Chapter 1 - Nature and Scope of OB

July 16, 2018 | Author: vacinad | Category: Organizational Behavior, Experiment, Science, Scientific Method, Emergence
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Human Behavior Organization....


Chapter 1 The Nature and Scope of Organizational Behavior What is Organizational Organizational Behavior (OB)?   

OB is the study of human behavior behavior in the workplace, workplace, the interaction between between people and the organization, and the organization itself.  The goals of OB are to explain, explain, predict, predict, and control control behavior behavior..  The ultimate goal goal of OB is to improve improve the performance performance of of people, groups, groups, and organizations, organizations, and to improve the quality of work life overall.

esearch methods in OB  !ase study "sub#ective but provides loads of information$ information$  %aboratory &xperiment "the most scienti'c method$  (ield experiment "experimental method applied to live situation$  )eta*analysis "quantitative review of studies that is widely used today$ +hy study OB  -evelopment of soft "interpersonal$ "interpersonal$ skills  ersonal growth via insight into others  &nhancement of individual and Organizational &/ectiveness &/ectiveness 0 The extent to which an organization is productive and satis'es the demands of its interested parties.  1harpening and re'ning common sense "common sense is often wrong$

2 Brief 3istory of OB  The !lassical 2pproach 

1cienti'c management management was the application application of scienti'c methods methods to determine the 4one best way5 for a #ob to be done to increase individual worker6s productivity.  (rederick +. Taylor 0 (ather of 1cienti'c )anagement


2ccording to the principles of scienti'c management, there is a division of work between managers and workers.

rinciples of 1cienti'c )anagement8 7. 1tandardization 9. Time and task study :. 1ystematic selection and training ;. ay incentives 

2dministrative management * concerned primarily with the management and structure of organizations. "Organizational productivity$  The core of management knowledge lies within the classical school, including the framework of planning, organizing, leading and controlling.  3enri (ayol 0 O!: to lanning, Organizing, %eading and !ontrolling "O%!$  )ax +eber 0 (ather of Bureaucracy

3awthorne 1tudies   The 3awthorne studies examined the e/ects of lighting on productivity.  2 ma#or conclusion from these studies was the workers reacted positively because management cared about them.  3awthorne e/ect is the tendency of people to behave di/erently when they receive attention because they respond to the demands of the situation.   The 3awthorne studies also led to many other conclusions, such as the fact that e/ective communication with workers is critical to managerial success.  The 3uman elations )ovement  +as based on the belief that an important link exists among managerial practices, morale, and productivity.  Key points 8 1atis'ed workers are more productive and that, given the proper working environment, virtually all workers would be highly productive.  Theory X and Theory Y of -ouglas )cegative?pessimistic assumptions about workers capability.   Theory @ 0 ositive?optimistic assumptions.  The !ontingency 2pproach  &mphasizes there is no one best way to manage people or work.  At encourages managers and professionals to examine individual and situational di/erences before deciding on a course of action.  -erived from the study of leadership styles ositive Organizational Behavior  efers to the study and application of human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured, developed, and managed for performance improvement.  (ocus on what is right with people such as love, work and play.  An general, positive organizational behavior focuses on developing human strengths, making people more resilient, and cultivating extraordinary individuals, work units, and organizations. 9


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