CH601XL en LoadAnalysis v1 3

October 16, 2017 | Author: Olli1974 | Category: Airfoil, Flap (Aeronautics), Bending, Lift (Force), Rudder
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aircraft design...


Martin Pohl

CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis


Issued by:

Martin Pohl eidg. dipl. (M.Sci.) Masch.-Ing. ETH



Blumenbergstrasse 7 CH-8634 Hombrechtikon Switzerland



Email: [email protected] Web:

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9. Februar 2014


Version 1.3 / 9.2.2014

Martin Pohl

CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Table of Content

1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4 REGULATIONS............................................................................................................................................... 4 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 5 AIRCRAFT PARAMETER................................................................................................................................ 5 FORMULARY ................................................................................................................................................. 7 3-VIEW DRAWING......................................................................................................................................... 8 WEIGHTS....................................................................................................................................................... 9 LIMIT LOAD FACTORS.................................................................................................................................. 9 CENTER OF GRAVITY ................................................................................................................................... 9 AIRSPEEDS .................................................................................................................................................. 10 V-N-DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................................ 10 WING ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 WING GEOMETRY / WEIGHTS.................................................................................................................... 11 SPANWISE LIFT DISTRIBUTION .................................................................................................................. 12 SHEAR AND BENDING MOMENT ................................................................................................................. 14 SYMMETRICAL FLIGHT CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................ 15 LIFT + DRAG COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................................... 16 WING TORSION ........................................................................................................................................... 19 UNSYMMETRICAL FLIGHT CONDITIONS.................................................................................................... 20 GUST LOADING ........................................................................................................................................... 22


FUSELAGE .................................................................................................................................................. 23


HORIZONTAL TAIL .................................................................................................................................. 24

5.1 5.2 6 6.1 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8

SURFACE LOADING CONDITION ................................................................................................................. 24 BALANCING LOAD ...................................................................................................................................... 24 VERTICAL TAIL ........................................................................................................................................ 26 SURFACE LOADING CONDITION ................................................................................................................. 26 CONTROL SURFACES .............................................................................................................................. 27 AILERON ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 WING FLAP ................................................................................................................................................. 27 AILERON + ELEVATOR TRIM TAB ............................................................................................................. 28 CONTROL SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................. 29

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Martin Pohl


CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

ENGINE MOUNT ........................................................................................................................................ 30


LOADS ON ENGINE MOUNT ......................................................................................................................... 30


GROUND LOADS ..................................................................................................................................... 31

10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8

STATIC GROUND LOAD CONDITIONS....................................................................................................... 31 LEVEL LANDING CONDITIONS TAIL-DOWN LANDING CONDITIONS ...................................................... 32 SIDE LOAD CONDITIONS........................................................................................................................... 33 BRAKED ROLL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................... 33 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS FOR NOSE WHEEL ................................................................................. 33 LIMIT DROP TESTS ................................................................................................................................... 34 GROUND LOAD DYNAMIC TEST ............................................................................................................... 34 RESERVE ENERGY ABSORPTION .............................................................................................................. 34


REVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 35


REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 35

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Martin Pohl





CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

The CH601XLB is certified in many countries under different regulations: e.g. as an Ultralight Aircraft in Germany, as a Light Sport Aircraft in the USA or as an Experimental airplane in the UK. Therefore different load analysis’ for the Zenair/CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac were prepared by different aviation authorities. Chris Heintz, Zenair Aircraft and designer of the CH601XLB, prepared an extensive load and stress analysis for the CH601XL, which should be considered as the master analysis for the Zenair CH601XLB. The present load analysis was specifically prepared for certification of the CZAW CH601XLB in Switzerland, based on European regulations and on the layout of the CZAW CH601XLB. The CZAW CH601XLB was built by Czech Aircaft Works under license-agreement with Zenair and has some minor changes compared to the original Zenair CH601XLB: • • •


Angle of incidence increased by 2° (better visibility during cruise flight) Rotax 912ULS engine (different weight than Continental O-200 or Jabiru engine) Composite main gear legs (instead of aluminium gear legs)

This analysis was revised by two independent aviation engineers. Nevertheless it is of informal character only and the author doesn’t take any responsibility if parts of the analysis are incorrect.



The following load analysis is based on the “Certification Specifications for Very Light Aircraft” issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) [Ref]. References to CS-VLA are given throughout this entire load analysis. CS-VLA 1 CS-VLA is valid for the following type of aircraft: •

Single engine (spark)

Max. 2 seats

MTOW not more than 750 kg

Stalling speed in landing configuration of not more than 45 kts

Day-VFR only

CS-VLA 301 (d) Simplified structural design criteria are defined in CS-VLA, Appendix A, and are valid for aircraft with conventional configurations. AMC VLA 301 (d) In this context “aircraft with conventional configuration” means: •

Forward wing with an aft horizontal tail

Wing untapered or continuously tapered with no more than 30° fore or aft sweep

Trailing edge flaps may be fitted, but no winglets/tip devices, T-/V-tail, slotted flap devices.

The CH601XLB Zodiac airplane satisfies all of these criteria. Therefore the “simplified design load criteria for conventional very light aircraft” CS-VLA, Appendix A, can be applied and are used throughout this load analysis. 1

Today the newer Zenair CH601XLBs (and its successors CH650) provided by Zenair use the same increased angle of incidence and composite gear (Zenair Europe).

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CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac




Aircraft Parameter

Load Analysis

Parameters in italic type are based on the original drawings of Zenith and CZAW and on aviation technology publications. Parameters in standard type are calculated values (formulary in a following sub-chapter). Fuselage (B) Fuselage Length: Fuselage Width (Cockpit):

LB = bB =

6,1 m 1,07 m

Wing (W) Overall Wing Span: Wing Span one Wing: Chord at Wingtip: Chord at Wing Root: Chord at Fuselage Center Line:

b= bW = c1 = cRoot = c0 =

8,23 m 3,58 m 1,42 m 1,60 m 1,626 m

Overall Wing Area: One Wing Area:

A= AW =

12,5 m² (incl. Fuselage Part and Flaps/Ailerons) 5,4 m² (incl. Flaps/Ailerons)

Mean Geometrical Chord: Mean Aerodynamical Chord: Wing Aspect Ratio: Sweep Angle at 25% Line: Taper ratio:

cmean = caero = ΛW = φ25° = λW =

1,523 m 1,525 m 5,40 -0,72° 0,87

Anlge of incidence:

γW =

Wing profile:

Riblet Wing GA 35-A-415 Thickness tmax = 15,0% at 35% (≈ 22,8 cm) Max. camber Y = 3,3% at 43% (≈ 5,0 cm)

Wing Profile Lift Curve Slope: Wing Lift Curve Slope: Maximum Lift Coefficient:

d(ca)/dα = d(cA)/dα = cLmax,Clean ≈ cLmax,FullFlaps ≈

6,3 rad -1 4,2 rad 1,82 2,3

[Ref. H. Riblett] [Ref. H. Riblett]

Wing Profile Zero Lift Angle:

αL=0 =


[Ref. R. Hiscocks]

Wing Lift Aero Center: Wing Pitching Moment Coeff.:

at wing ¼ chord station (25%) cm(c/4) = -0,0587

[Ref. Zenithair]

Aircraft Aerodynamics Aircraft Drag Polar:

CD =

0,033 + 0,07·CL²

[Ref. R. Hiscocks]

Wing Flaps (F) 1 Flap Span: Flap Chord: 1 Flap Area:

bF = cF = AF =

2,03 m 0,335 m 0,68 m² (1 Flap only)

Flap Deflection:

δF =

0° / -30°

Wing Pitching Moment:

∆cm(C/4) =



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[Ref. R. Hiscocks]

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Martin Pohl

CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Ailerons (Ail) 1 Aileron Span: Aileron Chord: 1 Aileron Area:

bAil = cAil = AAil =

1,50 m 0,31 m 0,46 m² (1 Aileron only)

Aileron Deflection:

δAil =


Aileron Trim Tab Span: Aileron Trim Tab Chord: Aileron Trim Area:

bAilTrim = cAilTrim = AAilTrim =

0,538 m 0,072 m 0,039 m²

Horizontal Tail (HT) Elevator (Elev) HT Span: HT Chord: HT Area: HT Aspect Ratio: HT Arm (at 25% chord)

bHT = cHT = AHT = ΛHT = dHT =

2,3 m 0,8 m 1,84 m² (including Elevator) 2,96 3,25 m

HT Profile:

Load Analysis

HT Lift Curve Slope:

NACA 0012 Thickness tmax = 12% at 30% (= 100 mm) -1 d(ca)HT = 3,27 rad

Elevator Span: Elevator Chord: Elevator Area:

bElev = cElev = AElev =

2,2 m 0,35 m 0,77 m²

Elevator Deflection:

δElev =

+30° / -27°

Elevator Trim Span: Elevator Trim Chord: Elevator Trim Area:

bElevTrim = cElevTrim = AElevTrim =

0,897 m 0,062 m 0,056 m²

Rudder (R) Rudder Span: Rudder Chord Tip: Rudder Chord Bottom: Rudder Aspect Ratio: Rudder Arm (Wing -> R) Rudder Area Surface:

bR = cR1 = cR0 = ΛR = dR = AR,Surface =

1,42 m 0,37 m 0,98 m 2,25 3,90 m 0,52 m² (moving rudder surface only)

Rudder Profile:

NACA 0012 Thickness tmax = 45 (tip) - 105 mm (root)

Rudder Deflection:

δR =


Flight Control System Aileron – Control Stick: Aileron – Wing Bell Crank: Aileron – Rudder Horn:

Pilot: 330 mm / Control: 80 or 100 mm To Stick: 80 mm / To Aileron: 85 mm 100 mm

Elevator – Control Stick: Elevator – Rudder Horn:

Pilot: 330 mm / Control: 120 mm 100 mm

Rudder – Pedals: Rudder – Rudder Horn:

Pilot: 190 mm / Control: 65 mm 125 mm

Control Cables Tension:

110 N

Engine Mount Attachment Bolt:


Seat Belts Attachment Bolt: Thickness Attachment Plate:

AN5-5A 0,040” = 1 mm Page 6

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Martin Pohl


CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis


Most of the following formulas are self-explanatory and are all based on the geometry of the Zodiac CH601XLB.

b − bB 2

Wing Span one Wing:

bW =

Chord at Fuselage Center:

c0 = c Root +

Wing Area:

AW =

Mean Geometrical Chord:

cmean =

c0 + c1 2

Mean Aerodynamical Chord:

c aero =

2 c0 + c0 c1 + c1 3 c 0 + c1

Wing Aspect Ratio:

ΛW =

2b c0 + c1

Sweep Angle at 25% Line:

ϕ 25° =

c −c  1 ⋅ arctan 0 1  4  b  2  

Wing Taper Ratio:

λW =

Wing Profile Lift Curve Slope:

d (c a ) = 2π dα

Wing Lift Curve Slope:

ΛW d (c A ) = 0.1 ⋅ dα ΛW + 2

Wing Profile Zero Lift Angle:

α L =0 = −100 ⋅

c Root − c1 b ⋅ 2 bW

c0 + c1 ⋅b 2



Straight wing leading edge

c1 c0

Y X − 3 .2 ⋅ + 1 .4 c c

Page 7

max. chamber Y at pos. X

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Martin Pohl


CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

3-View Drawing

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Martin Pohl


CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis


CS-VLA 25 (a) (b) Compliance with each applicable requirement (structural loading and flight requirements) of CS-VLA at both maximum and minimum weight has to be shown. (a) Maximum weight has to be highest of: •

Each seat occupied (2 x 86kg), at least enough fuel for 1 h of flight with max. continuous power (25 L ~ 20 kg), whereas empty weight is W ZFW = 340 kg (approx.): W max,1 = 340 + 2 x 86 + 20 = 532 kg

One pilot (86 kg), full fuel (180 L = 135 kg): . W max,2 = 340 + 86 + 135 = 561 kg

Design weight:

Wmax =

600 kg

(b) Minimum weight is ZFW + one light pilot (55 kg) + ½ h of flight with max. continuous power: Wmin = 340 + 55 + 10 = 405 kg 2

CS-VLA 321 (b)(2) “Compliance with the flight load requirements must be shown […] at each practicable combination of weight and disposable load within the operating limitations specified in the Flight Manual”. Although not part of Appendix A, this requirement can be taken as a guideline for how the fuel distribution in the wing has to be taken into account for the load calculations. Most critical case is at maximum weight and minimum fuel. CS-VLA A7 (a) Based on the simplified criteria (Appendix A) only the maximum design weight condition must be investigated.


Limit Load Factors

CS-VLA A3 / A7 (b)(c) The limit flight load factors (normal catergory) are: Positive manoeuvering limit load factor: Negative manoeuvering limit load factor: Positive gust limit load factor at vC: Negative gust limit load factor at vC:

n1 = 3,8 n2 = -1,9 n3 = 3,8 n4 = -1,9

Positive limit load factor with flaps fully extended at vF: nflap = 1,9


Center of Gravity

CS-VLA A7 (d) Mean C.G.: Forward C.G.: Rearward C.G.:


xCG = eFwd = eAft =

25% = 380 mm (based on MAC = 1,52 m) -5% = -76 mm / 304 mm +5% = 76 mm / 456 mm

CS-VLA 321 is not part of and not required under CS-VLA Appendix A. Page 9

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CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis


CS-VLA A3 / A7 (e)(2)


Design speed

CS-VLA (min)


Minimum design flap speed: Minimum design maneuvering speed: Minimum design cruising speed: Minimum design dive speed:

VF,min = 70 kts VA,min = 95 kts VC,min = 107 kts VD,min = 151 kts

vF = 70 kts vA = 95 kts vC = 107 kts vD = 156 kts

Stall speed clean: Stall speed full flaps:

vS = 40 kts vS0 = 35 kts

Never exceed speed:

vNE = 140 kts


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Martin Pohl

CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac




Wing Geometry / Weights

Load Analysis

The wing of the CH601XLB is made up of a main spar, a rear spar and 10 wing ribs. Two 45 L (12 USG) fuel tanks are placed in front of the main spar, between nose ribs NR4/NR5 and NR5/NR7 (extended range version, the standard version has 1x 12 USG tank per wing).

Position of Wing Ribs Y is the distance between the rib and the aeroplane center line [in mm]. Rib #










Position Y [mm]










Wing Dry Weight Distribution The dry weight of the wing is split up in several sections (e.g. section 8 = between ribs #8 and #9). Each section weight includes the corresponding wing structure, primer, paint and all systems installed (e.g. strobe light transformer). Section










(7 kg)

4 kg

6 kg

6 kg

6 kg

6 kg

5 kg

6 kg *)

+ Fuel Tanks



1,5 kg

1,5 kg

1,5 kg

1,5 kg



45 kg

Fuel Min Fuel



5 kg

0 kg

0 kg

0 kg



50 kg

Fuel Max Fuel



17 kg

17 kg

17 kg

17 kg



113 kg

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Martin Pohl


CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Spanwise Lift Distribution

In general the spanwise lift distribution can be divided into: • • •

Base lift distribution Lift distribution due to wing twist Additional lift distribution due to flaps and/or ailerons

Base Lift Distribution According to Schrenk [Ref] the base lift load at any selected spanwise station is the arithmetical mean between the load which is proportional to the chord of the real wing and the load which is proportional to the chord of an elliptical wing with equal wing area. It can be assumed that the lift distribution is continuative over the entire wingspan, including the fuselage [Schlichting/Truckenbrodt, Ref]. The lift of the fuselage is substituted by the lift of the (fictive) wing centerpiece. The formula’s numbering [in brackets] corresponds to the numbers of the results-table on a next page.

y b 2

Relative spanwise position:


Chord tapered wing:

c wing ( y ) = c0 −


c0 − c1 ⋅y b 2

c wing ( y ) = 1,627 −

Chord elliptical wing:

cell ( y ) = c0,ell


1,627 − 1,42 ⋅ y = 1,627 − 0,0503 ⋅ y 8,23 2

 y   ⋅ 1 −   b   2

c0,ell = c0,ell =




c0 + c1

π 1,627 + 1,42


= 0,970

 y  cell ( y ) = 0,970 ⋅ 1 −    4,115  Mean chord:

c mean ( y ) =

c wing ( y ) + cell ( y ) 2



The drawing on the following page shows the chord of the original CH601XLB-wing c(wing), the chord of the surrogate elliptical wing with identical wing area c(0,ell) and the mean value of the two chord lines c(mean). According to Schrenk [Ref], c(mean) is proportional to the spanwise lift distribution.

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Martin Pohl

CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Original Chord and Chord of Surrogate Elliptical Wing 2000 1800 1600

Chord [mm]

1400 1200



c(0,ell) c(mean)

800 600 400 200 0 0





Spanwise Position [mm]

For the sake of convenience, the wing is split up in several sections to calculate the spanwise lift distribution (similar to the wing dry weight distribution).

c mean ( y i ) + c mean ( y i +1 ) 2

Mean chord of one section:

ci =

Width of one section:

∆y i = y i +1 − yi

[6] [7]

The wing lift for one specific section can be calculated by multiplying the total lift required with the ratio between the section area and the total wing area: Wing lift of one section:

∆Li =

ci ⋅ ∆y i ⋅ Ltotal ,required AW


Lift due to Wing Twist The ailerons are twisted 2,5° up along the trailing end, which corresponds to a wing twist of closely 1,25° over the aileron span. It is therefore conservative to consider a wing without twist for calculation of the maximum wing bending moment. Additional Lift with Flaps Extended CS-VLA A9 (b)(2) With flaps extended the lift coefficient at the corresponding wing section is increased by approx. 1,0. However it is obvious that the shear and bending moment on each wing is considerably lower because of the reduced load factor of n = +1,9 / 0,0 with flaps extended. Therefore the case with flaps extended will not be further investigated regarding shear and bending moment.

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Martin Pohl


CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Shear and Bending Moment

Shear and bending moment of the wing are again calculated for the same discrete sections of the wing, starting from wing tip to wing root. It is obvious that the higher the lift forces the higher the stress on the wing. On the contrary the inertia force of the wing (masses) act as a relieving factor and unload the stress on the wing.

Wing Lift Shear due to lift at rib:

Ti = Ti +1 + ∆Li

Bending moment due to lift at rib:

M i = M i +1 + ∆y i ⋅ Ti +1 +


∆yi ⋅ ∆Li 2


Wing Inertia Relief Wing inertial relief force of one section: ∆Wi

= ∆Wi ,Wing + ∆Wi , Fuel

Inertia relief at rib:

T − i = T − i +1 + ∆Wi

Inertia relief bending moment at rib:

M − i = M − i +1 + ∆y i ⋅ T − i +1 +

[13] [14]

∆y i ⋅ ∆Wi 2


Total Shear and Bending Moment Shear at rib:

Ti ,lim it = Ti + T − i


Bending moment at rib:

M i ,total = M i + M − i


Ultimate shear:

Ti ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ Ti ,lim it


Ultimate bending moment:

M i ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ M i ,lim it


Ultimate Loads

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Martin Pohl


CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Symmetrical Flight Conditions

CS-VLA A9 (b)(1)(i) (ii) The calculation of wing lift, wing inertia relief, shear and bending moment for the symmetrical flight condition is performed by using an excel calculation sheet. The results for MTOW = 600 kg and 20 L of fuel (most critical/conservative loading with ½ hour of fuel and 5 L unusable fuel) are shown below. The down force of the horizontal tail is assumed to be 5% of the total wing lift.

Input Parameters Zodiac CH601XLB c0 Yellow fields are input parameters! 1626 [mm] c1 [mm] 1420 c(0,ell) 1939 [mm] b/2 [mm] 4122 A(w,total) 12,6 [m²] Load Factor 5% of wing lift [-] 3,8 L(req,total) TOW 600 kg 22358 HT 1118 [N] 23476 f(corr.) [-] 1,00715 Rib/Section Wing Geometry 1Y/(b/2) 2Y 3c(wing) 4c(ell) 5c(mean)












[-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

0,00 0,12 0 507 1626 1601 1939 1924 1783 1763

0,21 862 1583 1896 1740

0,34 1382 1557 1827 1692

0,46 1902 1531 1720 1626

0,59 2422 1505 1569 1537

0,72 2982 1477 1339 1408

0,91 3732 1439 823 1131

Wing Lift (Flaps up) 6c(i) [mm] [mm] 7dy(i) 8dL(i) [N] 9T(i) [N] 10M(i) [Nm]

1773 1751 507 355 1692 1171 11738 10046 22001 16479

1716 520 1680 8875 13120

1659 520 1624 7195 8942

1581 520 1548 5571 5623

1472 560 1553 4022 3129

1270 750 1793 2469 1311

921 390 676 676 132

7,5 0 -279 -1248 -1597

7,5 0 -279 -969 -1020

7,5 0 -279 -689 -589



-261 -149 -2217 -1956 -4117 -3059

7,5 10 -559 -1807 -2391

-186 -410 -281

-224 -224 -44

Total Shear / Bending Moment 16T(limit) [N] 9521 8089 17M(limit) [Nm] 17884 13420

7068 10729

5947 7346

4602 4603

3333 2540

2059 1030

453 88

18T(ultimate) 19M(ultimate)

10602 16094

8920 11018

6903 6905

4999 3810

3089 1545

679 132

Wing Weight 11Wing 12Fuel 13dW(i) 14T-(i) 15M-(i)

[kg] [L] [N] [N] [Nm]

[N] [Nm]



14281 12134 26826 20129


1,00 4122 1420 0 710

The resulting maximum shear and bending moment at the wing root are highlighted in amber (limit) and red (ultimate) color.

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Martin Pohl

CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

For comparison the results for different MTOW and fuel quantities are summarized in the following table. The considered cases are: 1. MTOW = 600 kg, minimum fuel (1/2 h + unusable fuel): therefore the load inside the fuselage is 260 kg (useful load) – 15 kg (fuel) = 245 kg. 2. MTOW = 600 kg, full tanks (180 L): the remaining dry load is 260 kg (useful load) – 135 kg (full fuel) = 125 kg. 3. Two standard persons aboard (2 x 86 kg) + full inner tanks (90 L)  TOW = 580 kg. 4. One person aboard (86 kg) + minimum fuel (20 L)  TOW = 440 kg.





TOW Fuel Quantity

[kg] [L]

600 20

600 180

580 90

440 20







[Nm] [N] [Nm]

13420 12134 20129

10070 8780 15105

11942 10164 17913

9025 8116 13538

M(limit) T(ultimate) M(ultimate)

Case 1 is critical (MTOW = 600 kg, minimum fuel = 20 L).


Lift + Drag Components

For a structural analysis of the airplane, it is important to determine the forces acting on the wing. The wing lift is balancing the weight/inertia forces of the airplane, whereas (in horizontal, steady flight) the drag is overcome by the thrust of the engine. In order to be able to properly analyze the structure of the wing, the lift L and drag D are normally converted into their resulting force R. In addition the tangential force acting on the wing T is calculated, which is the component of R along the wing axis. It is not obvious from the very first in which direction the tangential force T is pointing to. A discussion of results at different airspeeds and load factors is therefore of high importance.

Lift, drag and the corresponding resulting force as well as the tangential force acting on the wing are calculated by using the formulas below. The wing forces are all a function of airspeed and load factor. Therefore different cases from the v-n-diagram are considered, i.e. at the points A, D, G and E. The formula’s numbering [in brackets] corresponds to the numbers of the results-table on a next page.

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CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Wing Lift Wing lift curve slope:

d (c L ) Λ = 0,1 ⋅ dα Λ+2


Total lift

Ltotal = n ⋅ W ⋅ 105%


The total lift includes an assumed 5% additional lift for counteracting the horizontal tail down force. Lift 1 wing:

L1Wing = Ltotal ⋅

Lift coefficient:

cL =




ρ 2

Angle of attack:





v ⋅ A1wing

cL  d (c L )     dα 


The wing weight (i.e. the inertia forces of the wing) can be subtracted from the wing lift: Inertia relief 1 wing:

I 1wing = − n ⋅ W1Wing


Net shear load 1 wing:

T1wing = L1Wing + I 1Wing


Wing Drag The inertia forces in the direction of the wing axis are small compared to the wing drag. Therefore they are neglected in this calculation. 2

Drag coefficient:

c c D = 0,01 + L π ⋅Λ

Drag 1 wing:

D = cD ⋅

ρ 2

v 2 ⋅ A1Wing



Resulting Force Resulting total force:

R = L2 + D 2


Tangential Force

D  L

Angle between L and R:

β = arctan


Angle between R and perpendicular of wing:

ϕ =α −β


Forward tangential force on 1 wing:

T1Wing = R ⋅ sin (ϕ )


Ultimate tangential force on 1 wing:

T1Wing ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ T1Wing


The results for different airspeeds and load factors according to the v-n-diagram are summarized in an excel-table on the next page.

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Martin Pohl

CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

LIFT + DRAG FORCES Aspect Ratio Total Wing Area Wing Area 1 Wing MTOW Weight 1 Wing

Λ A Aw W Ww

[m²] [m²] [kg] [kg]

5,4 12,5 5,4 600 44

[kts] [m/s] [-]

95 48,9 1,0

95 48,9 3,8

95 48,9 -1,9

156 80,3 1,0

VD 156 80,3 3,8

156 80,3 -1,9

0,073 6178 2669 0,338 4,6 -431 2237

0,073 23476 10141 1,284 17,6 -1640 8502

0,073 -11738 -5071 -0,642 -8,8 820 -4251

0,073 6178 2669 0,125 1,7 -431 2237

0,073 23476 10141 0,476 6,5 -1640 8502

0,073 -11738 -5071 -0,238 -3,3 820 -4251

0,017 132

0,107 846

0,034 271

0,011 233

0,023 498

0,013 284

Airspeeds / Load Factors Speed

vA v

Load Factor Wing Lift 1 Lift curve slope 2 Total Lift (incl. 5% HT-Load) 3 Lift 1 Wing 4 Lift coefficient 5 Angle of attack 6 Inertia Relief 1 Wing 7 Net Shear Load 1 Wing Wing Drag 8 Drag coefficient 9 Drag 1 Wing Resulting Force 10 Resulting Force 11 % of L Tangential Force 12 Angle between L and R 13 Angle between R and n_Wing 14 Fwd Tangential Force on 1 Wing 15 Ultimate Tangential Force 1 Wing


d(cL)/dα L [N] Lw [N] cL α [°] Iw [N] Tw [N]

cD Dw




β φ T

[°] [°] [N]

3,4 1,2 49

5,7 11,9 1763

-3,6 -5,2 -382

5,9 -4,2 -166

3,3 3,2 472

-3,8 0,6 42

T,ult [N]







2241 8544 4260 2249 8516 4260 100,2% 100,5% -100,2% 100,5% 100,2% -100,2%

The maximum ultimate forward tangential force F = 2’644 N occurs at vA and n = 3.8. The maximum ultimate rearward tangential force F = -574 N occurs at vA and n = -1.9.

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Load Analysis

Wing Torsion

The wing torsion, which acts at each wing section and which is computed relative to the wing shear center (defined at 23% chord), consists of the following components: • • • •

Aerodynamic wing moment Moment due to wing lift force Moment due to wing structure weight Moment due to fuel weight.

Aerodynamic wing moment:

M c / 4 = c m ,c / 4 ⋅ with

Wing torsion moment:

ρ 2

v 2 ⋅ A1Wing ⋅ c mean

cm,c/4 = -0,0587 and cm,c/4,flaps = -0,25 A1Wing = 5,4 m², cmean = 1,52 m

M Torsion = M c / 4 − ∆ Lift ⋅ LWing + ∆ Wing ⋅ WWing − ∆ Fuel ⋅ WFuel with

∆Lift = 0,4 – 0,375 = 0,025 m ∆Wing = 0,7 – 0,375 = 0,325 m ∆Fuel = 0,375 – 0,3 = 0,075 m

It is obvious that the wing torsion depends on airspeed and load factor. Therefore calculations for different points of the flight envelope (A, D, E and G) have to be performed.

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Load Analysis

The results are summarized in the following table: Wing Torsion Lift(1 wing) W(1 wing) Fuel(1 wing) c(M,c/4) c(M,c/4,flaps)

Speed 259,2kg 44kg 90Liter -0,0587 -0,25

vF vA vD

[m/s] 36,0 36,0 48,9 48,9 80,3 80,3

n [-] 1,0 1,9 1,0 3,8 1,0 3,8

M(T,wing) M(T,total) [Nm] [Nm] -1630 -1603 -1630 -1579 -705 -678 -705 -602 -1901 -1874 -1901 -1798

The critical case is at vD and n = 1,0 (highlighted in red). The ultimate torsion moment is: Ultimate torsion moment:


M Torsion ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ M Torsion ,lim = 1,5 ⋅ −1'874 Nm = −2'811Nm

Unsymmetrical Flight Conditions

CS-VLA A9 (c)(3) According to regulations (CS-VLA Appendix A) the wing has to withstand a combination of 75% of the positive maneuvering wing loading on both sides and the maximum wing torsion resulting from aileron input. Portion of wing with aileron: Aw,ail = 2,3 m² bail = 1,47 m Portion of wing without aileron: Aw.clear = 3,1 m² bclear = 1,57 m Aileron deflections: δup = + 11,5° δdown = - 11,5°

The method of calculation for the effect of aileron displacement on wing torsion is described in CSVLA Appendix A. Step 1: Determination of critical airspeed / aileron deflection Total aileron deflection at vA:

∆ A = δ up + δ down = 11,5° + 11,5° = 23°

Total aileron deflection at vC:

∆C =

Total aileron deflection at vD:

∆ D = 0,5 ⋅

vA 48,9 ⋅∆A = ⋅ 23° = 20,0° vC 55,0 vA 48,9 ⋅ ∆ A = 0,5 ⋅ ⋅ 23° = 7,0° vD 80,3


∆   c m 0 − 0,01 ⋅ D 2 K= ∆   c m 0 − 0,01 ⋅ C 2 

7 ,0    2  ⋅ vD  − 0,0587 − 0,01 ⋅  2  80,3 2 − 0,0973 80,3 2   = ⋅ = ⋅ = 1,30 20,0  55,0 2 − 0,1587 55,0 2   2  ⋅ vC  − 0,0587 − 0,01 ⋅  2   

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Load Analysis

Step 2: Calculation of aerodynamic torsion moment at vD: K > 1, therefore aileron deflection ∆D at vD is critical and must be used in computing wing torsion loads over the aileron span. Modified cm, aileron up:

c m,up = c m 0 + 0,01 ⋅ δ up = −0,0587 + 0,01 ⋅ 3,5 = −0,0237

Modified cm, aileron down:

c m,down = c m 0 − 0,01 ⋅δ down= −0,0587 − 0,01 ⋅ 3,5 = −0,0937

The torsion moment of the wing is calculated for the inner section of the wing without aileron (Mclear) and the outer section of the wing with deflected aileron (Mail). Torsion moment clear:

M clear = c m 0 ⋅

ρ 2


v D ⋅ Aw,clear ⋅ bclear

M clear = −0,0587 ⋅ Torsion moment aileron:

M ail = c m,up / down ⋅

1,225 80,3 2 ⋅ 3,1 ⋅ 1,57 = −1'128 Nm 2

ρ 2

M ail ,up = −0,0237 ⋅

1,225 80,3 2 ⋅ 2,3 ⋅1,47 = −316 Nm 2

M ail ,down = −0,0937 ⋅ Total aerodynamic moment:


v D ⋅ Aw,ail ⋅ bail

1,225 80,3 2 ⋅ 2,3 ⋅ 1,47 = −1'251Nm 2

M = M clear + M ail M up = −1'128 − 316 = −1'444 Nm M down = −1'128 − 1'251 = −2'379 Nm

Step 3: Calculation of total torsion moment at vD and 75% positive normal load (n=3,8): Wing lift at 75% normal load (1 wing):

L75% = 75% ⋅ L1wing = 0,75 ⋅ 10'046 N = 7'535 N

Wing inertia relief at 75% normal load: W75%

= 75% ⋅ WWing = 0,75 ⋅ (−1'640 N ) = −1'230 N

Fuel inertia relief at 75% normal load:

F75% = 75% ⋅ WFuel = 0,75 ⋅ (−2'513 N ) = −1'885 N

Total torsion moment:

M T = M − ∆ Lift ⋅ L75% + ∆ Wing ⋅ W75% − ∆ Fuel ⋅ F75%

M T ,down = −2'379 N − 0,025m ⋅ 7'535 N + 0,325m ⋅ 1'230 N − 0,075m ⋅ 1'885 N = −2'309 Nm M T ,up = −1'444 N − 0,025m ⋅ 7'535 N + 0,325m ⋅ 1'230 N − 0,075m ⋅ 1'885 N = −1'374 Nm Step 4: Ultimate loads: Ultimate asymmetric torsion moment:

M T ,up ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ M T ,up = −3'463 Nm M T ,down ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ M T ,down = −2'061Nm

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CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Gust Loading

CS-VLA 333 (not required for Appendix A) The gust loading of the wing can be calculated according to CS-VLA 333 (however, not required for CS-VLA Appendix A). Gust loads are considered as follows: •

at VC: gusts of Ude = 15.24 m/s

at VD: gusts of Ude = 7.62 m/s.

Critical aircraft weights are MTOW (W max = 600 kg) and minimum weight (W min = 405 kg).

ρ0 Gust load calculation (CS-VLA 333):

n = 1+ 2

Kg =

µg =

⋅ v ⋅ a ⋅ K g ⋅ U de W ⋅g


0.88 ⋅ µ g 5 .3 + µ g 2 ⋅W

S d (c L ) ρ ⋅ c mean ⋅ dα

The results are summarized in the following table: Acft Weight [kg] MTOW 600 Wmin 405 MTOW 600 Wmin 405

Airspeed [m/s] vC 55 vC 55 vD 55 vD 55

Gust Ude Ude Ude Ude

[m/s] 15,24 15,24 7,62 7,62

ug 12,48 8,42 12,48 8,42

Kg 0,6176 0,5401 0,6176 0,5401



3,78 4,61 2,39 2,80

-1,78 -2,61 -0,39 -0,80

Remarks for case 2 (Wmin = 405 kg, vC = 55 m/s) In case 2 the load limit of the flight envelope is exceeded. The calculation of the wing shear and bending moment at W min = 405 kg and n = +4,61 gives the following result: Limit shear load: Ultimate shear load:

5’853 N 8’779 N

Limit bending moment: Ultimate bending moment:

9’783 Nm 14’674 Nm

The loads at W min = 405 kg and n = +4,61 are much lower than at MTOW = 600 kg and n = +3,8. However the local supporting structure for dead weight items needs to withstand the limit load of n = +4,61.

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Load Analysis


CS-VLA A9 The fuselage has to be load tested according to CS-VLA, similar to the wing load tests. The required loads on the fuselage are equal to the loads calculated for the engine mount, wing, horizontal tail and vertical tail. An example of fuselage loading is shown on the following drawing:

The required ultimate loads are: Engine: Cabin floor: Fuselage tail:

F1'687 = 1.5 ⋅ 2'870 N = 4'305 N (see chapter 9 Engine Mount) m FKAB = 1.5 ⋅ 3.8 ⋅ (2 ⋅ 86kg ) ⋅ 9,806 2 = 9'607 N s FVOP = 3'270 N (see chapter 5 Horizontal Tail)

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Horizontal Tail


Surface Loading Condition

Load Analysis

CS-VLA A11 (c)(1) The average limit loading of the horizontal tail can be calculated according to CS-VLA Appendix A, Table 2 and Figure A4:

W lb kg = 24,68 2 = 120,8 2 S ft m

Simplified limit surface distributions:

wHT = 4,8 + 0,109 ⋅ n1 ⋅

Simplified limit surface loading:

LHT ,lim = AHT ⋅ wHT ⋅ g = 1,84 ⋅ 120,8 ⋅ 9,806 = 2'180 N

Ultimate surface loading:

LHT ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ LHT ,lim = 3'270 N

The load must be distributed on the horizontal tail as follows: 3'270 N

2’126 N


Balancing Load

For comparison/confirmation of the simplified criteria, a detailed calculation for the balancing load is performed. The horizontal tail acts with a downward force against the forward nick moment and keeps the airplane in balance. Instead of using the simplified criteria of CS-VLA Appendix A (Chapter 3) the following, more detailed analysis may be used: L .............. Wing Lift MW ........... Wing Nick Moment P .............. Horizontal Tail Lift W⋅n .......... Inertial Weight Force xCG ........... Center of Gravity (behind wing L.E.) xA ............ Center of Lift (behind wing L.E.) xHT.......... Arm to H.T. Center of Lift

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Equilibrium of moment at wing L.E.:

0 = M W + x A ⋅ L − xCG ⋅ n ⋅ W + x HT ⋅ P

Equilibrium of forces:

0 = −n ⋅ W + L + P

Zero Lift Moment:

M W = c m ,c / 4 ⋅ c mean ⋅

ρ 2

Load Analysis

v 2 ⋅ A2Wing

cm,c/4 = -0,0587, cmean = 1,523 m, ρ = 1,225 kg/m³, A2 = 12,5 m²


Force on horizontal tail:

M W + ( xCG − x A ) ⋅ n ⋅ G x HT

The results for the balancing loads on the HT are summarized in the following table: v



Pb [N] 1,0 3,8 -1,9 1,0 3,8 -1,9

v vD vD vD vD vD vD vD

fwd fwd fwd aft aft aft



n 0,0 1,0 3,8 -1,9 1,0 3,8 -1,9

Pb [N] -1190 -1336 -1746 -912 -1065 -714 -1428

vA vA vA vA vA vA

fwd fwd fwd aft aft aft



vC vC vC vC vC

fwd fwd fwd aft aft

1,0 3,8 -1,9 1,0 3,8

-706 -1115 -282 -435 -84

vF vF vF vF vF

fwd fwd fwd aft aft

1,0 1,9 0 1,0 1,9

-1167 -1298 -1021 -895 -782










-588 -997 -164 -316 35 -680


Pb [N]


Pb [N]

The maximum balancing load on the horizontal tail appears to be at vD, forward C.G. and n = 3,8. Ultimate HT balancing load:

Pb ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ Pb = 1,5 ⋅ −1'746 N = −2'619 N

The resulting ultimate load is lower than the result from the simplified calculation according to CS-VLA.

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Vertical Tail


Surface Loading Condition

Load Analysis

CS-VLA A11 (c)(1) The average limit loading of the vertical tail can be calculated according to CS-VLA Appendix A, Table 2 and Figure A4:

W lb kg = 22,37 2 = 109,4 2 S ft m

Simplified limit surface distributions:

wVT = 1,656 ⋅ n1 ⋅

Simplified limit surface loading:

LVT ,lim = AVT ⋅ wVT ⋅ g = 0,52 ⋅ 109,4 ⋅ 9,806 = 558 N

Ultimate surface loading:

LVT ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ LVT ,lim = 837 N

The load must be distributed on the horizontal tail as follows:

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CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Control Surfaces

CS-VLA A11 (c)(1) The average limit loading of the control surfaces can be calculated according to CS-VLA Appendix A, Table 2 and Figure A5.


Aileron W lb kg = 17,33 2 = 84,8 2 S ft m

Simplified limit surface distributions:

w Ail = 0,095 ⋅ n1 ⋅

Simplified limit surface loading:

L Ail ,lim = AAil ⋅ w Ail ⋅ g = 0,46 ⋅ 84,8 ⋅ 9,806 = 383 N

Ultimate surface loading:

L Ail ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ L Ail ,lim = 575 N

The load must be distributed on the aileron as follows:


Wing Flap

Simplified limit surface distributions:

wFlap = 0,131 ⋅ n1 ⋅

W c n , flap lb kg ⋅ = 17,92 2 = 87,7 2 S 1,6 ft m

with cn,flap = 1,2 Simplified limit surface loading:

LFlap ,lim = AFlap ⋅ wFlap ⋅ g = 0,68 ⋅ 87,7 ⋅ 9,806 = 585 N

Ultimate surface loading:

LFlap ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ LFlap ,lim = 878 N

The load must be distributed on the wing flap as follows:

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Load Analysis

Aileron + Elevator Trim Tab

Simplified limit surface distributions:

wTab = 0,16 ⋅ n1 ⋅

W c n ,tab lb kg ⋅ = 29,18 2 = 142,8 2 S 0,8 ft m

with cn,tab = 0,8 Simplified limit surface loading:

L AilTab ,lim = AAilTab ⋅ wTab ⋅ g = 0,039 ⋅ 142,8 ⋅ 9,806 = 49,6 N LElevTab ,lim = AElevTab ⋅ wTab ⋅ g = 0,056 ⋅ 142,8 ⋅ 9,806 = 78,4 N

Ultimate surface loading:

L AilTab ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ LTailTab ,lim = 74 N LElevTab ,ult = 1,5 ⋅ LElevTab ,lim = 118 N

The load must be distributed on the trim tabs as follows:

See „wing flap loading“

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Load Analysis

Control System

CS-VLA A13 (a)(2) The acceptable limit pilot forces can be used as requirement for the control system strength. CS-VLA 397 (b) The minimum and maximum limit pilot forces are as follows: Aileron limit force (control stick):

178 .. 300 N

Elevator limit force (control stick):

445 .. 740 N

Rudder limit force (pedals):

580 .. 890 N

In addition the rudder control system must withstand a simultaneous forward force of 1’000 N on both pedals.

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Engine Mount


Loads on engine mount

Load Analysis

Each of the following two conditions must be investigated: A. Limit torque + positive maneuvering flight load CS-VLA A9 (d)(2) Maximum torque at takeoff power:

M eng = 121Nm

CS-VLA 361 (b)(1)(ii) Limit torque for 4-stroke/4-cylinder:

M lim = 2.0 ⋅ M eng = 242 Nm

Limit loads resulting from the maximum positive maneuvering flight load factor n1:

Teng ,lim = n1 ⋅ (meng + m prop ) ⋅ g Teng ,lim = n ⋅ (65kg + 12kg ) ⋅ 9.806 = 2'870 N Ultimate load in vertical direction:

Teng ,ult = 1.5 ⋅ Teng ,lim = 4'305 N

B. Lateral (side) limit load CS-VLA A9 (d)(3) Lateral (side) limit load:

Teng ,lat lim = 1,47 ⋅ (meng + m prop ) ⋅ g Teng ,lat lim = 1,47 ⋅ (65kg + 12kg ) ⋅ 9.806 = 1'110 N

Ultimate load in lateral direction:

Teng ,lat ,ult = 1.5 ⋅ Teng ,lat lim = 1'665 N

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CZAW CH601XLB Zodiac

Load Analysis

Ground Loads

The requirements for ground loads are specified in CS-VLA 471 – 499. CS-VLA 473 (b) Descent velocity:



m ⋅ g  = 0.51 ⋅  MTOW  S  Wing  


m   600kg ⋅ 9.806 2 s = 0.51 ⋅  2  12.3m  


     



= 2.39

m s

CS-VLA 473 (c) Remaining wing lift at landing impact: LT / D =

2 2 ⋅ Ltotal = ⋅ 600kg ⋅ 9,806 = 3'922 N 3 3

ASTM F2245-04 The load factor nj on the wheels for the basic landing conditions can be computed according to ASTMrequirements:

m⋅g 600kg ⋅ 9.806 = 0.0132 = 28.9cm S 12.3m 2

Drop height:

hdrop = 0.0132

Total shock absorber travel:

d = d tire + d shock = 8 + 18 = 26cm 3

Shock efficiency:

R = 0 .5

for tire and spring shocks

d 26 28.9 + 3 = 3 = 2.89 R⋅d 0.5 ⋅ 26

hdrop + Load factor on the wheels:

nj =

Limit landing load factor:

n = n j + L = 2.89 +

2 = 3.56
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