Chapter 1 - Multiple Choice Questions

August 7, 2018 | Author: vineethkmenon | Category: N/A
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Chapter 1 ± Introduction to Research: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS {Choose the most appropriate answer from the alternatives} 1.

Which of the following type of research is generally conducted to specifically help in solving problem situations? (a) Basic Research (b) Applied Research (c) Exploratory Research (d) Explanatory Research



type of research carried out at the very beginning when the problem is not clear 

or is vague, is termed as: (a) Basic Research (b) Applied Research (c) Exploratory Research (d) Explanatory Research 3.


of research tries to describe the characteristics of the respondent in relation to a

 particular product and where the researcher has no control over the variables (he can merely report) is termed as: (a) Basic Research (b) Applied Research (c) Exploratory Research (d) Explanatory Research 4. Ex post facto research or Descriptive Research is otherwise termed as: (a) Basic Research (b) Exploratory Research (c) Applied Research (d) Explanatory Research 5.


type of research that is aimed at gathering knowledge for the sake of developing

theory base and not for specific commercial commercial gains ga ins is termed as: (a) Basic Research (b) Exploratory Research (c) Applied Research (d) Explanatory Research



Research is the same as:

(a) Basic Research (b) Exploratory Research (c) Applied Research (d) Explanatory Research 7. An investigation into the reasons of human behaviour like motivation can be regarded as: (a) Quantitative Research (b) Qualitative Research (c) Operations Research (d) None of these 8.


type of research aimed at developments of new insights into the theories or 

thoughts can be regarded as: (a) Empirical Research (b) Conceptual Research (c) Operations Research (d) Applied Research 9.


data based research which relies on experience and observations than theory can

 be regarded as: (a) Empirical Research (b) Conceptual Research (c) Operations Research (d) Basic Research 10.

When the research covers more than one time periods, it can be termed as: (a) Conceptual Research (b) Longitudinal Research (c) Experimental Research (d) Operations Research

{Answers: 1. (B)

2. (C)

3. (D) 4. (D) 5. (A)


(A) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (A)


(B) }

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