Chapter 1 Class 11 Accountancy
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Important questions of the chapter 1 of accountancy class 11....
Introduction to accounting 1.
Defne Accounting. Ans. Accounting records records fnancial transactions and events, summarizes and interprets interprets them and a nd communicates the results to the users
What do do yo you me mean by by Fi Financial Ac Accounting? Ans. Financial Financial accounting is that branch o accounting, which records fnancial transactions and events, summarizes and interprets them and communicates the results to the users.
What do do yo you me mean by by co cost Ac Accounting? Ans. It ascertains the cost o products manuactured and helps the management in decision making.
What What do you you mean ean by manage nagem ment ent acco accou unti nting? ng? Ans. It is concerned with the generating accounting inormation relating to unds, cost, profts, etc. as it enables the management in decision making.
What do you mean by accountancy? Ans. Accountancy reers to a systematic knowledge o accounting. It explains how to deal with various aspects o accounting. It educates us why and how to maintain the books o accounts.
What What are !ari !ario ous ob"ec b"ectti!es i!es o# Accou ccoun nting ing? Ans. Following are the obectives o accounting! "i# $aintaining systematic records to transactions! $he obective o accounting is to record fnancial transactions and events o the organization in the books o accounts in a systematic manner. "ii# Ascertaining %roft or loss ! Another obective o accounting is to ascertain the net result o day to day transactions or a period. For this purpose $rading $rading A%c and &roft ' (oss a%c are prepared. "iii# Ascertaining Financial &osition ! For a businessman, it is not ade)uate to only ascertain the proft or loss* it is also necessary to know the fnancial position o organization. For this purpose +alance heet is prepared. "iv# Assisting $anagement! $he management oten o ten re)uires re)uires fnancial inormation or decision making, e-ective control, budgeting and orecasting. Accounting provides fnancial inormation to assist the management. 'ommunicating Accounting In#ormation to (sers) Another obective o "v# 'ommunicating accounting is to provide accounting inormation to users who analyze ana lyze them as per their individual re)uirements. re)uirements. "vi# &re!ention o# Frauds! aintaining regular and systematic accounting records helps in preventing possible rauds.
What are !arious ad!antages o# accounting? Ans. ame as in $. 0rewal.
What What are are the the char charac acte teri rist stic ics+ s+at attr trib ibut utes es,, o# o# acc accou ount ntin ing? g? Ans. Following Following are the attributes o accounting
+i, Identifcation o# fnancial transactions and e!ents) Accounting records only those transactions and events which are o fnancial nature as the bring change in the Income o the frm. 1g. ale2purchase o goods. +ii, $easuring the identifed transactions) Accounting measures the transactions and events in terms o a common measurement unit i.e. 3upees. +iii,-ecording ! Accounting is an art o recording business transaction in the books o accounts. In other words noting down the transactions in the books"ledgers#. +i!, 'lassi#ying) 4lassifcation is the process o collecting similar transactions in one book"ledger#. In other words transactions are divided on the basis o similarity e.g. purchase book, sales book, cash book, +%3 book, +%& book. +!, ummari/ing ) $his involves presenting the classifed data in a manner which is understandable. In which one can fnd total o the di-erent items. For this purpose $rial +alance, $rading A%c, &'( a%c and +alance sheets are prepared. +!i, Analysis and Inter%retation) Financial data is analyzed and interpreted so that the users o fnancial data can make a meaningul udgment o the fnancial perormance. +!ii, 'ommunicating! Accounting unction involves communicating in the last. Accounting inormation must be provided in time and presented to the users. 0.
What are the limitations o# accounting? Ans. Following are the limitations o accounting! +i, Accounting is not #ully eact) Although most o the transactions are recorded on the basis o evidence yet some estimates are also made or calculating proft or loss e.g. providing 5epreciation on machine, &rovision or tax, &rovision or bad debts etc. +ii, Accounting does not indicate the reali/able !alue) $he +alance sheet does not show the realizable amount o assets i sold. +ecause historical cost concept is ollowed. +iii,Accounting Ignores the ualitati!e elements) ince accounting is confned to monetary matters only, )ualitative elements like )uality o sta-, honesty, industrial relations etc. "iv# Accounting may lead to indo dressing) $he term window dressing means manipulation o accounts so as to hide vital acts and present the fnancial statements in such a way as to show better position than what it actually is . "v# Accounting Ignores the eect o# %rice le!el changes) Accounting statements are prepared at historical cost. +ut prices o the product does not remain same. 6nless price level change are considered accounting inormation will not show true fnancial position.
What are !arious #unctions o# accounting? 78. Ans. Following are the unctions o accounting! +i, $aintaining systematic Accounting records) $he primary unction o accounting is to maintain systematic accounting records o fnancial transactions. +ii, &re%aration o# fnancial statements) Financial statement shows the fnancial position and fnancial perormance o company. $hat is why it is important unction o accounting to prepare fnancial statements o an organization these include &roft ' (oss a%c, $rial +alance and +alance sheet etc. +iii,$eeting legal reuirements) Accounting records are accepted as evidence by the court o law i they are maintained systematically ollowing the accounting
principles and concepts. +esides at the time o fling income tax, service tax, vat etc. accounts provide important inormation. +i!, 'ommunicating the fnancial data) It is yet another unction o accounting to communicate the fnancial data to the users, which may be internal users or external users. +!, Assistance to the management) anagement oten re)uires inormation other then the inormation obtained rom fnancial data. Accounting records should be maintained in such a manner that the inormation sought by the management is available, which in turn helps in decision making.
Dierentiate beteen boo ee%ing and Accounting +most im%ortant, 77. Ans. ame as in $ 0rewal
12. 6o many ty%es o# accounting in#ormation are there? Ans. Following are the types o accounting inormation! +i, In#ormation relating to %roft or sur%lus) $he income statement makes available the accounting inormation about the proft or loss incurred as a result o business operation. +ii, In#ormation relating to Financial %osition) $he position statement i.e. balance sheet makes available the inormation about the fnancial position o the entity. In other words it provides inormation about the assets and liabilities o the assets. +iii,In#ormation about cash 7o) 4ash 9ow statement is a statement that shows 9ow, both in9ow and out9ow o cash during the year. What do you mean by accountancy? 7:. Ans. Accountancy reers to a systematic knowledge o accounting and its aspects "principles#. 7;. (sers o# accounting In#ormation) Internal (sers) "i# .
Ans. 6nder ingle entry system all transactions are recorded only once. In other words it is incomplete double entry system .
2. Accounting 9erms) 1.
Assets :- Anything which is in the possession or is the property of businessman including the amounts due to it from others, is called an asset. In other words, anything which will enable a businessman to get cash or get a benefit in future is an assets. Eg. Cash, Ban, Building, !achinery, "urniture, Car etc.
# Debtors !2 5ebtors are those persons or customers whom goods have been sold on credit and
payment has not been recei$ed from them. %.
Liability :- It refers to the amount which the firm owes to outsiders Eg. &oan, Ban '$erdraft, Bills payable, Creditors etc.
# Creditors:- Creditors represents those persons or suppliers from whom goods ha$e been purchased on credit and payment has not been made to them # Capital :- It refers to the amount (money $alue) in$ested by the proprietor in a business. It is the amount with the help of which goods and assets are purchased in the business. As such, in order to calculate the amount of capital all e*ternal liabilities are deducted from total assets .
# Bank Overdraft: +hen money is o$erdrawn from ban , ban balance becomes negati$e. It is a type of short term loan gi$e by ban. +hen accountholder deposits the money into ban this amount is adusted against the deposit along with interest automatically. his facility is not pro$ided to all accountholders. .
Drawings :- Any cash or $alue of goods withdrawn by the owner for personal use.
Accrued nco!e:- Income earned but not recei$ed.
"repaid $penses:- E*penses paid in ad$ance.
Outstanding $penses:- E*penses due but not paid. (or arrears)e.g. rent due but not paid.
%angible Assets: angible assets are those assets which ha$e physical e*istence i.e. they can be seen and touched. E*. Cash, furniture, machinery, soc, computer etc.
ntangible Assets :Intangible assets are those assets which do not ha$e physical e*istence ie they can not be seen and touched. E*. 4oodwill, 5atents, rademar etc.
&i$ed Assets: "i*ed assets are those assets which are ac7uired not with a purpose for resell but for the use of long term. E* "urniture, !achinery, Building, 8ehicles etc.
Current assets: Current Assets are those assets which are retained in the business with the purpose to con $ert them into cash within a short period. Eg. Cash, toc, ;ebtors, Ban etc.
$penditure: is the amount spent or liability for ac7uiring 4oods or other assets. Eg. 5urchase goods on Credit. 5urchased furniture for cash.
$pense: E*pense is a $alue which has e*pired during the accounting period. Eg. 5ayment of salaries. 5ayment of rent.
"rofit : 5rofit is the e*cess of re$enue of a business o$er its costs.
'ain: 4ain is a profit of irregular or non-recurring nature. E*ample: 4ain on sale of car assets
&ictitious Assets : "ictitious Assets are those assets which are neither tangible assets nor intangible assets but represent loss yet to be written off e.g. 5
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