Cessna 210/T210/P210 Training Checklist Cessna 210/T21/P210 training programs include use of a 210-specific training checklist developed and continually modified by Richard to cover important typespecific areas of training in this airplane. This checklist will include the following: Lowered risk of water contamination of fuel with non-recessed fuel caps Importance of fueling aircraft “to the brim” in proper ground attitude when planning cross-country flight Emergency procedures for vapor lock (fuel pump on, switch tanks) Caution against use of fuel pump routinely for takeoff or cruise Full throttle activates high setting of fuel pump (important if engine failure occurs on takeoff) Operation of interlock mechanism on pilot door (? Lock vs . Unlock safety lock) Procedures if emergency exit opens in flight (expect buffeting, opening openable window may reduce this) Preflight/Pre-purchase to include check of horizontal stabilizer noseribs and implications for ground handling (powered tug recommended) Location of hydraulic fluid reservoir (check each 25 hours) Location of 5 fuel sumps during preflight Preflight inspection of propeller spinner (slightly loose/low) and propeller blades (no looseness permitted) Emphasize proper leaning and cylinder/TIT temperature monitoring procedures Limiting factor for summer climbs = Cylinder head temps Limiting factor for leaning = TIT temperature Altered power settings for intercooler-equipped aircraft Emergency gear extension procedure Emergency descent procedure for decompression at high altitude High altitude physiology factors, esp. re: exponentially increased risks above 18,000 feet Inspection/Replacement of oxygen generator Flight planning for climb/descent distances for high altitude flight ATC factors for high-altitude flight (ATC often unfamiliar with relatively low P210 climb/descent rates for a flight-level-flown aircraft) Physiology of moving pressurization controls in-flight Pressurization system = Electric+Pneumatic+Mechnical and implications for emergency operations Implications of cabin pressurization differential in marginally high range (aircraft has reverted to backup outflow system) Location of pressurization bulkhead Locations which can block pressurization outflow valves Go-Around procedure (timing of gear up?, not specified in POH) Switching fuel tanks consistently enroute (50 lb. max imbalance for factory autopilot) -- by time or fuel flow? *** Electric Trim = Most Dangerous part of aircraft ***à Runaway trim can be unrecoverable if undetected, Extreme control forces can occur by attempting to manually control pitch when autopilot is engaged, Need to memorize location of electric trim circuit breaker Maximum altitude loss during autopilot malfunction à Implications for autopilotcoupled approaches Need for autopilot disengage check as part of pre-flight/runup Need to memorize location of gear motor circuit breaker in event pump stays on after takeoff Procedures to verify gear-down (visually, gear-down light/switch bulbs, audible warning/retard throttle) (Recommend add-on mirror to verify nosegear is down) Procedures for landing gear-up if necessary Potential high sink-rate on final with no power vs. long rollout if final flown with power on Cessna Pilots Association vs. Lycoming recommendations/Aircraft placard for
leaning procedures (operate lean of peak vs. rich of peak?, GAMIjectors?) Implications of operating prop heat if ammeter does not respond appropriately (potential asymmetric prop icing) Competing theories of de-ice boot operation/timing De-Ice vs. Known-Ice, icing procedures in POH Warning signs of induction icing Cowl flap operation (keep open in summer esp. if digital engine probe not available?) “Critical vacuum pump” for dual-vacuum pump aircraft with boots *** Accident History à Dual vacuum pumps and/or dual vacuum/electric attitude indicators seem essential Max Takeoff Weight vs. Max Landing Weight Critical circuit breakers – Gear motor, electric trim, autopilot Methods to deactivate autopilot (intentionally and unintentionally) Never manually overpower autopilot in pitch! Note and observe altitude guideline for maximum altitude loss if autopilot malfunctions Autopilot preflight techniques (multiple axis) Max gear operating speed Max gear-down speed = Never exceed speeds (facilitates emergency descent esp. after depressurization) Max speed for 10 degrees flaps, full flaps Max takeoff power = 5 minutes Caution against overboosting turbocharger, esp. in winter Hot starting procedure Presence/Use of manual fuel primer (and importance to check as part of preflight inspection) Timing of gear-up decision and related safety factors Cabin altitude light illumination implications Use of alternate static source Location of tie-down rings Location of fuel vents (check during preflight) Potential for filliform corrosion on original foam-filled trim tab Use of rudder trim in takeoff vs. cruise and implications for fuel spray from fuel vents Ice light location/use Availability of CPA Cessna 210 Systems/Procedures Course Check for operation of avionics fan during preflight (No-Go Item) Operation of cabin ventilation fan for passenger comfort Use of rudder trim essential for proper autopilot navigation Heater/Defroster interlock to prevent damage to windshield ** Caution against ground operation with significant power esp. in vicinity of stones; marginal soft-field abilities of this aircraft Location of Squat Switch Nose strut inflation technique (Nitrogen) Proper Intercooler operation (altered power settings, caution operating unintentionally at too high a power setting) (See article) Intercooled aircraft typically set for takeoff fuel flow above redline (for adequate fuel flow at higher altitudes) Typical target TIT Suggest Battery-powered backup GPS Varied trim settings based upon aircraft loadings Oil filler cap gasket as a critical preflight item Need to carry high-altitude enroute charts for flight at and above FL180 Potential altitude-related failure mode of fuel controller Need to include fuel flow in scan on takeoff run (186 lbs./hr), implications on engine operation and pilot reactions to low vs. high fuel flow Failure modes with dual vacuum pump, including need to inspect/replace vacuum manifold periodically Potential sources pressurization leaks, including common (emergency door or windows) and uncommon (gear boots leading to pressurization leak only when gear up) Do not be alarmed at pressurization "whistles" Limitations/Comparisons of Cessna Standby Generator vs. B&C Alternator vs. TurboAlternator Operating considerations/limitations for Speed Brake and/or STOL equipped airplanes Operating considerations/limitations for airplanes with wing-tip and/or baggage compartment fuel tanks Emergency gear procedures with vs. without gear doors, i.e. turning off master switch can open solenoid Pilot and Maintenance procedures to address temperature-depenent variance in fuel flow on takeoff Identification/implications on boot operations of weak but operative primary vacuum pump Implications of asymmetric prop icing with partial prop heat failure Operation of 2 door interlocks both inside and outside cabin Operational cautions vs. usefulness operating with pressurization set to sea level in winter Door mechanism operation to seal fully when plane is left in rain Minimum airspeed for operation in icing conditions Landing procedures after encountering icing conditions Minimum airspeed in icing condition climb Hot start procedures Operating procedures at high density altitude airports Pros/cons of leaning for taxi Turbocharger cooldown procedures Flight profiles to avoid shock cooling Comparative risk of decompression in a single-engine piston airplane vs. multiengine turboprop/jet Consider 20-minute emergency oxygen system for flight above Fl190 in P210 Consider carrying Afrin onboard for depressurization medical incidents High altitude engine performance including "bootstrapping" Recent P210 inflight breakup an potential causes/preventive techniques Potential engine failure from loss of upper air deck hose and corrective action (boost pump on) Seasonal variations in engine operating procedures Varying thoughts on takeoff fuel flow, i.e. redline vs. over redline
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