Cement Portland Microscopy
April 22, 2017 | Author: Phuong Nguyen | Category: N/A
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Cement Portland Microscopy...
Table 7-1. Microscopical Interpretation of Clinkers General Features of Clinkers Observations
Evenly distributed phases; idiomorphic alite; rounded belite; finely differentiated matrix; scarce, small, free-lime crystals
Optimized manufacturing conditions: “correct” chemical composition of raw feed, well mixed, no particles too coarse, satisfactory maintenance of sintering and cooling temperatures (Hofmänner, 1973)
Even distribution of silicates
Ideal clinker structure, good production conditions (Fundal, 1980)
Increase in alite content and crystal size, increasing difficulty in burning, reduction in cement strength
Relative increase in lime saturation factor (Long, 1982b)
Increase in silicate abundance, decrease in liquid, higher temperature required for combination of feed ingredients, decrease in alite size
Relatively higher silica ratio (Long, 1982b)
Very heterogeneous clinkers as seen in degree of burning, size, and distribution of minerals
Wet process, introduction of precipitator dust after chain system (Hawthorne, Richey, and Demoulian, 1981)
Clinker shape: (a) single grains, (b) lumpy
(a) rotary kiln, (b) shaft kiln (Gille and others, 1965)
Edges of alite damaged, notched and pitted belite, dark intermediate material with low reflectivity
Typical clinker from large kilns (5x185m) (Kolenova, 1974)
Prismatic alite; round belite; light-colored, highly reflective intermediate material; dark prismatic aluminate
Typical clinker from small kiln (4.5x170m) (Kolenova, 1974)
Nodule size greater than 25-mm diameter
Requires longer burning time or higher burning temperature (Heilmann, 1952)
Increasing clinker size
Higher burning temperatures and larger amount of liquid phase; more time for nodulation (Eby, 1985)
Chains of silicates
Bridging reaction between constituents, and between burning zone and cooler inlet; easily eroded, producing dust (Fundal, 1980)
Large pores, wide bridges, and large solid areas
Dry process (Krämer, 1960)
Numerous small pores, narrow bridges, crescent-shaped voids
Pelletized raw mix (Krämer, 1960)
Pores with wide range of sizes, shape, and distribution; abrupt size changes in adjacent pores; small bridges
Wet process (Krämer, 1960)
Increasing roundness of pores, decrease in porosity; higher ferrite and belite content at expense of aluminate and alite; decrease in melt viscosity, increase in grinding time
Increasing MnO content (Knöfel, Strunge, and Bambauer, 1983)
Extremely dense structure, large alite
Kiln wall (Fundal, 1980)
Dense clinker structure, closed pore system
Densification at temperature below melt formation (Fundal, 1980)
High clinker porosity
Low degree of burning (Gille and others, 1965)
Highly porous clinker, open pores, 50-90 m alite
Sandy raw meal (Fundal, 1980)
Compact clinker with spherical, closed pores; 10-20 m alite
Marl-type raw mix (Fundal, 1980)
Microscopical Examination and Interpretation of Portland Cement and Clinker
Table 7-1. Microscopical Interpretation of Clinkers (continued) General Features of Clinkers Observations
Large pores, nontwinned belite, large alites
High SO3 (Tsuboi and Ogawa, 1972)
Rough pore surfaces
Low temperature burning (Tsuboi and Ogawa, 1972)
Very porous clinker consisting of small bright grains with rounded edges
Underburned clinker (Törnebohm, 1897)
Porous, alite-rich, lumpy clinker, some with dense centers; dusty clinker, ring and “stalagmite” formation in kiln and cooler; large alite crystals; sparkling luster of clinker; lowered cement strength
Excessive hard burning (Long, 1982a)
Friable clinkers surrounded by a deposit of alite crystals alone
Very hard burning of high silica ratio materials (Pollitt, 1980)
Clinker nodules of varying composition
Inadequate blending of feed or segregation in kiln (Long, 1982a)
Clinker inhomogeneity
Lower reactivity of ash, too short retention time at clinkering temperature, high ash content, lump coal for precalcining carbon-rich fly ash as a raw material, waste-derived fuels containing graphite (Sprung, 1985)
Excessive particle size in raw mix (greater than 0.1 mm) (Gille and others, 1965)
Streaks and spots in clinker
Nonhomogeneity of raw mix, segregation of dust in air ducts during transfer to silo or in kiln (Gille and others, 1965)
Spots in clinker
Local increase of individual components of raw material; low burning degree (temperature too low or burning time too short); low lime content (Gille and others, 1965)
Overall crystal size
Function of temperature, time, and chemical composition of surrounding material; absorbed nests and prior nonhomogeneities (Gille and others, 1965)
Large crystals
High temperature, long burning time, surrounding material is low lime (belite) (Gille and others, 1965)
Large crystal cements
Unsatisfied charges on broken crystal surfaces resulting in agglomerations, abnormal setting characteristics, and increased grinding time (Hansen, 1977)
Large segregated silicates, belite nests, poor matrix distribution, high free lime
Long burning zone, maximum temperature below 1500o C, preheater kiln (DeHayes, Grady, and Vidergar, 1986)
Pronounced segregation of silicates and matrix phases, wide alite size range, large crystals, some > 100 11m, high porosity, relic coarse quartz grains
Short residence time, high production rates, roller-mill raw grind, coarsely ground coal precalciner kiln (DeHayes, Grady, and Vidergar, 1986)
Large crystal size and narrow crystal size range
Unfavorable grindability (Tachihata, Kotani, and Jyo, 1981)
Overall increase in crystal size; alite more than belite, which tends toward yellow color
Lowering of feed to speed ratio, thinning clinker bed depth as burning zone moves uphill (Rader, 1985)
Coarsely crystalline clinker
High early strengths, abnormal setting problems (Hansen, 1980)
Table 7-1. Microscopical Interpretation of Clinkers (continued) General Features of Clinkers Observations
Coarsely crystalline clinker with a high degree of hydration and per unit specific surface
High compressive strengths (Entin, Nekhoroshev, Sorochkin, 1980)
Hard, dense clinker, with large alite, plus soft, porous clinker with low alite content
Variable burning, flushing (passage of charge too rapidly through kiln), or excessive feed (Long, 1982a)
Small, poorly formed phases; very high porosity; uneven phase distribution; alite surrounded by large amounts of liquid phase; belite in clusters
Flushing or sintering temperature is too low (Hofmänner, 1973)
Increase in specific crystal surface (surface area of solid particles/volume of solid particles) and reduction in melt volume
Results in an increase in specific pore surface and reduction of power requirement for grinding (Petersen, 1980)
Three zones in clinker: (a) Dense core (b) Intermediate porosity (c) Cokelike
(a) Primary nodules (kiln ring fragments or nodules formed before burning zone) (b) Forms in burning zone (c) Forms between burning zone and cooler due to heavy dust load (Fundal, 1980)
Dense core, high-porosity shell
Agglomeration of dust (less than 1.0 mm) on nodule between burning zone and cooler inlet (Fundal, 1980)
Peripheral zones in clinkers
Differentiation or segregation of melt during liquid stage of groundmass (Gille and others, 1965)
Fine clinker
Soft burning, insufficient liquid phase; extreme hard burning and abrasion of porous shells on clinkers; Mn mineraliser (large alite crystals) (Long, 1984b)
Dusty clinker: high porosity, “breaded” nodules, agglomerated fine particles, alite-rich, large alite crystals, and relatively scarce liquid phase
(a) Decomposition of outer clinker shell and concentration of liquid phase in clinker core (Allegre and Terrier, 1960) (b) Recycling of precipitator dust, reducing zones, lack of Al2O3 in raw slurry (Hofmänner, 1973)
Dusty clinker (poor nodulization) and snowmen
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Belite nest with dense, thick layer of alite with very porous outermost zones
Typical in dust formation (Fundal, 1980)
Clinker dust with abundant belite clusters
Inferior burnability (Fundal, 1980)
Dusty clinker, coarsely crystalline silicates, low-porosity nodules, poor grindability
Slow temperature rise, higher clinkering temperature, longer time in burning zone and transition zone (Wolter, 1985)
Coal ash shells on clinkers and nests at boundary zones
Nonuniform combustion of fuel and partial reaction on clinker surface; inadequate grinding of coal and distribution (Krämer, 1960)
Clinker color: earth brown to light brown to dark brown to black with greenish brown hue
In order of increasing degree of burning (Gille and others, 1965)
Unfavorable temperature distribution Too little melt Too much coarse quartz, lime, slag Heavy alkali circulation resulting in early crystal growth of belite and free lime and large silicate crystal size (Miller, 1980)
Microscopical Examination and Interpretation of Portland Cement and Clinker
Table 7-1. Microscopical Interpretation of Clinkers (continued) General Features of Clinkers Observations
(a) Reddish brown (b) Dark gray with reddish hue (c) Slate gray
(a) Abundance of Fe++ (b) Fe partly replaced by Mn (c) Normal clinker with Mg in greenish-brown ferrite (Gille and others, 1965)
Gray-black clinker color
Overall oxidizing environment (Long, 1982b)
Yellow-brown clinker colors
Rapid cooling (Long, 1982b)
Gray color of clinker
Burning under oxidizing or neutral conditions; MgO in lattice of aluminoferrite, presence of trivalent iron (Sylla, 1981)
Gray color of clinker
Burned under reducing conditions, cooled in air after removal from kiln at temperature greater than 1250o C (Sylla, 1981)
Brown clinker
Burned under reducing conditions, cooled at approximately 1250o C under reducing conditions, further cooled in air (Sylla, 1981)
Bleached region in clinker
Localized extreme reduction due to partly burned coal deposition (Long, 1982b)
Well-defined yellow band separating gray-black periphery from brownish black core
Reducing environment with reoxidation (Long, 1982b)
Black, oxidized parts of same sample show usual features but with three sets of belite lamellae strictly oriented crystallographically with host alite
Moderate reducing conditions (Woermann, 1960)
Clinker is densely burnt, light brown; ferrite has distinctly lower reflectivity than in normal clinker; calcium and iron sulfides
Reducing conditions (Woermann, 1960)
Disappearance of ferrite phase, iron transformed to metallic state, clinker color changes to white, alite decomposition structures vanish
Extreme reducing conditions (Woermann, 1960)
Brown-centered clinkers, larger alite, lower birefringence
Reducing conditions; longer, cooler flame; reductions in set control and strength (Brugan, 1979)
Spotty, banded coloration
Chemical differences or varying burning conditions (Gille and others, 1965)
Green clinker nodules, chromium-rich green belite, gehlenite matrix
Consumption of refractory brick during production at less than optimum kiln capacity or excessive flame length for rated capacity conditions (Brugan, 1979)
Greenish brown—greenish yellow
Entrapped magnesium (Gille and others, 1965)
Clinker weight (liter)
Varies as a function of total porosity (Gille and others, 1965)
High liter weight
High alite content (Brown, 1948); increased time of burning at high temperature (Hawkins, 1979)
Low liter weight
MgO slightly high, CaO distinctly high; aggregated clinkers (Brown, 1948)
Hydration shells on clinker
Air-exposed piles of clinker with “roofs” of partial hydration (Krämer, 1960).
Table 7-1. Microscopical Interpretation of Clinkers (continued) General Features of Clinkers Observations
Green, yellow, and brown clinkers
Addition of Cr+3, Ti+4, and Fe+3/Mn+2, respectively (Laxmi, Ahluwalia, and Chopra, 1984)
Weathered clinker and low Blaine fineness of cement
Problems in thickening time and free water in oil-well cement (Reeves, Bailey, and McNabb, 1984)
Photograph 7-1 Porous outer zone of clinker, surrounding relatively dense clinker core. Evenly distributed, round, clear belite crystals and angular alite. Pores filled with epoxy. Moderately high maximum temperature, long burning time, slow heating rate, quickly cooled. Dry-process kiln with flash calciner, 5000 tons/day. (S#A6621) Thin section Transmitted, plane-polarized light Field dimensions = 0.53x0.53 mm
Photograph 7-2 Polished section of cement in epoxy, illustrating large multiphase (composite) particles and small, single phase particles, a typical relationship for most portland cements. (S#A6622) Nital etch Field dimensions = 0.38x0.38 mm
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