Chakras Manifesting

April 22, 2017 | Author: Kitty Kong | Category: N/A
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Chakras & Manifesting By Aine Belton

In this report you will discover: The living world of energy Your personal energy system (aura and chakras) How knowledge can maximize manifesting your success A revolutionary truth that opens you to limitless possibilities The most powerful and elegant way to optimize your life both within and without How your energy system interacts with the physical body How thoughts become things from an energetic perspective Examples of specific chakras and their role in the manifesting process How to harness universal energy & attract highest realities by the law of resonance! How to automatically boost your „Attractor Factor‟ automatically! And much more!


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

What Are Chakras? Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”, and refers to the main energy centres that act as gateways to regulate the flow of energy to and from the various levels of your being. There are seven major chakras, each of which corresponds to a physical area of the body. These locations, as well as the colour and a brief summary of properties of each centre, are included in the chakra chart below:

The chakra system is akin to a ladder to and from the most spiritual and most physical aspects of your consciousness, enabling their integration and expression. When clear, balanced, and optimally functioning, you experience health and well-being in both your inner and outer worlds and can live life to your highest potential.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

You are also able to manifest your dreams and attract your desires with elegance and ease, free from the obstruction of energy blocks and discordance that can otherwise hamper your success. Chakras are not just intellectual concepts to be understood; they are real energy gateways vital for existence, and are impacting your life in every moment! These portals are the systemised pumps and valves of your energy field - the openings, through which energy pours in and out. Each of your chakra centres relate to a different life area, with unique qualities and functions. This is explored in depth in the Chakra Guidebook of the Matrix Shift course (LINK HERE). Understanding the workings of your chakras is fascinating stuff, not least because these insights (along with techniques to clear, renew and balance them as offered in the Matrix Shift) enable you to make profound shifts in your energy! These equate to shifts in your entire being, and life accordingly! Clearing and balancing your chakras is the most magical and elegant way to heal and transform the mind, body and spirit, and manifest all that you wish to be, do and have!


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

In optimising your energy field (also called the “aura”, as I cover next) you can clear un-serving patterns (which exist vibrationally in your aura and chakra system), raise your vibration, and integrate high loving light-filled frequencies that translate as exalted states of being, and reflect as positive successful realities in your life. As within, so without. What Is Your Aura? Your aura is the energy field that surrounds and interacts with your body. It is shaped like an egg of light and consists of interrelated layers, which are essentially the various dimensions of your being. Recognition and depiction of the aura itself dates back millennia. Saints are traditionally shown with a halo around their head, and Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus, Buddhists, and Romans, often portrayed an aura around gods and enlightened beings that radiate their light more fully. Your aura holds energetic patterns, including beliefs, thoughts and feelings, ancestral patterns, soul-level contracts, gifts and tendencies, and past-life influences even. You attract into your life that which is a match to the existing frequency patterns, whether you are conscious of what these are or not. What‟s exciting is that you can transform and release energy patterns by working at a vibrational level for highest resolution.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

This is covered in the Workbook sections of the Matrix Shift, as well as the audio meditations that guide you through clearing, healing and optimising your energy system. Many of the frequency patterns in your energy field were instilled at a young age through ”programs” you received about the way life, others and yourself are, from your parents, environment and significant events and people in your life. A Revolutionary Truth That Will Change Your Life! To fully comprehend the power and possibility of healing and change, there‟s a fundamental truth to assimilate. This truth is. . . Everything is energy, and energy is transformable! Understanding yourself, and reality, as energy (as quantum science now proves), and learning how to consciously work at an energetic level, is the beginning of a revolutionary journey of awakening and transformation! You are a powerful creator - a masterful magician! You can conjure, shift and transform energy to optimise your being and your reality! Clearing, balancing and aligning your chakras is a powerful way to do this, and will positively impact all areas of your life.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

You can also heal, renew and recharge your energy field, and allow more of the love and light that you are to be anchored into your being and your glorious divine essence to shine forth in the world. This equates not only to positive states of being, but to positive realities that manifest in correspondence to those wondrous energies. Change your energy and you WILL change your world! Go to: Removing negative energy from your field (which may include energy you‟ve picked up from other people and the environment, as well as personal un-serving energy patterns) will resolve reflections of that imbalance that may be manifesting in your outer life. You and your world are inextricably linked. Problems and dysfunctions in your physical reality, even physical ”dis-ease” in the body, exist as energy before they manifest as form. This is the principle behind the Law of Attraction. Clearing at an energetic level and integrating higher frequency energies that most serve you in Matrix Shift, will raise your vibration and dissipate disharmonious energies and conditions.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

Renewing and balancing your chakras is a way to awaken and optimise your being on all levels, from the most physical to the most spiritual, and enables the embodiment of more of your true nature; the beautiful, magnificent being that you are. Energy and the Body Your chakras are not physical and are located etherically, yet they interact with the body via certain locations, as well as the meridian pathways and nervous system, and minor chakra points known as acupressure points. When you understand the traits and properties of each of the main energy centres and how they interact with the body, you can begin to understand the energetic link to physical disorders and ailments and how energy and other levels of your consciousness (e.g. thoughts and feelings) impact the body. An imbalance in a chakra can manifest as dysfunction or disease within the body. It is worth noting here that it is not always black and white, however, since your chakras are interrelated. In this sense, a sore throat might not just be a throat/fifth chakra issue (which essentially governs communication and expression). It could be a combined issue of your heart chakra and throat chakra with respects to suppressed communication and expression around love, for example. Or it could relate to


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

an imbalance in your second chakra with issues around the expression of creative or sexual energy. This is why working to clear, balance and align your ENTIRE chakra system is important. Because your chakras also correlate with the various aspects of your consciousness, renewing and optimising them will positively impact you on ALL levels. ANY issue in your outer life will reflect an issue in your consciousness, be it on physical, mental, emotional or spiritual levels. ANY issue in your consciousness will have its root in your energy system and chakras. To change something in your reality out there or something in your mind, body or emotional being, you can work at a vibrational level by healing the discordance in your energy field and chakra system. Working vibrationally is the fastest route to change, and the ultimate medium, because. .. .EVERYTHING is energy! The Matrix Shift course shows you how to do just that. Go to: to optimize your energy system!


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

Energy and the Law of Attraction The law of attraction, or what I call “resonance manifestation”, is the principle by which you attract into your life that which is in vibrational alignment with your consciousness: your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, desires and intentions. All these exist as energy in your field, and energy is transformable! You can work this “energy alchemy” and positively shift your vibration. Doing so enables transformation at various levels of your being and the restoration and blossoming of your consciousness, and life accordingly. In the Matrix Shift you will learn how to optimise your energy system, release the lower frequencies and “energetic debris”, and raise your vibration in effortless ways. Doing so increases your Attractor Factor automatically! The first step on the road to successfully manifesting your desires is to realise that energy is creating your experience - the energy of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires and intentions, for example.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

Taking responsibility for your life - without judgment for any perceived failures - is both liberating and empowering. Why? Because what you are responsible for, you can change! You create or allow all experience on some level, albeit not always consciously. Reality creation is an intricate subject and there are layers to it, but it is helpful to ponder on the idea, to begin with, that you are ultimately the source, not subject, of your reality. You are a miraculous manifesting machine creating your reality in every moment! The law of attraction is one process of manifestation, and the power of like-attracts-like. It is the means by which you magnetically materialize that which you are in energetic alignment with. The swiftest way to attract the brightest, most successful realities „out there‟, is to clear and align your energy system, and anchor in high positive vibrations that will change you and your reality from the inside out! This is how you shift your “Matrix” – the matrix of your being, and the matrix of your reality.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

The Living World of Energy At the deepest level, as quantum science now proves, reality is a sea of living energy, vibrating at various levels of frequency. When you break matter down to the smallest level, there is nothing solid at all! A table, a river, an apple, your body itself is made up of vibrating wavelengths of energy that appear as form. And the things you don't see that aren‟t solid, such as music, colour, sunlight, your thoughts and feelings, etc., are also all energy, vibrating at different frequency levels. When you experience the world as energy, including you and the people and situations in your life, a whole new dimension of opens up that‟s akin to stepping into wonderland! You realise just how magical life is, and how malleable too! Thoughts Become Things! Events and experiences exist as energy before they manifest physically. In this sense, thoughts, quite literally, become things. Creation starts at an energetic level, with your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and desires, for example, moving down to eventually manifest as form.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

This ”funnel of manifestation” is your chakra system. When it is clear and fully functioning, energy flows without interference, blocks or distortion. This enables successful unhindered manifestations and a greater capacity to consciously create your life from your thoughts and desires. It also enables more of your higher self to be grounded in your being, and a clearer channel is created for receiving love, grace, inspiration, blessings and guidance from the divine. When your energy is vibrating at a higher level, you will also attract brighter realities, and the magical synchronicities and opportunities that are part of higher vibrational flow. By working at an energetic level you can release un-serving energy from your auric field, balance and renew your chakra centres, raise your vibration, and optimise your being on multilevels. In so doing, both you and your reality transforms in magical of ways! Problems and issues in your life parallel discordance in your energy field. What you are creating, attracting and experiencing “out there”, relates to something going on inside, albeit very possibly hidden from conscious awareness. This could be at the level of belief, or hidden choices, or unconscious patterns (which can even include past-life ones).


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

When you work to clear and align your energy, you positively shift your vibration and your life changes as a result! This is what I call the Matrix Shift! Go to: Quantum science now proves that you are not separate from your experience. Furthermore, what appears to be solid stuff out there is, in fact, not solid at all, but wavelengths of energy that respond directly to you – your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and wishes! From a metaphysical perspective, reality is a reflection and extension of the entirety of your consciousness, and what you either create or allow (consciously or not) through your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, choices, desire, imagination, and so on. "Not only do you create the way you look at things, you create the things you look at!" ~Lazaris This is a radical perspective, and whether you wish to accept it wholly or not, you may find it empowering to “try on”. Using the metaphor of your mind being like a projector, and reality the screen, can be helpful. If you want to change your life, there‟s no point messing with the screen; you need to change the film inside the projector.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

A quote by James Allen sums this up nicely: "Circumstance does not make a man, it reveals him to himself." Examples of Specific Chakras & Elements in the Manifesting Process Your chakras are energy projectors through which your manifest and experience your reality. They are the filters and portals that breathe life into your world. EACH of your chakras has an important and integral role to play in the manifestation process. When they are balanced and fully functioning, reality creation is effortless. Energy is able to flow through all levels of your consciousness without obstruction, from the seeds of your choices, thoughts and feelings, all the way down to their outer world realisations. Clearing and balancing your chakra system and energy field with the Matrix Shift course, in which you will also integrate high light vibrations that are appropriate for you, transforms you into a glowing magnet that attracts positive realities by virtue of the energy you emit.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

Manifesting Processes & Chakra Functioning (Examples) Below are three examples of elements involved in the manifesting process and how these correspond to the nature and functioning of different chakra centres: Visualisation The ability to visualise relates to your 6th chakra, also referred to as the third eye, or brow chakra. Your third eye governs six-sensory perception, inner sight, and the realms of the imagination, visualisation, meditation, psychic awareness and intuition. Clearing and activating this centre in a balanced way (such as with the Chakra Balancing Meditation that comes with the Matrix Shift course), enhances your capacity for inner sight and richer imaginative experiences that aid in the manifesting process. “What is now proved was once only imagined.” ~ William Blake Your imagination is a powerful ally when it comes to creating your reality. It is a doorway to the possible, a bridge to your unconscious mind, and a boundless palate with which you create your world!


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Never forget how powerful your imagination is in bringing a new life forth! Clearing and opening your third eye awakens intuitive insight as well as the richness of imagination and many other gifts. "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attraction." ~Albert Einstein Desire “Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.” ~ Napoleon Hill Your desires are the seeds of reality creation. Desire breathes life into your dreams and fuels your imagination and expectation. When you get in touch with your passion and desire, you ignite your imagination and all the positive thoughts and feelings about your goal, which are so integral to manifesting it. Your second chakra, also known as the sacral centre, is the seat of these fiery creative energies.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

If this centre is blocked, under-active or thwarted, you may lack the emotional intensity and “juice” that can attract goals like iron-filings to a magnet. Clearing and balancing your second chakra can help you positively access and get in touch with desires and the wonderful enlivening energy of passion to both kick-start and maintain the manifesting process. The second chakra also relates to sexual functioning and the enjoyment of a healthy sex life. It has a wealth of other attributes, including the arena of creativity, and joy-de-vie. You can find out more about the second chakra and all the other chakras in the Chakra Guidebook that comes with the Matrix Shift course. Deserving A key component in successfully attracting your desires is your sense of deserving. Your self-worth and self-esteem directly impact how much of anything you allow into your life, be that love, money, friendship, recognition, and so on.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

“When your self-worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it.” ~Mark Victor Hansen There are many things that can affect levels of self-worth, from negative self-concepts and beliefs, to guilt, shame and painful childhood experiences. Issues of worth and esteem relate to the third chakra, also known as the solar plexus. The solar plexus is the seat of the personality self, including thoughts and feelings, personal will and empowerment. It is a large centre with numerous attributes affecting many life areas. Clearing and balancing this chakra can create profound positive shifts in your energy and life on many levels. Inadequacy, fear, jealousy, a lack of personal power, and other constricting states can exist with a weak or blocked solar plexus. You may even, for example, have experienced these emotions as waves of energy in the region of the solar plexus (your stomach area, approximately two inches above the navel). With a healthy functioning solar plexus, you feel confident, empowered, and self-authoring, and have positive self-regard and esteem.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

The greater your self-esteem, self-worth and confidence, the more likely you will succeed, and the more likely also you will set higher goals, and reach for and achieve those goals through bold, decisive and consistent action. Confidence also expects positive results and successes, and that expectation is in itself, an element in achieving them. When you believe in yourself, the world does too. If you feel like you don‟t deserve or aren‟t good enough, the world will reflect that back to you, or you may block or sabotage success, or hide and shrink from it. The solar plexus is covered in full detail in the Chakra Guidebook of the Matrix Shift course, which explores issues of self-esteem, dependency, control, boundaries, personal power, victimhood, etheric cords, authority, discernment, confidence, and other areas that relate to this centre. What‟s so great is that you can clear, balance, renew and restore this centre! The techniques and meditations offered in the Matrix Shift course help you to do just that.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

The Matrix Shift Change your Energy – Change your World! What‟s so magical about working with energy is that you don‟t have to know what an issue is specifically to be able to heal and transform it at a vibrational level. The above examples show the relationship between areas of consciousness and specific chakra centres. All aspects of your consciousness relate to the workings of at least one of your chakras, and each chakra serves a variety of functions. The Chakra sections of the Matrix Shift course include:


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

The Chakra Guidebook, which covers the seven major chakras in detail, how to ascertain if one of your chakras is blocked or under/over-active, as well as how to strengthen and support each one. The Chakra Workbook offers specific step-by-step techniques and exercises to clear, balance and renew your chakra centres. The Chakra Balancing Meditation audio guides you through a process to cleanse, balance, heal and align your entire chakra system. Here‟s just some of what you will learn in the above Chakra sections of the Matrix Shift course:  The Chakra Awareness Technique to become more conscious of your chakra centres, and how this alone can activate and energise these vital centres.  The Scanning Chakras exercise for an energetic overview of your chakras and their functioning.  The Chakra Breath Technique for clearing and recharging your chakra centres.  The Chakra Colour Bath exercise to align your chakras to their appropriate colour frequencies and immerse yourself in divine light.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

 How to “open” and “close” your chakras with a straightforward visualisation technique.  How your chakras impact your life everyday in a very real and tangible way.  Where chakras are located physically and etherically.  How chakras interact with the physical body system.  What shape are they (cone-shaped or spherical?).  Why any block in an area of your life will relate to the functioning of your chakras, and what to do about it.  Specific examples of how to strengthen and support each chakra.  And much more! The Matrix Shift also comes with the Aura sections to clear, renew, optimise and maintain your energy field. The Aura Guidebook offers an overview of the aura (and the seven subtle bodies therein), as a backdrop for commencing your journey. The Aura Workbook includes a wealth of easy-to-follow exercises and techniques to cleanse and heal your energy field, and maintain and protect it to keep your vibration high all day!


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

Both energetic methods (including visualisation techniques, sacred symbols, energy magnets, engaging the elements, and meditation processes), as well as practical methods (essential oil sprays, crystals, sacred chants, and more), are included. The Aura Workbook also looks at some of the mental and emotional states that can be detrimental to your overall energetic health. The Auric Healing Meditation audio is a guided meditation in which you clear, transmute and transform un-serving energies, and heal and renew your auric field. In this meditation you will also fill your energy field with love, high frequency energies that are most appropriate for you to receive at the time of listening, which will raise your vibration and enhance your energy (and corresponding state of being), in elegant and graceful ways. As you heal, balance and harmonise your energy, your outer life transforms as a result - it can‟t not! Below is just some of what you will learn in the Aura sections of the Matrix Shift course:  9 practical methods and tools to cleanse your aura.


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

 5 energy clearing exercises to release negative energy from your field and cleanse and heal your aura (including energy screens, elemental baths, and the cosmic hover!)  9 techniques to protect and maintain your energy field to keep your vibration high all day!  How to “shrink” your aura, and when this is recommended.  How to reinforce auric boundaries.  8 sacred symbols to enhance and protect your auric field.  How the aura manifests the body, NOT the other way around!  The several layers of the aura known as subtle bodies; what these are, their meaning and features.  The four main intuitive sensing modalities; discover your sixth-sense channels!  My personal account of seeing and sensing auras.  The Astral Body and out-of-body experiences.  The layer of the aura akin to the „song of your soul‟!  And much more! Go to:


“Chakras & Manifesting” © Aine Belton – All Rights Reserved

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