Change of State (3) BSEE

August 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Deblja o` Ttbta  

Bggflj or racovflj tea eabt `roc b jfval sbcpna or okiadts goas lot bnwbys nabg to b deblja fl fts tacparbtura. Kut flstabg tea okiadt cby deblja fts stbta `roc sonfg pebsa to nfqufg pebsa or `roc nfqufg pebsa to vbpor pebsa weal eabt fs bggag or ft cby deblja fl otear wby broulg f` tea eabt  fs racovag.

  Deblja o` stbta blg deblja o` tacparbtura go lot oddur bt tea sbca tfca fl tea sbca sukstblda, teus teay cust ka dolsfgarag flgapalgaltny o` abde otear fl dbnorfcatar. Wea cantflj poflt o` b sukstblda fs tea tacparbtura bt wefde ft debljas `roc sonfg to nfqufg. Wea eabt tebt fs kaflj bggag to b sukstblda bt b cantflj poflt or bt b kofnflj poflt fs lot cblf`astag ky bly deblja fl tacparbtura. Ealda, ft fs sbfg to ka nbtalt   or or efggal eabt .   Wea nbtalt eabt o` `usfol o` `usfol o` b sukstblda fs tea bcoult o` eabt wefde cust ka bggag to b ulft cbss o` tea sukstblda to deblja `roc sonfg to nfqufg bt tea cantflj poflt. Wea nbtalt eabt o` `usfol o` fda fs bpproxfcbtany 58 dbn/j. dbn/j. Wea eabt o` `usfol o` `usfol  o` b sukstblda fs bnso tea bcoult o` eabt wefde cust ka racovag `roc b ulft cbss o` tea sukstblda to deblja ft `roc tea nfqufg to tea sonfg stbta bt `raazflj poflt tacparbtura. Wea nbtalt Wea  nbtalt eabt o` vbporfzbtfol o` vbporfzbtfol o` b sukstblda fs tea bcoult o` eabt wefde cust ka bggag to b ulft cbss o` tea sukstblda bt kofnflj poflt to deblja ft `roc nfqufg to vbpor. Wea nbtalt eabt o` vbporfzbtfol `or vbporfzbtfol  `or wbtar fs bpproxfcbtany 178 dbn/j. dbn/j. Wea nbtalt eabt o` `usfol fs bnso mlowl bs tea nbtalt eabt o` sonfgffdbtfol, blg sonfgffdbtfol, blg tefs fs galotag ky  N` . Wea nbtalt eabt o` vbporfzbtfol fs bnso tea nbtalt eabt o` dolgalsbtfol blg dolgalsbtfol blg fs galotag ky  Nv .




288℄ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


R 4 

8℄   - - - - - - - -











Eabt (R) fl dbnorfa

Axbcpna 1   Eow cude eabt fs laagag to deblja 2.1 mj o` fda bt -21 ℄  to  to stabc bt 288 ℄ ? Tonutol9

R 23cd ∀W  

R;3 c N`    dbn dbn ¿ ( 2188 j ) 8.1 ( 8 ∛∛21 ℄ )3(2188 j ) 58 j ℄  j ¿ 22;18 dbn  ¿ 2;8 888 dbn



(  )

R 43 cd∀W  

¿ ( 2188 j )  

(  ) 2   dbn

j ℄  ¿ 218 888 dbn 

R 7 3c N v 

( 288 ℄ ∛8 )3(2188 j )



178 dbn


¿ 528888 dbn

RW 3R2+ R ;+ R 4+ R 7  

¿ 2 862;18 862;18 dbn ∥2.86 Cdbn



Axbcpna 0 Eow cbly jrbcs o` fda bra laagag b -28℄  o  o krflj 188 jrbcs o` wbar acparbura `roc ;8℄  o  o 8 ℄ ? Tonutol9  

R j3 R n Rf + R N 3R w `  f

cf df ( W ∛t f ) + cf N`  3c w dw ( t w ∛W )  f

cf 3

cw d w ( t w ∛W ) d f ( W ∛t f ) + N`  ( 188 j ) 2   dbn j ℄  f

cf 3



( )( )( ∛∛

  dbn j ℄ 

∛8 )

;8 ℄ 

) +58

28 ℄ 


 dbn j cf322:.01 j

Axbcpna :   Wea spadfd eab o` cardury ( E j ) fs 8.844 mdbn/mj℄ . Zeal 2.8 mj o` sonfg cardury b fs cantlj pofl o` -46℄  fs  fs pnbdag b 8.18 mj bnucfluc nnag 2.;8o` mj`usfol o` wbar b ;8℄ .flWea lbn acparbura o` eaflcfxura fs `oulg o kadbnorfcaar 20.1℄ . Zeb fs wfe ea eab o` cardury dbn/j? Tonutol9

R j3 R n R Ej+ R N 3Rw + Rdbn `  E j

c E j d E j ( W ∛t  Ej ) + c E j N `  3cw d w ( t w ∛W ) + cdbn d dbn ( t dbn∛W )  E j

 N`  3

cw d w ( t w ∛W ) + c dbn d dbn ( t dbn∛W )∛ c E j d E j ( W ∛t  E j ) c E j

 E j

 ] c





d w + c dbn d dbn ( t dbn∛W )  ( t dbn ∛W )∛c E j d E j ( W ∛t  E j ) c E j




(2;88 j ) 2   dbn + (188 j ) j ℄ 




  dbn j℄ 

2;88 j

 N`  3  E j

;:46.1 dbn 2;88 j


 dbn j


) ∛( 2888 j )

;8 ℄  20.1 ℄ 




  dbn j℄ 

∛∛46 ℄ ) ∛∛

20.1 ℄ 


4 Axbcpna 5 B ;8-j pfada o` bnucfluc b 68℄  fs  fs pourag flo b dbvfy fl b nbrja knodm o` fda b 8℄ . Eow cude fda goas ea bnucfluc can? Tonutol9

R j3 R n `  f

R f + R N 3R Bn cf df ( W ∛t f ) + cf N`  3c Bn d Bn ( t  Bn∛W )  f

cf 3

c Bn d bn ( t  Bn ∛W ) d f ( W ∛ t f ) + N` 


( ;8 j ) ¿





  dbn 8.1 j ℄ 


  dbn j ℄ 

∛8 )

68 ℄ 

3 7.:: j

( 8 ∛8 ) +58 dbn j

Axbcpna 6 B 4.8-j kunna ( d 3 8.8481 dbn/j ℄ ) covflj b 258 c/s alars b kbj o` sblg blg sops. Ky web bcoul goas ea acparbura o` ea kunna deblja f` bnn fs MA kadocas earcbn alarjy eb fs bggag o ea kunna? Tonutol9

 MA3R 2 ;


c MA v 3cR d ∀ W  2

∀ W 3 ∀ W 3


c MA v


cR d


) (

∛4   8.1 4 Ú 28 mj 258 c



( 4 j ) 8.8481   dbn j ℄ 




 7.250 I 


32;0.56 ℄ 

Axbcpna 28. Bl fda duka b 8 ℄  fs  fs groppag ol ea jroulg blg cans o wbar b 8 ℄ . F` bnn mflatd alarjy o` ea fda wal flo cantlj f, `roc web eafje gfg f `bnn? Tonutol9

( cbsso` fda ) ( eabt o` `usfol `usfol )3flftfbn potaltfbn alarjy R N 3 XA ` 

cR N`  3c XA je 2888

e 3 cR N`  3 c XA j



 7.250 I 

j   Ú 2 dbn ( 6.5 c / s; ) ( 2 mj) jÚ

e 347,2:2.74 c∥47.2: mc


Axardfsas 2.

Eow cude cude eabt eabt fs laagag laagag to deblja deblja ;.8 ;.8 mj o` fda fda bt bt -28℄  to  to stabc bt 281℄ ?  dbn


Ola eulgr eulgrag ag mfnoiou mfnoiounas nas o` o` eabt fs bgg bggag ag to 088 088 j o` o` zfl zfldd bt ;8℄ , blg :1 j o` ft cants. F` tea spadffd

Bls. 2,711,888

eabt dbpbdfty o` zfld fs 8.451 mI/mj ℄  blg  blg ft cants bt 7;8℄ . Zebt fs fts eabt o` `usfol? Bls. 4.84 dbn / j  4. Eow cu cude fd fda bt bt 8℄  cust  cust ka cfxag wfte 18 j o` wbtar bt :1 ℄  to  to b flbn tacparbtura o` ;8 ℄ ?   Bls. ;:.1 j


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