Chapter 15 Succession Planning and Strategies for Harvesting and Ending the Venture
Hisrich Peters
Exit Strategy
Exit strategies include:
Initial public offering (IPO). Private sale of stoc. Succession by a fa!ily !e!ber or a nonfa!ily !e!ber. "erger #ith another co!pany. $i%uidation.
&able '.' Succession Planning &ips
Succession of *usiness
&ransfer to +a!ily "e!bers
,ole of o#ner fullti!e-partti!e-retire. +a!ily dyna!ics. Inco!e for #oring fa!ily !e!bers and shareholders. &ransition business environ!ent. &reat!ent of loyal e!ployees. &ax conse%uences.
Succession of *usiness
&ransfer to onfa!ily "e!bers
&rain a ey e!ployee and retain so!e e%uity. ,etain control and hire a !anager. Sell the business outright.
Options for Selling the *usiness
/irect Sale
Strategies to be considered:
+ocus on a narro#0 #elldefined seg!ent. 1ontrol costs and focus on higher !argins and profits. 2et all financial state!ents in order. Prepare a !anage!ent docu!entation. 3ssess the condition of capital e%uip!ent. 2et tax advice. 2et nondisclosures fro! ey e!ployees. &ry to !aintain a good !anage!ent tea!. Prepare and plan in advance.
Options for Selling the *usiness (cont.)
3n i!portant consideration is the type of pay!ent the buyer #ill use. *usiness broers !ay be helpful. &he best #ay to co!!unicate the business to potential buyers is through the business plan. &he role of an entrepreneur !ay vary depending on the sale agree!ent or contract #ith the ne# o#ner(s).
Options for Selling the *usiness (cont.)
E!ployee Stoc Option Plan
Establishes a ne# legal entity4an e!ployee stoc o#nership trust that borro#s the !oney against future profits. Obligates the fir! to repay the loan plus interest out of business cash flo#s. ,esults in significant stoc values for e!ployees.
Options for Selling the *usiness (cont.) 3dvantages:
"otivates e!ployees to put in extra ti!e or effort. Provides a !echanis! to pay bac loyal e!ployees. 3llo#s transfer of business under a planned #ritten agree!ent. Per!its the co!pany to reap the advantage of deducting contributions on ESOP or any dividends paid.
Options for Selling the *usiness (cont.)
"anage!ent *uyout
5sually involves a direct sale of the venture for so!e predeter!ined price. &o establish a price0 the entrepreneur should:
Sale of a venture to ey e!ployees can be:
Have an appraisal of all the assets. /eter!ine the good#ill value established fro! past revenue. +or cash. +inanced through bans &hrough sale of voting or nonvoting stoc.
&he entrepreneur !ay agree to carry a note.
*anruptcy43n Overvie#
"ost co!!on types of banruptcies:
1hapter 6 or li%uidation (789 in ;; or install!ent pay!ents ('9 in ;;
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