Chapter 15 IMSM
Short Description
Advanced Accounting Hoyle...
The termin terminatio ation n of a partnershi partnership p and liquidat liquidation ion of its proper property ty may take take place place for a number of reasons. A. The death, withdrawal, or retirement of a partner can lead to cessation of business activity. B. The The bank bankru rupt ptcy cy of eith either er an indi indivi vidu dual al part partne nerr or the the part partne ners rshi hip p as a whol whole e can can necessitate this same conclusion.
II. Because of the importan importance ce of liquidating liquidating and distribu distributing ting assets fairly, fairly, all parties look to the the accountant to play an important role in the process. A. The accountant account ant provides timely financial information. B. The accountant accountant works works to ensure ensure an an equitable equitable settlement settlement of all all claims. claims. III. III. The sched schedule ule of liqu liquida idation tion A. The liquidation process usually involves the disposal of noncash assets, payment of liabi liabili liti ties es and and liqu liquida idatio tion n expen expenses ses,, and and distr distrib ibuti ution on of any any remai remaini ning ng cash cash to the partners based on their final capital balances. B. A schedule schedule of liquida liquidation tion should should be produced produced periodica periodically lly by the accounta accountant nt to disclose disclose losses and gains that have been incurred, remaining assets and liabilities, and current capital balances. IV. Deficit Deficit capital capital balan balances ces A. By the end of the liquidation process, one or more partners may have a negative (or deficit) capital balance balance often as a result of losses incurred incurred in disposing of assets. B. Legal Legally ly,, any any defic deficit it shoul should d be elim elimin inate ated d by havin having g that that partn partner er contri contribu bute te enough enough additional additional assets to offset the negative balance. C. If this contributi contribution on is not immediat immediately ely received, received, the remaining remaining partner partners s may request request a preliminary distribution of any partnership cash that is available. 1. This This payment payment is based on safe capital capital balan balances, ces, the amounts amounts that that will remai remain n in the indivi individual dual capital capital accounts accounts even if all deficits deficits and other proper properties ties prove to be complete losses that must be absorbed by the remaining partners. 2. If a portion portion (or all) of a deficit deficit is subsequentl subsequently y recovered recovered from a partner, partner, a further further distribution to the other partners is made based on newly computed safe capital balances. 3. Any deficit deficit that is not not recovered recovered from a partner partner must must be charged charged to the remaini remaining ng partners based on their relative profit and loss ratio.
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V. Mars Marsha hali ling ng of asse assets ts A. To provide an equitable system for distributing assets during liquidation, the Uniform Partner Partnershi ship p Act states that claims claims against against an insolven insolventt partner partner shall shall be ranked ranked as follows: 1. Clai Claims ms by sepa separat rate e credi credito tors rs 2. Claims Claims by partner partnershi ship p cred credito itors rs 3. Clai Claims ms by part partne ners rs B. This This priorit priority y listin listing g is referred referred to as as the marshaling of assets doctrine . C. The Uniform Uniform Partnership Partnership Act also also provides provides that an individual individual partner's partner's own creditors creditors may seek recovery of losses directly from the partnership 1. Payme Payment nt of all all partne partnersh rship ip debts debts must must be assure assured d before before any distri distribut bution ion to an individual partners' creditors. 2. Paym Paymen entt of pers person onal al debt debts s cann cannot ot exce exceed ed the the capi capita tall bala balanc nce e of the the spec specif ific ic partner. Vl. Preliminary Preliminary distribution distribution of assets assets to the partners partners A. The liquidation process can extend over a lengthy period of time as business activities wind down and property is sold. B. More More cash cash may may be gene genera rate ted d than than the the amou amount nt need needed ed to exti exting ngui uish sh all all pote potent ntia iall liabilities and liquidation expenses. C. If possibl possible, e, the distri distribu butio tion n of exces excess s cash cash amoun amounts ts should should be made made as quickl quickly y as possible possible to enable the partners to make use of their funds. 1. The account accountant ant may choose choose to produce produce a proposed proposed schedul schedule e of liquidati liquidation on at such times to determine the equitable distribution of cash amounts that become available. 2. The propose proposed d schedu schedule le of liqu liquida idatio tion n is develop developed ed based based upon upon simu simula latin ting g the the accounting recognition that would be required by a possible series of transactions: assets are sold, expenses are paid, etc. a. These These even events ts are are simu simula lated ted with the antic anticipa ipati tion on of maxi maximu mum m losse losses s in each case. b. Nonc Noncas ash h asse assets ts are are assu assume med d to have have no resa resale le valu value; e; maxi maximu mum m poss possib ible le liqui liquida datio tion n expens expenses es are are incl include uded; d; all all partn partner ers s are are consi consider dered ed perso personal nally ly insolvent; etc. 3. Ending Ending potential potential capital capital balances balances that remain remain on a propose proposed d schedule schedule of liquida liquidation tion are safe capital balances, the amounts that could be immediately paid to each partner without jeopardizing jeopardizing future payments. Safe capital balances indicate that the partner will still have a sufficient interest in the partnership to absorb all potential losses even after a preliminary distribution. Vll. Predistribution Predistribution plan A. The proposed schedule of liquidation (described above) indicates safe capital balances but a newly revised schedule must be prepared frequently. B. Accoun Accountan tants ts often often prefe preferr to produce produce a sing single le predis predistri tribu butio tion n plan plan at the start start of a liquidation to provide guidance for all payments made to the partners throughout this process.
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C. Informat Information ion for the predistrib predistributio ution n plan is generate generated d by assuming assuming the occurrenc occurrence e of a serie series s of losse losses, s, each each just just large large enoug enough h to elim elimin inate ate one one partn partner' er's s clai claim m to any any partnership property. D. Once a series series of losses losses has been simulated simulated that that would eliminate eliminate the the capital balances of all partners, the actual plan is developed by measuring the effects that occur if the losses do not materialize. E. By working working backwards backwards through this this series series of possible possible losses, a predistri predistribution bution plan plan can be produced that will direct all payments made within the liquidation.
Learning Objectives Having completed Chapter 15 of this textbook, "Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation," students should be able to fulfill each of the following following learning objectives: objectives: 1. Disc Discus uss s the the role roles s play played ed by the the acco accoun unta tant nt in the the term termin inat atio ion n and and liqu liquid idat atio ion n of a partnership. 2. Prod Produc uce e jour journa nall entr entrie ies s to reco record rd the the tran transa sact ctio ions ns incu incurr rred ed in the the liqu liquid idat atio ion n of a partnership. 3. Prepare Prepare a sched schedule ule of liqu liquidat idation. ion. 4. Determin Determine e the approp appropria riate te distributi distribution on of any cash that that remains remains at the end of a liquidat liquidation ion when one or more of the partners has a deficit capital balance. 5. Explain Explain the the meaning meaning of the term term "safe "safe capital capital bala balance. nce."" 6. Discuss Discuss “marsh “marshali aling ng of assets” assets” and explain explain how this doctrine doctrine is applied applied in distribu distributing ting the assets of an insolvent partnership. 7. Prep Prepar are e a prop propos osed ed sche schedu dule le of liqu liquid idat atio ion n to dete determ rmin ine e an equi equita tabl ble e prel prelim imin inar ary y distribution of available partnership assets. 8. Develop Develop a predistri predistributi bution on plan and explain explain the advantag advantages es of such a plan over over a proposed proposed schedule of liquidation. liquidation.
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Answer to Discussion Question What Happens if a Partner Becomes Insolvent? This case demonstrates one of the nightmares of a partnership: the apparent insolvency of a partner is threatening the future of a successful business. The problem is especially acute to Wilkinson and Walker since this partnership was created solely for convenience; the partners share the facilities but do not actually work together. Therefore, the presence of Rogers is not essenti essential al to the other other partner partners s except except that he pays pays a portion portion of the business's business's expenses. expenses. Howeve However, r, the clai claim m that that has has been been filed filed coul could d lead lead to the actua actuall liqu liquida idatio tion n of the entir entire e business. Obviously, the partners should take no immediate action until they have spoken with Rogers. The entire entire issue may prove to be a mistake. mistake. Conversely Conversely,, numerou numerous s other other claims claims against against Rogers may also be outstanding with the initial initial claim simply being the first to be filed. Because of the various possibilities, Wilkinson and Walker should consult with a lawyer to learn of the partn partner ershi ship p laws laws that that appl apply y in their their state. state. They They shoul should d also also begin begin consi consider derin ing g possi possibl ble e alternatives to salvage their business if Rogers is indeed insolvent. One course of action is for Wilkinson and Walker to buy out the partnership interest of Rogers. In that way, Rogers would receive his money and the remaining partnership partnership could be left intact. However, they would have to prove—for legal reasons—that a fair price was being paid. They would also be forced to come up with a significant amount of cash in a short period of time. Finally, Wilkinson and Walker would have a building that was apparently larger than their needs needs.. Unle Unless ss they they could could util utiliz ize e the space space in some some manne manner, r, they they migh mightt have have no way way of recouping their additional investment. As a second possibility, a new dentist could be brought in to acquire Rogers’ interest in the partnership. Again, the money is conveyed to Rogers but now the original partners are not forced forced to make make the paym payment ent.. The buildi building ng woul would d contin continue ue to be fully fully util utilize ized d so that that the partners' expenses would not escalate. In this case, though, a new partner may have to be iden identif tifie ied d in a short short peri period od of time time.. Furt Furthe hermo rmore re,, since since the partn partner ers s are are shar sharing ing space, space, Wilkinson and Walker will probably want to ensure that the new partner is someone with whom they can work comfortably. comfortably. Because of time considerations, considerations, they may not have the opportunity opportunity of getting the new partner they would like. Finally, the partnership can be liquidated. Wilkinson and Walker could then take their share of the proceeds and buy a new building for the continuation of their practices. Unfortunately, in liquidation, assets do not always bring fair market value. Thus, the partners may be forced to absorb significant losses as a result of Rogers' insolvency. In addition, the moving of any business can disrupt service and have a possible adverse impact on profitability. Although Wilkinson and Walker W alker have several possible poss ible actions that can be taken, none of these t hese is without problems. Therefore, partners should always include agreements within their Articles of Partnership to specify actions that will be taken in such cases. The insolvency of a partner is not a particularly particularly unusual event. Hence, the partners (or their lawyers lawyers and accountants) accountants) should have the forethought to arrange the resolution of the business if insolvency of a partner does occur.
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Answers to Questions 1. A dissolution refers to the cessation of a partnership. In many cases, this process is simply a preliminary step in the transfer of business property to a newly formed partnership. Therefore, a dissolution does not necessarily affect the operations of the business. In a liquidation, however, actual business activities must cease. Partnership property is sold with the remaining cash distributed to creditors and to any partners with positive capital balances. Dissolution refers to changes in the composition of a partnership whereas liquidation is the selling of a partnership's assets. 2. Many reasons can exist that would lead to the termination and liquidation of a partnership. The business might simply have failed to generate sufficient profits or the partners may elect to enter other lines of work. Liquidation can also be required by the death, retirement, or withdrawal of one of the partners. In such cases, liquidation is often necessary to settle the partner's interest in the business. The bankruptcy of an individual partner can also force the termination of the business as can the bankruptcy of the partnership itself. 3. During the liquidation process, monitoring the balance of the partners' capital accounts becomes of paramount importance. That amount will eventually indicate either the cash to be received by the partners as final distributions or the additional contributions that they are required to pay. Consequently, all liquidation gains and losses are recorded directly as changes to these capital balances. Such recording enhances the informational value of the accounts. As an additional factor, the computation of a net income figure is of diminished importance since normal operations have ceased. 4. Final distributions made to the various partners are based solely on their ending capital account balances unless the partners have agreed otherwise. If any partner has a deficit balance, an additional contribution should be made to offset the negative amount. In some situations, a question may arise as to whether compensation for a deficit will ever be forthcoming from the responsible party. The remaining partners may choose to allocate the available cash immediately based on the assumption that the deficit balance eventually will prove to be a total loss. 5. A schedule of liquidation provides financial data about the liquidation process as it has progressed to date. Information to be presented includes the balances of all remaining assets, the liability total, and the capital account of each partner. In addition, the allocation of all gains and losses incurred in the liquidation process as well as the payment of expenses should be evident. 6. From a legal viewpoint, any partner who incurs a negative (or deficit) capital balance is obligated to make an additional contribution to offset that amount.
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7. A safe capital balance is the amount of a partner's capital account that exceeds all possible needs of a partnership as it goes through liquidation. A partner should, therefore, be able to receive this balance immediately without endangering the future amount to be received by any other party connected with the liquidation. Safe capital balances are computed by projecting a series of assumptions whereby the partnership undergoes maximum losses during the remainder of the liquidation process. All noncash assets are assumed to have no resale value, liquidation expenses are set at the largest possible estimation, and all partners are viewed as personally insolvent. Any capital balance that would remain after this series of anticipated events can be distributed to the partners immediately without incurring any risk. 8. The marshaling of assets doctrine is a provision within the Uniform Partnership Act that indicates the priority of claims when a partner becomes personally insolvent. By providing a ranking of these claims, an orderly and fair distribution of available property can be made. The marshaling of assets provision states: Where a partner has become bankrupt or his estate is insolvent, the claims against his separate property shall rank in the following order: (I) Those owing to separate creditors, (II) Those owing to partnership creditors, (III) Those owing to partners by way of contributions. 9. A partner's personal creditors do have a limited claim against partnership assets. Recovery is possible but only if payment of all partnership debts is assured and the insolvent partner has a positive capital balance. 10. For distribution purposes, the Uniform Partnership Act states that loans from partners rank ahead of the partners’ capital balances. Thus, the handling of loans in a liquidation would seem to be obvious: When money becomes available for the partners, all loans from partners should be repaid before any amount is given to a partner because of a safe capital balance. A problem arises, though, in the above solution if a partner (especially if the partner is currently insolvent) has made a loan to a partnership but has a potentially negative capital balance. The final capital balance may require a contribution to the partnership that the partner may be unable or unwilling to make. If the Uniform Partnership Act is followed precisely, a partner could collect money on a loan while still having an obligation to the partnership because of a negative capital balance. To avoid this problem, in practice a partner’s loan balance is usually merged with that partner’s capital balance to minimize the chance of a negative capital balance occurring. This particular partner may get less money from the liquidation because of this treatment but the other partners are better protected.
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11. A proposed schedule of liquidation is used by the accountant to determine the allocation of any cash balances generated during the early stages of liquidation. Often, sufficient cash will be collected to pay all liabilities as well as potential liquidation expenses. Additional cash should then be distributed to the partners to allow them immediate use of their funds. A proposed schedule of liquidation can be produced to determine the allocation of this available cash. The statement is based on anticipating a series of assumed losses from the current day forward: all remaining noncash assets are scrapped, maximum liquidation expenses are incurred, and each partner is personally insolvent. The ending balances that would result from these simulated transactions represent safe capital balances. This amount of cash can be distributed presently and the partners will still retain enough capital to absorb all future losses. 12. A predistribution plan is produced based on an assumed series of losses. Each loss is calculated to eliminate in turn the capital balance of one of the partners. In this manner, the accountant can determine the vulnerability to losses exhibited by each capital account. When the last balance is eliminated, the accountant will have established a series of losses that exactly offsets each balance. The predistribution plan is then developed by measuring the effects that are created if the losses do not occur. In effect, the accountant works backwards through the assumed losses to create a pattern of available cash, the predistribution plan.
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Answers to Problems 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B Reported balances Potential loss from Cassidy deficit (split 5/8:3/8 ) Cash distributions
Angela, Capital
Woodrow, Capital
Cassidy, Capital
(7,500) $11,500
(4,500) $13,500
12,000 -0-
6. B Bell Reported balances $50,000 Loss on sale of assets ($110,000) split on a 4:3:2:1 basis (44,000) Adjusted balances $ 6,000 Potential loss from Dennard deficit (split 4:3:1) (4,000) Minimum cash distributions $2,000
Hardy $56,000
Dennard $14,000
Suddath $80,000
(33,000) $23,000
(22,000) $(8,000)
(11,000) $69,000
(3,000) $20,000
8,000 $ -0-
(1,000) $68,000
7. A 8. A Reported balances ..................................... Loss on sale of assets ($22,000) split on a 4:3:3 basis ........................................ Adjusted balances ..................................... Anticipated liquidation expenses ($12,000) split on a 4:3:3 basis ............................... Anticipated maximum loss on inventory ($31,000) split on a 4:3:3 basis ............... Potential balances ..................................... Potential loss from Art deficit (split 3:3) . Current cash distribution ..........................
Art $18,000
Raymond $25,000
Darby $26,000
(8,800) $ 9,200
(6,600) $18,400
(6,600) $19,400
(12,400) $(8,000) 8,000 $ -0-
(9,300) $ 5,500 (4,000) $ 1,500
(9,300) $ 6,500 (4,000) $ 2,500
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9. D Since the partnership currently has total capital of $400,000, the $30,000 that is available would indicate maximum potential losses of $370,000. A $100,000
Reported balances Anticipated loss ($370,000) split on a 2:3:5 basis (74,000) Potential balances $ 26,000 Potential loss from C's deficit (split 2:3) (2,000) Current cash distribution $ 24,000
B $120,000
C $180,000
(111,000) $ 9,000 (3,000) $ 6,000
(185,000) $ (5,000) 5,000 $ -0-
10.C A predistribution plan should be created. Maximum Losses That Can Be Absorbed
Kevin $59,000/40% Michael $39,000/30% Brendan $34,000/10% Jonathan $34,000/20%
$147,500 130,000 340,000 170,000
(most vulnerable to losses)
The assumption is made that a $130,000 loss occurs. Kevin Reported balances ..........................$59,000 Assumed loss ($130,000) split on a 4:3:1:2 basis .............................(52,000) Adjusted balances ............................$ 7,000
Michael Brendan $39,000 $34,000
(39,000) $ -0-
Jonathan $34,000
(13,000) $21,000
(26,000) $ 8,000
Maximum Losses That Can Now Be Absorbed Kevin $7,000/4/7 $12,250 (most vulnerable to losses) Brendan $21,000/1/7 147,000 Jonathan $8,000/2/7 28,000 Kevin Reported balances .......................................$7,000 Assumed loss ($12,250) split on a 4:1:2 basis ................................................(7,000) Adjusted balances $ -0-
Brendan $21,000
Jonathan $8,000
(1,750) $19,250
(3,500) $4,500
Maximum Losses That Can Now Be Absorbed
Brendan Jonathan
$19,250/1/3 $4,500/2/3
$57,750 6,750
(most vulnerable to losses)
The assumption is made that a $6,750 loss occurs. Brendan Jonathan Reported balances.............................................. $19,250 $4,500 Assumed loss ($6,750) split on a 1:2 basis . .. . (2,250) (4,500) Adjusted balances ............................................. $17,000 $ -011.C To work this problem, a predistribution schedule is necessary. That schedule, which is computed below, is as follows: •
First $3,000 goes to Menton
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• • •
Next $15,000 goes to Menton (2/3) and Hoehn (1/3) Next $42,000 goes to Carney (4/7), Menton (2/7), and Hoehn (1/7) All remaining cash goes to Carney (4/10), Pierce (3/10), Menton (2/10), and Hoehn (1/10)
Beginning balances Assumed loss of $90,000 (see Schedule 1)(4:3:2:1) Step one balances Assumed loss of $42,000 (see Schedule 2) (allocated on a 4:0:2:1 basis) Step two balances Assumed loss of $15,000 (see Schedule 3) (allocated on a 0:0:2:1 basis) Step three balances
Carney Pierce $60,000 $27,000
Menton $43,000
(36,000) (27,000) $24,000 $ -0-
(18,000) (9,000) $25,000 $11,000
(24,000) $ -0-
$ -0$ -0-
(12,000) $13,000
(6,000) $ 5,000
-0$ -0-
(10,000) $ 3,000
(5,000) $ -0-
-0$ -0-
Hoehn $20,000
Partner Carney Pierce Menton Hoehn
Schedule 1 Maximum Loss Capital Balance/ That Can Loss Allocation Be Absorbed $60,000/40% $150,000 $27,000/30% $ 90,000 (most vulnerable) $43,000/20% $215,000 $20,000/10% $200,000
Partner Carney Menton Hoehn
Schedule 2 Maximum Loss Capital Balance/ That Can Loss Allocation Be Absorbed $24,000/(4/7) $ 42,000 (most vulnerable) $25,000/(2/7) $ 87,500 $11,000/(1/7) $ 77,000
Partner Menton Hoehn
Schedule 3 Maximum Loss Capital Balance/ That Can Loss Allocation Be Absorbed $13,000/(2/3) $ 19,500 $ 5,000/(1/3) $ 15,000 (most vulnerable)
12.C The $16,000 available cash can be distributed but should be done under the assumption that all deficit balances will be total losses. After offsetting Jones' loan, the two deficits total $4,000. Fuller and Rogers, the two partners with positive capital balances, share profits in a 30:20 relationship (the equivalent of a 60%:40% ratio). Fuller would absorb $2,400 of the potential loss with Rogers being allocated $1,600. The remaining capital
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balances ($10,600 and $5,400) are safe capital balances and those amounts can be immediately distributed. 13.(8 Minutes) (Payment of safe capital balances) $6,800 to Cleveland and $1,200 to Pierce Since the partnership currently has total capital of $350,000, the $8,000 that is available would indicate maximum potential losses of $342,000. Nixon
Reported balances .............................. $170,000 Anticipated loss ($342,000) split on a 5:3:2 basis .............................. (171,000) Potential balances ............................... $ (1,000) Potential loss from Nixon's deficit (split 3:2) 1,000 Current cash distribution ................... $ -0-
(102,600) $ 7,400 (600 ) $6,800
(68,400) $ 1,600 (400) $ 1,200
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14. (20 Minutes) (Final settlement of a partnership being liquidated) Part a.
Brown gets $21,000, Fish gets $12,000, and Stone gets $2,000.
Reported balances ...................................... Loss on sale of land ($10,000) split on a 4:3:3 basis....................................... Cash distribution ......................................... Part b.
Brown $25,000
Fish $15,000
Stone $5,000
(4,000) $21,000
(3,000) $12,000
(3,000) $2,000
Fish $15,000
Stone $5,000
Brown gets $16,429 and Fish gets $8,571 Brown $25,000
Reported balances ...................................... Loss on sale of land ($20,000) split on a 4:3:3 basis............................................ (8,000) Adjusted balances ....................................... $17,000 Potential loss from Stone's deficit (split 4:3) (571) Cash distribution ......................................... $16,429 Part c.
(6,000) $ 9,000 (429) $ 8,571
(6,000) $(1,000) 1,000 $ -0-
Brown gets $10,714 and Fish gets $4,286 Brown $25,000
Reported balances ...................................... Loss on sale of land ($30,000) split on a 4:3:3 basis............................................ (12,000) Adjusted balances ....................................... $13,000 Potential loss from Stone's deficit (split 4:3) (2,286) Cash distribution ......................................... $10,714
Fish $15,000
(9,000) $ 6,000 (1,714) $ 4,286
Stone $5,000
(9,000) $(4,000) 4,000 $ -0-
15.(10 Minutes) (Distribution made of contribution made by partner with deficit balance) The entire $20,000 goes to Atkinson. Atkinson
Reported balances Capital contribution Adjusted balances Potential loss from Dennsmore and Rasputin ($60,000) split on a 4:3 basis Adjusted balances Potential loss from Kaporale ($5,714) Cash distribution
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Kaporale Dennsmore
$60,000 -0$60,000
$20,000 -0$20,000
$(30,000) -0$(30,000)
$(50,000) 20,000 $(30,000)
(34,286) $25,714
(25,714) $(5,714)
30,000 $ -0-
30,000 $ -0-
-0$ -0-
-0$ -0-
(5,714) $20,000
5,714 $ -0-
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16. (8 Minutes) (Determine safe capital balances) Ball gets $143, Eaton gets $1,429, and Lake gets $3,428. Ace Reported balances ....................... $25,000 Maximum losses on land and building ($85,000) split on a 3:3:2:2 basis (25,500) Estimated liquidation expenses ($5,000) split 3:3:2:2.................... (1,500) Potential balances ........................ $(2,000) Potential loss from Ace ($2,000) split on a 3:2:2 basis .......................... 2,000 Cash distributions ........................ $ 0
Ball $28,000
Eaton $20,000
Lake $22,000
(1,500) $ 1,000
(1,000) $ 2,000
(1,000) $ 4,000
(857) $ 143
(571) $ 1,429
(572) $ 3,428
Saunders, Capital
Ferris, Loan & Capital
200,000 (38,400)
230,000 (38,400)
17.(15 Minutes) (Prepare a proposed schedule of liquidation)
HARDWICK, SAUNDERS, AND FERRIS Proposed Schedule of Liquidation
Other Assets
Hardwick, Accounts Loan and Payable Capital
Beginning balances 90,000 820,000 210,000 270,000 Sold assets 200,000 (328,000) (51,200) Assumed: loss on remaining assets (492,000) (196,800) Paid liabilities (210,000) (210,000) Safe balances 80,000 0 0 22,000
(147,600) (147,600) 14,000
Of the available $80,000, $22,000 will go to Hardwick, $14,000 to Saunders, and $44,000 to Ferris.
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18.(7 Minutes) (Amount of cash needed to assure payments to all partners) Watson is the partner most vulnerable to a loss. A loss of only $50,000 would completely eliminate Watson's capital balance: Miller $50,000/60% = $ 83,333 loss to eliminate capital Tyson $50,000/20% = $250,000 loss to eliminate capital Watson $10,000/20% = $ 50,000 loss to eliminate capital Thus, if the loss on disposal is less than $50,000, all partners will retain positive capital balances and receive some cash in liquidation. Because of this, since "other assets" are $140,000, they must be sold for any amount over $90,000 for all partners to get cash. 19.(5 Minutes) (Determine safe capital balances) Maximum potential losses are $128,000, $8,000 in liquidation expenses and a complete $120,000 loss on the noncash assets. Such a loss would reduce the capital balances to: Babb $8,800, Whitaker ($5,600), and Edwards ($1,200). Babb must retain sufficient capital ($6,800) to be able to absorb the possible losses of Whitaker and Edwards. The remaining $2,000 is a safe capital balance for Babb. 20.(10 Minutes) (Determine amount to be contributed by partner with a deficit balance) White and Blue are both insolvent and have negative capital balances (after offsetting the loan from White) totaling $15,000. Absorption by the other partners of these losses would be as follows (on a 30:10:20 basis): Partner
Black Green Brown
Share of Loss
30/60 x 10/60 x 20/60 x
$15,000 = $7,500 $15,000 = $2,500 $15,000 = $5,000
New Capital Balance
$ (4,500) $ (5,500) $10,000
Black, who is also insolvent, now has a deficit capital of $4,500 that would have to be absorbed by Brown and Green (on a 10:20 basis): Partner Green Brown
Share of Loss New Capital Balance 10/30 x $4,500 = $1,500 $ (7,000) 20/30 x $4,500 = $3,000 $ 7,000
Thus, Green must contribute $7,000 that will go to Brown.
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21.(50 Minutes) (Compute effects of a liquidation under a variety of circumstances) a. Dobbs receives the entire $10,000. Maximum potential losses of $250,000 on noncash assets would be allocated as follows: Partner
Share of Loss
New Capital Balance
Adams 2/10 x $250,000 = $50,000 $ 30,000 Baker 3/10 x $250,000 = $75,000 $(45,000) Carvil 3/10 x $250,000 = $75,000 $(15,000) Dobbs 2/10 x $250,000 = $50,000 $ 40,000 Maximum total potential losses of $60,000 to be absorbed from Baker and Carvil above would then be allocated as follows on a 2:2 basis: Adams 2/4 x $60,000 = $30,000 -0Dobbs 2/4 x $60,000 = $30,000 $ 10,000 Absorbing the final loss would leave Dobbs with a safe capital balance of $10,000. b. Adams receives the entire $10,000. Maximum potential losses of $250,000 on noncash assets would be allocated as follows: Partner
Share of Loss
Adams Baker Carvil Dobbs
2/10 x $250,000 = $50,000 2/10 x $250,000 = $50,000 3/10 x $250,000 = $75,000 3/10 x $250,000 = $75,000
New Capital Balance
$ 30,000 $(20,000) $(15,000) $ 15,000
Maximum total potential losses of $35,000 to be absorbed from Baker and Carvil above would be allocated as follows on a 2:3 basis: Adams Dobbs
2/5 x $35,000 = $14,000 3/5 x $35,000 = $21,000
$ 16,000 $ (6,000)
Absorbing the final $6,000 loss from Dobbs would leave Adams with a safe capital balance of $10,000. c. Adams receives $57,500 and Dobbs gets $22,500. The $50,000 loss on sale of the building would be allocated as follows: Partner
Share of Loss
Adams Baker Carvil Dobbs
10% x $50,000 = $5,000 30% x $50,000 = $15,000 30% x $50,000 = $15,000 30% x $50,000 = $15,000
New Capital Balance
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$ 75,000 $ 15,000 $ 45,000 $ 75,000
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21.c. (continued) Maximum potential loss of $130,000 on the land would be allocated as follows: Partner
Share of Loss
Adams Baker Carvil Dobbs
10% x $130,000 = $13,000 30% x $130,000 = $39,000 30% x $130,000 = $39,000 30% x $130,000 = $39,000
New Capital Balance
$ 62,000 $ ( 24,000) $ 6,000 $ 36,000
Maximum potential loss of $24,000 to be absorbed from Baker would be allocated as follows on a 1:3:3 basis: Adams Carvil Dobbs
1/7 x $24,000 = $3,428 3/7 x $24,000 = $10,286 3/7 x $24,000 = $10,286
$ 58,572 $ (4,286) $ 25,714
Maximum potential loss of $4,286 to be absorbed from Carvil would be allocated as follows on a 1:3 basis: Adams Dobbs
1/4 x $4,286 = $1,072 3/4 x $4,286 = $3,214
$57,500 $22,500
These amounts represent safe capital balances for distribution purposes. d. The land and building must be sold for over $115,000 to ensure that Carvil will receive some cash. Adams Beginning balances $ 80,000 Assumed loss of $100,000 (see Schedule 1) (1:3:4:2) (10,000) Step One balances $ 70,000 Assumed loss of $35,000 (see Schedule 2) (allocated on a 1:0:4:2 basis) (5,000) Step Two balances $ 65,000 Assumed loss of $90,000 (see Schedule 3) (allocated on a 1:0:0:2 basis) (30,000) Step Three balances $ 35,000
McGraw-Hill/ Irwin 15-16
Baker $ 30,000
Carvil $ 60,000
Dobbs $ 90,000
(30,000) $ -0-
(40,000) $ 20,000
(20,000) $ 70,000
(20,000) $ -0-
(10,000) $ 60,000
(60,000) $ -0-
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009 Solutions Manual
21.d. (continued) PREDISTRIBUTION PLAN The first $35,000 available goes to Adams. Next $90,000 is split between Adams and Dobbs on a 1:2 basis. Next $35,000 is split between Adams, Carvil, and Dobbs on a 1:4:2 basis. All remaining cash is split between Adams, Baker, Carvil, and Dobbs on the original profit and loss ratio. Total cash of $125,000 ($35,000 + $90,000) has to be available before Carvil will receive any cash. Since the partnership already has $10,000 cash in excess of its liabilities, the land and building must be sold for over $115,000 to ensure Carvil of receiving some amount. As another approach to the problem, Carvil's capital balance is eliminated through the $100,000 Step One loss and the $35,000 Step Two loss. Thus, avoiding a complete $135,000 loss ensures that Carvil will receive cash. Since the land and buildings have a book value of $250,000, such losses would be avoided by receiving over $115,000. Schedule 1 Partner
Adams Baker Carvil Dobbs
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation
$80,000/10% $30,000/30% $60,000/40% $90,000/20%
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed
$800,000 $100,000 (most vulnerable) $150,000 $450,000
Schedule 2 Partner
Adams Carvil Dobbs
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation
$70,000/(1/7) $20,000/(4/7) $70,000/(2/7)
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed
$490,000 $ 35,000 (most vulnerable) $245,000
Schedule 3 Partner
Adams Dobbs
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation
$65,000/(1/3) $60,000/(2/3)
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Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed
$195,000 $ 90,000 (most vulnerable)
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22. (30 Minutes) (Prepare a predistributlon plan) An assumed series of losses is simulated which eliminates each partner's capital account in turn: Larson Norris Spencer Harrison Beginning balances $ 15,000 $ 60,000 $ 75,000 $ 41,250 Assumed loss of $75,000 (see Schedule 1) (allocated on a 2:3:2:3 basis) (15,000) (22,500) (15,000) (22,500) Step One balances $ -0$ 37,500 $ 60,000 $ 18,750 Assumed loss of $50,000 (see Schedule 2) (allocated on a 0:3:2:3 basis) -0(18,750) (12,500) (18,750) Step Two balances $ -0$ 18,750 $ 47,500 $ -0Assumed loss of $31,250 (see Schedule 3) (allocated on a 0:3:2:0 basis) -0(18,750) (12,500) -0Step Three balances $ -0$ -0$ 35,000 $ -0PREDISTRIBUTION PLAN First $55,000 goes to pay liabilities ($47,000) and liquidation expenses (estimated at $8,000). Next $35,000 available goes to Spencer. Next $31,250 is split between Norris and Spencer on a 3:2 basis. Next $50,000 is split among Norris, Spencer, and Harrison on a 3:2:3 basis. All remaining cash is split among Larson, Norris, Spencer, and Harrison on the original profit and loss ratio. •
• • • •
Schedule 1 Partner Larson Norris Spencer Harrison
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $15,000/20% $60,000/30% $75,000/20% $41,250/30%
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed $ 75,000 (most vulnerable) $200,000 $375,000 $137,500
Schedule 2 Partner Norris Spencer Harrison
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $37,500/(3/8) $60,000/(2/8) $18,750/(3/8)
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed $100,000 $240,000 $ 50,000 (most vulnerable)
Schedule 3 Partner Norris Spencer
McGraw-Hill/ Irwin 15-18
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $18,750/(3/5) $47,500/(2/5)
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed $ 31,250 (most vulnerable) $118,750
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009 Solutions Manual
23. (20 Minutes) (Prepare and use a predistribution plan) Part a. Maximum Losses That Can Be Absorbed
Able* Moon Yerkl
$50,000/.2 $60,000/.3 $50,000/.5
$250,000 200,000 100,000 (most vulnerable to losses)
*Able's balance includes capital and the loan to the partnership. The assumption is made that a $100,000 loss occurs. Able Reported balances $50,000 Assumed loss ($100,000) split on a 2:3:5 basis (20,000) Adjusted balances $30,000
Moon $60,000 (30,000) $30,000
Yerkl $50,000 (50,000) $ 0
Maximum Losses That Can Now Be Absorbed
Able Moon
$30,000/.4 $30,000/.6
$75,000 50,000 (most vulnerable to losses)
The assumption is made that a $50,000 loss occurs. Reported balances Assumed loss ($50,000) split on a 2:3 basis Adjusted balances
Able $30,000 (20,000) $10,000
Moon $30,000 (30,000) $ 0
• •
The first $62,000 will go to pay liquidation expenses ($12,000) and liabilities ($50,000). The next $10,000 goes entirely to Able (to pay off loan). The next $50,000 is split between Able and Moon based on a 2:3 basis, respectively. All remaining cash will be divided among the partners according to their profit and loss ratio.
Part b. After this sale, the partnership has $76,000 in cash. The first $62,000 should be held for the liabilities and the liquidation expenses. The next $10,000 goes to Able. The remaining $4,000 is divided between Able ($1,600 or 40%) and Moon ($2,400 or 60%). 24. (25 Minutes) (Produce a predistribution plan for a partnership liquidation) McGraw-Hill/Irwin Hoyle, Schaefer, Doupnik, Advanced Accounting, 9/e
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Maximum Losses That Can Be Absorbed
Simpson Hart Bobb Reidl
$18,000/20% $40,000/40% $48,000/20% $135,000/20%
$ 90,000 (most vulnerable to losses) 100,000 240,000 675,000
The assumption is made that a $90,000 loss occurs. Simpson Reported balances $18,000 Assumed loss ($90,000) split on a 2:4:2:2 basis (18,000) Adjusted balances $ 0
Hart $40,000
Bobb $48,000
Reidl $135,000
(36,000) $ 4,000
(18,000) $30,000
(18,000) $117,000
Maximum Losses That Can Now Be Absorbed
Hart Bobb Reidl
$4,000/4/8 $30,000/2/8 $117,000/2/8
$ 8,000 (most vulnerable to losses) 120,000 468,000
The assumption is made that an $8,000 loss occurs. Hart Reported balances $4,000 Assumed loss ($8,000) split on a 4:2:2 basis (4,000) Adjusted balances $ 0
Bobb $30,000 (2,000) $28,000
Reidl $117,000 (2,000) $115,000
Maximum Losses That Can Now Be Absorbed
Bobb Reidl
$28,000/2/4 $115,000/2/4
56,000 (most vulnerable to losses) 230,000
The assumption is made that a $56,000 loss occurs. Reported balances Assumed loss ($56,000) split on a 2:2 basis Adjusted balances
Bobb $28,000 (28,000) $ 0
Reidl $115,000 (28,000) $ 87,000
The first $59,000 goes to pay liabilities and expected liquidation expenses. The next $87,000 goes entirely to Reidl. The next $56,000 is split evenly between Bobb and Reidl. The next $8,000 is split among Hart (4/8), Bobb (2/8), and Reidl (2/8). All remaining cash is split among the partners according to their original profit and loss ratio.
25.(30 Minutes) (Determine the ramifications of a variety of liquidation situations) McGraw-Hill/ Irwin 15-20
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Part A. (a) $48,000. Maximum losses of $100,000 on the noncash assets would increase Milburn's deficit balance by $40,000 (or 40%). Maximum losses would not create any other deficit balances. (b) All $19,000 should go to Thomas. As Ross and Thomas view the current situation, maximum potential losses total $108,000: $100,000 on the noncash assets and $8,000 on Milburn's deficit balance. In determining safe capital balances, these assumed losses would be allocated on a 4:2 basis or $72,000 to Ross and $36,000 to Thomas. Since such a loss would entirely eliminate Ross' capital account, only Thomas has a safe capital balance at the current time. (c) The minimum cash payment to Thomas would be $35,667 ($19,000 + $16,667). As shown in (b) above, the available $19,000 is distributed to Thomas, thus reducing that partner's capital balance to $39,000. A loss of $59,000 on the noncash assets would further reduce this partner's balance by $11,800 ($59,000 x 20%) to $27,200. That same loss would reduce Ross' capital to $45,400 and Milburn's deficit to ($31,600). The minimum cash amount would be caused by Milburn's failure to contribute this $31,600 so that it has to be absorbed by Ross (4/6 or $21,067) and Thomas (2/6 or $10,533). The remaining safe capital balance of $16,667 would be paid to Thomas. Part B. (a) Carton will have to contribute $7,429. The $29,000 in deficits will have to be absorbed by Sampson and Carton on a 4:3 basis. Thus, Carton will be allocated $12,429 of this amount which creates a deficit of $7,429. (b) Klingon will have to contribute $19,667 [$17,000 + (20/90 x $12,000)] that will be distributed as follows: Creditors Sampson Carton
$15,000 $ 3,667 $ 1,000
Since Romulan is insolvent, the remaining partners will have to absorb the $12,000 deficit on a 4:2:3 basis. This allocation increases Klingon's deficit by 2/9 of $12,000 or $2,667. Klingon must contribute an amount equal to the new deficit balance of $19,667. The first $15,000 will go to the creditors that remain after the $9,000 in partnership cash is distributed. The remaining $4,667 is distributed to the two partners in accordance with their remaining positive capital balances after absorbing Romulan's loss, 4/9 to Sampson and 3/9 to Carton. Sampson has a postive capital balance of $3,667 [$9,000 – ($12,000 x 4/9)] and Carton has a positive capital balance of $1,000 [$5,000 – ($12,000 x 3/9)].
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25. (continued) (c) Sampson should receive $500. If Klingon is insolvent, the $17,000 deficit balance will have to be absorbed by the remaining three partners on a 4:3:1 basis. This loss would decrease Sampson's capital balance by $8,500 (4/8) to $500. 26. (25 Minutes) (Prepare journal entries for a partnership liquidation) JOURNAL ENTRIES a. Cash ............................................................................. March, Capital (2/6 of loss) ....................................... April, Capital (3/6) ....................................................... May, Capital (1/6) ........................................................ Inventory ................................................................
56,000 6,000 9,000 3,000 74,000
b. March, Capital (2/6 of expenses) .............................. April, Capital (3/6) ....................................................... May, Capital (1/6) ........................................................ Cash .......................................................................
2,500 3,750 1,250
c. Liabilities ..................................................................... Cash .......................................................................
d. Cash ............................................................................. Accounts Receivable ............................................
e. Partner March April May
Current Capital Adjusted $16,500 $62,250 $41,750
7,500 40,000 45,000
Share of Potential Maximum Loss* Capital 2/6 x $77,000 = $25,667 $ (9,167) 3/6 x $77,000 = $38,500 $23,750 1/6 x $77,000 = $12,833 $28,917
*Maximum losses could be suffered on the remaining $39,000 in accounts receivable and the $38,000 in land, building, and equipment. Based on the above potential losses, March would have a deficit capital balance of $9,167 which in turn has to be allocated to the two partners having positive capital balances: Partner April May
McGraw-Hill/ Irwin 15-22
Potential Capital (above) $23,750 $28,917
Share of March's Deficit 3/4 x $9,167 = $6,875 1/4 x $9,167 = $2,292
Potential Capital $16,875 $26,625
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26. (continued) As the above amounts represent safe capital balances, payments can be presently made to these two partners. April, Capital ............................................................... 16,875 May, Capital ................................................................. 26,625 Cash ....................................................................... 43,500 f. Cash (30%) .................................................................. March, Capital (2/6 of loss) ....................................... April, Capital (3/6)........................................................ May, Capital (1/6)......................................................... Accounts Receivable ............................................
11,700 9,100 13,650 4,550
g. Cash ............................................................................ March, Capital (2/6 of loss) ....................................... April, Capital (3/6) ....................................................... May, Capital (1/6) ........................................................ Land, Building and Equipment ............................
17,000 7,000 10,500 3,500
h. Liabilities ..................................................................... Cash .......................................................................
38,000 21,000
i. Since $28,700 cash remains and each partner has a positive capital balance, the money left can be distributed based on these ending totals. March, Capital ............................................................. April, Capital ............................................................... May, Capital ................................................................. Cash .......................................................................
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400 21,225 7,075 28,700
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27.(30 Minutes) (Determine liquidation proceeds necessary to give partner a specified amount) The other assets must be sold for at least $50,000. For this creditor to get $5,000 from Z's portion of partnership property, $27,000 in cash above the current level must first be generated for creditors and liquidation expenses. Based on the predistribution schedule below, the next $10,000 is received solely by Y. A third $8,000 would be split evenly between Y and Z (giving Z $4,000 of the $5,000 needed). Z needs $1,000 from the next cash generated in order to satisfy this personal claim. Since the next level (Step Two balances) is split on a 3:1:1 basis, Z is entitled to 1/5 of the proceeds. Thus, $5,000 must be collected for Z to receive $1,000. For Z's creditor to get $5,000, the other assets have to be sold for $50,000 ($27,000 + $10,000 + $8,000 + $5,000). A predistribution plan must be developed to generate this information: Beginning capital Assumed loss of $120,000 (see Schedule 1) (5:3:1:1) Step One balances Assumed loss of $70,000 (see Schedule 2) (allocated on a 0:3:1:1 basis) Step Two balances Assumed loss of $8,000 (see Schedule 3) (allocated on a 0:0:1:1 basis) Step Three balances
W X $ 60,000 $ 78,000
Y $ 40,000
Z $ 30,000
(60,000) (36,000) $ -0- $ 42,000
(12,000) $ 28,000
(12,000) $ 18,000
(14,000) $ 14,000
(14,000) $ 4,000
(4,000) $ 10,000
(4,000) $ -0-
(42,000) $ -0-
• • • •
Current cash of $30,000 goes to creditors. Next $27,000 generated goes to remaining creditors ($12,000) and to pay liquidation expenses estimated at ($15,000). Next $10,000 goes to Y. Next $8,000 goes to Y and Z on a 1:1 basis. Next $70,000 goes to X, Y, and Z on a 3:1:1 basis. Any remaining cash is split among all four partners based on a 5:3:1:1 basis.
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27. (continued) Schedule 1 Partner W X Y Z
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $60,000/50% $78,000/30% $40,000/10% $30,000/10%
Maximum Loss to Be Absorbed $120,000 (most vulnerable) $260,000 $400,000 $300,000
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $42,000/(3/5) $28,000/(1/5) $18,000/(1/5)
Maximum Loss to Be Absorbed $ 70,000 (most vulnerable) $140,000 $ 90,000
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $14,000/(1/2) $ 4,000/(1/2)
Maximum Loss to Be Absorbed $ 28,000 $ 8,000 (most vulnerable)
Schedule 2 Partner X Y Z
Schedule 3 Partner Y Z
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28. (35 Minutes) (Determine monthly safe capital payments) VAN, BAKEL, AND COX PARTNERSHIP Safe Installment Payments to Partners January 31, 2009 Profit and loss ratio
Total 100%
Preliquidation capital balances $282,000 Add (deduct) loans (10,000) 272,000 January losses (Schedule 1) (28,000) Equity of partnership— January 31, 2009 244,000 Potential losses (Schedule 1) (199,000) 45,000 Potential loss—Van's deficit balance (Bakel 3/5; Cox 2/5) -0Safe payments to partners $45,000
Van 50%
Bakel 30%
Cox 20%
$118,000 (30,000) 88,000 (14,000)
$ 90,000 20,000 110,000 (8,400)
$74,000 -074,000 (5,600)
74,000 (99,500) (25,500)
101,600 (59,700) 41,900
68,400 (39,800) 28,600
25,500 $ -0-
(15,300) $ 26,600
(10,200) $18,400
Schedule 1 Computation of Actual and Potential Liquidation Losses January 2009 Actual Potential Losses Losses Collection of accounts receivable ($66,000 – $51,000) $15,000 Sale of inventory ($52,000 – $38,000) ............................ 14,000 Liquidation expenses ...................................................... 2,000 Gain resulting from January credit memorandum reducing liability to creditors .................................... (3,000) Machinery and equipment, net ....................................... $189,000 Potential unrecorded liabilities and anticipated expenses 10,000 Totals ........................................................................... $ 28,000 $199,000
McGraw-Hill/ Irwin 15-26
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28. (continued) VAN, BAKEL, AND COX PARTNERSHIP Safe Installment Payments to Partners February 28, 2009 Total
Equity of partnership – January 31, 2009 (above) .. $244,000 Safe payments (above) ........... (45,000) February liquidation expenses (3,000) Equity of partnership – February 28, 2009 .............. 196,000 Potential liabilities and expenses (6,000) Potential loss on machinery and equipment .......................... (189,000) 1,000 Potential loss—Van's deficit balance (Bakel 3/5; Cox 2/5) ........... -0Safe payments to partners ..... $ 1,000
$74,000 -0(1,500)
$101,600 (26,600) (900)
$68,400 (18,400) (600)
72,500 (3,000)
74,100 (1,800)
49,400 (1,200)
(94,500) (25,000)
(56,700) 15,600
(37,800) 10,400
25,000 $ -0-
(15,000) $ 600
(10,000) $ 400
VAN, BAKEL, AND COX PARTNERSHIP Safe Installment Payments to Partners March 31, 2009 Total
Equity of partnership— February 28, 2009 (above)... $196,000 Safe payments (above).............. (1,000) Loss on sale of machinery and equipment ($189,000 – $146,000) (43,000) Liquidation expenses (5,000) Safe payments to partners $147,000
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$72,500 -0-
$74,100 (600)
$49,400 (400)
(21,500) (2,500) $48,500
(12,900) (1,500) $59,100
(8,600) (1,000) $39,400
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009 15-27
29.(35 Minutes) (Determine cash distributions for four different partnership liquidations) Part A Beginning balances Contribution by Jackson Capital balances Elimination of Jackson's deficit (40:20 basis) Final distribution
Part B Beginning balances $82,000 loss on disposal (allocated on a 50:40:10 basis) Liquidation expenses (50:40:10 basis) Capital balances Allocation of Luck's deficit (50:10 basis) Final distribution
Part C Beginning balances $82,000 loss on disposal (allocated on a 2:4:4 basis) Liquidation expenses (2:4:4 basis) Capital balances Allocation of Cummings' deficit balance (2:4 basis) Capital balances Allocation of Luck's deficit balance Final distribution
McGraw-Hill/ Irwin 15-28
Simon, Capital $16,000 -0$16,000
(6,000) $10,000 Hough, Loan and Capital $82,000
(41,000) (10,500) 30,500 (1,000) $29,500 Hough, Loan and Capital $82,000
Haynes, Loan and Capital $ 4,000 -0$ 4,000
(3,000) $ 1,000
Jackson, Capital ($12,000) 3,000 ($ 9,000)
9,000 $ -0-
Luck, Loan and Cummings, Capital Capital $40,000 $20,000
(32,800) (8,400) (1,200) 1,200 $ -0-
(8,200) (2,100) 9,700 (200) $ 9,500
Luck, Loan and Cummings, Capital Capital $40,000 $20,000
(16,400) (1,200) $64,400
(32,800) (2,400) $ 4,800
(32,800) (2,400) ($15,200)
(5,067) $59,333 (5,333) $54,000
(10,133) ($ 5,333) 5,333 $ -0-
15,200 -0-0$ -0-
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009 Solutions Manual
29. (continued) Part D
Beginning balances Allocation of Redmond's deficit balance (10:30:40 basis) Capital balances $32,000 contribution by Ledbetter and $3,000 contribution by Watson Final distribution*
Redmond, Loan and Ledbetter, Capital Capital
Watson, Capital
Sandridge, Capital
($16,000) ($30,000)
$ 3,000
16,000 -0-0$ -0-
(2,000) ($32,000)
(6,000) ($3,000)
(8,000) $ 7,000
32,000 $ -0-
3,000 $ -0-
-0$ 7,000
*Remaining $28,000 is used to pay liabilities.
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30. (40 Minutes) (Produce a schedule of liquidation) FRICK, WILSON, AND CLARKE Schedule of Partnership Liquidation Final Balances
Beginning balances
Noncash Assets
Frick, Capital (60%)
Wilson, Capital (20%)
Clarke, Capital (20%)
Distribution of $4,000 (cash in excess of liabilities and estimated liquidation expenses) in accordance with predistribution plan – Schedule 1
Updated balances Noncash assets sold Updated balances All liabilities are paid Updated balances
(4,000) $44,000 48,000 $92,000 (35,000) $57,000
$177,000 (80,000) $97,000 $97,000
$35,000 $35,000 (35,000) $-0-
$101,000 (19,200 ) $81,800
$28,000 (6,400 ) $21,600
(4,000) $57,000 (6,400) $50,600
Distribution of $48,000 (cash in excess of liabilities and estimated liquidation expenses) in accordance with predistribution plan – Schedule 1:
First $23,333 (remainder of first distribution) Next $22,667 Next $2,000 Updated balances Noncash assets sold Updated balances Paid liquidation expenses Updated balances Final distribution based on ending capital account balances Ending balance
(23,333) (22,667) (2,000) $9,000 44,000 $53,000 (7,000) $46,000 (46,000) $-0-
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(17,000) (1,200 ) $63,600 (31,800 )
(400) $21,200 (10,600 )
(23,333) (5,667) (400) $21,200 (10,600)
$10,600 (1,400 ) $9,200
$10,600 (1,400) $9,200
(9,200 ) $-0-
(9,200) $-0-
$97,000 (97,000)
$31,800 (4,200 ) $27,600
(27,600 ) $-0-
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30. (continued) Schedule 1 Development of Predistribution Schedule
Beginning balances ................................ Loss of $140,000 assumed—Schedule 2 (allocated on a 60:20:20 basis) ........... Step One balances .................................. Loss of $22,667 assumed—Schedule 3 (allocated on a 60:20 basis) ................ Step Two balances ..................................
Frick, Capital $101,000
Wilson, Capital $28,000
(84,000) $ 17,000
(28,000) $ -0-
(17,000) $ -0-
Clarke, Capital $61,000
(28,000) $33,000 (5,667) $27,333
• •
Payment of liabilities and liquidation expenses must be assured. Next $27,333 goes to Clarke. Next $22,667 is split between Frick and Clarke on a 60:20 basis. Any further cash is split among Frick, Wilson, and Clarke on a 60:20:20 basis. Schedule 2
Partner Frick Wilson Clarke
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $101,000/60% $ 28,000/20% $ 61,000/20%
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed $168,333 $140,000 (most vulnerable to loss) $305,000
Schedule 3
Partner Frick Clarke
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Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $17,000/(60/80) $33,000/(20/80)
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed $ 22,667 (most vulnerable to loss) $132,000
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31.(50 Minutes) (Produce a predistribution plan and journal entries for a partnership liquidation) Rodgers, Part A Wingler, Norris, Loan and Capital Capital Capital Beginning balances ............... $120,000 $88,000 $109,000 Loss of $150,000 assumed (allocated on a 30:10:20:40 basis) see Schedule 1 ......... (45,000) (15,000) (30,000) Step One balances .................. $ 75,000 $73,000 $ 79,000 Loss of $150,000 assumed (allocated on a 30:10:20 basis) see Schedule 2 ..................... (75,000) (25,000) (50,000) Step Two balances ................. $ -0$48,000 $ 29,000 Loss of $43,500 assumed (allocated on a 10:20 basis) see Schedule 3 ........................... -0(14,500) (29,000) Step Three balances ............... $ -0$33,500 $ -0-
Guthrie, Capital $60,000
(60,000) $ -0-
Payment of all liabilities and liquidation expenses must be assured. Next $33,500 goes entirely to Norris. Next $43,500 is allocated to Norris (10/30) and Rodgers (20/30). Next $150,000 is allocated to Wingler (30/60), Norris (10/60), and Rodgers (20/60). Any further cash distributions are divided on the original profit and loss ratio: Wingler (30%), Norris (10%), Rodgers (20%), and Guthrie (40%). Schedule 1
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation
Wingler Norris Rodgers Guthrie
$120,000/30% $ 88,000/10% $109,000/20% $ 60,000/40%
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed
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$400,000 $880,000 $545,000 $150,000 (most vulnerable to loss)
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31. a. (continued) Schedule 2
Partner Wingler Norris Rodgers
Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $75,000/(30/60) $73,000/(10/60) $79,000/(20/60)
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed $150,000 (most vulnerable to loss) $438,000 $237,000
Schedule 3
Partner Norris Rodgers
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Capital Balance/ Loss Allocation $48,000/(10/30) $29,000/(20/30)
Maximum Loss That Can Be Absorbed $144,000 $ 43,500 (most vulnerable to loss)
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31. (continued) Part B Cash ............................................................................. 65,600 Wingler, Capital (30% of $16,400 loss) ............... 4,920 Norris, Capital (10%) ............................................. 1,640 Rodgers, Capital (20%) ......................................... 3,280 Guthrie, Capital (40%) ........................................... 6,560 Accounts Receivable ...................................... Receivables are collected with losses allocated to partners.
Cash ....................................................................... 150,000 Wingler, Capital (30% of $103,000 loss) ............ 30,900 Norris, Capital (10%) ............................................ 10,300 Rodgers, Capital (20%) ........................................ 20,600 Guthrie, Capital (40%) .......................................... 41,200 Land ................................................................. 85,000 Building and Equipment ................................ 168,000 Land, building and equipment are sold with losses allocated to partners. Wingler, Capital ................................................... Norris, Capital ...................................................... Rodgers, Loan ..................................................... Rodgers, Capital .................................................. Cash .................................................................. Above entry distributes safe capital balances shown below (see predistribution plan in part based on a current cash balance of $230,600. •
• • •
31,800 58,600 35,000 15,200 140,600 as A)
First $90,000 is held to pay liabilities ($74,000) and estimated liquidation expenses ($16,000). Next $33,500 goes entirely to Norris. Next $43,500 is split between Norris ($14,500) and Rodgers ($29,000). Remaining $63,600 is allocated to Wingler ($31,800), Norris ($10,600) and Rodgers ($21,200).
No journal entry is currently required by Guthrie's insolvency. Liabilities ................................................... Cash ....................................................... All liabilities are paid.
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74,000 74,000
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31.b. (continued) Cash .................................................................. 71,000 Wingler, Capital (30% of $30,000 loss) ......... 9,000 Norris, Capital (10%) ....................................... 3,000 Rodgers, Capital (20%) ................................... 6,000 Guthrie, Capital (40%) ..................................... 12,000 Inventory..................................................... Inventory is sold with loss allocated to partners.
Wingler, Capital................................................ 35,500 Norris, Capital................................................... 11,833 Rodgers, Capital............................................... 23,667 Cash............................................................ 71,000 Above entry distributes available cash according to predistribution plan. Although $87,000 in cash is being held, $16,000 must be retained to pay liquidation expenses. The remaining $71,000 is divided among Wingler, Norris, and Rodgers on a 30:10:20 basis. According to the predistribution plan, a total of $150,000 must be divided on this ratio but only $63,600 was allocated in this manner in the first distribution above. Therefore, all $71,000 (making a total of $134,600) is paid out on this 30:10:20 basis. Wingler, Capital (30% of expenses)................ Norris, Capital (10%)........................................ Rodgers, Capital (20%).................................... Guthrie, Capital (40%)...................................... Cash............................................................ Liquidation expenses are paid.
3,300 1,100 2,200 4,400 11,000
Wingler, Capital (30/60 of deficit)................... 2,080 Norris, Capital (10/60)...................................... 693 Rodgers, Capital (20/60).................................. 1,387 Guthrie, Capital.......................................... 4,160 To eliminate the deficit balance of insolvent partner as computed on the next page.
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Beginning balances................. Loss on accounts receivable. Loss on land, building, and equipment .............................. Cash distribution..................... Loss on inventory.................... Cash distribution..................... Liquidation expenses.............. Subtotal .............................. Guthrie insolvent...................... Current balances......................
Wingler, Capital $120,000 (4,920)
Norris, Capital $88,000 (1,640)
Rodgers, Loan and Capital $109,000 (3,280)
(30,900) (31,800) (9,000) (35,500) (3,300) 4,580 (2,080) $2,500
(10,300) (58,600) (3,000) (11,833) (1,100) 1,527 (693) $ 834
(20,600) (50,200) (6,000) (23,667) (2,200) 3,053 (1,387) $1,666
Wingler, Capital........................................................... 2,500 Norris, Capital.............................................................. 834 Rodgers, Capital.......................................................... 1,666 Cash ................................................................. To distribute remaining cash based on final capital balances.
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Guthrie, Capital $60,000 (6,560)
(41,200) -0(12,000) -0(4,400) (4,160) 4,160 $ -0-
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Answers to Develop Your Skills Cases Research Case a. Students often seem to believe that definitive answers can be discovered for all accounting and legal questions if a serious enough investigation is performed. However, here, there simply may be no easy answer to the question as to the amount of liability that the other six doctors in this case are facing. b. Several questions can be raised that may impact the ultimate resolution:
In what state will the court case be handled? Different states have somewhat different laws as to the potential liabilities incurred by partners and different courts seem to have varying ways of interpreting those laws. How difficult was the surgery that was performed? Should the doctor have been able to perform the work without accident? Or, perhaps, was it an extremely risky surgery where death might have been anticipated under any conditions? How much did the other doctors know about this doctor’s ability to do this particular surgery? Did they have any reason to believe that such work should not be undertaken? What is meant in the case by the term “very poor judgment?” How serious was the mistake made by the doctor?
The answers to such questions as these can have a huge impact on the extent of the liability of the other doctors. Here are several quotes from The Wall Street Journal article mentioned in the case that might pertain to the issue at hand: “Concerns are growing among Andersen's roughly 1,750 U.S. partners that even those who had nothing to do with the firm's work for Enron Corp. could eventually face personal liability stemming from the botched audit. Worried about what protection the limited-liability partnership provides them, many are now consulting lawyers for advice.” “The limited-liability partnership is a comparatively new corporate structure, untested by the kind of stress now besetting Andersen. But that testing appears to be just around the corner as Enron creditors, shareholders and employees seek to recover the billions of dollars they have lost from someone.” “Because it is unclear how much protection the LLP structure will provide Andersen partners, partnership and bankruptcy lawyers are expected to be following the matter closely. ‘As far as I know, there has never been a litigation test of the extent of the LLP shield, and there have been very few LLP cases about liability at all,’ said Larry Ribstein, a law professor at George Mason University.”
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“The limited-liability partnership was invented about a decade ago in the wake of the savings-and-loan debacle to protect members of partnerships from being wiped out by claims against their firms. Under the structure, capital invested by partners into the firm is fair game for creditors. In theory, no partner is supposed to lose more than what he or she has invested in the firm.” "‘There is a strong legal tradition that you don't pierce the corporate veil and go after individual partners except under extraordinary circumstances,’ said Lynn LoPucki, a professor at the University of California Los Angeles law school. ‘But the law is very vague and lets the courts do what they feel appropriate. It is very case specific and fact intensive.’” “In 1990, prior to the advent of limited-liability partnerships, the accounting firm of Laventhol & Horwath filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection, in part due to lawsuits over questionable accounting. The firm's assets were insufficient to cover the claims of creditors and litigants. Under a plan negotiated with the firm's creditors, the 360 partners and former partners who had spent time at the firm since 1984 were required to dig into their own pockets to share a $46 million liability.” Analysis Case a. In looking at the financial statements of a partnership, a number of obvious differences can be spotted in comparison to the statements of a corporation. For example, in looking at this set of statements, the following differences can be noted: The balance sheet shows “partners’ (deficiency) capital” rather than stockholders’ equity. The income statement (statement of operations) reports “net loss allocated to general partner” and “net loss allocated to limited partners.” This statement also reports “net loss per limited partnership interest” rather than earnings/loss per share. A “statement of changes in partners’ (deficiency) capital” is presented rather than a statement of changes in stockholders’ equity.
A potential investor in this partnership would become one of the “limited partners,” whose aggregate capital is disclosed in the balance sheet. b. There is a considerable amount of information provided in the notes to the financial statements about the unique characteristics of a limited partnership: Note 1 – Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies discusses the creation and structure of this limited partnership. Note 2 – Investments in and Advances to Local Partnerships provides information about the entity’s investment in other limited partnerships. Note 4 – Transactions with Affiliated Parties describes the obligation of the partnership to the General Partner. Note 5 – Income Taxes describes the manner in which individual partners are taxed on their share of partnership income.
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In addition, in Item 5 (page 7), which precedes the financial statements, disclosures are provided related to the market for partnership interests. Because the partnership’s “shares” are not publicly traded, an individual investor may not be able to sell his/her limited partner interest in the partnership. As a limited partnership, potential investors (other than the general partner) would probably view an investment in NTCI II as being fairly similar to that of holding shares in a corporation. The major difference relates to the possible inability to sell a limited partner interest in the company. Communication Case The bankruptcy of Laventhol & Horwath was one of the main reasons for the creation of the limited liability partnership business structure. As a general partnership, the litigation losses of this partnership that arose from poor accounting and auditing practices fell on all partners and not just on those involved. Partners were required to make contributions from their own personal funds, often in amounts of up to several hundred thousand dollars to pay off the debts of the partnership after its failure. A number of the partners eventually went bankrupt as a result of the litigation that arose. Today, the partners in a general partnership would still seem to have the same risk that the partners of Laventhol & Horwath faced. However, the alternatives such as a limited liability partnership or a Subchapter S corporation would place fewer individuals in this precarious position. Thus, more than anything else, these articles on Laventhol & Horwath may be educational in showing why such alternatives have been created and why they have become so popular.
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Excel Case There are a number of different ways that a spreadsheet could be created to solve this particular problem. Here is one possible approach: —Create Column Headings: In Cell A1, enter label text “Partner”. In Cell B1, enter label text “Capital Balance”. In Cell C1, enter label text “Share P/L”. In Cell D1, enter label text “Initial Loss Share”. In Cell E1, enter label text “Subsequent Loss Share”. In Cell F1, enter label text “Remaining Balance”. —Enter Account Information for each partner: In Cell A2, enter label text “Wilson.” In Cell B2, enter Wilson’s Capital Balance of $200,000 and, in Cell C2, enter 40% as share of profit and loss. In Cell A3, enter label text “Cho.” In Cell B3, enter Cho’s Capital Balance of $180,000 and, in Cell C3, enter 20% as share of profit and loss. In Cell A4, enter label text “Arrington.” In Cell B4, enter Arrington’s Capital Balance of $110,000 and, in Cell C4, enter 40% as share of profit and loss. —Enter the amounts on which to base the calculations for each partner: In Cell A7, enter label text “Losses during liquidation” and, in Cell B7, enter the amount of $50,000. In Cell A8, enter label text “Final Losses” and, in Cell B8, enter the amount of $100,000. —Calculate Initial Loss Share: Multiply the “Losses during liquidation” amount by the percentage of “Share P/L” for each partner. To calculate the Initial Share Loss for Wilson, create the following formula in Cell D2: =+B7*C2. We need to also use this same general formula for both Cho and Arrington. However, if we drag the fill handle in Cell D2 into Cell D3 and D4, the reference to Cell B7 will automatically change to B8 and B9 respectively and the reference to Cell C2 will change to C3 and C4 respectively in order to adjust for the new cell position. The change to C3 and C4 is correct because those are the individual profit and loss percentages. No change, though, should be made to the reference to B7 because that is the overall loss in question. In order to “hold” the reference to Cell B7 when it is copied, we need to create what is known as an “ABSOLUTE” reference. Absolute references, which are cell references that always refer to cells in a specific location, can be created by placing a $ symbol before the Column letter and/or the Row number. Thus, in Cell D2, change the formula to read =$B$7*C2, and then copy this formula to cells D3 and D4. The resulting formula in Cell D3 will be =$B$7*C3 and in Cell D4 it will
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be =$B$7*C4. The location of the reference to Cell B7 does not change due to the $ symbol in front of the B and in front of the 7. —Calculate the Partners’ Share of any Subsequent Losses: Repeat the same process as above, creating a formula in Cell E2 as follows: =+ $B$8*C2 Copy this formula to Cells E3 and E4. —Calculate the Remaining Capital Balance: To calculate the Remaining Capital Balance, the beginning Capital Balance must be reduced by the Initial Loss Share and Subsequent Loss Share. In creating this last formula, it is important to note that the losses should be added together and then subtracted in total from the beginning capital balance. Therefore, enter the following function in Cell F2: =+B2-(D2+E2). The computation inside the parenthesis is performed first and then subtracted from the beginning capital balance (B2). Copy this formula to Cells F3 and F4 to complete the worksheet. Note that the use of the $ is not used here because we do want B2, D2, and E2 to adjust to the new position when copied. Once this spreadsheet has been created, any of the variables may be changed and the results will adjust automatically. There are eight variables that can be changed: B2, B3, B4, B7, B8, C2, C3, and C4. C2, C3,and C4 must always add to 100%.
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