Changing of College Program: An Analysis of Factors Influencing UST AB Shifters and Transferees (Jareta, Abusmas, Malubay)

July 16, 2018 | Author: Jie Lim Jareta | Category: Self Efficacy, Psychological Concepts, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition, Academia
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There is an existing rise in the number of students shifting or transferring to another course which causes serious prob...



There is an existing rise in the number of students shifting or transferring to another course which causes serious problems to institutions and society, as well. This research sought to determine the factors that influence students to change their major.  As part of this evaluation, a survey was conducted among current AB shifters and transferees transferees of the University of Santo Tomas, Tomas, aculty of Arts Arts and !etters. !etters. A detailed detailed "uantitative study was the leading component of this research. This study provided a discussion of the context of college education and other  concepts related to it. #ata collection involved a survey instrument which was designed to gather relevant information about the problem and how the mentioned respondents were influenced influenced in doing the same. A total of eighty $%&' students students accomplished accomplished the survey, representing all AB AB shifters and transferees . (xte (xtens nsiv ively ely,, a comp comput uter) er)as assi sist sted ed $*A $*AS+% S+%'' analy analysi sis s of the the indi indirec rectt or  "uestionnaire method complemented the process. The findings of this study provided critical critical insights as to the determination determination of internal internal and external external factors affect college students and illuminated the varying difficulties and density in which this issue is of  relevance.

Keywords: College Major, College Education, Career Development, Academic Advising 


Chapter 1 Background of the Study Introduction

-oll -olleg ege e can can be defi defined ned as an inst instit itut utio ion n of high higher er learn learnin ing g that that gran grants ts the the bachelors degree in liberal arts or science or both or an undergraduate division or  school of a university offering courses and granting degrees in a particular field $arlex, /&0'. 1t is the next stage of learning that students enter into after high school. 2btaining 2btaining a degree is very important to a person3s person3s career. 1ndividuals 1ndividuals who were able to finish finish college education earn higher higher salaries salaries which give them enhanced "uality of life. 4ore so, majority of the employers, especially in the *hilippines prefer to hire employees employees who have completed completed college degree. #uring a person3s person3s college life, he can also be able to develop his networ5ing contacts allowing him to be positively influenced in his future career $(ducation -areer Articles,'. '. Upon deciding on going to college, one must also be able to decide on which course or major to ta5e up. 6igher education affects the student3s satisfaction, success, and retention $#ellman)7en5ins, 889'. 1t determines how a student sees himself in the future as a professional. or some, choosing a college course is easy for they already 5now what they want when they grow up, however however in others, others, it3s not the same. :ordon $/&&9' $/&&9' indica indicates tes that that ;many ;many colleg college e studen students ts are in the midst of maturat maturation ional al and iden identi tity ty stru strugg ggle les< s< choo choosi sing ng an acad academ emic ic majo majorr from from a myri myriad ad of choi choice ces s is a developmental tas5 for which they are not prepared= $:ordon, /&&9'.


Chapter 1 Background of the Study Introduction

-oll -olleg ege e can can be defi defined ned as an inst instit itut utio ion n of high higher er learn learnin ing g that that gran grants ts the the bachelors degree in liberal arts or science or both or an undergraduate division or  school of a university offering courses and granting degrees in a particular field $arlex, /&0'. 1t is the next stage of learning that students enter into after high school. 2btaining 2btaining a degree is very important to a person3s person3s career. 1ndividuals 1ndividuals who were able to finish finish college education earn higher higher salaries salaries which give them enhanced "uality of life. 4ore so, majority of the employers, especially in the *hilippines prefer to hire employees employees who have completed completed college degree. #uring a person3s person3s college life, he can also be able to develop his networ5ing contacts allowing him to be positively influenced in his future career $(ducation -areer Articles,'. '. Upon deciding on going to college, one must also be able to decide on which course or major to ta5e up. 6igher education affects the student3s satisfaction, success, and retention $#ellman)7en5ins, 889'. 1t determines how a student sees himself in the future as a professional. or some, choosing a college course is easy for they already 5now what they want when they grow up, however however in others, others, it3s not the same. :ordon $/&&9' $/&&9' indica indicates tes that that ;many ;many colleg college e studen students ts are in the midst of maturat maturation ional al and iden identi tity ty stru strugg ggle les< s< choo choosi sing ng an acad academ emic ic majo majorr from from a myri myriad ad of choi choice ces s is a developmental tas5 for which they are not prepared= $:ordon, /&&9'.


Today, there is an existing rise in the number of students changing their college major. Students tend to shift from one course to another even during their 0 rd year in college college.. 1n an articl article e wrote wrote by 7ana 7ana >enner >enner of 1ndian 1ndiana a Universi University ty)*ur )*urdue due Univer University sity 1ndianapolis, she cited two $/' major reasons behind students3 perception in changing their course? ;!ac5 of (xploration. >esearch on major changers shows that the majority of  college students lac5 the 5nowledge and experience necessary to ma5e an informed decision about their academic major and career choice $2rndorff @ 6err 6err,, 88 88'. '. 4any 4any stud studen ents ts have have a limi limite ted d 5now 5nowle ledg dge e base base of avai availa labl ble e occupations as ;the potential pool of choices is enormous and it is commonly thought that the United States has more than /&,&&& occupations= $!ewallen, 880, p. &'. *arental and Societal *ressure. -ollege students can also face parental and socie societa tall press pressure ure to choo choose se a majo majorr upon upon enter enterin ing g coll colleg ege. e. *ears *earson on and and #ellman)7en5ins $889' pointed out that parents have the most influence on a student3s decision to choose a major< therefore, students are more li5ely to change majors when their initial choice is not their own.=  As the above stated reasons for changing college majors provide, the lac5 of  5nowledge about certain courses contribute to the students3 perception in choosing their  major. Since they have limited information about other options they have, they only choose majors that they 5now about through a family and friends. 4oreover, the level of  career education students receive in high school varies greatly $!ewallen, 880'. Some


students get enough 5nowledge in choosing a course through career advising while others get none. Another reason also why students change college majors is the pressure that they suffer from their parents and the society. Some of them choose a certain major because their parents want that for them or the society dictates which major is in trend in the professional world. This pressure occurs when the student relies on other people in choosing which college major to ta5e up since it is an important career decision and they avoid disappointments. 6owever when students already understand themselves and what they really want, they end up leaving their initial course and shift to another. 1t really is never easy to decide on which course to choose. Some students are confused and undecided on what they want for their career. To be able to address to this issue, an online community 5nown as Academic -linic posted the article ;& Things to -onsider when -hoosing a -ollege -ourse or a -ollege 4ajor.= According to this, students must ta5e into consideration the following in deciding on which college major to ta5e up? . /. 0. .

Their interest which is what they really want to get into. Their aptitude which will determine the course that they are good at. Their values to develop their passion in what they do. 4oney matters in the determination of which course they can or cannot

afford. C. Time and *ractical considerations to help them thin5 about how much time and effort they are willing to invest. . Their commitment to finish their chosen college major. 9. The times which will influence them in choosing the course that may appear  to be more popular and in trend during a certain period of time.


%. 2ther people3s feedbac5 to provide information about courses which they 5now less about. 8. Their choices or options by ta5ing a loo5 at the college3s course catalog. &.Their spiritual considerations which is as5ing :od for guidance. $Source? The Academic -linic, www.academic)' 6owever, not all students 5now about these considerations and end up choosing the wrong course, therefore deciding to shift to another. And their choice to ta5e up another major re"uires them to study for more years< which causes delay in their  completion of academic degree.  As obtaining a degree is very important in the *hilippines, being undecided in choosing a college major may have a huge impact in the future of a student. 4ore so, other colleges suffer from overcrowding while some are losing students resulting to dissolution of some courses. To address this problem, the researchers aim to determine the other more personal factors affecting a student3s decision in changing college major. Since the University of Santo Tomas, aculty of Arts and !etters offer the most number of majors and having majority population of shifters and transferees, the researchers selected these students as their respondents. Through this study, a clearer view on the determination of factors contributing to the existing inflation in the percentage of shifters and transferees will be presented. Obecti!es of the Study


The uncertainty of students on which path to ta5e usually leads to more complications in their lives< college is a good indicator of their career and here, they get to decide what they want to be in the future. The University of Santo Tomas aculty of Arts and !etters has / departments in it. 6aving the mentioned number of majors, there are more choices for the students to land on. 1n addition to this, this faculty also holds an existing rise in the percentage of  irregular students which are more or less shifters and transferees from other  departments, colleges, andDor schools. Therefore, a research study will be conducted to  AB shifters and transferees on the following aims?

. Be able to determine the internal and external factors affecting students3 decision in changing their major  /. *resent how the students value their major in concluding their career  0. To 5now how changing major affects students3 perspective about their  future


Theoretica" #ra$ework Fixed College

    

Location Academic Programmes College Reptation !dcational Facilities A"aila#ilit$ o% Financial Aid  Cost  !mplo$ment &pportnities

College Choice 'ecision

College !(ort to Commnicate )ith

 Ad"ertising  *!+s Representati"es

Source? $1nternational 7ournal of Business and Social Science, /&&'

The theoretical framewor5 shows the relationship between dependent variable, which is the college choice decision and independent variables which are the fixed college characteristics and college effort to communicate with students. $1nternational 7ournal of Business and Social Science, /&&' This framewor5 also explains the most significant factors that students consider  in choosing college. The fixed college characteristics as shown in the figure are those that determine the credibility of the school in offering education services< the cost which pertains to the tuition fees< and possible employment opportunities for the students after 


graduating in a certain college. 2n the other hand, the college effort to communicate with students such as advertising, 6(13s representatives, and campus visit pertain to the colleges3 promotions. Conceptua" #ra$ework

+n/ences in choosing a college maor

-tdents. 'ecision +nternal Factors Factors to consider in changing a college maor -hi%trans%er to another maor !xternal Factors

This framewor5 explains the researchers3 hypothesis on the continuous growth of  college students changing their majors. As shown, there are influences that these students encounter in choosing a college major which may also contribute a huge fraction in concluding as to what the other reasons behind students3 perception about changing a college major. 4oreover, the proponents structured the factors that college students consider in shifting or transferring to another course as having two categories? the internal and external factors. Under the internal factors will be those personal


considerations that students have< while the external factors are other aspects which may have indirect effect on students3 judgment in changing college major.

Scope and %e"i$itation of the Study

The study deals on the determination of factors affecting student judgment in changing college majors. The same is delimited to random AB irregular students, who have shifted and transferred in the aculty of Arts and !etters in the University of Santo Tomas. Survey "uestionnaires were given to the said respondents for them to accomplish, /nd semester of A.E /&0)/&. The research design used was statistical and non)experimental ma5ing the proponents no control on the variables of the study and will only be dependent upon the answers of the randomly selected respondents to the survey "uestions. The proponents intend to ma5e the results of the study as accurate as possible. 6owever, there may be certain limitations that could affect the precision of the data obtained. These are the recogniFed aspects that may contribute to future obstacles in conducting the study? 1& !imited time allotted for the research study that must be completed for one

semester only. '& -onflicting schedules of the proponents. (& ortuitous and unforeseen events between the researchers and the respondents. )& 1rregularity of the schedule of the participants which will be a challenge for the proponents in conducting the survey. *& 6onesty and willingness of the respondents in answering the "uestionnaire.


Significance of the Study

1n the *hilippines, not going to college is never an option for those who want to have a better future. But the challenge lies on to what course to ta5e and which stone to step on. 4any individuals, most especially students are being uncertain about their  desired career which leads them to ta5e up the wrong course and then later on decide to ta5e up another. As a result of this, many students don3t graduate on time. This scenario is very common amongst incoming and current higher education students. Some of them would have a hard time dealing with their future career plans which sometimes lead to dropping out of school and failure to return.  Another problem that the shifting and transfer of students create is the overcrowding of some colleges and departments while others lose students which result to the dissolution of other courses. Thus, major concerns on the continuous rise in the population of shifters and transferees have been raised. The determination of the factors behind students3 considerations in changing their course will be the focus of the study. The result of this research will be of reasonable significance to the following? The students< by determining the factors affecting their decision in changing a college program, there will be a step to minimiFe the number of undecided students as to their preferred course. Thus, they will 5now how to choose the right college program.


Co""eges and+or ,ni!ersities  will be able to come up with a solution in helping

their students choose the right course, ergo, preventing overcrowding and dissolution of  other departments. The go!ern$ent will benefit by maximiFing employment as to college graduates for there will be less delayed students in finishing a degree. The researchers, who could gather relevant data and information for this study which may be relevant to their research responsibilities. !i5ewise, the researchers would learn the value of resourcefulness in dealing with the context of the thesis itself  and develop the spirit of teamwor5 and promote camaraderie amongst each other. The readers who may be facing career uncertainties< they could rely to the result of this study and prevent ma5ing wrong decisions. The future researchers who could use the result of this study as reference or  basis to their potential studies as limited resources have been used in this research.

This research study is directed at investigating the causes behind the growth in the number of students changing their college program, what difficulties are encountered, and what strategies andDor alternatives are used to overcome the difficulties met by the respondents. 1t assumes that certain internal and external factors have a huge impact on this.

10 | P a g e

%efinition of Ter$s Career- The general course or progression of ones wor5ing life or ones

professional achievements. Co""ege) an institution of higher learning that grants the bachelors degree in

liberal arts or science or both or an undergraduate division or school of a university offering courses and granting degrees in a particular field. Co""ege %egree- an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the

recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study. .aor- a program relating to a subject of academic study chosen as a field of 

specialiFation. Shifters- students coming from other faculty or department in the same

university, choosing a different major. Transferees- students from other colleges or universities continuing their 

education in another school.

11 | P a g e

Chapter ' Re!iew of Re"ated /iterature Background 0istory of Co""ege ducation

Statistically, those who were able to obtain a college degree are more li5ely to have a successful life. This is so, in the *hilippines, one of the job re"uirements is at least having a college education. 6owever, college experience was not as available before as it is today. Eears ago, only the wealthy males were given the privilege to receive college education $:ardner @ 7ewler, 8%8'. (ven the emphasis on preparing for a career, as it tends to be today, was not on everyone3s plan. -ollege was considered as a place where those who were about to step into positions of responsibility could prepare for the tas5. -ollege provided a whole different 5ind of learning G they were introduced to classics, to critical thin5ing, to principles of scientific in"uiry, to mathematical logic, and to the arts. +ith such a preparation for life as this, a man with a college degree was practically mar5ed for success.  As colleges and universities were founded, more and more people are given the opportunity to receive college education. This trend has culminated today in a belief that anyone who is capable of going to college should pursue a degree. 12 | P a g e

I$pact of Co""ege ducation in /ife

2ne of the most crucial decisions that a student would ma5e is going to college as it will have a great impact on the "uality and direction of his life. 1n addition to increased 5nowledge and personal understanding, college not only can help prepare you to ma5e intelligent decisions regarding career choices and educational options but also may affect your views on family matters, social issues, community service, political issues, health)care matters, recreation and leisure activities, and economic and consumer priorities. 2rganiFational 1nvolvement. There is some problem in defining ;an organiFation= to which people belong, since there are various degrees of voluntary involvement and various meanings to membership. Hevertheless, it appears $Axelrod, 8C' that about & percent of the population belongs to one or more formal groups. 2ne can raise this figure by broadening the meaning of ;formal group= or including a time span of years over which membership or association is to be recorded. 6owever defined, it is clear that membership is related to education. igures vary, but most studies seem to show that membership in organiFations is about half  again as common among college graduates as among high school graduates. The number of organiFations to which college graduates belong also increases with education as does the proportion of those who are very active and assume positions of  leadership. 13 | P a g e

*olitical !eadership. *olitical organiFations are usually open to all who are interested, but political leadership re"uires wider voter support during elections. 4atthews $8C' reviewed the occupations of presidents, vice)presidents, cabinet members, senators, representatives, governors, and state legislators reported ;about 8& percent of each group I is drawn from the top C percent or so of the labor force= and the upper levels of educational achievement. $4atthews, 8C' 4oreover, Jeller $80' reported that 8& percent of the political elite are college graduates $Jeller, 80', and *rewitt $89&' says that there are supporting observations to this theme in every study of political recruitment conducted. $*rewitt, 89&' 6ealth. *eople who have completed high school or college, compared with those who started but did not finish, are more accurate in their reporting of health and illness, use of medical services, available financial resources for such services, and the cost of  the services they obtain $-annell @ 4ac#onald, The 1mpact of 6ealth Hews on Attitudes and Behavior, 8C'. 4oreover, a family3s visits to a physician increase with the level of  education of the family head. $+ilder, 88' 4arriage and -hild !earning. >egardless of whether or not they have a high school diploma, a bachelor3s degree, or a postgraduate degree, the number of men who have never married has about the same proportion. +hen it comes to women, the same proportion $/ percent' of holders of high school diplomas or bachelor3s degrees have never married< about twice that said proportion have never married among college dropouts and those who have continued into postgraduate wor5ed. $Starch, 88' The families of college)educated women are smaller than those of mothers with less education. But families with a college)educated mother now tend to be larger than in 14 | P a g e

recent decades. The relative differences are getting smaller because the siFe of less educated women3s families has been dropping. -ollege women are now planning larger  families because of larger incomes, earlier starts starting children, and changing advantages of family living< the college educated come from a broader sector of the population, some wanting larger families $reedman, +helpton, @ -ampbell, 8C8'< $+helpton, -ampbell, @ *atterson, 8' 1n one study the ideal, the desired, and the intended parity of college women was less than that of women with a high school education or less for white non)-atholics, -atholics, and for blac5s. $>yder @ +estoff' The college)educated woman is apparently able to plan well her family siFe. 2f all socioeconomic factors considered, education attainment is the only factor closely related to the ability of groups of wives to predict their fertility. $+helpton, -ampbell, @ *atterson, 8' 1t is interesting that level of education does not relate to the proportion of parents who mention problems, or the proportion who mention no problems, in raising their  children. $:urin, Keroff, @ eld, Americans Kiew Their 4ental 6ealth, 8&' -ollege) educated parents are, however, somewhat less li5ely to say they never feel inade"uate in dealing with the problems that they have. There are also differences in the 5inds of  problems to which they are sensitive. The less)educated parent is more often concerned about problems of physical care and provision, especially if he or she also has a low income. But the college)educated parent is more concerned about affiliation problems and his or her own tolerance of the child3s behavior.

15 | P a g e

4ost research literature on child rearing emphasiFes socioeconomic rather than purely educational levels, but there are studies $Bayley @ Schaefer, 8&'< $Jagan @ reeman, >elation of -hildhood 1ntelligence, 80' that show the college)educated tend to hold developmental, future)oriented, long)range views concerning their children. They prefer that their children be curious and eager to learn, cooperative, confiding in them and that they be happy, healthy, ambitious and independent $some of these may be in conflict', as opposed to parents with conservative, traditional views that stress neatness, cleanliness, obedience, respect, and normative behaviors. But there is a gradient and overlap between these types and some ambiguity in their implications for  actual parental behavior with a child. Thus although there are differences by education on the use of control and coercion versus encouragement and disapproval, the differences by educational attainment of parents are not large. 4astery behavior during the first three years of life is not related to parental education, $Jagan @ 4oss, Birth to 4aturity? A Study in *sychological #evelopment, 8/' but differences do show up in achievement behavior among pre) and early teens, particularly for boys. Both boys and girls tend to do better in secondary schools when they came from college)educated families, and they tend to go to college in greater  proportions. 1t may well be that one advantage of higher education is that parents are better e"uipped as teachers in the home setting when it comes to helping sons and daughters with their education. 4orale, 6appiness, and Adjustment. 1n their study classic study of problems of  adjustment, :urin, Keroff, and eld $8&' found education a correlate of several measures. They report two important things? people with more education seem to be 16 | P a g e

more introspective about themselves and more concerned about the personal and interpersonal aspects of their lives< and they seem to have a greater sense of well)being and satisfaction. $:urin, Keroff, @ eld, 8&' *rejudice, Kiolence, and >ationality. *rejudice can ta5e many forms, but religious, racial, and ethnic prejudice have been studied most. 4ost studies show an inverse relation between education and prejudice. 2nly one $-ampbell, actors  Associated with Attitudes toward 7ews, 89' is an exception, and the researcher now $private communication of anti)blac5 prejudice, 89&' reports that there is a difference in the impact of college experience on such issues between the pre) and post +orld +ar 11 periods. 6e also reports significant differences by college attended, so that the picture is complex. A review and reanalysis of / studies by Stember $8' finds no clear)cut relationship, but rather that previous conclusions have been a function of the type of  prejudice, its timing, and how it was assessed. $Stember, 8' Apparently, the relation of education to prejudice has varied with the political and social climate. The educated seem to be more labile than others and more responsive to changing values and beliefs. The less educated seem more bound by traditional images, establish policies, and fix forms of behavior. Stember also finds an assessment problem that has to do with the verbal terms of prejudice. +hen the same issues, as posed in common scales, are put in more neutral terminology, the evidence changes< the educated tend to discredit and disagree with the sharpest statements of prejudice, but less star5 statements and more covert expressions gain broader support. $Stember, 8' SummariFing his analyses, Stember finds that the educated are less li5ely to hold traditional stereotypes, less li5ely to favor discriminatory policies, and less li5ely to reject 1 | P a g e

casual contacts with minority)group members. But, the educated are more li5ely to hold certain highly charges and derogatory stereotypes, more li5ely to favor informal discrimination in some areas of behavior, and more li5ely to reject intimate contacts with minority)group members. 2a"ue of Co""ege ducation and %egree

(xperiencing a college education can have a great impact in one3s future. As it is a higher education, more things about life itself can be taught and learned. 4ore so, it can be a factor to higher lifetime earnings. 2f course, companies prefer job applicants who have at least had college education, if not completed the same. 1n the United States per se, in /&&%, employees who had an undergraduate degree earned average annual salary of LC9,%< high school graduates, by comparison, only too5 home L0,/%. $United States -ensus Bureau, /&&%' 1n addition to this, master degree holders earn thrice as much on average than individuals who hold a high school diploma. #octoral degree holders earn four times as much over a lifetime as they otherwise would. $1mportance of a -ollege (ducation, /&0'  Also according to *ayScale, an online community determining current job opportunities and corresponding salaries in the US? ;Starting salaries of college graduates usually surpass those individuals who hold only a high school diploma. +e ran5 aerospace engineering M with average starting wages of LC8,&& M at the top of its list of sixty undergraduate degrees that attract the best salaries. The lowest starting salaries among graduate majors are social wor5, which attracts an 1 | P a g e

average annual salary of L00,&&. 1t is still higher than the average annual salary earned by high school diploma holders.= $*ayScale, /&' !i5ewise, a study  conducted by the :eorgetown -enter on (ducation and the +or5force estimates that the US economy will create nearly 9 million jobs by /&%, including  million new jobs and 00 million jobs replacing wor5ers who leave or retire.  Approximately 00 percent of those jobs will re"uire a bachelors degree. Another 0& percent will necessitate an associate degree or at least some college training. 4ore to this, in an article written by (lsa HuneF in /&/, she said? ;The economic gaps between those with a college degree and those with  just a high school diploma are getting larger as well. +hen it comes to employment








Unemployment rates decline as wor5ers become more educated. 1n /&, the unemployment rate for those with high school diplomas was 8. percent< for those with a college degree, the rate was just .8 percent.= $HuneF, /&/' 6aving college education is not only limited to career opportunities but also offers personal advantages. (nhanced self)discipline and improved study habits that would help those individuals later in life as applicable to their careers and continuing education during their lives. A greater disposable income that will enable them to pay for activities they enjoy is another noticeable benefit of a college degree. $1mportance of a -ollege (ducation, /&0'

1 | P a g e

:iven these facts, college education and securing a college degree is not just a choice but will also dictate how one would live his future. There to fore, individuals who have never experienced or finished college education are more li5ely to have less job opportunities which offer beyond the living wage. I$portance of Choosing the Right Co""ege .aor 

Before students even finish their 6igh School life, they are bound to ma5e a very vital decision that will have a great effect on their future. They have to thin5 about their  future, their dreams and goals in life. 1n the process of achieving their goals, they have to ma5e a wise decision in choosing a college major. ;A major is the course of study that you want to ta5e when going to -ollege.= $' 4any universities and college have everything under the sun, which is an advantage because it gives students a wide array of choices. ;2ne of the most important academic choices youll ma5e while in college is your choice of your college major. Eour choice of major can set you on the path your career will ta5e or at least send a signal to future employers about what s5ills and interest you possess.= $>osen, /&/' -ourse planning is the 5ey to a successful future. The point in the life of a student wherein he has to choose a college major is very crucial as that decision will have a great impact on his life. 4any people ta5e time in choosing a college major, however time passes by with you just loo5ing at stars when in fact you have to start running after your dreams. *lanning for the future is essential as it guides you along the  journey. +ith the tough employment competition nowadays, having a blueprint of what you want in life will give you an advantage. $Sabao, /&&'

20 | P a g e

;+ith all the anxiety that students feel while joining University, one thing that many students fail to realiFe is the importance of choosing the right subjectDcoarse in University. Hot many students are wise enough to be able to select the most appropriate course which they can pursue all their life long. University education is also 5nown as professional education. As reflected by name, university education plays a vital and decisive role in deciding the future pathway for students. The 5nowledge and experience gained in university life is cherished for life long. This is why experts and educationists firmly believe that students should ma5e a choice of their coarse 5eeping in mind their preferences and their mentality.= $*reston University, /&/'  A student must have a well)thought decision in choosing a college major because many things are wasted when the chosen major is not the best choice for the student. 1n an article, it was mentioned that not choosing the right major for you is a waste of  money and time. The reason is simple, when you sign up for a college major, the courses you ta5e are based on that major. 1f for example you ta5e up !egal 4anagement for / semesters then after which, you decided that you really want to be an engineer, the money you paid for the courses in !egal 4anagement that will bear no credit when you shift on a different major is wasted. $' 1n an article entitled ;-hoosing a -ollege 4ajor=, the message was clear and simple, that employers do not give much importance to the college major that the employee had during college. So one must choose what interests him the most. $6ealy, /&&9' The blog earned a lot of comments agreeing to what 6ealy has said. A website called seemed to agree with what 6ealy has said, according to -al Hewport, conducted a survey that produced a result claiming that the 21 | P a g e

top factor that employers consider in choosing an employee is the employee3s college major which earned  N, followed by student3s interviewing s5ills, then his internships and experiences and so on. $-ollege :raduate, /&&%'  A person3s success is determined by the path he will choose and the decisions he will ma5e along the course of it. Ees, a person can ta5e a detour if he changed his mind in the middle of his journey. But the time and effort wasted can never be brought bac5 anymore. 2ne must discern deeply in ma5ing a decision as big as choosing a college major for it is practically the point in your life that you choose who or what you want to be. Significance of Acade$ic Ad!ising to Students

 Academic Advising is an opportunity to exchange information designed to help students reach their educational and career goals. $The State University of Hew 7ersey, /&' The goal of academic advising is to guide the students as to their scholarly decision. 1t is a two)way process between the students and the advisers. The role of the advisers is to assist the students in their choices. 6owever, the ultimate decision still relies on the students, themselves. +hile students are urged to 5eep parents informed of plans and progress, the advising relationship uni"uely is between the academic adviser and the student. This is so because the adviser 5nows the student as to its academic performance.  As academic advising concerns the general issues regarding student academic and performance, it is then "uite relevant to the issue of college major choices. 1f  academic advising is applied in colleges and universities, there will be a higher  22 | P a g e

percentage of students being not undecided about their college course as they will be provided with opportunities to explore different academic programs and career path. >elatively, there will be fewer students who will decide to change their major in the light of uncertainty. 1n a thesis by 7. >enner in 1ndiana University)*urdue University 1ndianapolis, /&0, per se, she cited Terry 23Bannion3s view about academic advising wherein? ;Terry 23Banion3s $89/' model of academic advising supports :ordon3s notion of students not being developmentally ready to choose a major. 23Banion3s model of academic advising is a process that includes exploring life and vocational goals, choosing a program, choosing courses, and lastly scheduling courses $23Banion, 89/'.= $>enner, /&0' Through academic advising, as well, should students consider shifting or  transferring to another college program, they will be guided and enlightened so as to the conse"uences that they might encounter in doing so. Tips and techni"ues on how to overcome these obstacles will also be shared by their adviser through a session of the same. Theories

-areer #evelopment is a ;continuous lifelong process of developmental experiences that focuses on see5ing, obtaining and processing information about self, occupational and educational alternatives, life styles and role options.= $6ansen, 89' *ut another way, career development is the process through which people come to understand them as they relate to the world of wor5 and their role in it. 23 | P a g e

There are various theories about career development existing today. Three of  them are? $' 6olland3s Theory of Kocational Types $/' Bandura3s Social -ognitive Theory and $0' Super3s #evelopmental Self)-oncept Theory. 0o""and3s Theory of 2ocationa" Types is an approach which gives explicit attention to

behavioral style or personality types as the major influence in career choice development. $, /&0' There are six $' 6olland types namely? . >ealistic ) wor5 with hands, machines, tools, active, practical, adventurous 6igh traits ) practical, masculine, stable !ow traits ) sensitive, feminine, stable 2ccupations ) construction, farming, architecture, truc5 driving, mail carrier  /. 1nvestigative G thought, analytical approaches, explore, 5nowledge, ideas, not social 6igh traits G scholarly, intellectual, critical !ow traits G powerful, ambitious, adventurous 2ccupations G biologist, chemist, dentist, veterinarian, programmer  0. Artistic G literary, musical, artistic activities, emotional, creative, open 6igh traits G expressive, creative, spontaneous !ow traits G orderly, efficient, conventional, social, masculine 2ccupations G artist, musician, poet, interior designer, writer  . Social G train, inform, educate, help, supportive, avoid technical s5ills, empathy, relationships  6igh traits G cooperative, friendly, humanistic !ow traits G ambitious, creative, strong, 2ccupations G social wor5, counseling, police officer, !*H C. (nterprising G verbally s5illed, persuasive, direct, leader, dominant 24 | P a g e

6igh traits G ambitious, adventurous, energetic !ow traits G intellectual, creative, feminine 2ccupations G lawyer, business executive, politician, TK producer  . -onventional G rules and routines, provide order or direct structure, great self  control, respect power and status, punctual, orderly 6igh traits G stable, efficient, dependable, controlled !ow traits G intellectual, adventurous, creative 2ccupations G ban5 teller, cler5 typist, cashier, data entry These types of 6olland3s theory are spontaneously appealing. This helps students get oriented to the worlds of wor5. 1t also provides significant approach of  letting students understand different wor5ing environments. Bandura3s Socia" Cogniti!e Theory focuses in the concept of self efficacy. By means

of the self system, individuals exercise control over their thoughts, feelings, and actions.  Among the beliefs with which an individual evaluates the control over hisDher actions and environment, self)efficacy beliefs are the most influential predictor of human behavior. $-herry, /&/'  According to this theory, self)efficacy is the belief in one3s capabilities to organiFe and execute the courses of action re"uired to produce given attainments. The four most influential sources of self efficacy are the following? $' *ersonal *erformance or the previous successes or failures of a person $/' Kicarious (xperience which is derived by observing others $0' Kerbal *ersuasion or those encouragements and discouragements received through the word of mouth and $' *sychological and (motional actors or the perceptions of stress reactions in the body. $-herry, /&/' :enerally, this conjecture holds that providing opportunities, experiences and significant adults to impact self)efficacy in all children becomes vital. Strategic career  25 | P a g e

development interventions will positively impact young people in the context of this theory. Super3s %e!e"op$enta" Se"f-Concept Theory on the other hand states that vocational

development is the process of developing and implementing a self)concept. As the self) concept becomes more realistic and stable, so does vocational choice and behavior. *eople choose occupations that permit them to express their self)concepts. +or5 satisfaction is related to the degree that they3ve been able to implement their self) concepts. $-areers Hew Oealand, /&0' This theory of Super3s presents stages of a person3s development or career  maturity as he named. This career maturity is the similarity of one3s actual vocational behavior and what is expected for that stage of development. These are the stages $-areers Hew Oealand, /&0'? . :rowth $Birth to mid teens' - 4ajor developmental tas5s are to develop a self) concept and to move from play to wor5 orientation. Sub stages •

antasy $)& years old' ) needs dominate career fantasies and little reality

orientation. 1nterest $)/ years old' ) identifies li5esDdisli5es as basis for career choices -apacity $0) years old' ) more reality incorporated< can relate own s5ills to

specific re"uirements of jobs. $KocationaliFing the self concept' /. (xploration $4id teens through early /&3s' ) major tas5s are to develop a realistic self)concept and implement a vocational preference though role tryouts and

26 | P a g e

exploration< there is a gradual narrowing of choices leading to implementation of  a preference. *references become -621-(S when acted upon. Sub Stages •

Tentative $C)9 years old' ) tentative choices incorporating needs, interests, abilities are tried out in fantasy, coursewor5, part time wor5, volunteer,

shadowing. -rystalliFation of *reference $%)/ years old' ) :eneral preference is converted into specific choice. >eality dominates as one enters the job mar5et or training after high school. -hoosing a college major or field of 

training. Specifying a Kocational *reference $early /&3s' ) trialDlittle commitment< first  job is tried out as life3s wor5 but the implemented choice is provisional and person may cycle bac5 through crystalliFing and specifying if not appropriate.

0. (stablishment $mid /&3s through mid &3s' ) major tas5s are to find secure niche in one3s field and advance within it. Sub Stages •

Trial and StabiliFation $/C)0& years old' )

process of settling down, if 

unsatisfactory may ma5e )/ more changes before the right job is found.  Advancement $0&)& years old' ) efforts directed at securing one3s position, ac"uiring seniority, developing s5ills, demonstrating superior performance, resume building actions.

. 4aintenance $&3s through early &3s' ) 4ajor tas5 is to preserve one3s gains and develop non)occupational roles for things one always wanted to do< !ittle new

2 | P a g e

ground is bro5en, one continues established wor5 patterns. 2ne faces competition from younger wor5ers. -ould be a plateau. C. #isengagement or #ecline $!ate &3s through retirement' ) Tas5s are deceleration of the career, gradual disengagement from world of wor5 and retirement. 2ne is challenged to find other sources of satisfaction. 4ay shift to part time to suit declining capacities.

2r figuratively?





practiceDcareer)theory)modelsDsupers)theoryD' Super also introduced the so)called development tas5?

2 | P a g e


Specification 1mplementation StabiliFation -onsolidation




orming a general vocational goal 4ove from tentative to specific preference -omplete training, enter employment -onfirm choice through wor5 experience Advance in career  


practiceDcareer)theory)modelsDsupers)theoryD' +hile these theories affect an individual3s career development in its entirety, another significant theory about people3s perception on things can also explain as to why college students change their majors. This is 6eider3s Attribution Theory. 0eider3s Attribution Theory is a conjecture which explains why people do what

they do. This is an approach in understanding the behavior of oneself and the other3s. 1t also deals with how the social perceiver uses information to arrive at causal explanations for events. 1t examines what information is gathered and how it is combined to form a causal judgment. $is5 @ Taylor, 88' 6eider believed that people are naive psychologists trying to ma5e sense of the social world. There were two main ideas that he put forward that became influential. . +hen we explain the behavior of others we loo5 for enduring internal attributions, such as personality traits. or example we attribute the behavior of a person to their  naivety or reliability or jealousy. /. +hen we try to explain our own behavior we tend to ma5e external attributions, such as situational or environment. 2 | P a g e

1f this theory will be applied as to why college students change their program, their perception on this relies on either the internal or external attributions. Their   judgment about the said issue may be attributed to their personality traits $e.g. personal interests, s5ills, capabilities'. 2n the other hand, it may also be an ascription of a certain situation or event in their lives.

5ast Studies

-areer development is a life)long process which starts at education. 6owever, issues on uncertainty of a large percentage of students on which path to ta5e are rising. This behavior of students being undecided often leads them to discontinue their  program and shift or transfer to a new one. #ue to the significant effects of changing college major in a student3s life, numerous studies have been conducted to find out the reasons or causes behind this issue. 1n the past 0& years, deciding what major to ta5e in college has become more complex because of the big changes in the system of higher education itself. The education environment became more competitive and institutions also have to contend for students in the recruitment mar5et. $!ee @ -hatfield, /&0' 4any studies used economic and sociological theoretical framewor5s as factors affecting college student) decision ma5ing. ;irst, the economic models focus on the econometric assumptions that prospective college students thin5 rationally and ma5e careful cost)benefit analyses when choosing a college $6ossler, Schmit, @ Kesper, 888'. 30 | P a g e

Second, the status)attainment models assume a utilitarian decision) ma5ing process that students go through in choosing a college, specifying a variety of social and individual factors leading to occupational and educational aspirations $7ac5son, 8%/'. Third, the combined models incorporate the rational assumptions in the economic models and components of the status attainment models.= $!ee @ -hatfield, /&0'  Another study concluded in /&& stated that person and environment fit is a relevant factor in a student3s college major choice decision. This explains that students3 decisions are more li5ely affected by the environment that they are in. *ersonality and external issues in the society are some of those. ;1n summary, we find that political views and the 6olland personality scales are very strong predictors of student major choice. 6owever, academic preparation, family influence and academic self)efficacy do not seem to matter after ta5ing into account personality.= $S. *orter @ *. Umbach, /&&'

1n a thesis completed by 7ana !. >enner, 1ndiana University)*urdue University 1ndianapolis in /&0, she mentioned the reasons behind students3 perception in changing their college major. According to her, two main reasons are lac5 of exploration and parental @ societal pressure.

;!ac5 of (xploration. >esearch on major changers shows that the majority of college students lac5 the 5nowledge and experience necessary to ma5e 31 | P a g e

an informed decision about their academic major and career choice $2rndorff @ 6err, 88'. 4any students have a limited 5nowledge base of  available occupations as ;the potential pool of choices is enormous and it is commonly thought that the United States has more than /&,&&& occupations= $!ewallen, 880, p. &'. *arental and Societal *ressure. -ollege students can also face parental and societal pressure to choose a major upon entering college. *earson and #ellman)7en5ins $889' pointed out that parents have the most influence on a student3s decision to choose a major< therefore, students are more li5ely to change majors when their initial choice is not their own.= $>enner, /&0' Su$$ary and Synthesis

There were different views and opinions about the existing issue as to what factors influence college students to change their programs. Theories on behavior and career development were also considered. 1n 6olland3s Theory, he concluded that a person3s behavioral style and personality directly affects its career development. According to this conjecture, an individual3s career choice relies in his character such as interests, s5ills, capabilities and values. Bandura also holds that self)efficacy is one big factor in decision)ma5ing. As stated in this theory, people are only affected by their own emotions and so they could

32 | P a g e

control their thoughts. 1t is the belief to manipulate and organiFe oneself and his environment. 2n the other hand, Super3s theory on developmental concept states that an individual3s maturity can build up a self)concept wherein he will be able to understand things more and 5now the right decision. 4ore so, Super hypothesiFed that people choose their career according to their self)concept. 1n 6eider3s theory of attribution, he cited two internal and external factors that affect a person3s behavior. Using this theory, college students can either be greatly affected by internal factor$s' which isDare their personal traits or external factors or those belonging outside their character, or the environment. SynthesiFing all the related studies mentioned earlier, authors coincide with the conjecture that college student decision when it comes to choosing their major is highly influenced by their personal behavior. 1t was also explained that aspects outside the human self)concept, such as their environment and people that surrounds them li5e parents, peers, and even strangers are possible influences in students3 judgment.

33 | P a g e

C0A5TR ( Research .ethods Research %esign

This study focuses on the determination of internal and external factors that influence UST AB shifters and transferees in changing their college major. Through this, there will also be a view on how students decide in choosing a career path. The independent variable$s' in this research are the factors that influence students3 judgment. 1t will tell the students3 reaction about these factors as to its impact on their decision to shift or transfer. 2n the other hand, the dependent variable would be the students3 decision in shiftingDtransferring to another major. The proponents made use of survey "uestionnaires and distributed these to the chosen respondents. The "uestions used in the same were formulated as to its relevance and appropriateness to the study. 1n addition to this, the researchers also relied on the instrument used in the past studies related to the topic. The data gathered

34 | P a g e

were calculated and analyFed between ebruary and 4arch /& with purposive sampling of the specific group mentioned. Sa$p"e Si4e and Sa$p"ing %esign

 A sample represents a part of the target population and that sample is a representative of that population for the variable being studied upon. The population selected for this study is limited to UST AB shifters and transferees of the University of  Santo Tomas aculty of Arts and !etters, (spaPa, 4anila. 1n Hovember /&0, the said faculty recorded ,/0/ students enrolled. A total of  099 of which are irregular students. There are three possibilities why students become irregular? either they failed in pre)re"uisite courses barring them to be a member of a bloc5 or they are shifters or they are transferees, from other schools andDor colleges. :iven this fact, the proponents of this study estimated &N of the irregular students as shifters and transferees or // of the same. 1n this // approximated population, the researchers then selected only CN which is &/. To determine the sample siFe needed for the study, the proponents made use of  Slovin3s formula with a precision rate of 8CN which implicates a margin of error of CN. 6ence, the Slovin3s formula?



1 + N e


here7 89 poplation n9 sample si:e e9 margin o% error

The solution below shows how the proponents obtained their sample siFe? 35 | P a g e



1 + N e





102 1


+( 102)( 0.05 )

113 1.255

n Q 61&'7 or 61

Based on the given solution, the parameter was estimated at &/, set at 8CN precision rate. This calculation resulted in a sample siFe of % shifters and transferees. This is however not the same number as the researchers actually surveyed in the study which was only %&. Hevertheless, the lac5 of  respondent or nearly N of the obtained sample siFe will not have an impact in the conclusion of the study. (rgo, it was determined that choosing only %& shifters and transferees would result as a sufficient power to analyFe the population. %ata Co""ection Instru$ent

The proponents made use of the indirect method or "uestionnaire as the data collection instrument for this study. The instrument is composed of /& structured "uestions, modified as to its significance and suitability to the research. These "uestions include the !i5ert scale which implies the respondents3 level of agreeing or  disagreeing to the given statement< open)ended "uestions or those answerable by yes or no< and dichotomous "uestions wherein there are several options for the recipients to select as to their view or reply to the "uestion.

36 | P a g e

*ast studies and other materials from reliable sources were also considered in constructing the "uestions to strengthen the findings and conclusion of this study. The survey "uestionnaires contain a cover letter instructing the respondents on how to complete the same. 1t also stated that each "uestions should be answered with utmost honesty. 4oreover, these "uestionnaires were numbered accordingly to ensure the anonymity.

%ata 8athering 5rocedure

The relevant information and data used in this study were from the materials available in the University of Santo Tomas 4iguel de Benavides library, including boo5s,  journals, thesis, and articles. 2nline resources were also retrieved to further investigate more recent studies and updates relevant to the topic. Additionally, the researchers meet thrice a wee5 for discussion, compilation, and calculation of the data gathered. The proponents selected UST AB shifters and transferees as their respondents. This is so given that the University3s aculty of Arts and !etters have a total of / majors allowing the students to have more choices, thus a larger possibility of holding majority population of shifters and transferees. *urposive sampling was used in this study having &N or // of the total irregular students in the faculty as approximated shifters and transferees, ta5ing CN or  &/ of the estimated population used in determining the sample siFe. As the Slovin3s formula presented, a sample siFe of % was obtained. The proponents then applied the

3 | P a g e

indirect method of gathering information from the recipients. This method involved survey "uestionnaires as the instrument in communicating with the selected respondents. These forms were distributed to the respondents and have given them evenhanded time to accomplish the same. The completed surveys were carefully calculated and analyFed. The findings of  the obtained statistics were used to draw conclusions of the study.

%ata Ana"ysis

 A computer)generated tabulation process called S*SS or Statistical *ac5age for  the Social Sciences was involved in the data analysis of this study. This is a system software allowing one to tabulate the variables involved directly to the application in a much more easy way and prevents ma5ing mista5es in analyFing these data.  An elaborative examination of the relationships of factors affecting students3 decision in changing a college program was done through the said software. re"uencies of each determined variable in the "uestionnaire were evaluated. The levels of measurement involved in the process were of nominal, ordinal, and interval scale.

3 | P a g e

C0A5TR ) #indings and Ana"ysis

The proponents of this research study randomly selected eighty $%&' shifters and transferees from the University of Santo Tomas aculty of Arts and !etters. The chosen recipients were given "uestionnaires to accomplish. The data gathered were tabulated thru S*SS. The researchers analyFed the figures by getting the fre"uencies which is an appropriate method to determine the factors that influence college students to change their major. The following are the findings?

3 | P a g e

igure .  As shown in the chart, the age brac5et of the chosen respondents is from 9 to /0 years old. >espectively,  $C.&N' of them are 9 years old, % $//.CN' of them are % years old, / $0/.CN' are 8 years of age, C $%.%N' indicated that they3re /& years old, C $.0N' are / years old, 8 $.0N' are // years old, and 0 $0.%N' are /0 years old. This age group signifies that the respondents are from first year to fourth year which is favorable for determining the factors.

40 | P a g e

igure ./ The chart above presents the number of male and female students who accomplished the survey. 09 $.0N' of them are male and 0 $C0.%' of the respondents are female.

igure .0

41 | P a g e

The recipients who were randomly selected came from a wide range of different college majors. 9 $/.0N' of them came from UST 1*(A where athletes usually start off with their first three semesters in the university. 9 $%.%N' were former engineering students and another 9 were architecture students.  $9.C' came from the college of  nursing, C $.0N' are shifters from music and the same digits from commerce. 0 $0.%N' came from the college of education tying with formers political science majors. There were / $/.CN' representatives for the following majors?

Accountancy, biology,

communication arts, (#-, 1T, and journalism. +hile broadcast journalism, BSBA, -A#, computer science, -T64, 6>4, interior design, 1S, !S, 4T, multimedia arts, pharmacy, psychology, science, and speech pathology got $.0' representative each.

42 | P a g e

igure . This figure represents the reasons behind respondents3 decision of choosing their  former course. /0 $/%.%N' of them answered that they did not "ualify in the course they wanted, 0 $.0N' said because it was trending during that time, both // $/9.CN' for  academic placement and other reasons. These specified reasons involved high school teachers, love, athletic reasons, family, uncertainty, the li5ed it, random choices, and believed that their course before is not for them.

igure .C

43 | P a g e

This chart represents the fre"uency in which students decided to choose their former course because of these people.  $C.0N' answered that it was their relatives3 and other family members3 influence,  $9.CN' said it was their friends, / $/.C' for high school teachers and /0 $/%.%N' responded specifically namely? girlfriend, self, bas5etball team, no one, games and 1*(A. igure . igure . showed the respondents3 answer to the "uestion ;+hy did you shiftDtransfer to another courseR=  $9.CN' of them said that they failed in their former 

44 | P a g e

major,  $C.0N' said that they were uninterested, C $.0N' due to financial incapacity and % $&N' said it was their parents who urged them to do so.  igure .9

 As to the person$s' involved in the decision of ma5ing the respondents shiftDtransfer, CC $9&N' admitted it was their own decision, 8 $.0N' answered it was their parents3, C $.0N' indicated it was their relatives, 0 $0.%N' answered friends, and 9 $%.%N', respectively.

igure .%

45 | P a g e

re"uencies showed that C $%.0N' of the respondents shiftedDtransferred to another  program when they were in / nd year while C $%.%N' did it when they were in 0 rd year. igure .8 igure .8 shows the current major chosen by the respondents. >espectively, /C or 0.0N of the respondents are now !4 majors. ollowed by -A majors  or /&N ,AS 0 or .0N, B(S 8 or .0N, (!S  or 9.CN, 7>H C or .0N, S-! 0nor 0.0%N, !1T / or  /./CN, and (-2  or .0N.

46 | P a g e

igure ..  As shown in the chart,, 09 or .0N of the respondents 5new about the major  because it was preferred course since then, 9 or /.0N of the respondents said that thru friends,  or /&N for family members, and & or /.CN of the respondents specified that they learned about it thru internet, course list, and the dean of the college they are in.

igure ../

4 | P a g e

/ or  C/.CN


the respondents answered it was their preffered course, and  or 9.CN for availability of slots , and & or /.CN said it was their parents3,  or CN choose friends and & or  /.CN specifically stated it3s what they want, closest to their preferred course, and interest. igure ..0 igu igure re .. ..0 0 prese present nts s that that 9C or 80.% 80.%N N of the the respo respond ndent ents s had a caree careeer  er  orientation during high school and C or .0N didn3t have a career orientation during high scho school ol.. This This just just prov proves es that that most most of them them were were alre alread ady y intr introd oduc uced ed to care career  er  development.

4 | P a g e

igure ..  As shownn in the chart, most of the respondents agree that college major will have great impact in their future. future. 9/ or 8&N of the respondents respondents answers yes and the % or &N don3t belive that college major has a great impact in their future.

igure ..C

4 | P a g e

The chart shows that the C or 9.CN consider other people3s opinion in decision ma5ing and the / or 0/.CN don3t consider other people3s opinion. igure ..

igure .. illustrates that % or %CN of the respondents are considering the bac5ground of the school and / or CN of the respondents does not consider the bac5ground of the school in choosing their course.

50 | P a g e

igure ..9 The figure above presents the respondents answers when as5ed if they thin5 that 6igh School is a big factor in choosing college major. 09$.0' of them answered that they strongly agree that it is, 0C $0.%N' said that they agree,  $9.CN' disagreed and / $/.CN' answered that they strongly disagree. 1t can be concluded that 8&N of the respondents thin5 that 6igh School is a big factor in choosing a college major. igure ..%

51 | P a g e

The respondents were as5ed if they thin5 that family and peers are of big influence in choosing a college major. / $0/.CN' of them answered that they strongly agree to the statement, 9 $C%.%N' answered that they agree, $9.CN' of them indicated that they disagree and only  strongly disagreed. 2verall, we can conclude that 8.0N of the respondents thin5 that family and peers are a big influence in choosing a college major.

52 | P a g e

igure ..8 The respondents were as5ed if they do important decisions on their own. 1n the data given above, it can be inferred that 0& $09.CN' of them strongly agree that they do important decisions on their own, while 08 $%.%N' say that they agree to it, & $/.CN' say that they disagree and  $.0N' say that he strongly disagree. 1t can be concluded from this data that %.0N say that they decide on important decisions on their own.

igure ./.& 53 | P a g e

igure ./.& above shows how much of the respondents agree that advising is important in deciding to shift in another program. 0& $09.CC' of them strongly agree, 0& $09.CN' strongly agree, 08 $%.%N' agree,  $/.CN' said that they disagree and only  $.0N' strongly disagree. rom this, the researchers can say that %.0N of the respondents thin5 that advising is important in deciding to shift in another program.

igure ./. The respondents were as5ed if they agree to the statement ;1 li5e my initial course=. 1n the figure above, we can infer that / $CN' of them strongly agree that they li5e their initial course, 0%$9.CC' indicated that they agree, /C$0.N' disagreed to the statement and C $.0N' strongly disagreed. This signifies that most students li5e their  initial major.

54 | P a g e

igure ././  As manifested in the figure above, the respondents were as5ed to choose a statement which corresponds to their feelings towards the statement ;1 li5e my current major= / $C/./ N' of the respondents answered that they strongly agree that they li5e their current major, 0 $/.C' people indicated that they agree,  $.0N' disagreed and 0 $0.%N' strongly disagreed.

igure ./.0 55 | P a g e

1n figure ./.0, the respondents were as5ed if they agree that college major is an important factor in one3s success. 1n the figure presented above, it can be concluded that 9 $C%.%N' of them strongly agree to the statement, /& $/CN' agreed to it, & $&N' disagreed and C $.0N' strongly disagreed to the statement. 1t can be concluded from this figure that more than 9CN of the respondents thin5 that college major is a vital factor in one3s success.

56 | P a g e

C0A5TR * Conc"usion and Reco$$endation Conc"usion

 As mentioned in the first chapter, the proponents of this research study hypothesiFed that there are existing internal and external factors that influence student behavior, thus, also affecting their decision ma5ing. These internal factors that the researchers were referring to are those that are more personal to the student. These were reflected in the survey conducted to the respondents. +hat they want, what they li5e, what their interests are, how they decide for themselves are internally affecting their behavior, therefore, internal factors exist .  As to the external factors, which are also shown in how students consider other  people3s opinion, how they let their parents, relatives, or even friends decide for them signifies that they are greatly influenced by these aspects. 4ore so, situations or events in their lives were also mirrored as to why they decide to shift or transfer $e.g. failing in former major, academic placement, trends, etc.'. The researchers conclude that the decision ma5ing behavior of students, in general, are greatly affected by these factors. Therefore, students3 personality traits $internal' and environmental considerations $external' are the factors that influence them to shift or transfer to another major.

Reco$$endations 5 | P a g e

 Although the results of this study may be of great significance in solving the issue, the researchers are not fully satisfied with the research. Several events and situations occurred during the process of this study which may have slightly affected the output? limited resources, short period of time to accomplish the same, very small population of respondents, etc. To the future researchers, you may be able to cater more concepts in relation to this study using more resources and allocation of enough time to thoroughly conduct and investigate about this issue. Also, choosing a wider range of population may be of  big relevance to the results of this study.

5 | P a g e


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