prio gagtgifs ij suho nhtgvgtg`s ns onvgfb hifjdghts ij gft`r`st ir prnhtghgfb wgtoiut prip`r qundgjghntgifs, aut wont naiut to` eir` pisgtgv` nsp`hts ij togs gep`rntgv`9 Qud`s nr` gfnc`qunt` o`r`, nfc w` eust r`dy prgenrgdy if to` honrnht`r ij to` `fbgf``r, `sp`hgnddy if to` twi prij`ssgifnd vgrtu`s ij hnr` nfc r`sp`ht jir fntur`. Sogs f``c ti r`dy r` dy if honrnht`r rnto`r tonf rud`s gs `sp`hgnddy r`d`vnft gf tont pnrt ij nspgrntgifnd `toghs tont bi`s a`yifc wont gs eirnddy r`qugr`c, suho ns ntt`epts ti gepriv` to` w`dd-a`gfb w`dd -a`gfb ij to` piir ir enrbgfndgz`c e`ea`rs ij sihg`ty. Oiw ir `v`f wo`to`r nf `fbgf``r `fbnb`s gf suho prik`hts c`p`fcs if p`rsifnd vndu`s nfc honrnht`r, fit if n s`t ij rud`s. C`jghg`fhg`s C` jghg`fhg`s ij Zgrtu` @toghs
C`spgt` to`s` ncvnftnb`s, vgrtu` `toghs ons sie` c`jghg`fhg`s tont r`fc`r gt gfnc`qunt` ns n hiepd`t` nhhiuft ij `toghnd togflgfb. to gflgfb. R` onv` ndr`ncy sngc tont priogagtgv` rud`s nr` eir` us`jud, wo`r` d`bnd `fjirh`e`ft gs nppriprgnt`. npp riprgnt`. Ndsi, npp`nd ti vgrtu`s rnto`r tonf rud`s, wogd` ncvnftnb`ius wo`r` n hifsgc`rnad` c`br`` ij cgshr`tgif gs nppriprgnt`, eny fit yg`dc cgr`htgif jir nhtgif tont gs sujjghg`ftdy pr`hgs`. Gf b`f`rnd, npp`nd ti vgrtu`s s``es ti yg`dc d`ss pr`hgs` cgr`htgif jir nhtgif tonf npp`nd ti rud`s. So` prih`cur` soiwf gf Aix 1.>2, oiw`v`r, soiudc bgv` sie` cgr`htgif jir nppdygfb vgrtu` `toghs.
Zgrtu` @toghs; @toghs; Nf Nppdgh ntgif
A`hnus` nppdygfb vgrtu` `toghs eny hnus` sp`hgnd cgjjghudtg`s, w` suppdy nf `xnepd` ij oiw to`s` bugc`dgf`s nppdy ti n eirnd gssu`. Njt`r hiepd`tgfb ogs c`br`` gf ho`eghnd ho`eghnd `fbgf``rgfb gf Kuf`, B`rndc gs sho`cud`c ti r`turf ti to` jnre ogs ti o`dp ojnto`r `dp wgto ip`rntgif. Gf jnegdy `nrdy Eny, a`gts a`hne` hne` s`rgiusdy gdd, nfc B`rndc gs hifvgfh`c tont to` ifdy wny ti snv` to` jnegdy jnre jn re gs ti tnl` n kia gf `fbgf``rgfb. Eist ij ogs j`ddiw s`fgirs onv` ndr`ncy tnl`f kias, nfc to` gft`rvg`wgfb s`nsif gs iv`r. So` ifdy `epdiye`ft ` epdiye`ft ippirtufgty B`rndc jgfcs gs wgto ]ri-Briwto ]`stghgc`s. So` jnegdy jnre gs nf irbnfgh irbnf gh jnre, oiw`v`r, nfc B`rndc s jnto`r ons o ns ndwnys strifbdy ippis`c to` us` ij p`stghgc`s. B`rndc oges`dj ons a`hie` hifvgfh`c p`stghgc`s onre to`ogs `fvgrife`ft b`f`rnddy nfc j nre jnre pricuhts gf D`t pnrtghudnr. lfiws tonttont o` wgdd a` nsl`c n sl`c naiut vg`ws if p`stghgc`s. Ront soiudc o` ci9 us diilO` nt to` gssu` jrie to` stnfcpigft ij vgrtu` `toghs. >. B`rndc eust jgrst c`t`regf` to` ndt`rfntgv` ndt`rfntgv` nhtgifs tont tont nr` pissgad` gf gf to` sgtuntgif. O` togfls ij tor`` pissgagdgtg`s. O` hiudc (n) (n ) r`jus` ti gft`rvg`w jir to` kia, (a) gft`rvg`w aut nfsw`r qu`stgifs naiut p`stghgc`s oif`stdy, ir (h) gft`r- vg`w nfc egsr`pr`s`ft ogs vg`ws if p`stghgc`s gf irc`r ti b`t to` kia. 1. Gf c`t`regfgfb to` v vgrtu`s grtu`s nfc vgh`s tont hirr`spifc ti to`s` hiurs`s ij nhtgif, B`rndc egbot hie` up wgto to` jiddiwgfb nfndysgs. (n) Gj o` r`jus`s ti gft`rvg`w jir to` kia, o` wgdd hiftgfu` ti a` nf oif`st p`rsif nfc ndsi engftngf ogs gft`brgty. Sont gs, o` wgdd hiftgfu` ti a` a ` n p`rsif woi nhts n hts hifsgst`ftdy wgto ogs prgfhgpd`s. O` eny, oiw`v`r, fit enfgj`st prip`r diyndty ti ogs jnegdy e`ea`rs, e`ea` rs, a`hnus` o` wiudc jngd ti o`dp to`e l``p to` jnre. O` wiudc soiw diyndty ti to` jnegdy gc`nds, oiw`v`r. (a) Gj o` gft`rvg`ws jir to` kia aut nfsw`rs qu`stgifs naiut ogs vg`ws if p`stghgc`s p `stghgc`s oif`stdy, o` wgdd pr`s`rv` ogs oif`sty, aut eny hiepriegs` ogs gft`brgty ay nppdygfb jir (nfc pissgady b`ttgfb) n kia tont wiudc a` gfhifsgst`ft wgto ogs prgfhgpd`s. O` wgdd pr`s`rv` ogs diyndty di yndty ti ogs jnegdy, oiw`v`r, nt d`nst gf to` s`fs` ij o`dpgfb ti l``p to` jnre. (h) Gj o` gft`rvg`ws jir to` ki kia a nfc egsr`pr`s`fts ogs vg`ws if p`stghgc`s, o` wgdd enfgj`st diyndty ti ogs jnegdy, jnegd y, aut jngd ti a` oif`st o if`st ir n p`rsif ij gft`brgty. 8. Fiw w` eust `vndunt` to` ndt`rfntgv`s ip`f ti B`rndc gf t`res t`res ij wo`to`r to`y nr` briufc`c, `gto`r cgr`htdy ir gfcgr`htdy, gf to` vgrtu`s nppriprgnt` ti n eirnddy wirtoy p`rsif. Oiw soiudc o` `vndunt` to`s` tor`` iptgifs9 O` wgdd jngd ti prip`rdy enfgj`st nt d`nst if` ij to` vgrtu`s o` prgz`s fi entt`r wont o` ci`s. Iptgifs (n) (n )
nfc (a) wgdd vgidnt` vgi dnt` ifdy if` ij to` vgrtu`s, wogd` (h) wgdd vgi vgidnt` dnt` twi. Iptgif (h), jurto`reir`, s``es ti eir` cgr`htdy enfgj`st to` vgh`s ij cgsoif`sty nfc dnhl ij gft`brgty. Rogd` (h) s``es ti a` to` d`nst c`sgrnad` hoigh`, to` hoigh` a`tw``f (n) nfc (a) gs eir` cgjjghudt. Gj o` hnf jgfc nfito`r kia ippi ippirtufgty, rtufgty, hd`nrdy iptgif (n) gs to` eist c`sgrnad`. Gj togs pissgagdgty gs fit ip`f ti oge, gt eny c`p`fc u upif pif wont lgfc ij p`rsif B`rndc B` rndc eist wnfts ti a`; n diynd p`rsif ir n p`rsif wgto gft`brgty. B`rndc w`dd`v`f c`hgc` tont o` wnfts ti enfgj`st gft`brgty a`gfb wgto ogs iwfeny vndu`s eir` tonf o` wnfts ti a` diynd ti ogs ay jnegdy, sihifsgst`ft tont o` soiudc r`jus` to` gft`rvg`w. B`rndc eny a` nad` ti jgfc n hr`ntgv` egccd` wny, si tont suho n cgjjghudt hoigh` wgdd fit onv` ti a` enc`. 1.>3 PXGFB PXGFB EIQND SO@IQG@X IQ N]]QINHO@X N]]QINHO@X GF ]QNHSGHND @SOGHX
So`s` tor`` npprinho`s nr` ti a` us`c gf to` sne` wny ns dgf`-crnwgfb nfc hr`ntgv`egccd`-wny t`hofgqu`s; ns ngcs ti r`sidvgfb prnhtghnd prn htghnd eirnd gssu`s wo`f`v`r to`y nr` jiufc ti a` r`d`vnft. Kust ns n hnrp`ft`r hn rp`ft`r hoiis`s n snw ir onee`r wo`f to`s` tiids n nr` r` us`jud gf augdcgfb n oius`, si n prnhtghnd `toghgst hoiis`s t`hofgqu`s us`jud ti to` purpis`s nt onfc. Lfiwd`cb` ij eirnd to`irg`s hnf enl` n hiftrgautgif ti eirnd nfndysgs gf s`v`rnd wnys. Jgrst, to` to`irg`s hnf o`dp w` us togfl ti ufc`rstnfc eirnd ansgs ij ndt`rfntgv` wnys ij togflgfb naiut eirnd gssu`s. Ro`f naiut to`to` ncvgsnagdgty ij augdcgfb n oycri`d`htrgh jnhgdgty if n rgv`r nfc hifsgc`r suho gssu`s ns to` a`f`jgts ij gfhr`ns`c `d`htrghnd piw`r nfc ndsi n dsi to` hists nfc pissgad` `fvgrife`ftnd cnenb`, gt gs us`jud ti lfiw tont togs tog s wny ij togflgfb gs utgdgtnrgnf nfc tont gs n wgc`dy us`c nfc eirnddy d`bgtgent` e`toic ij eirnd nfndysgs. Ro`f w` hifsgc`r wo`to`r to` rgbots ij gfcgvgcunds nr` a`gfb vgidnt`c, w` nr` cigfb n v`ry cgjj`r`ft lgfc ij eirnd nfndysgs, aut if` tont gs `qunddy d`bgtgent`. Jurto`reir`, gt gs gepirtnft ti lfiw no`nc ij tge` tont to`s` twi npprinho`s hnf d`nc ti cgjj`r`ft eirnd hifhdusgifs, nfc tont n p prih`ss rih`ss ij r`hifhgdgntgif eny a` f`h`ssnry. Jgfnddy, gf sie` sgtuntgifs, nf `vnduntgif gf t`res ij honrnht`r eny a` eir` gepirtnft. Ront honrnht`r trngts priept`c nf `fbgf``r ir n eirnd `x`epdnr ti nht ns so` cgc, c gc, nfc wont hnf a` cif` ti `fhiurnb` to`s` trngts gf ito`rs9 Roy cgc if` `fbgf``r `xogagt suho ogbo prij`ssgifndgse gf n sgtuntgif ij br`nt str`ss, wogd` nfito`r cgc fit9 X`hifc, to`s` npprinho`s hnf subb`st eir` c`tngd`c nfc nc`qunt` wnys ij eirnd nfndysgs tonf egbot ito`rwgs` a` nvngdnad`. @toghnd to`irg`s r`egfc`c us ij to` gepirtnfh` ij hifsgc`rgfb ndd ij to` p`ipd` njj`ht`c ay nf nhtgif ir n pidghy (to` nucg`fh`) nfc ti hifsgc`r to` cgjj`r`fh` a`tw``f diilgfb nt to` utgdgty u tgdgty ij n pnrtghudnr nhtgif nfc to` utgdgty ij n b`f`rnd prnhtgh`. So`y argfb up to` r`d`vnfh` r` d`vnfh` ij nslgfb wo`to`r rgbots nr` a`gfb vgidnt`c nfc w` wiudc a` wgddgfb ti ufgv`rsndgz` nf nhtgif. So`y priept us ti nsl n sl wont honrnht`r trngts nr` gepirtnft gf prieptgfb prij`ssgifnddy r`spifsgad` nhtgif nfc oiw oi w tois` honrnht`r trngts egbot a` c`v`dip`c. Gt gs ufdgl`dy tont w` wiudc nsl enfy ij to`s` qu`stgifs npnrt jrie to` p prieptgfb rieptgfb ij eirnd to`iry gegtntgifs ij gepirtnft wnys ij togflgfb naiut eirnd gssu`s nfc ti r`egfc us tont w` soiudc `xnegf` n eirnd priad`e jrie eir` tonf if` p`rsp`htgv`. Ns w` onv` o nv` s``f, n utgdgtnrgnf nfndysgs hnf f`bd`ht hifsgc`rntgifs ij kustgh` ir r`sp`htgfb gfcgvgcunds. Nf Q] nfndysgs hnf jngd ti bgv` b gv` nc`qunt` w`gbot ti iv`rwo`degfb puadgh biics gf to` jnh` ij egfir gfjrgfb`e`fts ij gfcgvgcund rgbots. Aito npprinho`s f`bd`ht f`bd` ht honrnht`r trngts tont nr` gepirtnft
gf eitgvntgfb enfy typ`s ij prij`ssgifnd nhtgvgty. Zgrtu` to`iry ijt`f ci`s fit privgc` hd`nr nfsw`rs ti eirnd qu`stgifs. 1.>0 HON]S@Q XPEENQW
@toghnd e`toicidibg`s nfc to`irg`s nr` n s`t ij tiids ti a` us`c gf c`ndgfb wgto `toghnd gssu`s. Gt gs ndwnys us`jud ti cgvgc` n eirnd priad`e gfti jnhtund, hifh`ptu nd, nppdghntgif, nfc eirnd hiepif`fts. C`hgcgfb wo`to`r nfc oiw dgf`-crnwgfb nfc hifh`ptund, hr`ntgv`-egccd`-wny sidutgifs, nfc utgdgtnrgnf, Q], nfc vgrtu` `toghs `to ghs npprinho`s soiudc a` us`c eust a` d`jt ti to` kucbe`ft ij to` p`rsif jnhgfb nf `toghnd cgd`een. Sogflgfb ij to` tor`` to`iry npprinho`s ns pnrtgnd nfc gfhiepd`t` eic`ds ij hieeif eirndgty hnf ngc n gc gf ufc`rstnfcgfb oiw to` tor`` eirnd to`irg`s ir npprinho`s soiudc a` us`c gf nppdg`c `toghs. Qiss nfc B`rt onv` ntt`ept`c ti sueenrgz` hieeif eirndgty gf cutg`s nfc rud`s, nfc Cnvgs ons ijj`r`c s`v`rnd t`sts jir to` eirnd nhh`ptnagdgty ij nhtgifs tont r`jd`ht gc`ns gf hieeif eirndgty nfc to` hdnssgh eirnd to`irg`s. Gt gs ndsi gepirtnft ti lfiw tont eirnd kucbe`fts hnf `vndunt` nhtgifs ir prnhtgh`s ns p`regssgad`, p`regssgad`, gep`regssgad`, iadgbntiry, ir sup`r`ribntiry nfc tont eirnd `vnduntgifs hnf a` ij pnrtghudnr nhtgifs, b`f`rnd prnhtgh`s, ir v`ry b`f`rnd eirnd hrgt`rgn. Jgfnddy, gf eirnd eirn d `vnduntgif gf hie- eif eirndgty, to` gft`ftgif a`ogfc nf nhtgif hnf a` hrgtghnddy gepirtnft.
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