Cement Head Manual

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Manual for Cement Head for Oilwells...


JET Manual 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware Version 1.1

JET Manual 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware InTouch Content ID# Version: Release Date: Owner:

4127832 1.1 July 31, 2006 Well Services Training & Development, IPC

Schlumberger private

Document Control Revision History Rev.

Effective Date


Prepared by

Copyright © 2006 Schlumberger, Unpublished Work. All rights reserved. This work contains the confidential and proprietary trade secrets of Schlumberger and may not be copied or stored in an information retrieval system, transferred, used, distributed, translated, or retransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

Trademarks & service marks “Schlumberger,” the Schlumberger logotype, and other words or symbols used to identify the products and services described herein are either trademarks, trade names, or service marks of Schlumberger and its licensors, or are the property of their respective owners. These marks may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the express prior written permission of Schlumberger. In addition, covers, page headers, custom graphics, icons, and other design elements may be service marks, trademarks, and/or trade dress of Schlumberger, and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the express prior written permission of Schlumberger. A complete list of Schlumberger marks may be viewed at the Schlumberger Oilfield Services Marks page: http://www.hub.slb.com/index.cfm?id=id32083 An asterisk (*) is used throughout this document to designate a mark of Schlumberger. Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.

Table of Contents 1.0  Introduction 1.1 1.2

Learning objectives Safety warnings

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Preparing the casing Pumping the cement slurry Displacement End of job

2.0  Cementing Overview

3.0  Cementing Techniques

3.1 Primary cementing 3.1.1 Single-stage cementing 3.1.2 Two-stage cementing 3.1.3 Stab-in cementing 3.1.4 Liner cementing 3.2 Plug cementing 3.3 Remedial cementing

4.0  Plugs

4.1 Plug functions 4.1.1 Botom plugs 4.1.2 Top wiper plug 4.3 Nonrotating and rotating wiper plugs  4.4 Wiper plug manufacturers 4.5 Cementing wiper plug sequence

5.0  Overview of Cement Heads

5.1 Conventional cement heads 5.1.1 Conventional cement heads 5.2 Cement head pressure ratings 5.2.1 IRI fabricated cement head (305 and 306 series)  5.2.2 IRI integral cement head (307 and 308 series)  5.3 Single-plug cement head 5.4 Double-plug cement head

6.0  Cement Head Components 6.1


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7 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 15 15 15 17 18 19 19 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 27 27 29 29 29 30 30 30 33 33 iii

6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7

Caps Pull pin assembly Tattletale Casing nipple Bull plug Quick-connect coupling

7.0  Cement Head Job Execution 7.1

Cement head prejob checklist 7.1.1 General job inspection procedure for cement heads 7.1.2 Safety 7.1.3 Before attaching the cement head 7.1.4 Loading the wiper plugs 7.1.5 Setting the tattletale 7.1.6 Connecting the cement head 7.1.7 Pressure testing 7.1.8 Excessive pressure testing 7.2 Single-stage job 7.2.1 Dropping plugs in a single-stage job 7.2.2 Troubleshooting 7.3 Two-stage job 7.4 Non-standard cement plug 7.4.1 At district 7.4.2 On location 7.5 Postjob

8.0  Maintenance and Inspections

8.1 12-month inspection 8.1.1 Cap and O-ring inspection guideline 8.1.2 O-ring inspection 8.1.3 Inside cement head inspection 8.1.4 Pull pin inspection 8.1.5 Manifold valves 8.1.6 Maintenance bulletins

9.0  Casing Adapters

9.1 Casing threads 9.2 Crossovers 9.3 Quick coupler 9.4 Fast-latch couplers (FLC) 9.4.1 Fast-latch coupler

iv  |  Table of Contents

34 34 35 35 35 36 43 43 45 48 48 48 50 50 52 52 53 53 54 56 57 57 57 57 59 59 61 62 62 62 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 67

9.4.2 Operation 9.4.3 Adjustment operation  9.4.4 Rig-down 9.4.5 Pressure test 9.4.6 Preventive maintenance 9.4.7 Disassembly 9.4.8 Assembly 9.4.9 Troubleshooting 9.5 Circulating swages

10.0  Hardware

10.1 Shoes 10.1.1 Guide shoes 10.2 Float collars 10.3 Two-stage cementing collars 10.4 External casing packers (ECP) 10.5 Baskets and centralizers 10.6 Scratchers and collars 10.7 Liner hardware 10.8 Squeeze and top-out cementing equipment 10.9 Squeeze manifold 10.10 Packer

11.0  References 12.0  Appendix

12.1 Rig-up from ground to rig floor and to the cement head 12.2 Cement head tables 12.3 Prejob check-list 12.4 Rig-up and rig-down checklist 12.4.1 Prejob checks 12.4.2 Installation procedure 12.4.3 Pressure testing 12.4.4 Launching the bottom plug 12.4.5 Launching the top plug 12.4.6 Launching two-stage plugs 12.4.7 Postjob 12.4.8 Additional information/precautions

13.0  Check Your Understanding

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1.0  Introduction In this manual you will be introduced to equipment related to the casing in the well, including peripheral equipment, such as cement heads, plugs, casing hardware, squeeze manifolds, casing couplers and adapters, and circulating swedges. The manual will • name the types of equipment, and explain their functions • explain operational procedures for the different equipment • explain the maintenance procedures • explain the pre- and postjob checks required

1.1 Learning objectives Upon completion of this training, you will be able to do the following: • Describe the types of cement heads used by Schlumberger • Describe the applications for each type of cement head • Name the components of the conventional cement head, as well as any associated equipment • Name the options for connecting the cement head to the casing

• Describe the pressure test interval and procedure for cement heads and manifolds • Describe what MAWP (maximum allowable pressure) is and how it applies to the cement head • Explain the correct procedure for dropping the top and bottom plugs • Explain how the pressure equalizes inside the loaded cement head • Explain what a tattletale is and why it is used • Explain what “dropping the plug on the fly” means • Identify the different kinds of casing hardware available and their uses

1.2 Safety warnings Proper supervision is required during handson training and normal operation. Request assistance from your supervisor if you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the operation. Ensure that all safety devices are in place and operational before using the cement head. When operating the cement head on location, follow the procedures in Well Services Safety Standard (WSSS) 5: Pressure Pumping and Location Safety, InTouch Content ID# 3313681.

• Describe the different types of threads generally found in casings and tubings • Explain the prejob checklist for a conventional cement head • Describe the STEM I process for a cement head and manifold JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  

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  |  Introduction

2.0  Cementing Overview Cementing is the process of hydraulically sealing the casing within the wellbore prior to perforation and hydrocarbon extraction. The annulus (the space between the casing and the formation) is filled with cement by pumping liquid cement slurry down through the casing and forcing it back up the annulus surrounding

the casing. Wiper plugs are dropped ahead of and behind the slurry to keep it separate from preflushes (washer or spacer) pumped in front of the cement slurry, and the displacement fluid (mud or drilling fluid) pumped behind.

Figure 2-1. Preparing the Casing and Mud

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Cementing is performed for the following main reasons: • to provide complete isolation of zones (hydraulic bond) • to support the casing (shear bond) • to protect the casing string.

2.1 Preparing the casing First, a drilling mud (also referred to as drilling fluid) is circulated down through the casing to

Figure 2-2. Dropping Bottom Plug

10  |  Cementing Overview

condition and clean the well. A pressure test checks that there are no leaks in the lines that connect the pumping unit to the well. Then a chemical wash and/or a spacer are pumped in. The chemical wash is a fluid that helps thin and disperse the drilling mud ahead of the cement slurry. The spacer is a weighted fluid with controlled rheological properties designed to keep cement slurry and mud separate

Next, a bottom plug, also called a wiper plug, is dropped from the cement head. This bottom plug cleans (wipes) the sides of the casing as it descends and provides a barrier between the mud and the cement slurry, which is pumped next.

2.2 Pumping the cement slurry Once the bottom wiper plug is released, cement slurry is pumped from the cement unit and into the casing through the cement head which is

mounted on the top of the casing. The cement head is a pressure-rated container which holds the cement wiper plug(s) and allows their controlled release in a predetermined sequence. In the case of continuous mixing, mixing while pumping can continue according to the requirements of the job. The cement head is a container mounted on the casing. It is attached to the cementing unit and allows for the release of fluids and plugs in a predetermined sequence.

Figure 2-3. Dropping Top Plug

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The cement slurry pushes the wash and/or spacer and bottom plug ahead of it into the casing. When the bottom plug reaches the float collar, the plug's diaphgram ruptures and the wash, spacer, and slurry can flow to the casing shoe.

2.3 Displacement

Once mixing and pumping of the designed cement slurry or slurries is completed, the top wiper plug is released from the cement head.

Figure 2-4. End of Job

12  |  Cementing Overview

The top plug separates and protects the slurry against contaminants from the displacement fluid that will be pumped. The displacement fluid, typically drilling mud, pushes the top plug and slurry down into the casing. The slurry is forced out of the bottom of the casing and up into the annulus. When the top plug reaches the bottom plug it is seald or "bumped" with the bottom plug by a presssure increase. When there is a

pressure increase indicated at the surface, the displacement is complete.

2.4 End of job At the end of the job, it is normal for some displacement fluid to return through the treating lines, when opening the valves on the cementing unit. However, if the returns are greater than 3 to 5 barrels, it could be an indicator that the float collar is malfunctioning. The float collar contains a check valve to prevent flowback up the casing. If it malfunctions, slurry can push the plugs up into the casing as a result of a U-tubing effect. When the cement slurry hardens in the annulus, it forms a barrier between the casing and the formation, isolating the casing from the formation fluids. This completes the cementing job.

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14  |  Cementing Overview

3.0  Cementing Techniques There are three main types of cementing applications, which can be differentiated from one another by their objectives. These are • primary cementing • plug cementing • remedial cementing.

A summary of cementing techniques is provided in this chapter. Please refer to the InTouch and the Well Services Training and Development web page for more details.

3.1 Primary cementing Primary cementing is the placement of cement slurry in the annulus between the casing and the wellbore. The four major techniques of primary cementing are • single-stage • two-stage

The main pupose of two-stage cementing is to isolate two problem zones within one open hole section. Two-stage cementing may be performed as one operation or two, depending on specific circumstances at the well. The process for the first stage in two-stage cementing is as follows: 1. Circulate mud 2. Pressure test 3. Pump washer and spacer 4. Pump slurry 5. Drop first-stage plug 6. Bleed-off and check returns.

• stab-in • liner.

3.1.1 Single-stage cementing In single-stage cementing, cement slurry is placed in the annulus in one stage. This technique uses two plugs to prevent the intermixing of cement with other fluids used in the operation.

3.1.2 Two-stage cementing Two-stage cementing refers to the placement of slurry around a lower and an upper portion of a casing string.

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Figure 3-1. Two-Stage Components

After the first-stage is completed, an opening bomb is dropped. This bomb opens the ports of the two-stage collar, a device that allows the opening of flow to the second stage of the job. The process for the second stage in two-stage cementing is as follows: 1. Drop opening bomb 2. Establish circulation

16  |  Cementing Techniques

3. Pump washer 4. Pump slurry 5. Drop a closing plug similar to the top plug 6. Begin displacement 7. Bleed off and check returns.

3.1.3 Stab-in cementing Stab-in cementing is performed through drillpipe.

Two additional advantages are that it reduces excess cement and can reduce job time (by reducing displacement volume.

Figure 3-2. Stab-In Cementing Components

The pupose is to prevent problems associated with cementing large casing, such as. contamination and channeling inside the casing. Stab-in cementing is used for large casing sizes (generally bigger than 13 3/8 in) and at depths up to 3,000 ft.

The procedures for this technique are 1. Mud circulation 2. Pressure testing 3. Mixing and pumping slurry

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4. Displacement 5. Releasing the stinger to remove the drillpipe from the inside of the casing.

3.1.4 Liner cementing A liner is a string of casing that does not extend to the top of the wellbore. The liner is attached to casing by a liner hanger.

Liners also • cover corroded or damaged casing • cover lost circulation zones, shales, plastic formations, and salt zones • reduce the weight of the casing string.

The liner cementing process consists of 1. mud circulation 2. pressure testing

Figure 3-3. Liner Components

18  |  Cementing Techniques

3. pumping washer 4. pumping slurry 5. dropping the dart 6. displacement 7. bleeding off 8. releasing the setting tool from the packer 9. reverse circulation.

3.2 Plug cementing Plug cementing is the placement of a relatively small volume of slurry anywhere in the wellbore.

3.3 Remedial cementing Remedial cementing is the process of forcing slurry under pressure through holes or splits in the casing or wellbore annular space. Remedial cementing is often referred to as squeeze cementing.

Figure 3-4. Plug Cementing

The objectives of remedial cementing include the following: • Repair improper zonal isolation. • Raise the top of the cement. • Plug perforations. • Repair corroded casing.

This remedial work is performed with some of the tools described in this manual.

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20  |  Cementing Techniques

4.0  Plugs 4.1 Plug functions Plugs have the following functions: • separate fluids and prevent contamination • clean inner casing wall • provide surface indication when displacement is complete.

Cementing plugs are semi-rigid barriers used to separate cement from drilling fluids, wipe the casing, and indicate when cement placement is complete. Both top and bottom plugs are constructed of various types of elastomers, including natural rubber, polyurethane, nitrile, etc., molded over drillable aluminum, plastic, or wooden cores. Although similar in external appearance, top and bottom plugs differ considerably in internal design and operation. Top and bottom plugs are recommended for every primary cementing job, when possible. The bottom plug minimizes contamination of the cement as it is pumped. The top plug prevents contamination of the cement slurry by the displacement fluid, and provides a positive indication that the cement has been displaced. Plugs need to be compatible with the float collars. Inserts can be used in addition to the float collar to make plug and collar compatible.

Figure 4-1. Plugs

Note: The pressure to rupture a diaphragm is approximately 150-500 psi. Do not rupture the diaphragm on purpose at surface.

4.1.1 Botom plugs Bottom plugs are developed to precede the cement, requiring an internal bypass or flowthrough feature. This feature uses a hollow core and a thin membrane that is designed to rupture and permit flow once the plug has seated and a differential pressure is exerted across the membrane. A bottom wiper plug accomplishes the following: • cleans the casing wall • provides a seat for the top plugs.

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Figure 4-2. Bottom Plug

4.1.2 Top wiper plug Top plugs are often used alone and are designed to withstand the pressures and forces generated when they land abruptly. Top plugs do not have a thin membrane and are designed to prevent any fluid bypass. Top plugs can look very similar to bottom plugs (especially if they are the same color), and often the only way to determine one from another is to turn the plugs upside down and check the inside of the plugs .

Figure 4-4. Position of Various Fluids in Annulus

4.3 Nonrotating and rotating wiper plugs The following three types of wiper plugs do not rotate at the float collar depth.

The top wiper plug • cleans the casing wall • indicates end of displacement • follows the slurry to prevent contamination.

Figure 4-5. Plug Types

• A: nonrotating TOP plug • B: standard BOTTOM plug • C: standard TOP plug Figure 4-3. Top Plug

The following figure shows the last few moments of a wiper plug's displacement and the position of the various fluids (mud, cement, etc.) in the annulus of the wellbore.

22  |  Plugs

Figure 4-6 shows a simulated wellbore in which the top and bottom non-rotating plugs have landed at the float collar. At the bottom of the figure is a magnified view of the top of the bottom plug showing the non rotating profile. Weatherford typically supplies plugs of this design.

Figure 4-7. Weatherford Standard Plug

Figure 4-6. Nonrotating Wiper Plugs in Well

4.4 Wiper plug manufacturers Schlumberger uses three preferred vendors for wiper plugs: Industrial Rubber, Inc. (IRI), Weatherford International Ltd., and Wichita Falls Manufacturing, Inc. Weatherford

Figure 4-8. Weatherford Non-Rotating Plug

Wichita Falls Manufacturing, Inc. Typical cement wiper plugs supplied by Wichita Falls are shown in the standard configuration.

Typical polyurethane cement wiper plugs supplied by Weatherford are shown in both standard and non-rotational configurations. Weatherford bottom wiper plug is shown in red, the top wiper plug is shown in yellow. Figure 4-9. Wichita Falls Top and Bottom Plugs

Wichita Falls plugs have distinguishing features between the top and bottom plugs. The bottom

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plug is orange and has a large hollow inside, whereas the top plug is black and has a small hollow inside.

4.5 Cementing wiper plug sequence Generic sequence Cementing plugs should be used whenever possible within the casing and the drillpipe to prevent the intermixing of fluids of different densities inside the casing and to wipe the internal casing walls clean of mud.

Industrial Rubber, Inc. (IRI) Four types of plugs supplied from IRI are shown – from left to right: rubber top (solid) plug, wooden top (solid) plug, orange rubber (hollow) bottom plug, and black rubber (hollow) bottom plug.

The number of plugs to be used depends largely on the method of releasing them; that is, whether they are surface-released or subsealaunched, the type of casing run, and the casing hardware used (float equipment, casing running system, etc.). To minimize the contamination of fluids inside the casing, the shutdown time (time when equipment is idle and cement remains unpumped) for dropping the plugs must be kept to a minimum. The following placement sequences should be used. If at all possible, it is recommended that two bottom plugs be used on critical jobs (critical is defined by the customer). The sequences in Table 4-2 start with the first fluid pumped and end with the displacement fluid. The following alternative is recommended if the spacer is in turbulent flow inside the

Figure 4-10. Top and Bottom Plugs Manufactured by IRI

Table 4-1. Sequence of Fluids and Pumps

Sequence of fluids and plugs starting with first fluid pumped and ending with displacement fluid One top plug only (liners): Mud



Cement slurry

Top plug


HP-HT cases (when additional spacer behind the plug is required): Mud


Cement slurry

Top plug

Spacer behind


One bottom plug only (might be either of the sequences): Mud



Bottom plug



24  |  Plugs

Bottom plug Spacer Bottom plug

Cement slurry

Top plug


Cement slurry Top plug Mud Spacer

Cement slurry

Top plug


casing and the density difference between the cement slurry and the spacer is significantly higher than that between the spacer and the mud. Table 4-2. Alternative Sequence of Fluids and Plugs

Alternative sequence of fluids and plugs Bottom and top plugs: Mud


Bottom plug

Cement slurry

Top plug


Two bottom plugs: Mud

Bottom 1



Bottom 1




Bottom 1

Bottom 2 Bottom 2 Spacer

Cement slurry

Top plug

Cement slurry Bottom 2

Top plug

Cement slurry

Mud Mud Top plug


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26  |  Plugs

5.0  Overview of Cement Heads Note: The EXPRES* extrusion plug release system (cementing head) is very rarley used and is no longer supported by the Product Centers.

Conventional cement heads range in size from 2-7/8 to 20 in and range in pressure from 10,000 psi to 1,500 psi. Two construction methods are used to create cement heads. These methods are covered in detail in the following chapters. Deepsea EXPRES* is a system for launching plugs with subsea wellheads. InTouch has a variety of resources for the use of DeepSea EXPRES. The reference page for the DeepSea EXPRES is in InTouch Content ID# 3280457, DeepSea EXPRES CUH-332 subsea cement head.

Figure 5-1. DeepSEA EXPRES

5.1 Conventional cement heads Two styles of cement heads are approved for use. Fabricated heads, which can be used up to a maximum of 5,000 psi, depending on the size of the head, and integral heads, which can be used up to a maximum of 10,000 psi, depending on the size of the head. Integral heads have higher-pressure ratings than fabricated heads and therefore require extra care when they are used. The fabricated head is of approved welded construction, and the manifold has an approved threaded design. The integral head is machined out of one piece of stock, with female ACME

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threads provided in case a changeover to the 1502 unions is required. Integral manifolds come in two styles. One is the FMC adjustable manifold that uses the 2-in integral “tee” style valve. The other is an integral manifold machined out of one piece of stock with female ACME threads provided for cases in which changeover to 1502 unions is required. This integral manifold uses standard 2x2-in integral FMC valves. OCT cement heads still in use are 15 to 25 years old. Any other heads that are made out of cast steel and are not marked with the OCT diamond are older. Many of these heads are marked with the size (e.g, 9 5/8 in) welded onto the OD of the head. OCT (FMC) cement heads should have been removed from service by March 31, 2002 as they are at least 20 years old and no longer approved for operations. To address conventional cement head equipment requirements, Schlumberger uses of fabricated and integral heads designed and manufactured by Industrial Rubber, Inc. (IRI) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma this company is the primary and preferred supplier. (For more Table 5-1. Integral versus Fabricated Cement Heads

28  |  Overview of Cement Heads

information on cement heads, refer to their Web site: http://www.iri-oiltool.com.) The cement heads distributed by IRI have been selected by OSP (Operations Support—Well Services) as the preferred product for Schlumberger. Alternative suppliers may be used if they are specified contractually or if the final destination is UIE in France and/or Hybrid (in California). Hybrid cement heads in the field that were purchased to meet North Sea or contract requirements will remain in service. The standard associated over-the-collar coupler is the Fast Latch Coupler, which is designed and manufactured by FMC Technologies in Houston, Texas. A tattle-tale assembly signals that the cementing wiper plug has left the head. The interior of the head is machined to allow equalization of pressure around the cementing wiper plug. The plug is held in place during cementing by a continuous-type pin assembly. The manifold is composed of FMC’s DR5OW plug valves and 1502 Weco unions.

The complete assembly is machined using alloy steel with traceability for each component and in compliance with ASME and API specifications.

5.1.1 Conventional cement heads The Conventional cement heads come in a single-plug and a double-plug cement head, IRI manufactures both types.

Single plug head Figure 5-3. Fabricated Single Plug

Figure 5-2. Conventional Cement Head Types

5.2 Cement head pressure ratings 5.2.1 IRI fabricated cement head (305 and 306 series) The IRI fabricated cement head is the latest design. Connections on the body are integral type with #8 ACME threads and PolyPak seals. The design eliminates the line-pipe connections that were used in the past. The costs are much less than for the integral head. The 305 series is a single-plug cement head assembly fabricated type, while the 306 is the doubleplug cement head fabricated type.

Safe working pressures are given in the table below. Note that the bigger the internal diameter of the cement head, the lower the safe working pressure (SWP). Table 5-2. Safe Working Pressures

Cement head size (internal diameter)

Pressure rating (psi)

From 2 7/8-in to 9 5/8-in (inclusive)


From 10 3/4-in to 13 3/8-in (inclusive)


From 16-in to 20-in (inclusive)


Each head is equipped with continuous pin assemblies, tattle-tale assembly (to signal that the plug has left the head), an extra pump truck connection, and a high-pressure manifold. The complete assembly is machined, using alloy steel, to ASME and API specifications. The standard pressure (fabricated) cement heads can be identified by the straight exterior of the body. JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  29

5.2.2 IRI integral cement head (307 and 308 series) The integral cement head design provides a higher pressure-rated head than that of the fabricated type of cement head. All connections to the head are integral type with #8 ACME threads protected by Poly-Pak seals. The 307 series is a single-plug integral cement head, while the 308 is a double-plug integral cement head.

5.3 Single-plug cement head The single-plug cement head represents a higher risk to operations because the head must be reloaded with a top plug if two plugs are used. After the bottom plug has been launched, the operator must interrupt pumping to reload the head, which adds standby time. The valves of the high-pressure manifold are closed, the top cover is removed, and the plug is loaded.

The integral cement head can be identified by the raised bands on the body. Safe working pressures are given below. Note that the larger the internal diameter of the cement head, the lower the approved working pressure rating. Table 5-3. Safe Working Pressures

Cement head size (internal diameter)

Pressure rating (psi)

From 2 7/8-in to 7-in (inclusive) From 7 5/8-in to 9 5/8-in (inclusive)

10,000 7,500

From 10 3/4-in to 13 3/8-in (inclusive) 5,000 From 16-in to 20-in (inclusive)

3,000 Figure 5-5. Single Plug Cement Head Components

5.4 Double-plug cement head The double-plug cement head minimizes some of the risks associated with a single-plug cement head, because both plugs are loaded into the head before pressurizing the system. Single plug head

Figure 5-4. Integral Cement Head

30  |  Overview of Cement Heads

On any conventional head, the operator is exposed to potentially high pressures in the head and treating lines while changing valves and pin positions.

Figure 5-6. Double-Plug Cement Head Components

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32  |  Overview of Cement Heads

6.0  Cement Head Components The cement head manifold houses the valves and conducts slurry and displacement fluid from the cement pump unit to the cement head. Notice in Fig. 6-1 the two lines entering the single-plug cement head from the high-pressure manifold. In the double-plug manifolds, three lines enter the cement head (Fig. 6-2). Each of these lines is equipped with a control plug valve that allows the operator to provide flow through each line independently. A manifold with three valves (rather than two) characterizes the double-plug cement head. Both top and bottom cement plugs are loaded before starting the job. The interior of the head is machined to allow equalization around the cement wiper plug.

Figure 6-1. Single-Plug Cement Head Components

6.1 Manifolds There are two fundamentally different types of manifolds used with the cement heads currently in service: • One using the 2-in 1502 with integral hammer valve that can be used in either fabricated or integral cement head body • the 2-in 5,000 psi. hammer valve that can only be used with a fabricated head.

OCT heads are obsolete and must be removed from service. Before the year 2000, manifolds used on fabricated heads were assembled using V-threads. This type of manifold is obsolete and must be removed from service.

Figure 6-2. Double-Plug Cement Head Components

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All manifolds currently supplied by IRI cement heads are now considered integral because they use the same thread for assembly. This covers both fabricated and integral cement heads.

Figure 6-5. Cap

6.3 Pull pin assembly

Figure 6-3. Threaded and Acme Unions Used for Manifolds

6.2 Caps The cap is the top-sealing device of the cement head.

In a double-plug cement head, both top and bottom plugs are loaded into the cement head before starting the job. These plugs are released by different methods. The pull pin plug release assembly is the most common type of release. The pull pin must be retracted a specific number of turns to allow the wiper plug to move downward. The following maintenance bulletins and technical alerts provide information about the pull pin assembly: • Maintenance Bulletin 1056, InTouch Content ID# 2023239, Cementing Head Pull Pin Maintenance • Technical Alert 2000-09, InTouch Content ID# 2040682, Pull Pins in Cement Heads

Figure 6-4. Cap and Threads

• Technical Alert 2001-16, InTouch Content ID# 2062482 • Technical Alert 2001-24, InTouch Content ID# 3036444 Part numbers for pull pin assemblies in Industrial Rubber Inc. cement heads.

34  |  Cement Head Components

335-1033 BODY





335-3033 335-8033 SENSING ARM SUPPORT BALL, ARM 335-1333 THREAD SEAL, O-RING (2-330)

Figure 6-6. Cement Head Pin

335-8000 335-1133 335-4033 LOCK RING, MAIN SHAFT O-RINGS, SHAFT INTEGRAL THREAD 335-9405 (4 required) FLATHEAD SOCKET 335-2033 CAP SCREW (1024X5/3) HANDLE, SIGNAL

1. Prior to plug departure the tattletail lever will point towards the cement head body

2. After plug departure the tattletail lever will point away from the cement head body

Figure 6-8. Tattletale Components (above) and Operation (below)

6.5 Casing nipple The casing nipple attaches the cement head to the casing that protrudes above the rig floor. Usually an over-the-coupler fast latch type is used. Figure 6-7. Cement Head Pin Assembly

6.6 Bull plug

6.4 Tattletale

A bull plug is used to connect an extra line when high pumping rates (more than 8 bbl/min, connecting another pump) or displacement rates are required.

The tattletale is a lever device that indicates that the plug has left the cement head. The tattletale points towards the body of the cement head when the plug is in the head, and it points away from the body of the cement head when the plug has been dropped.

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• They increase the safety margin. A wire rope such as 1/2-in 6x19 IWRC EIP rope can support a 960-lb2 force load when it drops from 3 ft but fails at a drop of 5 ft. With a twin-path sling the weight is safely supported, even with a 5-ft fall. • Twin-path slings provide three visible means of identifying damage, which will be explained further. The integrity of wire ropes is often difficult to assess, especially in the presence of dirt and oil. • The synthetic slings are lightweight and flexible, making them user-friendly in terms of handling at heights and securing the load. Fiber optic

Fiber cord

Figure 6-9. Bull Plug Black limit line

6.7 Quick-connect coupling The quick-connect coupling is a device that connects easily and securely to the casing. Its use and characteristics are detailed further in the next sections. The use of twin-path slings to secure cement heads to the elevators or bails are a requirement in Standard 5. Cement heads through size 13-3/8 in are secured by using the TPXC 1500 sling and the Crosby 3-ton hook. Slings have three main advantages over cable:

36  |  Cement Head Components

The black line indicates the limit to which the yellow fiber cord can be pulled to before the sling should be removed from service.

Figure 6-10. Tattletale for Slings

Twin-path slings (patented by Slingmax) use two hi-tech fiber rope cores that provide each other with backup protection. The two cores are physically separated within the sling. Each core forms a continuous loop, so two conducting paths share the load.

The slings have a dual cover. If the outer cover is cut, the red inner cover is revealed, which indicates that the sling’s integrity has been compromised. When this happens, the two tattletales built into the sling must be examined. One of these is a solid fiber chord (Fig. 6-10) that extends outside the sling cover for each load path. When the cord is pulled partially under the cover or disappears, the sling is overloaded. The other tattletale consists of fiber-optic lines that follow the complete loop inside the sling, one fiber for each side. Each optical fiber is continuous and emerges from the sling at the mid-point, as shown below.

Note: The ends of the optical cable may be dirty from use. When performing the light continuity test always ensure that the ends are clean. It may be necessary to cut a very small piece off each end before testing.

For detailed information on the types, costs, order numbers, and weight limits of the slings refer to Maintenance Bulletin 1062-BRestraining Slings for Cement Heads InTouch Content ID# 3562542. Locations that already have the slings in use can continue to use them on the 16-in through 20 in-heads (TPXC 3000-12 ft). The TPXC 1000 (8 ft with 5-ton hook) can be used on all cement heads up through the 9 5/8-in single or double cement head. This applies to both standard pressure and integral cement heads.

Fiber optic

Figure 6-11. Optic Lines

If light can be transmitted from one end of the fiber optic cable to the other, the sling has not been overloaded or damaged and can remain in service. However, if light cannot be transmitted from one end to the other, the sling must be removed from service.

A durable carrying case is provided with each set of slings. After each use, the slings should be cleaned, inspected, and placed in the bag. Before inspecting the sling, wash it with soap and water. The slings are approved for washing with a high-pressure washer. Inspection of twin-path slings • Tattletales should extend to the black line marked across both paths of the sling. If neither tattletale is visible or if neither extends past the black line, remove the sling from service (see Fig. 6-12). If Tell-Tails show evidence of chemical degradation, remove the sling from service and send it to the manufacturer for evaluation and repair.

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• Slings should be inspected to see whether the outer cover is cut or torn. Slings must be removed from service if the white core yarns become exposed. If cuts to the inner red jacket are visible, remove the sling from service immediately and send it back to the manufacturer for repair if possible. Damage to the cover may indicate load core damage. • Inspect the slings for evidence of heat damage. Slings with polyester or Covermax covers should not be exposed to temperatures above 82 degC (180 degF). Cold temperature exposure down to –40 degC (–40 degF) does not affect the strength of the products. Any other temperature to which the equipment will be exposed should be referred to the manufacturer for approval. • Fiber-optic light transfer determines core integrity. If light cannot be transmitted from one end of the fiber-optic cable to the other end, the sling has been overloaded or damaged (see Fig. 6-12). If deterioration is found, the sling must be removed from service and returned to the manufacturer for evaluation. Test both optic fibers.


Black line

Sling overloaded

Figure 6-12. Sling Inspection

• Slings removed from service that cannot be repaired should be destroyed so that they are completely unfit for future use. • Abrasion, heat damage, or cuts to the cover may indicate a loss of strength to the load core. These slings should not be used until they have been evaluated by the manufacturer. • Slings should be examined throughout their entire length for abrasions, cuts, heat damage, and fitting distortion. If there is any doubt whatsoever about the sling integrity, remove the sling from service. • Slings must be visually inspected before every cementing job. • After the job, slings should be packed in the bag provided.

38  |  Cement Head Components

• Cracks can show anywhere on the shackle, but the pulling surfaces tend to show most deterioration. Sharp nicks on the shackle should be removed to avoid sling damage and failure. • No modification should be made to Crosby fittings without the consent of the manufacturer. • If any indications are observed, the shackle must be removed from service. Figure 6-13. Slings Bag D-width D - width Optic fiber A

Dim. B

A flashlight shone into this end



3.06 in


1.25 in


1.62 in


1.38 in



+ + + + -

0.25 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.14

Figure 6-15. Shackle Inspection Reflection of light from this end

Figure 6-14. Slings Fiber Check

Inspection of Crosby synthetic sling saver shackles (S-253) • Check for wear, deformation, cracks, sharp nicks, and modifications on all Crosby shackles. • The two major wear points on the Crosby S-235 sling saver shackles are at the pull of the bow (D) and the pull of the pin (B) (see diagram). No more than 10 percent of wear of the original dimensions is acceptable on any Crosby shackles, as shown in Fig. 6‑15.

Inspection of Crosby hooks (5-ton WS-320) Crosby hooks are a part of the sling assembly used for lifting the cement head. • Check for wear, deformation, cracks, nicks, and gouges on all Crosby hooks. • The two major wear points on the Crosby WS-320 synthetic sling saver hooks are at the pull of the eye (B) and the bowl of the hook (D). No more than 5 percent of wear of the original dimension is acceptable (see Figs. 6-16 and 6-17).

• Deformation of the Crosby S-253 sling saver shackle can be measured by the overall length of the shackle (A), the width between the ears of the shackle (C), and whether the pin seats fully in the shackle (see Fig. 6-15). JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  39


B - width




+ + -

0.25 0.25 0.08 0.08


1.47 in


1.63 in


2.00 in +- 0.25 0.25 1.13 in + 0.06





- 0.06

D-width D - width

Figure 6-16. Crosby Hook Inspection

• Remove any hook with a crack, nick, or gouge from service, and repair it by grinding lengthwise, following the contour of the hook (no more than 5 percent of the original dimension, as determined in table.)

For the WS-320 hook, the reference is 2.5 inches. • No modifications should be made to Crosby fittings without the consent of the manufacturer. • If any modification or wear is found, remove the hook from service.

Inspection of Crosby hooks (3-ton WS‑320AN) Deformation indicators

• Check for wear, deformation, cracks, nicks, and gouges on all Crosby hooks. • The two major wear points on Crosby WS‑320AN synthetic sling saver hook are at the pull of the eye (B) and the bowl of the hook (D). Acceptable wear on a Crosby hook is no more than 5 percent of the original dimensions. (see Figure 6-18).

Figure 6-17. Hook Deformation Indicators

• Never use a hook whose throat opening has been widened (which indicates abuse or overload) or whose tip has been bent more than 10 degrees out of plane from the hook body, which is in any other way distorted or bent.

To check for deformations, refer to two strategically placed marks, one just below the shank or eye and the other on the hook tip, to see whether the throat opening has changed. Use a tape measure to measure the distance between the marks. The marks should align to either an inch or a half-inch increment on the tape measure (see Fig. 6-17). If the measurement does not meet this criterion, the hook should be inspected further for possible damage. 40  |  Cement Head Components

• Never use a hook whose throat opening has increased, whose tip has been bent more than 10 degrees out of plane from the hook body, or which is in any other way distorted or bent.

Note: A latch will not work properly on a hook with a bent or worn tip.

4. Remove any hook with a crack, nick, or gouge from service and repair it by grinding lengthwise, following the contour of the hook (no more than 5 percent of the original dimensions).


B - width




+ + -

0.25 0.25 0.08 0.08


1.47 in


1.63 in


2.00 in +- 0.25 0.25 1.13 in + 0.06





- 0.06

D-width D - width

Figure 6-18. Hook Widths

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This page left intentionally blank

42  |  Cement Head Components

7.0  Cement Head Job Execution 7.1 Cement head prejob checklist Table 1-1. Prejob Checklist

Pre-job checklist

Use the following cement head prejob checklist to ensure that the cement head job progresses smoothly. (The appendix of this manual provides checklists also for prejob, rig-up, rig‑down, and STEM I procedures.) Complete each of the tasks before going to the job location.


Check the size, weight, and thread of the casing. These provide information about the size of the cement head and the adapter to use.


Check the adapter thread type and thread gauge quality to make sure they are appropiate for the job.


Check the bail size to determine whether to use a single- or double-plug cement head.


Determine the expected working pressure of the well as specified in the Cementing Minimum Service Quality Standards that can be found in InTouch.


Make sure the plug type is compatible with the cement head and in good condition.


Confirm that the plugs meet the requirements for well pressure, temperature, casing weight, and size requirements.


Review the maintenance documentation to confirm that the cement head has been pressure tested and inspected in the last 12 months. Cement heads must be pressure tested and threads checked at least once a year as specified in Safety Standard

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5: Pressure Pumping and Location Safety, InTouch Content ID# 3313681.


Inspect the green tagged cement head with the following procedure: 1. Disassemble the manifold from the cement head.

Cement head OD Pull pin assembly Thread Cement head major ID Pull pin

2. Open each of the hammer valves (make sure they open easily and that they are clean). 3. The thread-halves should be checked for good seals on all 1502 thread halves. 4. Pass a bar or run water through each of the thread halves to make sure there is no cement or mud clogging the valves. 5. Do the same for the manifold. 6. Check the threads of the cement head. If there is mud or cement residue, clean the threads with a wire brush. 7. Clean the pinhole of the wire tattletale, if one is being used. 8. Make sure the pull pins open, close, and turn easily. Note the number of turns needed to fully extract. Check that retract and engage fully by checking them visually inside the cement head.

44  |  Cement Head Job Execution

Figure 7-1. Correct Pull Pin Assembly

9. If the head is a quick-connect, set the quick coupler on the floor and check the O-ring to be sure it is in good condition. Screw the head on, and make sure the fit is correct. 10. Make sure the thread protector is installed. 11. Have a spare set of O-rings available. 12. Ensure that there are back up plugs (one top and one bottom). Once the head is in the pick-up or before the job, always remove the cap and check the O‑ring to be sure it is in good condition. With the cap off, check the pin from inside the cement head. Check for full movement and to see if the pins feel loose. If the pin is in working condition, set it in the CLOSED position. If a plug is loaded at this time, follow the steps detailed in 7.1.4 Loading the wiper plug section of this manual.

7.1.1 General job inspection procedure for cement heads The following checks are required before cement heads are placed on the ready rack or before they are used on a service job.

Cement heads


Read at least two to three previous STEM reports and make sure any pending repairs have been made. Clean all

Figure 7-2. Cement Head STEM

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threads with solvent and check the threads with casing thread gauge (P/N 518218000).


Remove and clean all caps and check all O-rings. Replace the O-ring in the top cap before beginning the job if it is damaged.

Figure 7-4. Hammer Ears


Grease all valves and check that they operate properly.


Check the plug release mechanism to see that it operates properly. Ensure that the pin is not bent or damaged. Replace any bent or damaged pin.

STEP 05 Figure 7-3. Damaged Hammer Ears and O-Ring

Put thread protector on any threads.


Verify that the tattletale functions properly and moves freely.


Green-tag the cement head with the date serviced and the initials of the person performing the maintenance.


Put additional O-rings for the cap, quick connection, and pin in a container with a pressure test chart.


Make sure that the cement head's paint is undamaged and make touch-ups as needed.

46  |  Cement Head Job Execution


Verify that the white lines across the pull pin are visible.

Circulating swages

Quick couplings Quick couplings must be inspected before to every job. Follow the inspection guidelines in the Treating Equipment Manual, Version B, InTouch Content ID # 3013931, Section 8.


Clean the threads with solvent and check them with thread gauge (P/N 518218000).


Disassemble the quick-coupling, and check the O-rings and mating surfaces. Replace nicked or pinched O-rings. Install thread protectors, and return to service. Casing swivels

Figure 7-5. Circulating Swages


Clean the threads with solvent, and check them with thread gauge (P/N 518218000).





Clean the threads with solvent, and check them with the thread gauge (P/N 518218000). Check swivel rotation for freedom of movement. If movement is restricted, red-tag it, and replace.


Grease the casing swivel. First remove the Allen head screw opposite the grease zerk, then grease until the returns out of the bleed port are clean. (For a review on this procedure refer to JET 1, Treating Iron, InTouch Content ID# 4127821).


Remove the seal ring from the 1502 connection, inspect and replace. Lubricate seal ring and thread. Check the internal diameter of the swage to ensure that there is no erosion or corrosion that could create a thin wall and decrease the pressure rating of the swage. Do not use threaded swages. A threaded swage is a swage that has the 1502 thread half screwed onto the swage by means of an 11 1/2-V thread. Welded swages are those to which the 1502 Weco connection is attached by welding.

Apply thread protector to threads.


Place a green tag on the swivel with the date serviced and the initials of the person performing the service maintenance.

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7.1.2 Safety Before every cement job, make sure you know and understand all appropriate safety procedures. The following key documents describe the required safety procedures: • Safety Standard 5: Pressure Pumping and Location Safety, InTouch Content ID# 3313681 • Standard S013: Mechanical Lifting, InTouch Content ID# 3260276 • Standard 14: Power Winches, InTouch Content ID# 3313689 • Pressure Management/Planning: Checklist and Data Sheet for Well Services Safety Standard 28, InTouch Content ID# 4090045

7.1.3 Before attaching the cement head


Set the quick-connect coupling into the casing before the casing is raised on the derrick.

Figure 7-6. Loading the Bottom Plug


Make sure that the safety slings, a valve bar, and safety chains are ready for use, if necessary. Also have ready a tee and a valve in case you are not going to wash the on top of the plug.

7.1.4 Loading the wiper plugs


Make sure that the pull pins are functioning before loading each wiper plug. Reconfirm the number of turns required to fully retract the bottom and top pull pins.


Follow this procedure when loading top and bottom wiper plugs into the cement head.

Clean any mud off the threads of the cement heads. Mud can be picked up by the head while it is moving. Using the winch of the crane (if available) and the help of an operator, unload the head from the truck.


Ensure that both wiper plugs are present and undamaged.


If both plugs are the same color, ensure that the top and bottom plugs are kept apart and are clearly labeled.

48  |  Cement Head Job Execution


Close the upper pull pin so that the top wiper plug is supported.


With the top pin fully extended across the internal bore of the cement head, push the top plug until it seats on the pull pin. Install the top plug last. The top plug is solid. The base of the plug must rest on the pull pin. Have a witness on site

Figure 7-7. Ensure Type and Position of Plugs


Extract the upper pull pin so that the bottom wiper plug can be loaded. With the bottom (lower) pin fully extended across the internal bore of the cement head, push the bottom plug until it rests on the pull pin.

This is the bottom plug (orange) being loaded - notice how the top pull pin is fully extracted to allow the passage of the bottom wiper plug.

This is the top plug (black) being loaded notice how the top pull pin is fully retracted to support the top plug when it is inserted.

Figure 7-9. Secure a Witness

Before loading the cement head, ensure that one or more of the following individuals are present at the loading: This is the operator retracting the upper pull pin so that the top wiper plug can be loaded.

Figure 7-8. Loading the Bottom and the Top Plug


Be sure to install the bottom plug first. The bottom plug has a hollow core and a diaphragm. The base of the plug must rest on the pull pin.

• company representative • drilling superintendent/tool pusher • drilling engineer • other client representatives.

Shut the top valve on the manifold. The top valve remains closed and the bottom or middle valve remains open.

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Whether the plug has departed can be determined by the tattletale lever:

7.1.5 Setting the tattletale

• Prior to plug departure, the tattletale lever will point toward the cement head. 1. Prior to plug departure the tattletail lever will point towards the cement head body.

2. After plug departure the tattle tail lever will point away from the cement head body.

Figure 7-10. Tattletale

Before dropping the wiper plugs into the cement head set the tattletale to evaluate when and if the wiper plugs have dropped. A malfunctioning cement head can result in serious damage to the well.


Make sure that the tattletale (wire or mechanical) mechanism is not stuck and that the seal is in place and undamaged. If a tattletale cap is available and wire is used, follow these guidelines: • For small plugs, wrap a piece of bailing wire around the middle wipers of the plug and push the plug into the head. Set the tattletale and tighten the rubber on the wire. • For a flex-plug or a flex-latch in the plug (the flex plug is used on a two-stage job as the first plug), do not load the plug a long time ahead of the job. The flex plug can slip in the cement head and become hung in the pin. For best results, load the plug in the head just before displacing.

Set the mechanical tattletale:


Before the wiper plug is released, the tattletale lever arm (inside the cement head) should be pointing up, and the external indicator should be pointing up towards the body of the cement head.

50  |  Cement Head Job Execution

• After the plug departure, the tattletale lever will point away from the cement head.

7.1.6 Connecting the cement head

Warning: When attaching the cement head, be careful not to drop any tools inside the casing or around the rig floor.

Always follow these guidelines when taking tools to connect the cement head: • Do not carry any tools that are extremely heavy or big. Tools must be easy to handle. • Do not carry any tools or objects in pockets while aloft that could be dropped into the casing. Make sure that you have a chinstrap on your hard hat.

These combinations are available for both fabricated and integral heads

IRI cement head male ACME thread IRI cement head male ACME thread IRI Quick coupler ACME thread Casing thread

IRI cement head male ACME thread FMC fast-latch ACME thread

Standard casing pin IRI quick coupler ACME thread/ FMC Fast-Latch ACME thread

Cement head FMC Fast-Latch Coupler

FMC Fast-Latch

Figure 7-11. Connection Combinations for Heads



After the cement head is in position and stabbed into the casing; the supervisor can ask for tools to complete the connection of the cement head. The tools can be delivered to the supervisor in a basket or bag attached to the manifold.

When using a screw-in head, make sure the rig sets the slips and slacks off on the elevators before the head is screwed in. Otherwise, the collar may not fit correctly on the head; a poor fit will result in a poor seal.


After the casing is in place, connect the head to the quick coupling. If a quick coupling is not being used, connect the head to the casing. When connecting the head, be sure that the plug pin on the head can be backed off because the pin is occasionally trapped in the rig’s elevator bails. Before the manifold is sent up in the derrick make sure the chiksan (swivel), safety cable, and valve bar (used to open and close the cement head valves) are attached to the manifold.


Attach the manifold to the head. Be sure that the top valve is shut if there is a plug in the head. Securing the cement head The cement head must be secured while cement is being pumped during a job. However, if the head separates from the casing, the securing cables will prevent the head from falling and damaging equipment or injuring personnel. The Safety Standards now allow the use of two small slings on single-plug cement heads that are 8-5/8 in and smaller.

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The slings are used in the choke mode as shown in Fig. 7-12. Twin-path slings are used now instead of wire rope cable. Even though the slings have a far greater load capacity than the cables used in the past, they can still be cut or crushed. Do not allow the sling to be stretched over sharp corners or between the treating iron and the elevator.

Check the following before leaving the derrick after hooking up the head: • Valves are in the top shut, bottom open position. • The valves and pins are accessible for operation.

If a cement head slips out of the casing and the sling breaks the fall, that sling must be removed from service until an optical line integrity check and a mechanical tattletale check are performed.


Safety sling - as per Maintenance Bulletin 1062

To use a Slingmax twin-path sling on a cement head, complete the following steps. For complete instructions, refer to Maintenance Bulletin 1062 “MUST DO” InTouch Content ID# 2023244, Sling for Cement Heads. Treating line


Wrap the twin-path sling around the cement head between the manifold nipples (see Fig. 7-13).

STEP 02 a choker.

Pass the sling through itself, forming


Wrap the free end of the sling around the elevator (bail) until snug; then secure back to the sling between the head and bail using the special Crosby hook or shackle.


An alternative to Step 3 is to take the loose end of the sling to the upper eye of the elevator bail to take up slack. This can be passed through the eye and hooked back to itself, as in Step 3.

52  |  Cement Head Job Execution

Figure 7-12. Securing the Safety Slings

7.1.7 Pressure testing When pressure testing, remember to: • Flush the lines and remove air pockets • Close the bottom valve and pressure test as required (ensure that all valves are fully closed) • Bleed off the pressure at the unit, not against the plugs.

7.1.8 Excessive pressure testing If the customer makes a change to the drilling program, be sure to conduct a pressure test. If the pressure goes beyond the pressure rating of the head, inform and review the changes on the program with the FSM or cell leader.

To drop a preloaded plug: When the spacer and washer have been pumped and the pump unit stopped, open the middle valve, release the bottom plug, and close the bottom valve. Resume pumping the cement slurry.

Figure 7-13. Pressure Testing

7.2 Single-stage job 7.2.1 Dropping plugs in a single-stage job Unless instructed otherwise, all plugs should be released with the cement unit in standby mode (engines idling and pumps out of gear).If a flex plug or latch-in plug is used, load the plug just before displacement begins (“stuff the plug”) while washing up to the pit.

Figure 7-15. Dropping the Bottom Plug, Valves Open in Green

Figure 7-16. Dropping the Top Plug, Valves Open in Green

When the cement pumping is complete, ensure that the pumps on the unit are stopped.


Loosen the tattletale wire seal nut.


Turn the pin the required number of turns to release the plug.

Figure 7-14. Loaded Plugs


If necessary, wash the lines.


Open the top valve.

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  53


Close the middle or bottom valve.


Start pumping the displacement mud or fluid slowly.


Check the tattletale for plug departure. If in doubt of the departure, review the contingency plan with a company representative; then remove the cement head cap, and check for plug departure.

7.2.2 Troubleshooting Top plug fails to bump The top plug may fail to bump because of an incorrect displacement calculation or poor mud displacement efficiency. If the top plug does not bump:


After pumping about 5 bbl (800L) of displacement, open all the valves on the cement head to wash out any cement.

Note: Special permission and instructions from management are required when dropping plugs on the fly (while the cement pump is pumping).

Load plugs by hand:


To load a plug, the valves on the cement head should be closed (you are probably pumping to the pit and washing up). The plug pin should be open. Knock the bull plug off the top of the cap to relieve any suction the cement has on the cap. (If you do not do this, the cement U-tube effect will probably suck the O-ring off the cap down the hole.) Once the bull plug is off you can knock the cap off.


Place the plug in the head; use a valve bar to push the plug all the way into the casing or as far into the head as possible (be sure to chain the valve bar securely to the cement head). Then put the cap and bull plug back on the cement head.

STEP 03 next plug.

Repeat these steps to load the

54  |  Cement Head Job Execution

Figure 7-17. Top Plug Fails to Bump

1. Check the displacement calculation, including the casing tally and pump efficiency (having the correct pump efficiency before the cement job starts is recommended). 2. Do not over-displace more than half of the shoe track volume. If the plug is still not bumped, stop pumping and check returns. Tattletale malfunction Manifold valve is stiff If any of the high-pressure manifold plug valves are too stiff or cannot be moved, stop the job. Remove the cement head and attach a circulating swedge or water bushing to the casing while the plug valve is being repaired.

1. Prior to plug departure the tattletail lever will point towards the cement head body.

2. After plug departure the tattle tail lever will point away from the cement head body.

Figure 7-18. Tattletale

After the wiper plug is released, the tattletale points down and the indicator points away from the cement head body. If this fails to occur, notify the client immediately. The correct sequence of events should always be the following: 1. Prior to plug departure, the tattletale lever points towards the cement head body. 2. After the plug departure, the tattletale lever points away from the cement head body. Pin pull is stiff If the pull pin is too stiff to move or if it has been bent, when the wiper plug is launched remove the head and place the plugs in the casing (as needed). Then, replace either the head or the circulating swedge. Then finish the displacing procedure.

Figure 7-20. Leaking Pin Puller Pressure spikes If the area around the lower pull-pin begins to leak after the bottom plug had been dropped and while pumping cement slurry, screw the pin back in. Make sure the plug has dropped by checking the tattletale position.

Figure 7-19. Pull Pin is Stiff

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  55

Figure 7-22. Flex Plug

2. After the first stage displacement, drop the opening plug (bomb) with the bail open (do not pump on the bomb until it is at the stage tool).

Figure 7-21. Manifold Valve Is Stiff

7.3 Two-stage job On a two-stage job, it is best to load the first‑stage plug by hand. The closing plug can then be loaded before the second stage is begun. This is the safest way to ensure that the plugs are dropped correctly.

Figure 7-23. Bomb Landing

3. Unless the client requests otherwise, load the closing plug immediately after dropping the opening bomb.

1. The first plug in a two-stage job is always a flex plug. This plug needs to be loaded by hand as described in the previous chapter.

Figure 7-24. Closing Plug

56  |  Cement Head Job Execution

4. Open the valve to the wash-up line. This will drain all fluid from the head and allow a visibility check. 5. Visually check to see that the plug pin is working and that it is closed. 6. The plug can then be loaded. Make sure the plug fits firmly against the pin. 7. Release the plug as for a typical cement job. 8. With non-standard plugs (for example, tapered plugs), it is critical that they fit properly in the cement heads. Some plugs are too long or too wide. When such a problem arises, follow this procedure:

7.4 Non-standard cement plug 7.4.1 At district

STEP 01 Confirm all specifications and

dimensions for the cement head and plug (outer diameter, length, etc.).

STEP 02 Test the actual plug manually to

verify that it passes freely through the cement head and bowl (check clearance).

7.4.2 On location


Visually check the cement head on location and count the number of turns to open/close the retaining pin.

required. After the vacuum is off, remove the cap.


Inspect the inside of the cement head. If it is full of cement slurry, drain it, opening the lower valve on the manifold to see the retaining pin and the lower port.


Open the pin, visually checking that it is 100 percent open. If it is not possible to check visually, count the number of turns needed to open the pin at the beginning of the procedure and compare.


Load the plug into the cement head and push it down below the retaining pin. Reinstall the cap.


Pump half a shoe track volume, which is the volume between the float collar and one float shoe.


Shut down the pump and release the pressure and vacuum.


Remove the cap. Visually inspect that the plug is gone. If the plug has not left, pull out the cement head, pull the plug from the head, and drop the plug manually into the casing. Reinstall the cap and resume displacement.

7.5 Postjob





Rig up with some means of relieving the U-tube (e.g., using a tee and valve) before beginning pumping. To load a plug, relieve the U-tube vacuum. Close the valves on the cement head if pumping to the pit and washing up are

Open the top valve.

Either on location or upon return to the District, prepare the head for the next job (perform a STEM). If the plug did not bump during displacement, open the head to make sure that the plug is not there.

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  57


Open all the valves, with fully inserted pull pins. If the head is to be left on location, leave the pins inserted to avoid damage during movement by the rig crew.

STEP 04 outside.

Clean the head both inside and


Run water through all the valves on the manifold. (This should also have been done during the displacement stage of the cement job when the plug valves were cycled open and closed.)


Grease the head, sealing area, and manifold plug valves. During the greasing process, the valve cap should be in the open position to allow the grease to escape under pressure; otherwise, the grease may force the seals out of their segments. Between grease strokes, move the valve from open to closed and back to open to ensure good coverage with grease within the valve.


Check that all O-rings and seal rings are in place and not damaged.


Green-tag the head if everything is in order. If there is still a problem, red-tag it. General maintenance for cement heads is discussed in the Well Services Safety Standard 23: Testing and Inspection of Treating Equipment TBT (Multi-language), InTouch Content ID# 3675503.

58  |  Cement Head Job Execution

8.0  Maintenance and Inspections Cement heads should be painted Schlumberger blue, with the working pressure (clearly stated units) and size painted in white, at least 1 in high; the valve indicators should also be painted white (to clearly show the direction of the valve). Chaining the valve bar to the manifold is recommended to prevent the bar from being dropped into the hole or annulus or onto the rig floor. If there is a change in plug supplier, ensure that the new plugs completely pass through the head with a minimum force and that they cannot pass by the extended pins. As a minimum, the cement head should be pressure-tested to its working pressure once a year. The manifold and body should be thickness-tested as specified in Standard 14 Section VI. Review Maintenance Bulletin 1062-B— Restraining Slings for Cement Heads, InTouch Content ID# 3562542, for twin-path slings.

8.1 12-month inspection For optimum performance and to ensure safety, cement heads and quick couplings must be thoroughly tested and pressure tested at least once a year. This 12-month check is described in detail in the WSSS 23: Testing and Inspection of Treating Equipment TBT (Multi-language), InTouch Content ID# 3675503. For additional information refer to the Treating Equipment Manual, Version B, InTouch Content ID# 3013931, Section 8. Cement head inspection The following list identifies the specific mandatory cement head inspections and maintenance checks that are required at a minimum of every 12 months. In some locations the client or contact may require additional testing. If you are responsible for the maintenance of cement heads, make sure that you understand and perform the procedure accurately. To determine the pressure integrity of the cement head, complete the following steps:

Review Maintenance Bulletin 1100 “MUST DO”, InTouch Content ID# 2023276, for issues regarding the internal chamber on some IRI cement heads.


Review Technical Alert 2000-09, InTouch Content ID# 2040682, and Maintenance Bulletin 1056, InTouch Content ID# 2023239, for pull pin checks and maintenance.


Periodically, the reference page for Cement Heads, InTouch Content ID# 3266798, for updated Technical Alerts, Maintenance Bulletins, and content related to cement heads.

Perform an ultrasonic thickness test on the head and manifold (refer to Fig. 8-1).


Check all 1502 unions with a gauge


Pressure-test to the working pressure of the head as indicated in the Treating Equipment Manual, Version B, InTouch Content ID #3013931, Section 8.


Hold the stabilized pressure test for a minimum of 3 minutes.

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  59


Pressure-test the valves in the manifold from both sides.


Identify the head and manifold with a serial number and tag the equipment in such a way that is permanent.


Document the results of the inspection and tests.


Remove from service any head or component that does not pass any part of the inspection or test. If possible, repair it; if not, destroy it.


Remove and disassemble the pull pin assembly. Inspect the pull pin for corrosion, bending, and cracks. Subject each pull pin to magnetic particle or dye inspection. Any pins showing cracks must be removed from service and repaired.

60  |  Maintenance and Inspections

Figure 8-1. Measuring Erosion as Part of 12-Month Inspection

Ultrasonic thickness Perform an ultrasonic thickness test on the head and manifold as indicated in Fig. 8-1 above.

8.1.1 Cap and O-ring inspection guideline Check that the top cap and O-ring are in satisfactory condition for use. Check that the hammer ears are in good condition for knocking the cap to a suitable tightness. This top cap does not need to be hammered to tighten it.

Figure 8-2. Cap and O-Ring Inspection

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  61

8.1.2 O-ring inspection

8.1.3 Inside cement head inspection Check the inside of the cement head where the O-ring seals against the bore of the cement head body. This area should be smooth and free from scratches and other marks that could affect how effectively the O-ring is able to seal against the cement head.

8.1.4 Pull pin inspection

Figure 8-3. O-Ring Inspection

Inspect the condition of the sealing O-ring and the locating groove. This is critical because the O-ring provides the sealing mechanism for the top of the cement head. For example, the cement head will not seal if the O-ring is missing, even if the top cap is hammered as tight as possible. Rubber O‑rings should be clean, have no cuts, and fit the groove uniformly. The groove itself should be clean and free of cement or other residues. Extra top cap O-rings should always be supplied with the cement head. Keep them in the plastic bag until you need them; the plastic bag protects O-rings from UV light, increasing their lifespan.

62  |  Maintenance and Inspections

Figure 8-4. Pull Pin Inspection

Check the pull pin visually to ensure that it retracts and engages fully; do not rely solely on counting the turns. As an additional inspection measure, count the number of turns before the cement head is loaded and stabbed (moved to the rig floor). Be sure that the correct pin is fitted to the head. Install the pin before departure to a job, as the pin can only be changed before.

Correct pull pin installation

Incorrect pin installation

Cement head OD

Cement head OD Pull pin assembly

Pull pin assembly


Thread Cement head major ID

Cement head major ID

Pull pin

Pull pin

Figure 8-6. Incorrect Pull Pin Installation Figure 8-5. Correct Pull Pin Installation

It is essential that pin puller assemblies are correctly installed to ensure safe operation and accurate performance. Figures 8-5 and 8-6 provide examples of correct and incorrect pin installation.

Note how the pull pin is still protruding beyond the bore of the cement head when it has been fully retracted. This is not how the pull pin should appear. The job supervisor must check the pin’s operation before leaving the base for the job location.

Correct pin installation The cement head shown in Figure 8-5 is a 7-in fabricated type with only the body and pull pin shown. Note that the pull pin is now fully retracted (maximum travel achieved) and no longer protrudes into the bore of the cement head.

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  63

8.1.5 Manifold valves

8.1.6 Maintenance bulletins A listing of the maintenance and technical bulletins with which you should be familiar is available in Section II, References of this JET manual. These and future bulletins can be found at http://intouchsupport.com.

Figure 8-7. Manifold Valve

While the cement head is in transit, and before stabbing in, all the plug valves on the manifold should be open. Pressure-testing the high-pressure manifolds All plug valves on the cement head should be operational. It should be possible to turn them with relative ease and they should not become increasingly stiff when turned in either direction. Make sure that the plug valve caps are in place and tight to allow effective turning of the plug. A valid pressure test certificate (or COP) should be attached to or travel with the cement head on the way to location.

64  |  Maintenance and Inspections

9.0  Casing Adapters 9.1 Casing threads These combinations are available for both fabricated and integral heads

IRI cement head male ACME thread IRI cement head male ACME thread IRI Quick coupler ACME thread Casing thread

IRI cement head male ACME thread FMC fast-latch ACME thread

Standard casing pin IRI quick coupler ACME thread/ FMC Fast-Latch ACME thread

Cement head FMC Fast-Latch Coupler

FMC Fast-Latch

Figure 9-1. Casing Adapters

Casing threads are typically tapered. Two basic types of casing threads are shown (Fig. 9-2). round and buttress. There are two kinds of round casing threads: long and short. A short male thread can be mated with a long thread collar, but not vice-versa. See API Specification 5B for more details, API Publications, InTouch Content ID# 3853152, Access to API Publications.

Round casing threads

Buttress casing threads

Figure 9-2. Typical Round and Buttress Threads

The figure above shows typical round and buttress casing threads. For inspection information, see Well Services Safety Standard 23: Testing

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  65

and Inspection of Treating Equipment TBT (Multi‑language), InTouch Content ID# 3675503. The nominal size of the threads corresponds to the pipe's outside diameter.

IRI conventional and extra-high-pressure (XHP) quick-coupling nuts have different widths. All conventional quick-coupling nuts are 5-1/2 in wide and all XHP quick coupling nuts are 7 in wide.

All round casing thread is 8 threads per inch. All buttress casing thread is 5 threads per inch.

Note: Premium threads are available by special request. Contact regional technical resources for information.

9.2 Crossovers Crossovers are adapters used to enable two components with different thread types or sizes to be connected. A list of authorized adapters can be found in the Treating Equipment Manual, Version B, InTouch Content ID# 3013931. Schlumberger provides executable software, the Treating Adapter Selection program, that will identify the appropiate adapter and its part number. This program is available at http://www.rd.oilfield.slb.com/emwd/tedb.htm. When necessary, FMC will manufacture specialty connections on a regional basis through FMC-approved machine shops for Schlumberger. The finished adapters must conform to FMC's quality standards.

9.3 Quick coupler Quick couplers for standard pressure cement heads (5,000 psi) do not fit the Acme threads in an integral cement head. Identification of conventional and extra‑high‑pressure couplings 66  |  Casing Adapters

Figure 9-3. Quick Coupler Nut

Male sub

Female sub

Cement Head End E

Casing End




O-Ring B

Figure 9-4. IRI Quick Coupling

321 Series design parameters All IRI 321 series quick couplers are designed for exclusive use with conventional cement heads. For safety reasons, the 321 series will not mate correctly with Schlumberger's extra‑high-pressure cement heads. 321XH Series design parameters All IRI’s 321XH Series quick couplers are designed for exclusive use with Schlumberger extra-high-pressure (XHP) cement heads. As with the 321 Series, for safety reasons

the 321XH series will not mate correctly with Schlumberger conventional cement heads. IRI recommends several inspection procedures and checks, for jobs that involve our quick couplers. The following checks should be performed before and after each job to ensure safety and proper operation. Make sure that the male sub is fully engaged in the head. Also, ensure that the lock ring is tightly secured. Check all seals and seal ring surfaces for any damage.

Note: Never use a pipe wrench or allow any other type of tightening device on the threads or sealbore of the female sub. This can cause damage and leakage. Use either power tongs or a chain wrench on the tong space provided.

Note: Any nicks or damage may prevent the sub threads from fully engaging. Leaking or artificial torque-up may occur if the threads are damaged.

9.4 Fast-latch couplers (FLC) 9.4.1 Fast-latch coupler

Figure 9-5. Do Not Damage Threads

Protect the seal surface on subs at all times to maintain secure tight connections.

The fast latch coupler is a manually operated device that decreases rig-up time and increases safety during the operation of a cement head. It can also be used as a circulating head using a dedicated swedge. The fast latch coupler is intended to provide a safer and more efficient alternative to a threaded casing adapter.

Inspect the casing threads before each job. The threads must be free of damage to work properly and safely.

Note: Any abrasions or nicks may cause the seal to leak.

Figure 9-6. FLC Basic Principle

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  67

The fast latch coupler has three basic functions: sealing, latching, and unlatching (see Fig. 9-7).

FLC body Wave spring

The fast latch coupler seals to the top of any type of casing coupling that conforms to API 8‑round, short or long, buttress, and VAM, while a set of split dogs latches the FLC underneath the casing collar. Activating two external handles simultaneously does the latching and unlatching. These handles rotate cams that push the dogs against the casing, by moving a piston down. A locking pin prevents any unlatching (see Fig. 9-7). The coupling seal is highly pressure-energized by a wave spring and has been specifically designed to seal to the casing collar end, even if the end has some damage. Because of the wave spring, the coupling seal is always in contact with the top of the collar, ensuring a seal even under vacuum conditions. When the casing is pressurized, the difference in the surface area between the coupling

Coupling seal

Casing collar ID Casing seal ID Load F = (Areacoupling seal OD Areacollar ID) x Pressure Figure 9-8. Coupling Seal

seal outer diameter and the casing collar inner diameter is multiplied by the pressure to create a force F applied to the coupling seal body. The force pushes the coupling seal onto the top face of the casing collar to form a perfect seal (see Fig. 9-8). To unlatch the system, ensure that the pressure has been released, remove the locking pin, and simultaneously push the two handles backward. The internal piston moves up, and the dogs retract into the lower body of the fast latch with the aid of springs.

Warning: Figure 9-7. FLC Locking Pin

To avoid damage when handling the cable, always position the locking pin ring on the handle when the locking pin is not connected..

9.4.2 Operation The fast-latch coupler seals on the top of the casing collar and latches underneath the collar. Because there are different types of casing collars, the length of the fast latch coupler has

68  |  Casing Adapters

to be adjusted before making any connection (see Table 9-1).

1 2


Table 9-1. Casing Collar Length Range


Collar Length (in/mm)

Size (in)











12 3x




4 10




4 1/2



5 1/2






7 5/8



9.4.3 Adjustment operation

8 5/8



9 5/8



10 3/4



11 3/4



Measure (in inches) the length of the casing collar of the last casing joint. Display this measured length on the engraved rule of the fast-latch coupler’s body (#1) (see Fig. 9-9) according to the adjustment procedure. The rule has 0.125-in (1/8-in) increments.

13 3/8







4 1/2



The FLC only works in the range defined in the Table 9-1.

4 1/2






Figure 9-9. Exploded View of Fast-Latch Coupler

Adjustment procedure

Note: In the following description, each part is identified by its name and item number as listed in the assembly drawing (see FMC Fast‑Latch Coupler (FLC) Operator’s Manual InTouch Content ID# 3582955, Fig. 9-9 and Appendix A).


Loosen the three hexagonal‑socket set screws (#12) located on the top of the lower body (#3).


Rotate the body (#1) clockwise to decrease the length or counter clockwise to increase it.


Adjust to the measured length. The number displayed on the engraved rule at the top of the lower housing (#3) must match the measured casing collar length.

STEP 04 evenly.

Tighten all three set screws

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  69

As a backup to the rule method, adjust the gap (Figure. 9-10) according to the following formula: Gap (in) = Collar length (in) 7.75 in for the 9-5/8 in


The equipment is now ready for the treating lines to be hooked up.

Gap (in) = Collar length (in) 8.00 in for the 13‑3/8 in




Figure 9-10. Rule Engraved on Body Figure 9-11. Preparation for Casing on Slips

Rig-up Two options are available for rigging up.

Option 2


Option 1 The first option is to assemble the fast-latch coupler and then rig up the cement head. Follow this procedure:


Lift the fast-latch casing assembly and lower it over the casing collar.



To apply this procedure, a support assembly is required to connect the cement head to the fast-latch coupler.


Install the fast-latch coupler on


Repeat Steps 2 and 3 from

this support.


Latch the fast-latch coupler system by pulling the two handles (#14) down and securing them with the locking pin (#17).

Option 1.

Try to push the handles back. If they are properly secured, they will remain latched.



Install the cement head.

70  |  Casing Adapters

Set the casing on slips or long

Lift the fast-latch coupler/cement head assembly and lower it over the casing collar.


Latch the fast-latch coupler system by pulling the two handles (#14) down and securing them with the locking pin (#17).


Try to push the handles back. If they are properly secured they will remain latched.


The equipment is now ready for the treating lines to be hooked up. Having a bowl available is recommended in case the fast-latch coupler fails. If this happens, an exemption is necessary. Call your FSM and explain job details before using the bowl.

9.4.4 Rig-down

STEP 01 off.


Ensure that all pressure is bled

Remove all safety cables.


Ensure that the elevators are not applying a load to the fast-latch coupler. The entire system can be removed at once or the cement head can be removed before the fast-latch coupler assembly.


To remove the entire assembly, remove the locking pin (#17) from the fast-latch coupler and simultaneously push back the two handles (#14) to unlatch the device. 1. Lift the assembly with the elevators while pulling it with the cat line (see Fig. 9-12). 2. Install the assembly on the fast-latch coupler support assembly. 3. When transporting the fast-latch coupler, remove it from its support.

Figure 9-12. Rig Down Entire Assembly

Warning: To avoid any coupling seal damage, do not transport the fast-latch coupler installed on the support assembly. To facilitate preventive maintenance, immediately clean all parts with water.


To first remove the cement head, disconnect it from the fast-latch coupler. Hook up the cat line to the cement head and lift it up. Lower the cement head to the rig floor. 1. Remove the locking pin (#17) from the fast -atch coupler and simultaneously push back the two handles (#14) to unlatch the device. 2. Connect a lifting chain to both lift eyes that have been installed in the body of the fast latch coupler, then hook up the cat line to the chain ring.

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  71

3. Lift the fast-latch coupler assembly off the casing and lower it to the rig floor. 4. Latch the fast-latch coupler and secure it with the locking pin in preparation for its transportation. With a swage, the fast-latch coupler can be used as a circulating head. The fast-latch coupler has to be adjusted to fit the casing collar (see the FMC Fast-Latch Coupler (FLC) Operator’s Manual, InTouch Content ID# 3582955, Section 4.1).


Install the swage on top of the FLC. A 2-in. 1502 female Weco sub provides the connection to the treating line (see Fig. 9-13).


Tighten all three hexagon-socket set screws evenly.

Figure 9-13. Circulating Head Preparation


Hook up the cat line to the Weco lifting connection, lift the assembly, and lower it over the casing collar.




Latch the FLC system by pulling the two handles (#14) down and securing them with the locking pin (#17).

Try to unlatch the fast latch coupler. If it is properly secured, you will not be able to unlatch it. Connect the treating line and perform the pumping operation.


Before rigging down the assembly, ensure that all pressure is bled off.


Ensure that the elevators are not applying a load onto the fast-latch coupler.


Remove the treating line and hook up the cat line to the Weco lifting connection.


Remove the locking pin (#17) from the fast-latch coupler and simultaneously push back the two handles (#14) to unlatch the device.

72  |  Casing Adapters


Lift the fast-latch coupler/swage assembly off the casing and lower it to the rig floor.


Either latch the fast-latch coupler and secure it with the locking pin for transportation, or install the cement head for the cement job. To facilitate preventive maintenance, immediately clean all parts with water.

9.4.5 Pressure test The complete fast-latch coupler assembly is pressurized using an external pumping device. The fast latch coupler is tested by means of a test cap positioned inside a casing collar that is mounted on a fast-latch coupler support assembly. Refer to the pressure test procedure in the FMC Fast-Latch Coupler (FLC) Operator’s Manual, InTouch content ID# 3582955, Appendix E.

9.4.6 Preventive maintenance The fast-latch coupler must be maintained in good condition to ensure reliable operation. Preventive maintenance enhances its life, performance, and reliability by minimizing corrosion, wear, and dirt problems. For assembly and disassembly instructions see the FMC Fast Latch Coupler (FLC) Operator’s Manual, InTouch Content ID# 3582955, Section 7, Maintenance.

residual dirt is completely removed. Operate the fast-latch coupler several times during the cleaning operation to ensure that all dirt is removed from the locking dogs area.

STEP 02 housing.

Grease the dogs (#5) and their


Inspect the locking pin and its cable; replace them if necessary. Operate the fast-latch coupler a couple of times to ensure that it is working properly. Periodic maintenance Periodic maintenance must be performed every six jobs or every six months, whichever comes first.


Remove the coupling seal (#9) from the body (#1) and inspect it. Replace the O-ring and/or backup ring if wear or scratches can be seen. With slight scratches or cuts, the rubber seal will still function as designed; however, if there is any doubt about the condition, replace the part. Remove and inspect the wave spring (#13). Clean its housing and grease it before reassembly.


Inspect the ACME threads on the outer and inner (if applicable) diameters of the body (#1) and on the inner diameter of the lower housing (#3). These threads must be free of mud and cement (see Section 7). Routine maintenance Routine maintenance must be performed after each job.


Wash the entire fast-latch coupler with water to remove all mud and cement debris. Thoroughly clean the coupling seal (#9) and wave spring (#13) area to ensure that all JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  73

Note: The body is equipped with a weep hole that is used to detect leakage of mud or cement past the flange O-ring seal. If a large amount of mud or cement has collected in the threads, the O-ring seal on the cement head may be damaged and need to be replaced.


Inspect the cam mechanism. Operate the cams to verify that the system is operating smoothly. If necessary, remove the cam assemblies from the lower housing. Inspect the cam pins for signs of excessive wear or brinelling. If necessary, a cam pin can be removed using a 7-32-in diameter x 3¾-inlong drift punch and a new cam pin installed.


Inspect the piston ring (#4). Verify that the ring slides freely inside the lower housing (#3). Inspect the cam pin groove on the outer diameter of the piston ring for burrs or brinelling from the cam pins. Small marks can be removed with a hand grinder.


Remove the lock dog springs (#8). Verify that the springs can form a circle and are not excessively deformed.


Remove the lock dogs (#5). Clean them and their housing. Inspect the dogs for excessive deformation or corrosion.

STEP 07 coupler.

Reassemble the fast-latch Maintenance This section describes the disassembly and assembly of the fast-latch coupler.

74  |  Casing Adapters

The fast-latch coupler is a heavy device. Its disassembly requires the use of a crane or forklift. Place the fast-latch coupler in a clean and clear area. No specific tools are required to perform the maintenance.

9.4.7 Disassembly The FLC consists of two major assemblies— the body assembly, which contains the sealing device, and the lower housing assembly, which houses the locking device mechanism. Body assembly/disassembly


Remove the four hexagonalsocket set screws (#12).


Unscrew the body (#1) from the lower housing (#3). Use a crane or forklift to lift the body while unscrewing it. When the body is completely unscrewed, remove it from the lower housing and place the body upside-down on the floor. Coupling seal removal


Using a screwdriver, remove the ring retainer (#11) and pull out the spacer ring (#7). If it is difficult to remove the coupling seal, use a bearing puller.


Remove the wave spring (#13).

Visually inspect the coupling seal assembly. Check the O-ring and backup ring; there should be no visible wear or scratches. With slight scratches or cuts, the rubber seal will still function as designed. However, replace the part if there is any doubt about its condition.

STEP 04 clean area.


Store the parts in a safe and

Clean each part carefully.

Lower housing disassembly


Cams (#6 and #16) removal: Remove the ring retainer (#10) using a small screwdriver and pull out the cam assembly. Repeat this procedure for the second cam.

Warning: When near the end of the threads, rotate the upper housing slowly and gently. DO NOT TIGHTEN THE THREADS. Secure the upper housing with the four set screws (#12).






Locking dogs (#5) removal: Using a screwdriver, remove the two spring rings (#8) followed by the locking dogs. Upper housing (#2) removal: Loosen the four hexagonal-socket set screws (#12). Unscrew the upper housing using the hexagonal-socket set screws to rotate the housing. Remove the piston (#4) by carefully pulling it out.


Clean each part carefully.

9.4.8 Assembly To assemble the unit, reverse the disassembly procedure.


All parts must be greased using bearing grease. The locking dogs (#5) have a sequence number stamped on the top face (1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-1). Install the locking dogs matching the sequence order.


Install the piston (#4).


Screw in the upper housing (#2).

Put the wave spring (#13) in place.

Install the coupling seal (#9) and the spacer ring (#7). Install the ring retainer (#11). Use a wooden or plastic spacer and a hammer to force the ring retainer into the groove. Make sure that the ring retainer is positioned completely in the groove.


Install the body assembly onto the lower housing assembly. After completing the assembly, adjust the FLC to a casing collar length, and secure the hexagonal-socket set screws. Operate the FLC a couple of times to ensure that it is working properly.

9.4.9 Troubleshooting The table below provides on-site troubleshooting for problems observed on location or during the preliminary test. Always operate the FLC several times to ensure that it is working properly.

9.5 Circulating swages These are swages that are used in the rig to circulate mud. They are available in your own district and can supplied before a cement job.

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  75

Table 9-2. Troubleshooting Guidelines



Unable to lower the FLC over the Latch is in the locked position. casing collar.

Remedy Unlatch the dogs by simultaneously pushing the two handles backwards.

FLC’s size does not match collar size.

Check that the casing collar is the same size as the FLC.

Cam ring retainer is missing.

Install a new ring retainer.

Pin has been sheared.

Replace the pin.

Latch is badly adjusted (dogs are in contact with the casing collar).

Check the adjustment and rotate the body if necessary.

Casing OD > API OD – 1.25%.


Latch is badly adjusted.

With the FLC rigged up, reduce the gap by rotating the lower body (#3) using the handles.

Coupling seal O-ring is damaged.

Replace the O-ring after the job.

The leak is through the weep whole.

Replace the flange O-ring.

Rubber coupling seal is damaged.

Replace the coupling seal.

Unable to unlatch the FLC.

Locking pin is not released.

Remove the locking pin and place it on the cam handle.

Handles do not stay in the unlatched position (i.e. the handles return to the locked position and the dogs are stuck in the locked position).

Casing is still under pressure.

Bleed off the pressure.

Elevators are raising the FLC.

Lower the elevators.

The cat line is lifting the FLC.

Lower the cat line.

Cam handles spin freely.

Unable to latch the FLC.

Leaks while pumping.

76  |  Casing Adapters

10.0  Hardware Tools are available to center the casing, drive the casing into the ground, clean the annulus, and help in many other operations, such as running the casing, and cementing. This casing hardware is described in the this section. When regular casing is being run in the hole, it has a shoe at the end of the casing and a float collar 2 or 3 joints after. Centralizers are used in the joints or at the middle of the casing, to keep it centered in the hole. Scrapers are used to thin the mud cake in the annulus.

Note: Do not run the casing hardware unless you are asked to by the client. Allow experienced personnel on the rig to run these tools.

10.1 Shoes 10.1.1 Guide shoes

deviated wells. The inner components of shoes are made of either aluminium or cement for drilling purposes. The advantage of cement is that it is more resistant to impact.

Guide Shoeshoe shoe Guide - Cement Nosenose cement

Guide shoe Guide Shoe down jetJ et - Down

Guide Shoe Guide shoe - Aluminium Nose aluminium nose

Figure 10-2. Guide Shoe Types Float shoes Float shoes have all the advantages of guide shoes, plus a float valve to avoid flowback. The disadvantage is the time required to run in the hole (RIH) from having to stop to fill the casing from the top. Using an orifice fill shoe can reduce RIH time; once reaching total depth (TD), the float valve can be activated by dropping a ball.

Figure 10-1. Guide Shoes

The primary function of guide shoes is to enable the casing to be tripped in with relative ease without jamming in washed-out zones or

Figure 10-3. Self-Filling Float Shoes

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  77 Self-filling float shoes

10.2 Float collars

Self-filling float shoes have a check valve that is held in as open position while running casing in the hole. Once the casing is at bottom, the valve is actuated and works as normal. The float valve can be either a dart or a flapper valve type.

The float collar is a device that seals against the bottom and top plug. The distance between the shoe and the float collar is called a shoe track. At the end of a cement job this shoe track remains full of cement and is eventually drilled out and tested. The shoe track serves as a safety feature to ensure that good quality cement is around the shoe. The float collar has to be compatible with the bottom and the top plugs. The float valve can either be a ball or a flapper type. Flapper-type valves are normally used to provide a better seal where small hydrostatic pressure differences are expected. The ball type is less expensive.

Figure 10-4. Automatic Fill-Up Float Shoe

Flapper-type valves are normally used to provide a better seal where a small hydrostatic pressure difference is anticipated. By using an orifice fill shoe, RIH time can be reduced when TD is reached by dropping a ball once to activate the float valve.

The poppet (plunger)-style float valve provides positive and instantaneous shut-off against high or low pressure, ensuring continuous flow of the fluid during drilling. It prevents flowback when adding joints and keeps cuttings out of the drillpipe, preventing plugging while making connections. The flapper-style float valve incorporates a specially designed flapper, which opens quickly and fully to provide a completely unrestricted bore through the hole. When circulation stops, the flapper closes instantly to prevent cuttings from entering the drill string and plugging the bit. The flapper-style valve complements primary blowout prevention equipment.

Figure 10-5. Automatic Fill-Up Float Shoe

Figure 10-6. Float Collars

78  |  Hardware

10.3 Two-stage cementing collars In the two-stage method of cementing, two sections of the string are cemented by using a stage collar that separates the first stage (bottom part of the string) and second stage (top part of string). This reduces the risk of breaking down a weak formation. It can also be more economical if rig costs are low, and is used to ensure top of cement in specific cases. This method is being replaced by LiteCRETE* slurry system technology.

With the hydraulic stage collar the pressure is applied against the landed and sealed firststage plug, breaking the shear mechanism and allowing the sleeve to shift down and uncover the ports.

10.3.1 Mechanical and hydraulic stage collars Mechanical stage collars have circulating ports that are opened when the opening bomb lands in the stage collar, pressurizing and breaking the shear pins. When this happens, the sleeve moves down and opens the circulating ports.

Figure 10-7. Mechanical Stage Collar

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The disadvantages of two-stage cementing are • There is a higher risk of operational failure, as more tools are involved and the operation becomes more complex. • The stage collar is a weak point in the casing with a reduced burst and collapse pressure.

displacement to inflate the packer; the cement that remains inside the casing must then be drilled out later. The ECP can be a weak link in the casing, and it is also prone to operational failure. The ECP can be filled with cement or mud that has specific properties which enable it to enter the packer with a consistency that is low enough to fill it without difficulties.

Figure 10-10. External Casing Packer Figure 10-8. Two-Stage Cementing Hardware

10.5 Baskets and centralizers Centralizers are designed to attach to the casing or pipe and keep it centered in the hole to ensure even distribution during the grouting process. Centralizers differ in design, casing installment location, the type of installment (welded, screwed on, or pre-installed in casing), and function. They can be combined within a string to serve different purposes. The following types of centralizers are available: • welded bow-type centralizers Figure 10-9. Three-Stage Cementing Collar

10.4 External casing packers (ECP) External casing packers provide protection against gas migration and other forms of additional isolation. Operators sometimes prefer cement to address the premature failure of the rubber. A drawback is that cement needs to be placed inside the casing at the end of the

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• non-welded (NW) straight bow-type centralizers • non-welded spiral bow centralizers • turbolizers • spiragliders • non-welded positive centralizers • rigid centralizers (solid).

When designing or working with centralizers, remember to make a centralizer placement that is simple and effective.

centralizers have eight basic high-strength bows and are available in various sizes.

You may encounter the following terms while working with centralizers. The restoring force is the force exerted by a centralizer against the casing to keep it away from the borehole wall.

Note: 67 percent stand-off may not be sufficient for a good cementation.

The starting force is the maximum force required to start pushing down a centralizer into a previously run casing. The force should be less than the weight of 40 ft of medium weight casing.

Figure 10-12. Welded Bow-Type Centralizers

Non-welded (NW) straight bow-type centralizer Non-welded centralizers eliminate the weak points caused by welding.

Stand-off is the smallest distance between the casing and the borehole wall. Stand-off ratio (%) is the ratio of the stand-off to the annular clearance Rh – Rc. The higher the stand-off, the better—shoot for 85 percent to 90 percent when designing a job.

Figure 10-13. Non-Welded Straight Bow-Type Centralizer

Turbolizers Turbolizers have the same starting and restoring force characteristics as regular centralizers. The main differences are that they have built-in stop collar deflector blades. Figure 10-11. Baskets and Centralizers

Welded bow-type centralizers

Turbolizers are used to deflect mud and cement toward washed-out sections of the wellbore.

This is the standard welded centralizer installed over a stop collar or casing collar. These

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Non-welded spiral bow centralizers

• improve mud displacement

These have the same characteristics as non‑welded straight centralizers, plus the following:

• withstand very high loads • provide positive stand-off, regardless of the lateral load.

Rigid centralizers include the following types: • spiralizer (spiral rigid centralizer) • short spiral rigid centralizer • straight aluminium rigid centralizer • stand-off band.

Spiralizer (spiral rigid centralizer) Figure 10-14. Non-Welded Spiral Bow Centralizers

• When in motion, they remove the filter cake. • Their swirling motion enables better cement distribution.

Non-welded positive centralizer (PO) This centralizer can provide nearly 100 percent stand-off when run inside a cased hole.

The spiralizer • minimizes the plowing effect • is made of high-strength aluminium • reduces drag in highly deviated and horizontal holes • slips over pipe and secures with a 2-hinged stop collar.

Figure 10-15. Non-Welded Positive Centralizer (PO)

It has a solid, non-flexible bow. Rigid centralizers Rigid centralizers have the following advantages. They • facilitate casing rotation

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Figure 10-16. Spiralizer

Spiralglider (solid)

10.6 Scratchers and collars

The spiralglider

Scratchers are used to remove filter cake in the annulus. Stop collars are used to fix equipment such as the cement basket or centralizers that are set in the middle of a joint.

• has an excellent performance histroy (BP, AMOCO, SHELL, NAM Holland) • has a flow area behind the bow • rotates freely between two stop collars.

Figure 10-19. Scratchers and Collars Figure 10-17. Spiralglider

Note: Rigid centralizers do not work very well in out-of-gauge sections. They work very well in gauged sections, such as a previous casing.

Cement basket Cement baskets are placed below the stage collar and are used to support slurry weight.

10.7 Liner hardware A liner is a string whose top is below the surface of the well. It is suspended from the upper string by a liner hanger. A liner may also be set on the bottom without a liner hanger. Liners are run before the cement job by the liner company’s representative. In this section terms and equipment are explained that are likely to be encountered during the cement job. Setting collar The setting tool engages the threads in the setting collar to carry the liner. Liner packer A liner packer replaces the setting collar and is attached to the top of the liner hanger to seal between the liner and casing. It provides a secondary seal at the liner top, allowing excess cement to be reversed out without imposing high pressure on the formation.

Figure 10-18. Cement Basket

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Liner hanger A liner hanger enables the liner to be suspended. Most liner hangers are set with either a mechanical or a hydraulic device.

10.8 Squeeze and top-out cementing equipment A slightly different set of tools is required for squeezing. A squeeze manifold can be used as well as packers and a retainer. These tools are not provided by Schlumberger but are frequently used in combination with our services. Spaghetti or tubing for top-out Generally, 1-in tubing is used when the cement in a surface or conductor job falls below the desired level. The tubing is run in the annulus and cement is pumped back to the desired level.

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Discharge 2 in weco 1502 male sub and nut


5 4 3

9 8


5 4 3

11 12, 14, 15



12, 14, 15

7, 9


Casing connection 2 in waco 1502

7, 9

Tubing connection 2 in weco 1502 male sub and nut

3, 4, 5, 6, 9 3, 4, 5 1

3, 4, 5, 6, 9 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

Truck connection 2 in waco 1502 female sub


Figure 10-20. Squeeze Manifold Components

10.9 Squeeze manifold A squeeze manifold is connected within the surface treating lines and configured to enable control and routing of fluids during a squeeze operation. Most squeeze manifolds have treating line connections with the tubing string, annulus, and pit line and pump unit. Isolation valves enable the appropriate flow path to be selected, and pressure sensors included in tubing and annulus lines monitor the key treatment pressures. Figure 10-21. Squeeze Manifold Types

In some squeeze treatments, such as squeeze cementing, it may be desirable to reverse‑circulate excess cement from the tubing string. The squeeze manifold enables a change in fluid routing to be quickly and easily achieved from one station.

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10.10 Packer Packers are an isolation tool for casing holes or perforations. Retainer Cement retainers are used in remedial cementing and temporary or permanent abandonment. After they are used, they can be drilled out.

Figure 10-23. Retainer

Figure 10-22. Packer

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11.0  References There are many hazards in the oilfield industry. Therefore, all Schlumberger employees must be familiar with the appropriate safety regulations and precautions. Be sure that you know the contents of the relevant material safety data sheets (MSDS) regarding required personal protective equipment (PPE) and handling procedures when handling chemicals. OFS QHSE Standards

Safety Standard 15: Lockout/Tagout, InTouch Content ID# 3313691 Safety Standard 17: Storage and Handling of Oxidizers, InTouch Content ID# 3313693 Safety Standard 18: HAZCOM, InTouch Content ID# 3313694 Safety Standard 22: Coiled Tubing Operations, InTouch Content ID# 3313710

Standard S001: Journey Management and Driving, InTouch Content ID# 3051691

Well Services Safety Standard 23: Testing and Inspection of Treating Equipment TBT (Multi‑language), InTouch Content ID# 3675503

Standard S002: QHSE Reporting, InTouch Content ID# 3260257

Safety Standard 26: Air Tanks and Receivers, InTouch Content ID# 3313706

Standard S003: Personal Protective Equipment, InTouch Content ID# 3260259

Safety Standard 27: Inspection and Testing of Pressure Relief Valves and Gauges, InTouch Content ID# 3313707

Standard S004: Emergency Response, InTouch Content ID# 3253244 Standard S013: Mechanical Lifting, InTouch Content ID# 3260276

Pressure Management/Planning: Checklist and Data Sheet for Well Services Safety Standard 28, InTouch Content ID# 4090045

Well Services Safety Standards

Safety Standard 30: Pumping Combustible and Flammable Fluids, InTouch Content ID# 3313709

Safety Standard 4: Facilities and Workshops, InTouch Content ID# 3313678

JET Manuals

Safety Standard 5: Pressure Pumping and Location Safety, InTouch Content ID# 3313681

JET Reference Page, InTouch Content ID# 4178854

Safety Standard 11: Pumping Nitrogen, InTouch Content ID# 3313684 Safety Standard 14: Power Winches, InTouch Content ID# 3313689

JET 08 Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  87

Additional important documents Cement Heads, InTouch Content ID# 3266798 Overview of Cement Heads, InTouch Content ID# 3714736 Industrial Rubber Product Catalog, InTouch Content ID# 2049229 Maintenance Bulletin 1062-B—Restraining Slings for Cement Heads InTouch Content ID# 3562542 Treating Equipment Manual, Version B, InTouch Content ID #3013931 Cement Head Simulator Training Package, Sophia #4DC413, InTouch Content ID# 3909468 EXPRES* Cementing Head Operation & Maintenance Manual, InTouch Content ID# 3013671 EXPRES* Cementing Head Operator’s Manual, InTouch Content ID# 3013661 DeepSea EXPRES*, InTouch Content ID# 3280457 FMC Fast Latch Coupler (FLC) Operator’s Manual InTouch Content ID# 3582955 Maintenance and technical bulletins Technical Alert 1999-29, InTouch Content ID# 2040754, MUST DO Maintenance Bulletins: contain links to Maintenance Bulletins: 488,957, 984, 1058 and 1998-06. Maintenance Bulletin 1100 “MUST DO”, InTouch Content ID# 2023276, Modifying ID Dimensions and Lead Chamfer of the Industrial Rubber (IRI) Quick Coupling on Conventional Cement Heads.

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Maintenance Bulletin 1056, InTouch Content ID# 2023239, Cementing Head Pull Pin Maintenance. Maintenance Bulletin 1062 “MUST DO”, InTouch Content ID# 2023244, Sling for Cement Heads. Maintenance Bulletin 1072 “MUST DO”, InTouch Content ID# 2023253, Failure of Nut during Manufacturing Pressure Test. Technical Alert 1998-04, InTouch Content ID# 2040711, Circulating Swedge Lifting Sub. Technical Alert 2000-09, InTouch Content ID# 2040682, Pull Pins in Cement Heads. Technical Alert 2000-24, InTouch Content ID# 2040698, Updated SLPM information and new MUST DO Maintenance Bulletins. Technical Alert 2000-02, InTouch Content ID# 2040678, ID Dimensions and lead chamfer of the Industrial Rubber (IRI) Quick Coupling on Conventional Cement Heads. Technical Alert 2000-04, InTouch Content ID# 2040674, Non-Authorized/Non-Approved/ Illegal Connections. Technical Alert 2000-19, InTouch Content ID# 2040692, Mechanical Tattletales for Cement Heads. Technical Alert 2001-16, InTouch Content ID# 2062482. The complete pull pin assembly in a 4-in cement head came out of the head hitting the Service Supervisor. Technical Alert 2001-19, InTouch Content ID# 3035886, Fatigue-resistant (FR) Unions. Technical Alert 2001-24, InTouch Content ID# 3036444 Part Numbers for Pull Pin Assemblies in Industrial Rubber, Inc. (IRI) Cement Heads.

Technical Alert 2002-10, InTouch Content ID# 3282433, Conversion Kits for Industrial Rubber Cement heads. Technical Alert 2002-11, InTouch Content ID# 3283575, Light Weight Cement Head (4-1/2-in) from Industrial Rubber, Inc. and 7-Plug Launcher.

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12.0  Appendix 12.1 Rig-up from ground to rig floor and to the cement head Use Chiksan loops and swivel joints to make connections from the standpipe to the rig floor to the cement head.

hoist be used to lift and support the weight of the treating iron. For more information, refer to Safety Standard 5: Pressure Pumping and Location Safety, InTouch Content ID# 3313681.

Any rig-up that has the weight of more than two loops suspended from the cement head or drillpipe connection requires that the rig air

Figure 12-1. Rig-Up Cement Head

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12.2 Cement head tables Table 12-1. Cement Head Tables

For more information and for tables listing parts for cement heads and connections, refer to Cement Heads Reference page, InTouch Content ID# 3266798.

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12.3 Prejob check-list Appraisal Checklist Client: Rig: Installation type: Date: Job: Prejob

Cement head type/serial number STEM report number Yes



A risk assessment was carried out prior to commencing work




Correct tools used




Cross over threads where confirmed for suitability for casing size




All sealing faces checked and confirmed in good condition




O-rings and Par backs in place and confirmed in good condition




Crossover made up to landing joint prior to running casing




Manifold valves functioned and clear flow path confirmed




Plug launching mechanism checked to be fully functional




Number of turns confirmed to fully retract/extend launching spindle




Plug drop indicator functioned




Plugs confirmed compatible with landing collars




Bottom plug loaded first and launching mechanism locked off




Top plug loaded last and launching mechanism locked off




Top cap O-ring checked for damage




Top cap made up securely to cement head




Lifting bride secured to cement head main body




Manifold plug launch valves confirmed closed and bypass open




Adequate steps taken to protect all threads and sealing faces




Bottom plug Top plug

Witnessed by: Name:


Position held: Name:


Position held:

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12.4 Rig-up and rig-down checklist 12.4.1 Prejob checks Before the beginning of the job, check for the following: • correct size of cement head • thread type of casing adapter (check quality with thread gauge) • pressure rating • plugs

step 03

Load the bottom plug (check that it is below the middle fluid port).

step 04 visually).

step 05

Load the top plug, attaching the wire tattletail (check that it is below the top fluid port).

step 06

Thread the wire into the tattletail and close and tighten the cap.

• tattletale (wire or mechanical) (must not be stuck; the seal in place must be in good condition)

step 07

• certification (annual or more frequent pressure test; minimum annual thread check)

step 08

• pin puller (note number of turns needed to fully retract; make sure that they turn freely, inspect visually)

Pull the wire and tighten the tattletail seal nut or set the mechanical tattletail. Make up the quick-connect to the casing. Always check with the client to get the head as low as possible to the rig floor. Do not use Teflon tape on the casing thread.If the thread is not sealing, replace it.

• valve operation (valve must operate freely)

step 09

• Manifold condition (run water through the manifold to make sure that nothing is plugged)

step 10

• quick-connect and cap O-rings (always carry spare sets of O-rings) • seal rings on all 1502 thread halves.

12.4.2 Installation procedure When loading the plugs into the cement head on the deck, call the toolpusher or company representative to witness, and complete the following steps:

Step 01

Close the upper valve(s), leaving the bottom valve open.

step 02 visually).

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Screw in the bottom pin (check

Screw in the top pin (check

Connect the cement head to the quick-connect and tighten the wing nut. Secure the cement head to the rig bails with the twin path slings (MB #1062A).

step 11

Ensure that the valves and pull pins are accessible for easy operation.

step 12

Connect the treating iron as specified in Standard 14 to the cement head and the pump unit.

12.4.3 Pressure testing

step 01 step 02

Flush the lines.

Close the bottom valve and pressure test as required; ensure that all valves are fully closed.

step 03

Bleed off pressure at the unit, not against the plugs.

12.4.4 Launching the bottom plug

12.4.6 Launching two-stage plugs Note that the first-stage plug is flexible and should therefore not be preloaded into the head.

1. Open the bottom valve of the cement head and pump any fluid ahead if necessary.

1. Close all the valves on the head. If there is a bull plug on the head to relieve the suction on the cap, knock it off.

2. Stop pumping.

2. Remove the cap.

3. Turn the pin the required number of turns to release the plug.

3. Place the flexible first-stage plug into the head and force it down as far as possible.

4. Open the middle valve and close the bottom valve.

12.4.5 Launching the top plug 1. After pumping of the cement is completed, ensure that the pumps on the unit are stopped. 2. Loosen the tattletail wire seal nut. 3. Turn the pin the required number of turns to release the plug. 4. If necessary, wash up the lines. 5. Open the top valve.

4. Close the cap (be sure that the O-ring is still in place) and bull plug. 5. Open the top valve and displace the first-stage cement. 6. Once the displacement is finished and the pressure is bled off, open the cap and drop the opening bomb. 7. If the client approves, load the secondstage closing plug according to the top plug loading instructions (see Section 5, Launching the top plug). 8. Close the cap and continue with the cement job.

6. Close the middle or bottom valve. 7. Slowly start pumping the displacement. 8. Check the tattletale for plug departure. If in doubt of plug departure, review the contingency plan with the company representative, remove the cement head cap, and check for plug departure. 9. After pumping about 5 bbl (800 L) of displacement, open all the valves on the cement head to wash out any cement.

12.4.7 Postjob Either on location or upon returning to the district, prepare for the next job as follows: • If the plug did not bump, open the head to make sure that the plug is not there. • All valves should be left open and the pins retracted. If the head will be left on location, leave the pins inserted to avoid the risk of damage during movement by the rig crew.

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• The head should be cleaned inside and outside.

For additional information about products, you can contact the following:

• Use a hose to ensure that water flows through all the valves on the manifold.


• Grease the head. • Check that all O-rings and seal rings are in place and undamaged.

FMC Stephenville, Texas Sonja Brown E-mail: [email protected]

• Green-tag the head if everything is in order.


• If there is still a problem, red-tag it.

Industrial Rubber, Inc. Bob Chaney E-mail: [email protected]

12.4.8 Additional information/precautions Cement heads should be painted Schlumberger blue, with the working pressure (clearly stating units) and size painted in white, and at least 1 in high. The valve indicators should also be painted white (to clearly show the direction of the valve).


It is recommended to chain a valve bar to the manifold to avoid the bar being dropped into the hole or annulus or on to the rig floor.

Smith Services, Drillco Group E-mail: [email protected]

If there is a change in plug supplier, ensure that the new plugs completely pass through the head with a minimum amount of force and that they cannot pass by the extended pins. As a minimum the cement head should be pressure tested to its working pressure once a year. The manifold and body should be thickness tested as specified in Standard 14, Section VI. Review Maintenance Bulletin 1062A for the twin path slings. Review Maintenance Bulletin 1100 for issues regarding the internal chamfer on some IRI heads. Review Maintenance Bulletin 984 and 1056 for pull pin checks and maintenance.

96  |  Appendix

Texas Oil Tool Bryant Cardwell E-mail: [email protected] Grant Oil Tools

Woods Machine Woods Machine, Tulsa, OK E-mail: [email protected] UIE UIE, Montpellier, France Fax # 467-83-51-79 Dayco Fluid Specialties, Tulsa, OK E-mail: [email protected] Bishop Lifting Products, Inc. 1410 Harris Street, P.O. Box 15619 77220, Houston, Texas, USA Email: [email protected]

13.0  Check Your Understanding 1.

Arrange the steps in a cement job in order:


Match the appropriate name of each component with the number:

___ A. Prepare the casing.


___ B. Drop the top plug. ___ C. Drop the bottom plug. 2.


What are the functions of the plugs? A. to separate fluids and prevent contamination

4 1 5

b. to clean the casing wall 6

c. to provide a surface indication at the end of displacement d. all of the above 3.

What are the two types of cement heads currently used in Schlumberger? A. fabricated B. integral C. united


What is the pressure rating for a single plug fabricated 9-5/8-in cement head? A. 1,500 psi B. 3,000 psi


1. ___

A. cap

2. ___

B. manifold assembly

3. ___

C. bull plug

4. ___

D. plug release

5. ___

E. quick coupler

6. ___

F. bull plug

7. ___ G. 2x2 integral plug valve

C. 5,000 psi

JET 08- Cement Heads and Casing Hardware  |  97


What is the definition of the tattletale? A. The top-sealing device of the cement head. In a double-plug cement head, both top and bottom plugs are loaded into the cement head before starting the job. B. A type of release. It must be retracted a specific number of turns to enable the wiper plug to move downward. C. A physical indicator. It shows the operator that the plug has left the cement head.



What distinguishes a top plug from the bottom plug? A. color B. the top plug is solid; the bottom plug is hollow C. size D. material used

10. What is the state of the tattletale? Match the figure number with the appropriate sentence:

If the tattle-tail of the twin path slings does not extend past the black line, which of the following actions should be taken? A. Fix the tattle tale. B. Remove the sling from service. C. Red tag it.


What three factors must be taken into account when choosing the cement head and adapter for the job? A. casing size B. size of the plug C. casing thread D. bail size E. all of the above

A. ___ B. ___ 1. The tattletale lever prior to plug departure 2. The tattletale lever after plug departure

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11. When leaving the district, the plug valves should be in which position? A. bottom valves shut; top valves in open position

14. Match the thread to the name: A. ___ buttress B. ___ round

B. top valves shut, bottom valves in open position


C. bottom valves open, middle valves closed, top valves in open position


D. none of the above 12. How often are the cement head and the quick couplings tested for optimum performance?

15. The primary function of the _________ is to enable the casing to be tripped in with relative ease, preventing jamming in washed-out zones or deviated wells. A. guide shoe

A. every 12 months

B. float collars

B. every 3 months

C. centralizers

C. after every job

D. bull pin plug

13. What is the correct pin-puller installation? A.


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