Chakra Dhyana Meditation Sit with your spine straight. Rest your hands on your thighs with palms facing up, and index fingertips touching the base of each thumb. Take several long, slow, easy deep breaths until your body becomes calm. (It is best to sit during this meditation, not lie down.) Beginning with the first chakra, focus on its indicated area while chanting (either aloud or inwardly) an elongated LANG (laaaaannnng) as you exhale. Repeat this process seven times while visualizing the golden light of kundalini filling the chakra, then flowing upward into the next chakra. Do the same with the second chakra and continue until you have progressed through all seven. 1st Chakra (Mooladhara): at the perineum region between the anus and genitals Mantra: LANG (rhymes with and phonetically pronounced as lung) 2nd Chakra (Swadhisthana): at the base of the spine--the coccyx or tail bone Mantra: VANG (rhymes with and phonetically pronounced as vung) 3rd Chakra (Manipura): navel area Mantra: RANG (rhymes with and phonetically pronounced as rung) 4th Chakra (Anahata): center of the chest Mantra: YANG (rhymes with and phonetically pronounced as young) 5th Chakra (Vishuddhi): epiglottis or center area of the throat Mantra: HANG (rhymes with and phonetically pronounced as hung) 6th Chakra (Ajneya): area between the eyebrows Mantra: AUM (rhymes with and phonetically pronounced as home) (pronounce A-long, U-medium, M-short duration, as to a count of 3-2-1. An example would be to elongate the word like this-aaa uu m--when rhyming it with home.) 7th Chakra (Sahasrara): top of the head Mantra: Ogum Satyam Om (phonetic pronunciation: oh goom, sat yum, om) Imagine the golden light flowing up through all the chakras, out the top of your head, and fountaining down all around you. Lie down immediately after the meditation and relax for several
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