Certificate Course in Soft Skills and Personality Development(6 Months) Through Distance Education
July 11, 2016 | Author: Viswaprem CA | Category: N/A
Short Description
Certificate Course in Soft Skills and Personality Development(6 Months) Through Distance...
(For the Year 2012, 2013, 2014 Examination ) Ordinances governing Certificate Course in Soft Skills and Personality Development through Department of Distance Education, Punjabi University, Patiala. This Course will be of 6 months duration i.
Candidate who have passed 10+2 examination of Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto and above are eligible for admission to this course. or a candidate who has earned re-appear/ compartment in one subject in 10+2 examination of PSEB or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto his admission will be subject to clearing re-appear/compartment in the supplementary examination of the same year, failing which his/her admission to the course shall automatically stand cancelled.
No. of Seats
30 students.
Course Fee
Rs. 5505/- per student, per session
Duration of the Course
The Certificate Course in Soft Skills & Personality Development run by Department of Distance Education shall extend over a period of 6 months and is a minor course.
Commencement of the Academic Session
November to April
Personal Contact Programme
There will be personal contact programme consisting of 20 days.
75% attendance of the classes held under the Personal Contact Programme shall be compulsory for every student. Those students who are unable to fulfil this condition will not be allowed/eligible to sit in the annual examination.
Study Material
The student will be supplied supplementary reading material pertaining to the course by the department.
No. of Papers
The examination shall consist of two written papers and a practical paper.
2 x.
Nomenclature of Papers:
Paper I
60 Marks
Internal Assessment =
40 Marks
Paper II
Theory = Internal Assessment =
60 Marks 40 Marks
Paper III
100 Marks
Theory Papers
Theory paper will comprise of 60 marks each of Paper-I and Paper-II.
Internal Assessment
There will be Internal Assessment of 40 marks each of Paper-I and Paper-II (Each paper consists of 2 sections 20 marks for each section of Paper-I and Paper-II).
Practical Paper
Practical Paper will be based on the pattern of the exercises performed during PCP’s. It will be of 4 parts of 25 marks each. One exercise/activity from each section of Paper-I and PaperII is compulsory. (There may be internal choice in each part). Practical paper includes written exercises as well as demonstrations/presentations.
Pattern of Course of Study
The examination will be held according to the syllabi and courses of reading prescribed by the University along with the practicals performed during PCP’s.
Centre of Examination
Examination Fee
Rs. 950/-
Medium of Examination The medium of examination shall be the English.
Minimum Pass Marks
A candidate will have to score 50% marks in each of the three papers i.e. two theory papers and one practical paper individually to pass the examination. As all the papers involve practicals, so a candidate failing in any one paper shall be deemed to have failed in the entire examination. Other conditions are as per University Rules. Successful candidates securing 60% marks or more of the aggregate number of marks shall be placed in the first division, those who secure 50% or more but less than 60% shall be placed in the second division and those who secure less than 50% shall be declared fail.
Panel of Examiners
Panel of Examiners for Paper-I and II (Theory) and Paper-III (Practical) will be prepared and submitted by the Course Co-ordinator to Examination Branch, Punjabi University, Patiala, through Head, DDE. Prospectus of DDE Department.
Preparation of Theory Paper
Theory Paper will be got prepared by Examination Branch, Punjabi University, Patiala.
Examination of Paper III (Practical)
For purposes of examination of Paper-III (Practical) there will be three examiners - 1) H.O.D. (Department of Distance Education), 2) Outside expert, and 3) Course Co-ordinator/ Concerned Teacher.
Schedule of Examination
Examination for all the three papers will be held as per the dates fixed by University Examination Branch.
Admission Schedule
Since the Course will be run by DDE Department, so, the dates for admission, etc. will be in consonance with the General Prospectus of Department of Distance Education.
Four weeks after the termination of the examination or as soon as possible the Registrar shall publish a list of successful candidates, who have passed the examination.
Award of Certificate
Each successful candidate shall be granted detailed marks certificate. Besides the candidates will also be awarded a certificate after having passed the examination.
Grace Marks
The grace marks shall be allowed upto 1% of the total marks of examination in accordance with the General Ordinances relating to ‘Award of Grace marks’..
Note : Score Improvement is not allowed and candidate has to seek fresh admission.
(For the Year 2012, 2013, 2014 Examination ) Certificate Course in Soft Skills and Personality Development Paper-I : Communication Skills & Personality Development Maximum Marks : 100 Internal Assessment : 40 Theory Paper : 60 Pass Marks : 50 percent
Time Allowed : 2 hrs. (For theory paper)
Instructions for the Paper-Setter All the questions should be strictly according to the syllabus. There will be 5 questions in all. Question no. 1 is compulsory, which will have 12 short answer questions of 2 marks each, out of which 10 questions are to be attempted. There will be 6 long answer questions out of which 4 questions are to be attempted. Each long answer question carries 10 marks. Instructions for the Candidate There will be 5 questions in all. Question no. 1 is compulsory, which will have 12 short answer questions of 2 marks each, out of which 10 questions are to be attempted. There will be 6 long answer questions out of which 4 questions are to be attempted. Each long answer question carries 10 marks. SECTION-A Communication Skills : Features of an effective Communication. Verbal and non-verbal Communication. Barriers and filters. Listening and active listening. Feedback. SECTION-B Inter- personal relations: Feelings; types and steps to deal with complex feelings. Assertiveness and Confidence building. Body language : Role of different parts of the body in communication, Non-verbal behaviour. Conflict : types and resolutions. Emotions, emotional empathy and emotional intelligence. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1.
Indrajit Bhattacharya, An Approach to Communication Skills, Delhi : Dhanpat Rai, 2008.
5 2.
Collins Cobuild English Grammer.
Varinder Kumar, Bodh Raj, Manocha, Business Communication Skills, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, latest edition.
Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology, 14th Edition Edward E. Smith, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Barbara Fredrickson, Geoffrey Loftus,ISBN-10:0155050699 © 2003
Ravi Aggarwal : Communication Publications, Jaipur, 2008.
Objective Approaches to Personality Assessment, Bernard M. Bass and Irwin A. Berg, Princeton, New Jersey, 1959.
Paper-II : Social Etiquettes, Decision Making and Presentation Maximum Marks : 100 Internal Assessment : 40 Theory Paper : 60 Pass Marks : 50 percent
Time Allowed : 2 hrs. (For theory paper)
Instructions for the Paper-Setter All the questions should be strictly according to the syllabus. There will be 5 questions in all. Question no. 1 is compulsory, which will have 10 short answer questions of 2 marks each, out of which 10 questions are to be attempted. There will be 6 long answer questions out of which 4 questions are to be attempted. Each long answer question carries 12 marks. Instructions for the Candidate There will be 5 questions in all. Question no. 1 is compulsory, which will have 12 short answer questions of 2 marks each, out of which 10 questions are to be attempted. There will be 6 long answer questions out of which 4 questions are to be attempted. Each long answer question carries 10 marks. SECTION-A Developing an Understanding of Social Etiquettes : Dressing for Interview : Do’s and Don’ts for Men; Do’s and Don’ts for Women.
6 Dressing for Office : Do’s and Don’ts for Men; Do’s and Don’ts for Women. Dinning Etiquettes; Telephone, E-mail and Public Relations Office’s Etiquettes. Principles and Policies of the Organization related to Ethics and Social Responsiveness; Ethical Dilemmas. SECTION-B Attitude: Nature, Formation and Change. Decision Making : Process, Team Work, Group Discussion, Group Decision, Rational and Irrational decisions. Concept of Achievement. Social Power : Nature and Types Presentation. Resume Writing. Writing Formal Letters. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1.
Why Decisions Fail, Paul C. Nutt, Berrett Kochler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco, 2002.
Heads Up : How to Anticipate Business Surprises & Seize Opportunities First, Kenneth G. Mcgee , Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 2004.
Primer on Decision Making, James G. March, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York, 1994.
Winning Decisions, J. Edward Russo and Paul J. H. Schoemaker, Doubleday, agency of Random House Inc., 2002.
The Blackwell Guide to Business Ethics, Edited by Normal E. Bowie, Oxford, UK : Blackwell Publishing, Latest edition.
Values, Ethics and Business : Challenges for Education and Management, Ananta Kumar Giri, Jaipur/New Delhi : Rawat Publications, Latest Edition.
Business Ethics, Anuj Saxena, Jaipur : Sublime Publications, 2006.
Business Ethics and Managerial Values/S.K. Bhatia, New Delhi : Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., Latest Edition.
Paper-III : Practical Maximum Marks : 100 Pass Marks : 50
Time Allowed : 3 hrs.
Practical paper will be based on the pattern of the exercises performed during PCP’s. It will be of 4 parts of 25 marks each. It will be comprising of both the sections of Paper- I & Paper-II. All the parts are compulsory. Test includes one exercise/activity on each of the following : Communication Skills, Inter-personal Relations, Social Etiquettes, Decision Making, Presentation and Attitudes (Practical Test will involve written exercise as well as demonstration/ presentation).
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