Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior

September 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Fundamentals of Organizationall Behavior Organizationa


Objectives: To understand the meaning of Human Behavior Beha vior and its connection connection to Organizat Organizational ional behaviour

To appreciate the Goals of OB

To know the importance of Elements of OB

To value the benefits of studying Organizationall Behavior Organizationa


What is Human Behavior? It refers to the physical actions of a person that can be seen or heard such as smiling and whistling.

What is Human Human Behavio Behaviorr in an Organiza Organization tion? ? It is more appropriately referred as organizationall behaviour (OB) organizationa


What is Organizational Behavior Defined as the study of human behaviour in organization, of the interaction between individuals and the organization, and of the organization itself.


The Goals of OB 1.To 1. To explain behavior 2.To 2. To predict behaviour 3.To 3. To control behavior


Here's how the person demonstrate his behavior THE PERSON





In explaini explaining ng behavi behavior or as a goal goal it

needs a system needs systematic atic behav behavior ior of  people under under a variety of condition, condition, and understand why people behave as they do. OB predicts behaviour so support can be provided to productive and dedicated employees and measures could be instituted to control the rouble making and less  productive one. one.


The Elements of OB Internal social system of the organization is consisting of individual persons and group



Technology Environment

Defines as the formal relationsh relationship ip of people in the organization, it also describes how the job task are formally divided.

Refers to institution or forces outside the organization that potentially affects the organizations performance

It refers to the combination of resources, knowledge and techniques with the people workthat andthey affects the task performs.


The Benefits of Studying OB 1.Development of people skills 1.Development 2.Personal 2. Personal growth 3.Enhancement 3.Enhanceme nt of organizationa organizationall and individual effectiveness 4.Sharpening 4. Sharpening and refinement of common sense


Development of people skills There are two types of skills that a person will need to succeed in his

chosen career: The skills in doing his work  The skill in relating with people


Personal growth Makes a person highly competitive in the workplace.

The knowled knowledge ge of behav behavior ior of others others will will help and enhance the persons behaviour by entering intrapersona intrapersonall intelligence

which is very useful to achieve personal personal goals.


Enhancem Enhancement ent of organizationa organizationall and individual effectiveness Effectiveness is the major attribute of successful success ful organizations organizations,, especially if knowledge and making decision follows and also if the person performs well it is about the mood and excitement of an individual to an specific task assign to the person.


Sharpening and refinement of common sense People differ in the degree of common sense they possess. Improvements in this type of ability can made and great benefits can be derived if this is done.


Just Remember… “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”  ― Frances Hodgson Burnett


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Thank you for listening!!! THE END

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