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Chapter 20
1. A layer of of sporopollenin protects charophytes from desiccation; sporopollenin is found in the spore wall of land plants. 2. Danger Danger of desiccation desiccation required required new adaptatio adaptations: ns: transport transport tissue, tissue, cuticle, cuticle, large large compact multicellular ody, etc. !. "imultane "imultaneous ous e#oluti e#olution on of cuticle cuticle and and stomata stomata with with guard guard cells. cells. $. "upp "uppor ortt again against st gra gra#i #ity ty.. %. &eproduct &eproduction ion ecame ecame adapted adapted to to periods periods of moistu moisture re so sperms sperms could could swim. swim. '. (ametes (ametes and spore spore mother mother cells ecame ecame protecte protected d from dryness dryness y layers layers of cells. cells. ). *#olutio *#olution n of +ylem and phloem phloem to transport transport materia materials ls to and from different different parts parts of the plant, plant, the atmosphere and the soil. . Alternation of generations: a characteristic life cycle. •
Alternation of generation does not occur in the charophyceans. -his suggests that alternation of generation arose independently in land plants. A life cycle characteried y a multicellular haploi ga!etoph"te stage followed y a multicellular iploi sporoph"te stage. M#lti$ell#lar% M#lti$ell#lar% epenent e!&r"os' -he ("gote is retained surrounded y tissues of the gametophyte. gametophyte. -he parental tissue pro#ides the emryo with nutrients. Pla$ental transfer $ells present in the emryo and sometimes in the gametophyte as well, enhance the transfer of nutrients.
/. Spores pro#$e in sporangia: haploid reproducti#e cells that ecome a multicellular haploid gametophyte y mitosis. •
-he multicellular sporangium contains sporocytes, the cells that undergo meiosis to form spores.
10. lants are euaryotic, euaryotic, multicellular, mostly mostly autotrophic organisms, organisms, with haploiddiploid haploiddiploid life cycles, which retain emryo within female se+ organ on parent plant; the cell wall contains cellulose.
)HARA)TERS O* NONVAS)+LAR PLANTS Aout 1),000 species worldwide di#ided into three Di#isions: Br"oph"ta, the mosses; Hepatoph"ta, the li#erworts; and Antho$eroph"ta, the hornworts. -heir life cycle is similar ut the three groups may not e closely related. -he ryophytes may form a polyphyletic polyphyletic group.
3ryophyt a refers to the phylum of mosses only; ryophyt es refer to the three phyla mentioned ao#e. 4n many respects, ryophytes are transitional etween charophycean green algae and the #ascular plants discussed later in the course. )hara$teristi$s:
1. "mall emryo emryophyt phytes es found in moist moist en#ironmen en#ironments, ts, lac woody woody tissue tissue and +ylem +ylem and phloem; phloem; they usually form mats spread o#er the ground. 2. (ametophy (ametophyte te generation generation is dominant dominant;; sporophyt sporophytee is parasitic parasitic on the gametophy gametophyte. te. !. 3ryophy 3ryophytes tes ha#e cuticle, cuticle, stomata stomata and multicell multicellular ular gametang gametangia ia and sporangia sporangia that that allow them them to sur#i#e on land. $. -heir odies odies are composed composed of true true parenchyma parenchyma deri#ed deri#ed from threedim threedimensio ensional nal growth growth usually usually from an apical meristem. %. 3ryophy 3ryophytes tes need water to reprodu reproduce ce and most species species lac lac #ascular #ascular tissue tissue 5+ylem and phloem phloem6. 6. '. 7ater 7ater transport transport is mostly through through capillary capillary action, action, diffusion diffusion and cytoplasmic streaming. -hey lac true roots, stems and lea#es. -he gametophyte of mosses is a onecellthic filament nown as the protonema that e#entually produces uds ha#ing meristematic meristematic tissue. -hese -hese meristems produce an upright upright structure called the the ga!etophore. -hese gametophytes are one to a few cells thic and otain nutrients and water y direct asorption from the en#ironment. 8ost mosses do not ha#e conducting tissue. "ome species ha#e specialied cells that conduct water and nutrients ut lac lignin in their cell walls. -he gametophores are anchored y fragile rhi(ois. &hioids are either single elongated cells as those found in li#erworts and hornworts, or filaments of cells as those of mosses. &hioids are not made of tissues and do not asor any significant amount of water. 4n that way they differ from roots. 3ryophytes ha#e smallest and simplest sporophyte of any group. -he sporophyte remains attached to the gametophyte throughout its lifetime, dependent of the gametophyte gametophyte for food, water and minerals. -he mature sporophyte of mosses consists of a foot emedded in the archegonium, a seta or stal is present in the phylum phylum 3ryophyta, and a $aps#le or sporangium. -he cap or $al"ptra closes the peristo!e or opening or the capsule.
Di,ision Br"oph"ta 8osses are a large phylum containing aout 12,000 species.
8any new species are disco#ered e#ery year in the tropics. -he phylum is di#ided into three classes, "phagnosida 5peat mosses6, Andreaeopsida 5granite mosses6 and 3ryopsida 5true mosses6. -he class 3ryidae contains aout /,%00 species. )HARA)TERISTI)S
rotonema gi#es rise to gametophores, leafy shoots that produce gametangia. rotonema chlorophyllous with multicellular rhioids. (ametophyte (ametophyte may or may not ranch. (ametophores deri#e from an apical meristem that has a large apical cell. Deri#ati#e cells sudi#ide and produce the tissues of stems and lades in rather rather precise arrangement. (ametophore leafy with more than three rans of lades. A+is with thic walled outer cortical cells and a central strand of smaller cells. 9amina sessile, entire, seldom loed, one cell thic. 8idri composed of se#eral layers. la yers. 9aminar cells elongated; hyaline cells: dead, large, arrelshaped, retain large quantities of water... 4n the family olytrichaceae, the lamina ears long sheets of cells 5lamellae6 on the upper surface that greatly increases the #olume of photosynthetic tissue. Cuticle e+ists only on the upper surface of the lades; the underside lacs cuticle and is capale of asoring water directly from the en#ironment. "tomata are asent on lades ut present on the sporangial wall. araphyllia present in some species: small, ranched, uniseriate structures. -ater transport
1. 4n some mosses, mosses, primarily primarily in the family family olytricha olytrichaceae, ceae, the innermo innermost st corte+ is composed composed of cells cells called h"rois that conduct water and dissol#ed minerals. • • •
*longated cells that loose their c ytoplasm at maturity. maturity. *nd walls are partially digested ut are not remo#ed completely. completely. *ach hydroids are aligned with those ao#e and elow it
2. "pecie "peciess that that ha#e ha#e hydroi hydroids ds typic typicall ally y ha#e ha#e leptois. 9eptoids resemle sie#e cells. •
*longated cells.
• •
9ac nuclei at maturity ut retain some c ytoplasm. ytoplasm. a#e prominent interconnections with adacent cells.
!. Adacent Adacent parenchy parenchyma ma cells are unusually unusually cytoplas cytoplasmic mic and rich in enymes enymes ust as are companion companion cells. -he maority of mosses lac hydroids and leptoids. 7ater 7ater is conducted long the e+terior of their stems y capillary action. 4n species that lac leptoids, sugar is transported y slow transport etween the cells. At the ase of the a+is, rhi(ois anchor the plant ut do not asor water or nutrients. • •
8ulticellular filaments -hey lac chloroplasts
"pores germinate and send out a long chlorophyllous chlorophyllous cells. -his cells undergoes mitosis and produces a ranched system of similar cells called the protone!a.
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