STAFF SELECTION AND DEVELOPMENT Selection of Sta Matchin Sta to the Re!"i#e$ent% of the P#actice The %inle $o%t $o%t c#itical f"nction f"nction of $anae$ent $anae$ent in &"il'in &"il'in a %"cce%%f"l %"cce%%f"l con%"ltin con%"ltin (#actice i% %electin an' 'e)elo(in the con%"ltin %ta* The (eo(le %electe' %electe' to #e(#e%ent #e(#e%ent the con%"ltin +#$ (#o)i'e (#o)i'e %e#)ice% to the +#$,% client% an' 'e)elo( f"t"#e &"%ine%% -ill 'ete#$ine. a* The The le)e le)ell of %"c %"cce ce%% %%// &* The #ate #ate of of #o#o-th/ th/ an' c* The f"t"#e f"t"#e of the con%"lti con%"ltin n (#act (#actice* ice*
In %electin the con%"ltin %ta/ %o$e &a%ic con%i'e#ation% %ho"l' %ho"l' &e ta0en into acco"nt. 1* The 0in' of of con%"ltin con%"ltin (#actice (#actice one (lan% (lan% to &"il' &"il' %(eciali%t %(eciali%t o# ene#ali%t* 2* The ta#ete' ta#ete' (#inci(al (#inci(al $a#0et. $a#0et. co#(o#ate co#(o#ate o# (#o(#ieto#%hi (#o(#ieto#%hi( ( (#o'"ct (#o'"ct o# %e#)ice %e#)ice #elate'4 3* The 0in' of of i$ae an' an' #e("tation #e("tation the con%"ltant -ant% to (#o5ect an' 'e)elo( 6* The lon7#a lon7#ane ne (lan% (lan% fo# the con%"lt con%"ltin in (#acti (#actice ce
STEPS IN STAFF SELECTION 1* P#act P#actice ice an' an' %ta %ta (#o+l (#o+le%* e%* a* a (#o+le (#o+le of the the t8(e of (e#%o (e#%on n the con%"l con%"ltant tant +#$ +#$ nee'% &* (o%i (o%iti tion on (#o+ (#o+le le c* (e#% (e#%on on 'e%c 'e%c#i #i(t (tio ion n 2* Re!"i e!"i##e' %0i %0ill ll% %
TECHNICAL VERS9S VERS9S CONS9LTING CONS9LTING S:ILLS The consultant, &eca"%e of e;(e#ience an' t#ac0 #eco#'/ -ill o)e#%ee a con%"ltin (#o5ect an' -ill 'i#ect the acti)itie% of othe#% in con'"ctin (#o&le$ anal8%i% an' #e%ea#chin a client,% nee'%*
The technical specialist, &8 #ea%on of t#ainin an' e;(e#ience/ "%"all8 f"nction% a% an in'i)i'"al cont#i&"to# (#o)i'in in("t an' #eco$$en'ation% on a %(eci+c o# li$ite' n"$&e# of %"&5ect%* STAFF DEVELOPMENT • • •
Initial A%%in$ent% E;(o%"#e to the Die#ent Facet% of Con%"ltin Contin"in E'"cation Ne- 'e$an'% T#ainin (#o#a
%$ T* In)ol)e the %ta in 'eci%ion% an' co$$it$ent% that aect the$* ?* Maintain o(en line% of co$$"nication -ithin the o#ani=ation* CAREER PATHS PLANNING AND PROGRESSION TEAM @OR:ING S:ILLS The D8na$ic% of Tea$ @o#0in Tea$% a#e (e#ha(% the $o%t i$(o#tant feat"#e of $o'e#n $anae#ial life an' inc#ea%inl8 the8 a#e ta0in (#io#it8 o)e# t#a'itional &"%ine%% 'e(a#t$ent%* Facto#% that in"ence the %t#"ct"#e of tea$%. A* Int#in%ic Facto#%. 1* G#o"( Si=e
2* Stae in #o"( fo#$ation 3* In'i)i'"al e;(e#ti%e an' %(eciali%$% 6* G#o"( no#$% an' c"lt"#e >* Lea'e#%hi( ?* In'i)i'"al (e#%onalitie% B* G#o"( $oti)ation * E;t#in%ic Facto#% 1* G#o"( ta%0 a Fa$ilia#it8 & Co$(le;it8 c Sini+cance of o"tco$e% 2* Re%o"#ce a)aila&ilit8 3* G#o"( #e-a#'% 6* Inte#action -ith othe# #o"(% PROCESS OF GRO9P FORMATION The inte#action% &et-een in'i)i'"al% in a (#i$a#8 #o"( chane o)e# ti$e* O&%e#)ation of #o"(% %"e%t% that tea$% "n'e#o four stages of development . 1* 2* 3* 6*
Fo#$ation #ain%to#$inDeli&e#ation E$e#ence of con%en%"% Pe#fo#$ance
MANAGING TEAM CONFLICTS Conict% a#e ine)ita&le feat"#e of tea$ -o#0in* The8 a#e a no#$al (a#t of the %to#$in fo#$ation*
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