Chambridge Exam CAE

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English as a Foreign Language




HANDBOOK  © UCLES 2001 NOT FOR RESALE Page 2 PREFACE  This Handbook is intended principally for teachers and course designers who are, or intend to become, involved in preparing candidates for the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE). There are separate Handbooks for other Cambridge EFL examinations. examinations.  The introductory part of the handbook provides a general background to the Cambridge EFL examinations and an overview of the work of UCLES EFL, including a description of current procedures for test design, production and marking. It is hoped that this will be of interest both to those who are familiar with the Cambridge EFL examinations, and to those who are coming to them for the first time. For further information on any of the Cambridge EFL examinations, examination s, please contact: EFL Information University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 1 Hills Road Cambridge


CB1 2EU United Kingdom  Tel: +44 1223 553355 Fax: +44 1223 460278 email: efl@ucles [email protected] Page 3 CONTENTS  This booklet provides the following information about CAE: Introduction

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....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ...


Background to CAE ....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......

6 CAE Content: An Overview ......

....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .......


Grading and Results ....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......

7 CAE Administrati Administration on


....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......

8 CAE Support ......

....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......

8 A Detailed Guide to CAE Paper 1 Reading

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....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......

9 Paper 2 Writing ....... ...

........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .....

18 Paper 3 English in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Paper 4 Listening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Paper 5 Speaking ....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ..

....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......

49 Common Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Page 4 INTRODUCTION Introduction to UCLES  The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) was established as a department of the University of  Cambridge in 1858 in order to set a standard of efficiency for schools in England. The Cambridge examinations cover a wide range of academic and vocational subjects and include examinations specially designed for the international market. Examinations in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) were started at UCLES in 1913, with the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). The First Certificate in English (FCE) was introduced in 1939. Other EFL examinations and schemes for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) have been added periodically since then, so that UCLES now offers the most comprehensive range of EFL examinations and TEFL schemes with a total annual candidature candidature of over 500,000. English as a Foreign Language (EFL) UCLES EFL has specific responsibility for all the professional and specialist aspects of the EFL examination examinations s and the TEFL schemes. The EFL team is made up of staff with qualifications mainly in the area of applied linguistics and  TEFL, and with considerable experience in overseas teaching ....... .


situations.  The work of UCLES EFL covers four main areas: • question paper production; • support for the administration of the examinations (particularly the Speaking Tests); • processing of examinations (marking, etc.); • user service.  The core of the EFL system is the question paper produ production ction process. This is described in detail on page 5. There is a programme of ongoing validation, and specialist staff work on analysis and evaluation in the production and review of  examinations. examination s. The aim is to ensure that standards are being met and that the examinatio examinations ns develop in order to meet the changing needs of candidates and other test users. UCLES EFL is responsible for ensuring that various professionall requirements are met. This includes, for professiona example, the development and implementation of training and monitoring procedures which are required for carrying out the assessment of spoken and written language by examiners. UCLES EFL is also responsible for the administration and processing of examinations. For UCLES EFL, user service concerns professional matters such as the production of information for test users, e.g. specifications, handbooks, sample materials, examination reports, etc. It is also the responsibility of EFL staff to ensure that obligations to test users are met, and that in this context UCLES EFL examinations fulfil the Code of Practice established by the Association of Language Testers in Europe (see below). This Code of Practice focuses on the responsibilities responsib ilities of both examination providers and examination users and covers four main areas: • developing examinations; • interpreting examination results; • striving for fairness; • informing examination takers. The Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) UCLES is a member of the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) which was formed in 1990. The members are all providers of language examinations and certificates from countries within the European Union.  The principal objectives of ALTE are as follows: • to establish a framework of levels of proficiency in order to promote the transnational recognit recognition ion of  certification,, especially in Europe; certification • to establish common standa standards rds for all stages of the language testing process: i.e., for test developmen development, t, question and materials writing, test administration, marking and grading, reporting of test results, test analysis and reporting of findings; • to collaborate on joint projects and in the exchange of ideas and know-how. At the present stage of development of the framework, considerable agreement has been reached on the content definition of all five levels of proficiency. Further empirical research is taking place. More information about ALTE and copies of ALTE documents can be obtained from the ALTE Secretariat at UCLES. Page 5 Cambridge Level Five Certificate Proficiency in English (CPE) Cambridgeof Level One


Key English Test (KET) Cambridge Level Two Preliminary English Test (PET) Cambridge Level Three First Certificate in English (FCE) Cambridge Level Four Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)  Trial construction  Trialling review  Trialling

The Production Cycle for Pretested Question Papers UCLES employs a team of Item Writers to produce examination material, and throughout the writing and editing process strict guidelines are followed in order to ensure that the materials conform to the test specifica specifications. tions. Topics or contexts of language use which might introduce a bias against any group of candidates of a particular background (i.e. on the basis of sex, ethnic origin, etc.) are avoided. After selection and editing, the items are compiled into pretest papers. Pretesting plays a central role as it allows for questions and materials with known measurement characteristics to be banked so that new versions of question papers can be produced as and when required. The pretesting process helps to ensure that all versions conform to the test requirements in terms of content and level of  difficulty. Each pretest paper contains anchor items or is supplied to candidates with an additional anchor test. The anchor items are carefully chosen on the basis of their known measurement characteristics and their inclusion means that all new items can be linked to a common scale of difficulty. Pretest papers are despatched to a wide variety of EFL schools and colleges, which have offered to administer the pretests to candidates of a suitable level. After the completed pretests are returned to the Pretesting Section of UCLES EFL, a score for each student is provided to the centre within two weeks of receiving the completed scripts. The items are marked and analysed, and those which are found to be suitable are banked. Material for the productive components of the examinations is trialled with candidates to assess its suitability for inclusion in the Materials Bank. The UCLES Main Suite: A Five-Level System UCLES has developed a series of examinations with similar characteristics, characteris tics, spanning five levels. Within the series of five levels, the Certificate in Advanced English is at Cambridge Level Four.  The annual candidature for the CAE examination is in excess of 50,000 worldwide. AB Pre-editing and editing of material Pretest construction Revision Rejection Pretesting Item analysis MATERIALS BANK* Question paper


construction *electronic bank for pretested materials

Commissioning of material for question papers

The Production of EFL Question Papers  The production process for question papers for EFL examinations and TEFL schemes begins with the commissioning of material and ends with the printing of  question papers. For the majority of EFL question papers there are five main stages in the production process: • commissioning; • editing; • pretesting/trialling; • analysis and banking of material; • question paper construction.  This process can be represented in the diagram below. Page 6 BACKGROUND TO CAE CAE was introduced in December 1991. It is designed to offer a high-level qualification in the language to those wishing to use English for professional or study purposes. It is also designed to encourage the development of the skills required by students progressing towards CPE, with emphasis very much on real-world tasks. The Level of CAE As wellLevel as being Level Four,and CAEaalso falls within Fourat ofCambridge the ALTE framework, brief  description of this level is given below. This description is not a specification for the examination content but refers to language activities in real-world, real-world, non-examin non-examination ation contexts. ALTE Level Four – Competent User At this level, learners are expected to be able to use the structures of a language with ease and fluency. They are aware of the relationship between the language and the culture it exists in, and of the significance of register. This means that to some extent they are able to adapt their language use to a variety of social situations, and express opinions and take part in discussions and arguments in a culturally culturall y acceptable way. Learners at this level can develop their own interests in reading both factual and fictional texts.  They can also produce a variety of types of texts and utterances, such as letters of varying degrees of formality.  They can use language in a creative and flexible way, with the ability to respond appropriately to unforeseen as well as predictable situations, producing quite long and complex utterances.  The written and spoken texts encountered in most common everyday situations situations can be dealt with at a level below that reached by the Level Four Learner, but certain more difficult situations, e.g. discussing abstract or cultural topics with a good degree of fluency, demand this level of language. Users at this level can enjoy a wide range of social contacts. Examinations at Level Four may be used as proof of the level of language necessary to work at a managerial or professional level or follow a course of academic study at university level. Varieties of English Candidates’ responses to tasks in the Cambridge EFL examinations are acceptable in varieties of English which would enable candidates to function in the widest range of  international internation al contexts. Candidates are expected to use a


particular variety with some degree of consistency in areas such as spelling, and not for example switch from using a British spelling of a word to an American spelling of the same word in the same written response to a given task. CAE Candidature Information is collected about the CAE candidates at each session, when candidates fill in a Candidate Information Sheet. The candidates for CAE come from a wide range of  backgrounds and take the examination for a number of  different reasons. The following points summarise the characteristics of the current CAE candidature. Nationality – CAE is taken by candidates throughout the world in about 67 countries, although the total number of  nationalities represented in the candidature is over 175. The majority of these candidates enter for CAE in European and South American countries. Many candidates also take the examination in the UK. Age – Nearly 80% of candidates are under 25, with the average age being about 23. In some countries the average age is lower (e.g. in Greece it is about 17). Gender – About 70% of candidates are female. Employment – Most candidates are students, although there are considerable differences in the proportion of students in different countries. Exam Preparation – A large proportion of candidates (about 80%) undertake a preparatory course before taking the examination. Reasons for taking CAE – Candidates’ reasons for wanting an English language qualification are roughly distributed as follows: • for study (44%) • for work (41%) • other (15%)  The examination consists of five papers: Recognition CAE is recognised by the majority of British universities for English language entrance requirements. These are listed in a leaflet ‘Universities and Colleges in Britain’ available from UCLES. More information about university or corporate recognition is also available from the UCLES website. CAE CONTENT: AN OVERV I E W Reading 1 hour 15 minutes Writing 2 hours English in Use 1 hour 30 minutes Listening 45 minutes (approximately) Speaking 15 minutes (approximately) Page 7  There are four compulsory texts, giving a total of about 3,000 words. There are forty to fifty questions. The three task types are: multiple matching, multiple choice and gapped text. Writing Candidates are expected to complete writing tasks in response to the stimuli provided (input text and task instructions). instructio ns). The input texts are taken from articles, leaflets, notices, formal and informal letters, etc. Both audience and purpose are made clear in the task instructions.  The first part is compulsory and candidates must complete one or more tasks in response to a reading input which is usually up ofone several short texts. second involvesmade choosing of four tasks fromThe a range of part writing


activities (letters, articles, instructions, instructions, messages, reports, etc.). Responses should be about 250 words in length. English in Use Candidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge of the language system by completing tasks based on authentic passages. They must complete six tasks with a total of eighty items. The tasks include the following types: cloze exercises, a proof-readi proof-reading ng exercise, word formation exercises and text completion completion.. Listening Candidates are expected to understand each text as a whole, gain detailed understanding and appreciate gist and the attitude of the speaker. They must also be able to identify and interpret the context. Texts take the form of  announcements, announce ments, speeches, radio broadcasts, etc.  There are four parts lasting approximately forty-five forty-five minutes in all, with a total of thirty to forty question questions. s. The first two parts consist of two short monologues, the third of a longer dialogue/interview and the fourth of themed monologues.  The tasks candidates are asked to perform includ include e the following: multiple choice, multiple matching and note or sentence completion. Speaking  The Speaking paper is conducted by two examiners with a pair of candidates. They must be able to demonstrate a range of oral skills: interactional, social, transactional, negotiation and collaboration. collaboration. The test lasts for about fifteen minutes.  The candidates first respond to one another’s and the interlocutor’s interlocu tor’s questions about their interests, careers, etc. Each candidate is then given a set of visual stimuli which serves to encourage a ‘long turn’ from each candidate.  The final two parts are linked. The candidates first complete a collaborative task. This is followed by further discussion between candidates and the interlocutor on points which have arisen from the collaborative task. GRADING AND RESULTS  The five CAE papers total 200 marks, after weighting. Each paper is weighted to 40 marks. A candidate’s overall CAE grade is based on the total score gained by the candidate in all five papers. It is not necessary to achieve a satisfactory level in all five papers in order to pass the examination examination..  The overall grade boundaries boundaries (A, B, C, D and E) are set according to the following information: • statistics on the candidature; • statistics on overall candidate performance; • statistics on individual items, for those parts of the examination for which this is appropriate appropriate (Papers 1, 3 and 4); • advice, based on the performance of candidates, and recommendations of examiners where this is relevant (Papers 2 and 5); • comparison with statistics from previous years’ examination performance and candidature. Results are reported as three passing grades (A, B and C) and two failing grades (D and E). The minimum successful performance which a candidate typically requires in order to achieve a Grade C corresponds to about 60% of the total marks. Statements of results are sent out to all candida candidates tes and include ain graphical display of the performance each paper. These arecandidate’s shown against the


scale, Exceptional – Good – Borderline – Weak and indicate the candidate’s relative performance in each paper. Awards  The Awarding Committee meets after the grade boundaries have been confirmed. It deals with all cases presented for special consideration, e.g. temporary disability, unsatisfactory unsatisfact ory examination conditions, suspected collusion, etc. The committee can decide to ask for scripts to be remarked, to check results, to change grades, to withhold results, etc. Results may be withheld because of infringement infringement of regulations or because further investigation is needed. Centres are notified if a candidate’s results have been scrutinised scrutinise d by the Awarding Committee. Reading Candidates are expected to be able to read and understand texts taken from magazines, newspapers, leaflets, etc. They should demonstrate a variety of reading skills including skimming, scanning, deduction of meaning from context and selection of relevant information to complete the given task. Page 8 CAE SUPPORT Course Materials A number of courseboo coursebooks ks and practice materials are available from publishers. A comprehensive list of those published by UK Publishers is available from UCLES and is on the UCLES website. CAE requires an all-round language ability and this should be borne in mind when selecting course materials. Most coursebooks will need to be supplemented; care should be taken to ensure that course books and practice materials selected accurately reflect the content and format of the examination. N.B. UCLES does not undertake undertake to advise on textbooks or courses of study. Past Papers & Examination Reports Past examination papers, which can be used for practice, are available from Local Secretaries and from the Publications Department at UCLES. The sample question papers included in this Handbook (in reduced format) are taken from previous CAE examinations and trialled materials. Examination Reports are also available from Local Secretaries or from the UCLES website. However, candidates are strongly advised not to concentra concentrate te unduly on working through practice tests and examinations as this will not by itself make them more proficient in the different skills. Seminars for Teachers UCLES offers a wide range of seminars designed for teachers concerned with the EFL examinations; some are also suitable as introductions for administrators, school directors, etc. Some seminars are intended to provide information and support for teachers who are familiar with the examinations, and others can be used to introduce teachers to established examinations and also to new or revised UCLES examinations. examination s. Contact EFL Information for further details. Notification of Results Statements of results are issued through centres approximately two months after the examination has been taken. Certificates are issued about six weeks after the issue of  statements of results. Enquiries about results may be made through Local Secretaries, within a month of the issue of  statements of results.


CAE ADMINISTRATION CAE is held each year in June and December in about 1,000 centres worldwide. Candidates Candidates must enter through a recognised centre. Special Arrangements Special arrangements are available for disabled candidates.  These may include extra time, separate accommodation or equipment, Braille transcription, transcription, etc. Consult the UCLES Local Secretary in your area for more details. Further Information Copies of the Regulations and details of entry procedure, current fees and further information about this and other Cambridge examinations can be obtained from the Local Secretary for UCLES examinations in your area, or from the address on page 1. In some areas this information can also be obtained from the British Council.

Paper 1 sample papers

A DETAILED GUIDE TO CAE PAPER 1 READING General Description Paper Format  The paper contains four parts. Each part contains a text and corresponding comprehension tasks. A text may consist of  several short pieces. Number of Questions Approximately 45. Length of Texts 3,000 words approximately overall; 450 – 1,200 words approximately approximat ely per text. Text Types From the following: newspapers, magazines, journals, nonliterary books, leaflets, brochures, etc. From the following: informational, descriptive, narrative, persuasive, opinion/comment, advice/instructional, imaginative/journalistic. Task Types Multiple matching, multiple choice, gapped text. Task Focus Understanding Understand ing gist, main points, detail, text structure or specific information, deducing meaning or recognising opinion/attitude. Answering For all parts of this paper, candidates indicate their answers by shading the correct lozenges on an answer sheet. Timing 1 hour 15 minutes. Marks One mark is given for each correct answer to the multiplematching tasks; two marks are given for each correct answer to the multiple-ch multiple-choice oice and gapped-text tasks.

Part 1


2 3 4 Task Type and Focus Multiple matching Main focus: specific information Gapped text Main focus: text structure Multiple choice Main focus: detail, gist, opinion/attitude Multiple matching Main focus: specific information

12–18 6 or 7 5–7 12–22 A text preceded by multiple-matching questions. Candidates must match a prompt from one list to a prompt in another list, or match prompts to sections in the text. A text followed by four-option multiple-choice questions. A text from which paragraphs have been removed and placed in jumbled order after the text. Candidat Candidates es must decide from where in the text the paragraphs have been removed. As Part 1.

Number of  Questions Task Format Page 10 Students should practise skimming and scanning texts, looking for sections of the text which are close in meaning to the wording of the questions. They should be discouraged from selecting an answer solely on the basis of lexical proximity, however, since careful reading of a particular part of the text is required to ensure an accurate match in terms of meaning. Candidates need practice in doing multiplematching tasks within a certain time-limit and without recourse to a dictionar dictionary. y. Part 2, 2, the gapped-te gapped-text xt task, tests understan understanding ding of how texts are structured and the ability to predict text developme development. nt.  The task requires candidates to select from a number of  choices the paragraphs which fit the gaps in a text; only one answer is correct in each case. The task consists of a singlepage gapped text followed by the extracts from the text and one extra paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps. Candidates should be trained to read the gapped text first in order to gain an overall idea of the structure and the meaning of the text, and to notice carefully the information and ideas before and after each gap as well as throughout the whole of the gapped text. The way in which a text has been gapped may require the reader to consider large sections of the text, including including more than one gap, in order to reconstitute particular part of the text. Candidates be trained toaconsider the developme development nt of the text asshould a


whole, and not to focus on each gap separately. Sometimes candidates will need to choose carefully between two extracts as possible answers and will need practice in making decisions about which is the most logical extract to fill the particular gap. Practice is needed in a wide range of  linguistic devices which mark the logical and cohesive developmentt of a text, e.g. words and phrases indicatin developmen indicating g time, cause and effect, contrasting arguments, pronouns, repetition, use of verb tenses. Candidates should beware of approaching the gapped-text task as an exercise requiring them merely to identify extracts from the text and sections in the text containing the same words, including names and dates; the task is designed to test understanding of the development of ideas, opinions, events rather than the superficial recognition of individual words. Part 3, 3, the multiple-ch multiple-choice oice task, tests detailed understan understanding ding of a text, including opinions and attitudes expressed in it. Candidates need to read the text closely in order to distinguish distingui sh between, for example, apparently similar viewpoints,, outcomes, reasons. The task consists of a singlepag viewpoints singlepage e text followed by a number of questions questions;; the questions are presented in the same order as the information in the text so that candidates can follow the development of the text.  The final question may depend on interpretation of the text as a whole, e.g. the writer’s purpose, attitude or opinion. Candidates should read each question very carefully, as well as the four possible answers. The questions can be answered correctly only by close reference to the text. PREPARING FOR PAPER 1 Introduction  The Reading paper consists of four parts, tested by means of  different types of task. The range of texts and task types which appear on the Reading paper is intended to encourage familiarity with texts from a range of sources, written for different purposes and presented in different formats. The Reading paper aims to test skills which reflect the real-world needs of learners/users of English at an advanced level, i.e. the ability to process large quantities of text in real time.  The variety of sources used for texts on the Reading paper is reflected in the contents of coursebooks and skills books available for CAE students. Students should also be encouraged to read widely outside the classroom, for their own needs and interests. Task Focus and Format  The task formats included on the Reading paper indicate the main purposes for reading. Part 1 of the paper, the first multiple-matc multiple-matching hing task, tests the ability to locate particular information, including opinion or attitude, by skimming and scanning a text. The task consists of one or two sets of question questions s followed by a single page of  text; the text may be continuous, or consist of a group of  short texts or of a text divided into sections. Candidates are required to match the questions with the relevant information from the text. Some of the options will be correct for more than one question, and there may be more than one correct answer to some questions; if so, the instructions instructio ns to candida candidates tes will indicate this. The range of  possible answers may be presented in the form of a list of, for example, names of people or places, titles of books or films or types of occupation. The questions for the multiplematching


task are printed before the text so that the candidate knows what to look for in the text. Where the text is made up of several sections or shorter texts, it can be helpful to skim the whole text before scanning it for the specific information required. Candidates should notice the particular wording of questions since these are intended to lead the reader to specific information and to disregard irrelevant information. Candidates should practise scanning texts for particular information required and not feel that they must read every word in the text. In preparing for Part 1 of the CAE Reading paper, candidates should practise reading the instructions carefully and noticing the information provided in the instructions regarding regardin g the type of text, its content and the precise nature of the multiple-matching task. It can be helpful for students to underline key words in the questions as this helps when trying to find the information in the text which provides the answers. Page 11 Candidates should be encouraged to read the text before reading the multiple-ch multiple-choice oice questions. Preparation for the multiple-choice task should include practice in reading a text quickly for a first overall impression, followed by close reading of the text in order to prevent any misunderstandings which may lead candidates to choose an answer subsequently proved wrong. Part 4 of the Reading paper complements Part 1; both are multiple-matching multiple-match ing tasks, testing candidates’ ability to locate specific information in a text. The task usually requires candidates to scan a two-page text; this may be continuous or made up of a group of shorter texts or sections of text. The advice on preparation for Part 1 also applies to Part 4; in addition, candidates should be reminded to fold out the second page of the text so that all the information is available to them simultaneously. When preparing for the examination, it is helpful for candidates to spend time going through past papers. The Reading paper has a standard structure and format so that candidates will know, in general terms, what to expect in each part of the paper. The number of questions within a task may vary for different different Reading tests. It is important to familiarise candidates with the instructi instructions ons on the front page of the question paper, and for each part of  the test; candidates should also be familiar with the technique of indicating their answers on the separate answer sheet so that they can do this quickly and accurately. Some candidates prefer to transfer their answers at the end of each task rather than wait until the end of the examination, in case they do not finish the paper. Page 12

I have this problem with guide books. I read too many hurriedly (usually on a plane) and then forget them and my debt to them. When I’m travelling, I soon learn which to reach for first (perhaps the safest indicator of which is


 best). But a few countries later I have forgotten perhaps not which I chose, but almost certainly why. Good ones are the kick-start for  the experience, rather than the experience itself. So, drawing up a shortlist of  the best guide book series seemed a touch high-handed – especially when you add the vagaries of the series to the equation, for even the best produces its share of  hopeless volumes. What turned it into the confident work of minutes rather than days of agonising was a simple and, once I had thought of it, obvious test. All that was necessary was to imagine I was going somewhere I knew absolutely nothing about and ask myself what guide  books I would look at first. The efficacy of this ploy was such that, when I asked a few other   people to do the same, it came as no surprise to find that we were in almost total agreement. The first two were the easiest. Without any question my first stop would be the Lonely Planet  and the Rough Guide series. I couldn’t, and wouldn’t, choose  between them in advance. There is more between titles within the series than there is between the series themselves. If both covered my destinations (as they usually do), I would want them  both in my hand luggage. Both are practical and tell you the things you really want to know (such as where to get a good cheap meal, and the bus to your next destination). Both started with the young backpacker  in mind, and both are now


 broadening their target readership to include the more affluent 30 plus reader. The R The  Rough Guides, perhaps the more even of the two series, tend to be stronger on Europe and the cultural background, and the more obsessed with what is now termed political correctness (yet they rarely have anything to do with politics). The Lonely Planets are usually stronger east of Suez, and capture the sheer joy of travelling somewhat better. Neither objects to the generalisation that the  Rough Guides are travels by writers, whereas their Australian rivals are written by travellers. To complain,have, as critics occasionally that these guides are guilty of attracting too many people to unspoiled spots, is to miss the point. It proves that  both series are good guide books. The Rough Guide empire emerged from unpromising beginnings. The very first one, written 10 years ago, was the  book on Greece its young authors wanted, but couldn’t find. It had many defects not worth dwelling on now (the current edition is excellent), but for similar reasons I was slow to appreciate the value va lue of the Cadogan series. Its Greek  volume, by its most prolific author, is widely admired. But I have rarely found it worth consulting. It was not until a recent trawl of Caribbean islands that I found the Cadogan volume was the one I was reaching for first. It was the one which really captured the ‘feel’of the islands. It also had


reliable recommendations. Further investigation revealed the series to be the best-written of  all, with a record of bringing on  promising young writers, as well as capturing such established stars as Michael Haag, whose  Egypt it has just published.  Prague, New York , Portugal and  Morocco are particularly good titles. The best book for a destination depends on the destination and you, as well as on the book itself. For instance, the Caribbean I slands Handbook  from the dourly named Trade and Travel Publications had also accompanied me around the Caribbean. comes from the same stableThis as the  South  American Handbook , now in its 70th edition, and widely held to  be the greatest guide book of all time. For erudition and encyclopedic scope, the South American volume is without equal. But, though not without a certain wry humour (and on occasions a barely suppressed joy at unearthing arcane information), one wishes it would allow itself  to be outrageously subjective once in a while. This probably explains why it was rarely the first I reached for. The Caribbean is a place for colour and gut reactions, rather than deadpan assessment. The Michelin green guides are good value and manage the  balancing act between opinion and solid information to perfection. Michelin’s star system (from three for ‘worth the


 journey’ downwards) tells the newcomer to a region exactly what and where its priorities are, and is the best aid to planning an itinerary from scratch that I know. There is nothing on restaurants and hotels, of course, and the red guides with which the green mesh ingeniously, though excellent works of reference in their way, do not entirely fill the gap. Michelin is no good on atmosphere – or people. Personally, they interest me more than buildings and museums. The future almost certainly lies with more graphically adventurous guides. Among those warranting honourable  Access series mention are theEuropean American and cities,on with its user-friendly layout, and the stunning artwork of the new, and few, Everyman guides, which are literally a joy to hold. In this video age, it will no longer   be enough to tell people how to use the buses. You need to show them the ticket machines, too. 0150/1/S96

3 Travel Companions  Mark Ottaway looks at the best  travel guide books available


2 Part 1 Note: Indicate your answers on the separate answer sheet. Page 13 A He actually started toying with the team and trying to gain attention. He would increase his heart rate and show distress d istress so a team member had to quickly suit up to check him over. But as the person entered the pool,


his heart rate returned to normal. B It is large but has only a small opening so, once in, getting out isn't easy. The boats at the event would have panicked the creature and it ended up beached, battered and drained of energy. C The story actually appeared in several national newspapers as well as the local  press. Publicity is very important for  charities like the Marine Life Rescue,  providing precious exposure which pleases the sponsor companies and highlights the team's work. D Luck then seemed to be on the team's side when a double-glazing van-driver stopped to investigate. The driver offered his services to transport the dolphin back to the Sea Life Centre and a lady spectator gave the team a  brand new cooler box to store valuable water to keepbythe moist. E However, thedolphin time they arrived, the dolphin had started to swim unsupported. The press picked up on the story and descended on the Sea Life Centre wanting stories, pictures and any information they could get hold of. And they wanted a name. Mark and the other team members had a hasty think and came up with 'Muddy' – after  all, it was found at Mudeford. F Now the battle to save its life could begin,  but a transportation problem arose. How do you get a grown dolphin back to the Sea Life Centre without a vehicle big enough? G The creature was so weakened by the ordeal that it could not even keep itself afloat and had to be walked in the tank to stop it from just sinking to the bottom and drowning. Most people can only walk a dolphin for around 20 minutes to half an hour. Holding a 150 kg animal away from your body and walking through water at sea temperature saps your strength. 0150/1 W96 [Turn over 

5 Remember to put your answers on the separate answer sheet.



Part 2 For questions questions 18–23, cho choose ose which which of the paragr paragraphs aphs A–G on page 5 fit into the numbered gaps in the following magazine article. There is one extra paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps. Indicate your answers on the separate answer sheet.

[Turn over Page 14 24 Why were there sometimes problems between Mackintosh and his clients? A Mackintosh resented interference from his clients. B Clients refused to pay him in full for his work. C Mackintosh did not pay enough attention to detail. D Clients did not like the changes Mackintosh made. 25 According to the writer, Mackintosh decided to enter the competition because A not many drawings had to be submitted. sub mitted. B no designs were required for furniture. C there was no need to worry about cost. D he had designed similar buildings before. 26 What was significant about Mackintosh's entry for the competition? It was was based considered to be aheadfrom of its time. and Germany. A B It on architecture Austria C It changed the opinion of him in his own country. D It was the most attractive building he had designed. 27 Mackintosh's original designs for the Art Lover's House A included areas intended for commercial use. B gave full information about the interior. C concentrated on external features. D were incomplete in certain respects. 28 If Mackintosh could see the Art Lover's House now, the writer feels he would  probably A think that it had cost too much. B wish he had completed his designs. think it was an improvement on his design. C D approve of Roxburgh's approach to building it. Remember to put your answers on the separate answer sheet. 0151/1 W96 [Turn over 76 Part 3 sheet, On your answer Page 15

Part 4 For questions 29 – 46, answer by choosing from the list of races (A – G). Some of the choices may be required more than once. Note: When more then one answer an swer is required, these may be given In any order. Indicate your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Page 16

C BOSTON MARATHON Qualifying for Boston has become a goal for  runners everywhere. Arguably the world’s most famous marathon (now over 100 years old), Boston was known to sports fans decades  before there was any such thing as a running  boom. While the event has been modernised to accommodate the financial realities of big-time marathoning, Boston retains many of its charms and traditions from the old days. One is the Monday noon start (Patriots Day in Massachusetts) at Hopkinton's village green. The Boston experience includes Hopkinton’s crowded and frantic start, the deafening cheers from the women of Wellesley College, the reality test of the Newton Hills (including, at 17 miles, the infamous Heartbreak Hill) and a downtown Boston finish in front of thousands of spectators. Runners take overwarm-up the city the with exhibitions, runsweekend along thebefore, Charles River and famous-runner sightings among the leading activities. Moderately demanding qualifying standards limit the field to about 7,000 and add prestige to the event.

D NEW YORK CITY MARATHON The ‘big daddy’ of the modern big-city megamarathon, the New York traces its humble origins to a four-lap run around Central Cen tral Park  which took place in 1970, with 55 finishers. When the race went citywide in 1976, the world took notice, and the field has now ballooned to nearly 30,000. Apply early for entry – more runners are rejected than accepted through New York's lottery system. The race starts at the world’s largest suspension bridge, the Verrazano Narrows, and finishes among falling autumn leaves in stately Central Park. The meandering point-topoint course (with some hills) passes through all five New York boroughs, giving runners a rich sampling of the city's many ethnic neighbourhoods and subcultures and weaving them through crowds of enthusiastic spectators. The race-support covers every imaginable runner need, from foreign-language translation


to psychological trauma counselling.

A SWISS ALPINE RACES This is as beautiful – and tortuous – as it sounds: the Swiss Alpine races take runners through verdant upland meadows and deep woods on  primitive running trails. Runners travel through tunnels, over high wooden bridges, up flights of  steps and through mountain villages, with only yodelling spectators to break the silence. Two of the three races (the 28-kilometre  Landwasserlauf and  Landwasserlauf  and the 67-kilometre ‘marathon’)  begin benignly enough on a stadium track in Davos (at 5,000m), a centre for high-altitude sports training in Europe. The mid-distance Sertiglauf covers Sertiglauf  covers the last 39 kilometres of the marathon course, providing runners with the challenge of crossing the 3,000 m Sertig Pass. Founded as recently as 1986, the races already attract more than 2,000 runners from over 20 countries to the south-eastern, quadrant of Switzerland. A training Germanspeaking camp, held the week before the race, includes alpine running and hiking in the mountains to help runners to acclimatise to the altitude.

B STRAMILANO 15KM & HALF-MARATHON Italy’s electrifying Stramilano breaks the pattern for road races by holding separate events in four  classes of running. On the Saturday, thousands of spectators jam the streets at the heart of the city of 1.7 million people to watch 200 élite men run a four-lap half-marathon. The next day's citizens’ 15-kilometre race draws a field of  around 50,000 from 50 countries to trek from the Piazza Duomo (the square in front of Milan's massive white marble cathedral, which dates from 1386) to Arena Stadium. About 2,500 nonélite runners opt for a half-marathon that begins and ends in the stadium. Finally, there’s a 6-kilometre junior fun run from the Piazza Duomo to the stadium. Founded in 1972, Stramilano is one of the  best deals in international road racing. For the equivalent of £5, runners receive a programme, medal and T-shirt. Until recently, the race has  been largely unknown outside Italy, even though Milan has long been Italy's centre for finance, sport


and some of the greatest northern Italian cuisine.

9 WORLD’S TOP DISTANCE RACES We’ve scoured the globe to find the world's best distance events – and we’ve found them, 7 races which you simply must run if you get the chance. 0150/1 S97

10 E THE MÉDOC AND GRAVES MARATHON It may not be the ideal race to set a world best in,  but if it’s fun and frivolity you want throughout your 42 kilometres, then Médoc has it in abundance. It features an extraordinary party in the grounds of an ancient château, a route that cuts through the cloistered, manicured private vineyards of the region, and the kind of  hospitality and atmosphere that no other event can match. Fancy dress is the order of the day, with wide-eyed villagers turning out to cheer on hordes offrom runners they make their slow  progress the as wine parishes of Pauillac, St Estèphe, St Julien and Margaux. Finishers get an open-air supper and take home a wooden-cased bottle of claret, a pendant cast as a bunch of grapes and a knapsack to carry the goodies in. Understandably, the French make up the lion’s share of the field, but although large tour groups are discouraged, single competitors or small independent groups are welcomed with open arms. Apply early – it’s the most popular  marathon in France and always heavily oversubscribed. But with all that for under a fiver, it’s not hard to understand why.


Set in the Rocky Mountain foothills and with the  presence of a core of élite athletes and a fitnessmad  population, one of America’s largest 10kilometre races is a natural outgrowth of the Boulder Community. Few cities do a better job of  giving 30,000 runners a memorable day without losing them in the masses. Some 40 wave starts, in which runners are grouped with those of similar ability, ensure a smooth, uncrowded course. The ‘citizen’ divisions begin first, so that later everybody gets to watch separate fields of  élite men and women sprint to the tape in the


51,000-seat Folsom Field stadium. To take your mind off the gruelling nature of  this hilly, mile-high course, there are entertainers  performing along the way, including belly dancers, gymnasts and rock bands. There are 10 prizes for each age group, and all finishers receive a certificate with their official time and  placing. The race has gone from strength to strength since 1979, when local banker Steve Bosley and Olympic gold medallist Frank Shorter  created the event. 0150/1 S97

G LONDON MARATHON Inspired by Chris Brasher’s trip to New York in 1980, the race has now surpassed its older  American cousin in numbers of applicants, entrants and finishers. In 1994, with the finish moved from Westminster Bridge back down the Mall to the steps of Buckingham Palace, the number 25,000. of finishers reached a historic high of  The now familiar flat-to-downhill course, starting at Greenwich Park and on Blackheath Common and passing the Cutty Sark, the Tower  of London and the Houses of Parliament along the way, packs in more history than a secondary-school textbook. Competition for places is intense, with the lottery for ‘open’ spots denting more than a few British club runners’ ambitions. Not only is the race the world’s biggest in numerical terms, it also raises the most money for charity. Cartoon characters, charging rhinos and Zulu warriors all find their way onto the start line, with thousands of pounds riding on their successful finish. Page 17 PAPER 1 READING ANSWER KEY Part 1 1D 2B 3E 4/5 A/B 6/7 F/G 8D 9C 10 A 11 G 12/13 A/B 14 E 15 C


16 E 17 C Part 2 18 D 19 G 20 E 21 C 22 B 23 A Part 3 24 A 25 C 26 A 27 D 28 D Part 4 29 B 30 G 31 C 32 B 33 C 34 D 35 A 36 D 37 C 38/39 D/G 40 C 41/42 B/E 43 C 44 A 45 D 46 F Questions 1–17 and 29–46 are given one mark each. Questions 18–28 are given two marks each.  The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 40. PAPER 1 READING ANSWER SHEET

Paper 2 sample papers

Page 18 PAPER 2 WRITING General Description Paper Format  The paper contains two parts. Number of Tasks Candidates are required to complete two tasks: a compulsory one in Part 1 and one from a choice of four in Part 2. Task Types From the following: newspaper and magazine articles, contributions to leaflets and brochures, notices, announcements, announce ments, personal notes and messages, formal and informal letters, reports, proposals, reviews, instructi instructions, ons,


directions, competition entries, information sheets, memos, written for a given purpose and target reader. Answering Candidates write their answers on separate answer paper. Timing 2 hours. Marks Each question in the paper carries equal marks.

1 2 Task Type and Focus Applying information contained in the input, selecting & summarising input, comparing items of  information;; task types from information the following: newspaper and magazine articles, contributions contribut ions to leaflets and brochures, notices, announcements, announce ments, personal notes and messages, formal and informal letters, reports, proposals, reviews, instructions, directions, competition entries,memos. information sheets,  Task types as for Part 1. One or more compulsory tasks. Approx. 250 words in total. Four questions from which candidates choose one. Approx. 250 words. A contextualised writing task giving candidates guidance to the content through instructions instructio ns and one or more texts and/or visual prompts. A contextualised writing task specified in no more than 80 words

Number of Tasks and Length Task Format Part Page 19 PREPARING FOR PAPER 2 Part 1 Part 1 is compulsory and requires candidates to process about 400 words of input material, and use the information appropriately to perform the task required. Candidates must read all the input material carefully, selecting that which is important. Input material may consist of varied combination combinations s of text and notes, sometimes supported supported by illustrations or diagrams. The task is often divided into more than one section. Task types will vary in Part 1, and may include formal letters, informal letters, reports, articles, notes or any combination of these. (See page 18 for full list.) Part 2 2, candidates have to choose one of four tasks. This In Part part covers a range of task types, such as articles, reports and


leaflets, and includes a work-orientated task as the last of the four questions. Students must become aware of the need to adopt an appropriate appropri ate style, layout and register for the format (or text type) of each writing task: the overall aim of the task being to have a positive effect on the target reader. Teachers need to spend time focusing on the key elements of the task type and draw attention to the differences and constraints involved.. Notes, for example, need to be concise, while a involved report should not look like a discursive composition or a letter. Candidates should be told to avoid selecting a task in Part 2 if they are unfamiliar with the appropriate features of  the particular format. Equally, candidates with no relevant business or work experience are not advised to choose the work question. During the preparation stage, students can learn to write in a variety of styles and registers and identify which tasks are best suited to their interests and experience. Examiners are looking for an appropriate selection and expansion of the key points. Paragraphs should be well organised and points need to be appropriately linked.  Therefore, answers need to be planned carefully and students may need help in this respect. They also need to practise checking their work for errors and inaccuracies. To get them into the habit, teachers can encourage studen students ts to give homework a final check, in class, before handing it in. Answers which suffer from irrelevance, repetition, deviation, needless repetition of rubric, illegibili illegibility, ty, misinterpretation or omission are likely to be penalised. In assessing written work, teachers should become familiar with the assessment criteria and try to apply them. Examiners will conside considerr a number of factors, such as: content, organisation organisation,, cohesion, range and accuracy of structure and vocabulary, register and effect on target reader. Feedback on students’ written work which relates to the assessment criteria will help them to learn what is being assessed and where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Some students fail to do as well as they might otherwise due to their poor grammar. To help rectify this, teachers should encourage students to spend time looking carefully at their corrected written work. Serious, numerous and/or repetitive errors may need to be dealt with systematically. There are various ways in which this might be done. Some students may benefit re-writing their errors work, in whole or incan part, leaving gapsfrom where grammatical occur. They then go back to the gapped version later and try to fill the gaps. Further remedial action may be taken where errors persist. Model answers which incorporate typical student errors, such as spelling, unnecessary and omitted words can also help students to identify and correct common grammatical errors. Well-written model answers can also provide students with good examples of natural language appropriate to the task. However, care should be taken. Students do not need to write ‘perfect’ answers; model answers which are beyond the level to which students might reasonably aspire might be de-motivating and therefore should be avoided.  To become more effective at written communication, students often need to improve the range and extent of their productive vocabulary. Word lists, recycling activities, vocabulary games and exercises, as well as extensive and intensive reading practice will serve to achieve this aim.


Page 20 ASSESSMENT An impression mark is awarded to each piece of writing; all tasks carry the same maximum mark.  The general impression mark scheme is used in conjunction with a task-specific mark scheme, which focuses on criteria specific to each particular task. This summarises the content content,, organisation and cohesion cohesion,, range of structures and vocabulary, register and format format,, and target reader indicated in the task which need to be included to achieve band 3 or above. Acceptable performance performance at CAE is represented by a band of  3. A piece of writing which fails to meet the criteria described in the task-specific mark scheme for that task cannot achieve more than band 2. The accuracy of  language, including spelling and punctuation, is assessed on the general impression scale for all tasks. General Impression Mark Scheme  This mark scheme is interpreted at CAE level. Band 5 Minimal errors: resourceful, controlled and natural use of language, showing good range of  vocabulary and structure. Task fully completed, with good use of cohesive devices, consistently appropriate appropri ate register. No relevant omissions. N.B. Not necessari necessarily ly a flawless performan performance. ce. Very positive effect on target reader. Sufficiently natural, errors only when more complex language attempted. Some evidence of  range of vocabulary and structure. Good realisation of task, only minor omissions. Attention paid to organisation and cohesion; register usually appropriate. Positive effect on target reader achieved. (a) Fewer than 50 words per question. or (b) Totally illegible work. or (c) Total irrelevance (often a previously prepared answer to a different question).

Band Band Band Band Band

4 3 2 1 0

Either (a) task reasonabl reasonably y achieved, accuracy of language satisfactory satisfactory and adequate range of  vocabulary vocabular y and range of structure structures s or (b) an ambitious attempt at the task, causing a number of  non-impeding errors, but a good range of vocabulary and structure demonstrated. There may be minor omissions, but content clearly organised. Would achieve the required effect on target reader. Some attempt at task but lack of expansion and/or notable omissions/irrel omissions/irrelevancies. evancies. Noticeable lifting of language from the input, often inappropria inappropriately. tely. Errors sometimes obscure communication and/or language is too elementary for this level. Content not clearly organised. Would have a negative effect on target reader. Serious lack of control and/or frequent basic errors. Narrow range of language. Inadequate attempt at task. Very negative effect on target reader. Page 21 During marking, each examiner is apportioned scripts chosen on a random basis from the whole entry in order to ensure there is no concentration of good or weak scripts or of one large centre of one country in the allocation of any one examiner. Each script is marked twice by different examiners, and where thereisis significant disagreement in the marks allocated, the script marked a third time. Length


 The specific number of words used is not taken into account (except in band 0), as length is an integral part of task achievement. Significantly Significantly fewer words are likely to mean that the task has not been completed, whereas over-long pieces of writing may involve irrelevance or have a negative effect on the target reader. If this is the case, over-length will be penalised. Handwriting Work which is difficult to read is penalised by a one or possibly two-band reduction depending on the degree of  illegibility. Spelling American spelling is acceptable, but there should be consistency. Poor spelling is penalised by a one-band reduction if it interferes with communication. Irrelevance  The examiners’ first priority is to give credit for the candidates’ efforts at communication, but candidates are penalised for content irrelevant irrelevant to the task set. Layout Following the conventions of the various task types (writing letters, reports, instructions, instructions, etc.) is part of task achievement achievement.. Any acceptable modern layout for a formal letter may be used. Paragraphs should be clearly laid out either by indenting or by leaving a space between each paragraph. MARKING  The panel of examiners is divided into small teams, each with a very experienced examiner as Team Leader. A Principal Examiner guides and monitors the marking process, beginning with a meeting of the Principal Examiner for the paper and the Team Leaders. This is held immediately after the examination and begins the process of establishing a common standard of assessment by the selection of sample scripts for all the questions in Paper 2. These are chosen to demonstrate the range of responses and different levels of  competence, and a task-specific mark scheme is finalised for each individual task on the paper. Examiners discuss these task-specific and general mark schemes and refer to them regularly while they are working. A rigorous process of co-ordination and checking is carried out before and throughout the marking process. Page 22

PAPER Part 1 2 WRITING SAMPLE PAPER You do not need to include postal addresses. You should use your own words as far as possible.

Page 23 Part 2

Page 24 MARK SCHEMES & SAMPLE SCRIPTS WITH EXAMINER COMMENTS  The accuracy of language, including spelling and punctuation, is assessed on the general impression scale for all tasks. Criteria for assessing specific range of language and task achievement are outlined below. QUESTION 1 TASK-SPECIFIC MARK SCHEME BAND 3 DESCRIPTORS (SATISFACTORY) Content (points covered)  To obtain a band 3 or above, both tasks must be attempted and use made of the information in the poster and the memo across the two tasks. N.B. It is not necessary to include all the handwritten notes on the memo, even for


a 5. Article: must inform students of Principal Principal’s ’s intentions and encourage them to oppose these plans. Letter: must state students’ /committee’s opposition to the Principal’s plans. Organisation and Cohesion Article: early mention of the issue. Clearly organised with suitable paragraphing. paragraphing. Better candidates will attempt to engage the reader’s attention. Part 1  The testing focus of Part 1 is on content, effective organis organisation ation of the input, appropriacy of the piece(s) of writing to the intended audience, and on accuracy. Some use of key words from the input is acceptable, but candidates should have re-worded phrases appropriately. The range of vocabulary, functions and structures will be defined by the task. Letter: formal letter layout with appropriate opening and closing formulae (addresses not needed). Suitable linking of  ideas and clear paragraphing. Range Article: language of giving information, opinion and persuasion. Letter: language of disagreement and opinion. Register Article: consistently informal or neutral, with rallying tone that will encourage students to take action. Letter: formal with polite opposition opposition.. Target Reader Article: will be clearly informed and prepared to take action. Letter: will understand the students’ position. CANDIDAT E A Save Our Sports Our College wants to sell off sports facilities.  The student welfare committee has recently been confronted by a memo from our Principle, in which he showed his intention to hire the sports hall to the public and to sell the football field. Principal Baton backed his decision by saying the college had to save – a fact we had never heard of – and that the sports facilities are under-used. The committee has conducted a survey to prove that this is not the case. Over sixty percent of the students use the sports hall more than three times a week. And though there are only two football matches a month the field is used for training. We need your help! Support the committee that we can use our sports facilities further on and don’t have to pay membership forsure our that, own sports centre. Show the Principal your enthusiasm and interest. I am if we stand together, we will get our sports back. Page 25 EXAMINER COMMENTS Content Article: Fully completed. Letter: Fully completed and particularly resourceful. Organisation and Cohesion Article: A well thought out approach to organisation. Three logical paragraphs paragraphs which define the context, set out the facts, and call for action. Letter: Well organised. Links the committee’s opposition and a positive suggestion for future discussion. Range Article: Good evidence of range e.g. conducted a survey; if  we stand together. Letter: Good range e.g. proved e.g. proved the contrary; decided to oppose; at least in this form. Extremely diplomatic - But I am


sure we can talk about this matter... Register Article: Could perhaps have adopted a more rallying tone from the outset, though this comes through at the end of the article e.g. We need your help! Support the committee... Letter: very controlled indignation e.g. to express the committee’s concern. Good formal language throughout. Target Reader Article: Would be informed. Letter: Might be prepared to negotiate. Accuracy Article: Not a flawless performance e.g. we can use our  sports facilities further on... Letter: Generally accurate but one or two slips e.g. besides the high school fees. Band 5  The Student Welfare Committee Christopher Halle Einstein College 12 June 1997 E.G. Baton, Principl Principle e Dear Mr Baton, I am writing to you to express the committee’s concern about your plans for the sports facilities. You asserted a lack of student interest. So we conducted a survey which proved the contrary. Sixty percent of the students use the sports hall more than three times a week and the football ground is also used for training between the matches.  Therefore the committee decided to oppose your intention, at least in this form. Students would not be able to practise if the hall were open for public all day and it is certainly not fair that they should pay besides the high school fees. The committee also had not heared that the college had to cut costs. But I am sure we can talk about this matter and would be glad if we could arrange a meeting between you and the committee. I look forward to hearing from you.   Yours sincerely, Christopher Halle CHRISTOPHER HALLE (Student Welfare Committee) Page 26 Part 2 In Part 2, there is more latitude in the interpretation of the task. The task assessment focus is mainly on content, range and style/register, style/regi ster, with attention paid to how successfu successfully lly the candida candidate te has produced the task type required. QUESTION 2 TASK-SPECIFIC MARK SCHEME BAND 3 DESCRIPTORS (SATISFACTORY) Content (points covered) For a band 3 or above, the competition entry must address both parts of the question: • state what appeals to the candidate about Australia; • explain how the candidate will benefit from studying there. Organisation and Cohesion  The piece of writing should be clearly organised with suitable paragraphing. paragraphing. N.B. It is acceptable to open and close the competition entry in letter format to the school. Range Language of description, opinion and explanation. Register Must be consistent, but could range from fairly informal to fairly formal. Should have enthusiastic tone.


Target Reader Would be informed and would consider shortlisting the entry for competition competition.. CANDIDATE B Australia, a different way of life First of all Australia seems to be one of the ideal place to live on earth.  This country offers a huge varieties of wild and weird animals such as the Kangourou and the koala. Who has never dreamt to study in a country with a warm and welcoming climate. Farthermore the Australia has been choose to be the next olympic country. It shows, beyond the shadow of a doubt that Australia is a fair country But, above all, what can lead to believe that studying in such a country is benefit is the kindness and the good spirit state of the people. All this point make me want to study in Australia. EXAMINER COMMENTS Content At 112 words the task is inadequately covered. If each of the points made had been expanded and explored, the content might have been adequate for the task set. Organisation and Cohesion  The candidate has written sentence paragraphs. These read more like the sub-headings of a longer article. Range Some range has been by the candidate e.g. beyond the shadow of demonstrated a doubt. Register  The register is appropriate for an article. Target Reader Would not consider shortlisting the entry. Accuracy Frequent basic errors e.g. one of the ideal place; a huge varieties; the Australia has been choose; All this point. Band 1 Page 27 QUESTION 3 TASK-SPECIFIC MARK SCHEME BAND 3 DESCRIPTORS (SATISFACTORY) Content (points covered) For a band 3 or above, the article must: • name the winner and runner-up; • give details of the hobby or pastime of each; • say why they have won (this may be implicit). Organisation and Cohesion Early reference to the competition. The article should be clearly organised with suitable paragraphing. Range Language of description, evaluation and opinion. Vocabulary relating to the hobbies chosen. Register Consistently neutral, formal or informal. Target Reader Would be informed. CANDIDATE C If you are an usual reader of their magazine, maybe you’ll remember our competition ‘The most interestin interesting g hobby’; the entry forms were included in the last issue and now it is time to reveal the winners. I’ve chosen two amazing collectors, but who are they? and what do they collect? Let’s start with the runner-u runner-up, p, Jane Hemsworth, from Bramley: she collects cigarrette’s packets! She is


always looking for a new brand, a new strange size or shape of these little boxes which hasn’t any interest for most of us. ‘Have you ever realised how interesting the design of the letters are?’ she asked me; nevertheless nevertheles s she is a Graphic Designer. But you don’t know everything, she is a non-smoker! And the 1st prize winner, Richard James, from Chelsea: he collects helmets!; every single one you are able to name is already in his collection: helmets for bycicles, motorbikes, motorbikes, for jokeys, the differen differentt ones used in the construction of buildings ... and WAR HELMETS! It was his grandfather who gave him his first pieces from the II World War and since then, Richard is specially interested in these sort of helmets. More than 500 entries were registered in this competition; the selection was hard but, in the end, I decided that the two prizewinners mentioned above were the ones with the most amazing and amusing hobbies. EXAMINER COMMENTS Content  The task has been completed, even though it is slightly underlength. The prize winners are named and their hobbies described in detail. The final sentence gives a clear, if brief, explanation as to why these two entries won the competition. Organisation and Cohesion Good opening and conclusion, which are linked well to the body of the article. The descriptions of the hobbies are appropriately paragraphed. Range Some good relevant vocabulary relating to magazines and competitions competition s e.g. in the last issue; to reveal the winners. Register Consistently and appropriately informal. The tone is lively and addresses the reader directly. Target Reader Would be informed. Accuracy  There are some non-impedi non-impeding ng errors e.g. cigarret cigarrette’s te’s packets; nevertheless; jokeys; bycicles. There bycicles. There are also several basic errors e.g. interesting the design of the letters are; ....and since then, Richard is specially interested in.... Band 3 Page 28 Range Language of description, opinion and possibly comparison and contrast. Range of tenses. Vocabulary relating to relationships. Register Neutral to formal. Must be consistent throughout. Target Reader Would be clearly informed. CANDIDATE D QUESTION 4 TASK-SPECIFIC MARK SCHEME BAND 3 DESCRIPTORS (SATISFACTORY) Content (points covered) For a band 3 or above, the report must describe the current typical family situation in the candidate’s own country (one aspect of this is sufficient) and mention how this might change in the future. N.B. Candidate’s own view of what should happen is an acceptable interpretation. Organisation and Cohesion


Clear organisation of main points. Appropriate introduction and conclusion. conclusion. N.B. Acceptab Acceptable le to write as a newspape newspaperr report. The family in France Nowadays, in France, the average number of children is two per family, whereas elderly people used to have five or six sisters and brothers or even more when they were young, at least in my region: Brittany, where children were useful in farms as they were growing up. More and more people divorce, and afterwards remain single, live with someone, or get married another time. If they have children, these live generally with their mother but it occurs more and more that they live with their father. That is probably due to this trend that there are less and less weddings.  Young people prefer living with a mate without marrying him or her, or if they marry, they do it later than their parents who used to do it around the age of 20. That is why they usually have their first child later than their parents. Grand-parents are still important in French families, but when they get older, they do not usually come and live in their children’s place as before. They are healthy enough to live alone or they go to residences for old people. Children sometimes live in towns further from their parents’ place than before, but their place is still the one where we like to stay at the week-ends or the holiday holidays. s. Unfortunately, I think that this trend of living further from their parents than before will get worse in the years to come, because of the unemploymen unemploymentt rate. Indeed even if young people tend to live longer in their parents’ house, they have to search a job not only in their town but sometimes in the whole country, and when they find one, they leave, even abroad sometimes, because it is so hard to get something! I think that the average number of children will remain the same or will decrease, as people have their children older and perhaps do not want to give birth to future unemployed people. Finally, I think that the number of divorces, and people who live together but unmarried, will increase. Page 29 EXAMINER COMMENTS Content  The task has been fully completed completed.. It is informative, and deals well with both the current family situation, and how it might change in future. Organisation and Cohesion  There is an absence of report features, such as headings, but the writing is appropriately paragraphed, with an introduction and conclusion. It is well-organised and on the whole coherent, though at times the sentences are long and a little difficult to follow e.g. Indeed, even if young people ...because it is so hard to get something! Range  There is evidence of range. The language of comparison is good e.g. whereas; more and more people. people . A range of  relevant topic vocabulary has also been used e.g. ....the average number of children is two per family; due to this trend. Register Consistently and appropriately neutral.




band 2. Organisation and Cohesion  The candidate has organised the writing e.g. there is a welcoming introductory sentence, appropriate paragraphing of the main content points, and a good conclusion to the leaflet. Range  There is certainly evidence of range e.g. was founded; mould; it would have a devestating effect. The effect.  The language is ambitious e.g. Since gold is a soft metal, we have to spray it  with a special mixture. Register Friendly and welcoming tone. Target Reader Would be interested and partially informed. informed. Accuracy Mostly spelling errors e.g. milion; luxorious; colourd; repurtation. Also mistakes in verb agreement e.g. our workers needs. Band 2

Paper 3 sample paper Page 31 PAPER 3 ENGLISH IN USE General Description Paper Format  The paper contains six parts. Number of Questions 80. Task Types Multiple-choice Multiple-ch oice cloze, open cloze, error correction, word formation, register transfer, gapped text. Task Focus Understanding Understand ing and control of the formal elements of  language in context. Answering Foranswer all parts of this paper candidates write their answers on an sheet. Timing 1 hour 30 minutes. Marks One mark is given for each correct answer.

Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 Task Type and Focus Multiple-choice cloze An emphasis on lexis Open cloze An emphasis on structure


Error correction An emphasis on structure, lexis and punctuation Word formation An emphasis on lexis Register transfer An emphasis on register Gapped text An emphasis on cohesion and coherence 15 15 16 13 6 15 A modified cloze text of approximately 200 words containing 15 gaps and followed by 15 four-option multiple-choice questions. A modified cloze text of approximately 200 words containing 15 gaps. A text of approxim approximately ately 200 words containing errors as specified in the rubric, e.g., extra words, mis-spellings, punctuation errors, etc., which must be identified.  Two short texts of up to 130 words each. Candidates must form an appropriate word to complete each gap using the given prompt words.  Two texts, each about 150 words in length.  The first may include information in tabular form, and is followed by an incomplete (gapped) text providing the same information in a different register which candidates must complete. A text of about 300 words with gaps at phrase and/or sentence level followed by a list of 10 options. Candidates must select the correct options from the list to complete the text.

Number of  Questions Task Format Page 32 and collocations is as important as knowing the meaning of  words and candidates should be encouraged to learn whole phrases rather than words in isolation. In Parts 1, 2 and 6 it is a good idea for candidates to start by thinking briefly about the title as this might provide clues as to style and/or subject matter. By reading the text through quickly, ignoring the gaps as much as possible, candidates will become aware of the general subject of the text and its style. Consideration of such features may help when deciding which words are right. When deciding which word or phrase should go in each gap, candidates must give careful consideration consideration to the local context and other parts of  the text as well. Clues may lie in a number of features features,, such as the grammatical context and/or the punctuation.  The exact nature of the correction task in Part 3 varies from paper to paper, so candidates must learn to look carefully at the task instructions and the example answers, and follow the guidance they offer. The skill of proof-reading can have obvious benefits for candidates’ own writing. Teachers may choose to indicate to students in which lines of their written work errors have occurred to provide further proof-reading


practice. Teachers may also choose to encourage students to proof-read and help correct each other’s written work. In Part 4, the word formation task, candidates should look at the surrounding context context to determine the exact form of the required word. Prefixes, suffixes and plural forms will be included. Concentrating on the use of prefixes and suffixes to build words and focusing on how words change word class will help candidates, not only in this task, but also to further extend their own lexicons.  To prepare for Part 5, the transfer of information from one text type to another, candidate candidates s will benefit from extensive work on text comparison. They need to become acquain acquainted ted with the relevant grammatical and lexical features of  different styles of writing. This will also have obvious benefits for candidates’ writing for Paper 2. Apart from in the spelling/punctuation error task, the absence or misuse of capital letters in answers is ignored. However, incorrect spelling is penalised. PREPARING FOR PAPER 3  The English in Use paper is divided into six parts, each part being defined in terms of its task type and language focus. In Part 1, 1, candidates must choose one word from a set of  four (A, B, C, D) to fill a gap in a text. This involves choosing the answer which has the right meaning and fits both in the local grammatic grammatical al context and within the text as a whole. Thisas part of as theidioms, paper tests phrases collocations, well phrasal verbs and and linkers. Part 2 is an open modified cloze containing fifteen gaps, testing awareness and control of structural items. Answers must be correct both syntactically and semantically. A single word is needed to fill each gap but there may be more than one word which is acceptable for each gap. Part 3 consists of a correction exercise of which there are two types. In the first, candidates have to identify additional words which are incorporated into the text. In the second type, errors of spelling and punctuation have to be identified. There are 16 lines to be corrected and candidates should not expect more than five lines to be correct. Part 4 is designed to test awareness of word formation. The task requires candidates to form an appropriate word, using the given prompt words, to fill each of the gaps in the two short texts. Part 5 is designed to test awareness and control of features of style and appropriateness. The task requires candidates to transfer information information given in one text into another. The two texts are different from each other in terms of register, writer’s purpose and/or style. The grammar and items of  vocabulary given in one text need to be transformed into suitable expressions expressions in order to complete the second text.  The answers must be grammatically accurate as well as stylistically stylisticall y appropriate in terms of both the text’s audience and the writer’s purpose. Content words, i.e. nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, contained in the first text may not be used in the second. However, structural words, i.e. conjunctions, conjunct ions, prepositions, articles, etc may be used. Part 6 consists of a text from which a selection of  phrases/short sentences have been removed and placed below the text along with several additional phrases. Candidates need to select the appropriate phrase/short phrase/short sentence for each gap in the text. This task is devised to test an awareness of discourse features which operate within and


across a text, particularly features of cohesion and coherence.  To develop their grammatical awareness, candidates will need plenty of controlled practice. They should also become familiar with grammatical terminology, such as adjective, conjunction, preposition, etc. Knowing grammatical patterns Page 33 PAPER 3 ENGLISH IN USE SAMPLE PAPER Section A Part 1

Page 34 Section B 4 Part 2 Part 3

Page 35 6 Part 4 For questions 47-61 47-61,, read the two texts on pages 6 and 7. Use the words in the boxes to the right of the two texts to formone formone word that fits in the same numbered space in the text. Write the new word in the correct box on your answer sheet. The exercise begins with an example(0) (0).. With this letter you will find your (0) your (0) ... to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Please note that it will take place on 10 September (the last newsletter (47) newsletter  (47) ... stated that the meeting would be on 9 September). The meeting will begin at 8pm but (48) ... will be available from 7pm. You will therefore have time to chat (49) ... with committee members and (50) ... of the Society before the meeting commences. At 8pm, the Chairman will make a brief (51) (51) ... speech and then put forward some proposals for  your (52) your  (52) ... There will also be elections to fill the two (53) ... on the committee. The enclosed agenda gives a full description of the business to be conducted at the meeting. 0 INVITE 47 CORRECT 48 REFRESH 49 FORMAL 50 OFFICE 51 INTRODUCE 52 APPROVE 53 VACANT 0 0 Example: invitation ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

EXTRACT FROM LETTER 7 DREAMING The first study of what goes on in our heads during dreaming has been completed, casting light on an activity that humans have always found (54) .... . The research, reported in the journal Nature Nature,, opens up a (55)with .... a new in efforts understand what.... we do (56)chapter .... of our lives. Ittosupports the(57) the(57) that dreams are formed by calling up images from a store of emotional memories. Scientists find dreaming an enormous puzzle. The reason for their  (58) .... lies in the (59) .... complicated design of the brain which contains as many nerve cells as there are stars in the universe. Each of the nerve cells communicates with thousands of its neighbours, producing an (60) .... amount of chatter. Now , however, it seems scientists are beginning to make sense of the brain’s (61) .... activity. 54 MYSTERY 55 SIGNIFY 56 THREE 57 SUPPOSE 58 IGNORE 59 ASTONISH 60 BELIEVE 61 NIGHT


Page 36 Part 6 complex rules (80) .... The monstrous infant becomes the caring, responsible adult whose life experiences revolve around both the joys and pains, and the giving and receiving, of 


friendships and other relationships. It is this remarkable transformation which is the central characteristic of being human. For questions 75–80 75–80,, read the following text and then c hoose from the list A–J given below the best phrase to fill each of the spaces. Write one letter (A–J ( A–J)) in the correct box on your answer sheet. Each correct phrase may only be used once. Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all. all . The exercise begins with an example (0 ( 0). (79) .... on being able to form reciprocal bonds with others and to follow


Part 5 For questions 62–74 62–74,, read the following notes made by a club secretary. Use the information in the notes to complete the numbered gaps in the letter to club members which follows. Then write the new words in the correct spaces on your answer sheet. The words you needdo needdo not occur in occur in the notes. Use no more than two words for each gap. gap. The exercise begins with an example (0 (0).

Write to all club members to make them feel at home and to give them the latest details about all the activities coming up soon. Mention: • Party on 18th - mainly to say hello to new members. If old members bring along 2 new members, they get in without paying for ticket. Otherwise £2 (this includes disco, snacks, coffee). • Talk by James Dixon ‘Sailing Round the World’. (M. told S. that he’s got some fantastic video film as well as loads of interesting anecdotes about his adventures.) Push for a good turnout, otherwise it looks bad - he’s put off a meeting with another group to speak to us. • Excursion to London (end Dec?) - to museum, restaurant and theatre but only if enough members are interested. People must let us know now if they think they might come along. Ask members to give us ideas on particular museums, restaurants and theatres they’d like to go to.

Dear Club Members, We have an exciting few months ahead of us. The purpose of this letter is to (0) ... you on our plans for ( for  (62 62)) ... First of all, there is a party to (63) 63) ... new members. It costs £2 to come unless you ( you (64 64)) ... by two new members, in which case you get in (65 65)) ... The price of the ticket includes entertainment and ( and (66) 66) ... On the 31st, there is going to be talk by James Dixon about ( about (67 67)) ... round the world. He (68) 68) ... to be a very  entertaining speaker and to have some interesting films of his journey. We are hoping very much that a (69 69)) ... of  members will be able to attend this meeting. Mr Dixon was kind enough (70 70)) ... a meeting ( meeting (71 71)) ... in order to be with us. Finally, can I remind you about our ( our (72 72)) ... visit to London. If there is enough interest we shall organise a visit to the capital towards the end of December. Please (73 73)) ... us as soon as possible if you think you might be interested  so that we can decide whether to go ahead with plans. We should also be grateful for ( for (74 74)) ... specific places to visit or shows to see in the evening. Looking forward to seeing you soon, John Smith

0 0 Example: update


0 J 0 0 Example: J 

Page 37 PAPER 3 ENGLISH IN USE ANSWER KEY Part 1 1A 2B 3C 4A 5D 6D 7C 8B 9B 10 A 11 D 12 B 13 A 14 D 15 C Part 2 16 every/each 17 as 18 in 19 but/though/although/yet 20 to 21 by 22 are 23 for/at 24 all 25 by 26 them 27 needs/requires 28 where


29 What 30 own/personal Part 3 31 a 32  33 had 34 really 35 all 36  37 on 38 these 39  40 all 41 been 42 which 43  44 quite 45 warm 46 very Part 4 47 incorrectly 48 refreshments 49 informally 50 officers/officials 51 introductory 52 53 approval vacancies 54 mysterious 55 significant 56 third 57 supposition 58 ignorance 59 astonishingly 60 unbelievable 61 nightly/night-time Part 5 62 the future/future events 63 welcome/introduce (the/our) 64 are accompanied 65 free/for nothing 66 refreshments 67 his journey(s)/trip(s) 68 is said/supposed/known/considered 69 large/great number 70 to postpone 71 somewhere else/previously arranged 72 proposed/planned/possible 73 inform/tell/contact 74 suggestions/recommendations about/concerning Part 6 75 F 76 I 77 C 78 A 79 B 80 H Page 38 PAPER 3 ENGLISH IN USE ANSWER SHEETS


Paper 4 sample papers Page 39 PAPER 4 LISTENING General Description Paper Format  The paper contains four parts. Each part contains a recorded text or texts and corresponding comprehension tasks. Number of Questions 30–40. Text Types From the following: Monologues: announcements, radio broadcasts, telephone messages, speeches, talks, lectures. Conversations between 2 or 3 speakers: interviews, discussions. Recording Information  The texts in Parts 1, 3 & 4 are heard twice; the text in Part 2 is heard once only. Recordings will contain a variety of accents corresponding to standard variants of English native speaker accent, and to English non-native speaker accents that approximate to the norms of native speaker accents. Background sounds may be included before reaction speakingfrom begins, to provide contextual information. Subdued an audience to talks, speeches, etc., may also be included. Task Types From the following: note taking, sentence completion, multiple choice, multiple matching. Task Focus Understanding Understand ing specific informatio information, n, gist, attitude, opinion, main points and detail. Answering For all parts of the paper candidates write their answers on an answer sheet. Timing Approximately 45 minutes. Marks Each question in the paper carries one mark. 1 2 3 4

Task Type and Focus Sentence completion, note taking Understanding specific information Sentence completion, note taking Understanding specific information Sentence completion, multiple choice Understanding specific information,, gist and attitude information Multiple matching, multiple choice Identifying speakers and


topics, interpreting context, recognising function and attitude 8–10 8–10 6–10 10 A monologue of approximately 2 minutes, heard twice, from the following range of text types: announcements, radio broadcasts, telephone messages, speeches, talks, lectures, etc. A monologue of approximately 2 minutes, heard once only, from the range of text types above. A conversation between 2 or 3 speakers, of  approximately 4 minutes, heard twice, from the following text types; interviews, discussions. A series of five themed monologues, of approximately 30 seconds each; the whole sequence is heard twice. In the multiple-matching format there are two tasks; the questions require require selection of the correct option from a list of eight. In the multiple-choi multiple-choice ce format there are ten questions with two questions for each speaker. The questions require require selection of the correct option from a choice of three.

Number of  Questions Text type Part Page 40 may represent an authentic response to a text, for example, where a listener takes notes in a talk or lecture. Others are more abstract, testing areas of understanding in situations where the listener in the real world makes no direct response, for example, multiple-choice questions.  The main task types can be divided into those which are  productive, where the candidates give a written response to some kind of prompt, and objective objective,, where the candidates choose from a number of alternatives. Productive Tasks  There are two main types of productive task, each of which requires quite a different kind of response from the candidate. Note Taking (Parts 1 & 2) Candidates are asked to note down points of information from the text in response to given prompts. These prompts may take the form of questions to be answered, lists of points under headings to be completed, or the notes made by an imagined listener with certain sections gapped out. Candidates are required to write a word or short phrase in response to prompts which focus on the main points of  information presented in the text. Such tasks test listening for detail and the ability to follow the structure structure of the text and locate relevant information. Most answers will be short, often single words or noun groups. Candidates will not be asked to produce or interpret any particular system of note taking and will not be penalised for the omission of articles, prepositions, preposition s, etc., except where they are essential for meaning Sentence Completion (Parts 1, 2 & 3) Candidates are asked to complete gaps in sentences with information from the text. The sentences provide a kind of  summary of the main ideas presented in the text and may


focus on abstract ideas and feelings expressed by speakers as well as points of information. Such tasks test a wide range of  listening skills, therefore, therefore, in addition to those tested by note taking, including the attitudes and opinions of speakers, both stated and implied. Most answers are short, again generally in the form of single words or noun groups, and must fit into the grammatical structure of the sentence. Candidates need to check carefully, therefore, that their answers produce a final completed sentence which is both coherent and grammatically grammaticall y correct, as well as includi including ng the relevant information. Candidates should be discouraged from attempting to write long or complicated answers, the size of  the boxes on the question paper and answer sheet serving as a guide to the length of expected responses. In productive tasks, the questions generally follow the order of information found in the text, and candidates will often write down actual words that are heard on the tape. They should not automatically assume that there is a need to find PREPARING FOR PAPER 4 Introduction  This paper comprises four recordings each with a separate task. On any one version of the paper there is a range of task and text types, reflecting the variety of real-world listening situations which candidates candidates at this level need to be able to cope with. Candidates should be familiar with the text and task types and prepared in terms of the listening skills tested by each task type. In preparing for this part of the examination, candidates should be made aware that understanding understanding spoken English involves extracting the main points of informatio information n and does not necessarily depend on understanding every word that is spoken. Candidates Candidates need to have an opportunity to hear as wide a variety as possible of unsimplified English spoken at natural speed. Classroom practice using task-based exercises is recommended. Exercises which encourage learners to listen with a specific focus, for example, understanding the main points of what they hear, note-taking exercises, inferring attitude, etc., will help candidates.  The instructions on the tape are followed by a pause for the candidates to study the task for that section. Candidates should use this time to study the questions on the page to help them predict what they will hear. This mirrors what happens in real-life listening situations when we all bring a variety of extra areas of knowledge to what we hear, such as knowledge of the context, the speaker and/or the subject.  The use of pre-listening tasks in classwork will be of great benefit in raising awareness of this and candidates should be given practice in anticipating what they will hear and/or the kind of information they will need to grasp. For example, candidates should look at the words before and after each gap in a sentence completion task and think about what kind of information is missing. Helping learners to develop strategies to prepare for listening is important for candidates’ confidence and is an essential element in reducing feelings of anxiety which may beset them if they feel they have ‘missed’ an answer or lost their place. Text Types  Texts are adapted from authentic sources and recorded in a studio to ensure the required level of sound quality. Texts may take the form of monologues, dialogues dialogues,, three-way interviews or include contributions from a number of 


speakers. They have their origin in a range of authentic sources, including broadcast interviews and documentary features, talks and lectures, public announcements and more informal conversations. Task Types Each text is accompanied by a task that aims to test the communicative communicati ve point of what is said. Some of these tasks Page 41 synonyms or to paraphrase ideas, but should aim to complete the task with the information given in the manner most appropriate to the task. Although candidates are never asked to spell words which fall outside the CAE level, it is important to train students to be as accurate as possible and to check spelling carefully. Objective Tasks  The most familiar objective task type is multiple choice which is regularly used on the paper. It is especially suitable for testing the understanding understanding of texts that include both concrete information information and more abstract ideas. It is often used to test understan understanding ding of the attitudes and opinions of  speakers, both stated and implied, as well as the ability to distinguish what was said from what was not said. In the Part 3 multiple choice task, the questions generally follow the order of information found in the text, but the final question may test global understanding of the text as a whole. In the Part 4 multiple choice task, candidates are tested on any combination of the following skills dependent on the content and purpose of the extracts: identifying speakers, topics, and speakers’ opinions; interpreting interpreti ng context; recognising the function of what is said; understanding speakers’ attitudes.  The other objective task in Part 4 is multiple matching. The focus of the task is the same as for the multiple choice task. N.B. In the sample paper there is an example of each of the two tasks for Part 4. Please note that the CAE listening test  consists of four parts, not five. The inclusio inclusion n of both tasks is for information only. Page 42 PAPER 4 LISTENING SAMPLE PAPER Section A Section B Part 2 Part 1 43 Page Section C Section D Part 4 (multiple matching task) Part 3 5

Page 44 6

Alternative task Part 4 (multiple-choice task) You will hear five short extracts in which different people are talking about performances that they have been to. For questions 26–35 26–35,, choose the correct option A, B or C or C. You will hear the recording twice. 26 The concert was unusual because the musicians didn’t use A microphones. B instruments. C a stage. 27 In talking about the concert, the speaker says she A hadn’t heard that kind of music before. B hadn’t really liked the music. C hadn’t understood the music very well.


28 What does the speaker say about the concert? A The musicians were very old. B The songs were too unfamiliar. C The sound quality was poor. 29 The audience were A appreciative. B dissatisfied. C inattentive. 30 What does the speaker say about the theatre? A It had recently moved. B It was overcrowded. C It was unusually small. 31 The play was spoilt because the actors A forgot their lines. B were unenthusiastic. C had too much make-up on. 7 32 At the start of the concert, the speaker was surprised by the number of  A people who arrived late. B people he recognised. C female performers. 33 What section of the orchestra did the speaker find disappointing? A the violins B the brass C the drums 34 The acrobatic acts were A impressive. B alarming. C repetitive. 35 How did the speaker feel at the end of the performance? A She didn’t realise it was so late. B She felt it should have ended earlier. C She would have preferred an evening ticket.

Page 45 PAPER 4 TAPESCRIPT Part 1 Presenter: Sharks have had a bad press but, even though some of them do possess rows of razor sharp teeth, some of them aren’t dangerous at all.  This afternoon Paul Barker, author of the bestselling novel Monsters Monsters,, which was later made into a film, explains how he feels about them. Paul Barker: When I wrote Monsters more than twenty years ago, I knew it was doomed to fail. For one thing, it was a first novel, and everyone knows that no-one reads first novels! For another, it was a first novel about fish – not exactly a crowd-pleaser. And finally, I knew for certain no-one could ever turn the book into a movie: no-one could hope to catch and train a real great white shark, and the technology of the day wasn’t advanced enough to build a replacement. So much for what I knew! When Monsters Monsters,, the book and the movie, became monsters in their own right, I was left to wonder why. What had transformed a simple story into a world-wide success? The answer, of course, was in the animal. Sharks have been objects of fascination and hatred for more than 3,000 years; ever since man first ventured into the sea. They’ve been villains in literature almost since the dawn of the language. They’re the masters of  the environment man sprang from and where


he’s always felt like an outsider. And, as such, they do make convincing villains, huge and menacing. At least, that’s the traditiona traditionall image of the shark, but it’s clear that we’ve misjudged them. They’re marvellous examples of evolution evolutionary ary perfection. They’re wonderful creatures with extraordinary sensory powers, and they play an important part in maintaining the balance of nature. In fact, they should much more properly be regarded as victims. Some species, including the great white, are thought to be in danger of  extinction, thanks to over-fishing. over-fishing. Fortified with this new knowledge, when I recently set out to write a new tale of the sea, I was faced with a problem: what, or who, to cast as the enemy of my shark-scientist hero? I could not, in all conscience, choose an animal. For I believe that evil is non-existent in the animal world. Aggression, yes. Violence, of course. But evil? No. So, who’s the villain? Man! That’s the creature I believe to be the most vicious and destructive monster in the sea! Part 2 Curator: It’scapacity particularly good to welcome you all here both in your as interested professionals – your interest is very heartening – and as the very first group of experts to come here since the £2.5m refurbishment of  the gallery, which was completed only last month, as you know.  The whole plan was conceived nearly five years ago when I first took over as curator here, but it took three years to raise the two and a half million pounds we needed, and work on the project itself lasted some fourteen months. What has resulted is a transformation transformatio n of the main gallery, with far better natural lighting now in this main gallery; two new galleries, the Wessex and Spithead; a passenger lift from street level – which was a lamentable omission before – and a comfortable new restaurant, where you can get meals all day. This has proved a hit with local people who come here to eat now in their lunch break, then stroll round looking at a few pictures before going back to work. We have also introduced cassettes giving a commentary in ten languages. As I say, we have two new galleries, the Wessex, where we always display the top forty items in the collection as selected by local citizens every two months – maybe schoolchildren or art students, or something like that, and these ‘citizens’ choices’ choices’ as we call them are put on display with their comments and reasons.  Then in the other new gallery, the Spithead, we try always to have something important on loan. At the moment we have a loan exhibition which is from Spain – quite


magnificent. And, of course, in the old Main magnificent. Gallery we rotate the best of our own collection up to 1920 or thereabouts and, finally, in the Solent Gallery we show modern art. There is some debate whether we should continue the division between the pre-1920 art in the Main Gallery and post1920 in the Solent, and I’d welcome your views on that one. Now someone asked about funding. We actually get nothing from government, but we’re very indebted to local author Jane Smithson. Jane Smithson was an art lover who generously endowed the gallery and enabled us to assemble one of the finest collections outside London.  That’s all I have to say by way of  introduction, so if you’d like to come with me.... Page 46 Part 3 Interviewer: Well, I have with me today two people who’ve written books about the same man, the novelist Raymond Rennie; his official biographer, Dorothy Horseman, and his unofficial biograp biographer, her, Brian Feltham. Rennie wrote; ‘If anyone tries to writeNow, a biography of me, how complicated they are going to find it, how misled they are going to be.’ Brian, was it complicate complicated? d? Brian: Very much so. An unofficial biographer is especially vulnerable, vulnerable, but part of the fun of  the chase is discovering all the false leads. Rennie’s trail is superbly difficult to follow. Here was a man who kept two diaries, either or both of which might have misled, but who couldn’t resist salting his fiction with real names and biographical facts. Interviewer: Well, Dorothy, you were the official biographer, your project had Rennie’s official blessing, what help did you get from him when he was alive? Dorothy: Not a great deal. What he did for me was this, he said, ‘Dorothy, if you want to see me, you can see me. If you want to see me often, you can see me often. I will see you when you want to see me.’ And he also went on and said that, ‘I will not tell you everything Dorothy, but if you ask me a question, I will tell you the truth.’ And I believe he did just that. Interviewer: And, of course, you had an enormous amount of help by having access to his letters. Dorothy: Help? Since I’ve now got something like two and a half tons of them, it doesn’t always seem like help. Sometimes, I feel as though I’m drowning. Interviewer: Well, Brian doesn’t have that problem, not having access to any private papers. You had to, shall we say, extrapolate from what is in the fictional and what is in the public


domain. How much of your work in this area, do you think, is accurate and how much is your surmise which you would like to be truthful because it makes good reading? Brian: No, it’s incorrect to say I haven’t had access to Rennie’s private papers. In fact, both of  these biographies are based on the same major collections of papers, most of which are open to scholars. Over a thousand letters and a huge collection of various other documents are available. When I make allegations,, I make them on the basis of many allegations of the same documents as Dorothy has used, as well as, of course, interviews with hundreds of people who knew Rennie, including his wife, who spoke to me at great length. Interviewer: And did you feel that you were getting at one truth, that there was one Raymond Rennie, or were you on the track of a number of  Rennies? Brian: Well, my job was made more difficult by Dorothy, in fact, it seems to me ethically wrong to have an official biographer who has exclusive access to some of the material. I think that’s real problem forone people who see biography biograph y asa history. It’s not person’s province to have a culturally important figure as her sole preserve. It should be open to other people in order to start a good healthy debate on the subject. If Rennie’s importan importantt enough, several people should be working on him. Interviewer: Umm ... what do you say to that, Dorothy? Dorothy: The Dorothy:  The fact remains that this is always done, you have official biographers and the same rules have always applied. I see why this should be changed, but it hasn’t happened yet. Brian’s book, however, doesn’t tell me anything about Rennie that I didn’t already know, it’s  just that he’s selected different data on which to build his biography. It’s a matter of what, amongst all that material, you regard as relevant, as adding to our understanding of  the man. Brian: And that’s exactly my point. That’s why we shouldn’t have an official biographer, it shouldn’t just be one person’s view. Interviewer: And there, I’m afraid, we’ll have to leave it for the moment. Brian, Dorothy, thank you both very much indeed. Part 4 (Multiple-matching task) 1 Well, it was very different when I was at school. Oh yes. Where I went, we were always taught to keep ourselves neat and tidy, not like these youngsters nowadays. I mean, you should see the riffraff who live in our street walking past each day. Long greasy hair, shirts hanging out, kicking tin cans along the pavement... oh dear, oh dear. More discipline at home and school, that’s what they need.


2 I tell you, it’s a dog’s life. Up and down to the boiler room, turning the heating on and off. I wish they’d make their minds up! And then it’s time to move a few hundred chai chairs rs for some exam or other. You’d think those young rascals could move the odd chair themselves, wouldn’t you? And do I get a word of thanks? Not likely! Ah well, no rest for the wicked, I suppose. Just off to replace a broken window.  The little... 3 It’d be all right if we didn’t have so much extra work. I mean, the lessons are quite Page 47 couldn’t get enough of it. They shouted their heads off – cheering and clapping. I was a bit disappointed disappoin ted though ... 3  This was an interesting experience. For a start, the theatre was in Pelman Street. Now I’ve walked up and down that street many times, but I never realised there was a theatre there. It was very intimate – it only holds a maximum of forty people. The show was a big success up in London last year, huge audiences, but unfortunately only a handful of people turned up for the performance here. I’m not surprised surprised though – it with was rather amateurish. could have done using at least a bit They of make-up and learning their parts better. They relied on covering up their mistakes by really throwing themselves into their characters. 4  This was one of the few classical concerts that I decided to go to. As I sat there in the audience waiting for the performance to begin, I spotted quite a few of my colleagues who I hadn’t realised appreciated that type of music. We sat there for quite a while because the concert was delayed for some reason. When the orchestra finally trooped in I noticed that one of the trumpeters was Mary Brownlow whom I’d been to school with. I was amazed because I never realised she was at all musical. But then I remembered that she did play the drums when she was younger and I think her brother played the violin. Unfortunately, Mary did not play very well and made quite a few mistakes, especially in the first piece. 5 Well I thought I’d go to the circus. My friend has a couple of kids who were keen to see it and they invited me along. I quite enjoyed it really, even though it tied up the whole afternoon.  There were no animals, just clowns, acrobats, people throwing burning sticks in the air – you know the kind of thing. I think the acrobats made the greatest impact. They must train incredibly hard to achieve such levels of fitness.  The whole show lasted a couple of hours, which was about right, but I think we would have gone to a later show if it hadn’t been for the kids. interesting.. Sometimes. Well, not very boring interesting anyway. But the assignments and projects just go on and on. You never seem to get to the end


of them. I think it’s seriously affecting my football. 4  You see, it all boils down to one thing. These days, pupils have a choice choice.. All my staff do their best in the classroom and I have every confidence confidenc e in them, but at the end of the day it’s up to the individual pupil to decide whether he or she is going to do the homework, or revise for the exam, or learn anything at all! We can’t force them. It simply doesn’t work. No, what we have to do is much more difficult. We have to make them want to learn. No easy task, believe you me! 5 I just hope they’re going to push her enough.  You know what I mean, at that age they’re in a dream half the time, thinking about makeup or boys or something. At her last school they said she needed to spend more time on her homework. What’s more, her report didn’t look all that good to me. I’ll have to speak to her form teacher about it next time I see him – I don’t get the impression he’s particularly concerned. Alternative Part 4 task (Multiple Choice) 1 A friend of mine phoned up at the last minute and me on if I wanted to go this African show. It was asked being put by a group of to South singers who were touring this country for four weeks. My friend had heard they were brilliant and this would be the last chance to see them before they returned home. Well when we arrived what struck me most was that the stage was completely bare, apart from a few microphone stands. And when they started, it was incredible. I’ve never really heard anything like it before. They just stood and sang and all the orchestral noises like drums and violin sounds they just made with their voices. I was completely spell-bound from the beginning to end ... 2 I’d been looking forward to this show for a long time. I used to be a big fan of James Hopper many years ago. I was hoping he’d do all the old familiar songs and I think the rest of the audience were too. The thing was, the rest of the band was completely out of time. They just kept losing the rhythm and some of the old songs were almost unrecognisable. It didn’t help that you couldn’t hear his guitar very well and all of  the voices were a bit distorted. But the audience Page 48 PAPER 4 LISTENING ANSWER SHEET PAPER 4 LISTENING ANSWER KEY Part 1 1 first/1st novel (about fish)/(abo fish)/(about ut a fish) 2 into a movie/film as a movie/film a movie/film 3 caught/captured (and) trained 4 simple story 5 fascination (and) hatred/hate


6 (the) balance of/in (the) nature 7 over-fishin over-fishing g 8 evil 9 man Part 2 10 £2.5m(illion) 11 14/fourteen months 12 better/improved (natural) lighting 13 (passenger) lift 14 local citizens/people 15 modern art post-1920 art 16 (a/an/the) local author/art lover Part 3 17 (very) complicated complicated/complex/i /complex/intricate ntricate 18 (2/two) diaries 19 tell her everything 20 the truth 21 letters/private papers 22 private papers 23 Rennie’s/his wife 24 exclusive access 25 should/could/need/have to be changed need changing should/could/need to/have to change Part 4 Multiple matching 26 B 27 A 28 F 29 E 30 G 31 C 32 G 33 B 34 H 35 E Part 4 Multiple choice 36 B 37 A 38 C 39 40 41 42 43 44 45


Paper 5 sample papers

Page 49 PAPER 5 SPEAKING General Description


Paper Format  The paper contains four parts.  The standard format is two candidates and two examiners. One examiner acts as both interlocutor and assessor and manages the interaction either by asking questions or providing cues for candidates. The other acts as assessor and does not join in the conversation conversation.. Task Types Social interaction with the interlocutor and the other candidate; transactional long and short turns. Task Focus Using transactional, interactional and social language. Timing Approximately 15 minutes. Marks Candidates are assessed on their performance throughout the test. 1 2 3 4

Task Type and Focus   Three-way conversation between the candidates and the Interlocu Interlocutor tor Using general interactional and social language Individual long turns with brief responses from second candidate Using transactional language, comparing, contrasting and hypothesising  Two-way interaction between the candida candidates tes Negotiating and collaborating; reaching agreement or ‘agreeing to disagree’   Three-way conversation between the candidates and the interlocu interlocutor tor Explaining, summarising, developing the discussion 3 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes  The candidates are asked to respond to one another’s questions about themselves, and respond to the interlocutor’s interlocu tor’s questions. Each candidate in turn is given visual prompts. They talk about the prompts for about one minute; the second candidate responds as specified.  The candidates are given visual and/or written prompts to set up a problem-solving task, involving sequencing, ranking, comparing & contrasting, selecting, etc. Based on this output candidates are asked about their decisions.  The topic area from Part 3 is opened up by discussing wider issues.


Length Task Format Part Page 50 PREPARING FOR PAPER 5 Introduction  The CAE Speaking Test is designed to offer candida candidates tes the opportunity opportuni ty to demonstrat demonstrate e their ability to use their spoken language skills effectively effectively in a range of contexts. The test takes about 15 minutes for a pair of candidates. One examiner, the interlocutor, interlocutor conducts ’s the test and gives a global assessment of each, candidate’s candidate performance. The other, the assessor, does not take any part in the interaction but focuses solely on listening to, and making an assessment of, the candidate’s oral proficiency. The test is divided into four parts and each part sets candidates a different task. It is essential that students are able to participate in pair and group activities effectively, showing sensitivity to turn-taking and responding appropriately to their partners. Pair and group activities should be a regular feature of classroom learning. Students should be given extensive practice in listening carefully to instructions and remembering what they are asked to do. They should be encouraged to react to pictures and diagrams, etc., rather than merely describe them, using speculative or hypothetical language whenever possible. Students need to be equipped with the right kind of  language for, e.g. exchanging information/opinions, giving reasons, speculating, hypothesising, agreeing, disagreeing, politely justifying and negotiating. During classroom activities, students should be instructed to speak clearly so that they can be heard and paraphrase effectively when they do not know or cannot remember a word. Students should be familiar with the timing and the focus of each part of the test. They should be able to handle the whole test confiden confidently, tly, yet ask for clarification/rep clarification/repetition etition if needed. Part 1  This part of the test gives candidates the opportunity to show their ability to use general interactional and social language.  The interlocutor introduces both examiners to the candidates, then candidates ask each other questions about themselves using prompts given by the interlocutor. The interlocutor may ask the candidates further questions about themselves as appropriate. Candidates are expected to respond to their partner’s and to the interlocutor’s questions, and to listen to what their partner has to say. Students should be made aware that they are expected to react naturally to their partners and not rehearse speeches for this part of the test. They should show sensitivity to each other’s contributions, contributions, invite their partners to participate, and not dominate the interacti interaction. on. Part 2 In this part of the test, each candidate is given the opportunity to speak for a longer period of time (one minute) without interruption. interruption. Each candidate is asked to comment on and/or react to a different set of pictures or photographs. Candidates may be asked to describe, compare, contrast, comment, identify, eliminate and hypothesi hypothesise se or speculate.  Tasks may be completely different for each candidate or they may be ‘shared’, e.g. when there is a group of three candidates. Shared tasks set candidates the same task but each candidate, in turn, receives different visual stimuli.


Candidates are expected to listen carefully to the verbal instructions they are given, show their ability to organise their thoughts and ideas, and express themselves coherently in appropriate language. Candidates should pay attention while their partner is speaking, as they are asked to comment briefly (up to 20 seconds) after their partner has spoken. Give students practice in talking for one minute on a set subject, or ‘holding the floor’ in a classroom situation so that they can organise their thoughts and ideas during this long turn. Make students aware that, in this part of the test, it is essential not to interrupt while their partners are speaking. Students need to be clear about what is considered an inadequate response, e.g. ‘In the first picture the scene looks modern, in the other it looks old-fashion old-fashioned’, ed’, instead of, e.g. ‘Both pictures of the building portray a calm and peaceful setting, but the older scene suggests that there was more traffic on the river at the time, whereas ...’ Students should realise that their responses need to go beyond the level of  pure description and contain a speculative element. Students who listen carefully to their instructions and follow them will do well. Part 3 In Part 3, candidates are expected to negotiate and collaborate with each other, discussing a problem-solv problem-solving ing task fully, openly and clearly. Candidates beare asked to a discuss, evaluate, speculat speculate e and/or select.may They given set of visual prompts on which the task is based. The task gives candidates the opportunity to show their own range of  language and their ability to invite the opinions and ideas of  their partner. There is no right or wrong answer to this task but candidates are asked to reach a conclusion. They can, however, agree to differ. At the end of this part they are asked to report on the outcome of their discussion. For this part of the test, candidates need to be able to interact and carry out the task while keeping the conversation going. Encourage students to make use of  conversation conversati on ‘fillers’, e.g. ‘Well, now, let me see ...’, which Page 51 Grammar and Vocabulary (Accuracy and Appropriacy) On this scale, candidates are awarded marks for the accurate and appropriate use of syntactic forms and vocabulary in order to meet the task requirements. At CAE level, candidates are expected to know enough grammar and vocabulary to produce accurate and appropriate language without continual pauses to search for words or structures.  The range and appropriate use of vocabulary are assessed on this scale. However, it should be noted that only the accuracy of the grammar is assessed here as the range of  grammatical structures is assessed under Discourse Management. Discourse Management On this scale, examiners are looking for evidence of the candidate’s ability to express ideas and opinions in coherent, connected speech.  The CAE speaking tasks require candidates to construct sentences and produce utterances (extended as appropriate) in order to convey information and to express or justify opinions. The candidate’s ability to maintain a coherent flow of language with an appropriate range of linguistic resources over several utterances is assessed here.


Pronunciation (Individual Sounds and Prosodic Features)  This refers to the candidate’s ability to produce comprehensible comprehen sible utterances to fulfil the CAE speaking task requirements, i.e. it refers to the production of individual sounds, the appropriate linking of words, and the use of  stress and intonation to convey the intended meaning. First language accents are acceptable, provided communication is not impeded. It is recognised that at CAE level, even in the top assessment band, candidates’ pronunciation will be influenced by features of their first language. Interactive Communication (Turn-taking, Initiating and Responding)  This refers to the candida candidate’s te’s ability to interact with the interlocutor and the other candidate by initiating and responding appropriately and at the required speed and rhythm to fulfil the task requirements. It includes the ability to use functional language and strategies to maintain or repair interaction, e.g. in conversational turn-taking, and a willingness to develop the conversation and move the task towards a conclusion. they can call upon (sparingly) to give themselves time to think. Expose students to as great a variety of visual stimuli as possible and invite their reactions to them. Students should attempt to demonstrate their command of a wide range linguistic and communication strategies. Simplyof agreeing orresources disagreeing with, or echoing, what their partner has said will not enable them to do this. Each student should make a positive contribution to the task in question. Although the completion of the task is not essential, it is advisable for students to attempt to reach the specified outcome within the time allotted. Part 4 In Part 4, candidates participate in a wider discussion of the issues raised in Part 3. The questions become broader and often more abstract as the discussion develops. Candidates may be asked to respond to the same or different questions. questions. At the end of the Speaking Test, candidates are thanked for attending, but are given no indication of the level of their achievement. Students should be encouraged to talk about issues of  general interest and express an opinion about them so that they can participate fully in the last part of the test. They are asked questions by the interlocutor and they are expected to develop the discussion, rather than simply give one-word answers. Students should be aware that they are not being assessed on their ideas, but examiners can only assess candidates on the language they produce and those candidates who fail to make a contribu contribution tion will not do well. At this stage of the test, both candida candidates tes can interact more freely, giving them a final opportunity to show examiners what they are capable of. ASSESSMENT AND MARKING  Throughout  Througho ut the test, candidate candidates s are assessed not in relation to each other but according to the following criteria: Grammar and Vocabulary, Discourse Management, Pronunciation, Pronuncia tion, and Interactiv Interactive e Communicati Communication. on. These criteria should be interpreted within the overall context of  the Cambridge Common Scale for Speaking (page 53), where CAE is at Level 4. Both examiners assess the candida candidates. tes. The assessor applies


detailed Analytical Scales; the interlocutor applies a Global Scale, which is a less detailed scale based on the Analytical Scales. Page 52 Candidates should be able to maintain the coherence of the discussion and may, if necessary, ask the interlocutor or the other candidate for clarification. Typical Minimum Adequate Performance A typical minimum adequate performance performance at CAE level can be summarised as follows: Develops the interaction with contributions which are mostly coherent and extended when dealing with the CAE level tasks. Grammar is mostly accurate and vocabulary appropriate. Utterances are understood with very little strain on the listener. Candidates are assessed on their own individual performance according to the established criteria and are not assessed in relation to each other. Assessment is based on performance in the whole test, and is not related to performance in particular parts of the test. The assessor awards marks for each of the four criteria listed above. The interlocutor awards each candidate one global mark. In many countries, Oral Examiners are assigned to teams, each of which is led by a Team Leader who may be responsib responsible le for approximat approximately ely fifteen Oral Examiners. Leaders give advice and support to Oral Examiners, asTeam required.  The Team Leaders are responsible to a Senior Team Leader who is the professional representative of UCLES for the oral examinations. examination s. Senior Team Leaders are appointed by UCLES and attend an annual co-ordina co-ordination tion and development session in the UK. Team Leaders are appointed by the Senior Team Leader in consultation with the local administration. After initial training of examiners, standardisation of marking is maintained by both annual examiner co-ordination co-ordination sessions and by monitoring visits to centres by Team Leaders. During the co-ordination sessions, examiners watch and discuss sample Speaking Tests recorded on video, and then conduct practice tests with volunteer ‘candidates’ in order to establish a common standard of assessment.  The sample tests on video are selected to demonstrate a range of task types and different levels of competence, and are pre-marked by a team of experienced examiners examiners.. Page 53

Cambridge Main Suite CPE CAE FCE PET KET

Cambridge Common Scale for Speaking CAMBRIDGE LEVEL 5 Fully operational command of the spoken language. Able to handle communication in most situations, including unfamiliar or unexpected ones. Able to use accurate and appropriate linguistic resources to express complex ideas and concepts and produce extended discourse that coherent and always easy to follow. Rarely produces inaccuracies andisinappropriacies.


Pronunciation is easily understood and prosodic features are used effectively; many features, including pausing and hesitation, are ‘native-like’. CAMBRIDGE LEVEL 4 Good operational command of the spoken language. Able to handle communica communication tion in most situations. Able to use accurate and appropriate linguistic resources to express ideas and produce discourse that is generally coherent. Occasionally produces inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Maintains a flow of language with only natural hesitation resulting from considerations of  appropriacy or expression. L1 accent may be evident but does not affect the clarity of the message. CAMBRIDGE LEVEL 2 (Threshold) Limited but effective command of the spoken language. Able to handle communica communication tion in most familiar situations. Able to construct longer utterances but is not able to use complex language except in wellrehearsed utterances. Has problems searching for language resources to express ideas and concepts resulting in pauses and hesitation. Pronunciation is generally intelligible, but L1 features may put a strain on the listener. Has some ability to compensate for communication difficulties using repair strategies but may require prompting and assistance by an interlocutor. CAMBRIDGE LEVEL 1 (Waystage) Basic command of the spoken language. Able to convey basic meaning in very familiar or highly predictable situations. Produces utterances which tend to be very short – words or phrases – with frequent hesitations and pauses. Dependent on rehearsed or formulaic phrases with limited generative capacity. Only able to produce limited extended discourse. Pronunciation is heavily influenced by L1 features and may at times be difficult to understand. Requires prompting and assistance by an interlocutor to prevent communication from breaking down. Pre-Waystage Level Zero CAMBRIDGE LEVEL 3 Generally effective command of the spoken language. Able to handle communication in familiar situations. Able to organise extended discourse but occasionally produces utterances that lack coherence and some inaccuracies and inappropriate usage occur. Maintains a flow of language, although hesitation may occur whilst searching for language resources. Although pronunciation pronunciation is easily understood, L1 features may be intrusive intrusive.. Does not require major assistance or prompting by an interlocutor. Page 54 11. Protective Clothing (Compare, contrast and speculate) Interlocutor In this part of the test I’m going to give each of you the chance to talk for about a Interlocutor In minute and to comment briefly after your partner has spoken. First, you will each have the same set of photographs to look at. They show people wearing protective clothing. Hand over the same set of photographs to each candidate. Candidate A, A, it’s your turn first. I’d like you to compare and contrast two or  three of these photographs, saying what kind of c lothing the people are wearing and why you think the protection might be necessary. Don’t forget, you have about one minute for this. All right? So, Candidate A, would you start now, please? Candidate A  A  Approximately one minute. Interlocutor Thank Interlocutor  Thank you. Now, Candidate B, can you tell us who you think is in the greater  need of protection? Candidate B Approximate B Approximately ly 20 seconds. Interlocutor Thank Interlocutor  Thank you.


12. A Quiet Day on the Coast (Compare, contrast and speculate) Interlocutor Now, I’m going to give each of you the same pair of cartoons to look at. They Interlocutor Now, show two images of a day by the sea. Hand over the same pair of cartoons to each c andidate. Now, Candidate B, B, it’s your turn. I’d like you to compare and contrast these pictures, saying how the people might be feeling and what the disadvantage disadvantages s of  each situation might be. Don’t forget, you have about one minute for this. All right? So, Candidate B, would you start now, please? Candidate B  B  Approximately one minute. Interlocutor Thank Interlocutor  Thank you. Now, Candidate A, can you tell us which situation you think is the more realistic? Candidate A Approximate A Approximately ly 20 seconds. Interlocutor Thank you. Interlocutor Thank

PAPER 5 SPEAKING SAMPLE PAPER Interlocutor Good morning (afternoon / evening). My name is ... and this is my colleague ... . Interlocutor Good And your names are ....? Can I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. First of all, we’d like to know a little about you. (Select one or two questions as appropriate.) Where do you both/all live? What do you enjoy about living there? How long have you been s tudying English? Have you been studying English together? Now I’d like you to ask each other something other something about: (Select two or three prompts in any order as appropriate.) • your interests and leisure activities activities • your feelings about life in this country • your reasons for studying English • places of interest you have visited in this country (Ask candidate(s) further questions as necessary.) • What have you both/all enjoyed/disliked most about studying English? • What interesting things have you done recently? • How would you feel about going to live abroad permanently? • Looking back on your life, what do you consider to be the most memorable event? • What do you hope to achieve in the future? Thank you.

(3 minutes) PART 1

PART 2 (4 minutes)

Page 55

12 11 Page 56 PARTS 3 and 4 Famous First (Discuss, evaluate and select) Test Material 28 Part 3 (4 minutes) Interlocutor Now, Interlocutor  Now, I’d like you to discuss something between/among yourselves, but please speak so that we can hear you. Here are some pictures showing when some famous events first took place. Place picture sheet 28 in front of the candidates. Talk to each other about the effect each of these events has had on the world we live in, and then decide which one has had the greatest influence on people’s lives. You have about four minutes for this. Candidates A&B Approximat A&B Approximately ely four minutes. Interlocutor Thank Interlocutor  Thank you. So, which have you chosen? Retrieve picture sheet 28 . ..................................................

PART 4 (4 minutes) Interlocutor Select any of the following questions as appropriate Interlocutor Select • Which famous event would you like to have been involved in? • How important is it to enjoy new experiences in life? (Why?) • Some people say nothing can be achieved without an effort. How far do you agree? • What aspects of life today do you think will be remembered in the future? • How do you think life will change in this century? Thank you. That is the end of the test. Check that all test materials have been replaced in the file.

Page 57 28 Page 58 COMMON QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GENERAL What is the mark allocation for each paper? Each paper is equally weighted at 40 marks. An overview of the marks allocation:


Paper 1 Parts 1 & 4 – 1 mark for each correct answer Parts 2 & 3 – 2 marks each for each correct answer Paper 2 Each of the 2 questions is marked out of 5 Paper 3 1 mark for each correct answer Paper 4 1 mark for each correct answer Paper 5 Each candidate is assessed out of 30  The total for each paper is weighted to 40, bringing the maximum total to 200. What is the pass mark?  To pass the examination with Grade C it is necessary to achieve approximately approximately 60% of the total marks available (200). Must candidates achieve a pass on each paper to pass the examination? No. Candidates cannot pass or fail any individual paper. The candidate’s grade is based on their total score from all five papers. There are no ‘hurdles’ or minimum levels of  achievement required. Can candidates make notes on the question paper?  Yes, but their notes won’t be marked. Is the use of dictionaries allowed? No. How can I get hold of CAE past papers? CAE past papers, and those for other EFL main suite examinations, examination s, are publish published ed by UCLES after each administration of the examination. These can be ordered through the UCLES publications department. Do I need to take a course if I want to take the CAE examination? No, it is not necessary, although most candidates take a preparatory course before they take the examination. PAPER 1 READING What is the mark allocation? One mark is given for each correct answer to the multiplematching tasks; two marks are given for each correct answer to the multiple-choice and gapped-text tasks. The total score is then weighted out of a maximum 40 marks for the whole paper. As the Paper is 1 hour 15 minutes long, what would be the recommended timing for each Part?  This very much depends on candidates’ own strengths and preferred way of working, but it is worth bearing in mind how the tasks are weighted (see above). Normally 50% of  the marks are allocated to the two multiple-matching tasks (First and Fourth texts) while the other two tasks (multiplechoice (multiplechoice and gapped-text) account for the remaining 50%. If candidates make a mistake in filling in their answer sheets, is this picked up by the computer? If they omit a question, the computer accepts the answer sheet. If they fill in more than one lozenge for a question, the computer rejects it. Do questions in the multiple-choice task follow the order of the text?  Yes, with global questions at the end. What about the danger in Part 2, for example, that if a candidate makes one mistake, this may have a knock-on


effect on at least one other question?  The statistical analysis produced when material is pretested shows whether candidates are choosing wrong answers, so this potential problem can be spotted in advance. PAPER 2 WRITING Is each Part worth equal marks?  Yes. If candidates do include the address when writing a letter, will do they penalised? Candidates notbe need to include addresses, but they will not be penalised if they do. Occasionally Occasionally the instructio instructions ns may ask for addresses. Page 59 How do you guarantee that the different versions are all equal in difficulty? For security purposes, there are several versions of the Listening Test in use at each session. As for the other papers, the material for the Listening Tests is pretested in advance, in order to check that it is suitable in terms of content as well as levels of difficulty. At the test construction stage, papers are put together at the same level of difficul difficulty, ty, as shown by pretesting statistics. After the examination has been taken, before grading takes place, the Listening Test results are analysed and the average marks gained by candidates in each test are compared.

PAPER 5 SPEAKING Is Part 1 assessed?  The examiners assess performance throughout the whole test. Is 2:2 the only possible format?  The standard format is 2:2 and, wherever possible, this will be the form which the Speaking Test will take. At centres where there is an uneven number of candidates, the last candidate will form a group of three with the previous pair of candidates. In exceptional circumstances only a 1:1 format will be allowed. Are candidates from the same school paired together? In some centres candidates from the same school are paired together. However, where candidates from a number of  different schools are entered at the same centre, some candidates may find that they are paired with a candidate from another school. Candidates should check with the centre through which they are entering for the local procedure. Does knowing your partner make it easier or harder to do well?  There is no evidence to suggest that candidates perform better when examined with someone they know or vice versa. Some candidates feel relaxed and confident when paired with someone they know; others may feel inhibited. In both cases, the examiners are trained to provide equal opportunities opportuni ties for all candidates to perform to the best of their ability. Does it matter if a candidate uses slang or speaks with a regional or other accent?  The use of slang is acceptable provided that it is appropriate. Different varieties of standard English accents, e.g. UK, North American, Australian, etc. are also acceptable. Should candidates write their answers in pen or pencil? Pen should always be used, as answers in pencil may not always be legible.


PAPER 3 ENGLISH IN USE What is the mark allocation overall?  There is one mark for each question. If candidates write two possible answers to a question, how are they marked? If both are correct, the candida candidate te is awarded the mark(s); if  one is incorrect, no marks are awarded. (This is also the same for Paper 4.) What if the answer is right, but a candidate has misspelt it? All spellings must be correct in Paper 3. How should answers for the ‘punctuation/spelling’ type task in Part 3 be recorded?  The correct spelling of the incorrect word, or the punctuation mark together with the word which precedes or follows it, should be written on the answer sheet. In Part 5, can a cognate of one of the words used in the first text be used in the answer? No. This task requires candidates to find a new way of  expressing the information from the first text. What happens if a candidate writes more than two words as an answer in Part 5? No marks will be awarded for an answer of more than two words. PAPER 4 LISTENING Is there any background noise on the tape? No. Sound effects may be used to ‘set the scene’, but are not used while there is speech. Very subdued audience reaction may be heard when a speaker is giving a talk, but this is never intrusive. Does spelling have to be correct? Common words and those which are easy to spell are expected to be correct. Page 60 May candidates interrupt or ask questions during their partner’s ‘long turn’ in Part 2? No. Listening candidates should allow their partner to speak without interruption interruption in this part of the test. What about the mis-matching of candidates, e.g. a shy person with an extrovert? Examiners are trained to deal with this kind of situation and ensure no-one is disadvantaged. Everyone has the chance to show what they can do. However, candidat candidates es must remember that, while it is important not to dominate a weaker candidate, candidate, it is vital that they make the best use of  the time available to show off their language skills. ENTRIES & RESULTS What is the date of the CAE examination?  The CAE examination can be taken twice a year, in June and in December. The dates are published in the Examination Regulations. Regulation s. Check with your UCLES Local Secretary or British Council Office. Where can candidates enrol?  The UCLES Local Secretary or British Council Office can give you information about centres where the examination is taken. Do not apply to UCLES directly. Fees are payable to the local centre, and will vary slightly from place to place. How do I get my results? Results are issued to Local Secretaries approximatel approximately y six are weeks after the examination has been taken. Certificates issued about a month after that.

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