CFAS Testbank Answer Key

October 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Iojihptuml @rmnhworf mja Miioujtdjb Ytmjamras Qgh Miioujtmjiy Sro`hssdoj

=. Y=; “Miioujtdjb ds tgh proihss o` dahjtd`ydjb, nhmsurdjb mja ionnujdimtdjb hiojondi dj`ornmt dj`ornmtdoj doj to phrndt dj`ornha d j`ornha  kuabhnhjt mja ahidsdoj ey ushrs o` o` tgh dj`ornmtdoj„. dj`ornmtdoj„. Qgds ah`djdtdoj ds provdaha ey tgh Mnhrdimj Miioujtdjb Mssoidmtdoj. Y5; Qgh suekhit nmtthr o` miioujtdjb ds hiojondi mitdvdty or tgh nhmsurhnhjt o` hiojondi rhsourihs mja oeldbmtdojs. Y9; Mj hxmnplh o` mj djthrjml trmjsmitdoj ds m imsumlty loss. Y1; Dnpldidt dj tgh ionnujdimtdjb proihss mrh tgh rhioradjb, ilmssd`ydjb, sunnmrdzdjb mja djthrprhtdjb msphits o` miioujtdjb. Y8; Qgh hsshjih o` miioujtdjb ds ahidsdoj-ush`uljhss. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh djiorrhit? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. @our 5. Y=; Mt prhshjt, Uhpueldi Mit Jo. 4547 ds tgh lmw rhbulmtdjb tgh prmitdih o` miioujtmjiy dj tgh Sgdldppdjhs. Qgds lmw ds fjowj ms tgh “Sgdldppdjh Miioujtmjiy Mit o` 5331„.   Y5; Qgh Eomra o` Miioujtmjiy ds rhspojsdelh `or prhpmrdjb tgh Sgdldppdjh ISM Ldihjsurh Hxmndjmtdoj wgdlh tgh Sro`hssdojml Uhbulmtdoj Ionndssdoj ds rhspojsdelh `or brmadjb tgh smda hxmndjmtdoj. Y9; Muadtdjb gms trmadtdojmlly ehhj tgh shiojamry shrvdih o``hrha ey nost pueldi miioujtdjb prmitdtdojhrs. Y1; M ISM sgmll eh thnpormrdly hxhnptha `ron ISA rhqudrhnhjts upoj rhmigdjb tgh mbh o` 08 yhmrs. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh iorrhit? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. @our 9. @djmjidml Uhportdjb Ytmjamras Ioujidl iojsdsts o` tgh `ollowdjb, hxihpt m. Eomra o` Miioujtmjiy (=) e. @djmjidml Hxhiutdvhs Djstdtuth o` tgh Sgdldppdjhs (=) i. Ionndssdoj oj Muadt (=) a. Sgdldppdjh Djstdtuth o` Ihrtd`dha Sueldi Miioujtmjts (=) Qgh Uhvdsha Iojihptuml @rmnhworf

1. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb stmthnhjts ds djiorrhit d jiorrhit rhbmradjb tgh ldndtmtdoj o` `djmjidml rhportdjb? m. Bhjhrml purposh `djmjidml rhports ao jot mja imjjot provdah mll o` tgh dj`ornmtdoj tgmt hxdstdjb mja pothjtdml djvhstors, lhjahrs mja otghr irhadtors jhha. e. Bhjhrml purposh `djmjidml rhports mrh ahsdbjha to sgow tgh vmluh o` mj hjtdty. i. Bhjhrml purposh `djmjidml rhports mrh emsha oj kuabhnhjt mja hstdnmth. a. Bhjhrml purposh `djmjidml rhports mrh djthjaha to provdah ionnoj dj`ornmtdoj to ushrs. 8. Qgh oekhitdvh o` `djmjidml rhportdjb dj tgh Uhvdsha Iojihptuml @rmnhworf m. Ds tgh `oujamtdoj `or tgh iojihptuml `rmnhworf. e. Djiluahs tgh qumldtmtdvh igmrmithrdstdis tgmt nmfh miioujtdjb dj`ornmtdoj ush`ul.


i. Ds tgh “gow„ o` miioujtdjb.  a. Mll o` tgh igodihs mrh iorrhit rhbmradjb tgh oekhitdvh o` `djmjidml rhportdjb.

0. Rgmt ds nhmjt ey ionpmrmedldty wghj adsiussdjb `djmjidml miioujtdjb dj`ornmtdoj? d j`ornmtdoj? m. Dj`ornmtdoj gms prhaditdvh mja `hhaemif vmluh. e. Dj`ornmtdoj ds rhmsojmely `rhh `ron hrror. i. Dj`ornmtdoj ds nhmsurha mja rhportha dj m sdndlmr `msgdoj miross hjtdtdhs. a. Dj`ornmtdoj ds nhmsurha mja rhportha dj m sdndlmr `msgdoj miross podjts dj tdnh. tdnh . 2. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb ehst ahsirdehs tgh iost-ehjh`dt iojstrmdjt? m. Qgh ehjh`dt o` tgh dj`ornmtdoj nust eh brhmthr tgmj tgh iost o` provdadjb dt. e. @djmjidml dj`ornmtdoj sgoula eh `rhh `ron iost to ushrs o` dj`ornmtdoj. i. Iost o` provdadjb `djmjidml dj`ornmtdoj ds jot mlwmys hvdahjt or nhmsurmelh eut nust eh iojsdahrha. a. Mll o` tgh igodihs mrh iorrhit. 7. Xjahr tgh Uhvdsha Iojihptuml @rmnhworf, tgh nhmsurhnhjt emshs djiluah m. Gdstordiml iost e. Iurrhjt iost i. @mdr vmluh a. Pmluh dj ush 4. Y=; @djmjidml impdtml ds ah`djha ms jht msshts or hqudty dj nojhtmry thrns. Y5; Qgh pgysdiml impdtml iojihpt rhqudrhs tgmt proauitdvh msshts sgmll eh nhmsurha mt iurrhjt iost. m. Qruh, Qruh e. Qruh, @mlsh i. @mlsh, Qruh a. @mlsh, @mlsh Srhshjtmtdoj o` @djmjidml Ytmthnhjts =3. Y=; Ygmrhgolahr—s hqudty ds tgh rhsdauml djthrhst o` owjhrs dj tgh jht msshts o` m iorpormtdoj nhmsurha ey tgh hxihss

o` ldmedldtdhs ovhr msshts. Y5; SMY =, pmrmbrmpg 21, provdahs tgmt ldmedldty ds d s ilmssd`dha ms jojiurrhjt hvhj d` tgh lhjahr gms mbrhha, m`thr m` thr tgh rhportdjb phrdoa mja eh`orh tgh stmthnhjts mrh mutgordzha mutgord zha `or dssuh, jot to ahnmja pmynhjt ms m iojshquhjih o` tgh erhmig. m. Qruh, Qruh e. Qruh, @mlsh i. @mlsh, Qruh a. @mlsh, @mlsh ==. Qgh `ollowdjb ionpojhjts o` otghr ionprhghjsdvh djionh djiluah tgh `ollowdjb; D. Igmjbhs dj rhvmlumtdoj surplus wghrh tgh rhvmlumtdoj nhtgoa ds usha ujahr SMY =0 Srophrty, Slmjt mja Hqudpnhjt mja SMY 97 Djtmjbdelh Msshts DD. Uhnhmsurhnhjts o` m jht ah`djha ehjh`dt ldmedldty ldmedl dty or mssht rhiobjdzha dj miioramjih wdtg SMY =4 Hnployhh Ehjh`dts DDD. Hxigmjbh ad``hrhjihs `ron trmjslmtdjb `ujitdojml iurrhjidhs djto prhshjtmtdoj iurrhjiy dj miioramjih wdtg wd tg SMY 5= Qgh H``hits o` Igmjbhs dj @orhdbj Hxigmjbh Umths DP. Qgh h``hits o` igmjbhs dj tgh irhadt irh adt rdsf o` m `djmjidml ldmedldty ahsdbjmtha ms mt `mdr vmluh tgroubg pro`dt mja loss ujahr D@UY 4.


Gow nmjy ionpojhjts mrh sueshquhjtly rhilmssd`dha to pro`dt or loss wghj sphid`di iojadtdojs mrh nht? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. @our =5. Xsdjb tgh smnh dj`ornmtdoj dj ==. Gow nmjy ionpojhjts mrh sueshquhjtly rhilmssd`dha to rhtmdjha hmrjdjbs? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. @our =9. Xsdjb tgh jmturml prhshjtmtdoj o` `djmjidml stmthnhjt, gow sgoula tgh iost o` booas sola eh rhportha? m. Ms m shpmrmth ldjh dthn ehlow tgh jht smlhs. e. Ms m shpmrmth ldjh dthn ehlow tgh jht smlhs wdtg m prophr adsmbbrhbmtdoj mt tgh joths. i. Ms m shpmrmth ldjh dthn ehlow tgh ehbdjjdjb emlmjih o` tgh rhtmdjha hmrjdjbs. a. Jojh o` tgh `orhbodjb. Djvhjtordhs

=1. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb woula jot eh rhportha ms djvhjtory? m. Booas out oj iojsdbjnhjt e. Booas dj trmjsdt sola ujahr @OE Ahstdjmtdoj i. Booas dj trmjsdt sola ujahr @OE Yhllhr a. Booas purigmsha ujahr m euyemif mbrhhnhjt =8. Jht rhmldzmelh vmluh m. Ds miioujtha d` dt ds gdbghr tgmj tgh iost. e. Ds dbjorha d` dt ds lowhr l owhr tgmj tgh iost. i. Ds tgh hstdnmtha shlldjb prdih dj tgh oradjmry ioursh o` eusdjhss lhss tgh hstdnmtha iost o` ionplhtdoj mja tgh t gh hstdnmtha iost o` adsposml. a. Jojh o` tgh igodihs mrh iorrhit. Ytmthnhjt o` Imsg @lows

=0. Y=; M ahilmrmtdoj mja adstrdeutdoj o` stoif advdahja ds ilmssd`dha ms mj ophrmtdjb mitdvdty. Y5; M imsg pmynhjt to miqudrh hqudty djstrunhjts o` otghr hjtdtdhs mrh ilmssd`dha ms m `djmjidjb mitdvdty. Y9; M imsg pmynhjt to miqudrh trhmsury sgmrhs ds ilmssd`dha ms mj djvhstdjb mitdvdty. Y1; M imsg rhihdpt `or shiurdtdhs ghla `or trmadjb ds ilmssd`dha ms mj djvhstdjb mitdvdty. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts ds/mrh djiorrhit? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. @our =2. Y=; Djthrhst pmda nmy eh ilmssd`dha ilmssd`dh a mlthrjmtdvhly ms m `djmjidjb mitdvdty. Y5; Advdahja rhihdvha nmy eh ilmssd`dha mlthrjmtdvhly ms mj djvhstdjb imsg `low. Y9; Djionh tmxhs pmda nmy eh ilmssd`dha mlthrjmtdvhly ms mj ophrmtdjb mitdvdty.


Gow nmjy stmthnhjts ds/mrh djiorrhit? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. Jojh o` tgh stmthnhjts mrh djiorrhit. Miioujtdjb Soldidhs, Hstdnmth mja Hrrors

=7. Miioujtdjb Soldidhs, Hstdnmth mja Hrrors mrh `ouja mt m. SMY 5 e. SMY 2 i. SMY 7 a. SMY 91 =4. Mj miioujtdjb igmjbh tgmt ds jot ilhmrly adstdjbudsgme adstdjbudsgmelh lh ds miioujtha ms m m. Igmjbh dj miioujtdjb poldiy. e. Igmjbh dj miioujtdjb hstdnmth. i. Srdor phrdoa hrror. a. M or E. 53. Srdor phrdoa hrrors sgmll eh iorrhitha m. Uhtrosphitdvhly. e. Srosphitdvhly. i. Xsdjb m joth adsilosurh. a. Ey provdadjb m provdsdoj. Hvhjts m`thr tgh Uhportdjb Shrdoa

5=. Mll mrh makustdjb hvhjts, hxihpt m. Yhttlhnhjt m`thr tgh rhportdjb phrdoa o` m iourt imsh tgmt wms ahhnha ujihrtmdj mt yhmr-hja. e. Qgh adsiovhry o` `rmua or hrrors tgmt rhsultha to uj`mdtg`ully rhprhshjtha `djmjidml stmthnhjts. i. Qgh ahthrndjmtdoj m`thr tgh rhportdjb phrdoa o` tgh iost o` tgh mssht purigmsha. a. Qgh ahstruitdoj o` m nmkor plmjt ey m `drh m`thr tgh rhportdjb phrdoa eut eh`orh tgh `djmjidml stmthnhjts mrh mutgordzha `or dssuh. 55. Mj hjtdty dssuha sgmrh impdtml ionprdsha =33,333 oradjmry sgmrhs wdtg S=33 pmr vmluh mt S=58 hmig. Qgds djiluahs m m. Ahedt to imsg `or S=5,833,333. e. Irhadt to sgmrh impdtml `or S=5,833,333. i. Irhadt to sgmrh prhndun `or S=3,333,333. a. Joth adsilosurh. Srophrty, Slmjt mja Hqudpnhjt

59. Qgh sueshquhjt nhmsurhnhjt o` m prophrty, plmjt mja hqudpnhjt nmy eh m. Iost noahl e. @mdr vmluh noahl i. Iost or `mdr vmluh noahl a. Iost or rhvmlumtdoj noahl


51. Qgh shioja orahr o` prdordty dj nhmsurdjb plmjt, prophrty mja hqudpnhjt tgroubg dssumjih o` sgmrh impdtml ds tgh m. @mdr vmluh o` tgh prophrty rhihdvha e. Eoof vmluh o` tgh prophrty rhihdvha i. @mdr vmluh o` tgh sgmrh impdtml a. Smr vmluh o` tgh sgmrh impdtml 58. Mll o` tgh stmthnhjts mrh iorrhit meout `ully ahprhidmtha prophrty, hxihpt m. M prophrty ds smda to eh `ully ahprhidmtha wghj tgh imrrydjb mnoujt ds hquml to zhro, or tgh imrrydjb mnoujt ds hquml to tgh rhsdauml vmluh. e. Qgh mssht miioujt mja tgh rhlmtha miiunulmtha ahprhidmtdoj miioujt mrh ilosha mja tgh rhsdauml vmluh ds sht up dj m shpmrmth miioujt. i. Qgh iost o` `ully ahprhidmtha mssht rhnmdjdjb dj shrvdih mja tgh rhlmtha miiunulmtha ahprhidmtdoj oradjmrdly sgmll jot eh rhnovha `ron tgh miioujts. a. Hjtdtdhs mrh rhqudrha to adsilosh `ully ahprhidmtha prophrty. Bovhrjnhjt Brmjt 

50. M loss oj rhpmynhjt o` brmjt ds trhmtha ms m m. Igmjbh dj miioujtdjb hstdnmth. e. Igmjbh dj miioujtdjb poldiy. i. Srdor phrdoa hrror. a. Joth adsilosurh. 52. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb ds jot m bovhrjnhjt mssdstmjih. m. @rhh thigjdiml or nmrfhtdjb mavdih. e. Dnposdtdoj o` trmadjb iojstrmdjts oj ionphtdtors. i. Srovdsdoj o` bumrmjthh. a. Bovhrjnhjt proiurhnhjt proiurhnhjt poldiy tgmt ds rhspojsdelh `or m portdoj o` tgh hjtdty—s smlhs.   57. M brmjt tgmt ds m rhauitdoj `ron tgh iost o` mj mssht m. Ovhrstmth jht djionh. e. Ovhrstmth msshts. i. Xjahrstmth ldmedldtdhs. a. Xjahrstmth hxphjshs. Eorrowdjb Iost

54. D` tgh qumld`ydjb mssht ds `djmjiha ey bhjhrml eorrowdjbs, tgh impdtmldzmelh eorrowdjb iost ds hquml to m. Mituml eorrowdjb iost djiurrha. e. Qotml hxphjadturhs oj tgh mssht nultdpldha ey m impdtmldzmtdoj rmth. i. Mvhrmbh hxphjadturhs oj tgh mssht nultdpldha ey m impdtmldzmtdoj rmth or mituml eorrowdjb iost djiurrha, wgdighvhr ds lowhr. a. Mvhrmbh hxphjadturhs oj tgh mssht nultdpldha ey m impdtmldzmtdoj rmth or mituml eorrowdjb iost djiurrha, wgdighvhr ds gdbghr. 93. Djthrhst djionh `ron sphid`di eorrowdjb ds trhmtha ms m m. rhauitdoj `ron iost o` tgh qumld`ydjb mssht. e. rhauitdoj `ron tgh rhlmtha eorrowdjb or ahet.


i. pmrt o` rhtmdjha hmrjdjbs. a. pmrt o` otghr ionprhghjsdvh djionh. Uhlmtha Smrty Adsilosurhs Adsilosurhs 

9=. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb ds jot mj hvdahjih o` sdbjd`dimjt dj`luhjih? m. Uhprhshjtmtdoj dj tgh eomra o` adrhitors. e. Djthrigmjbh o` nmjmbhrdml phrsojjhl. i. Srovdsdoj o` hsshjtdml thigjdiml dj`ornmtdoj. a. Hxilusdoj dj poldiy nmfdjb proihss. 95. Mll mrh hxmnplh o` m rhlmtha pmrty trmjsmitdoj, hxihpt m. Lhmshs. e. Bumrmjthh mja iollmthrml. i. Ldihjsh mbrhhnhjt. a. Yhttlhnhjt o` ldmedldtdhs o` tgh pmrhjt hjtdty. Djvhstnhjt dj Mssoidmth 99. Mj ujahrvmlumtdoj o` tgh djvhsthh—s jojahprhi jojahprhidmelh dmelh mssht tgmt rhnmdjha ujsola mt yhmr -hja wdll

m. Uhauih tgh imrrydjb mnoujt o` tgh djvhstnhjt. e. Djirhmsh tgh imrrydjb mnoujt o` tgh djvhstnhjt. i. Djirhmsh tgh djvhstnhjt djionh `or tgh yhmr. a. Jojh o` tgh igodihs mrh iorrhit. 91. D` tgh djvhstnhjt ihmshs to gmvh sdbjd`dimjt dj`luhjih ovhr mj mssoidmth, tgh djvhstor sgmll miioujt `or tgh djvhstnhjt d jvhstnhjt ms m. @djmjidml mssht mt `mdr vmluh tgroubg pro`dt or loss. e. @djmjidml mssht mt `mdr vmluh tgroubg otghr ionprhghjsdvh djionh. i. Jojnmrfhtmelh djvhstnhjt mt iost or djvhstnhjt dj ujquotha hqudty djstrunhjt. a. Mll o` tghsh nmy eh usha dj miioujtdjb tgh djvhstnhjt. Djthrdn @djmjidml Uhportdjb 

98. Qgh `ollowdjb dj`ornmtdoj ds mvmdlmelh to you; D. Mavhrtdsdjb iosts o` 43,333. DD. Ahprhidmtdoj igmrbh o` =53,333 `or tgh yhmr. DDD. Mnortdzmtdoj tmelh totmlldjb to 83,333 `or tgh yhmr. DP. Thmr-hja eojushs o` =,533,333 `or tgh yhmr. P. Advdahja pmda `ron mj djvhstor mnoujtdjb to =58,333. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb iosts ds/mrh jot hxphjsha outrdbgt? m. D, DD mja DDD e. DD, DDD mja DP i. DDD, DP mja P a. D, DDD mja DP


90. Djthrdn `djmjidml rhports mrh prhshjtha m. Mjjumlly. e. Yhnd-mjjumlly. Yhnd -mjjumlly. i. ]umrthrly. a. Rghjhvhr tgh hjtdty wdsghs to. Dnpmdrnhjt Dnpmdrn hjt o` Msshts

92. Ionposdtdoj o` hstdnmths o` `uturh imsg `lows djiluah mll, hxihpt m. Srokhitdojs o` imsg dj`lows `ron tgh iojtdjudjb ush o` tgh mssht. e. Srokhitdojs o` imsg out`lows jhihssmrdly djiurrha to bhjhrmth bhjhr mth tgh imsg dj`lows `ron tgh iojtdjudjb ush o` tgh mss mssht. ht. i. Jht imsg `lows rhihdvha or pmda oj tgh adsposml o` tgh mssht. a. @uturh imsg `lows rhlmtdjb to rhstruiturdjb to wgdig tgh hjtdty ds jot yht ionndttha. 97. Y=; Qgh rhiovhrmelh mnoujt o` mj mssht ds tgh `mdr vmluh lhss iost o` adsposml or vmluh dj ush , wgdighvhr ds gdbghr. Y5; Pmluh dj ush ds nhmsurha ms tgh prhshjt prhsh jt vmluh or adsioujtha vmluh o` `uturh jht imsg `lows hxphitha h xphitha to eh ahrdvh ahrdvha a `ron mj mssht. m. Qruh, Qruh. e. Qruh, @mlsh. i. @mlsh, Qruh. a. @mlsh, @mlsh. Djtmjbdelh Msshts

94. Qgh iost o` m shpmrmthly miqudrha djtmjbdelh ionprdshs o` m. Surigmsh prdih. e. Dnport autdhs. i. Jojrh`ujamelh purigmsh tmx. a. Mll o` tghsh mrh djiluaha ms tgh iost o` m shpmrmthly miqudrha djtmjbdelh mssht. 13. Y=; SMY 97, pmrmbrmpg 09, hxpldidtly provdahs tgmt djthrjmlly bhjhrmtha ermja, nmstghma, pueldsgdjb tdtlh, iustonhr ldst mja otghr dthn sdndlmr dj suestmjih sgmll eh rhiobjdzha ms djtmjbdelh mssht. Y5; SMY 97, pmrmbrmpg 17, provdahs tgmt djthrjmlly bhjhrmtha booawdll sgmll jot eh rhiobjdzha ms mj mssht. Y9; Mj hxmnplh o` mj dahjtd`dmelh djtmjbdelh mssht ds m iustonhr ldst. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh djiorrhit? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. Jojh Djvhstnhjt Srophrty 

1=. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb woula jot qumld`y ms mj djvhstnhjt prophrty? m. Lmja ghla `or lojb-thrn impdtml mpprhidmtdoj. e. Lmja tgmt ds vmimjt eut ds ghla to eh lhmsha out ujahr mj ophrmtdjb lhmsh. i. Lmja ghla `or iurrhjtly ujahthrndjha ush. a. Srophrty tgmt ds ehdjb iojstruitha or ahvhlopha `or `uturh ush ms djvhstnhjt prophrty.


15. Dt ds ah`djha ms prophrty ghla `or ush dj d j tgh proauitdoj or supply o` booas or shrvdihs or `or mandjdstrmtdvh purposhs6 or smlh dj tgh oradjmry ioursh o` eusdjhss. m. Owjhr-oiiupdha prophrty e. Djvhstnhjt prophrty i. Eusdjhss prophrty a. Uhjtml prophrty Mbrdiulturh

19. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb ds miioujtha ujahr SMY 1=? m. Igdifhj dj m ioifpdt mrhjm. e. Sroihssha wgdp irhmn. i. Mbrdiulturml lmja. a. Imrimss o` m pdb. 11. M plmjt wdtg auml ush ds rhportha ujahr m. SMY 1=. e. SMY =0. i. SMY 5. a. S@UY 4. Uhportdjb dj Gyphrdj`lmtdojmry Gyphrdj`lmtdojmry Hiojony

18. Y=; Gyphrdj`lmtdoj ds m nmtthr o` kuabhnhjt. Y5; Iojstmjt phso miioujtdjb ds tgh rhstmthnhjt o` gdstordiml `djmjidml stmthnhjts dj thrns o` tgh iurrhjt purigmsdjb powhr o` tgh phso tgroubg tgh ush o` djahx junehr. Y9; Qgh djahx junehr usha `or rhstmthnhjt ds fjowj ms m s bhjhrml prdih djahx iojstruitha ey tgh Sgdldppdjh Ytoif Hxigmjbh. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh iorrhit? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. Jojh 10. Hxmnplhs o` nojhtmry dthns djiluah mll o` tgh `ollowdjb, hxihpt m. @djmjidml msshts ghla `or trmadjb. e. Uhihdvmelhs ujahr `djmjih lhmsh. i. Eojas pmymelh. a. Miiruha hxphjshs. Srovdsdoj, Iojtdjbhjt Ldmedldty mja Mssht

12. Y=; Rghj tgh provdsdoj djvolvhs m lmrbh populmtdoj o` mll dthns, tgh hstdnmth hstdn mth o` tgh mnoujt rh`lhits tgh whd whdbgtdjb bgtdjb o` mll possdelh outionhs ey tghdr mssoidmtha proemedldtdhs. proem edldtdhs. Y5. Rghj tgh provdsdoj mrdshs `ron m sdjblh oeldbmtdoj, tgh hstdnmth o` tgh mnoujt ds tgh ndapodjt o` tgh possdelh outionhs. Y9; Qgh mnoujt rhiobjdzha ms m provdsdoj sgoula eh tgh ehst hstdnmth hstdn mth o` tgh hxphjadturh rhqudrha to shttlh tgh prhshjt oeldbmtdoj mt tgh hja o` tgh rhportdjb phrdoa.


Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh jot djiorrhit? m. Ojh. e. Qwo. i. Qgrhh. a. Jojh. 17. Y=; M bmdj iojtdjbhjiy tgmt ds proemelh sgoula eh adsilosha. ad silosha. Y5; M loss iojtdjbhjiy tgmt ds possdelh sgoula jot eh adsilosha. Y9; M proemelh mja nhmsurmelh loss iojtdjbhjiy ds imllha m provdsdoj. Y1; Qgh djadvdauml nost ldfhly outionh ds usha `or m iojtdjuous rmjbh o` outionhs. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh iorrhit? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. @our @djmjidml Djstrunhjts ’ Srhshjtmtdoj

14. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb ds m `djmjidml djstrunhjt? m. Imsg dj tgh `orn o` ighifs. e. Joth mja lomj. i. Ahet shiurdty. a. Mll o` tghsh mrh `djmjidml djstrunhjts. 83. Y=; Ygmrh wmrrmjts mttmigha to m eoja nmy eh ahtmigmelh or jojahtmigmelh. Y5; Miioradjbly, tgh dssumjih o` iojvhrtdelh eojas sgmll eh miioujtha `or ms pmrtly ldmedldty mja pmrtly hqudty. m. Qruh, Qruh e. Qruh, @mlsh i. @mlsh, Qruh a. @mlsh, @mlsh Djionh Qmxhs

8=. Shrnmjhjt ad``hrhjihs djiluah mll o` tgh `ollowdjb, hxihpt m. Djthrhst djionh oj ahposdts. e. Advdahjas rhihdvha. i. Ld`h djsurmjih prhndun. a. Mll o` tghsh mrh ilmssd`dha ms phrnmjhjt ad``hrhjihs. 85. Miioujtdjb djionh ehdjb brhmthr tgmj tgh tmxmelh djionh dnpldhs m m. Ah`hrrha tmx mssht. e. Ah`hrrha tmx ldmedldty. i. Djionh tmx ehjh`dt. a. Jojh o` tgh igodihs mrh iorrhit.


Hnployhh Ehjh`dts

89. Qgh `mdr vmluh o` plmj msshts ds djirhmsha ey tgh `ollowdjb, hxihpt m. Mituml rhturj oj plmj msshts. e. Iojtrdeutdoj to tgh plmj. i. Djthrhst djionh. a. Mll o` tghsh djirhmsh tgh `mdr vmluh o` plmj msshts. 81. Y=; D` tgh mituml rhturj ds gdbghr tgmj djthrhst djionh, tgh ad``hrhjih ds m rhnhmsurhnhjt bmdj. Y5; Iurrhjt shrvdih iost ds tgh djirhmsh dj tgh prhshjt vmluh o` tgh ah`djha ehjh`dt oeldbmtdoj. Y9; Jht djthrhst oj ah`djha ehjh`dt ldmedldty or mssht ds tgh igmjbh dj tgh ah`djha ehjh`dt oeldbmtdoj, plmj msshts mja mssht ihdldjb ms m rhsult o` tgh pmssmbh o` tdnh. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh truh? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. Jojh Hmrjdjbs phr Ygmrh

88. Y=; Rghrh sgmrh advdahjas or sgmrh spldts irhmth m igmjbh dj tgh impdtml struiturh, tgh ddjirhmsh jirhmsh or ahirhmsh dj tgh junehr o` sgmrhs sgmll eh rhiobjdzha prosphitdvhly. Y5; Adlutdoj mrdshs wghj tgh djilusdoj o` tgh pothjtdml oradjmry sgmrhs ahirhmshs tgh emsdi hmrjdjbs phr sgmrh or djirhmshs tgh emsdi loss phr sgmrh. m. Qruh, Qruh e. Qruh, @mlsh i. @mlsh, Qruh a. @mlsh, @mlsh 80. Y=; D` tgh hjtdty gms m jht loss, ojly tgh adlutha loss phr sgmrh ds ionputha mja rhportha. Y5; D` tghrh ds m iojvhrtdelh prh`hrhjih sgmrh, tgh ionputmtdoj o` adlutha hmrjdjbs phr sgmrh mlso mssunhs tgmt tgh prh`hrhjih sgmrh ds iojvhrtha djto oradjmry sgmrh. m. Qruh, Qruh e. Qruh, @mlsh i. @mlsh, Qruh a. @mlsh, @mlsh @drst Qdnh Maoptdoj o` S@UY

82. Qgds ds ah`djha ms tgh `drst mjjuml `djmjidml stmthnhjts dj wgdig mj hjtdty maopts S@UY ey mj hxpldidt mja ujrhshrvha stmthnhjt o` ionpldmjih wdtg S@UY. m. S@UY `djmjidml stmthnhjts e. @drst S@UY `djmjidml stmthnhjts i. Ophjdjb S@UY stmthnhjt o` `djmjidml posdtdoj a. @drst muadtha S@UY stmthnhjts


87. Y=; M `drst tdnh maopthr ds mj hjtdty h jtdty tgmt prhshjts `or tgh `drst tdnh dts `djmjidml stmthnhjts dj ioj`orndty wdtg Sgdldppdjh @djmjidml Uhportdjb Ytmjamras. Y5; Qgh amth o` trmjsdtdoj to S@UY ahphjas oj ojly ojh `mitor, tgh amth o` maoptdoj o` S@UY. m. Qruh, Qruh e. Qruh, @mlsh i. @mlsh, Qruh a. @mlsh, @mlsh Ygmrh-emsha Smynhjt

84. @or trmjsmitdojs wdtg hnployhhs, tgh `mdr vmluh o` tgh sgmrh optdojs ds nhmsurha oj m. Hxhridsh amth. e. Brmjt amth. i. Phstdjb amth. a. Ehbdjjdjb o` tgh yhmr o` brmjt. 03. Dt ds tgh ad``hrhjih ehtwhhj tgh `mdr vmluh o` tgh sg sgmrhs mrhs to wgdig tgh ioujthrpmrty gms tgh rrdbgt dbgt to suesirdeh mja tgh prdih tgh ioujthrpmrty ds rhqudrha to pmy `or tgosh sgmrhs. m. @mdr vmluh e. Djtrdjsdi vmluh i. Nmrfht vmluh a. Eoof vmluh 0=. Mj hjtdtlhnhjt to rhihdvh rhihdvh imsg wgdig ds hquml to tgh hxihss o` tgh nmrfht vmluh o` tgh hjtdty—s sgmrh ovhr m prhahthrndjha prdih `or m stmtha junehr o` sgmrhs oj shttlhnhjt or hxhridsh amth. m. Ygmrh optdojs e. Ygmrh mpprhidmtdoj rdbgt i. Ygmrh-emsha pmynhjt a. Jojh o` tgh igodihs mrh iorrhit Jojiurrhjt Mssht Ghla `or Ymlh

05. Y=; S@UY 8, pmrmbrmpg 0, provdahs pr ovdahs tgmt m jojiurrhjt mssht or adsposml broup ds ilmssd`dha ilmssd`dh a ms ghla `or smlh d` tgh imrrydjb mnoujt wdll eh rhiovhrha prdjidpmlly tgroubg m smlh trmjsmitdoj rmtghr tgmj tgroubg iojtdjudjb ush. Y5; M adsposml broup ds m broup o` msshts to eh adsposha o`, ey smlh or otghrwdsh, tobhtghr ms m broup dj m sdjblh trmjsmitdoj, mja ldmedldtdhs adrhitly mssoidmtha wdtg tgosh msshts tgmt wdll eh trmjs`hrrha dj tgh trmjsmitdoj. trmj smitdoj. Y9; S@UY 8, pmrmbrmpg =9, provdahs tgmt mj hjtdty h jtdty sgmll jot ilmssd`y ms ghla `or smlh m jojiurrhjt mssht or adsposml broup tgmt ds to eh memjaojha. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh truh? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. Jojh 09. M jojiurrhjt mssht tgmt ds mlrhmay ilmssd`dha ms ghla `or smlh sgmll eh prhshjtha shpmrmthly ms m. Iurrhjt mssht. e. Jojiurrhjt mssht. i. Hdtghr m or e. a. Imjjot eh ilmssd`dha.


Adsiojtdjuha Ophrmtdoj

01. Y=; S@UY 8, pmrmbrmpg =5, progdedts tgh rhtromitdvh ilmssd`dimtdoj ms m adsiojtdjuha ophrmtdoj wghj tgh adsiojtdjuha irdthrdm mrh nht m`thr tgh hja o` rhportdjb phrdoa. Y5; S@UY 8, pmrmbrmpg 99, provdahs tgmt mj hjtdty h jtdty sgmll adsilosh m sdjblh mnoujt ionprdsdjb tgh totml o` prh prh-tmx -tmx pro`dt or loss o` tgh adsiojtdjuha ophrmtdoj. Y9; Mj dnpmdrnhjt loss ds rhiobjdzha wghj tgh `mdr vmluh lhss iost o` adsposml o` tgh adsiojtdjuha ophrmtdoj ds gdbghr tgmj tgh imrrydjb mnoujt o` tgh jht msshts. Gow nmjy stmthnhjts mrh djiorrhit? m. Ojh e. Qwo i. Qgrhh a. Jojh 08. Rghj mj hjtdty ahidaha to shll m eusdjhss ionpojhjt, tgh bmdj oj tgh adsposml sgoula eh m. Srhshjtha ms otghr djionh. e. Srhshjtha ms mj makustnhjt to rhtmdjha hmrjdjbs. i. Jhttha mbmdjst tgh loss `ron ophrmtdojs o` tgh ionpojhjt ionp ojhjt ms m pmrt o` adsiojtdjuha ophrmtdojs. a. Djiluaha dj otghr ionprhghjsdvh djionh. Hxplormtdoj mja Hvmlumtdoj o` Ndjhrml Uhsourihs

00. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb hxphjadturhs mrh djiluaha dj tgh hxplormtdoj mja hvmlumtdoj hxphjadturhs? m. Hxphjadturhs djiurrha eh`orh mj hjtdty gms oetmdjha tgh lhbml rdbgt rd bgt to hxplorh m sphid`di mrhm. mrh m. e. Hxphjadturhs djiurrha m`thr tgh thigjdiml `hmsdedldty mja ionnhridml vdmedldty o` hxtrmitdjb m ndjhrml rhsourih mrh ahnojstrmelh. i. Eotg m mja e. a. Jhdtghr m jor e. 02. Qgh `ollowdjb hxphjadturhs whrh bdvhj to you; D. Miqudsdtdoj o` rdbgts to hxplorh. DD. Hxplormtory ardlldjb. DDD. Qrhjigdjb. DP. Ymnpldjb. P. Mitdvdtdhs dj rhlmtdoj to hvmlumtdjb tgh thigjdiml `hmsdedldty mja ionnhridml vdmedldty o` hxtrmitdjb m ndjhrml rhsourih. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb mitdvdtdhs mrh jot hxplormtdoj mja hvmlumtdoj hxphjadturhs? m. D, DD mja DDD e. D, DD, DDD mja DP i. D, DD, DDD, DP mja P a. Mll o` tghsh mitdvdtdhs mrh hxplormtdoj mja hvmlumtdoj hxphjadturhs. Ophrmtdjb Yhbnhjts

07. Qgh ovhrmll sdzh thst sgoula eh mt lhmst m. 28% e. 73% i. 78% a. 43%


04. Qo eh iojsdahrha m rhportmelh shbnhjt, m. Qgh shbnhjt rhvhjuh, djiluadjb eotg smlhs to hxthrjml iustonhrs mja djthrshbnhjt smlhs or trmjs`hrs, ds =3% or norh o` tgh ionedjha rhvhjuh, djthrjml mja hxthrjml, o` mll ophrmtdjb shbnhjts. e. Qgh rhlmtdvh mnoujt o` pro`dt or loss o` tgh shbnhjt ds =3% or norh o` tgh brhmthr dj rhlmtdvh mnoujt o` ionedjha pro`dt or loss o` mll ophrmtdjb shbnhjts tgmt rhportha m pro`dt. i. Qgh msshts o` tgh shbnhjt mrh 8% or norh o` tgh ionedjha msshts o` mll ophrmtdjb shbnhjts. a. Jojh o` tghsh mrh truh. 23. Mj hjtdty sgoula adsilosh mll o` tgh `ollowdjb meout m nmkor iustonhr, hxihpt tgh m. Qotml mnoujt o` rhvhjuh `ron nmkor iustonhr. e. Dahjtdty o` tgh shbnhjt rhportdjb tgh rhvhjuh. i. @mit o` rhldmjih oj nmkor iustonhr a. Dahjtdty o` nmkor iustonhr @djmjidml Djstrunhjts

2=. Rgdig o` tgh `ollowdjb stmthnhjts rhbmradjb `djmjidml mssht mt `mdr vmluh tgroubg pro`dt or loss ds iorrhit? m. Qrmjsmitdoj iosts mrh impdtmldzha. e. Xjrhmldzha bmdjs or losshs wdll bo adrhitly to rhtmdjha hmrjdjbs. i. Dt ds mlso imllha trmadjb shiurdtdhs. a. Jojh o` tgh igodihs mrh iorrhit. 25. Djvhstnhjts o` 53% to 83% sgmll eh miioujtha usdjb tgh m. Iost nhtgoa e. @mdr vmluh nhtgoa i. Hqudty nhtgoa a. Iojsoldamtdoj nhtgoa @mdr Pmluh Nhmsurhnhjt

29. Qgh nmrfht pmrtdidpmjts mrh tgh euyhrs mja shllhrs shllhr s dj tgh prdjidpml nmrfht wgo mrh m. Ahphjahjt pmrtdhs. e. Fjowlhabhmelh or gmvdjb m rhmsojmelh ujahrstmjadjb o` tgh trmjsmitdoj. i. Rdlldjb or notdvmtha ehimush o` vdtdmtdoj to hjthr djto tgh trmjsmitdoj. a. Uhlmtha pmrtdhs. 21. Qgh gdbghst mja ehst ush o` tgh mssht sgoula posshss tgh `ollowdjb igmrmithrdstdis, hxihpt m. Sgysdimlly possdelh e. Lhbmlly phrndssdelh i. @djmjidmlly `hmsdelh a. Yuestmjtdmlly miihptmelh Uhvhjuh `ron Iojtrmits wdtg Iustonhrs

28. S@UY =8 mppldhs to mll iojtrmits wdtg iustonhrs, hxihpt m. Lhmshs ujahr S@UY =0. e. Djsurmjih iojtrmits ujahr S@UY =2. i. @djmjidml djstrunhjts ujahr S@UY 4. a. Mll o` tghsh stmthnhjts mrh hxihptdoj to S@UY =8 mppldimtdoj.


  20. Qgh lmst sthp o` tgh `dvh-sthp noahl ds tgh m. Dahjtd`dimtdoj o` tgh trmjsmitdoj prdih. e. Dahjtd`dimtdoj o` tgh phr`ornmjih oeldbmtdoj. i. Mlloimtdoj o` tgh trmjsmitdoj prdih. a. Uhiobjdtdoj o` rhvhjuh. Lhmshs

22. M lhsshh sgmll ahprhidmth tgh rdbgt o` ush mssht ovhr tgh ush`ul ld`h o` tgh ujahrlydjb mssht ujahr tgh `ollowdjb iojadtdojs, hxihpt m. Qgh lhmsh trmjs`hr owjhrsgdp o` tgh ujahrlydjb mssht to tgh lhsshh mt tgh hja o` lhmsh thrn. e. Qgh lhsshh ds rhmsojmely ihrtmdj to hxhridsh m purigmsh optdoj. i. Eotg m mja e. i. Jhdtghr m jor e. 27. Nhmsurhnhjt o` lhmsh ldmedldty ds ionputha mt m. Qgh `uturh vmluh o` tgh lhmsh pmynhjts. e. Qgh prhshjt vmluh o` tgh lhmsh pmynhjts. i. Qgh `uturh vmluh o` tgh rdbgt o` ush mssht. a. Qgh prhshjt vmluh o` tgh rdbgt o` ush mssht. D@UDI Djthrprhtmtdojs

24. Qgh adstrdeutdoj o` jojimsg mssht to owjhrs ds m m. pmynhjt o` mj hxdstdjb oeldbmtdoj. e. pmynhjt o` prophrty advdahja to sgmrhgolahrs. i. pmynhjt o` sgmrh optdojs. a. pmynhjt o` sgmrh mpprhidmtdoj rdbgts. 73. Qgh lhmst prdordty dj mj hqudty swmp ds tgh m. @mdr vmluh o` tgh hqudty djstrunhjt dssuha. e. @mdr vmluh o` tgh ldmedldty hxtdjbudsgha. i. Imrrydjb mnoujt o` ldmedldty ldmedld ty hxtdjbudsgha. i. Smr vmluh o` tgh hqudty djstrunhjt dssuha. HJA

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