Champions Level 2 Grammar Help

November 30, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Grammar help

be  : Past simple

Past simple

1 Complete the sentences with was or were.

4 Complete the sentences with the past simple

You were at the hockey match yesterday. 1 She very tired this morning. 2 Her new shoes very expensive. 3 I born in Liverpool in 1995. 4 Mark and Fred at a concert.

2 Where were these people yesterday? Follow the lines and correct the sentences. Livy at the cinema Maria in bed Peter at home John on holiday Craig and Helen at school Paula and Pat at basketball practice Livy was in the park. Livy wasn’t in the park . She was at school . 1 Maria was at her dance class. 2 Craig and Helen were at home. 3 Paula and Pat were at work. 4 John was at football practice.

3 Write the questions in the correct order. Then write the short answers. TV / on / music programme / night / was / last? (✓) Was the music programme on TV last night? Yes, it was. 1 you / swimming pool / were / night / at / the / last? (✓) 2 at / you and Oliver / Friday / were / on / school? (✗) 3 film / exciting / the / was? (✓)


Unit 1

form of the verbs in brackets. My dad drove to work. 1 Joe (not play) computer games yesterday. 2 Mum (cook) pizza for dinner. 3 We (go) swimming after school. 4 I (drink) a glass of water. 5 Mike (not catch) the ball.

5 Complete the questions and short answers. Did No, I didn’t 1 Yes, he 2 No, she 3 No, they 4 Yes, we

you have lunch at school? . he shout at you? . she wear her coat? . they play in the school team? . you listen to the radio this morning? .

6 Write questions for the answers. Did you eat my apple? No, I didn’t eat your apple. 1 Yes, I visited my friends at the weekend. 2 Yes, John played football in the evening. 3 No, they didn’t make any phone calls. 4 Yes, I bought some books. 5 No, Maria didn’t send me an email.

Ordinal numbers and dates 7 Rewrite and complete the dates using ordinal numbers. second N o _ e _ b _ r 1 thirty-first A u _ u s _ 2 eighth F e _ r _ _ r y 3 twenty-third A _ r _ _ 4 fifteenth J a _ u a r _ 5 twenty-sixth O c _ _ b e _

2nd November

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2 1

Grammar help

Countable / Uncountable nouns 1 Complete the table with the words in the box. ​apples ​a potato ​a tomato ​ an egg carrots ​ cheese ​ chicken  biscuits ​eggs ​milk ​orange juice Countable Singular

Uncountable Plural

Singular only

a tomato

5 Write the sentences in the correct order. much / there / water / fridge / in / the / isn’t There isn’t much water in the fridge. 1 lot / ice cream / a / people / of / like 2 I / eat / many / don’t / biscuits 3 doesn’t / Paul / tea / drink / much 4 many / have / eggs / we / got? 5 you / eat / bread / much / do?

a lot of / much / many 6 Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, or

2 Write a or an in front of the countable nouns and some in front of the uncountable nouns. some ice cream 5 bread 1 milk 6 sandwich 2 apple 7 cheese 3 tomato 8 biscuit 4 water 9 egg

some / any 3 Complete the sentences with some or any. Is there any 1 There aren’t 2 There are 3 Have you got sandwiches? 4 I didn’t eat 5 I bought

milk in the fridge? bananas on the table. eggs in the fridge. ham for the cheese all week. yoghurt at the supermarket.

4 Choose the correct words. Is there a / any ice cream for dessert? 1 Do we have any / some bread? 2 There are any / some carrots on the table. 3 Would you like an / a apple? 4 I had a / some sandwich for lunch. 5 There’s a / some cheese in the fridge.


Unit 2

many. This recipe uses a lot of sugar. 1 My family doesn’t eat meat. 2 I don’t put sugar in my coffee. 3 Paula ate cake at the party. 4 We don’t need strawberries. 5 Does your brother eat biscuits? 6 They don’t eat fish. 7 We need tomatoes for the sauce.

How much …? / How many …? 7 Complete the sentences with How much or How many. How many 1 2 3 4 5

eggs do you eat a week? water do you drink? apples did you buy? sugar do you put in your tea? pasta do you want? potatoes do we need?

8 Use the prompts to write questions using How much or How many. water / is there? How much water is there? 1 strawberries / would you like? 2 cheese / is in the fridge? 3 apples / do you eat every week? 4 biscuits / can we have? 5 bread / is on the table? Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

1 3

Grammar help


4 Complete the words with -one, -thing, or -where.

1 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.

Park rules You mus         tn’t skateboard

in the park. 1 You wear trainers on the basketball court. 2 You play loud music. 3 You smoke in the café. 4 You buy a ticket before you use the tennis court. 5 You ride bikes in the park.

2 Rewrite the sentences with must or mustn’t. Don’t change the meaning of the sentence. Finish your lunch! You must finish your lunch. 1 Don’t wear those trousers! 2 Use a dictionary! 3 Don’t run in the house! 4 Listen to me! 5 Don’t be late for school! 6 Wash your hands before lunch. 7 Don’t drink that!

Compounds: some / any / no 3 Choose the correct words. Someone / Somewhere is phoning you. 1 I have nowhere / nothing to go. 2 Let’s go something / somewhere tonight. 3 There isn’t anywhere / anyone at the door. 4 The dog is nowhere / no one. 5 Why don’t we eat something / someone different for dinner? 6 He knows nowhere / nothing about animals. 7 They didn’t do anybody / anything yesterday.


Unit 3

Did you meet anyone interesting at the party? 1 There is some interesting to see. 2 No is nicer than home. 3 Dad, there’s some at the door! 4 My shoes must be some . 5 No was in the library this afternoon.

Compounds: every 5 Complete the sentences with everybody, everything, or everywhere. I always tell my friend Anna everything . 1 from our class was at the party. 2 We looked for mum’s mobile phone, but we never found it. 3 in our family likes pizza. 4 he said was true. 5 I go on my bike.

6 Rewrite the sentences. Substitute the words in bold with everyone, everybody, everything, or everywhere. I looked (in the house, the garden and the garage) for my coat. I looked everywhere for my coat. 1 (All my friends and family) was at school. 2 I put (all my things) in the cupboard. 3 (All the people) in my family hates eggs. 4 Did she eat (all the food) on her plate? 5 We went (to all the places) in London by taxi. 6 I saw (all the people) I know at my sister’s party. 7 Do we have (all we need) for our holiday?

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1 4

Grammar help

have to

4 Put the words in the correct order to make

1 Use the prompts to write sentences with the correct form of have to (✓) or don’t have to (✗). you / go to bed early ✗ You don’t have to go to bed early. 1 we / speak English during our English lessons ✓ 2 they / play tennis at school ✗ 3 I / do my homework after school ✓ 4 students / switch off mobile phones during lessons ✓ 5 my brother and I / tidy our rooms at the weekend ✗

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to or don’t have to and the verbs in the box. clean  ​lay  ​not go ​not cook ​take ​wear I have to lay 1 Paul and Jack on Saturday. 2 Susan the weekend. 3 Mum 4 American students uniform to school. 5 We morning.

the table every day. to school the bathroom at dinner every day. a a shower every

3 Write questions for these answers. Do you have to wear trainers in the sports centre? We have to wear trainers in the sports centre. 1 He doesn’t have to do the vacuuming. 2 I have to go to the library. 3 They don’t have to study today. 4 She has to write a project for school. 5 I don’t have to do a test tomorrow.


Unit 4

questions. Then write affirmative (✓) or negative (✗) short answers. to / do / mornings / have / work / on / you / Saturday? ✓ Do you have to work on Saturday mornings? Yes. I do. 1 at / we / lunch / to / do / eat / school / have? ✗ 2 have / back / we / be / 8 p.m. / to / do / at? ✓ 3 stay / at / you / have / home / do / to? ✗

mustn’t / don’t have 5 Complete the sentences with mustn’t, don’t have to, or doesn’t have to. You mustn’t cross the road when the traffic lights are red. 1 I see the doctor. I’m OK. 2 We go to school. It’s Saturday! 3 Joe do the washing. I did it. 4 You smoke in school.

Gerunds 6 Put the words in the correct order. English / learning / easy / is Learning English is easy. 1 is / fun / going / holiday / on 2 chess / dangerous / isn’t / playing 3 is / difficult / Chinese / speaking

Verb + -ing form 7 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verb in brackets. I love playing (play) the guitar. 1 Nadia doesn’t mind (clear) the table. 2 They like (travel). 3 We hate (walk) in the rain. 4 You enjoy (try) different restaurants.

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1 5

Grammar help

be going to

5 Write affirmative (✓) or negative (✗) short

1 Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs in brackets. They are going to watch (watch) TV. 1 He (be) home at 6 p.m. 2 Paul and Jane (buy) a house next year. 3 We (visit) Aunt Mary next week. 4 I (call) her this evening. 5 Milagros (leave) school next year.

2 Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. Brian is going to study German next year. Brian isn’t going to study German next year. 1 They’re going to have a party. 2 Dad is going to clean the garage. 3 He’s going to buy a new skateboard. 4 We’re going to play football. 5 Lisa and Pete are going to have pasta for dinner.

3 Complete the questions with the correct form of be going to and the words in brackets. What sport are you going to play (you / play)? 1 When (they / take) the dog for a walk? 2 Which shoes (she / buy)? 3 Where (we / have) lunch? 4 What book (you / read)? 5 How many burgers (he / eat)?

4 Write questions with be going to. we / go / to the park tomorrow? Are we going to the park tomorrow? 1 you / phone / your grandma after school? 2 Rodrigo / buy / a new MP3 player? 3 they / make lunch? 4 she / wear / that skirt tonight? 5 you / do / the ironing?


Unit 5

answers. Is Anne going to stay for the weekend? ✓ Yes, she is. 1 Is dad going to leave early tomorrow? ✗ 2 Are we going to visit grandma? ✓ 3 Are Jack and Mel going to be late? ✗ 4 Are they going to go to the US next year? ✓

6 Match the sentences with the predictions. 1 He’s learning Portuguese. b 2 He has some bread and cheese. 3 He’s watching a film and it’s 11.30 p.m. 4 He’s taking acting lessons. 5 He’s in New York. a He’s going to make a sandwich. b He’s going to go to Brazil on holiday. c He’s going to visit the Statue of Liberty. d He’s going to go to bed late. e He’s going to be an actor.

Present continuous for future 7 Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. My parents are going (go) somewhere different on holiday this summer. 1 We (not play) basketball at the weekend. 2 Judy (meet) her friends after school. 3 I (not start) a French course next year.

8 Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in the box. get ​ learn ​ not cook ​ not leave ​ travel John is travelling to London by train on Saturday. 1 Andy and Jake school next year. 2 Paul’s brother to drive in the school holidays 3 Maria a summer job in August. 4 Dad burgers for dinner.

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1 6

Grammar help

will : future

will / be going to

1 Complete the sentences with will or won’t and

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the verbs in brackets. They won’t do (not / do) any work at the weekend. 1 My sister (go) to university next year. 2 I think Peter (marry) Sue next year. 3 They (not / send) us a postcard from Mexico. 4 You (not / like) Japanese food.

2 Use the prompts to write sentences with will or won’t. she / not get / a job / in the summer holidays She won’t get a job in the summer holidays. 1 we / see / Buckingham Palace / in London 2 I / not eat / any sweets / at the cinema 3 my friends / pass / their exams 4 you / get / lot of birthday presents 5 Dad / not take / us to the football match

3 Use the prompts to write questions with will. Joe and Phil / go to / the same school next year? Will Joe and Phil go to the same school next year? 1 Mark / live / in São Paulo next month? 2 Laura / buy / a new mobile phone? 3 our team / win / the match?

4 Write affirmative (✓) or negative (✗) short answers. Will Jack help you with your school project? ✓ Yes, she will. 1 Will it be sunny tomorrow? ✗ 2 Will you have time to do the washing-up? ✗ 3 Will Suzie be at home now? ✗ 4 Will Ethan read his emails tonight? ✓


Unit 6

will or be going to. We think he’ll study history at university. 1 She is very sad. She cry. 2 He works very hard. He be very rich in the future. 3 His sister is on American Idol. Perhaps she be famous. 4 They watch TV and eat pizza tonight. 5 It’s very cold. I think it snow tomorrow.

First conditional 6 Complete the sentences with the first conditional form of the verbs in the box. buy  ​eat finish ​ go ​ not be ​ not go If he eats more pizza, he’ll feel ill. 1 If Katy saves £100, she a puppy. 2 They on holiday if they can’t find a nice hotel. 3 If we get tickets, we to the Black Eyed Peas concert. 4 She’ll go home, if she work early. 5 I in the school orchestra, if I don’t practise the violin.

7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. If Luke passes (pass) his exams, his mum will be (be) very happy. 1 They (have) a picnic if it (not / rain). 2 If it (snow), we (go) skiing. 3 If I (come) to your party, I (wear) my new shirt. 4 I (buy) the new One Direction CD if Dad (give) me some money.

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Grammar help Answer key Unit 1 1 1  was  2  were  3  was   4  were 2 1 Maria wasn’t at her dance class. She was at home. 2 Craig and Helen weren’t at home. They were at the cinema.

3 Paula and Pat weren’t at work. They were on holiday.

4 John wasn’t at football practice. He was at basketball practice.

3 1 Were you at the swimming pool last night? Yes, I was.

2 Were you and Oliver at school on Friday? 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 5

No, we weren’t. Was the film exciting? Yes, it was. didn’t play cooked went drank didn’t catch Did, did Did, didn’t Did, didn’t Did, did Did you visit your friends at the weekend? Did John play football in the evening? Did they make any phone calls? Did you buy some books? Did Maria send you an email? 31st August 8th February 23rd April 15th January 26th October

Unit 2 1 Singular: an egg, a potato Plural: eggs, carrots, biscuits Singular only: milk, orange juice, cheese, chicken

2 1  some  ​2  an  ​3  a  ​4  some  ​5  some  ​6  a  ​ 7  some  ​8  a  ​9  an

3 1  any  ​2  some  ​3  any  ​4  any  ​5  some 4 1  any  ​2  some  ​3  an  ​4  a  ​5  some 5 1 A lot of people like ice cream. 2 I don’t eat many biscuits. 3 Paul doesn’t drink much tea. 4 Have we got many eggs? 5 Do you eat much bread?


Answer key

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4

much much a lot of many many much a lot of How much How many How much How much How many How much cheese is in the fridge? How many apples do you eat every week? How many biscuits can we have? How much bread is on the table?

Unit 3 1 1  must  2  mustn’t  3  mustn’t  4  must  5  mustn’t 2 1 You mustn’t wear those trousers. 2 You must use a dictionary. 3 You mustn’t run in the house. 4 You must listen to me. 5 You mustn’t be late for school. 6 You must wash your hands before lunch. 7 You mustn’t drink that. 3 1 nowhere 2 somewhere 3 anyone 4 nowhere 5 something 6 nothing 7 anything 4 1 something 2 nowhere 3 someone 4 somewhere 5 no one 5 1 Everybody 2 everywhere 3 Everyone 4 Everything 5 everywhere 6 1 Everybody was at school. 2 I put everything in the cupboard. 3 Everyone in my family hates eggs. 4 Did she eat everything on her plate? 5 We went everywhere in London by taxi. 6 I saw everyone I know at my sister’s party. 7 Do we have everything we need for our holiday?

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Grammar help Unit 4

4 1 Are you going to phone your grandma after

1 1 We have to speak English during our English lessons.

2 They don’t have to play tennis at school. 3 I have to do my homework after school. 4 Students have to switch off mobile phones during lessons.

5 My brother and I don’t have to tidy our rooms at 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 7 1 2 3 4

the weekend. don’t have to go has to clean doesn’t have to cook don’t have to wear have to take Does he have to do the vacuuming? Do you have to go to the library? Do they have to study today? Does she have to write a project for school? Do you have to do a test tomorrow? Do we have to eat lunch at school? No, we don’t. Do we have to be back at 8 p.m.? Yes, we do. Do you have to stay at home? No, I don’t. don’t have to don’t have to doesn’t have to mustn’t Going on holiday is fun. Playing chess isn’t dangerous. Speaking Chinese is difficult. clearing travelling walking trying

Unit 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 1 2 3 4 5

is going to be are going to buy are going to visit am going to call is going to leave They aren’t going to have a party. Dad isn’t going to clean the garage. He isn’t going to buy a new skateboard. We aren’t going to play football. Lisa and Pete aren’t going to have pasta for dinner. are they going to take is she going to buy are we going to have are you going to read is he going to eat


Answer key


2 Is Rodrigo going to buy a new MP3 player? 3 Are they going to make lunch? 4 Is she going to wear that skirt tonight? 5 Are you going to do the ironing? 5 1 No, he isn’t. 2 Yes, we are. 3 No, they aren’t. 4 Yes, they are. 6 2  a  ​3  d  ​4  e  ​5  c 7 1 aren’t playing 2 is meeting 3 ’m not starting 8 1 aren’t leaving 2 is learning 3 is getting 4 isn’t cooking

Unit 6 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4

will go will marry won’t send won’t like We will see Buckingham Palace in London. I won’t eat any sweets at the cinema. My friends will pass their exams. You will get lots of birthday presents. Dad won’t take us to the football match. Will Mark live in São Paulo next month? Will Laura buy a new mobile phone? Will our team win the match? No, it won’t. No, I won’t. No, she won’t. Yes, he will. is going to ’ll ’ll are going to will ​will buy won’t go will go finishes won’t be will have, doesn’t rain snows, wont go come, will wear will buy, gives

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