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Biology course notes at school level...
Chapter 31
There are about 262,000 species of plants. About 235,000 species or 90%, are angiosperms. Angiosperms can be either herbaceous or oo!". #erbaceous plants can be annuals, biennials an! perennials. $oo!" plants are perennials.
THE PLANT BODY The plant bo!" consists of a root system an! a shoot system. The shoot s"stem consists of a stem that bears leaes, floers, fruits an! sometimes ade!t"t"o#s roots. &lants are ma!e of cells organi'e! into tissues an! organs. (oots, stems, floers an! fruits are organs. There are three tissue s"stems that e)ten! throughout the entire bo!" of the plant. *ach tissue s"stem contains to or more tissues, hich can be simple or comple) !epen!ing on the +in!s of cells that form the tissue. A groing plant cell secretes a $r"mary %e&& 'a&& that stretches as the cell increases in si'e. The se%o!dary %e&& 'a&& is !eposite! after the cell stops groing. CELL TYPES Pare!%hyma %e&&s • • • •
iing cells at maturit". maturit". #ae thin primar" alls. -unction in storage, secretion an! photos"nthesis. photos"nthesis. -oun! throughout the bo!" of the plant.
Co&&e!%hyma %e&&s • • • •
iing cells at maturit". maturit". #ae uneenl" thic+ene! primar" cell alls. -unction in support in fle)ible parts of the plant. -oun! in petioles, leaf eins an! other parts of the plant that must be fle)ible.
S%&ere!%hyma %e&&s • •
#ae both primar" an! thic+ene! secon!ar" cell alls. Cells are often !ea! at maturit".
• •
econ!ar" all ith pits. &roi!e structural support.
There are to t"pes of sclerench"ma sclerench"ma cells/ s%&ere"ds an! (")ers. • • • •
• • • • •
S%&ere"ds ma" be liing or !ea! at maturit". hort, cubical cells. clerei! rich tissue ma" be har! an! infle)ible. -orm part of the shell an! pits of fruits, e.g. coconuts, alnuts, cherries, etc. F")ers are often !ea! at maturit". ong, tapere! cells often in clumps. #ae fe pits in their secon!ar" all. &roi!e strength an! elasticit". -oun! throughout the plant bo!", common in stems an! some leaes.
Tra%he"ds • • • • •
ea! at maturit". ong an! tapere! cells. #ae secon!ar" alls e)cept at pits. &its on lateral an! en! alls. Con!uction of ater an! minerals.
*esse& e&eme!ts • • • • •
ea! at maturit". ong an! c"lin!rical cells oine! en! to en!. econ!ar" cell all e)cept at pits. *n! alls hae perforations. Con!uction of ater an! minerals.
S"ee t#)e mem)ers • • • • • • •
iing cells at maturit". maturit". ac+ nucleus an! other organelles at maturit". maturit". *longate! cells, c"lin!rical, oine! en! to en!. econ!ar" cell all present. *n! alls are s"ee $&ates ith holes. C"toplasm e)ten!s from one cell to the ne)t through the holes of the siee plate. Con!uct the pro!ucts of photos"nthesis.
Com$a!"o! %e&&s • • • •
iing cells at maturit". maturit". Associate! to a siee tube member b" means of plasmo!esmata. Assists in moing sugars in an! out of siee tube members. The nucleus is thought to !irect the actiit" of both cells.
Compose! of three simple tissues. &arench"ma tissue Collench"ma tissue clerench"ma tissue
parench"ma cells Collench"ma cells sclerei!s, fibers
Compose! of to comple) tissues. "lem
Trachei!s essel elements &arench"ma cells -ibers
iee tube members Companion cells &arench"ma cells -ibers
Compose! of to comple) tissues. *pi!ermis
&arench"ma cells 4uar! cells Trichomes
Cor+ cells Cor+ cambium cells Cor+ parench"ma
Gro#!d t"ss#e performs man" functions/ •
&hotos"nthesis, &hotos"nthesis, storage, secretion, fle)ible an! rigi! structural support
&arench"ma cells hae thin primar" alls pol"he!ral cells function in photos"nthesis, storage an! secretion remain alie at maturit".
Collench"ma cells hae an uneenl" thic+ene! primar" all proi!e fle)ible structural support in soft nonoo!" organs cells elongate! remain alie at maturit".
clerench"ma cells hae primar" an! thic+ secon!ar" alls proi!e rigi! support to organs cells usuall" !ie at maturit" fibers are long an! tapere! sclerei!s are short an! cubical.
*as%#&ar t"ss#e system con!ucts materials throughout the plant bo!" an! proi!es support. •
0y&em con!ucts ater an! minerals from the roots to all parts of the plant
trachei!s an! essel elements are the con!ucting cells an! are !ea! at maturit" both hae all pits for lateral transport.
Ph&oem transports sugars in solution to all plant parts
siee tube members are the con!ucting cells companion cells regulate the metabolism of the siee tube members
both remain alie at maturit" maturit" siee tube members members lac+ nucleus an! other other organelles.
Derma& t"ss#e system is the outer protectie coering of herbaceous plants an! the "oung ten!er parts of oo!" plants. •
E$"derm"s usuall" consists of a single la"er of parench"ma cells ith 1#ard %e&&s an! tr"%homes secretes the a)" %#t"%&e gas e)change occurs through the stomata. 7t is ma!e of parench"ma t"pe cells. Per"derm forms the outer bar+ of oo!" plants %or2 %e&&s are !ea! at maturit" an! fille! ith s#)er"!, a ater proof substance %or2 $are!%hyma functions as a storage tissue.
GROWTH 4roth in plants is locali'e! in regions calle! meristems. •
7t inoles cell !iision, cell elongation an! cell !ifferentiation.
1. Pr"mary 1ro'th causes the roots an! stems to elongate. • •
7t occurs in all plants. The apical meristem at the tip of roots an! stems is responsible.
2. Se%o!dary 1ro'th is an increase in stem an! root girth. • • •
7t occurs in oo!" plants onl". 7t is !ue to the actiit" of the lateral meristems/ ascular cambium an! cor+ cambium. ascular ascular cambium forms a c"lin!er along the length of roots an! stems, beteen the )"lem an! phloem it pro!uces more more )"lem an! phloem. Cor+ cambium is locate! in the outer bar+.
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