Chapter 08B Male Clitoris Affects The Thrusting Rhythm PDF

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8 (Part B) The Male Clitoris:  Its Discovery, Pleasurement, and How It Affects the Thrusting Rhythm How can we be sure that that nature inte intende nded the upper peni penis s to be the most important area of excitability on the natural penis? Because cause i t was de designe signed d to be cove covered over over al l the tim ti me and expose xposed only only duri during ng sexual xual activi ctivity. ty. Think hink about bout that for a mome oment. The anatom natomiical desi design gn and sensory sensory nerve nerves of  the penis head, frenulum, and foreskin inner lining are there for only one purpose—to cr create se sexual exci xcitement; and theouter foreski oreskin n is is the there to protect protect the themfrom unwan unwante ted d sti stim mula ulati tion on unti untill sex se x ta takes pla place. A nothe nother indi ndicati cation on that nature nature inte intende nded the uppe upper penis nis to be the focus of sexual excitement is new scientific evidence which attests ttests tha that em embedde dded inte interi riorl orly y withi within n the gla glans’ coronal area is the male e equ quii valen valentt o off the female cli clito torr i s. NEW SCIENTIFIC CIENTI FIC EVI EV I DENCE ENCE ID I DENTIFIES ENTIFI ES  THE  TH E MALE MAL E CL CL ITORIS ITORIS

In he her book, book, E ve s  s Secr ets, s  se exual xual researche rcher Jose J osephi phine L owndes Sevelly re Seve reports onthefindi ndings ngs of asevenven-year Ha Harva rvard-a rd-approv pprove ed study stu dy detai tailingthe thesim similari riti tie esof maleandffe emalegenita nitall anatomy. Sheprese presentsintrica ntricate tephysi physiol ologi ogica call evide videnceshowi showing ngthat hi highl ghly erogenous ogenous tissu tissue e, in the core core of the peni penis, s, beneath the corona corona// corona cor onall ridgearea, is equival quivale ent in in makeup and respons response eto what is commonly called the female clitoris, generally recognized as the woma woman’s primary pleasure zone, essential to her arousal, ple pl easure, and orga orgasm smic re response. ’




I say “what is commonly called the female clitoris” because, as M Ms. s. Seve Sevelly so el eloque oquent ntlly e expl xpla ains throug through h il illus ustra trati tion ons sa and nd text, the the soo-ca callled fe female cli clitori toris s is is rea really on onlly th the e tip ti p—although themost re responsive sponsive part—of thecomple pletecl cliitoris, toris, a muchlarger rger structure that extend xtends s deep into the pelvic vic reg regiion. I n her w words, ords, “M any people ople may be surpr surpriised to le learn tha thatt the female cli clitoris toris has ha s de dee eper per structur structure es under the ski skin. These hese de dee eper per str structur ucture es are the orga organ n’s two leglike parts that run along the lower part of  the pubi pubic bones bones at at e eiither ther si side de of the lower v va agina gina betwee between the inner thighs” (1)  (1).. She sums up her compa comparrative tive evi vide dence nce in the following statement:  The new theory advanced here proposes that the [female]  The le] clitoral ti p a  and.. nd....the tip of a male structur structure e inside the peni penis s [behind hind the gl gla ans are]... re]...true true counte counterpa rparts rts (2) (2).. (Empha phasi sis s added)

s meansthat the  the interior corona corona//coronal ri ridg dge eare rea a (Essentially, this (Essentially,thi of the penis is as sexually responsive as the female clitoris. We will soon learn how this interior tissue of the penis— identified below as the tip of the male clitoris—is pleasured during intercourse.) Sevely further explains that the highly excitable tip of this male internal structure is actually only the apex of its larger structure struct ure (a (as descri scribed a above bove for for the female) tha thatt runs runs down the enti ntire length ngth of th the e penis nis and int nto o tthe he pelvi vic c re regi gion on.. (Thi his s accoun ccounts ts for for why why theentire ntire sha shaft of thepenis nis is is se sexual xually e exci xcita tabl ble e, though thou ghnot as excita xcitabl ble eas the theinterior rior tip tip b be ehind hindthecorona coronal ridg ridge e area.) She cal calls thi this s enti ntire re structure the male clitoris, and she callls its tip ca tip the the L ownde owndes crown.* (See See Figure gure 88-1 1.) Here is her statement: [E]veryone knows that the peni nis sg ge ets erect b be eca caus use e it ffiills with blood...[T]he part into which the blood flows [called —

the corpora cave cavernos rnosa a].. ...I .I now iide denti ntiffy as as the male clitoris (3). *A reprint of Sevely’s “L ownde owndes C Crowns rowns T The heory” app  appe ears iin nA App ppe end ndiix D D..


T he M ale C lilittor i s: I ts D Dii sc sco over y, P le lea asur sure ement, a and nd H ow I t A ff ffe ects cts the T hr hrusti usting ng R hy hythm thm


  Figure 8-1. Visualize the the male clitoris (  (cor corpora pora ca cavernosa vernosa)) as a body body compos pose ed largel rgely of mus uscl cle e tiss tissue ue. From its tip, tip, lloca ocate ted d   benea ath the gla glans, iitt extends extends down down the lle ength of the interiorly  bene penis shaft and into the pubic mound, where it branches and continues into the pelvis and onto the pelvic bone, to which it is atta ttache ched (4). (4). (A dapted fro from m Sobotta’s drawing in E ve s  s Sec Secr ets.) ’




Figu gure re 88-2. 2. Crossross-se secti ctiona onal vi vie ew of the peni nis s showi showing ng the mesh sh-work of smooth ooth--mus uscl cle e ti tiss ssue ue in th the e male cl cliitori toris. s. ((A Adapt pte ed ffrom rom TheI ll llustr ustra ate ted d E ncy ncyclop clope edi a of S Se ex  by  by Drs. Wi Willly, V Va ander, Fisher.)

 Themaleclito  The litoris is la larrgely composed of smooth-muscletiss issue— thin thi n sh she eets of ce cellls form forme ed in in a meshwor shwork k that is is a ana nalogous ogous to a fisherman’s net. (See Figure gure 8-2.) 8-2.) The spa spaces ces of the meshwor shwork k arecal called si sinuso nusoiids. ds. When the thepenis nis is is fl flaccid, ccid, the thesmoothooth-muscl uscle e fibers are shortened and the sinusoids are small, leaving little room for blood. blood. Elonga ongation tion of the fibers cause uses the sp spa aces ces to enla nlargeduri during ngerection. rection. Thefoll ollowing owingdescribe scribes how thesmoothmuscle fibers control the erection process. Sexual desire sire and and s se ens nsory ory stim stimula ulation tion tri trigg gge er the rel rele ease of  chemicals (nitric oxide and histamine) in the genitalia that cause the smooth-muscle fibers in the male clitoris (corpora cavernosa) to elonga ongate (stretch). stretch). This his leads to increa ncreased blood blood flow int into o the the enl nla arging rgingsinu sinusoi soids ds.. Conti ontinue nued elong onga ation tion of th the esmoothooth-muscl uscle e results in the flattening (or pinching off) of the exit veins that norm no rma ally dra draiin the the cli clitori toris s of bl blood ood.. Thus, hus, tthe he blood becomes trapped iin trappe n the sinu sinusoi soids ds,, and th the e engorge ngorged d penis nis swel swells into into an an erection. rection. Upon orgasm orgasm, the smoothooth-m muscl uscle e fibe bers rs shorte shorten, n,


The M ale C lit li tor i s: I ts Di D i sco scover y,

P le lea asur sure ement, nt, and H ow I t A ffe ff ects cts the Thr hrust ustii ng R hy hytthm


the exit veins renew their function, blood is allowed to exit the sinu si nusoi soids ds,, and and the the penis nis be become comes fl flaccid. ccid. A surve survey respondent com commented, nted, “I envi nvisi sion onthe thenatura turall penis nis as being as sensitive as my own clitoris.”  Seve Sevelly affirms rms tha that,  The  Th e female and male clito litoris are composed of ba basica ically the sa m rectil recti lehigh su bsta (5) ... ...the the aleleiss s [tota [total lly] inte rnal rnah, l, but bu t [i [eitetoo is] is] hisubs ghl lytance re rnce espon sponsi sive ve none nonm ethe to iind ndi irect rec t touc touch, or ra rather ther p  prr essure ssure (6). (Empha phasis sis adde dded)

 Theentire  The iremaleclito litoral musculat lature(muscletiss issue) abounds with ith nerve rves that are are sexual xually excite excited d by press pressure ure,, but but its its tip tip contains thegreatest test densi density ty of these thesenerves (7) (7) and is, is, ther therefore ore, themost sexual xually re respons sponsiive pa part, just ust as as the the ti tip p of the compl comple ete female clitoral structure is its most responsive part. L ike the the tip tip of of the the female cli clitori toris s, the ti tip p of of the the male cli clitori toris s enjoyspla playfu yful indire direct ct ti tickli ckling and press ressure ure—th the ekind kindit rece receiives ves from the massaging actions actions of the glans upon iit, t, and the movements of the for fore eskin. GLANS’ S  STIM TIMUL ULA A TION OF THE THE MALE MAL E CL CL I TORAL TORAL TIP TI P IS DIFFERENT DIFFERENT FOR THE TWO TY PES OF PENIS PENISES

 This  Th is section ion is one of the most important parts of the book, but unfortunately, it could not be brought up until now. Sevely vely points points out out that becaus cause ethepenil nilegla glans and malecli clitoral tip ti p are in in clos close e proxim proximity to ea each othe other,  Touch or press upon the glan  Tou lans, especia ially lly its its ridg idge...and you excite xcite the the L ownde owndes crown [ma [male cli clitora torall ti tip] p] as as well (8).

A s expla xplained ned in in Cha Chapte pterr 6, the natural natural peni penis s head has a spongy spongy give gi vea abil bility, even ven when erect, rect, that al allows it it to bend and flex as as the the penis nis thrusts the vagi vagina. na. On the inward thrust, whe when the peni penis s meets the slight resistance of the vaginal walls, the glans




is pushed inward and applies gentle pressure to the clitoral tip loca loc ate ted d iin nter i or ly  be  beneath the theflexibl xible egl gla ans. ns. Then, on the theoutward stroke strok e, the bunche bunched-up d-up foreski oreskin n butti butting ng against nst the the cor corona onal ridg ri dge e

also ca cause usess the glans to apply ge g ent ntle le p prr ess ssur ure e to th the e cl clii tor tor al tip ti p.  The  Th esekneading acti ctions onson the themalecli clitora torall tip tip cre crea atemagn gniifice cent nt sensa se nsati tions ons of ple pleasure in in the upp uppe er peni penis s ar area.

**** ** *** * A SIMP MPL LE EXPERIMEN EXPERIMENT T GIVES GIVES PROOF ROOF ** **** *** * Mal ale eread ade ersshoul uld dtry try this thisimportantexperiment. Hold your flacci ccid d pe peni nis s— o  or r better stil till, your semi-erect penis nis. Then, w wiith y yo our other hand, hand, p pllace your fingerti tips ps alll around the co al cor ronal r riim of yo your ur peni nis s head ad.. Next, holdi hol ding ng thi this s are area secur cure ely, rock rock the glans left to ri right a ffe ew tim ti mes, the then n for orw ward ard and back s se everal ti tim mes. Notice otice that this this pr produce oduces sexual excite xcitement to the interior tis tissue underneath theglans. This hisinterior tis tissue—the male cl clii to torr al ti p—ismassageddur duriingintercour cours sebytheactions actionsofthe theglans exerting tingpre pressure ureupon iit. t. **************************** ************** ************************ **********

E ssenti ssentia all lly, y, a m ma aj or pur urp pose o off th the e g lan lanss i s to apply a massaging-type pressure to the interior clitoral tip during thrusting.  The cli clitoral toral tip tip is much too sensi nsitive tive to be touche touched dire di rectl ctly. y. I t pref prefe ers and and needs indi ndirect, rect, cushi cushioned press pressure ure..  The  Th e massaging ing stimulat lation ion by the glan lans on the clit lito oral tip is a major player in why the natural penis favors stimulation of its uppe up per area areawith with short short stroke strokes. Short Short strok stroke es iinte ntens nsiify thesens nsuou uous s massaging ging movements of the gla glans agai gainst the the cl cliitora toral tip, tip, an and d the man is is insti instincti nctivel vely y dra drawn to re repeat them them agai gain and and agai gain, enraptu nraptured redby the thewondrous wondrous,, ple pleasurab surablleeffects. All to thedeligh ghtt of his female partner, whose clitoral mound is softly pressured andgrea greatl tly y exci excite ted b by y thegentle ntle, rrhythm hythmic acti actions onsof this this vi vibra brati ting ng type of (jiggling/diddling) stroke. However, for the circumcised penis, the glans stimulation of  the cli the clitoral toral tip tip is dram dramati tica callly and adversely affected. A s you will recall, the circumcised penis is missing 12-15 square inches of shaft ski skin n. Upo pon n er er ecti ctio on, th the e sk skii n o off th the e sha shafft ca can n gge et str stre etch tche ed   

The M ale C lit li tor i s: I ts Di D i sco scover y, P le lea asur sure ement, nt, and H ow I t A ffe ff ects cts the Thr hrust ustii ng R hy hytthm


 so ti gh  so ghttly i t pull llss down on the ski n of the glan glans, compacti ng tth he  gla  g lan ns  tissue and pushing it against the clitoral tip with unr nre elen lentiting ng,, con contitinu nuo ous pr essur ssure e. Thi hiss co com mpr essi ssio on r educes, ces, or  may en entitirr ely eli elim mi na nate te,, th the e gglans lans  m  ma assag ssagii ng ca cap pabi liti li tie es on the the clittor al ti cli tip p.  Esse ssentia ntially, the ti tiss ssue ue of the gla glans gets compre compress sse ed ’

soti tigh ghtl tly y aga against nst the thecli clitoral toral ti tip, p, the thegla glans’ massagi assaging ng movem ovements over the thecli clitoral tip tip aresevere verelly rest restri ricte cted. Addi dditi tion ona ally, theti tiss ssu ue of the clitoral tip itself is abnormally compressed because the overly tightened shaft skin has compacted the overall penis. Consequent-ly, the clitoral tip is denied the massaging effects natur na ture eintende ntended. By ana analogy, this this would would be belike som someonehardeni rdening ng themuscle uscle of thei their bice bicep p ((m making amuscl uscle e), then then aski asking ng amasse sseur to massa assage ge it. it.   I f the the penis nis is very very tigh tightl tly y circum circumcise cised (which which is a common compla plaint of circ circum umcise cised men), n), a man may actually experie rience numbne num bness or even even pai pain in his his cli cl itora toral ti tip. p. Remember ber the the experi xperim ment you did did in in Cha Chapte pter 6 (pa (page ge 95) 95) where where you app appllied constant consta nt pressu pressurre with with your thumb aga agaiinst thecorona coronall ridgearea andexperi rie enced adiscom discomforting ortingsensa nsati tion? on? If you had conti continu nue ed applying this sustained pressure, it would ultimately result in a desensi nsiti tiza zati tion on of the the area rea. (I n effect, the the ti tigh ghtl tly y compacted cted circ ci rcum umcise cised peni penis s expe experi rie ences nces constant pressu pressure re to its its inte internal rnal ti tiss ssue ueandis thus thus desensiti nsitized zed..) Sevel Sevely atte attests ststo the thedesens nsiiti tizi zing ng effects of overstimulation in the following: [P]rolong rol onge ed sti stim mula ulati tion on in in the the exa xact ct same sp spot ot of either the male gla glans or the female cli clitoral ti tip p can can caus cause e a num numbing bing effect (9).

Masters and and J ohnson ohnson reported reported this this obse observa rvati tion: on: [For] those women who manipulate the clitoris directly.... A rela rel ative tive de degree gree of local ocal anesthe sthesia sia may deve devellop if if too much manipul nipula ati tive ve pressure pressure is appli pplied to any one area (10).

In regard to the above (now tha thatt we realize the homologousn ologousne ess of the female and male clitoris), consider the following quotes tak ta ken fr from a nati nationa onall surve survey of men who are aware aware that that  



circumcision affects their penis’ s sensitivity and sexual perrfor pe orm mance (11) 11). (K eep in mind that that be becau cause se the gla glans and cliitoral cl toral ti tip p are iin n clos close e proxim proximity, and since since these men were were not not knowledgeable of the clitoris’s exi existe stence nce,, whe when n they they sa say y gl gla ans, they might mean glans/clitoral tip.)

Tak ake estoollong ongtoor org gasmduetodesensi nsiti tizi zing ngof head.

Glansiscall callused and numb to subtl ubtle esensations ations.

Constant, continu ntinual al chaf chafiing and desensiti tizati zation on of  glans.

I enj njo oy no sensati tions ons on my glans; or org gasm requi quir res painful thrus thrusti ting ng.

I have to be at tthe he point point of abuse and pai pain n tto o my peni nis s to r re each org orgasm, iitt iis s so desensiti tize zed fr from

circumcision.  The  Th econditio ition ns describe ibed abovecouldall bearesult of continu inuous press pre ssure ure by the ti tigh ghtl tly y compa compacted cted gl glans on the the cl cliitoral tip. tip.  Th  T hi s re reduced or or depri ved pl pl easure in tth he up upper peni s encourage ncourages the thecir circumcise cised man tofavor sti stim mula ulation tion of themiddle ddle and llower ower area areas of the peni nis. s. RESTORATION RENEWS THE GLANS’ M  MA A SSA GI NG EFFECTS ON THE TIP O EFFECTS OF F THE MA MAL L E CLITOR CLI TORII S Oneof themost im important portant se sexual xual benefits of res restorati toration on—perhaps the most im importan portantt—is that af afte terr re restora storation tion ((when when the shaft has the skin ski n it it nee needs and and the peni penis s’s internal tissue is no longer abnorm bnorma ally com compacted pacted)), the massagi ging ng actions ctions of the gla glans on the th etip tip of of the themalecli clito tori ris s—thepenis nis’s most responsi responsive vepart dur during intercourse—is ess sse entia ntially comple pletel tely resto restore red. d. This his important portant factor is one of the major reasons why re restor store ed men report that that intercourseis excee xceeding dinglly more more pl pleasura surabl ble eafter res restora torati tion on.. Thi This s benefit, as wel well as 18 others, are pre prese sented iin n theTable ble of Sexual Benefits (of restoration) immediately following Chapter 12.  

The M ale C lit li tor i s: I ts Di D i sco scover y, P le lea asur sure ement, nt, and H ow I t A ffe ff ects cts the Thr hrust ustii ng R hy hytthm



 The  Th efo forreskin’s gl gliding ding and bunchi bunching ng actions ctions over over theuppe upper peni penis s sha sh aft and andcorona cor sexual xually exci excite tetheuppe upper area areaof themalecli clitori toris (including itsona tip).  The  Th ese stimulat latory movements are fur further augmented by an elastic-like band of mucosal tissue at the tip of the foreskin’s inne nner li lining. Theerotic rotic cha characte racteri ris sti tics cs of thi this spe specia cialized zed mucos ucosa a were we re onl only rece recen ntly tly di discovered red by Dr. J ohn ohn Taylor ylor (12). He calls this zone of tightly pleated, highly innervated tissue, the ridged band (Figures 8-3, 8-4), revised from his original term, “frenar nar band. band.” penis flaccid, elastic in thectmuscle tissue associ ssWhen ocia ated tedthe with with the the is ridg ri dge ed band se serve rvfibers e to constrict constri the foreski ores kin n ope op ening ning like the the drawst drawstri ring ng of a duf duffel bag. This his give gives s the the ti tip p of  the fore oreski skin a cone cone--shape shaped, d, som someti tim mes pucke puckered, appearance. (See Figure 8-3.) Duri uring erection, cti on, the emergence gence of the peni penis s head cause causes the ri ridg dge ed band to stretch stretch open, sli slideback past thegla glans, and and posi positi tion on itself on theuppe upper sha shaft, where where theinne nner and oute outerr foreski oreskin n meet (cal called the mucocuta ucocutane neous juncti unction). on). During uring intercourse, rcourse, as as the penis thecoronal ridged (elastic-like) band up and down the th e uppe up perthrusts, sha shaft and corona la rea rea. This his roll rol lingrolls action ction sti stimula ul ates tes the erogenous ogenous nerves of the ridged ba band to fi fire off off sensati tions ons of  ple pl easure sure as as it it rol rollls and and stretch stretche es (whe (when n it it encoun encounte ters rs narr narrowe owerr and then then wide widerr parts of the peni penille shaft), t), and butts agai gainst the the coronal ridge. A ddi dditiona tionally, as it it roll rolls upanddownthesha shaft, theridg ridge ed ba band applies gentle pressure all along the upper clitoris, exciting its pressure ssure-sensiti sitive ve nerves. rves. This his ti titi tilllati ting ng and roll rolling/ ng/press pressuri uring ng ’

by ridg ri dge eclitoral d band, nd,tip, along with withwonderful the gla glanspleasure  ma  m assaging ging acti actions ons on thethe interior create sensations in




Figure 8-3. Flaccid natural penis showing approximate location tionof th the er i dged band , a tig ti ghtl htlyy pl ple eate ated d zone zone of of mucous membrane brane densely concentrated with highly erogenous nerves (13).

Figure 8-4. The r i dged band rol ollls up and d down own the peni nis sa and nd excites the erogenous nerves of the male clitoris and of the ridg dge ed British b ba and itse tsel lf. ((A Ada dapte d ffrrom,postm or orte tem m mep. di dica cal l speci cim men photo, vol. 77, 1996, 292.) Journal ofpted Urology 


The M aHleoC liIttoAr iffe I tss the Di D i sco scTohr veusti r y, i ng R hy P le lea asur sure ement, nt , and wlit ffs:ects ct hrust hytthm


themalecli clitori toris, but it it does som something thingmore ore: it cre creates tes tiny tiny spasms inthemuscle usclecel cellsthat makeupthecli clitori toris. Thesespa spasms(minute muscle contractions) play an essential role in the penis’s buildup to or orgasm gasm.  To nature, the objec ject of se sexual st stimulat lation ion in the male isn isn’t sim si mply ply togenerate rateple pleasure suresensa nsati tions ons.. Addi dditi tiona onally, theobje objective ctive is to build up contractions in the genital musculature, because it is these muscula uscular contr contra actions cti ons that that bring bri ng on orga orgasm sm and the ejacula culation tion of spe sperma rmatozoa. When hen the geni genita tall muscul uscula ature becomes excited by sexual activity and alternately contracts (tenses) and then relaxes over and over rhythmically, this alterna ternati ting ng tensi nsing and unte untensi nsing action ction can can ulti ultim matel tely le lead to orgasm.

I t iiss iim mpor tant to unde underr sta stand nd ho how wm muscul uscula ar co contr ntra act ctii ons can ca nb brr i ng on or orggasm beca caus use e the i nta ntact ct ( nat natur ura al) man and the circumcised differently in their and   p  pe elvi lvicc r eg i oman ns, ainduce nd thethem m me eans the heyy use to cre crgenital eate the these se contr co ntra acti ctio ons aff affe ect the theii r thr thrus ustiting ng move vem ments a and nd r hythm hythms. s.  The design  The ign of the natural pe penis evinc inces that nature int intended for ple pleasure and orga orgasm sm to be induced nduced by acti actions ons taking pla place mai nly nly in in the uppe upperr area area of the peni penis. s. However owever, for for the the cirrcumci ci cumcise sed d penis, nis, the the upper penis penis mechanism chanisms and response responses s have ha ve be been dr drastical sticallly alte alterred and and do not functi function on the way nature nature intende nded. Conse onseque quently, ntly, thecircum circumcise cised maleis left toimprovise provise alter terof nati nathese tive ve orodd suppl supple ementar nta means to attai ttain(pleasure-seeking) orga orgasm sm. I t is his his use varieties ofryorgasm-building techni te chniqu que es that cause causes him him to thrust much dif differentl rently y from the the intact man, and and which which hi his fe female partner rtner fi finds nds frustrati frustrating ng and disrupti di srupting ng to he her ple pleasuri suring ng ne needs. ds. HOW EXCITEM HOW EXCI TEMENT ENT IS I S BROUGH BROUGHT T ABO A BOUT UT IN I N THE NATURAL PENIS

During uring inte intercourse rcourse, theuppe upper areaof thenatural penis is ti titi tilllated by several different kinds of actions that all work to bring on




orga or gasm sm. Ther here are 1) mechan chanii cal actions, like the bunching

and unbunching of the foreskin, the massaging of the clitoris by the gl glans, the rolling/pressuring and stretching of the ridged band ba nd,, and the the excita xcitatory tory stretchi stretching ng of the frenul renulum um; 2) e  ele lect ctrr i ca call actions involving the firing off and recharging of nerves; and, as we sha shall see in Chapte hapter 1 10, 0, 3) chemical actions, like histamine, released sed fr from the gla glans in in res respons ponse e to pr pre essur ssure appli pplied by the foreskin.  Th  T hese ac acti ons brin bring g on on org orga asm i n gra grad dual stages by by first inducing tiny muscular spasms (contractions) in the tip of  thecli clitoral toral muscul uscula ature, ture, whi which ch cause useit to q qui uive verr wi with excite xcitem ment. Second, tthe hese ti tiny ny spasms vibrate vibrate down fr from the tip tip and indu induce ce subs su bse eque quent contra contracti ction ons s in in the therest rest of th the ecl cliitori toris. s. Third, hird, rhyth rhythm mic vibra vi brati tion ons s (qui (quivers) vers) inthe thecli clitoral toral muscul uscula atu ture reinduce nducecontra contracti ction ons s in other muscles, in the pelvic region, in the thighs, buttocks, etc. tc.,, and eventu ventua ally ind i nduce uce contracti contractions ons th throughou roughoutt other other body body muscle cles. Recurre curren nt titi titilllation tion of th the e cl cliitori toris s, especi cia ally its tip tip, cause cau ses s the contra contractions ctions in in this this muscul uscula ature and in in associ associa ated ted pelvic muscles to build with ever-increasing intensity and freque requency. ncy. A s these these contra contractions ctions becom become e mor ore e ince ncessa ssant, it it even ventua tuallly le leads to orgasm orgasm. Orga gasm sm occurs occurs when when the recov cove ery tim ti me betw betwe een contra contracti ctions be beco com mes so short ttha hatt the muscle uscles virtua vi rtually se seize up int nto o one one long, ong, cont contiinu nuou ous s contra contracti ction on.. I t is the the seiizing u se up p of many muscl muscle es al all at once tha thatt produce produces s the body’s rigid posture during orgasm. I f you think think of an orgasm orgasm as being much lliike a sn sne eeze— a compar parison that that is is of ofte ten n made—you can better understand understand how  the th e fo forr eski skin n wor ks to i ni ti ate or gasm. A sn sne eezeissuch suchapowe powerf rful ul,, expl xplosi osive ve respon response se it iis sh ha ard to bel believe tha that iitt ca can n be brought brought on by something so delicate as the light tickling of the nose by a feathe ther. But it ca can, n, and si sim milarly, rly, the the fore oreski skin n’s feather-like tickl tickliingaction ctions s in in th the euppe upper penis nis resu resullt iin n the theexpl xplos osiive respon sponse se of orga orgasm sm. A feather works works its its magic gic by mechanica nicallly app appllying ying touch touch stimuli and light pressure to the nostrils, activating the release of  hista hi stam mine from the nose, whi which ch cause causes s the muscle uscles of the nose  

The M aHleoC liIttoAr iffe I ts the Di D i sco scTohr veusti r y, i ng R hy P le lea asur sure ement, nt , and wlit ffs:ects ct hrust hytthm


to twitch twitch (contract) contract).. Thesecontracti contractions onsin thenose nosemuscl uscle es soon

radiate into radia into the face and neck muscle uscles, then then into into the chest chest and and abdom bdominal muscl uscle es. Continu ontinue ed ti tick cklling by the thefeather ma makes the sliight contractions sl contractions become come stronge strongerr and more ore frequent, quent, and ulti ul tim matel tely many mus muscl cle es in in the body body sei seize up and prope propell the person for forward ward in in a sneeze. Sim Si milarl rly, y, li likethe thefeathe ther, the fo forr eski skin n s  s mechani cal movements ’

and tickling actions generate electrical responses and chemical actions (like the release of histamine from the glans), which titillate the tip of the clitoral musculature into producing contractions.  Th  The ese contraction ions radiat iate down the entire ire clito litoris and into into othe other muscl uscle es of thepelvic vic rre egion gion and and,, eventu ventua ally, many muscl uscle es of thebody body seize up up into into orgasm. Thewonderful rful ple pleasure sure sensa nsations tions of sex are provide provided by nature nature as as a se seducti ductive ve dive diversi rsion on to keep themind occupi occupied whil whileit subtl subtly y ma manipu nipullates tes thebody body’s muscles into orgasmic contraction, for it is, of course, through orga or gasm sm and ejacula culati tion on that that the speci specie es is per perpetua petuate ted. d. The foreskin’s method of arousing ousing sexual tensi tension on has has some very specia cial advantage dvantages. s. First, most of thestim stimula ulati tion on theintact ma man needs for for arousal rousal of his his cli clitora toral muscula usculature and sexua sexuall ple pleasure can be gener nerated ted in the local ocalized zed area rea of the the uppe upper peni penis. s. This his area rea is the prim prime focus of his his attention ntion and kee keeps his his mind capt captiivate vated. d. I t’s sort of  like the the old old story story ab about out the the count country ry fa farme rmer who visi visits ts New Y ork City by by trai train and gets off off at Grand rand Central ntral Stati Station. on. When he returns turns home, everyone veryone asks sks him him, “What was the big city like?” Heexpla xplains, ns, “ Th  The erewas so much happening ing at thedepot, I never got to see see the city. city.”  Sim Similarl rly, y, for for the the inta ntact man, the there is so much pl pleasure sure goi going ng on in in the theuppe upper peni penis, s, hehas li little ttleincenti ncentive ve to wande wanderr away away from this this supe super-e r-erogenous rogenous zone. zone. (For the circ ci rcum umcise cised penis, nis, howeve however, r, this this arealoses much of its attraction ttraction as a generator of ple pleasure, sure, so the penis nis must rely rely mor more e heavil vily on other eroge erogenous areas for for ple pleasure and sti stim mula ulatesthoseinstead.) d.) Second,, since Second since the intact ntact man focuse focuses hi his attenti ttention on pri prim maril rily on sti stim mula ulati ting ngthis this loca locallizeduppe upper area, hetend tends s to use useathrusting thrusting




motion otion that ide ideally ple pleasures sures thi this onearea, and nd,, in general ral,, te tend nds s

to stay stay wi with a regul regula ar, predi predicta ctabl ble e thrusting thrusting pa pattern ttern throughou throughoutt much of the the intercourse act. A s a resul result, t, the natura turall penis nis falls into aconsiste consistent, pr pre edicta dictabl ble erhythmthat that is is smooth, harm harmoni onious ous,, engaging, and hypnotic, capable of inducing a trance-like state in both lovers. A third third a adva dvanta ntage of the foreski oreskin n’s method of arousal is that the penis nis’s short-traveling strokes require less “work” from  from the man, so he can mainta ntaiin a consiste consistent nt thrusti thrusting ng rhythm longer with wi thou outt tiri tirin ng. This is especia cially benefici cia al to th the e wom woma an becau be cause se shede desi sirres a sus susta taiined, consiste consistent nt rhy rhythm thmto buil build up to orgasm. A fourth ourth adva advanta ntageof thefore oreski skin n’s modeof arousal, theone mentione ntioned most ofte often n by survey respon responde dents nts,, is that it it rre esu sullts in in a much gentle ntler inter ntercourse course exper xperience. nce. HOW THE NATURA HOW NATURAL L AND CI CIRCUMCI RCUMCIS SED PE PENI NIS S A RE A RO ROUS USED ED DIFFER DIFFERENTLY ENTLY A ND WH WHY Y IT’S I MPO PORTA RTANT NT

We must understand understand natur nature e’s cle clever, ver, delicate cate mode of usi using the foreskin’s acti action on (and (and the themassa ssaging gingeffects it it e ena nabl ble es) to ti titi tilllate the tip of the male clitoris into building up pleasure sensations and muscular orgasmic tension because it contrasts so dramatically with the circumcised penis’s mode of arousa arousal. The circumcised penis, rather than focusing on titillating the upper penis nis area, re relies on strong press pressuri uring ng to its its midd ddlle and lower ower and base/ base/pe pelvic vic area area to ind induce uce feelings ngs of ple pleasu sure re and (male) cliitora cl torall muscul uscula ature contracti contractions ons.. One woma woman, who said she she hadn’t really given givenany thought thought as to why thena natural tural penis nis shoul should d be more gentle until filling out the survey, made this brilliantly insightful comment:

Thecir circumci cis sed penis niscan t fe feel, so it it bangsharde harder to try try to get morevi vibr brati atio ons. But with thenatur natural al,, ’


The M ale C lit li tor i s: I ts Di D i sco scover y, P le lea asur sure ement, nt, and H ow I t A ffe ff ects cts the Thr hrust ustii ng R hy hytthm


vibr vi brati ations onsand energiesar are eevoked natural naturallly jjus ust by

thedelicatemovementsof thefore oreskin. [Nobanging thr th rustsare areneeded.] d.]  Thenatural penis’s arousa  The rousal method thodis very very ind indiirect. rect. A nalogou ogousl sly, y, it works works li like a farme rmer who gets the the muscl uscle es of a resti resting ng donkey donkey moving ovingby tickl tickliinghis his nose noseandwhetting ttinghis his app appe eti tite tewith with acarr carrot ot on a stick stick.. On the other hand hand,, the circ circum umcise cised penis nis’s mode mode of  of  action ction is is more ore like a farmer who pushes and and bum bumps aga agaiinst the donkey to rouse him him and get hi his muscle uscles moving. oving. The strongpressuri pres suring ng thr thrusts of the cir circumcise cised d penis nis cause cause the woma woman to perceive rceive intercourse as roughe rougher and and toughe tougher. The foll ollowing owing comm com ments are repre presenta sentati tive ve of those received ceived in the surve survey:

 YES! YES  YES! YES!! YES! YES! Cir Circumcised men are rougher and th the ey tte end to poun pound d away.

Sometim times ci cir rcumcis cised men jus just thr thrus ust too toohar hard. d.

Circumcis cumcised men do have a tendency to be reall ally rough and unple unpleasura urabl ble e, whereas the natur natural al is real allly smooth and pl ple easur urab ablewhen mak akiinglove.

Thenatural natural intercours courseexperienceissofter...t r...the heman doesn t haveto pump so har hard.. d.... .. Circumcis cised men pump very har hard d li like they retr tryi ying ngto comebut are havi ving ngtroub troublefeelinganything ything.


Circumcisi cision on dra dram mati tica callly mod modiifies the thestructu structure re of of th the epenis nis and and the th elayout of itserogenous nouszones. When the theforeski oreskin n is is surgi surgica callly rem oved, oved , ailna l of the ro ge nous zone spa in inct the upp penis nifor s ar aa rem aom ffected cte by its elim tion tion. .e Croge onsi on side der the im ofuppe this thiserloss ent. ntd.




Gonearethenumerous se sensory receptor ceptors s of theinner for fore eski skin n and ri ridg dge ed band, nd, whi which ch come come alive upon upon sexual xual arousal rousal. Gone

is the theforeski oreskin n’s roll rollingand bun bunch chiingng-upaction ction wi with th its its alternatin ting press pre ssure ure--ple pleasuri suring ng of the corona and coronal coronal ridg ri dge e. Gone (or significantly reduced) is the massaging actions of the glans on the the inte nternal rnal cli clitoral toral ti tip p. Gone one is much uch or ne nearly rly all of th the e frenul renulum um, which which (a (accordi ccording ng to many na natura turall men I’ve spoke spoken with) iis with) s the most eroge rogenou nous s tiss tissue ue of the enti ntire re peni nis. s. Gone is the thin, thin, m moi oist, st, delicate layer of membrane brane on the pe peni nis s head, which allows its nerves to fully experience the ecstasy of  intercourse rcourse.. These are major lloss osse es when you conside consider that that jjus ustt abou boutt al all of thesexual xual rece recepti ptivi vity ty of thenatural tural peni nis s take takes sp pllace in these these uppe upperr erogenous ogenous zone zones. s.

Remova ovall of the for ore esk skii n d de evastat vastate es the ab abii li ty o off the up uppe per  r   pe  p eni s pleasur e zones to functi on:  1  1)) Thepenis nis h he eadisdram dramatica ticallly reduce red uced d in in sensi nsiti tivi vity ty beca becaus use etheunprote unprotecte cted d ci circ rcum umcise cised gla glans become comes dr dried out out a and nddesensiti nsitiz zed by by many la layers of keratini tinized, zed, unffeeling skin un skin which which smother the peni nis s he head’s nerve endi ndings. ngs. 2) The glans’ massaging actions to the clitoris are impaired. 3) The The high highlly eroge erogenou nous s fren frenul ulum um, as state stated, d, ma may be partia rti ally or compl com ple etel tely eliminated. ted. 4) T The hecorona coronaand corona coronall ridg ridge e have no foreskin to roll over them, giving their nerves alternating periods of rest rest.. A nd 5) There is no no oute outerr fore foreski skin n to roll roll ove overr thenerves rves of the inner foreskin lining, giving them time to rest from stimulation. I nste nstea ad of a rest rest peri period, od, the circ circum umci cise sed d up uppe perr peni penis s gets conti con tinu nuou ous s di dire rect ct stim stimula ulati tion on.. I t re rece ceii ve vess no i nt nte er mi tt tte ent p pe er i ods of rre est.  Remember wha whatt happened onyo your ur wr wrist when when you appl ppliied too muc uch h st stiimula ulati tion on? ? It made it d diifficul cult for you to di disce scern the the ple pl easure sensati nsations ons because because the ner nerves on your your wr wriist see seemed to go num numb. Sim Similarly, rly, this this is what what ha happe ppens to the up uppe per peni nis s ple pl easure sure ne nerve rves when the the foreski oreskin n is is missi ssing. ng. Beca caus use e they a are re continually stimulated, they don’t get a chance to rest rest a and nd recha charge, rge, so the pl ple easure sensa sensations tions they they ffiire of offf are g grreatly tly redu re duce ced d in both both qu qua antity ntity and inte ntens nsiity. Esse ssenti ntially, duri during ng


The M ale C lit li tor i s: I ts Di D i sco scover y, P le lea asur sure ement, nt, and H ow I t A ffe ff ects cts the Thr hrust ustii ng R hy hytthm


intercourse rcourse, theuppe upper part of thecirc circum umcise cised penis, nis, whi which ch al already sufffers from su from a dram dramati tic c re reducti duction on in in se sensi nsiti tivi vity, ty, becomes furth furthe er


 The concept that the upper area of the circ  The ircumcise ised penis can go num nu mb from from be being oversti overstim mula ulated ted by continu continuous ous,, uni uninterrup rrupte ted d contact with the vaginal walls is usually grasped by most people I’ve tal talked ked to. But they ha have dif difficulty culty und unde erstand rstandiing why the the natural na tural penis nis doesn’t also go num numb. A fter ter al all, they rea reason, son, whe when you visualize either type of penis thrusting inside the vagina, it woul would d see seem that that they both re receive ceive the sam same amount of direct direct stiimula st ulation tion fromthe the vagi vagina nal wal walls. But I propos propose e tha that thi this s is not not the case case. I n actual ctuality, each type type of penis nis unde undergoes rgoes a dif different rent exper xperience in the uppe upper peni penis s area. In the two type types s of penise nises, touch-sensitive (fine-touch) nerves and pressure-sensitive nerves are affected differently, and this difference accounts for why the natural tural penis nis derives rivessuch such a hi high de degree greeof ple pleasure sure from from iits ts uppe upper area whil while the circ circum umcise cised penis nis does not. During intercourse, the touch-sensitive  nerves of the circumcised penis’s uppe upper area are always expose exposed, d, always in in direct contact with the vaginal walls, and therefore receive contiinuous cont nuous sti stimula ulation. tion. But in the the natural tural penis nis’s upper area area (moreprecise cisely, the theforeski oreskin n’s inn inne er lining ning,, frenu renullum, andcorona coronal area), the touch-se touch-sensiti nsitive ve ne nerves are alte alterr na nate telly cove coverr ed  by  by the foreski oreskin n and and are thus thus int inte ermi rmittentl ntly shi shielded from from conti continuous nuous,, dire di rect ct vagi vagina nal sti stimula ulati tion on.. I n effect, the the foreski oreskin n acts as an intermediary—a medi ediator—betw betwee een the upper ar area ea’s nerves nerves and stiimula st ulation tion by the the vagi vagina nal wal walls. Theforeski oreskin n’s cloaking action gives gi ves thetouch-se touch-sensi nsiti tive ve ne nerves ti tim meto re rechar chargeso they are able ble to send send out strong ple pleasure sensati tions, ons, as expl expla ained. In cont contra rast st,, th the e to touch uch--sen sensi sititive ve ne nerr ve vess of th the e cir ci r cumcised ci sed peni peniss —moreprecise cisely, the theuppe upper sha shaft skin skin forwa forward rd of the thecircum circumcisi cision on scar (which is what remains of the foreskin’s inner lining*),  



any rre emna nant nt of the f renulum nul um,, and the corona coronall area— ar e  denied rest , so th they ti tirr e o ou ut fr fro om over st stii mula latti on a an nd 

conseque conseq uently ntly send ou outt we weak ak sse ensati nsation ons, s, or the theyy ggo o nu num mb. A t thesam sameti tim me, thetwo ty type pes of pe peni nise ses s unde undergo adif different expe xperrience in the p  prr essur e-s -se ensi ti ve ne  nerrves of the upp uppe er penis. nis. K eep in in mind, nd, whil whilereadi ding ng the theexpla xplanation tion b be elow, that press pressure ure-sensiti nsitive ve ne nerve rves are are not lloca ocate ted d on thesurfa surface ski skin n but but are are iinste nstead ldispersed ocated ocated benea ne the surf surfa ace, whe wherthroughout re they they m ma ay be ound random ly orath densely packed theffound interior tissue at va varr i ous lle eve vells of dept pth h. When ligh ghtt press pressure ure is appl pplied, the th e nerve rves s nearest rest th the e surf surfa ace wil will fire of offf. A ppl pplying ying grea greater ter press pre ssure ure wil will caus cause e add ddiitiona tionall nerv rve es, loca locate ted d at deeper lle eve vells, to fire off. I n effect, ct, di ffe ffer ent degr ees of pr pre essur ssure e exci xcite te ne nerr ve vess at  varr i ous lle va eve vels ls of depth. When apress pressure ure--sensi nsitive tive ne nerve rvere rece ceiive ves s pre press ssure ure,, it ffiire res s of offf. Whe hen n pr pre essure is rele released, sed, the ner nerve rests and recharges charges.. Whe hen n pressured again, itila will  Th  The e objec jective iv e (sim ilar r to tfire o thoff e wanother ris istt expesensation riment) isof topleasure. alt lte ernate press pre ssure ure stim stimula ulati tion on with with suf suffficie cient rest rest so so that the nerve rves ca can n fire off off a stron strong g sensa nsation tion.. On the natu tural ral peni nis, s, the the foreski oreskin n work wor ks to assur ssure tha thatt pre pressu ssurre-sensi sensiti tive ve ne nerv rve es at di diffferent d de epth levels receive the right amount of stimulation, alte alterr na nate ted dw wii th the right amount of recharge time, so that they keep firing off  strong stro ng sensa sensati tions ons of ple pleasure. sure.  The  Th e for foreskin works to regulat late the firin firing g off o off pressuresensitive as follows: On thecting outward the penis nis sha shafnerves t is is in in the th e proces process s of retracti retra ng,, the ridg ristroke, dge ed ba bawhile nd sli slide s up and p  prr ogr gre ess ssii vely applies a light pressuring all along the sha sh allow ne nervesof th the euppe upper sha shaft. Thi his s elasticstic-llikebandconti continue nues moving oving upwa upward rd unti untill it encounte ncounters rs the the cor corona onal ridg ridge e area. Here it appl pplies a light ght p pre ress ssuri uring ng as wel well. The ridg ridge ed band, nd, im impeded by the corona coronal ri ridg dge e, caus cause es the rest rest of the fores oreski kin n to bunch bunch up up and this this appl ppliies asecond, s  sttr onge gerr wave of pre pressure to the uppe upperr  * Althoug though h th the eci circum rcumci cise sed p pe eni nis sh ha as s som omeinn nne er li lini ning ng,, thi this s area, exte external rnallly e expose xposed like the glans, has lost most of its sensibility because it is dried out and keratinized.


The M ale C lit li tor i s: I ts Di D i sco scover y, P le lea asur sure ement, nt, and H ow I t A ffe ff ects cts the Thr hrust ustii ng R hy hytthm


shaft and sha and coronal coronal ri ridg dge e. (Theri ridg dge ed ba band may then roll roll forward onto the corona corona itself, to press pressure ure--ple pleasure sure this this area.) Then,

on the inward thrust, when the penis shaft moves forward, the foreskin unbunches and g  grr adually rre elea lease sess its pressure.  The  Th e ridg idged band slide lides back down the shaft and p  prr ogr gre essi vely  re-applies its light pressuring.  The  Th e ridg idged band and the for foreskin’s bunching-up action work in tande tandem to assu assurre that that pressurepressure-se sensiti nsitive ve ne nerves at dif different depthsrece receiivegradu gradua ally varying varyingam amounts ountsof pressu pressure, re, andrele release from press pressure ure,, al all along the uppe upper penis. nis. If you try the thum thumb experi xperim ment describe scribed in in Cha Chapter 6, page page88 agai gain, or if you have have someone give give you a body body ma massa ssage, you wil will notice notice that varying varying pressure pres sure//releaseaction ction is is per percei ceived as much more ore enj njoyab oyablle tha than continu conti nuous ous,, constant press pressure ure.. I t is is the alterna ternati ting ng grada gradati tions ons of  press pre ssure ure and rel release that exci excite te the sexual xual nerve rves into into fi firing ri ng off  off  theiir most the most ple pleasurabl surable sensati tions. ons.  The above describe  The ibed the natural pe penis. is. But But the circ ircumcise ised penis, divested of its foreskin, does not experience these alternating gradations of pressure/release in its upper area. Inste nstea ad, it it receives continu continuous ous,, unvaryi unvarying ng press pressure ure throughout throughout the inward nward thrust. thrust. A nd on the outward outward strok stroke e, it it also receives ves continuous, unvarying pressure, especially as the coronal ridge scrape scra pes s agai gainst nst the vagi vagina nall wal walls. Too much continu continuous ous,, unvaryi un varying ng pres pressu sure re oversti overstim mula ulates tes its its press pressure ure--sensi nsiti tive ve ne nerve rves, givi gi ving ng them esse ssentia ntially no no recha recharge ti tim me. Conse onseque quently, ntly, they they fire off weak (numb-like) sensations of pleasure.  THE CIRCU  THE CIRCUMCIS MCISED ED PENIS ENIS SEEK EEK S TO DERIV ERIVE E PL EAS EASURE BY USI USI NG A N ELO ELONGA NGA TED STRO STROK K E, A ND  THIS  TH IS ABNORMAL ABNORMALIZ IZES ES ITS THR THRUSTING USTING RHY RHY THM THM

Because of circumcision’s devastati tion on to the uppe upper penis, nis, the circum ci rcumcise cised pe penis nis looks looks to its its middl ddleand lower ower area areafor ple pleasure sure ctly ly ag aga ai nst tth he con constr strii ct ctii on andfinds nds tha that by stroki strokingthis this area areadi r ect , it can compensatefor someof theple pleasure o f th the e va vag g i na nal l o p e ni ning ng it isn’t rece receiiving ving from its upp uppe er area area.




 To stimula latte this lon longer area, the cir irc cumcise ised penis uses an elongated ted stroke stroke, as as discus discusse sed. Thi his s elonga ongated ted stroke stroke cre create tes s ple pl easure for theman by stim stimula ulati ting ng more ore of thepenis nis aga agaiinst the

vaginal opening. Thi his s increased pl ple easu sure re is augm ugmented further urther becausethe ner because nerves of the middle ddle and low lowe er peni penis sa arre expo xpose sed d to a longer re rest period dur during an elongate ongated, d, outw outwa ard stroke stroke whe when n the penis nis withd withdraws raws fa far outsi outside the vagi vagina na.. “

Elongated strokes feel  to thecir the citerlcum cumci cise a nse be becaus cause e they incre increa asehis hi s pl pleasu sure. re. Bright ut unf unfortuna ortuna y, the ysed are ad rem n not ot xual xua lly sati sa tisf sfyi ying ng for for his his fe female par partner tner because cause the they yc ca ause the man’s pubic mound to make less frequent contact with her clitoral mound; ound; his his pubi pubic c mound is de detache tached d fr fromher her ge geni nita tall area for an elongated ongated ti tim me. Whe hen n wom wome en of the surve survey we were asked if cir circumcise cised d men tend te nd to thrust with with longe longer strok stroke es, an overwhe overwhelming percenta centage ge agr gre eed that they do. Here are four rre epresentati ntative ve com comm ments:

It s likethey don t get cl clos oseenough. Too di distant. stant.

 YES. YES. He ain t anywhere near me. However,  YES. when I m on top, top, I use sho hor rt, rub rubbi bing ng, jjiiggling movements like yo you u descri cribe. My ci cir rcumci cumcis sed husband hu sbandd doe oesn tfi findthi this ssati atis sfyi ying ngandkeepstr tryi ying ng to do long longer stroke trokes.

“ ’

Ibo ve noti notice abi big g dif fd fem ree nce wn ith the cl os oy f our di die es. ce Cid rcum cis cidi se n do t fe el clos cl clo ose ene . Tss he are too busy moving ving in and out, iins nstead of staying ying in and moving vingar around. ound. ’

I getaggravatedbecausethe thecir circu cum mcis cisedmanalw always pullls hi pul his s body away fr fro om my cl cliito tor ris. I keep tr tryi ying ng to pull pull hi him m clos closer, but he keeps pul pullling away. It s reall ally annoyi ying ng, li like being in a wrestl tliing match.

However,I donothavethis thispr pro obl ble emwithmynatural natural  

The M ale C lit li tor i s: I ts Di D i sco scover y, P le lea asur sure ement, nt, and H ow I t A ffe ff ects cts the Thr hrust ustii ng R hy hytthm


partne partn er, who al alw ways stays in in cl clos ose to my genital nitals, s, givi ving ng me the consistent pre pressure ure I need to attain attain org or gasm. ”

I f a woma woman doesn’t receive the right frequency of rhythmic pressuri pres suring ng to her cli clitora toral mound, ound, she may not be able ble to have have an an orga or gasm sm. Fromthewoma oman’s poi point nt of vie view, theabnorm bnorma al thrusti thrusting ng rhythm of the circumcised penis is out of sync with the rhythm she sh e desires sires.. I ts elonga ongated ted thrusts do not give give her cli clitoral mound ound the ri righ ghtt rhythmic press pressuri uring ng it needs, ds, not only for orgasm, but 

also for her overall pleasure throughout the intercourse expe xperr i ence ce.. H er cli clito torr i s, th the e ce cen nter ter of he her sen sensual sual foc focu us,  sii mply does not ge  s gett enough physi cal contact.  This is why the woman may often say: “faster, faster.” Faster thrust thrustiingwil will ple pleasure sure her cli clitoral toral mound ound more ofte often. n. But with circumcised sex, faster elongated  strokes   strokes will still not pleasure he ple her cli clitora toral mound at the frequency she desir sires because cause the long dista distance the penis nis travel travels s when it it withd withdraws raws fa far out of  the vagi vagina preve prevents nts the the righ rightt freq freque uency of contact. contact. What the

woman actually yearns for is not faster thrusting, but shorter   strr oke  st kess, which effectually pleasure her clitoral mound more frequ reque entl ntly. Consi onside derr the the foll ollowing owing hypoth hypothe etica ticall exam xample ple: Suppose upposetheintact ntact ma man uses a2-i 2-inch stroke stroke, and thecir circumcise cised man use uses s a 4-i 4-inch stroke stroke (the approxi pproximate length of the penil nile sha sh aft). t). A ccording ccordinglly, the the inta ntact man’s pubic mound would pressure-pleasure the female clitoral mound twice as often, without thrusting any faster.  THE CIRCUMCIS  THE IRCUMCISED ED PENIS ENIS SEEK EEK S TO DERIV ERIVE E MO MORE RE PLEASURE BY APPLYING GREATER PRESSURE AGAINS AGAI NST T THE VAG VA GI NAL WA L L S A ND OPENI ENI NG

Anothe nother thing thing the thecircum circumcise cised penis nis discove discovers as as it it seeks to derive rive more ple pleasure sure from from its its middl ddle/lower area area is that it it can can generate ple pl easurab surablle feelings ngs by by pressi pressing ng itself hard hard aga against nst the side sides of 




thevagi vagina nal wal walls and opening ning.. Thi his s hardrd-pre press ssiing action ction serve rves tostim stimula ulatethepenis nisw wiithgre greater ter pressure pressureand andsparksthepr pressu ssurresens nsiitive tivenerve rvesdeeper withi within nto fireoff off. Pressi ressing nghard also serv rve es

to induce contractions in the clitoral musculature, which help to maintain erecti erection on and and bui builld up tens nsiion toward orgasm orgasm.  The  Th e cir irc cumcise ised man feels an arousing ing response in his penis from rom pressi pressing ng the shaf shaft a aga gaiinst the the vagi vagina nall openi opening ng,, so he instinctively be bear arss down down h har arde der  r  on his thrusts to elicit stronger sensa se nsations. tions. I n orde orderr to bea bear down har harder, he tighte tightens up his his abdominal nal muscle uscles into into a hardene dened d mass to bra brace the peni penis s’s thrusts. thrus ts. Also, his his elonga ongated ted strokescaus cause ehim himto p put ut moredrivi driving ng force orce behind hind his his hard-pre rd-press ssiing thrusts. thrusts. Upon moving oving the peni nis s forwa orward into into the thevagi vagina(when when usi using ngthis this techni chniqu que e), hemay ofte often n come com e in a att an an a angl ngle e to pre press the penis nis more ore firmly against the side of the vaginal opening.  To the woman, the combine ined effe ffect of a an n abnormally stiff, iff, unyi un yie elding ding erection rection (ba (back cke ed up by harde hardene ned a abd bdom ominal muscl uscle es) drivi dri ving ng agains nstt her her genita nitall areawith with a an n el elonga ongated ted hard-pre rd-press ssuri uring ng strok stro ke del delivered vered at asl sla ante nted d angl ngle e is an experi xperie ence char characteri cterized zed best be st by the wor word “ ja  jam mmed.”  We Webster bster’s define nes s the verb “ ja  jam m” as, “to press into a close position; to thrust or apply with force or suddenness.”  The natural penis gently strokes the vagina. The circumcised penis jams it.  Below are the com comments of  thre thr ee sur survey vey respondents.

Circumcis cised iinte ntercour urs seislikebeingpoked. I don t likethat ffe eelingof beingpoked.

Circumcis cised thr thrus usti ting ng seems to be.. ...har .hard d and fas fast, therefore fore eliminating nating any ple pleasur ure e I might ffe eel in my cli clitoris.

My ci cir rcumci cis sed partners requi quir red greater contact contact pre pr essur ure e to re reach org orgasm, re resul ulti ting ng in r roug ougher thrusting, which sometimes caused me pain,

preventing pre nting the continua continuati tion on of any ple pleasur ure e I was experiencing. ”


The M ale C lit li tor i s: I ts Di D i sco scover y, P le lea asur sure ement, nt, and H ow I t A ffe ff ects cts the Thr hrust ustii ng R hy hytthm



 The above jam  The jamming ing techniqu ique, with ith its its hard-pressuring ing angled led strok str oke e, cre creates tes anothe anotherr probl proble emfor thewom woman: a“ jo  jolt ltin ing g action ion.”  The  Th ecirc ircumcise ised man may not useahard-pressuring ing angledstroke on every very stroke but but when he he does, it it jol jolts ts he her physi physica callly and and mental ntally. Webste bsterr’s defines nes the verb “ jo  jolt lt” a  as, s, “to sha shake with with sudden shock or surprise.”  This jolting acti ction is very ve ry interrup rrupti tive ve to any ki kind of of regul regula ar, measured sured rhythm, and the woma woman fi finds nds it it disconce disconcerting rting and unproducti unproductive ve to creati ting ng any kin kind of rel relaxin xing, bli blissful, tran trancece-inducin cing sta state. Below is is an anal nalogy, which which atte attem mpts to describe scribe the irre rregul gula ar rhythm rhythm and  jolt  jo ltin ing g action ion of the circ ircumcise ised penis. is. I magine gineyou and your love loverr ri riding ding in the theback of a limousi ousine.  Y ou’re sitting back comfortably, enjoying the smooth, relaxing ride and looking lovingly into each other’s eyes eyes as as you sip sip cham cha mpagne pagne. Sudde uddenly, nly, the limousine ousine hits hits a speed bump in the road roa d whil while moving oving at 30 miles an hour. hour. Boom! Y ou’re jolted ri righ ghtt out of your sea seat. Y ou bum bump your hea head onthefront head rest rest and spi spill champagne gneall over over your party outfi outfit. But then thelimo quickly returns to its smooth, comfortable ride, so you settle back into your sea seat and pour another gla glass of cham champagne pagne. Eyeing yeing each other aga again roma romantica nticallly, you le lean in in toward toward ea each other for for a kiss ki ss.. Boom! The car car hits hits anothe nother spe speed bum bump and jolts olts you again, and and this this tim time you hit hit your your head on the the limo roof. roof. But becaus cause ethis this is is an an expens xpensiive autom utomobil obile, it qui quickly ckly settl settle es into into its its origi ori gina nal, smoothri ride de. Y ouandyour love loverr gath gathe er you yourr compos composure ure, butt this bu this tim timeyou move forwa orward toward theedge dgeof theseat. Y ou nervous rvouslly pick pick up the the wine wine bottl bottle e and begin gin to cauti cautiou ousl sly y pour another gla glass of champagne pagne, when sudde suddenl nly y—Boom!—you hit another speed bump. This his ti tim meyou’rethrow thrown n back and bounced bounced offf the back of back of the sea seat and and the wine wine bottle bottle bangs bangs agai gainst one of  the gla glasse sses and brea breaks it. it. The limo ride ri de qui quickl ckly smoothes out again and attempts to lul lulll you back into into security. curity. Only nly thi this ti tim me




you’re not not going going to be foole ooled. Y ou are on alert  now,  now, awaiting the th e next jolt. olt. Y ou can can’t relax knowing that any minute it could happen again. For the woma woman, the actions ctions of the ci circ rcum umcise cised penis nis aren aren’t

consistently consiste ntly smooth and and ha harmonious; onious; instead, the there areoccasi occasiona onall or numerous interruptive jolts, which can disrupt her ascent to orgasm orga sm. In I n How To Have An Orgasm...As Often As You Want , Rachel Swift emphasizes that, “A man’s failure to maintain a consiste consi stent nt a and nd acceptabl ble e rhythm is one of the chi chie ef cau cause ses of a woman’s failure to cl cliimax.... x.... [A [A]] co con nsistent rhyt rhyth hm...i criti critica call. I f the pace pace is broken broken,, so is is the ascent scent to orgasm orgasm” (14).

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