Central Bank Employees Association v. BSP 2004 digest
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Central Bank Employees Association v. BSP 2004 digest...
G.R. No. 148208
December 15, 2004
CENTRAL BANK (now Bango !en"ra# ng $%#%&%na' E)$L*+EE! A!!*CAT*N, NC., petitioner, vs. BANGK* !ENTRAL NG $L$NA! an- "e E/ECTE !ECRETAR+, respondents. $no. 3., ac"' On July 3, 1993, R.A. No. 7653 (the New Centrl !n" A#t$ too" e%%e#t. &t 'olished the old Centrl !n" o% the hilippines, nd #reted new !). !). On June *, +1, l-ost e%g" 6ear' a7"er the the e%%e#tivity o% R.A. No. 7653, petitioner Centrl !n" (now !)$ -ployees Asso#ition, Asso#ition, &n#., %iled petition %or prohi'ition /inst !) nd the 0e#utive )e#retry o% the O%%i#e o% the resident, to restrin respondents %ro- %urther i-ple-entin/ the lst proviso lst proviso in )e#tion 15(#$, Arti#le Arti#le && o% R.A. No. 7653, on the /round tht it is un#onstitutionl. Arti#le &&, &&, )e#tion 15(#$ o% o% R.A. No. No. 7653 provides )e#tion 15. Exercise of Authority 2 2 &n the e0er#ise o% its uthority, the onetry !ord shll (c) establish a human resource management system which shall govern the selection, hiring, appointment, transfer, promotion, or dismissal of all personnel. Such system shall aim to establish professionalism and excellence at all levels of the Bango Sentral in accordance with sound principles of management. A compensation structure, based on !ob evaluation studies and wage surveys and sub!ect to the Board"s approval, shal shalll be inst instit itut uted ed as an inte integr gral al comp compon onen entt of the the Bang Bango o Sent Sentra ral"l"s s huma human n reso resour urce ce deve develo lopm pmen ent t program# $rovided, %hat %hat the &onetary Board shall mae its own system conform as closely as possible with the principles provided for under 'epublic Act o. *+ -Salary Standardiation Act/.Prov Act/.Provided ided,, however, however, That compensation and wage structure of employees whose positions fall under salary grade 19 and below shall be in accordance with the rates prescribed under Republic Act No. !"#. -emphasis !"#. -emphasis supplied/
4he "r'" o7 &e"%"%oner' ca##enge is tht the 'ove proviso 'ove proviso -"es -"es n ncon'"%""%ona# c" 'etween two #lsses o% e-ployees in the !), vi (1$ the !) o77%cer' or o77%cer' or those e0e-pted %ro- the #over/e o% the )lry )tndrdition w ())$ (e0e-pt #lss$ nd (+$ the ran9an-97%#e ()lry 8rde )8: 19 nd 'elow$, or those not e0e-pted %ro- the #over/e o% the )) (non2e0e-pt #lss$. &t is #ontended tht this #lssi%i#tion is ; #lssi# #se o% #lss le/isltion,; lle/edly not 'sed on su'stntil distin#tions whi#h -"e rel di%%eren#es, 'ut solely on the )8 o% the !) personneludi#il to so-e +99? rn"2 nd @%ile !) e-ployees. Respondent on the other hnd #ontends tht the provision does not violte the e=ul prote#tion #luse, provided tht it is #onstrued to/ether to/ether with other other provisions provisions o% the s-e lw su#h s the %is#l %is#l nd d-inistr d-inistrtive tive utono-yB utono-yB o% the !n/"o )entrl nd the -ndte o% its -onetry 'ord. 'ord. 4he )oli#itor )oli#itor 8enerl, 8enerl, s #ounsel o% the 0e#utive )e#retry de%ends the provision, tht the #lssi%i#tion o% e-ployees is 'sed on rel nd #tul di%%erentition nd it dheres to the poli#y o% RA 7653 to est'lish pro%essionlis- nd e0#ellen#e within the !) su'>e#t to previlin/ lws nd poli#ies o% the /overn-ent.B
''e hether ''e hether or not the #ontended proviso i% RA 7653 violtes the e=ul prote#tion o% lws, hen#e un#onstitutionl. ;e#- ;e#- Des the proviso is un#onstitutionl s it operte on the slry /rde or the o%%i#er e-ployee sttus, it distin/uishes 'etween e#ono-i# #lss nd sttus with the hi/her slry /rde re#ipients re o% /reter 'ene%it 'ove the lw thn those o% -ndted 'y the )lry )tndrdition A#t. O%%i#ers o% the !) re#eive hi/her w/es tht those o% rn"2nd2%ile e-ployees 'e#use the %or-er re not #overed 'y the slry stndrdition #t s provided 'y the proviso.
&n the #se t 'r, the #hllen/ed proviso opertes on the 'sis o% the slry /rde or o%%i#er2e-ployee sttus. &t is "in to distin#tion 'sed on e#ono-i# #lss nd sttus, with the hi/her /rdes s re#ipients o% 'ene%it spe#i%i#lly withheld %ro- the lower /rdes. O%%i#ers o% the !) now re#eive hi/her #o-penstion p#"/es tht re #o-petitive with the industry, while the poorer, low2slried e-ployees re li-ited to the rtes pres#ri'ed 'y the )). 4he i-pli#tions re =uite distur'in/ !) rn"2nd2%ile e-ployees re pid the stri#tly re/i-ented rtes o% the )) while e-ployees hi/her in rn" 2 possessin/ hi/her nd 'etter edu#tion nd opportunities %or #reer dvn#e-ent 2 re /iven hi/her #o-penstion p#"/es to enti#e the- to sty. Considerin/ tht ->ority, i% not ll, the rn"2nd2%ile e-ployees #onsist o% people whose sttus nd rn" in li%e re less nd li-ited, espe#illy in ter-s o% >o' -r"et'ility, it is they 2 nd not the o%%i#ers 2 who hve the rel e#ono-i# nd %inn#il need %or the d>ust-ent 4his is in ##ord with the poli#y o% the Constitution ;to %ree the people %ro- poverty, provide de=ute so#il servi#es, e0tend to the- de#ent stndrd o% livin/, nd i-prove the =ulity o% li%e %or ll.; 1* Any #t o% Con/ress tht runs #ounter to this #onstitutionl desideratum deserves stri#t s#rutiny 'y this Court 'e%ore it #n pss -uster. 4o 'e sure, the !) rn"2nd2%ile e-ployees -erit /reter #on#ern %ro- this Court. 4hey represent the -ore i-potent rn"2nd2%ile /overn-ent e-ployees who, unli"e e-ployees in the privte se#tor, hve no spe#i%i# ri/ht to or/nie s #olle#tive 'r/inin/ unit nd ne/otite %or 'etter ter-s nd #onditions o% e-ploy-ent, nor the power to hold stri"e to protest un%ir l'or pr#ti#es. Not only re they i-potent s l'or unit, 'ut their e%%i##y to lo''y in Con/ress is l-ost nil s R.A. No. 7653 e%%e#tively isolted the%ro- the other 8E& rn"2nd2%ile in #o-penstion. 4hese !) rn"2nd2%ile e-ployees represent the politi#lly powerless nd they should not 'e #o-pelled to see" politi#l solution to their une=ul nd ini=uitous tret-ent. &ndeed, they hve wited %or -ny yers %or the le/islture to #t. 4hey #nnot 'e s"ed to wit so-e -ore %or dis#ri-intion #nnot 'e /iven ny witin/ ti-e. Fnless the e=ul prote#tion #luse o% the Constitution is -ere pltitude, it is the Court
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