CENE A U5 6 TestA

April 1, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Advanced Unit Test Test 3A: Units 5–6 Pronunciation 1 Track 4 Listen to the sentences. In each case, is the speaker annoyed (A) or being polite (P)?  1  A

2 3

4 5 5

 Listen to the sentences and underline the stressed syllables. 2 Track 5  Listen I need to talk to talk to you. Don’t rush off!  rush off!  1 You’re walking far too fast for me. Can’t you slow down? 2 I’m not waiting any longer. I’m sick of hanging around around!! 3 Can you put your hands up please? Don’t shout out! 4 We need to get moving, guys. Eat up! 5 Those two seem to be getting on well, look! They’re chatting away! 5

Grammar  3 Complete the sentences with the modal verbs in the box. Use each modal only once. will must have would may

could have






should have

  I will  only  only say this one more time: be quiet! 1 That was a lucky escape! You been badly hurt. 2 I promise I let you down. You can always count on me. 3 You still be hungry! You’ve just had a huge meal. 4 you always interrupt me? It’s so annoying. 5 What was wrong with Tom this morning? He say a word. 6 We go to France for our summer holiday but we’re not sure yet. 7 You brought your umbrella! We’re going to get absolutely soaked. 8 you please helpand me German. with my bags? 9I speak French 10 I don’t know where Sally is. I guess she

got stuck in traffic. 10



 Advanced Unit Test Test 3A: Units 5–6 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to, ought , need  or  or dare.   My car really needs needs cleaning.  cleaning. It’s absolutely filthy! 1I leave the meeting early because I was feeling unwell. 2 How you speak to me like that! Who do you think you are? 3 We (make) a reservation as there don’t appear to be any free tables. 4 I just you to stay calm and tell me exactly what happened. happened. 5I look at my bank balance yesterday! I dread to think how much money I’ve spent this month. 6I (take) my umbrella as it didn’t rain in the end and of course I left it on the bus. 7 Do you think we ask for the bill? 8I call you back tomorrow as I don’t have time today. 9 You bother to reply to the invitation as I know you’ll be coming to the party. 10 Luckily I wear a suit to work so I usually wear jeans. 10

5 Rewrite the sentences using a suitable passive form.   Somebody has stolen my mobile phone.   My mobile phone has been stolen. 1 The police caught the burglar as he was trying to escape.


2 You should renew your subscription in October.


3 There is a rumour that the Prime Minister is about to resign.


4 We’re giving you a second chance so don’t mess up.


5 People believe that many herbs have medicinal properties.



Patterns to notice 6 Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun.   I see no reason why  you  you should change your mind. 1 I’m not sure of the extent we’ll all be affected. 2 The future of the village depends on the way the council votes at the next meeting. 3 There are a number of reasons it’s useful to be able to speak English. 4 Do you remember that time you met Rafa Nadal? You were so excited! 5 Isn’t that the place Jack proposed to you? 10



 Advanced Unit Test Test 3A: Units 5–6 7 Choose the correct answers.   Don’t forget to lock up / up / down down when  when you leave. 1 Could you please help me to lift up / up / down down this  this heavy box? I want to put it in the attic. 2 When I think on on /  / back  to  to my university days, I feel f eel quite nostalgic. 3 I don’t enjoy just standing out  /  / around  at  at networking meetings. meetings. 4 I wish you’d calm down calm down /  / up up.. Why are you always so nervy? 5 If you have a problem with what has been said, you need to speak out   // back  now.  now. 6 Dan always rushes off  /  / up as up as soon as it’s 5 o’clock. I wonder where he goes. 7 We’ve spent days working out  /  / away  on  on this project so I hope we win the contract. 8 Please put all the chairs back  /  / off  where  where you found them. t hem. 9 Let me just write up up /  / down down your  your phone number. 10 We had loads of food to eat out  /  / up after up after the party. As usual we made far too much but never mind. 10

Vocabulary 8 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You do not need all the words. awkward disrespectful disrespectful gentlemanly gentlemanly sneeze yawn turn-off pushy taboo unhygienic over-the-top sexist unprofessional offensive inconsiderate overly familiar misinterpreted misinterpret ed   There was a very awkward  silence  silence when Tony walked into the room. 1 I’m afraid we’re going to have to give you a written warning because of your conduct. We expect high standards of professionalism at all times. 2 John’s behaviour was completely and ridiculous. Why does he always have to show off and be the centre of attention? 3 If you’re going to again, can you please use a tissue? 4 The shop assistants in the local boutique are so . They just won’t take no for an answer. 5 It’s very to cough without putting your hand over your mouth. Why should we have share your germs and bacteria?! 6 to I think it’sallvery to offer to hold the door open or offer up a seat so a lady can sit down. 7 There are subjects in every culture but some cultures are more liberal than others. 8 I find smoking such a . In fact I think it’s quite disgusting. disgusting. 9 It’s very of your neighbours neighbours to play loud music late at night. 10 I think Paul’s comments were . He certainly didn’t mean to offend anyone. 10



 Advanced Unit Test Test 3A: Units 5–6 9 Match 1–11 with a–k to form collocations. 1 make   i a jokes 2 dry   b about whatever comes into your head 3 crack 4 talk 5 giggle 6 act 7 listen 8 get 9 look 10 ask 11 gabble




c emotional d questions e carefully f over people g up h cool i small talk  j nervously k stiff and uncomfortable uncomfortable 10

10 Add letters to complete the words connected with education.   Levels of tr  u a n c  y  are  are rising as more and more children find their lessons boring. 1 Tom won a sports s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to study in the USA so he didn’t have to pay for his education. 2 After finishing her Masters, Clare decided to stay on at university and do a d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 3 Don’t leave your r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ until the day before the exam as you won’t be able to learn everything. 4 There are so many subjects in the c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nowadays that there is no room for flexibility. 5 I left j_ _ _ _ _ school at the age of 11. 6 What will you do after you g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ from university? 7 Alex had to sit an e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ exam to get into the secondary school. 8 A lot of my friends are a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ who work at the local university so we have some very interesting discussions. discussions. 9 The government has recently introduced tuition f_ _ _ at universities, universities, which most students are unable to afford. 10 I have to write a t_ _ _ _ _ as part of my Master’s degree. degree. 10

11 Correct the underlined words.   Studying late late at night night can have a negative attitude attitude on your your health. 1 I can’t understand this text. It really does no sense to me.   2 All this studying will be worth it in the long-haul.   3 You’ll fail if you don’t put up a lot more effort.   4 I’ll never give the hang of this. Please help me!   5 How can I grow my self-esteem?  






 Advanced Unit Test Test 3A: Units 5–6 Functional language 12 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. be











   Are  Are you  you in the middle of something? 1 Can I a really big favour? 2 Just with me a minute and I’ll find the information informatio n you need. 3 Shall I back later to see you? 4 Sorry to you. This won’t take a minute. 5 We would very much it. 6 If you so. 7 I’ll right with you. 8 Oh on. 9I if you might be able to help. 10 I don’t why I should. 5




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