Chaos Magick

May 4, 2017 | Author: Gerald Del Campo | Category: N/A
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How to perform chaos magick...


This is a book about chaos magick. It is not intended for minors or the easily offended. If you are under 18, please stop reading now. If you are an open-minded and responsible adult up to try a rather entertaining and useful trick, please continue. This book is offered free as the first part of Magick.Me’s equally free One Year Course in Magick which is delivered in weekly e-mails, and which will train you in a wide range of magical and mystical techniques. If you received this book without joining the course, make sure to claim your free spot by signing up at WWW.MAGICK.ME

We are sleeping dragons.

We dream our lives away, wasting our short time on mind-numbing jobs, Facebook, meaningless entertainment. Instead of embracing our own potential, we stay asleep and afraid. There is no conspiracy to keep you asleep. Nobody else holds the key to your cage but you. When will you choose to wake up?

If the world has gone dark, it is only because we have lost our own light.

But we have only begun to discover our potential.

MAGICK.ME is a an online school for magick, designed to help you unlock your full power. We’ve drawn from the most useful modern techniques for altering consciousness, as well as classical techniques that were once considered the province of world religions or of the “occult”—while discarding the superstitious, hierarchical and secretive nonsense many of those techniques have been shrouded in. What’s left is our take on the best techniques of literally thousands of years of research into unlocking human potential—packaged in a way that is of most direct benefit to your life.

As a sample of the type of material we’re offering, here’s a clear, concise and demystified guide to chaos magick, a method for programming your unconscious mind using altered states.

Chaos Magick in Theory and Practice You want some stuff. You really, really want some stuff. You might want a better job, a better relationship, maybe even spiritual fulfillment. But you never quite Get these things. Why?

Because your mind is a bundle of chaos. Instead of a mighty river flowing in one direction, it’s a bunch of channels and creeks going all over the place, dispersing energy everywhere. Most people’s thoughts are contradictory, self-defeating and wasted. Your mind is the most powerful force at your disposal. But if you can’t focus it, that force works against you, not for you.

While your conscious mind chatters away, however, your unconscious is hard at work. And it is a powerhouse. Its programs are deep and instinctual, even hereditary, and it carries on fulfilling them no matter what your conscious mind is telling you. As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” This can be turned to your advantage.

In order to reprogram your unconscious, you’ve got to break through the resistance of your conscious mind. You’ve got to get it to go quiet.

Monks meditate for decades to silence their thoughts, and it’s likely that they achieve permanent brain change and deep happiness by doing so.

But there are quicker ways to produce altered states. Shamans throughout history have used drumming, over-breathing, fasting and dozens of other techniques to shock the nervous system out of the trance of daily reality. Sex is one of the quickest and most powerful of these methods.

Once you have access to your unconscious, you have to know how to alk to it—and your unconscious does not speak your language. It speaks in symbols. This is why your dreams are ull of bizarre and symbolic images and events. This is why corporations communicate with logos.

So, to reprogram yourself, get into an altered state of consciousness and then focus on a symbol that represents what you want to happen.

Here’s how to make said symbol, or “sigil.” First, decide what you want to happen. For instance: “I want to meet my soulmate,” or “I want a new job.” For this example, we’ll use “I want to meet my soulmate.”

Take out the vowels from your sentence: “I want to meet my soulmate” becomes:

“WNTTMTMSLMT” Now take out the repeating letters. You should have something like:


Take these letters and arrange them into a symbol, like so:

Take the symbol and start playing with it and simplifying it down until you have something that clicks.

What you’re doing is creating a symbol that’s still linked to your intent in your unconscious, but that doesn’t directly suggest its meaning.

Now forget what you wanted in the first place. Take your sigil and put it somewhere safe for a couple weeks. Long enough that you forget what the original intent behind it was—out of sight, out of mind. Your unconscious will remember. Your conscious mind will not. And because your conscious mind won’t remember what it was you wanted, it won’t be able to nitpick, second-guess, out-smart or otherwise tell you why you shouldn’t or can’t have the thing you want. It won’t be able to interrupt the pure Will of your unconscious self. Starting to see how this works? There’s nothing really “magick” or “occult” about it. It’s just a backdoor into your own nervous system. A way to trick yourself into getting out of your own way.

Now comes the fun part: Engineering the break in consciousness. The simplest way to do this is sexual overload, either alone or with a partner. Get into the orgasmic state by whatever means seem best. At the moment of orgasm, stare unflinchingly at your sigil, imprinting it deep into your mind.

That’s it. Now destroy the physical basis of the sigil, go do something else and forget anything ever happened. This method of “mind hacking” can hedge the stream of your life towards the outcome you desire, within the bounds of your circumstances and karma—helping to harness your unconscious, steer you through reality and shape what you think of as “fate.” Try your hand at it, and see your results.

We hope you enjoyed this short primer. This is only a short and simple introduction to a much wider world. Magick.Me offers tools and training for unlocking your power, freeing yourself and altering your consciousness. Read on for a look at just a few of the courses we’re offering.

Introduction to Chaos Magick Build on the skills you’ve learned in this eBook, and: • Learn the secret history of the underground occult tradition • Unlock a whole armory of trance techniques •Learn how to use magick

to dramatically (and safely) alter your life •Learn how to construct your own solo and group rituals And much, much more. (Click here to learn more.)

Hardcore Meditation Master the world’s most important skill by learning the eight classical limbs of yoga: 1. Yama: Leading a moral life 2. Niyama: Avoiding drama 3. Asana: Postures for meditation 4. Pranayama: The art of breath control 5. Pratyahara: Withdrawing the senses 6. Dharana: Hyper-focusing your mind 7. Dhyana: Single-pointed concentration 8. Samadhi: The ultimate goal of Yoga. (Click to learn more.)

Attain Peak Mental & Physical Energy Supercharge your body and mind by: • Quickly building immense physical strength and resilience with compound lifting and yoga • Hacking your sleep, breathing and hydration with yogic and Reichian techniques • Understanding how to construct a real diet that will supercharge your energy, without draining your wallet • Using supplementation to boost mental and physical performance (Click to learn more.)

Hi. I’m Jason Louv. I made this eBook, and I teach the online courses. I also edited Generation Hex, Ultraculture Journal and Thee Psychick Bible (with Genesis Breyer P-Orridge). I’ve spent the last 17years of my life delving into every tradition and technology for changing human consciousness I could, traveling the world to learn many techniques first-hand from other cultures. The Magick.Me courses Are my way of giving back.

A few testimonials from people who have taken the courses:

“Jason is a gentleman and a scholar. His clear and lucid instruction ensures that all of his students grasp the material; his patience and kindness makes every student— regardless of experience—feel welcome and at ease, and his knowledge and command of the material will leave you in awe. Occulture is privileged to have someone like Jason who has the vision of making the material accessible and the passion to bring it into manifest reality. For a small amount of money you can make REAL CHANGE in your life!” – A.

“I have been a regular student

for the past year and recommend any course from Magick.Me. Jason gets down to the meat-and-potatoes of each subject, explaining the most important concepts in a straight-forward way and introducing material and exercises for continued study. Ideal for new students drawn to these topics and looking for a trustworthy teacher, or anyone who wants a clear-sighted perspective and guidance on otherwise complex ideas. Jason shares his hard-earned depth of knowledge without overwhelming or being condescending to his students. Fantastic find for mystical, magickal beings!” – Monessa B.

“The courses on Magick.Me contain a huge amount of information. Jason combines precise teaching of techniques with historical context to deepen your understanding of a topic. He also advocates a scientific approach, showing you how to record your results meaningfully and measure change in your life. There is no vagueness or filler content: just years of mystical training, condensed into a few hours of clear, engaging lecture.” – Alana Q.



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  17. “A BBQ and Fire Camera Experiment” by emilydickinsonridesabmx Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. Text and shape added.   18. “Blue water, Lake Tahoe.” by Downtowngal Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. Text, shapes and symbol added.   19. “The Depth of the Sky is Vast” by Dean Souglass Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. Text, shapes and symbol added.   20. “Valdivian temperate rain forest” by Albh. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. Text and shape added.   21. “17th century Central Tibetan thanka of Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra.” Rubin Museum of Art. Public domain. Text added.   22. “Colored version of the Whore of Babylon illustration from Martin Luther's 1534 translation of the Bible.” Public domain.   23. © 2016 Ultraculture Incorporated. Magick.Me™ and the Magick.Me Eye in the Triangle logo™ are ™ Ultraculture Incorporated.   24. © Shutterstock. 25. “Shiva in Rishikesh” by ‫ רוליג‬Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. Text and shape added.   26. © Shutterstock.   27. © 2016 Ultraculture Incorporated.   28. “Feeling Low” by Damian Gadal Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. Text and shape added.   29. “Greek cross in Rose window” by Beatrice Murch Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. Text and shape added.   30. “Sirius A and B artwork” NASA. Public domain.   31. “20110810 North Face of Everest Tibet China Panoramic” by Ggia Creative Commons AttributionShare Alike 3.0 Unported. Text and shape added.  

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