Chapter 1 - Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PEC)
September 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ETR 300
ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES Session Objectives At the end of the session, students should be ble to! identif" the #e" co$%etencies nd ch&cte&istics of successful s uccessful ent&e%&eneu&s ETR 300
The te&$ 'ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES' &efe&s to the #e" ch&cte&istics tht should be %ossessed b" successful ent&e%&eneu&s in o&de& to %e&fo&$ ent&e%&eneu&il functions effectivel" ETR 300
13 ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES COMPETENCIES Of Successful Entrepreneurs McClell!nd"Mc# McClell!nd"Mc#er$ er$ 1%&'( 1) In+!t+/e 2) Sees " Acts -n n Opp-rtun+t+es 3) Pers+stence 4) In Inff-rm rm!!t+ t+-n -n S Seee+ +n, n, ') CC-nc ncer ern n ff-r -r + +, , u u!l !l+t +t* * -f 5-r 6) CC-m mm+ m+tm tmen entt tt-5 5-r C-ntr!ct 7) Ef Efff+c +c+e +enc nc* * Or Or+e +ent nt!t !t++-n n ETR 300
&) S*stem!t+c Pl!nn+n, %) Pr-.lem S-l/+n, 10) SelfC-nf+dence 11) Assert Assert+/eness +/eness 12) Persu!s+-n 13) Use -f Influence Str!te,*
Ent&e%&eneu&il Ent&e%& eneu&il Co$%etencies McClell!nd !nd Mc#er 1%&'(
() Inititive The ent&e%&eneu& ent&e%&eneu& should be ble to t#e ctions ttht ht *o be"ond his job &e+ui&e$ents nd to ct fste&) e is l-"s hed of othe&s nd ble to beco$e lede& in the field of business) Examples Does things before being asked or compelled by the situation. Acts to extend the business into new areas, products or services
ETR 300
.) Sees nd cts on o%%o&tunities An ent&e%&eneu& l-"s loo#in* fo& nd t#in* ction on o%%o&tunities) Examples Sees and acts on new business opportunities
Seizes land, unusual opportun opportunities to obtain financing, euipment, work space orities assistance
ETR 300
/) Pe&sistence An ent&e%&eneu& is ble to $#e &e%eted effo&ts o& to t#e diffe&ent ctions to ove&co$e n obstcle tht *et in the -" of &echi &echin* n* *ols) Examples !akes repeated or different actions to overcome an obstacle !akes action in the face of a significant obstacle
ETR 300
0) Info&$tion See#in* An ent&e%&eneu& is ble to t#e ction on ho- to see# info&$tion to hel% chieve business objectives o& cl&if" business %&oble$s) Examples Does personal research on how to provide a product or service "onsults experts or experienced persons to get relevant information Seeks information or asks uestions to clarify a client#s or a supplier#s need $ersonally undertakes m market arket research, analysis or investigation %ses contacts or information networks to obtain useful information
ETR 300
1) Conce&n fo& i*h 2ulit" of 3o 1) An ent&e%&eneu& ent&e%&eneu& cts to do thin*s tht t ht $eet ce&tin stnd&ds of e4cellence -hich *ives hi$ *&ete& stisfction) Examples States a desire to produce or sell a top or better uality product or service "ompares own work or own company#s work favorably to that of others
ETR 300
5) Co$$it$ent to 3o Cont&ct An ent&e%&eneu& ent&e%&eneu& %lces the hi*hest %&io&it" on *ettin* job co$%leted . Examples &akes personal sacrifice or expends extraordin extraordinary ary effort to complete a 'ob Accepts full responsibility ffor or problems in completing a 'ob
for customers $itches in with workers or works in their place to get the 'ob done Expresses a concern for satisfying the customer
ETR 300
6) Efficienc" O&ienttion A successful ent&e%&eneu& l-"s finds -"s to do thin*s fste& o& -ith fe-e& &esou&ces o& t lo-e& cost)
Examples (ooks for or finds ways to do things faster or at less cost
%ses information or business tools to improve efficiency Expresses concern about costs vs. benefits of some improvement, change, or course of action
ETR 300
7) S"ste$tic Plnnin* An ent&e%&eneu& ent&e%&eneu& develo%s nd uses lo*icl, ste%8b"8 ste% %lns to &ech *ols)
Examples $lans by breaking a large task down into sub)tasks Develops plans that anticipate obstacles
Evaluate alternatives !akes a logical and systematic approach to activities
ETR 300
9) P&oble$ Solvin* A successful ent&e%&eneu& identifies ne- nd %otentill" uni+ue ides to chieve his *ols) Example Switches to an alternative strategy to reach a goal *enerates new ideas or innovative solutions
ETR 300
(:) Self8Confidence A successful ent&e%&eneu& hs st&on* belief in self nd o-n bilities) Examples Expresses confidence in own ability to complete a task or meet a challenge Sticks with own 'udgment in the face of opposition or early lack of success
ETR 300
(() Asse&tiveness An ent&e%&eneu& conf&onts %&oble$s nd issues -ith othe&s di&ectl") Examples "onfronts problems with others directly !ells others what they have to do +eprimands or disciplines those failing to perform as expected
ETR 300
An ent&e%&e ent&e%&eneu& neu& cn successfull" %e&sude o& influence othe&s fo& $obili;in* $ obili;in* &esou& &esou&ces, ces, obtinin* in%uts, o&*ni;in* %&oductions %&oductions nd sellin* his %&oducts o& se&vices) Examples "onvinces someone to buy a product or service "onvinces someone to provide financing
"onvinces someone to do something else that he would like that person to do Asserts own competence, reliability reliability,, or other personal or company ualities
Asserts strong confidence in own company#s products or services ETR 300 medec 16
(/) Use of Influence St&te*ies An ent&e%&eneu& ent&e%&eneu& is ble to $#e use of influentil %eo%le to &ech his business *ols) Examples Acts to develop business contracts %ses influential people as agents to accomplish own ob'ectives Selectively limits the information given to others %ses a strategy to influence or persuade others
ETR 300
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