Chakra Healing With Anodea Judith Quest Workbook PDF

July 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Chakra Healing With Anodea Judith

Companion Workbook




Table of Contents FIRST CHAKRA: ROOT


Root Chakra: Balance Assessment

Day 1 - Root Chakra: Chakra: Healing the Psyche Day 2 - Root Chakra: Healing the Body

4  6 

Day 3 - Root Chakra: Chakra: Healing the Spirit



Sacral Chakra: Balance Assessment


Day 4 - Sacral Chakra: Chakra: Healing the Psyche


Day 5 - Sacral Chakra: Chakra: Healing the Body Day 6 - Sacral Chakra: Chakra: Healing the Spirit

16  17 



Day 7 - Review and Integrate


Additional Notes

21   21

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FIRST CHAKRA: ROO ROOT T Basic Info: The !rst chakra, often called the Root Chakra or Base Chakra Location: Base Location:  Base of the spine, perineum, includes legs and feet Element: Earth. Element: Earth. Name: Muladhara, Name:  Muladhara, means root support. Key Words: grounding, support, structure, health, embodiment, security, safety, and prosperity Chakra Skill Set #1: Start #1: Start to be mindful when you are eating. Why? Nourishment is a basic form of the body’s survival, and mindfulness helps us stay present, ground grounded. ed. S l o w d o w n. Really taste your food, let it land in your belly before you take the next bite. Feel your body. Notice the results. Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #1: To #1: To overcome Fear. Take an action this week to do one thing you are afraid of.  of.  What do you most fear? What does that keep you from doing or having? Where does that fear come from? Reframe: Feel fear as aliveness. Turn into action to combat your fear (grounding exercise, self-soothing a"rmation, speaking up, discharging energy, etc.) Turn FEAR to FAITH.




Chakra Triumphs:  Triumphs:  Hold your ground and boundaries in a charged situation. Eat mindfully. Do something wonderful for your body, body, work out, hike, get a massage. A"rmations: rmations:   • •

It is safe for me to be here. I llo ove my my b bo ody an and d tr trust ust iits ts wisd wisdom om..

I am IN here.

The Ea Earth ssu upports m me e.

I live in abundance.

I hol hold dm my yg grrou ound nd no ma matt tter er wh what at I e enc ncou ount nter er..

Root Chakra: Balance Assessment Chakras can be de!cient, which results from an avoidant strategy, or excessive, resulting from a compensatory strategy. In order to best function, each chakra needs to be balanced. At the start of each new chakra, assess your balance and in which direction. This will guide you in your quest by showing you how much work is required for healing.

First Chakra

-1  

Live in your head Fearful Financial struggles




Grounded and stable Healthy and Fit Prosperous




Extremely De!cient




Weight problems Sluggish, dense Addicted to security





Extremely Excessive



Day 1 - Root Chakra: Healing the Psyche Developmental Stage: First Stage: First year of life Developmental Task: Is to learn Embodiment (living fully IN your body) This chakra relates to your birth and !rst year of life, when you are just coming into this world and beginning to live in your body, learning to eat, sleep, crawl, stand, and walk. At this age, all your survival needs are provided by caretakers. If those needs are met as they should be, the result is a grounded sense of security and embodiment. If they are not met, the result is insecurity and fear. The !rst chakra contracts energetically energetically and later may compensate by becoming excessive (too much Earth energy - heavy) or de !cient (too little Earth energy ungrounded). Chakra Challenge: To Challenge: To overcome fear Chakra Gift: Prosperity, stability, security

Day 1 - Lesson Notes

trust vs mistrust when we were born. mistrust --> > constricted core. dont have enough energy. nervous system doesn’t feel safe. reasons: unsafe environment. relax = move down toward the earth poor mother bonding. feeling unwanted from their parents. they do it uncon unconsicously sicously.. Fear is stressful when chakra 1 is blocked. extra weight to feel safe. fear is learned habits (sometimes it’s execiment not fear) excessive: eat a lot. materials balanced: trust in ourself. fear: source of energy. transform fear to ally. unreasonable fear to reasonal faith. approach yourself with compassion. reflect and notice.



Day 1 - Exercise for Today 1. Re!ect on what you know about your birth experience experience and  and consider how it may be affecting you today (i.e. your sense of safety, security, worthy of having, and finances). finances). If your parents are  still alive, see what you can "nd out. Here are a few questions to start your re!ection on (choose 3-4 questions that work for you. You do not have to answer all of them): • Were you born in a hospital? •

Was y yo our mother given drugs?

• •

We Were re th ther ere e any any comp compli lica cati tion ons? s? W Wer ere e you you iin na an n in incu cuba bato tor? r? How did this this st stage age go ffor or you you iin n your your earlie earliest st y year ears? s? Wer Were e your your sur surviv vival al  needs provided?

Did you have feeding di di#culties? Were you bottle-fed or breast-fed?

Did you fee feell ssafe afe in genera generall growi growing ng up, even even as you wer were ea an no olde lderr child?

Did you relax into yo your body? Did sleep in a crib?

• •

Di Did dy you ou bon ond dw we ell wit ith h yo your mot mother her?  Did you hav have e tto o shar share e tthis his imp import ortant ant per period iod of bon bondin ding gw with ith oth other er  brothers and sisters?

i didn’t feel safe when I was a little. l ittle. sometimes my parents got angry and yell and hit me a lot. i forgive f orgive them and feel compassionate because they didn’t know how to behave. they love me but life was so stressful. i didn’t remember but i dont think it bonded well with my mother, my fathers took care of me a lot when i was little. i was connected with my little brother but one event happened. my brother fell down and there was a lot of blood. my parents was so angry at me but some of my aunts took care of me. i was having feeding difficulties. many people told me i was very hard to feed and can’t grow grow..




2. Sta State te the a#rmations below, feel them, and begin reprogramming your birthing experience. Alternatively, you can also recreate a womb with blankets in your bed, or have someone hold you and rock you while you say these a#rmations: •

It is safe for me to be here.

I can can relax elax in into to my bo body dy an and d th the e Ea Eart rth. h.

I llo ove my my b bod ody ya an nd ttrrust ust iits ts wisd wisdom om..

I am IN here.

The Earth supports m me e.

I live in abundance.

I hol hold dm my yg grrou ound nd no ma matt tter er wh what at I e enc ncou ount nter er..

I am worthy of having.

I am worthy of being h he ere.

Day 2 - Root Chakra: Healing the Body  For each of the body days, follow along with Anodea through the movements.   Pause the video at any time to repeat. We suggest rating how well the movement worked for you, so that you may curate your own list of favorite tools and techniques at the end of the Quest. The best way to learn is to practice tuning into your body and getting to know which movement to use. With time, you’ll become masterful in knowing what works best forfaster your body. teaching else! Thisothers. will help you master the technique as weTry learn better someone through teaching Start with the charged movements to get energy charged up. Then, get that energy moving with the Chakra Yoga Flow. Afterwards, you may carry on about your day practicing with an easy Everyday Movement. Movement. Know that you can insert those movements any time you think of it. The more you do it, the stronger those pathways will become established in your body. Body & Health: This chakra relates to your legs and feet, your bones, your large intestine and colon. Practice opening the leg channels with the charged movements below.  




Charged Movements:


1. St Stan andi ding ng Bi Bioe oene nerg rget etic ic Grou Ground ndin ing g __/5  __/5  Stand upright, feet hip-distance apart, slightly pigeon-toed. Bend your knees as you inhale, push down and out through the core of both legs on the exhale, straightening legs only 90% of the way. Repeat, coordinating with the breath for several minutes, moving slowly (basically charges the legs).

2. St Stamping tth he feet ____/5  Lying on your back with knees bent, stamp your feet on the ground, alternating feet, like a kid’s temper tantrum. Make noise and discharge!

Extra Bonus with Partner: Lie Partner: Lie on back, pushing feet into partner’s hands to build up charge. Then push out rapidly against partner’s resistance, saying “Mine!” (meaning your roots, your body) End with kicking into #oor, like a temper tantrum. Continue to say “mine” or whatever comes up (discharges legs).

Chakra Yoga Flow __/5  __/5  Everyday Practices: These Practices: These are practices you can do anywhere, anytime, in just a few moments. They will help balance your !rst chakra. 1. Tailbone back __/5 Press the tip of the tailbone toward the back of your body whenever you are seated: sitting to eat, working at your computer, driving, or meditating. Notice how it makes it easier to keep the spine erect.




2. Kund Kundalini alini Bu Butt tt boun bounce ce __/ 5  Bounce up and down on your butt on a cushion or chair for 30 seconds (time it). Wakes you up doesn’t it? Stimulates #uid movement in the spine and strengthens the legs.  legs. 

Day 2 - Exercise for Today Today For the next 24 hours practice tuning in to how your body feels and use one of the movements you’ve learned today. Notice whether your root chakra needs to feel more more charged  charged (energized) or if you feel your legs need to release or discharge discharge.. If charging, use the strap exercise exer cise or the standing grounding, without the kicking at the end. If you need to discharge to feel more calm and grounded, do more of the kicking. Take some time to record any emotions that come up.




Day 3 - Root Chakra: Healing the Spirit  Spirit and World, this World, this represents our relationship to the Earth, and the protection of nature. Its sacred value is health: in our bodies, our environment, and our world. It is one thing to do something with our body, but the !nal piece is to connect with Nature and the larger world. 

Day 3 - Lesson Notes



Day 3 - Exercise for Today Today 1.

Re#ect and write down a list of things that are refuges for you; a place where you can drop into your body and feel safe. Commit to seeking refuge throughout this Quest as needed. Your Rainbow Warrior Buddy can also be your support system. List of refuges: A. _____________ ____________________ ______________ ______________ _____________ _________ ___ B. ______ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ _____________ __________ ___ C. _______ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ _________ ___ D. ______ _____________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _________ __ E. _____________ ____________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _________ __ F. _______ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _________ __ G. _______ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _________

2. Share your favour favourite ite refuge with the T Tribe. ribe. Someone could discover discover something new from your post!






Basic Info: Second chakra, often called the Sacral Chakra Location: Second chakra is located in the abdomen, between the navel and hip crease. It includes the lower back, the pelvis and the sexual organs. Element: Water Name: Svadhisthana, Name:  Svadhisthana, means “one’s own place.”   Once we have energy coming into into the  the body, the next step is to move it through through   the body, re#ecting the #uid nature of this chakra. The second chakra’s purpose is to feel, to move energy, and to increase your capacity for pleasure.   Feeling is an important aspect of consciousness, which carries important information from the body to the brain. Key Words: Sensation, feeling, emotion, pleasure pleasure,, #ow, movement, sensuality, sexuality, enjoyment



Chakra Skill Set #2: Feel #2: Feel the charge of your emotions. When you feel an emotion come up, feel the sensation of it. Take your attention o$  of  of the story that caused the emotion and keep your focus on the sensation of emotional charge instead. Feel where it is in your body body,, and what it wants to do. See if you can allow your body to relax, so that it can release the emotion, yet keep the charge and harvest it into your tissues. Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #2: #2: To enjoy and feel pleasure. Schedule something pleasurable and really take the time to savor it. Could be going out to dinner, a hot bath with candles, or a sexy date night.

Second Chakra Triumphs:  Triumphs:  Hips move more easily. Sex life improves. More in touch with emotions.

Affirmations:   Affirmations: · · · · · ·

Id de eserve pleasure. I feel good. Ie emb mbrrac ace ea and nd ce cele lebr brat ate em my y se sexu xual alit ity y. It is is ssa afe to ffe eel my my e em motions. I listen to my feelings. Life is pleasurable.

Sacral Chakra: Balance Assessment Second Chakra  

Unemotional Self-denying In#exible, rigid -5


Overly emotional Poor boundaries Overly Indulgent

Balanced emotions Capacity for pleasure Feel good in body -3




Extremely De!cient







Extremely Excessive 12


Day 4 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Psyche Developmental Stage: 6 Stage: 6 months to 2 years old Developmental Task: Sensate exploration of the world (pleasure/pain); gain emotional literacy; establish emotional connection 

This chakra comes into play once movement is possible for the child. The child is moving into the world, exploring through the senses. Learns what is pleasurable pleasurab le or painful, good or bad. Communicates only through emotion, because it does not have adequate language yet. Moveme Movement, nt, sensation, emotion, all get wound up together. If life was painful, movement and feeling are restricted. Guilt can ensue for feeling or wanting anything. Guilt stops our #ow, blocking impulses from completing and needs from being met. Chakra Challenge: Overcome guilt and numbness Chakra Gift: Pleasure, enjoyment

Day 4 - Lesson Notes




Day 4 - Exercise for Today  1. Acknowledge your right to feel. Be the observer of your own emotions today and let yourself feel them.   2. Or, if you want to dig deeper you can start reclaiming your right to feel by working on the advanced exercise option below instead. Fuller Engagement Options To reclaim your right to feel deeper, !rst gain awareness and acknowledge where you got lost in the !rst place? In your journal or workbook, re#ect and answer: •

What were you taught about your feelings in your family family?? Were you allowed to feel and express your emotions? Was there any support?


What feelings have remained unexpressed?


What did you need as a child that you didn’t get?


What did you get that you didn’t want?


What did you do as a result of not getting your needs met?


How does that a$ ect ect your ability to recognize and meet your needs now?


How does that a$ ect ect your emotional boundaries with yourself and others?




* There There may be a lot coming up for you. Don’t feel the need to understand everything all at once. Be the observer of your own process. This is the beginning of a new awareness, which is the !rst step in the journey.



Day 5 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Body Body & Health: This chakra relates to your belly and pelvis. Does your belly stick out? Charged Movements: •

1. Butter!y Legs __/5  __/5  From supta baddha konasana (soles of feet together, knees out, like a butter!y), Exhale as you slowly bring knees together, Inhale as you spread knees apart. Repeat slowly at "rst, then experiment with di# erent erent speeds (charging).

2. Pelvic Pulses __/5  Rapid rocking back and forth of the pelvis while lying supine. Can be followed with lifting the hips 2-3 inches and holding. This will get pelvis

moving spontaneously (trauma releasing exercise, discharging). •

Extra bonus wi with partner erss: Resisted bridge pose: Helper puts hands on outer hip bone to create resistance, while recipient moves into bridge pose (charging).

Chakra Yoga Flow __/5 Everyday Practices: 

1. Bioenergetic swing __/5  __/5  Inhale, move hips and tailbone backward backward,, exhale, and swing them forward.

2. Wave motion __/5 

Inhale, take tailbone back, exhale, swing it forward, and as you do, follow wave all the way up the body. Gets the body loose and !uid. Moves energy up the spine.




Day 5 - Exercise for Today Today For the next 24 hours practice tuning in to how your body feels and use one of the movements you’ve learned today. If needed, record any release or discharges of emotion.

Day 6 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Spirit When we denigrate feeling, we numb. Without feeling, there is no compassion. A world that makes touch into a bad thing is a world out of touch. People touch. People out of touch with themselves, become out of touch with each other and out of touch with the planet. There's power in sharing and having our feelings witnessed and understood. It helps us build deeper, more meaningful connection connections. s. Practice working with your feelings, get comfortable with sharing them and recognize we all have a common thread. This will help you get more in touch with your sacral chakra and realize we all feel guilty; we all feel, period. There are no such things as “bad emotions”. It’s just learning to handle the charge, which is our basic aliveness.




Day 6 - Lesson Notes



  Day 6 - Exercise for Today   1.

Share an emotion with someone and pay attention to what happens in your body as a result. You can even post a video and share with the Tribe.

  2. Re#ect on the exercise. What was the experience like? What came up for you? How does this change a previously held belief or attitude about sharing emotions?


You are invited to share your experience with the Tribe.




REVIEW AND I NTEGRA NTEGRATE TE Day 7 - Review and Integrate You may use this optional weekly self-re #ection as part of your review to better integrate your learnings with your everyday life. What large or small victories did you have this week?

What lessons did you learn? How will you bring these lessons forward and build on them?

What pleasant surprises/miracles did you discover this week?

What are you most grateful for?

What are you looking forward forward to during the upcoming week?




Additional Notes




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Table of Contents


Solar Plexus Chakra: Balance Assessment

Day 8 - Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Psyche

Day 9 - Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Body

Day 10 - Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Spirit



Heart Chakra: Balance Assessment


Day 11 - Heart Chakra: Healing the Psyche


Day 12 - Heart Chakra: Healing the Body


Day 13 - Heart Chakra: Healing the Spirit




Day 14 - Review and Integrate


 Additional  Addition al Notes

17  17 

*In the PDF format, you can click on any title and be taken to that section of the guide.



THIRD CHAKRA: SOLAR PLEXUS Basic Info: The third chakra, often called the solar plexus chakra, or the power chakra, it rules metabolism and energy, personal power and will. Location: Solar plexus. Element: Fire. Name: Manipura, means lustrous gem. Keywords: power, will, strength, energy, autonomy, sovereignty, self-esteem, effectiveness, confidence, courage Chakra Skill Set #3: Change your mental vocabulary by replacing “I have to” with “I choose to”. Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #1: #1 : Do one thing you’ve been procrastinating to do for a while. Do it. When you overcome this challenge, the gift is personal empowerment. Chakra Triumph: ● Fe Fee el mo more powerfu rful ● Ge Gett thi thing ngs s done done m more ore easi easily ly and and effe effecti ctive vely ly ● Ha Hav ve more more energ rgy y



Affirmations ·  I honor the power within me. ·  I follow through with my will. ·  My inner fire burns through blocks and fears. ·  My will and divine will are aligned. ·  I know my purpose. ·  I do it easily and effortlessly.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Balance Assessment


Day 8 - Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Psyche Developmental Stage: Stage: 18  18 months - 3 years (also known as “the terrible twos”) Developmental Task: is to learn learn  autonomy, will, self-definition, impulse control  At this age, age, as a child child becomes becomes mature enough to develop develop impulse control and and understand understand language, the will is discovered and exercised. If the parents are too authoritarian, will is squelched; if too lenient, the child gets a false sense of power. The child gets programmed around power by how power is handled in the family.  family.  Chakra Challenge: Overcome Challenge: Overcome shame and doubt Chakra Gift: Empowerment



Day 8 - Lesson Notes

Day 8 - Exercise for Today 1. Reflect and write down down areas where you are b blaming laming or complainin complaining. g.

2. Take responsibility responsibility for your part, and write down what you can do to change any part of the situation (your attitude, beliefs, actions, etc.).



Fuller Engagement Option Instead of the exercise above, seek to dive deeper into yourself by answering these questions: Reflection Exercise: Reflect and explore these questions: 1. Who  held  power   in  your family household? 2. What mean means s did they they use to establi establish sh their their authori authority? ty?  (punishment,   dominance,  emotional manipulation,  etc.) 3. How  did  you react  at  the time? (comply,  rebel,  withdraw,  manipulate,   or   something else?)  else?) 4.   What  do  you do  now?  (Do you still tend to comply,  rebel,  etc.?) What form does the inner  authority take in your life now? Who is it fashioned after? 5. Become aware aware of more more choices in how to respond (negotiate (negotiate,, communicate, communicate, collaborate, collaborate, win/win).

If you had your power back from wherever you lost it, what would you do with it now? Is there any situation where you’re repeating the same pattern of response? Take responsibility for your part. Choose another response. Power only exists when it is being applied.



Day 9 - Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Body Body and & Health: This chakra rules basic digestion and metabolism, as well as strength and vitality. Goal is to have steady energy throughout the day, with practices to modulate if there is too little or too much.

Charged Movements: ●

1. Stoking the Fire (Charging)  (Charging) __/5  __/5 ·  Reach arms forward with hands in a fist. Inhale, then exhale pulling elbows back and hands toward the third chakra. Repeat rapidly until you feel a charge.

2. Woodchopper (Discharging) __/5 ·  In a standing position, spread legs shoulder width apart. Clasp hands overhead and make loud sound as you bring arms down through your legs, as if you were chopping wood.


Bonus with Partner: Stand Partner: Stand face to face with your partner, with your arms starting at the side of you. Try lifting your arms up, while your partner gives resistance.

Chakra Yoga Flow __/5 · 

Everyday Movements: ●

1. Breath of Fire __/5 Rapid diaphragmatic breathing. Sitting up straight, snap your diaphragm in, sending a burst of air out your nostrils. Relax the diaphragm and air naturally comes back in. Do at least 30 snaps of the diaphragm per practice. Can do more if you choose. Use for more containment of your power.

2. Stirring the Cauldron __/5 Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, moving your midsection clockwise, as if around the inside of a barrel, while keeping shoulders and hips steady. Use this to loosen up and activate the solar plexus chakra.




Day 2 - Exercise for Today For the next 24 hours practice tuning into how your body feels and use one of the movements you’ve learned today. 

Day 10 - Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Spirit Spirit and world, this world, this chakra represents our relationship to power. The current world paradigm of power creates unhealthy division and a power over others.

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

To enact change towards the power of love, we must first reclaim our own power to recreate a new paradigm for the world to replace the love of power with the power of love. The antidote to powerlessness is to live from purpose and integrity.




Day 10 - Lesson Notes

Day 10 - Exercise for Today 1. List or circle your top 5 core values values using the list below. below. Alternatively, Alternatively, you you may extend extend your search online on your own. Search for: core values lists.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Aut uth hent ntic icit ity y Achievement Adventure Authority Autonomy Balance Beauty Boldness Compassion Challenge Citizenship

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Fame Friendships Fun Growth Happiness Honesty Humor Influence Inner Harmo mon ny Justice Kindness

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Peace Pleasure Poise Popularity Recognition Religion Reputation Respect Respons nsiibi bili litty Security Self lf-R -Res esp pect

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Community Competence Cont ntri rib but utio ion n Creativity Curiosity Dete term rmin ina ati tio on Fairness Faith

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Knowledge Leadership Learning Love Loyalty Mean aniing ngfful Wo Work Openness Optimism

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Service Spirituality Stability Success Status Trus Tr ustw twor orth thin ines ess s Wealth




2. Use your your core values values list list to complet complete e the integri integrity ty exercise exercise with with at least 1 commitment.  commitment.  This exercise demonstrates what it is like to act with intention and alignment with our values. Try using the exercise if you ever face a dilemma. A. Committed Action (What will I do?)

E.g. Apologize to a friend.

B. Reason

C. Who Benefits?

(Why is this important? Insert core value/s)

(Who or what benefits from your action?)   action?)

Friendship, fairness, honesty

My friend and myself.

D. Did I Complete it? (Mark if you completed this action) Completed!



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Basic Info: The fourth chakra, often called the heart chakra. Location: Heart chakra is in the center of the chest. Element: Air. Element:  Air. Name: Anahata Name:  Anahata,, means unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten. unbeaten.   Keywords: Love, compassion, balance, self-love, relationships, intimacy, devotion, acceptance Chakra Challenge: Work through grief Chakra Gift: A Gift: A light heart heart full of love Chakra Skill Set #4: Choose to understand, compassion over judge.  judge.   Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #2: Make #2:  Make a gratitude list. Add one thing each day for a week. Affirmations: ● Ia am m wo worth rthy of of lo love. ● I lo love ea easily. ● I ho hold ld myse myself lf and and others others in comp compas assio sion. n. ● The There re is is an an iinfi nfinit nite e sup supply ply of love. love. ● Love Love is my natur natural al sta state te of being being..

I live live in b bal alan ance ce wi with th othe others rs..



Chakra Triumph ● Fee Feell more more selfself-lov love e and and selfself-ac accep cepta tance nce.. ● Fe Feel el mor more e conn connec ecte ted d to oth other ers. s. ● Fee Feell softe softerr and and easi easier er in in you yourr bod body. y.

Heart Chakra: Balance Assessment


Day 11 - Heart Chakra: C hakra: Healing the Psyche Developmental Stage: 3 Stage: 3 to 7 years Developmental Task: Socialization, acceptance Programming at this stage of life happens when a child learns what to do, how to act, and who to be in order to get love and acceptance from others. As such, they learn to reject and disown aspects of themselves which are not deemed “acceptable”. These rejected aspects of the self form a person’s “shadow” – unconscious aspects of a person they have learned to disown. This is a loss of wholeness. Movement towards self-love and self-acceptance comes from learning to love and bring into light those aspects from the shadow into wholeness. Grief is a natural response to loss, not only in the connection with another, but also with yourself. One must reconnect to one’s self to overcome grief. The aim here is to give yourself what you lost. Chakra Challenge: Work through grief Chakra Gift: A Gift: A light heart heart full of love




Day 11 - Lesson Notes

Day 11 - Exercise for Today  Reflect and answer these questions for yourself: 1. Begin Begin with someth something ing you like like about about yourself. yourself. Feel Feel it in your body. body. 2. Name something something you don’t don’t like about yourself. Feel it in you yourr body. body. 3. Look back back in your life life and see see when that that trait began. began. How How old were you? What What were the forces acting on you at the time? How was that trait an attempt to deal with those forces? 4. Can you forgive forgive that that trait? Forgive Forgive that trait by seeing seeing what it’s been trying to do. do. 5. Make a place in your heart heart for the the child of that age, and and that that trait.. 6. Take Take you yourr time time wit with h it. it.




Day 12 - Heart Chakra: C hakra: Healing the Body  Body  Body and Health: Heart chakra is in the center of the chest and rules the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. Charged Movements: ●

1. Winged breath (Charging) __/5 ·  Hands on shoulders, twist side to side, inhaling right, exhaling left. Do this 12 times, then inhaling left, exhaling right 12 times.

2. Breath of Joy (Discharging) __/5 ·  This is a standing exercise which includes three inhalations and one exhalation. Inhale: swing arms up and forward in front of your at shoulder height. Inhale again: swing arms down and up again to the side at shoulder height. Inhale again: swing arms all the way up above your head, and then in one big swoop downwards, exhale and bow forward.

Extra bonus with partners: Reaching and pulling: Reach out with your arms, then pull your hands in toward your heart while your partner gives resistance (pulling in charges, pushing out discharges).

Chakra Yoga Flow __/5 ·  Everyday Practices: ●


Ain’t it wonderful? __/5 Clasp hands behind your neck, tilt back, smile!

2. Stop, breathe and smile __/5

Day 12 - Exercise for Today  For the next 24 hours practice tuning in to how your body feels and use one of the movements you’ve learned today. If needed, record any release or discharge of emotion.  




Day 13 - Heart Chakra: Healing the Spirit

Spirit and world, the world, the heart chakra in the world is beginning to shape a new organizing principle of the world – elevating our own selves from ego to eco, chain of command to web of connection, greed to green, self to service. How do you play a role in bringing more heart into the world?

Day 13 - Lesson Notes

Day 13 - Exercise for Today Dare to care. What you appreciate, appreciates. ●

In the next 48 hours, do an unexpected and unasked for favor for someone else random act of kindness. Notice kindness. Notice how it feels.  feels. 

IF you a are re facing facing “carin “caring g fatigue fatigue”, ”, then then do a grand grand favo favorr to yourself yourself..

Bonus Partner Exercise: The Compassion Exercise This is a bonus exercise and works well with partners if there’s a disagreement. Keep it and practice when needed. 1. Stand face to face with person in disagreement with.



2. Place your left hand on your own heart and your right hand over your partner’s partner’s left hand, which is on their heart. 3. Coordinate Coordinate your breath, breathing in and out a few times simultane simultaneously. ously. 4. Look each other other in the eye and say together: together:

● ● ● ●

Yo You u and and I have have both both known known pain pain and and so sorro rrow. w. Yo You u and and I are both both doing doing the best best we know know how how.. You and I both both want want to to be seen, seen, heard, heard, and underst understood ood.. Yo You u and and I bot both h want want to to love love a and nd b be e loved loved..



REVIEW AND INTEGRATE Day 14 - Review and Integrate You may use this optional weekly self-reflection as part of your review to better integrate your learnings with your everyday life. What large or small victories did you have this week?

What lessons did you learn? How will you bring these lessons forward and build on them?

What pleasant surprises/miracles did you discover this week?

What are you most grateful for?

What are you looking forward to during the upcoming week?



 Additional Notes



Chakra Healing  With Anodea Judith

Companion Workbook - Week 3




Table of Contents  FIFTH CHAKRA: THROAT


Throat Chakra: Balance Assessment


Day 15 - Throat Chakra: Healing the Psyche


Day 16 - Throat Chakra: Healing the Body


Day 17 - Throat Chakra: Healing the Spirit




Third Eye Chakra: Balance Assessment


Day 18 - Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Psyche


Day 19 - Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Body


Day 20 - Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Spirit



15 16







Basic Info: The fifth chakra is known as the throat chakra – the place of communication, relating to sound and vibration. Location: Throat Location:  Throat Element: Ether, sound  Name: Vissudha, means purification, for it is here that speaking our deepest truths

has a purifying effect, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit. Key Words: Sound, vibration, communication, listening, creativity creativity,, resonance Chakra Skill Set #6: Notice when you’re not saying something. Notice why you are choosing to remain silent. See what it feels like in your body. Consider what needs are not being met. Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #1: Speak your withholds. Chakra Triumph: The Triumph: The feeling you get when communication is cleared up and you feel closer to someone. You You feel understood and you feel you understand them better.  Affirmations: • I can speak my truth. • My voice is necessary. • My truth matters. • I listen deeply to others.




• Creativity flows through me. • I live in harmony.

Throat Chakra: Balance Assessment Chakras can be deficient, which results from an avoidant strategy, or excessive, resulting from a compensating strategy. In order to best function, each chakra needs to be balanced. At the start of each new chakra, assess your balance and in which direction it leans. This will guide you in your quest by showing you how much work is required for healing.

Fifth Chakra ______ Quiet, shy Fear of speaking out Secretive

Resonant, full voice Clear concise communication Good listener

Excessive talking Poor listener Talks too loud







Extremely Deficient







Extremely Excessive

  Day 15 - Throat Chakra: Healing the Psyche   Developmental Stage: In between the ages 7 to 10 years old Developmental Task: Task: Learning to communicate and socialize  Once a child becomes socialized and feels accepted by those around him, he enters the fifth chakra stage of learning and expansion through various forms of communication. Here, the child who has made it through the previous developmental stages intact, feels free to express himself, ask questions, share his internal truths, and dares to be creative. But when things impact a child that he can’t speak about, the t he fifth chakra becomes compromised.   Chakra Challenge: Pierce through lies Chakra Gift: Creativity 



Day 15 - Lesson Notes  

Day 15 - Exercise for Today   1. Reflect and write down:


• • • •

Where in your life are not speaking your truth? What are you afraid of in speaking it? How might you have learned this fear? What is your need? (to be respected, listened to, not judged) How can you request a listening that honors your concern?

2. As always, we invite you to share your new aha-moments, insights, and/or questions with the Tribe.




Fuller Engagement Option Take your inquiry deeper by exploring your childhood programmings by reflecting on these questions: • What were the messages around communication when you were a child? Were you heard when you spoke?  • Was your truth honored? Did anyone ever ask your opinion? Was there anybody you could really talk to?  • Were you humiliated for saying something stupid?  • Were there lies in the family that you were told or were expected to keep? (such as lies about drinking, affairs, money money,, mental illness, etc.) • Were you forced to keep secrets?  • Did you have to tell lies to avoid punishment, humiliation, or in protection of others? 

• Do you still tend to lie or shade the truth in self-protection? 



How to Share Withholds (Weekly Challenge Option) Option ) What haven’t you said to someone you are currently in a relationship with? (could be a friend, co-worker co-worker,, intimate partner, or relative) What is your fear of sharing your truth?  1. Ask that person if they are willing to hear a withhold and follow the withhold process: “I have something I’ve withheld from you. Are you willing to hear it?”   2. If yes, then speak in “I” voice staying in your own experience. Ex: “I felt hurt last night when you…” Other person merely says, “Thank you.”   3. If the answer is no, either negotiate a different time or find a 3rd person you can have stand in for that person to get it off your chest.   4. Continue until there is nothing more withheld between you and that person, hopefully ending with some positive communication.

Day 16 - Throat Chakra: Healing the Body

  Body & Health: This chakra relates to the shoulders, neck, throat, tongue, and mouth. Practice opening the throat and shoulders, chanting, and vibrating sound.  

Charged Movements:  

1. Shoulder Shrugs (Charging) __/5   Rapidly lift and lower shoulders, inhaling as you lift and exhaling as you lower your shoulders. 2. Get off my Back (Discharging) __/5  At should height, curl your arms to form a wing on both sides. Start to elbow behind with the left and right elbow and then both elbows while saying, “get off you my back!”

Chakra Yoga Flow __/5 Flow __/5  



Everyday Movements: 1. Neck Rolls __/5 Do this several times a day day,, especially if sitting at a computer, after a long drive, or holding a book or computer in your lap. Simply roll your head around very slowly in a circle, pausing at tight places in your neck. 2. Jaw Press __/ 5  Great for a tight jaw. Place the heel of your hand underneath your jaw with mouth closed. Apply resistance resistance with your hand while trying to open your jaw. If you’re in a place where you can safely make sound, let out some sounds while stretching your jaw open.

Day 16 - Exercise for Today   For the next 24 hours practice tuning in to how your body feels and use one of the movements you’ve learned today.

  Take some time to record any emotions that come up.



Day 17 - Throat Chakra: Healing the Spirit  

Spirit and World, welcome to the communication revolution. The average person today has more access to tools of communication now than at any time in history. With this power comes great responsibility to shake up the truth and raise the silenced voices.


Day 17 - Lesson Notes


Day 17 - Exercise for Today 1. R•eflUnderneath ect: everything you do, everything you say  – what are you really trying to say?  • And in saying that, what are you most longing to hear?   2. Tell ell iitt to yo your urse self lf.. 3. Share what you a are re lon longing ging tto o hear and s share hare with tthe he T Tribe. ribe.





Basic Info: The Info: The sixth chakra, often called the third eye chakra, rules over intuition, imagination, and visualization. Location: Forehead, brow. Element: Light. Name: Ajna, Name:  Ajna, means the ability to perceive and command.


  The sixth chakra is about seeing in the deepest sense of the word. To To have insight, to remember, remember, to pierce the veils of illusion and see the truth. Seeing a big part of realization: to see with “‘real eyes.” That is the third eye, center of intuition, imagination, and vision. Key Words: Light, Words: Light, illumination, vision, intuition, clarity clarity,, imagination, remembering, dreaming.   Chakra Skill Set #6: Choose to see the positive. We have a habit of seeing the negative instead of the positive, which is not the whole picture. Choose to see the t he truth which is whole. Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #2: To pierce through illusion and see beauty. Beautify something in your surroundings.   Chakra Tr Triumphs: iumphs: • Intuitive and perceptive • Strong imagination and vision




Affirmations: • • • • • •

I see with clarity. I pay attention to my intuition. I have a vision. I focus my attention to see clearly. I value my insights. I am open to the wisdom within.  

Third Eye Chakra: Balance Assessment Sixth Chakra _____

Lack of imagination Denial Poor concentration -5



Strong intuition Clarity Imaginative -2




Input overwhelm Intrusive memories Obsessive 2




Extremely Deficient


Extremely Excessive


Day 18 - Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Psyche  

Developmental Stage: Adolescence Developmental Task: Task: Establishment of personal identity This is a time when the individual is forming their identity and making sense of who they are in the grand scheme of things. In this process, they are forming their own world and personal views.   Chakra Challenge: To To pierce through illusion Chakra Gift: To see with clarity 



Day 18 - Lesson Notes


Day 18 - Exercise for Today  


1. Reflect on today s meditation and write down what you see now that you didn t see before.   2. You’re You’re invited to share your experience with the Tribe.




Day 19 - Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Body Body & Health: The third eye relates to the pineal gland, a light sensitive organ. The body needs both light and darkness. When we are deprived of light, we are missing an important “vitamin” for our well-being. When we don’t have regularity in our sleeping – at least 8 hours of darkness and rest, melatonin is thrown off, and can negatively affect our immune system, our physical and psychological well-being, and our ability to dream. Charged Movements: 1. Sixth Chakra Breathing (C (Charging) harging) __/5  Imagine you are at a window with curtains in front of you and you want to spread those curtains wide open. Start with your hands on your eyes. Inhale with your nose and open your eyes wide while extending your arms outward, opening the curtain. Exhale with your mouth and cover your eyes again. Repeat several times rapidly. 2. Blowing Pictures (Discharging)#__/5

Close your eyes and allow an image to come to mind. Then, imagine a rose or some kind of container to put the image in. Imagine your third eye sending a laser beam to blast the image. Blow up the rose or the container. Chakra Yoga Flow __/5 Flow __/5   Everyday Movements: 1. Yogic Eye Exercises __/5  Move your eyeballs and look in every direction, and then clockwise and counter clockwise. 2. Forehead Pull __/5  Breathe and pull the forehead with your fingers. Stretch it outward as if stretching open the third eye.



Day 19 - Exercise for Today For the next 24 hours practice tuning in to how your body feels and use one of the movements you’ve learned today. today. If needed, record any release or discharge of emotion.




Day 20 - Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Spirit Creating and seeing a world of beauty beauty.. Beauty as underrated spiritual value. Beauty means we’re close to the divine. Seeing from place of witness, neutral observer, observer, like a camera. Noticing and savoring the intrinsic beauty in everything. The interconnectedness of everything. Seeing the big picture, through time and space, perspective from cosmology.

Day 20 - Lesson Notes

Day 20 - Exercise for Today 1. Practice coming into stillness with yourself. 2. Bring your awareness to your third eye. 3. Take a perspective outside yourself. 4. Fuller engagement: Try looking at the whole Earth.





Day 21 - Review and Integrate

  You may use this optional weekly self-reflection as part of your review to better integrate your learnings with your everyday life.   What large or small victories did you have this week? 

What lessons did you learn? How will you bring these lessons forward and build on them?


What pleasant surprises/miracles did you discover this week?

What are you most grateful for?


What are you looking forward to during the upcoming week?




  Additional Notes



Chakra Healing  With Anodea Judith


Companion Workbook - W Week eek 4




Table of Contents  SEVENTH CHAKRA: CROWN


Crown Chakra: Balance Assessment


Day 22 - Crown Chakra: Healing the Psyche


Day 23 - Crown Chakra: Expanding Awareness


Day 24 - Crown Chakra: Healing the Spirit




Day 25 - Revie Review w and Integrate


Day 26 - Fundamentals: Introducing the Manifesting Current Current10 10 Day 27 - The Global Heart


Day 28 - Opening Meditation and Setting Intention




Additional Notes





SEVENTH CHAKRA : CROWN CRO WN Basic Info: The seventh chakra is also known as the crown. Location: Cerebral Location:  Cerebral cortex. Element: Consciousness, thought. Name: Sahasrar Sahasrara, a, means “Thousand Fold”.


Like a king whose crown signi!es order in the kingdom, the crown chakra represents the ruling principle of life—the place where the underlying order and meaning of things is ultimately perceiv perceived. ed. It is the receiver of the uni!ed !eld of consciousness that is the source, yet also embraces the mind that thinks, reasons, and gives form to our experience. Here we cultivate the awareness that re-veals our true essence as divine consciousness. Key Words: Transcendence, immanence, higher power, divinity, union, vision, thousand petaled lotus, consciousness, unity, wisdom

Chakra Skill Set #6: Practice #6: Practice being in your witness. Stop and ask: Who am I right now? Who’s in here? Simply observe, calmly from center of lotus. Developing Developin g the witness consciousness means to open awareness to seeing many things we ordinarily miss. Simply observe your own thoughts, the surrounding surround ing situation and any other details with as neutrally as possible. Refrain from judgment, criticism, attachment, aversion, or clinging to any 2


particular viewpoint. viewpoint. Simply observe, like a detective, taking in every detail. Notice who it is that is observing. Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #1: Meditate for 10 minutes a day for the rest of the week. Chakra Triumph: Awareness of body, awareness of awareness, witness consciousness, releasing attachment, and being fully present. A"rmations: rmations:   • I am awake and aware. • The world is my teacher. • I am guided by higher intelligence. • I am guided by inner wisdom. • Divinity resides within. • All is one.  

Crown Chakra: Balance Assessment Crown Chakra ______ Cynicism Fuzzy thinking Close minded -5


Spiritually connected Intelligent Open minded -3




Extremely De!cient



Spiritual addiction Over intellectualizes Know it all 2




Extremely Excessive




Day 22 - Crown Chakra: Healing the Psyche Developmental Stage: Early Stage: Early adulthood and after Developmental Task: Assimilate knowledge; to have awareness Is there a higher power? Can I trust it? Your parents provide the !rst experience of higher power, and if you can’t trust your parents, then you can’t trust the chakra closes to higher power in general. Chakra Challenge: Attachment Challenge: Attachment Chakra Gift: Liberation  What is Kundalini? Kundalini is highly condensed and concentrated charge or prana, like a hot poker that pushes through knots in bamboo, Kundalini pushes through blocks. It is a healing force, but is not always easy to handle.

How does Kundalini awaken?  awaken?  Awakening Kundalini is not always a pleasant experience many people have "

culty functioning lives Kundalini is for extreme di unveiling illusions. People can in falltheir intomundane depression or while fear. It’s important those who experience spontaneous awakening awakening to have a spiritual teacher to guide them. It can awaken by initiation from a training guru, years of yoga or meditation practice. Some people on and o#  the  the spiritual path spontaneously experience spiritual emergence, increased increased charge. Kundalini is an unique and powerful experience experie nce which can result in a profo profound und consciousness change; it is ultimately healing. Kundalini symptoms: symptoms: charge  charge of energy, shaking, trembling, spontaneous movements movemen ts (kriyas) increased alertne alertness, ss, sudden insight, visions, voices, a feeling of transcendent bliss and weightlessness.




List of Common Attachmen Attachments ts • • • • • • • •

People Places Possessions Your home Money Looking good (physically) Pleasure, Self- grati!cation Power

• Being right

• • • • • • • •

Staying young What other people think Knowing the answers Su# ering ering Freedom Spiritual practice Success The past

• The future

Ask yourself: What can I do to release these attachments?

Day 22 - Lesson Notes




Day 22 - Exercise for Today  1. Think of a di"culty in your life. Tune into a greater !eld. Ask something that you want information on. Be open to silence and give time to receive. 2. See w what hat h happe appens. ns. IItt may come in a d dre ream, am, a cconve onversati rsation, on, e etc. tc. L Listen isten to your higher self, or higher power. What happens if don’t “see” anything? Trust the process of when the answer will come, when you’re ready. Remember: the divine mind always has a plan for best growth. Embrace di"culties as learning opportunitie opportunitiess perfectly designed for you. Can you surrender?

Day 23 - Crown Crown Chakra: Expanding Awareness  Listen to the meditation and re$ect on your experience.



Day 24 - Crown Chakra: Healing the Spirit  Spirit and World – becoming a divine human means to integrate both transcendent transcende nt and immanent paths. As we have evolved, we have become more sophisticated, powerful, and intelligent. Therefore, evolution can be seen as the gods’ way of creating more gods. Whether we individually are godlike depends on our consciousness that enables us to hold these powers with wisdom.

Day 24 - Lesson Notes

Day 24 - Exercise for T Today oday 1. For the next 24 hours, honor the divinity in yourself and others “Namaste”. Treat yourself and them as such. Notice when feelings, judgments or negative dialogue arise and let it go. Continue practicing practicing all the other chakra skill sets: notice the positive, ask who you are being, practice expression with respect, practice compassion.



2. Re$ect on your experience. Notice what it felt like to live in this place comparatively to how you were like before this journey, and share your experience experie nce and lessons with the tribe.



COMPLETED UPWARD JOURNEY Day 25 - Review Review and Integrate You may feel tired, you may feel done, but this is the last stretch – a fun one You too! The chakra system is a both an upward journey of self-healing and liberation,, at the same time, if we don’t bring our chakras through healing liberation healing down, we are less likely to create the life we want. Healing is not just personal, it’s global (more about that in our upcoming lessons). Rest and re$ect on your journey so far if needed.



Day 26 - Fundamentals: Introducing the Manifesting Current The downward current begins in pure consciousness and descends through the chakras into the manifested plane, gradually becoming denser with each step from thoughts to solid reality. The upward liberating current takes us out of limitations of the manifested planes into freer and expansive states of being - each chakra creating more lightness and transformation to a limitless stare of pure being. The manifesting current, on the other hand, each chakra acts as a “condenser” of cosmic energy. Resistance is natural.

Day 26 - Lesson Notes

Day 26 - Exercise for T Today oday • Find an open and safe space for next week’s exercise demonstrations.



Day 27 - The Global Heart “Power without love is reckless and abusive. But love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power, at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and  justice at its best, best, is pow power er correcting everything that stands agains againstt love.” - Martin Luther King Jr. Our world is in a crisis. The population has exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet, and we’re devastating the environment that is our life support. We’re headed into catastrophic climate change, which will produce further issues of food scarcity, weather crises, and increased refugee migration. Our !nancial systems bene!t the rich at the cost of the poor, our health care system are neither about health nor care, and more and more people are becoming disengaged, disillusioned, and living in despair. Yet, After billions of years of evolution, we who are alive today have the most advanced consciousness, technology, technology, and capability of any life on this planet.

But do we know how to use it wisely? You see, it’s not just about you. When you tap into pure consciousness – you You tap into an intuitive channel where you are able to receive and download from pure consciousness and cosmic systems. You become a love-powered evolutionary. No longer can we serve just ourselves and ignore the world. Nor can we become good servants of the world, unless we evolve our own consciousness to become wise and compassionate, yet powerful leaders. A love-powered evolutionary is someone who is awake to the process of evolution and sees that humanity is arriving at the !rst point in history where we can consciously direct our future. Love-powered evolutionaries are people who want to be part of turning the tide, who want to be catalysts to the evolutionary process, and who are empowered by what is in their heart to serve and to save a world that they love.



Day 27 - Lesson Notes  

Day 27 - Exercise for T Today oday

Re$ect on the global heart and the part you play as a rainbow warrior warrior..



Day 28 - Opening Meditation and Setting Intention Choose 1 area you would like to work with for the downward manifesting current. Begin by !rst visualizing your ideal outcome, how you would love life to be, in each area. Then, pick one to outcome to continue with for next week’s demonstrations.  __ 1. Relationships, Relationships, Friendships, Family Family  __ 2. Finances  __ 3. Career Career and wor work k  __ 4. Leisure, Leisure, play play,, recr recreation eation  __ 5. Body & health  __ 6. Learning Learning and teaching, intellectual stimulation stimulation  __ 7. Personal Personal gro growth wth  __ 8. Spiritual ful!llment

 __ 9. Artistic or or creativ creative e expr expression ession  __ 10. Social and political involvem involvement ent  __ 11. Home, surround surroundings, ings, and natur nature e  __ 12. Community Community service and and envir environment onment  __ 13. Service Service to a gre great at vision

What is your ideal outcome/intention in this 1 area?



REVIEW AND INTEGRATE You may use this optional weekly self-re $ection as part of your review to better integrate your learnings with your everyday life.   What large or small victories did you have this week?  

What lessons did you learn? How will you bring these lessons forward and build on them?

What pleasant surprises/miracles did you discover this week?

What are you most grateful for?

What are you looking forward forward to during the upcoming week?



Additional Notes



Chakra Healing  With Anodea Judith 

Companion Workbook - W Week eek 5






Day 29 - Crown Chakra: Consciousness Creates


Day 30 - Third Eye Chakra: Vision Vitalyzes


Day 31 - Throat Chakra: Communication Catalyzes


Day 32 - Heart Chakra: Love Launches


Day 33 - Solar Plexus Chakra: Power Produces


Day 34 - Sacral Chakra: Pleasure Pleases


Day 35 - Root Chakra: Matter Matters


Day 36 - Chakra Integration & Continuing Your Journey





Additional Notes







Day 29 - Crown Chakra: Consciousness Creates Your body is the prism that breaks down consciousness into its seven vibratory levels the way a prism breaks down light. This is a logical step-by-step process that we follow every day as we live and express ourselves. Each step downward makes an idea denser and more speci!c, bringing it closer to manifestation. These same steps can be cultivated to manifest our dreams. Manifestation begins in the realm of consciousness, through ideas and information. What are Crosscurrents?

Heress a little-know Here little-known n but very important law of manifestation: Whenever you decide to create something new in your life or declare a new intention or belief, this act automatically stimulates all previous previous and con!icting intentions and beliefs from the past to re-asser re-assertt themselves. These are called crosscurrents. Crosscurrents can appear as anything that shows up in response to your declaration – other than what you intended. Imagine your intention is an arrow that you want to have hit your target; the crosscurrents are like the wind that blows crossways to your arrow and sends it o" -course. -course. Today’s exercise will be about discharging the energy around those crosscurrent thoughts because they're occupying energy. By exaggerating, meaning getting it out rather than in, we free up energy to go towards our intention instead.



Day 29 - Lesson Notes

Day 29 - Exercise for T Today oday Declaration Exercise Instructions 1. Sta State te your your int inten entio tion. n. Set your intention by answering this question: Who or how would you have to be, in order to have and do what you want? Intention: I am __________________________________________  2. Are there any cr crosscurren osscurrents ts re related lated to that intention? intention? 3. Exaggerate that cr crosscurren osscurrent. t. Feel the charge in your body body.. Say it ou outt loud. Get it out from your body. Exaggerate the charge. 4. Now, Now, rest restate ate you yourr inte intention ntion again. again. N Notice otice the the di" erence erence of the charge when you say the intention again with released crosscurre crosscurrents. nts. 5. Repeat Repeat until you fe feel el all crosscur crosscurre rents nts are rrelie elieved. ved.



6. Re!ect on your experience and share with the Tribe. 

Day 30 - Third Eye Chakra: Vision Vitalyzes Today, we move from declaring to the realm of vision and intuition, the third eye chakra. Envisioning what we want. Start with seeing the point of ful!llment. Now, did you believe you can have it? Often, there are beliefs blocking your ability to reach what you see. You need to do some belief clearing to make beliefs that support your vision. Today’s exercise will help you to: 1) Identify old beliefs that you adopted in the past. 2) Examine them for their relevance and value to your life today. 3) Make a conscious decision to keep each belief or let it go.  


4) Dissolve the ones that don’t ser serve ve you. 5) Create n new ew beliefs that wi will ll work better for your your life.

The Clear Belief Process was created by Lion Goodman. You may !nd more information about the Clear Belief Process at

Day 30 - Lesson Notes




Day 30 - Exercise for T Today oday Note: Due to proprietary rights, we are unable to share the instructional list of the Clear Belief Process. Process. We recommend you watch the demonstra demonstration tion video and  follow  foll ow along al ong with wit h An Anodea odea.. 1.

Pr Prac acti tice ce tthe he C Cle lear ar Be Beli lief ef Pr Proc oces ess. s.


Wr Write ite d dow own n what what came came up for for you you dur during ing tthe he e exe xerc rcise ise.. Wha Whatt neg negati ative ve or positive beliefs came up? What do you believe about yourself? About money? Do a complete belief dump.


The Then, n, sp spend end som some e tim time e co consi nsider dering ing whic which h be belie liefs fs yo you u wan wantt to cchan hange, ge, which ones serve you and which limit you. Continue using the Clear Belief Process to incinerate beliefs that don’t serve you.



Day 31 - Throat Chakra: Communication Catalyzes What is the story you are are trying to tell? What is the story that compels compels you to your vision? What is the new story of the world that we are trying to tell together? These are things to think about for the #fth chakra manifesting. Let’s #rst start with the stories you tell yourself. What are the voices in your head saying? These voices in turn, a" ect ect your communication with yourself, others, and ultimately, what you are able to create.

Day 31 - Lesson Notes 



Day 31 - Exercise for T Today oday  Instructions for the 7 Voices Exercise The aim of this exercise is to create seven different voices of yourself and bring awareness to your inner critic and how you can balance it.

1. On the !oor, imagine a line with each of these boxes. Annihilator



Ne Neutral




2. Start with standing in the middle of the line, in your neutral voice. State voice. State your intention (use the same intention you set from Day 29: Consciousness Creates). Creates). You might say, “I am here”, “I am doing this”, “I am full of power”, etc.

3. Take 1 step to the left to the realist voice. The realist is the "rst form of the slightly negative voice. The realist might say, if you're trying to "nd a job, "Well, it's a tough job market out there and they don't hire women as much for this kind of work.” 4. Then, take 1 more step to the left to the next level of your negative critic, this is your doubters voice. The doubter says things like, "I doubt that you make a di # erence. erence. I doubt that anything you've done makes a di# erence. erence. I doubt that you can even do what you set out to do."  5. Then, take 1 more step to the left. The third most negative critic is what we call the annihilator. When annihilator. When the annihilator speaks we discharge a lot of energy. The annihilator says, "You lousy, lousy, good for nothing" blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, "You're never going to amount to anything. You don't make a heap of di# erence," erence," blah, blah, blah.



6. Then, we balance those negative voices by coming into the positive. The balance to the realist is the doer, doer, the one who gets things done. The realist says, "It's a tough job market" or the realist says, "You're just saying these words. You don't really know me." The doer would balance that out by saying, "Well, I'm going to ask some friends. I'm going to ask my husband. I’m going to ask the people that work with me.” 7. The doubter is balanced with a with  a dreamer. dreamer. The dreamer thinks about how they would love life to be. The dreamer might say, "Ah, I just know there is the perfect job for me out there somewhere. I know that if I really look and put some e# ort ort into it and do my visualization and everything, I'm going to "nd the right thing.” 8. The annihilator is balanced by the visionary. It might not even be realistic.

"I'm going to make the invention that's going to cure cancer" or save the world. It doesn't have to be realistic because the annihilator isn't realistic either. In fact, nobody is realistic ex except cept for the realist, and the doer can accommodate that.

Day 31 - Exercise for Today



Day 32 - Heart Chakra: Love Launches To be of value is also to be able to o " er er value. Remember this: we this: we have value, to o! er er value. Start thinking about how does your dream serve others?  others?  The technology for manifesting through the chakras can be used for individual dreams, but if that’s all we do, we create a collective nightmare. We can end the nightmare by creating a collective dream, but only by communicating, collaborating, collaborating, and cooperat cooperating ing with others. The synergy of ideas that occurs in this process creates creates far more than the sum of its parts. We want to move beyond the ego and into the realm of “what is the possibility you stand for in your dream?”

Say in your statement: I stand for the possibility of… In that place of possibility, possibility, it’s no longer about just you – it’s it ’s beyon beyond d the ego. And often that you’re not going at it alone.

Day 32 - Lessons Notes #




Day 32 - Exercise for T Today oday 1. Re#ect: how does my dream serve others?

I stand for the possibility of ______________________________________________   ______________  _______ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ____________ _____

2. Now, make a list of the relationships needed for your dream to happen.

Create Your Dream Team Exercise  Write down 3 to 7 names of people who can support your vision.

Who Do You Need on Your Team? Team?  (List the roles do you need fulfilled)

E.g. A web developer, an accountant, or a real estate agent, etc.

Names of People You Know for Support (Collaborators, supporters, accountability, etc.) E.g. My coach, friend, family member, partner, etc.



Day 33 - Solar Plexus Chakra: Power Power Produces This is the point where you actually have to get up and DO something. We are now descending down past the halfway mark between matter and spirit. Things get more physical now, more speci!c and more practical. Setting intentions, visualizing, communicating and loving are all !ne, and necessary, but they won’t get work done by themselves. For almost every dream, there are many things you have to DO. This brings you into the realm of the third chakra. The main issue in the third chakra is developing developing and strengthening the will. First, realize that everything you do is because you are choosing to do it. Then, make a plan and prioritize; without a plan it won’t withstand.

To follow through with your plan, you have to be determined to reach it. That it. That means dealing with all the obstacles that obstacles that might be in your way.

Five Common Obstacles Obstacle #1: Should-ing Yourself • Change “I should” to “I choose to”. Obstacle #2: Distractomania • Clarify your intention and don’t give energy to any distractions. Obstacle #3: Otherizing • Remember that other people aren’t going to do it. YOU are. Obstacle #4: Don’t-have-it Don’t-have-itis is • Work with what you do have and do it. Obstacle #5: Tomorrow-crastination • Plan and set aside time to complete the task.



Four Levels of Kryptonite  Use this when you have a particularly di$cult obstacle in your way. You can also use the levels against the inner voice making up excuses. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Shh! Be qu quie iet. t. Shut u up p! Bug o" !

Day 33 - Exercise for T Today oday  1. Write Write do down wn yo your ur mos mostt tr troubl oublesome esome task. 2. List 4-5 4-5 most comm common on obstacles obstacles th that at get in the wa way y of compl completing eting th that at task.

3. Optional Optional fu fuller ller e engage ngagement ment:: Within Within a wee week, k, !nd a friend or tribe buddy to practice the exercise. exercise. You can get physical with your obstacles obstacles,, or choose to dialogue over a call. We recommen recommend d getting physical as there is something powerful when engaging obstacles with your whole body.



Day 34 - Sacral Chakra: Pleasure Pleases Here’s where it starts to come together, the tributaries of the streams #ow into a river that begins to have its own momentum. In any dream, there are things you want and things you need. Both are important, but the needs are necessities. Most of us were taught as children – either by family or friends – that it’s bad to be needy. As a result, we fail to acknowledge things we do need. If don’t acknowledge ourfeel needs asabout necessities, don’tit’s give them the that is necessary.. If we necessary guilty havingwe them, more di$ cultpriority to get them met. Unmet, they remain as unful!lled needs stopping our progress. Identifying the di! erence erence between wants and needs is the "rst step.  step.  Asking to get your needs met is the second.

But mere asking might not be enough. To get what we want and need, we must be able to express our needs in a way that brings results, exactly the way we want them. Now, even if we ask, we don’t always get what we want. It’s important to remember that as we ask, we are surrendering to what we receive as receive as well. Your friend may not what to reschedule, and instead of getting upset, let go of the expectation that others should conform to your needs and wants.

Day 34 - Lesson Notes 



Day 34 - Exercise for T Today oday  Needs and Wants Exercise 

1. Use the list below and write down your needs necessary to ful"ll your dream.  

a. _____________________________________   b. _____________________________________  c. _____________________________________  d. _____________________________________  e. _____________________________________ f. ______________________________________

© 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website: Email: [email protected]



2. Use your list of needs to complete the Needs and Wants Exercise below.

What Do You Need?

What Do You Want?

Make a list of everything you need and everything you want in order to reach your dream. Note the di  ! erences erences between between your needs and wants. Note which item itemss you don’t yet have, and where you might get them. Your list may include money or  funds, time, support, support, friends, connections, connections, educatio education, n, miracles miracles,, skills, products, products, supplies, etc.






Day 35 - Root Chakra: Matter Matters To ground your vision is to bring it fully into the material universe. At this level things have solidity, edges, boundaries, weight. They operate by physical laws, known and tested. You can only operate in the material universe through your body, so grounding your vision cannot be done unless you also ground through your own body. The !rst and second chakras are the “having” aspect of being, doing, and having. After !guring out how you need to “be” to create your dream, and then !

“doing” theits things that need beyou done, you have get toit? “have” the nished product and enjoy ful!llment. Butto can really The ability to have is not something that comes automatically for many people, but it is something you can develop. Some of this ability is dependent on your inner sense of self-worth – self-worth – you might say you can’t have more than you think you’re worth.

Day 35 - Lesson Notes #




Day 35 - Exercise for T Today oday Check Your Havingness Factor “Havingness” is a term that represents our ability to have. How much can you have of a particular thing, such as money money,, time, friends, love, space for yourself, pleasure, adventure, play, nurturing? Here’s an exercise to determine and then increase your havingness in any area that you choose. 1. Imagi Imagine ne a sspeed peedomet ometer er th that at goe goess fr from om 0 mph tto o 100 mph. Zer Zero o repr represen esents ts the state of no “havingness” and 100 represents 100% deserving and ownership – someone someone who can truly hav have e the full amount possible. possible. With each question (as an automatic response without thinking too hard about it) allow the speedometer to rise up to your current ability to have: 2. Did your spee speedome dometer ter get to 25? 35? 55? 90? Or was it stuck unde underr 20?

3. If you yourr gauge g goes oes to a lo low w numb number, er, close close you yourr eye eyess and ima imagine gine rraisin aising g it a few points. Then imagine what your life would feel like if you were living at that level of havingness. If it’s money you’re working with, imagine moving from 50% to 75%, for example. Then imagine what your bank account, house, clothing, spending, and earning habits would be like living at that level. Gradually Gradually increase it until your ability to have matches your want.



Day 36 - Chakra Integration & Continuing Your Your  Journey A Message From Anodea on Putting it All Together Now that we have made our way to the end of this Quest, you may be wondering how to keep your chakras spinning optimally from now on. There is no single answer to this question, as it really depends on who you are. Are you a top down person who lives mostly in your head? Are you trapped trapped in a mind-body split, or naturally very grounded and practical, but !nd it harder to access the upper chakras? Are you excessive in a particular chakra or de !cient in a few others? What you need to develop and work on really depends on how all your chakras play out. You can now do a diagnosis on your chakras, and decide what needs most work

and what is already deve developed loped that can support you. The general general rule is: “Steal from the the rich and give to the poor.” poor.” In other wor words, ds, use what is already developed to support what is underdeveloped. Use your keen intellect to understand your physical issues. Use your capable body to practice the yoga #ows. Use your ability to visualize or use use the bio-en bio-energetic ergetic and everyday movements to focus on your weaker chakras. When in doubt, ground !rst. You can never go wrong with that. Remember to “hook up”: roots down to the ground, cr crown own up to the divine; come into your core and breathe. This is the most essential practice and why I repeat it over and over again. The key is to live in your core, in proper alignment. That’s where the chakras are and how they function best.

Awareness is always the !rst step. Then, you can re-take Awareness re-take the Quest over again. Prac-tice, practice, practice! Developing all this takes time and rrepetition. epetition. You now have a map you can use the rest of your life. Where you go with it is up to you. Enjoy the journey!



It’s been wonderful spending these !ve weeks together. Keep your chakras shining and I hope to see you again soon, somewhere along the rainbow bridge.

Your Continued Contin ued Growth Plan If you feel tired, that means the healing is happening; energy is moving. Rest and allow the lessons and energy from this round to percolate, digest, and move through you. As we’ve mentioned before, deep learning and growth is cyclic in nature; it spirals upward, and we often revisit the same lesson from a new state of awareness and vantage point. Your healing is a continued practice requiring both your conscious intention

and dedication. Our recommended options for continued healing and growth: 1.

Continue practicing the bio-energetic and everyday movements and   chakra yoga #ows. This will help the charge to keep moving and release.  Return to your previous workbooks and create a list of the top exercises that  you rated 4-5. Use your curated list to create a playlist of the videos to  practice every day.

To download the exercise videos, visit Day 36: One More Thing...


  Use your post-assessment and chakra imbalances as reference to go back and deep dive into particular chakras that chakras  that requires more attention.

You may decide to spend a week focusing on one particular chakra: revisit  the psyche awareness again (try the fuller engagement), practice the body  exercises every day, and complete the spirit practice.

 20 20


3. When you are ready, repeat the Quest again with another cohort. Try Try

challenging yourself with a fuller engagement level. If you did a full engagement before, before, try stacking ALL the chakra habits, layering them with each new chakra (by week 5 you will be practicing all 7 chakra habits every day). If you did the weekly challenges, try creating your own challenges this time. Write down how you plan to continue your healing and growth:



POST-ASSESSMENT Complete your post-assessment and cross-refere cross-reference nce the changes with your pre-assessment. pre-assessm ent. Pay attention to which areas your scores di" ered. ered. Take note that in the e" ect ect of healing, results may get worse !rst before they get better.   Remember, all the exercises and their resulting changes will continue to take place long after the course is completed. If there are areas where you still feel stuck, areas that didn’t change that much, then you youDon’t needbeat to doyourself deeper up work, or apply practices longer or know more where diligently. about it, justthe keep up the e" ort. ort. It will pay o"  in  in the long run. Instructions 

Use the rating scale below to rate yourself on each statement. Not at all

A little



Most of the time






First Chakra: Root   1. ______ I have trouble !nding or holding my ground. 2. ______ I’m not at ease in my body. 3. ______ I have health challenges. 4. ______ I hate to exercise. 5. ______ I struggle with food, diet, or weight. 6. ______ I never seem to have enough money to live comfortably. 7. ______ I feel disconnected disconnec ted with nature and the Earth.   First Chakra Total = ________



Second Chakra: Sacral 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

I have trouble knowing what I feel. Some people think I’m overly emotional emotional.. I !nd sexuality to be challenging for me. Life just isn’t a whole lot of fun. My body doesn’t move very freely. I have trouble knowing what I want and need. If I do know what I want, I’m scared to ask for it.

Second Chakra Total = ________

Third Chakra: Solar Plexus 1. 2.

______ I get overwhelmed by life’s challeng challenges. es. ______ I have trouble bringing tasks to completion.


3. ______ I m not sure what my purpose is. 4. ______ I feel intimidated intimida ted by others. 5. ______ I struggle with low energy. 6. ______ I’m not very good at setting boundaries. 7. ______ My will gets distracted and goes in many directions.   Third Chakra Total = ________

Fourth Chakra: Heart 1. 2. 3.

______ I have trouble !nding or maintaining intimate relationships. ______ I am critical and judgmental of myself. ______ I am critical and judgmental of others.

4. 5. 6. 7.

______ ______ ______ ______

I feel isolated and alone. I am shy about reaching out. Other people take too much energy from me. I hold a lot of grief in my heart.

Fourth Chakra Total = ________



Fifth Chakra: Throat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

I have trouble speaking about what really matters to me. I tend to interrupt others when I should be listening. I have trouble getting my ideas across e" ectively. ectively. I wish I could be more creative. I often feel out of sync with others. I !nd it di$cult to express myself in writing. Sometimes I don’t know what’s true in what people tell me.

Fifth Chakra Total = ________ Sixth Chakra: Third Eye 1.

______ I have trouble trusting my intuition.


2. ______ I have trouble imagining things di" erent erent than they are. 3. ______ Sometimes I ignore that little voice inside. 4. ______ I rarely remember my dreams. 5. ______ I don’t have a guiding vision for my life. 6. ______ I have trouble visualizing what I want. 7. ______ I don’t really notice details around me.   Sixth Chakra Total = ________

Seventh Chakra: Crown 1. 2. 3.

______ I try to meditate but don’t stick with it. ______ I don’t feel very connected to any kind of spirituality. spiritual ity. ______ I !nd it di$cult to learn new things.

4. ______ I often think I’m just not smart enough. 5. ______ I am wary of new ideas. 6. ______ I’m not sure of my purpose. 7. ______ I don’t know what I’m here for.   Seventh Chakra Total = ________




All Chakras Total Score = ________   “Most of the time” in all columns (worst score) would be 5 x 49 = 245 “Never” in all columns (best score) would be 1 x 49 = 49   If you scored anything between about 100 and 245, it means there’s room for improvement.



REVIEW AND I NTEG RATE RA TE You may use this optional weekly self-re #ection as part of your review to better integrate your learnings with your everyday life.   What large or small victories did you have this week?  

What lessons did you learn? How will you bring these lessons forward and build on them?

What pleasant surprises/miracles did you discover this week?

What are you most grateful for?

What are you looking forward forward to during the upcoming week?



Additional Notes


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