Chapter 1 Eng.

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CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Setting

CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Setting Introduction People in the 20th century have been enshared in an accelerated and active paced life. The peculiarities of modern technology, transportation and communication undertakings previously took an eternity of time to achieve, had drastically been made effortless. In the early days of computing, operators sometimes invented games to play on their computers in their spare time. What began as idle amusement has become a billion-dollar industry.1 An even faster sort of linkup called local area network ties computers together with thin fibre optic lines that transmit signals as rapid pulses of light.2 Engineers are working to make the machines smaller, more powerful, and less expensive. It seems certain that the computer’s impact on society will continue to grow.3 "Online gaming is a technology rather than a genre; a mechanism for connecting players together rather than a particular pattern of gameplay."4 Online games are played over some form of computer network, now typically on the Internet. One advantage of online games is the ability to connect to multiplayer games, although single-player online games are quite common as well. As this technology arises, many individuals now are addicted to online gaming. Some individuals are spending their time on playing online games that 2

makes their lifestyle sedentary. Due to the addiction to online gaming, many people are accustomed to sitting, taking little exercise or having irregular physical activities. Some individuals include playing online games on their activities of daily living, which cause risk effects on their health. There is a wide range of reported negative effects of online games on health; however the actual evidence of games directly causing certain negative effects is very weak. Other negative effects are usually due to prolonged excessive play of online games. People who live a sedentary lifestyle such as playing online games usually suffer from some sort of ailment later on in life, such as heart and muscle problems and obesity. This is usually combined with a poor diet, such as genetically-modified foods and junk food. Development in technology brings many things that people do not have many years back. One of these things is online gaming that is provided by the internet. Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities by many people. Teenagers who are playing these online games said that they are playing these games just for fun, to keep away from the heat of the sun, without knowing that there are a lot of effects of playing these games that are more than what they think. This research study attempted to find out the negative effects on health which deals on playing online games on nursing students of Centro Escolar University. But as of now, playing online games to nursing students of CEU 3

Makati is considered as their habit and past time. Sometimes, due to this doings, they intend to disregard their education and focus on playing. Setting of the Study The researchers will conduct the study at Centro Escolar University Makati located at 259 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City. Centro Escolar University was established on June 3, 1907 by Doña Librada Avelino and Doña Carmen de Luna for the instruction and training of the youth in all branches of the arts and sciences. With some benches, a single blackboard and a few books, the two educators steadfastly nurtured a dream of establishing a nationalistic center of learning for Filipino women. The first college that of Pharmacy, opened in 1921. The College of Liberal Arts, Education and Dentistry followed one after the other. Three years later, the College of Optometry was established. Beginning as the Centro Escolar de Señoritas, the school was granted university status by the Philippine government in 1932. It has then steadily grown as an institution under the leadership of noted educators who have contributed much to the development of their respective professions. Past Presidents include Dr. Pilar Hidalgo-Lim, an educator and civic leader, Dr. Dionisio C. Tiongco, another renowned scholar and educator, and Dr. Lourdes T. Echauz, a distinguished philanthropist and educator. The immediate past President, Dr. Rosita L. Navarro is a recognized educator, a role model, leader of knowledge worker and an advocate of balance between globalization and Filipinization. The current President, Dr. Ma. Cristina D. Padolina, was a former 4

Commissioner of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Open University. Originally and fittingly called Centro Escolar de Senoritas, the institution focused upon a program of education leadership intended to implement the provisions in Article IV of the by-laws governing the College approved on June10, 1910, three years after its establishment. In the year 2005, Centro Escolar University witnessed the birth of a campus located at Sen. Gil Puyat Makati City. After two years of operation, CEU conceived a campus at Esteban St. Legaspi Village, Makati City on 20072008. This study will be conducted inside the university for the purpose of providing a means to assess the impact of computer gaming among Nursing Students in Centro Escolar University of all level.


Figure 1 Locator Map of Makati City


Figure 2 Vicinity Map of Centro Escolar University


Theoretical Framework This study is supported by Gratification Theory of Jay Blumler and Elihu Katz which emphasizes active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. Online Games Addiction is excessive or compulsive use of computer and video games that interferes with daily life. Instances have been reported in which users play compulsively, isolating themselves from, or from other forms of, social contact and focusing almost entirely on in-game achievements rather than broader life events. While the existing literature points to the deep impact of online gaming to physical and social skills of an individual, there is nonetheless a scarcity of research on the particular issues of how to stop and prevent this addiction. Computer games addicts tend to isolate themselves from normal, face-toface human contact. Some of the most addictive games are found online, where the player competes and cooperates with others around the world. These online relationships online can eventually crowd out more intimate, real-life ones. There are two theories or perspectives which regarding On-line games Addiction. These are The Gratification Theory which says. Human’s gratification needs can stem from low self-esteem, lack of personal relationships, and dissatisfaction with life and The FLOW THEORY Activity that nothing else seems to matter, totally unaware of their surroundings but enjoying the task and having fun while doing it 8

Computer games addiction has no physical component or objective diagnosis, but many of the consequences are similar to alcoholism or drug addiction. Some addicts allow jobs, relationships and academic careers to languish or collapse in order to spend more time playing their favourite games. Gamers who become entrenched in excessive daily gaming routines can find it difficult to make room for much else in life. Statement of the Problem The researchers aim to investigate the impact of online gaming to physical and social skills of B.S. Nursing students enrolled at CEU Makati Gil Puyat Unit, school year 2009-2010. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents according to: 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Year Level 1.4 Frequency of online gaming 1.5 Cost for every game? 2. How does online gaming affect the respondents’ physical and social skills? 3. How do the impact of online gaming compare with the profile of the respondents? Assumptions: This study was based on the assumption that the respondents will duly complete the profile sheet and participate in the interview correctly and honestly 9

Hypothesis H0: There is a significant relationship between impact of online gaming and the respondents’ profile. H1: There is no significant relationship between the impact of online gaming and the respondents’ profile. Significance of the Study The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of online gaming to students particularly B.S. Nursing students in Centro Escolar University, Gil Puyat, Makati. This study aims to evaluate the effects of online gaming to students specifically on their physical health and social activities. This study might also provide the reason of the respondents behind online gaming addiction. This might provide the students realization on the negative impact on excessive online gaming in their lives. The study could influence students to know their limitations and still prioritize their responsibilities before playing online games. This can benefit students in realizing that too much online gaming can cause them physical illness and it could also be a barrier with their social interaction to other people. It is also beneficial for students to give their time in more important things than playing online games. Computer is important in the evolution of Generation X because it offers applications, programs and software that can help learning institutions in serving quality information. However, data obtained from identifying the common 10

problems that will be encountered in computer games mostly shows that technology results to students’ low & failing grades of academic performances. Specifically, the study will be beneficial to the following: To the Teachers, The findings of this study will enable the teachers to discover the positive effects of computer games and not see only the negative side. Since computer can be a medium of communication. To the parents, the results of this study will be great helping to the parents especially those who are bothered about their children who spend too much spend his time for the computer. To the students, the results of this research will surely benefit the students. With this they will start to realized that computer games can influence their academic performance in school Future researchers, they may also be benefited by this study as it may be a reference material for further studies. Scope, Delimitations and Limitations This study was intended to discuss only the effects of online gaming to the physical and mental disadvantages of students. The students will include B.S. Nursing students of all year levels of Centro Escolar University Makati City enrolled during the year 2010-2011. The respondents will be asked to answer survey forms and interviews about the effects of online gaming to their studies. Firstly, this study is limited to the students who are only playing online games in computer shops because not all students are fond of playing computer 11

games. Another limitation may be the instruments that were used because not all the students that we may find in computer shops would be able to be given a survey form and the time to be interviewed. The resources of this study are also a limitation because the information gathered can only be found in selected articles in magazines and internet. There is also no book that would give us more information about our study. Definition of Terms The following terms were used in the study: Carpal tunnel. It is a narrow tunnel formed by the bones and other tissues of your wrist. This tunnel protects your median nerve. The median nerve helps you move your thumbs and the first 3 fingers on each hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome. It is a painful disorder of the wrist and hand. It occurs when other tissues in the carpal tunnel (such as ligaments and tendons) get swollen or inflamed and press against the median nerve. That pressure can make part of your hand hurt or feel numb. Flow Theory. It is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full environment, and success in the process of the activity. Gratifications Theory. It is a popular approach to understanding mass communication. The theory places more focus on the consumer, or audience,


instead of actual message itself by asking “what people do with media” rather than “media does to people”. Online game. It is a game played over some forms of computer network. At the present, this almost always means the Internet or equivalent technology; but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. The expansion of online gaming has reflected the overall expansion of computer networks from small local networks to the Internet and the growth of Internet access itself. Online games can range from simple text based games to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously. Many online games have associated online communities, making online games a form of social activity beyond single player games.



“Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science and Technology : The Computer

Age,” Time Life Asia (Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A: Time Life Inc.: Gakken Co. Ltd, 2000), 4. 2



Computer, 46.


Computer, 70.


CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies


CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies which helped the researchers pursue the study. Local Literature According to Dr. Bernardino Tolentino, director of the National Center for Mental Health said many children and teenagers nowadays stay online for hours because they do not want to miss anything in cyberspace. "If your children spend hours huddled over a computer, there is a good chance you have something to worry about – internet addiction," he said at a weekly health forum organized by the Philippine College of Physicians in Quezon City.1 The Study showed indefinite reaction and side effects of computer addiction where at the excessive and abusive use of computer affects daily activities of those individual who are addict in computer games. This study shows that, it is a fact that computer games can really affect the mental status of children, especially when they are addicted to it. Their daily activities are also affected especially their studies. Child psychiatrist Dr. Vanessa Cainghug said in a forum that 18,000 internet users under age 18 showed that 15 percent were in the process of becoming psychologically addicted. Moreover teenagers, on average, spend 14 hours a week on-line. Every year, the number of people using the internet 16

particularly the youths is rising. That is why the number of Internet addicts is also increasing every year. 2 Base from statistical researches, the statistics showed rapid increase in number of computer addicts as evidenced by increase in academic performance of those computer addict children. Nicolas Yee added that some of these teenagers even log on to pornography sites. He said that children start using the Internet without parental supervision at the age of four. Internet addiction is like other addictions involving drugs, alcohol or gambling, which provide escape and diversion from the real world and problems. However, he stressed that the inability to cut back on usage, a preoccupation with online activities, and symptoms of withdrawal such as anxiety, boredom, or irritability after a few days of not going online are the few signs of an Internet addict.3 In relation to our research, this provides the probable negative effects of internet addiction to teenagers. This could lead to vices and other addictions if not managed properly. Parental supervision is a must to educate the children. Citing a recent report, Caracas noted that millions of youths are said to be addicted to online games and Facebook, the world’s most popular social networking site. Caracas said more youths are neglecting their studies as they spend most of their time in the Internet. Curiosity, peer pressure, boredom, depression, lack of parental supervision, family problems, and the drug itself are 17

the main factors of addiction in any form. The best solution to prevent any kind of addiction to youths is parents should always monitor their children. They should spend more time with their kids and they should teach them to say ‘No”. 4 Computer addiction can have a variety of negative effects on a person. The most immediate are social. The user withdraws from friends and family as he spends more and more time on the computer. Relationships begin to wither as the user stops attending social gatherings, skips meetings with friends and avoids family members to get more computer time. Even when they do interact with their friends, users may become irritable when away from the computer, causing further social harm. Eman said parents need to consciously plan family time, which can include playing computer games together, doing projects together, having regular family meal times and participating in regular outings.5 This is relevant to our research because it suggest that parents should guide their children in playing computer games and make it as a family time. The parents should plan other activities other than computer games to enhance socialization.The more involved parents are in their kid’s life, the more valued children feel. The Study showed indefinite reaction and side effects of computer addiction where at the excessive and abusive use of computer affects daily activities of those individual who are addict in computer games. In other way around it is in the parent’s disciplinary initiative how to direct the addiction of their children. 18

Base from statistical researches, the statistics showed rapid increase in number of computer addicts as evidenced by increase in academic performance of those computer addict children. To eradicate this global problem, it will take collaborative efforts from the parents and the Department of Health to conduct massive emphasize regarding the unwanted effects of Computer Addiction.6 The Study showed indefinite reaction and side effects of computer addiction where at the excessive and abusive use of computer affects daily activities of those individual who are addict in computer games. Foreign Literature Today almost all of us have electronic devices at home for us to be comfortable and handy at times. But it also has a negative effect on children, especially teenagers. Parents usually buy computers for their children educational resource. But teenagers who always seek to fun activities around them use computer to play games, chat with their friends and to catch up with the latest gossip on celebrities. And before they know it they are already addicted to computer. Computer can cause teenagers to be physically, and mentally ill, and the more the child spends more time on the computer, the more he or she loses time to focus on academics, and to talk to their family.7 This provides the effects of computer in teenagers. This is relevant to our study due to its presentation to reality that children uses computers for playing and other fun activities rather than as an educational resources.


Computers, video games, and the internet have become entrenched features of our daily lives. Computer use has reached beyond work and is now a major source of fun and entertainment for many people. For most people, computer use and video game play integrated into their lives in a balanced healthy manner. For other time spent on the computer or video game is out of balance, and has displaced work, school, friends, and even family. According to Gentile , video games are natural teachers. Children find them highly motivating by virtue of their interactive nature. Children are actively engaged, provide repeated practice, and include rewards for skillful play. These facts make it likely that video games could have large effects, some of which are intended by game designers, and some of which may not be intended. The data about children's video game habits are correlated with risk factors for health and with poorer academic performance. When video game play is analyzed for violent content, additional risk factors are observed for aggressive behavior.8 It is a relevant study due to its explanation that computer games is intended to bring education to children but some unintended effects was not foreseen. It caused poor studying performance and aggressive behavior. Fisher stated that, there's also another type of computer addiction that's been identified, which has been labeled "positive addiction." It may sound like a contradiction of terms, but having a positive addiction is defined as obsessive behavior in which the benefits received outweigh the cost of the addiction. There are many ways in which immersing oneself into the computer can actually help make a person a better healthier, more aware human being. Not all the stuff on 20

the Internet is bad, by any means. There's an incredible wealth of valuable, enriching material available in an endless variety in cyberspace, as well. In addition, there are a growing number of researchers who argues that meeting someone online may actually be a more intimate and revealing experience than face to face contact, because you're communicating your thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a more real way, free of the game playing and posturing that often accompanies real world dating. You get to know the inner person in a more direct, spontaneous way without worrying about facial expressions or inflections of the other person's voice. In a very real way, couples who made their first contact online often know each other in a deeper, more intimate way than couples who meet in the outside world. Further, it is important to remember that even if a person spends a significant amount of time on the computer every day, that doesn't necessarily mean that the person is negatively addicted. Spending a considerable amount of time online doesn't always ruin a person's life or the lives of the other people. There are people who use their computers to reach out to others in a meaningful way and use the awesome power and positive aspects of the Internet to learn and grow in every area of their lives and to become better people.9 This study reveals that not all people spending time in front of the computer is into addiction. Some people uses computer in a more important way like studying to enhance their abilities and become better people. On the other hand, Portal stated that, compulsive gaming is already considered a psychological disorder. The growing number of students suffering 21

from computer game addiction and video game addiction can be puzzling for many people. What the people don’t realize is that any form of addiction roots from things that used to be harmless. Just like in gambling, virtual games bring a sense of fun, thrill and excitement when played, these feelings actually make the game more appealing and engaging and addictive. The seriousness of video game addiction and computer game addiction has gone unnoticed. It managed to sneak from a good thing that turns out bad due to abuse and bad usage.10 It can contribute to the study because it brought up the fact that bad usage and abuse is one of the causes of negative outlook in computer gaming. This addiction is now associated as a psychological disorder. Moreover, Kranz stated that the seriousness of the issues caused by computer game addiction and video game addiction was even claimed to have created a new face of addiction in modern-day societies. Since this kind of addiction roots from seemingly harmless sources, what leads to addiction is the people's abuse to the effects or benefits that they bring. Since no one will ever prevent using computer these days, at work or in school, theorists predict that this kind of disorder will be much harder to manage.11 The relationship of this article to the study is that addiction in computer games is hard to manage because it is a harmless source. People tend to abuse its benefits that results to negative effects. According to the article “Even but no longer Odd” written by Rama Ramaswami, online kids have to be self- motivated, manage their time and be organized. As with innovations, it has taken some time for best practices to 22

emerge and quality assurance mechanism should be put in place. The look, feel and overall quality of today’s online courses are far beyond those that existed before. The technology is much more robust today for supporting interactions. 12 This article delivers that proper guidance is needed to help kids manage time and become organized individual through online games. Technology is a source of interaction. Geoffrey H. Fletcher emphasized that schools, libraries, colleges, and community centers are singled out in the legislation as potentially prime receivers of broadband education, awareness, training, access, equipment and support to enable them to facilitate greater use of broadband services in their communities. Rural areas and urban and suburban as well are crying out for broadband. And with the growth of technology use in education, and the increasing demand for digital content in general like movie clips and other rich media, schools will need even more broadband as they need it now. 13 This is relevant because it shows that technology especially the broadband or internet use is now a need in different fields and places like in the field of education. An article in Reform Judaism Magazine, “Cyber Judaism” states that “Technology affords us a chance to become more of a community”. As we make the transition to employ more electronic communication, we need to be vigilant in the process lest we disenfranchise those who are less “tech savy” or prefer to


spend less time online. We should not let the means of communication change that we are. 14 Its significance is its message that technology can bind us but can also break us. It can make us one but can also break us if we let technology overpower our lives. When time spent on the computer, playing computer games or cruising the internet reaches a point that is harm a child’s or adult’s family and social relationships, or disrupt school or work life, that person may be caught in a circle of addiction. Like other addiction, the computer or video game has replaced friends and family as a source of person’s emotional life. Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. Time away from the computer or game causes moodiness or withdrawal.15 It is significant to the study because it reflects that computer addiction replaces social relationships and it is interrupting school and work.

Local Studies According to Pepita Edna Carvajal, head of the Guidance Office of the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) "relational dysfunction in the family such as lack of connection and communication transposes a child's attention into something that will give him appreciation, welcoming and achievement and this online gaming attitude may also be a form of rebellion against the family ". 24

Sometimes a kid does it for draw himself away from what he thinks is a disorganized world or a kid does it for the family to take notice of him. At least by that, he is given recognition. And also, according to Nicolas Yee the author of Psychology MMORPG Games, there are five factors why players are hooked to online computer games. One of these is relationship, wherein people play computer games to meet other people around the country or around the world. They seek to have closure to some other people in the world and they want to build a new friendship with someone. Next is manipulation, people tend to manipulate other people for his personal gains and satisfaction. Third one is immersion; gamers tend to enjoy computer games because of its graphics, effects which satisfy their imagination. Second to the last is escapism, wherein people engage themselves to online computer games in order to overcome depressions, stress and forget their problems here in the real world. The last is achievement factor, wherein people tend to play computer games to become strong and popular even just in the online computer games for them to be recognized. 16 In relation to our study, this article has been a really big help because these indicate all the reasons why people are hooked in computer online games. And this gives researchers more information about their topic and ideas that may help them in doing such study. According to Goh Chee Leong, dean of the Department of Psychology at Kuala Lumpur's HELP University College, online gaming is addictive because many people feel powerless in our society while in online games they’re in 25

control of armies, of cities, and other people. Online games give them recognition that they were able to feel that they exist in society because of popularity in online gaming. And according to psychology professor Mark Griffiths, author of several in-depth studies of online gaming and gambling addiction, once they already have such power, popularity and richness they get addicted to it and continue to play until they still have it. One reason that people who are into online games want to continue playing is because of the so-called "rewards" which are random and unpredictable. This is how the best games are programmed: to keep the player interested by promising predictable outcomes, but to hook them by randomly allowing them to earn new positions or powers in the game. But there's another problem that online games bring, health wise. In the past, students play basketball and other games that require physical activities (like bicycling, hiking, swimming, running, walking, etc.). But nowadays kids are restrained in their own little corner without moving a little bit save for their hands which resulted from obesity. "I am seeing a lot more obese children compared to ten years ago," Dr. Sioksoan Chan-Cua, a pediatrician-endocrinologist and associate professor of pediatrics at the University of the Philippines.17 In relation to our study, computer online games really gives us a bad effect such as obesity, addiction, lack of interest in school, waste our money and less time to interact with our family and other people. This article entails all the negative effects of computer online games in an individual which made a person non functional in our society. Nowadays you can’t even see kids playing outside their houses and engage in physical activities/games like “patintero, taguan, etc.” 26

But try to look in some computer shop, there you can see kids, students in uniform, sitting in one chair in front of a computer and stays there for a long period of time like 3 hours and above. According to Duncan Morris, vice president for research and market development at Turner International Asia Pacific kids have an innate ability to assimilate new technology and adapt to change at a phenomenal rate and this can be clearly seen in the way they have embraced computers, the Internet and mobile phones. Because of these they lose interest in studying, playing physical games and interact with their family. Morris also conducted study which he found out that some parents set rules on what website to visit, how long will he/she use the computer and kids understood those rules. Also a study was conducted on why do people use internet and they’ve found out that nearly 80 percent of the kids surveyed cite online games as the number one reason why they use the Internet. Among age groups, the study said kids 7-8 years old play the most. 18 In relation to our study we understand that kids love to explore new things and new access, but they should have their limitations and set rules for them not to get addictive to it. Parents should be the one to monitor their children and be sure that their kids will use internet not for playing but for learning. Foreign Studies As pointed out by study made by Searle Huh and Nicholas David Bowman, with the growing popularity of online video games, there have been anecdotal reports suggesting that these games are highly addictive, with some 27

gamers spending in excess of 40 to 50 hours per week playing. Thus, research into the individual characteristics that lead to excessive play is warranted. This paper examines two individual variables – personality and perceptions of media – and explores how they relate to online game play, specifically online game addiction. By presenting a revised metric for online game addiction, this paper explores the relationship between addiction and both personality and perception. Online addiction is presented in this paper as a process addiction with four unique factors: perceived social sanctions, excessive play, uncontrollable play, and displacement. Both personality and perception are found to be significantly associated with online game addiction. These results are interpreted and discussed, and future research direction is suggested.19 This study pertains to addiction of the students who have the possible highest number of hours of play. Addiction is widely associated with alcohol, and drug abuse, but in more recent times has started to include dependences not linked with substance abuse, such as gambling, internet use and video-game addiction. The term video-game addiction encompasses all genres of games, but it is often associated with MMORPGs as several high profile deaths of MMORPG addicts have been heavily publicized. For example one such addict in South Korea fatally collapsed after playing an online game for 86 hours straight without eating or sleeping. Since then addiction of online games has been specifically highlighted, with the Thai government imposing a curfew on online games , and Europe's first video-game addiction clinic opening in Amsterdam.But what causes these 28









With the online community of players expected to rise to the 100 million mark by 2010, the addiction associated with MMORPGs is only going to rise. Thus this dissertation will look into the reasons addiction occurs and compare them to the reasons people play online games, with the goal of highlighting the key motivational factors linked to the formation of addictive behaviors. Interactive video and computer games belong to the new multimedia culture that is based on the digital computer technology. These games have become increasingly popular in the past 20 to 25 years, especially among young people. In the beginning they were mainly played by youth and young adults who were enthusiastic about computers. During the early nineties, however, video and computer games became a matter-of-course in the everyday life of young people, including children. There is not one single explanation for this development. Probably a number of different reasons can be alleged. From an economic perspective one might argue that children and youth have become important target groups for many industries, e.g. media, fashion, music. Young people are believed to act as "driving forces" in and for new markets and products, and their purchasing power is noteworthy. The computer game industry obviously has been quite successful in attracting these young customers. From a technical perspective one could point out that starting and playing electronic games has become easier in the past two decades.21 This study is helpful to the researchers because it proves that online gaming has been successful for attracting young people for the past years. 29

Research from the ivied halls of Harvard Medical School suggests that violent video games can be a healthy form of social interaction for teenagers; especially boys. The study by doctors Lawrence Kutner and Cheryl Olsen also suggests that teenagers that don’t play any computer games are at a greater risk of being involved in antisocial activities. 22 The research seems to hinge on the fact that playing videogames has become a normal form of social interaction for young people. Therefore, to not play video games might indicate that a person is feeling disconnected from society and “at risk”.It added the positive significance of computer gaming to socialization. This statement suggest that computer gaming can be a form of social interaction and it has no negative effect on being connected with the society. According to a list of statistics produced by Media Family: "Effects of Video Game Playing on Children" roughly 97 percent of kids played video games in 2008. In 2006 45 percent of kids were regular gamers, which means that they played for two or more hours on a daily basis. The high number of kids shows the importance of learning to choose games that will help strengthen and push the intellect of the child playing.23 It can be included in the researchers’ study that not all computer gamer uses computer games a hobby. Thus, computer games can also be a source of learning.


Dmitri Williams, the lead author of the study state that after an average playtime of 56 hours over the course of a month with “Asheron’s Call 2,” a popular MMRPG, or “massively multi-layer online role-playing game,” they found no strong effects associated with aggression caused by this violent game.


There is no aggression effects in playing violent games which is a positive impact that can be added to our research results. Gaming among college-aged men may provide a healthy source of socialization, relaxation, and coping. In college aged men there was no significant correlation between BMI, academic performance, social functioning and frequency of online game play. Women and men differ hardly in performance with online gaming. Women probably use gender neutral characters and names; they probably game as much online as men.25 The study is relevant to the research because it provides a positive effect of online gaming to college-aged people. It renders positive effect to social function.











Kids,”, 2009, November 11. 2








Kids,” , 2009, November 11. 3


Edward Culpa, June Jane Gentiles and Eliza Zsa Zsa Perasol, “Online Addiction






Relations,” , 2007, April 17. 4






Addiction,” ddiction.html,2008, July 17. 5

Stuart Fischoff, “Internet Addiction: Real or Really Techno-Hysteria?,”, 2008, July 11. 6

“Psychiatric Symptoms May Predict Internet Addiction in Adolescents,”,


October 6. 7




Game 33



Douglas A. Gentile, “The Effects of Video Games on Children: What






June. 9

Jeanette Joy Fisher, “Computer Addiction: Who Suffers From it?,” 10

Finance Portal, “The Seriousness of Computer Gaming Addiction,” 11






Addiction”, 12


“Cyber Judaism,” Reform Judaism, Summer 2009, 36-40, 53. Rama Ramaswami, “Even but no Longer Odd,” The Journal:

Transforming Education through Technology, May 2009, 39-34. 14

Geoffrey H. Fletcher, “A Stimulus to Broadband Use,” The Journal:

Transforming Education through Technology, May 2009, 8. 15



Fat Boi, “Do You have an Addiction?” 2009, October 9. Asia Finest. Edward Culpa, June Jane Gentiles and Eliza Zsa Zsa Perasol, “Online Addiction






Relations,”, 2005, April 17. 34


Izah Morales, “Study Shows More Filipino Kids Going Online,”, 2009, October 8. 18








Games,”, 2009, February 16. 19

Searle Huh and Nicholas David Bowman, “Perception of and an














final.doc, 2008, April 26. 20








Alcoholism,” mi_m0847/is_n4_v15/ai_12754619/, 1960. 21

Johannes Fromme, “Computer Games as a Part of Children's Culture”.,2003, May. Game Studies. 22


Lawrence Kutner and Cheryl Olsen, “Study Suggests Computer Games




computer-games-are-good-for-boys.htm,2008, May 9.



Kyle Aldous, “Computer Gaming Effects on Academic Performance”. 24

Dmitri Williams, “No strong link seen between violent video games and

aggression”, , 2005, August 11. 25

Dr. Shock, “Healthy Online Gaming and Browser Gaming”,,2009, March 9.


CHAPTER 3 Research Methods and Procedure


CHAPTER 3 Research Methods and Procedure This chapter presents the research method, instrument used, procedure and the statistical treatment employed in this study. Research Methodology This research study will use descriptive method wherein the researchers will employ the normative approach in organizing the data gathered. This method is a technique that determines that facts with sufficient analysis and interpretation. It is also a general procedure employed in studies whose objective is to have a detailed description on existing procedure. However, it is not limited to routine fact gathering. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better understanding of a topic. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied.


The researchers chose descriptive method to gain a better understanding about the topic. The researchers wish to have accurate result by conducting surveys. The researchers want to hear the voice of the BSN students about the negative effects of online gaming. The researcher wants to gain critics and opinions from BSN students of CEU Makati. Finally, like qualitative research, descriptive research aims to gather data without any manipulation of the research context. In other words, descriptive research is also low on the "control or manipulation of research context" scale. It is non-intrusive and deals with naturally occurring phenomena. Respondents of the Study The study will be on Centro Escolar University, College of Nursing, Makati City Campus. The researchers will utilize two hundred (200) BSN students who are playing online games as the respondents of this research study. These two hundred (200) respondents were from four (4) year levels, every year level will represent 50 respondents, respectively. The researchers decided to involve the above number of respondents because it is based on the estimated number of the nursing students who are playing online games. Sampling Technique Used The researchers employed purposive sampling in conducting the selection of the B.S. Nursing students of Centro Escolar University from all year levels. 39

The researchers considered it to be appropriate to perform the study to B.S. Nursing students, because they are the ones who are greatly reflecting the study’s purpose. A great number of B.S. Nursing students are engaged to online gaming and more likely, they are the ones to develop health problem due to much exposure to it. Data Gathering Instruments Phrase completion scales are a type of psychometric scale used in questionnaires. Developed in response to the problems associated with Likert scales, Phrase completions are concise, unidimensional measures that tap ordinal level data in a manner that approximates interval level data. Phrase completions consist of a phrase followed by an 11-point response key. The phrase introduces part of the concept. Marking a reply on the response key completes the concept. The response key represents the underlying theoretical








Ten(10)indicates the theorized maximum amount of the construct. Response keys are reversed on alternate items to mitigate response set bias. Sample question using the phrase completion method: I am aware that playing online games affects my academic performance. Never 0

Continually 1






After the questionnaire is completed the score on each item is summed together, to create a test score for the respondent. Hence, Phrase Completions, like Likert scales, are often considered to be summative scales. The response categories represent an ordinal level of measurement. Ordinal level data, however, varies in terms of how closely it approximates interval level data. By using a numerical continuum as the response key instead of sentiments that reflect intensity of agreement, respondents may be able to quantify their responses in more equal units. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers listed possible topics and presented it to their English professor, Mr. Alvin S. Sicat on January 8, 2010. The professor verified and approved the chosen topic which is “ The Impact of Online Gaming to Physical and Social Skills of BSN Students of CEU Makati”. The researchers started to gather data related to online games and technology in possible resources such as internet, magazines and books. A consultation was done to arrive in to a formula and type of questionnaire to be used in the study. The researchers consulted an Electronic Engineer, Mr. Jomar Aplaon regarding the possible type of statistical method to be used. After the selection of formula, the researchers submitted a letter asking for the approval of the managers of the three nearest computer shop in CEU Makati, namely, Phoenix, I-hooked and Cosplay to conduct a survey. After the letters 41

have been approved, necessary instruments have been gathered by the researchers. The procedure was done through asking the respondents to fill- up a survey form asking for the average number of hours the respondent has been playing each day and the respondent’s preliminary and midterm grades. The respondents will also need to indicate weight gain or weight loss within the semester, to evaluate the physical effect of excessive playing of online games. Our target day of survey will be until March 16, 2010, Wednesday.Scores were obtained by summing up the respondents’ responses for the number of hours they play online games, grades during the prelim and midterm period, and respondent’s weight for the past four months to evaluate the impact of playing online games. Statistical Treatment The following statistics will be used in this study: 1. Percentage.2This method computes for the score proportion or rate in

terms of the total representative sample.

where: f = frequency of scores n = sample size 2. Mean. 3This method computes for the average score of the respondents. 42

where: x = raw score n = sample size 3. Standard Deviation. 4This method computes for the average deviation of

the individual scores from the mean score.

where: x = raw score n = sample size 4. Chi-squared test.5 Chi-square is a statistical test commonly used to compare observed data with data we would expect to obtain according to a specific hypothesis.

Where: observed = observed data expected = expected data




“Likert Scale,” Rosita G. Santos, et al., Statistics. (Manila: Centro Escolar

University, 2006), 35. 3

Rosita G. Santos, et al., 46.


Rosita G. Santos, et al., 64.


Rosita G. Santos, et al., 234


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