Cement Plant Design-1

December 25, 2018 | Author: Towfiq Hossain Tasku | Category: Cement, Industries, Building Engineering, Energy And Resource, Nature
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Cement Plant Design presentation...



Supervisor Dr. Ruhul Amin Assistant Professor Chemical Engineering Dept. ,BUET

Prepared by Sadiya Afrose!""#"$"% Prono& Das"'"#"!(% )d. *shtia+ ossain"'"#"#  To-/  T o-/ ossain"'"#"0$% ossain"'"#"0

%$ Project defnition A cement plant is to &e set1up at Do-ara&a2ar upa2ila of Sunamgan3 district in Bangladesh ha4ing a capacity of processing 5#"" ton per day for an e6ecti4e operation of ((" streaming days including all au7iliaries, utilities and supporting facilities.

Design basis Plant Location: Do-ara&a2ar, Sunamgan3 Plant capacity: 7200 ton cement per day Operating days per year: 330 days Raw materials: limestone, clay, sand , mill scale Type of Process: Dry Process Utilities: !el : "at!ral gas from Tengratila #as ield Power $!pply: #rid power line %ater so!rce: On site water reser&oir  'limate: (nn!al temperat!re: ma) 32*7 +'  min -*. +' Relati&e /!midity: 73*7 (nn!al rainfall: 30-0 mm

Selection o Process $ &asic types of processes for cement production

Wet process Semi-wet process Semi-dry process Dry process

Each process re/uires a slightly modied approach and use of e/uipment in the rst t-o of the three manufacturing stages, i.e. the ra- grinding and pyroprocessing stages.  The 8dry9 production process re/uires less energy and so has lo-er fuel costs than the -et process and thus is generally fa4oured -here its application is feasi&le.

Process Description Mining-  The ra- materials are /uarried, crushed, and transported to a near&y cement plant.

Kiln eed preparation- Ra- materials are proportioned to the correct chemical composition and ground to a ne consistency.

Cliner production-  The nely ground ra- meal is fed into large rotary +ilns -here it is heated to a&out !,0"":C . This high temperature causes the ra- meal to react and form clin+er.

Cement milling o cliner-  The clin+er is cooled and ground -ith appro7imately 0;-t. of gypsum and other additi4es to produce cement.

Process !loc Diagram

Process "low Diagram

#ist o $u%iliaries& '(site and Pacage )nits Air plants Chimneys or stac+s Cooling to-ers Electrical generating plants a&oratories )aintenance shops ?arage and 4ehicular par+ing @arehousing Pac+aging or &agging plant Uninterrupted po-er supply

Building Change house Cafeteria Communications net-or+ Emergency po-er system arsen Tou&ro >imited process licensor for our cement plant design.

#ist o Major *+uipments , endors 'on&eyor 1elt enit/, Longyang4 Proportioning 56!ipment  /oppers4 /eng8/o! Tai/e 9aterials 'o*, Ltd4 Raw mill enan /eng8/o! 9ining 9ac/inery 'o*, Ltd4  $taged Pre;/eater < cyclone separators4 enan /eng8/o! 9ining 9ac/inery 'o*, Ltd4 'alciner ( T5' (merica4 Rotary =iln enan /eng8/o! 9ining 9ac/inery 'o*, Ltd4 'lin>er 'ooler enan /eng8/o! 9ining 9ac/inery 'o*, Ltd4 'lin>er $ilo ?in)iang #reat %all 9ac/inery 'o*, Ltd4 1all 9ill  'r!s/erenit/4

Codes and Standards  The common technology -hich is -idely used in our industry from the year #""( is Portland Composite Cement PCC% -hich is made follo-ing European Standard )ethods ES)%. nly 0;1"; of clin+er is re/uired to produce PCC -hile '0; of clin+er is re/uired to produce PC.

*ngineering Specifcation or .otary Kiln

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