CELTA Teacher Training Course Daily Activities

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CELTA Teacher Training Course Day 1, 28/2/2011 General Advice 

Script what you are going tostudents’ say in thelevel class room. your language to suit    Grade   Stage your instructions. Don’t give all instructions at once.

 

Throwing the ball activity (Ball Game) * Preparation: make students stand in a circle before giving any instructions. Have a ball in your hand. Explain that the purpose of this activity is to use a fun way to learn each others' names. (1)  Stage One Instructions: I'll say my name and then throw the ball any an y person in the group. Then the person who gets the ball would say his/her name and then throw the ball to another  person. Instruction Checking Questions: Before I throw the ball what are you going to say? Practice Example: teacher practices the instructions with one person, and that person  practices the instruction with the teacher This is carried on until everyone gets the ball about two or three times. (2)  Stage Two Two Instructions: Now before I throw the ball I'll say the name of the person I'm throwing the ball to. If I want to throw the ball to Amy, Amy, I say, 'Amy', then throw the ball to Amy. Instruction Checking Questions: Before I throw the ball what are you going to say? Practice Example: teacher practices the instructions with one person, and that person  practices the instruction with the teacher This is carried on until everyone gets the ball about two or three times. (3)  Stage Three Instructions: Now I'll give the ball to the one next to me, and everyone in the group would say the name of that person. Instruction Checking Questions: When someone gets the ball what are you going to say? Practice Example: teacher practices the instructions with one person, and that person  practices the instruction with the teacher This is carried on until everyone gets the ball two t wo times.

Find Someone Who … You have as many facts fa cts as tthere here are people in a sheet of paper. * Preparation: Leave students seated in their places. pla ces. Explain that the purpose of this acti activity vity is to learn some interesting facts f acts about people in the group. To To get to know each other. other. (1)  Stage One Instructions: While students are seated explain the process. You You have some facts in this sheet (chest the handout) and we need to know which facts are about which person. To link the fact to the person. Try to ask for more details. Write on the board: find someone who … comes big family. Make intodo a question: you come fromcan a big family Y es. Oh, really.from Howamany brothers andthis sisters you have?do The rule is: you askfamil eachy.  person three questions. If you find a fact that is true about about that person, write the person's


name next to it. And try to learn more about that fact. And the person will ask you three questions in their turn. After you finish with one person, you move on to another person. You can come back to the same person, but after you meet someone s omeone else. Warm-up example on question asking: Write on the board: find someone who .... likes coffee. Then ask students how do you ask a question. as k you three questions to find Practice Example: I’ll try this out with one person. Now I'll ask out some facts about you, and then it will be your turn to ask me three questions. ques tions. as k a person? And how Instruction Checking Questions: How many questions you can ask many questions the other person will ask you? If you find that the fact is true about that  person, what will you do? (Write (Write the person's name down next to it and try to learn more about that fact) (2)  Handout. While students are seated, give them the hand-outs and give them two minutes to have a look at them. (3)  (Mingled activity) Class Arrangement: Now you need to stand st and up, have the handout in your hand with a pen or pencil. pencil . Find a partner and ask him/her your questions. You You have 5 minutes. Instructor role: monitor and facilitate. [Monitor, [ Monitor, Give time warning, Sign Signal al taking turns, observe errors for linguistic feedback] Time warning: Now you have 2 minutes... 30 seconds... Now time ti me is up... (4)  (Pair checking) Instructions: Now you go back to your original seats. With the person sitting next to you, check your fact and try to fill in the t he gaps. Instruction Checking Questions: What are you going to do with the partner next to you?  Now you have havefeedback] 3 minutes. [Monitor, Give time warning, warning, Signal taking turns, observe errors for linguistic Time warning: Now you have 2 minutes... 30 seconds... Now time is up... (5)  (Open Class Feedback ): ): Now you go to the questions one by one and find out the answers from the students. (6)  (Linguistic Feedback )):: problems with language usage/grammar that you noticed in the group. Explain. Explain question formation. Find Someone Who … (Suggestion for f or my Teaching Practice) (1) _________ plays tennis. (2) _________ comes from a big family (has 4 brothers and sisters or more). (3) _________ has lived in Dublin Dublin for 2 years years or more. (4) _________ likes Irish weather. weather. (5) _________ does not not like pizza. (6) _________ had toast and butter butter for breakfast today. today. (7) _________ speaks 3 languages languages or more. more. (8) _________ has visited 3 foreign countries or more. (9) _________ can play play music. (10) _________ likes acting.


(11) _________ _________ will spend the summer s ummer holiday in Spain. (12) _________ wants to work as a teacher. t eacher. (13) _________ likes to drink green tea. (14) _________ comes to International House Dublin by bicycle. bic ycle. (15) _________ has a driving license. (16) _________ enjoys loud music. (17) _________ appeared on TV. (18) _________ has an MP3 player. player. (19) _________ likes history and maths. (20) _________ will have to stay home and work this weekend.

Sticker Game (1)  Stage One Instructions I will give each of you a sticker (chest sticker), and I’ll ask 8 questions. Then you need to write the answer on the sticker. Make sure to fit all 8 answers a nswers on the sticker. If I ask you ‘what is your favourite animal’ wait for answer from students ... ‘cat’ draw a box on the board and write cat in the middle to fill the whole space. Ask students is this right? Wait for answer... If no answer, give clues. Do you have one question or 8 questions... Instructions two: there are two sides to the sticker. You You need to write on the white side. Instruction Checking Questions: How many questions I’m going to ask? What are you going to write on the sticker, the question or the answer? Which side are you going to write on, the white side or the side with blue boxes? (2)  Stage One. Give out the stickers and start asking the questions: * If you were an animal, which animal would you like to be? [Monitor, see if students have finished writing] * What is your favourite place? [Give clues: It can be a city, a building building,, a park] * What is your favourite book? * What meal can you cook? * Who do you wish to have dinner with? [This can be a person who is living or dead] * What is your favourite subject at school? * What is the thing that annoys you most? (3)  Stage Two Two (pair checking) Instructions. Now you peel the sticker sti cker and stick it in your chest. Divide students into pairs. Talk to your partner and ask him/her about their answer, and why he likes this place or this meal. You You have 3 minutes. [Monitor, [ Monitor, Give time warning, Signal taking turns, observe errors for linguistic feedback] (4)  Stage Three (group checking) Instruction. Now we are going to break into two groups.


ABABABAB. I want all the A’ A’s to stand please and sit on this side. In you group discuss what you learned about other people. Instruction check questions: Are going to talk about yourself, or about your partner? your


 partner .. very good. You have 3 minutes. [Monitor, [Monitor, Give time warning, Signal taking turns, observe errors for linguistic feedback] Time warning. You have 1 minute ... 30 second ... OK. That’s good... Thank you. (5)  Stage Four (open class discussion). While students are seated in their groups. Ask them about interesting things that they learned. (6)  Stage Five (Linguistic feedback). Ask students to go back to their original places. Then give them linguistic feedback, if i f any. any.

Carousel /carə'sel/ (1)  Stage One Instruction. Arrange the class in two circl circles es inner circle and outer ccircle. ircle. Stand up with your paper and pen, as you will need them in this t his activity. We’ll We’ll make two groups ABABABAB. A’s come to this side please. This group will make a circle. Then T hen turn around so that you’re facing outside. Second group will make a circle around the first fi rst group. (2)  Stage Two Two Instructions. I’ll give you one question. You You ask this question to your partner, part ner, that is the person in i n front of you. Then you write something interest interesting. ing. Y You ou have two minutes fro asking the question, then 30 seconds to write. When I say ‘Turn’, the inner circle stand as they are, the circle in the outside will move one step to the right. Instruction Checking Questions: * How many minutes you have for each question? ... 2 minutes. * How much time do you have for writing? ... 30 seconds. * When I say “Turn” “Turn” what the circle in the inside going to do? ... stand as they are * What the circle in the outside going to do? ... move one step * To To the right or to the left? ... to the right Questions: What does a good teacher do? [Monitor, Give time warning, Signal taking turns, observe errors for linguistic feedback] Did you succeed in learning a foreign language? Where do you want to work after you finish this course? Signal end of activity. activity. OK. That’s good. Thank you. You You can now go to your original places. (3)  Stage Three Questions. Now in pairs. Discuss with your partner what you learned about other people. Instruction Checking Questions: With your partner, are you going to talk about yourself? ... no, you are going to talk about what you learned from other people. Time Warning: you have 3 minutes. (4)   Stage Stage Five Four (Linguistic (Open ClassFeedback) Discussion & Feedback) (5)

Day 2, 1/3/2011 DVD Observation of Teaching Practice Before you watch the video, try to guess the meaning of these words in pairs. pai rs.

Word Definition Activity

(In short) Give students a sheet with difficult words and ask them to read through and guess the meaning of words. Split students into groups. Give each group some words in flash cards, and ask them to


guess the meaning of the words. Then tell them that the definitions of the words are stuck st uck (with blue tack) around the room and they t hey have to go around and find tthe he right definition. With students seated with their groups, make an open class discussion of the meaning of words. In the end return students to their original places. Remember staging, instruction checking questions, example/demonstration, monitoring and time warning.

Teaching Terminology monitoring: walking around, observing, guiding, kicking off realia: real objects used in the classroom clas sroom for demonstration (real bannana to show what a bannana bannana   looks like) eliciting: What do you call the things that you buy for a friend in their birthday? birt hday? ... 'present' What is the problem with the second verb? flash card: cards used in activities checking instructions: How long do you have to read this paragraph? What is the first thing t hing you need to do? ... 'fold the paper' finger highlighting: two syllables, 3 minutes, one word concept checking questions: gadgets. Are they neccessary? neccessar y? If we don't have them will we die? pairwork: work students do in pairs groupwork: work students do in groups teacher-centred activity: feedback, open-class discussions student-centered activity: writing, reading open pairs: An open pair is a pair of learners working together with the rest of the group observing.

Example The learners are working on developing telephone conversations using prompts. The teacher asks one pair to continue working while the rest of the group watches.

In the classroom Open pair work can be a fast and effective way to highlight language learners might need for an activity, and clarify that people understand what to do. It needs to be managed sensitively, choosing confident learners to demonstrate, and dealing with errors through a "hotsheet"; a record of errors in performance, which can be discussed later. closed pairs: All the learners work in pairs that do not monitor each other. Choral drilling: Asking the group to repeat words in a pronunciation activity. individual drills: Asking an individual to repeat words in a pronunciation activit activity y. modelling language:


  highlighting language: feedback stages:

Stop the Bus (Vocabulary Drilling Game) (In short) Split class into two groups. Each group will have one person sitting with his/her back to the board. Teacher will write a word on the board. Each group will try to explain to the person the word without saying the actual word. The team who guesses it first would “say stop the bus” and the team would win a point. Then each team will swap places. Remember staging, instruction checking questions, example/demonstration, monitoring and time warning.

Giving Instructions 1)  Starting – make it clear when you are starting to give instructions. Remember – “eyes on you.” Don’t forget your body language – it counts. 2)  Topic – making sure students know the theme of the lesson segment helps to activate their “top-down knowledge” of the world, i.e. what they already know about the topic in their language. 3)  Interaction  – make it clear which interaction pattern is being used: a.  S – student work alone  b.  PW –  pairwork  pairwork c.  GW –  groupwork  groupwork d.  OC –  open  open class (teacher addressing / eliciting from / asking whole class) If there are changes of interaction interacti on during the activity make sure that the changes are as smooth as possible and use gestures where appropriate. [Avoid [Avoid cliques /kli:k/. Prevent students from f rom always working with the ssame ame people. Remember also that it is important to vary the interaction pattern] 4)  Task  –  – make it clear, keep it simple and logical – again, use gestures where possible. 5)  Staging – give one instruction at a time, and don’t don’t give handouts at the same time as you’re speaking. If possible, give them afterwards – otherwise the students will be looking at the  paper and not listening to you. you. (You (You can chest [keep in front of your chest] the han handout dout while explaining the activity activit y, and give the handout later.) If you have to give two instructions at once, pause between them to make them clear. 6)  Check understanding – ask different students questions to check what what they are supposed to  be doing. Avoid the question “What are we doing?” but cho choose ose tricky aspects of the instructions and ask directed questions, e.g. “Where do you write the answer?”, answer? ”, “How many questions should you ask your partner”, “Does one person speak or both people in this activity?”, etc. Ask the people you think haven’t understood (without seeming to pick on them). 7)  Example/Demonstration – demonstrate how the activity works with another student student to check understanding further. It’s It’s often useful to do the first fir st question of an exercise together as a class and then let students get on with the rest. 8)  Time limit – giving students time limit provides security and focus. If appropriate, appropriate, give a time limit warning, e.g. “two minutes left!”. There is room for flexibility but try to stick to the time limit given. 9)  Signal to start – students may need training to wait for this, but but there’s little point in them starting (possibly the wrong thing) while you’re still explaining or demonstrating.


10) Monitoring – check they’re doing the activity right. This gives you the chance to explain to weaker students who, despite all the above, haven’t understood. Remember – Negotiating the meaning of instructions is one of the best ways of learning.

Aspects of Classroom managements -  Interaction patterns -  Boardwork -  Physical factors -  Rapport -  Monitoring -  Instructions

Classroom Management 1)  Rapport  What is Rapport and how do you build/maintain it? Consider:   The teacher's physical position – distance from the students, central  positioning, sitting or standing, movement movement (teacher pacing up and down is distracting for most students) Eye Contact – maintaining even eye contact (looking at one one or a few   ◦

students only comes across as favourtism) and,   Use of students' names – remembering names, nominating students, and, when you do, saying their name at the end of the question rather than the beginning.   The teacher's personal involvement – showing interest in what students say as well as how they say it, active listening, showing interest with facial expressions and body language, responding to what they say in a natural way.   Use of praise and encouragement – graded praise (i.e. Not saying “excellent” when the contribution contr ibution was “good”), giving enough praise for good work done (i.e. Saying “exactly” or “yes, very good”, rather than “OK”) Body language and facial expressions – open, smiling, friendly, friendly, show   interest, enthusiasm, humour. humour.   Classroom atmosphere – relaxed, trusting, supportive.   Level of student involvement – not more than 30% teacher talking time, ◦

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allowing students enough thinking time to prepare ideas alone or in pairs.   Spread the attention – avoiding favouritism, actively involving shy and weaker students rather than “flying with the fastest”.   Cliques – preventing students from always working with the same people.  what might you want/not   Allowing students to express their personality –  what want to contribute to a class discussion? discussi on? How would you feel if your teacher never asked you about your life/opinions? ◦

2)  Monitoring  What should you bear in mind when monitoring individual, pair and groupwork? Consider loom over them, but crouching to their   Teacher's position – trying not to loom level, and walking behind them. but being there if students   Eye contact – trying not to hijack the conversation but need help, making sure students are on task and communicating (kick-starting the conversation if necessary and then leaving students to get on with it) good/bad points for language   Making notes for feedback – noting down good/bad ◦


feedback later. 3)  Boardwork   What should you think about when writing on the board? Consider the following: Upper/lower case – When writing on the board, write in lower case and only   capitalise when you normally would in English. So, if you're writing a list of words on the board (e.g. Car, lorry, bus, taxi), don't capitalise the first letter (e.g. Car, lorry, lorry, But, Taxi) Taxi) because this isn't how you would usually see the words written. Colour coding – When writing new words, sentences or questions on the   ◦

 board, use the dark colours, i.e. Black or blue. blue. Use red and green to highlight, e.g.  part of speech, phonemic symbols, syllables, syllables, intonation, etc. Size – Don't write in huge/tiny letters on the board. Try to w write rite using a   reasonable size and test the “readability” by writing something and standing at the  back of the classroom to see if yuor writing is easy to read. Board plan – Plan your boardwork boardwork before teaching the lesson. Make a board    plan. Write Write (in the relevant colours) what you're going to put put on the board and where. ◦


In the board below: Titles Titles are blue, sentences sent ences and words are black, pronunciation is green, grammar notes are read Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Continuous

/d/ I've watched three films today. have/has + past participle

/bin/ I've been watching films all day have/has + been + past participle

Emphasis on result

Emphasis on activity

Vocabulary Corner lazy (adj) spectacular (adj) to suggest sth. to sbd.


4)  Physical Factors  How do physical factors influence a class? Consider: With Tables Tables or   Positions of students and teacher – horseshoe or rows? With without? Teacher Teacher standing, sitting or kneeling kneelin g (variety is good), how near is the teacher to the students?   Voice projection p rojection – making sure volume is sufficient to hear comfortably and not speaking too fast, making sure students can hear each other.   Temperature, space, air, light, noise OHPs, visuals, videos, DVDs, etc.   Equipment  – using the board, tapes, CDs, OHPs, ◦

◦ ◦

Bad Instruction Example “Now we are going to split into 3 groups of 4 people. “Here is one group and here is another a nother group.  No, there is not enough people. We We are going to split into two groups groups of five then. Y You ou have questions from the five questions in the handout. Teacher gives the handout while talking. Then you need to choose two questions to discuss with your group. “Off you go..” … and don’t forget to use the opinion expressions we have been learning at the start of the lesson.

Correction: What’s wrong with this example, how it can be done in a better way. way. 1)  State the purpose of the activity at the start. Now the t he purpose of this activity is to use he opinion expression that we have learned. 2)  Count before you split into groups to avoid confusion. Now we are going to split into two groups of five. 3)  Don’t give the handouts and talk at the same time. Chest the handout and give the instructions. This sheet has five fi ve questions. You You need to choose only onl y two questions to discuss with your group. 4)  ICQ (Instruction Checking Questions): How many questions do you need to choose? What expressions will you use? How long do you have to finish this activity? 5)   Now give the handout handout and give them time to read it.


6)  Monitor and make sure that people are following your instructi instructions ons correctly. correctly. Pay attention for people who can be nominated in the open class checking. Pay attention for good and bad language usage for linguistic feedback. 7)  Give time warning. 8)  Open class discussion. 9)  Linguistic feedback.

Day 2, 3/3/2011 First Basque Language V Vocabulary ocabulary Lesson Teacher enters the class and speaks in Basque only. Only a few manageable words aand nd phrases (nothing complicated) said slowly and clearly. Teacher Teacher uses gesture effectively and effortlessly effortlessl y to explain instructions and meanings.

Introduction Introdu ction Activity (Teacher (Teacher does not write anything on the board) Kaixo!  Nira itsina Carmel da.  Nira itsina …. da. (with the voice tone and gesture teacher indicates to student to repeat after her)  Nira itisina … da.  Nira itsina …. da. (Teacher stands up and indicates with her hands for students to stand up) (Mingled Activity) Teacher indicates to students to move around and introduce themselves to other students. Sake hands and say. Kaixo! Nira itsina … da. Kaixo! Nira itsina … da. Kaixo! Nira itsina … da. Aswondo! Aswondo! = well done Teacher indicates to students to go back to their places.

Numbers Activity Teacher takes out large flash cards of numbers from her bag. Teacher places number 1 on the floor facing students and a nd says baat, and waits for students to repeat after her. Then Then she asks some individuals to say the number ‘baat’. Then she does the same for the following numbers. And each time she adds a new number she rrevises evises the previous numbers. 1 baat 2 bee 3 eero 4 law 5 bast (Pair checking Activity)

Teacher divides class intopartner pairs using And shows them how to number do the activity activit y. You You raise1 one finger and wait for your to saygesture. the number. Then you raise any of fingers from to 5. Then you change turns.



Objects Activity Teacher takes a bottle of water wate r from her bag and says ‘oor’ ‘oor’.. She waits for students to repeat aafter fter her.. Then she asks some individuals by name to say the word. Then she does the same for the her following objects. And each time she adds a new object she revises the previous objects. oor = water sagar = apple larankha = orange tomati = tomato undo = mushroom Teacher says ‘oor baat’, then she takes out another apple and says ‘bee sagar’. sagar ’. She waits for students to repeat after a fter her. Then she asks some individuals by name tto o say the expressi expression. on. Then she does the same for the following objects. And each time she adds a new object she revises the  previous objects. oor baat  bee sagar eero larankha law tomati  bast undo

Transaction Activity Activ ity Teacher leaves all objects on the table. She shows one Euro and says ‘Euro baat’. She gives the euro to a students and hints to him to buy something from the table. The student says ‘oor baat’. The teacher says ‘Euro baat’. The student gives the teacher the money and the teacher gives the object and says ‘Eskerrik asko’ which means ‘thank you’. Another students would say, ‘bee larankh’ and the teacher does the same with him/her, with everything costing one euro. Teacher Teacher does the activity until everyone gets something. s omething. Writing down Activity Teacher writes down the correct spelling for every word on the board. 1 bat 2 bi 3 hiro 4 lau 5 bost (without writing the English words, but pointing to the objects) water = ur apple = sagar orange = laranja tomato = tomate mushroom = onddo nire izena Carmel da Teacher goes out and waves wa ves her hand and says sa ys ‘Agur’ which students guess to be ‘goodbye’ and say ‘Agur’ to her. (Pairwork)


In pairs discuss these questions

Foreign Language Lesson: Reflection on Techniques            

 

How did the teacher make the target language interesting? Was there too little lit tle / just enough / too much new language? How did the teacher keep you involved? Was Was there pair and group work? Did you have a chance to use the target language? How much time did you have to think about and process the language? Did you have a chance to recap and revise the target ta rget language?

Did you feel under pressure to be accurate with the language?   Overall, what would need to be changed in the lesson to suit your own learning    preferences? 

Lesson Plan and Procedures Teacher practices a vocabulary lesson and then gives us her lesson plan and procedure.


Name: Class Level: Date:

Lesson number: Length:


Lesson Type (tick as appropriate): Speaking








X Main Aim(s): To enable ss to understand and be able to use 4 verbs connected to WAYS OF WALKING in the context of an incident on the street str eet in San Sebastian.

Subsidiary Aim(s): To pr actice  llistening tto  ss pecif ic  iinf or mation.  

Evidence: How will I know if my aims have h ave been achieved? My aims will have been achieved if the ss can use the target language accuratel accurately y in the controlled and freer practice stages.

Personal Aims (I, as a teacher, will be working on improving / trying out … ) Ensuring my boardwork is presentable. Using a variety of concept checking questions.

Materials (including source): Pictures of San Sebastian. Teacher’s own freer practice practi ce – Discussion Qs Internationall House Dublin Teacher Training Internationa


Lesson Plan Procedure (Vocabulary (Vocabulary Lesson) Stage and Aim

Time 3–4 mins


Generate interest in the topic of the story

Pr ocedur e  Have you ever witnessed an ‘altercation’, an exciting, strange or dramatic incident on the street? Discuss in pairs for 2 mins

Inter action 

Tutor ’s  C Comments  


Brief open class feedback

5–6 mins

Set context (through listening task)   Enable ss to

Ask ss to look at the pictures p ictures and guess which place it is (San Sebastian)


hear the target language in Tell Tell ss I’m going to tell them about context something that happened to me in San   Give ss Sebastian. Tell Tell them to listen carefully  practice in listening for specific  because they will have to tell each each other information the story afterwards.

Tell Tell story about men outside bookies

7–8 mins

Focus on Language: Clarification of meaning   Enable 

students to understand the meaning of the target language

Ask students to retell the story to each other in pars Open class feedback to the story – elicit the 4 target verbs (in the sentences) from the context and write up on the whiteboard - I was sprongling around the backstreets of Budapest. - A man was fritting up and down outside a bookies. - The anxious man thropped backwards and then thropped off down the street.



Time 3 mins

Stage and Aim Clarification of Form   Enable ss to 

use the target language in sentences accurately

2 mins

Pronunciation Focus   Enable ss to 

Pr ocedur e  Highlight aspects of form: sprongle (regular) frit (double t in past simple) sprat sprotten) throp (irregular (double p –insprot, past simple) Model and drill (choral and individual) target language

Inter action 



say the words accurately and deal with specific  pronunciation problems

2 mins

Controlled Practice   Ensure that ss 

understand the target language and can use it accurately

6–7 mins

Freer Practice  

Enable ss to use target language in a more authentic way

Act out the verbs and ss write down the infinitive and past simple of them


Feedbak in pairs Feedback open class Ss get Qs to ask and answer in groups of of three


Feedback open class some answers and check accuracy of TL use


Tutor ’s  C Comments  


Questions on Ways of Walking 1)  When you’re in a new place, do you like sprongling around the streets? 2)  When was the last time you sprongled? 3)  When you get anxious do you frit up and down? If not, what do you do instead? 4)  Do you sprat? Do any of your friends sprat? Do you sprat in particular situations? sit uations? Which one? 5)  When was the last time you thropped? Why? Did you fall over as well? Did you hurt yourself?

Day 4, 7/3/2011 Matching Game You have a group of cards. You place them on the table facing downwards. You turn two cards and if they match you keep them. If not you put them back in the same place. It is a memory game as well. You You take turns with your partner. partner. The one who wins is the one with the most cards. Draw on the table

Subject Pronoun


Instruction Checking Questions. Do you put the cards on the table facing up or down? How many cards do you pick up? If the cards are matching what do you do? If the cards are not matching what do you do? Cards Present Perfect Possessive Adjective

I’ve taken your camera. our

Object Pronoun 3r   Person Singular Ellipsis Relative Clause Question tag Subject pronoun Past perfect

him overtakes Nice day? the book that I lent you You’re Swiss, aren’t you? we I’d already seen it.

Grammar Activity Setting the context: Teacher shows ss a picture of a woman with two children and asks ss to describe the picture (OC). She tells ss that the picture is of her friend, Clodagh, from primary school. PW: Teacher Teacher asks ss to talk in pairs about their friends from childhood. 2 mins


OC: Teacher asks ss to talk about their partner’s experience. 2 mins. Teacher writes on the th e board. I used to play computer games with Clodagh. I didn’t use to like fish. PW: Teacher Teacher asks ss to discuss with wit h their partner the meaning of the two se sentences. ntences. OC: Teacher Teacher asks for ss’ feedback. Teacher asks which sentence describes action and which describes state. PW: Answer the question with your partner. OC: Teacher Teacher solicits solici ts answer. PW: Talk Talk to your partner about the things that you used tto o / didn’t use to do when you were young. OC: Teacher Teacher solicits feedback. Teacher draws timeline on the board. Action now  _____________________  __________ ______________________ _________________|_____ ______|_______ __ x x x x x x x x x x x .. Teacher adds grammar (in red) and pronunciation (in green) to the sentence s entence on the board. /ju:ztә/  I used to play computer games with Clodagh. Subject + used to + infinitive /ju:ztә/  I didn’t use to like fish. Subject + didn’t used to + infinitive

Reading Activity Teacher changes pairs: Listen to your number 12121212. Where are ones hands up. Where are two? Hands up. Ones sit in this side and two sit in this side. Teacher shows ss some pictures of whales. PW: Teacher Teacher asks ss to talk to their t heir partners about whale and what they know about them. OC: Teacher Teacher solicits feedback.


  Teacher write ‘whale’ in a bubble on the board and asks us for information about whales

Can get beached Whales

Live in pods

migrate big They sing Hunted for their blubber


Teacher divides the board and gives a corner for vocabulary

Vocabulary /sizәl/ to sizzle (v) sludge (n)(uncountable) vegetation (n)(uncountable)

To explain the verb sizzle, teachers tells students a story about her house mate when she was  preparing her dinner. dinner. She had sausages sizzling in the pan. She asks student what it means to sizzle. What things can sizzle. Can people sizzle. To teach the word sludge, teacher shows a picture of a puddle on the side of the road and discusses it with ss. To teach the word vegetation, teacher shows a picture of dense wood from Brazil, Brazil , and says that she received this picture from a friend and discusses this picture with ss. Reading for Gist

After the vocabulary analysis, teacher chests the handout and says that we need to read this sheet to decide how whales view humans. Do whale have positive, negative, or neutral view towards humans.


Teacher gives 2 mins. Teacher gives the t he handout. handout A Whale’s Eye View A mother whale and a father whale were swimming along the coast with their son when they found a school of people lying on the beach. “What’s that?” asked the son whale, who had never seen people, or even one person before, one his own. “People, son,” said the father whale. “you see them all up and down th this is coast at this time of year. They never lie on the sand without covering themselves with oil, and they boil themselves until they burn completely completel y.” “But they’re such little things,” said the son whale. “I bet I could swallow one whole and keep it unharmed in my stomach.” His mother said she would not want her stomach full of anything that had been boiled in oil and had sand all over it. And, she added, “It would be very very unhealthy because they are usually filled with smoke and hot dogs.” “What do people do on the beach?” asked the son whale. “They sit there and stare at the ocean,” the father wh whale ale said. “And they eat hot dogs.” The mother whale said that in the ocean they also splashed around in such a clumsy manner that the fish had to get out of their way. The father whale drew their attention to several people who had moved away from the beach and were getting into a metal box on wheels. When they were all inside the metal box, it began to move move along the beach, throwing up a great cloud of sand. “What are they doing now?” asked the son whale. “Making pollution,” said the father whale. “People make almost all the pollution in the world, and they use those little moving boxes to do it.” He showed his son the dark gases which came out of the box. “And inside the box,” he said, “they are also preparing rubbish.” “They seem to be useless,” said the son whale. “Why did the Great Whale create people anyway?” anyway?” “Son, said the father whale, “no creature in the Great Whale’s Whale’s universe exists without a purpose. If the Great Whale created people, it was for a good reason.” At that moment, six beer cans flew out of the box, followed by a bag containing a half-eaten hot dog, and an empty plastic body-oil container. “Maybe that’s that’s the reason the Great Whale created people,” said the son whale. “T “To o make rubbish.” “The world doesn’t need rubbish,” said the father whale. “Now,, now,” “Now now,” said the mother mot her whale, who always became uneasy whenever her husband had a fight with their son, “we must take the world as it is and learn to be at peace with it.” “Sometime,” said the father whale, “I think the Great Gr eat Whale is not aware of what he’s doing.” “Your “Y our father has always al ways been very sensitive about rubbish,” the mother whale explained, “ever since accidentally dived into 800 tons of rubbish rubbish that had been dumped into the sea. He smelled disgusting for weeks.” “This news stirred the son whale so much that he spouted, and the people on the shore saw it and cried, “Whales!” Then somebody threw a beer bottle at them. The whales made for the deep, distant water. water. Later that night, as they drifted off in the Gulf S Stream tream admiring the stars, a large ship  passed by and spilled oil over them. However, they they remained at peace with the world as it was and afterward dreamed of the unfortunate people far behind them making rubbish throughout the sweet summer night. Time warning. (PW) in pairs, discuss with your partner whether whales have a positive, negative, or neutral view


towards humans. (OC) Teacher Teacher solicits solicit s feedback. Reading for specific information Teacher chests a sheet and says that the sheet has five question about the topic and that we need to read the passage again to find the answer. answer. Teacher Teacher gives 3 mins

Teacher gives the t he handout. handout A Whale’s Eye View Read the text again and answer these questions 1. When the father whale says ‘That’s people son,’ he goes on to explain what the people are doing. What are the people doing? 2. Why does the mother say that having people in her stomach would be unhealthy? 3. Do the whales think humans are good swimmers? 4. Why is the father whale so sensitive about garbage? 5. What happened to the family of whales later and how did they respond to it?

Time warning. (PW) in pairs, check your answer with your partner. (OC) Teacher Teacher checks answers with the whole class. clas s. Teacher rearranges the pairs. Can I ask you to stand up please, with your paper, pens and all your stuff. I want you to stand according to your date of birth, January will be first on the left, December will  be last on the right. If two people are born in the same month check the day with you partner to decide the order. ICQs. So if I’m born in November where shall I stand. Around here, right!

The(1) 5 Stages of a Receptive Skills (Reading/Listening) Lesson   Lead-in Grab their attention using visuals Pictures of whales, discussion of whales (PW -> OC) Set the context. We are going to read about whales and their view of us. (2)  Vocabulary Analysis Pre-teach vocabulary. vocabulary. Teach the meaning, form and pronunciation (MFP) of some difficult words in the text. Limit the number of words to teach to a maximum of five. You You don’t need to teach all new words. Give them space to guess and predict from context. (3)  Reading for Gist Give them a small task to concentrate on “How do whales view humans? Do they have  positive, negative or neutral view of humans?” humans?” Set the task before the reading. Students work in this sequence (Individual -> PW -> OC) (4)  Reading for specific information Give them a sheet of some question to try to answer from the text. Or ask them to look for


specific information. Students work in this sequence (Individual -> PW -> OC) Important: Set the task before they read or listen, lis ten, so that they have a clear purpose. (5)  Follow-up The follow-up discussion can be speaking or writing activity (usually speaking). It is a discussion related to the theme of the text. For example after the whales text, ss can be asked to discuss wildlife, protecting the environment, or things that people do on the beach.

Listening Activity Subject: Listening Difficulties Lead-in (OC) Why is listening difficult for learners? -  speed -  you can’t go back and read -  accent -  vocab = slang -   background noise -  acoustics -  absence of facial expressions/gestures/body language (paralinguistic clues) Listening for Gist Count the number of problems learners have in listening. |||||| Answer is 6 (OC) Listening for Specific Information List the difficulties 1)  word boundaries – connected speech 2)  students try to understand every word 3)  absence of paralinguistic clues 4)  ellipses and redundancies 5)  students panic because they cannot control or interrupt 6)  lack of purpose: general or specific understanding Handout Stages and Aims of Receptive Skills Lessons (Reading and Listening) Stages Steps Aims (1)Lead-in t he topic and prepare them   to get ss interested in the for the text Set context of the text   to help ss tune into what they’re going to listen to/read (2) Pre-Teach Pre-Teach   to enable ss to have sufficient vocabulary to do Vocabulary the tasks you set 

  to prevent ss blocking on key vocabulary central to the topic   To give ss a reason to listen/read at a gist level

(3) Gist Task

Set initial task


students do initial task (gist) Students check answers in pairs (teacher monitors)

(4) Specific Task

Open class feedback Set specific task students do initial task (gist) Students check answers in pairs (teacher monitors) Open class feedback

  to allow ss to try and answer the gist questions individually   to allow ss to check their answers in a ‘safe’ environment   to allow the teacher monitor and see how they did   to check answers and see where problems lie   To give ss a reason to listen/read more

 

intensively   to allow ss to try and answer the specific questions individually   to allow ss to check their answers in a ‘safe’ environment   to allow the teacher monitor and see how they did   to check answers and see where problems lie   to allow ss to correct their own errors by referring them to parts of the reading/listening text again To exploit the topic of the text for a productive sill (i.e. speaking or writing) or exploit the text for

(5) Follow-up Activity


Receptive Skills Questions Individually -> PW -> OC Are the following things advisable or not when doing a receptive skills lesson? 1.  The students read the text out loud. (no. this is pronunciation drill) 2.  The teacher corrects and drills the answers to the comprehension task. (no) 3.  The teacher pre-teaches all a ll the vocabulary in the text which students probably won’t understand. (no. limit to 5 essential words) 4.  The teacher says, sa ys, “Ask me any words you don’t know.”. know.”. (no) 5.  The students predict what the text will wil l be about e.g. by discussing pictures and then read/listen to check. (yes) 6.  The students listen or read as many times as they want. (no) 7.  The teacher provides a more general, easier eas ier task first followed b by y a more detailed task second. (yes) 8.  The teacher gives students the task before they read/listen. (yes) 9.  The teacher says, “Just read/listen to get the general idea.” (no) 10. The teacher pauses the recording when students are ar e doing a very intensive task, for example, writing down numbers and addresses from the tape. (yes, because it’ it ’s not a test on how fast they can write) 11. The teacher gives students a little time to read the task before they listen. (yes) 12. The teacher refers students back to parts of the tape/reading text iin n order to get students to correct their mistakes.


Day 5, 8/3/2011 Review main concepts (PW -> OC)

Instructions (Some points in giving instructions) 1.  Eye contact 2.  Graded language (script your instructions) 3.   Not too many instructions at the same time (staging) 4.  Don’t give the handout while talking 5.  Use example/demonstration 6.  Use Instruction Checking Questions

Monitory (why it is important) -  -  -  -  -  - 

for linguistic feedback for highlighting language make sure everyone is on task cocktail monitoring with PW how close: enough to hear but not to distract. From the back or while sitting Don’t interrupt the flow.

Interaction Types -  -  -  -  - 


Types of Feedback -  Content -  Linguistic

Stages of Situational Presentation (setting the context for receptive skills lesson) -  Lead-in (set the context) -  Give a story (presentation of language) -  Language clarification (meaning, form and pronunciation) -  Controlled practice. Think of things you used to do Individually -> PW -> OC -  Freer practice

Use timeline for tenses only

I was watching TV when the phone rang.

Concept Checking Questions with tenses -  When did the story happen? – in the past -  What happened first? – watching the TV -  What happened next? – the phone rang -  Did I carry on watching the TV? – no


-  Why? – to answer the phone

Concept Checking Questions with vocabulary She crept along the corridor. concept of ‘creep’ Key concepts (for the teacher) walking slowly walking quietly

to avoid attention to avoid being seen/heard

Concept Checking Questions (for ss) Did she move fast or slow? Did she make noise? Did she want to be seen/heard? Did she run? Did she want people to notice her (to personalize) When did you last creep? Why?

Types of Concept Checking Questions He crept along the corridor. He crept along the corridor.

Display Questions

Referential (real)

(Teacher (Teacher knows the answer)

(T (Teacher eacher doesn’t know the answer)



Did he walk or run? Did he walk quietly? Did he want people to hear him?

When was the last time you crept?

Why do people creep? Can you show me how you creep?

Look at the following concept checking questions for ‘burglar/to burgle’ and decide what kind of questions they are. 1.  Has someone ever burgled your house? What happened? R 2.  What’s the difference between burgle and steal? O 3.  What do burglars usually take? O 4.  What do people usually do after someone burgles their house? O


5.  What might burglar wear? O 6.  Do they have permission to enter your house? C 7.  Are there many burglaries where you live? R



Checking Meaning – Concept Questions When you plan to clarify language, you need to plan to convey the meaning and then check that students understand the meaning. A very important technique is asking concept checking questions. 1.  Choose an example of the target language from your context. 2.  Break down the meaning of the target language (word/structures) 3.  Turn those aspects of meaning into questions, which, if answered correct correctly ly,, how understanding of the target language. For example: Your Your TL is personality adjectives, including “shy”. The context is a description descri ption of your friends. One of them is Sarah, who’s a shy person. Meaning:   It’s not easy for Sarah to talk to people.   She doesn’t feel comfortable when she talks to new people.   Maybe she wants to talk to new people but can’t. She’ss not a bad person and she’s not unfriendly. unfriendly.   She’    

To check understanding of all aspects of the meaning, the teacher teache r asks the questions:   Is it easy for Sarah to talk to people? (no)   Does she feel OK when she talks to new people? (no)

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  Do you think she wants to talk to new people? (maybe)   Is she a bad person? Is she unfriendly? (no)

These closed display questions pin down the meaning. The teacher then asks follow-up questions to consolidate and personalize, e.g. shy? In which situations are the they y the most shy?   Do you know anyone who is shy?   Are you ever shy? In which situations? 

Good concept checking questions…   shouldn’t simply re-use the target language, e.g. Do you have to do your homework? doesn’t check ss understand the meaning of “have to”. t o the questions shouldn’t be target language.   shouldn’t be the same as eliciting, i.e. the answer to   should be graded so that the language in the questions is simpler than the target language. 

  

should initially relate to the context of the target language. should check the target language rather than something else in the sentence. should cover all areas of concept checking and potential confusion. should focus on the meaning of idioms and phrasal verbs rather than breaking them down into individual components.   shouldn’t be a guessing game.   should be limited in number (usually 2 or 3 is enough)   should have clear answers which you need to plan, unless they are the referential questions (e.g.  personalized concept checking questions)


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Day 6, 7/3/2011 Observe teacher teach real students

Names of students

Leandro Evona Adriane Fredrico Veri Maita Adolph Edgar Miguel Carmen Julia


Day 7, 14/3/2011 Text-Based Presentation Lesson Framework The purpose of this lesson is to explain a grammar point (the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple). Other purposes of text-based presentation lessons could be to teach a number of vocabulary items related to a certain subject subje ct or theme. The text that the teacher chose to hi highlight ghlight the target language is talking about university application, so the theme goes in this direction.

(1) Lead-in (1.1) Warm-up GW:: In two groups, talk about university application and requirements iin GW n your country country.. Teacher was keen to put me (from Egypt) in one group and Lucas (from Poland) iin na different group. OC: Discuss answers. Ask individuals to talk about what they found out about other people. (1.2) Set the Context PW:: Teacher lays a large piece of paper with large font on the floor in front of the whole PW class. The paper contains a university application question: In order for the admissions staff of our university to get to know you, the applicant, better, we ask that you answer the following question : Are there any significant experiences you have had, or accomplishments you have realised, that have helped to define you as a person ?

Teacher asks ss in pairs to discuss this question. OC: T  Teacher eacher solicits feedback from ss.

(2) Pre-teach Vocabulary Vocabulary Set the vocabulary context. Tell ss that in a moment they will read a student’s answer the university application question, but first we need to look at some words. (1)  moulinex. Eliciting. (meaning) Teacher shows ss a picture of a food  processor andwhat’s asks ssthe what’ what’s s in and the picture. Ss answer blender, food processor Teacher asks brand, tells us that sometimes people use names of…  brands instead. Then teacher writes moulinex on the board. board. (form) teacher asks what type of word this is. then she writes (n) next to it on the board. (pronunciation) teacher says moulinex and says ‘every ‘ever y one’ (choral drilling) then she picks up a couple of people to say the word. (2)  spelling bee. Eliciting. (meaning) You You know, know, in the US there is a competition between students to spell words. Do you know what this competition is called? (form) what type of word? (noun). (pronunciation). Choral drilling, individual drilling. (3)  Teacher show a picture pictur e of stucco. Do you know that this stucco. (meaning). Teacher is? (form) what type of word is this? (noun) Is it countable or uncountable? (uncountable). (pronunciation) CD, ID. (freer practice). Did you see any stucco  before? Where? frolic. Concept Checking. (meaning) If you go to a mountain you can see a (4)  group of lambs frolic up and down. Where can you see children frolic? (form)(pronunciation)



(3) Gist Task Interaction pattern change. Teacher Teacher divides class into i nto 3 groups of 3, 3 and 2 people. Chest handout. Teacher Teacher says in this sheet tthere here is an answer by a student to tthe he application question you’ve seen earlier. Read it alone and find three interesting achievements. ICQ: How many achievements do you need to find? Handout. I a been dynamic figure, often seen walls and crushing ice. I am have known to remodel trainscaling stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Kenyan refugees, I write award-winning operas, and manage time time efficiently. efficiently. Occasionally, Occasionally, I tread tread water for three days in a row. I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook thirty Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cello, I had United, I am the subject of numerous documentaries.

outlaw in Peru. single-handedly horde of trials with Manchester

When I'm bored, I build large suspension bridges in my garden. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays, after school, I repair electrical appliances free of charge. I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. I don't perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have appeared on Through the Keyhole and won the gold plaque. Last summer I toured Eastern Europe with a traveling centrifugal-force demonstration. I run the 100m in 9.65 secs. My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international internationa l botany circles. Children trust me. I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. I have performed several covert operations for the CIA. I sleep once a week; when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I a group terrorists who had seized a successfully small bakery.negotiated The laws with of physics doof not apply to me. I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only some vegetables and a Breville Toaster. I breed prizewinning clams. I have won bullfights in Madrid, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and chess competitions at the Kremlin. I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis.

But I have not yet gone to this University.

GW: Check with your group. GW: OC: Feedbak


(4) Language Clarification MEANING: Explaining the meaning of the grammatical structure (tenses) Teacher picks up three sentences from the text that highlight the target language (Past Simple and Present Perfect) and writes down 4 questions. Instruction, chesting the handout. Interaction pattern: SS -> PW -> OC Handout a)   I Years I discovered b) haveago played Hamlet. the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. c)  I have spoken with Elvis. In pairs, discuss these questions: (i)  When did he discover the meaning of life? (ii)  When did he play Hamlet/speak to Elvis? (iii)  Is it important when he played Hamlet or spoke to Elvis? (iv)  What’s the difference between saying, ‘I have played Hamlet’ and ‘I played Hamlet’? 

FORM: Explain the form of the grammatical structure. Teacher asks ss to unfold the sheet. Interaction pattern: SS -> PW -> OC Handout In pairs, discuss these questions: (i)  PAST SIMPLE discover/forget  – which one is regular/irregular? What’s the form of each? (ii)  PAST PERFECT Form ______/______ + ________________

PRONUNCAITION. Teacher asks ss “What do you think ss might need help with?” Interaction pattern: SS -> PW -> OC

Controlled Practice Instruction, chesting the handout. Write the correct form. Handout Have you ever …  … (be) sky diving?  … (find) money in the street?   … (break) a mirror or a window?  … (see) an eclipse?   … (be) on TV or the radio? … (stay) up to watch a sunrise?  … (be) to New York?   … (meet) a famous person?   … (have) your wallet stolen?  … (win) money in the lottery?   … (do) graffiti?  … (be) mugged? 

Interaction pattern: SS -> PW -> OC


Freer Practice Interaction pattern: Mingled Activity -> OC Teacher gives each student s tudent a card. Each card has one question. Each student should move around in the room and ask people in the room. If the answer is yes, you ask for more details. What tense do you use when you ask for details? Right, past simple. s imple. Ss need to remember the most interesting answer to tell the class later. Card Questions

Have Have Have Have Have Have Have Have

you you you you you you you you

ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever

been sky diving? seen an eclipse? stayed up to watch a sunrise? been to New York? met a famous person? had your wallet stolen? won money in the lottery? been mugged?


A Text-Based Text-Based Presentation Presentat ion Lesson Framework Planning

Choose/write/record a text through which to introduce the new language. Make sure there aren’t ar en’t distractions such as new and complicated grammar or vocabulary. vocabulary. Lesson

1) Conduct the beginning of a normal reading/listening lesson   Lead-in   Pre-teach key vocab (max 3 words)   set a gist task, read/listen, check in pairs, feedback. 

2) Clarification Stage example of the new language. If appropriate, get ss to come    pick out, or get ss to pick out an example up with more than one example, e.g. ways of expressing likes and dislikes.   clarify meaning   check meaning   clarify form   drill pronunciation   address appropriacy issues (if necessary) 

3) Practice target language wasn’t in the original text)    pre-teach any relevant vocabulary relating to the activity (which wasn’t   set task   ss prepare for task if necessary   do task (s/pw/gw)   feedback with correction slot if appropriate 


Advantages of Text-Based Presentation


   

has very clear (real world) language in a natural context can be very up-to-date if authentic texts are used adds variety to the structure of the lessons there’s a good level of student involvement creates a good balance to the lesson les son – authentic context + skills practice + language input and practice

  ss do the work and teacher manages a lot of it

Disadvantages of Text-Based Presentation

  texts need careful selection/creation – for language, interest and relevance   it’s possible that other new grammar and vocabulary distract ss from the target language – ss have to understand the text before they can focus on the language   it takes time and sometimes means that language practice is compromised

Story Writing Activity GW: The idea is that you can create your own text for text-based presentation if you cannot find an

appropriate authentic text. In two groups teacher asks each group to write a story together. together. Each one of them should write the text of the story. story. Group one: Write a story where you can integrate 7 vocabulary items related to wedding. Group two: write a story where you can use Past Continuous and Past Simple

Group one story: The stag night was a nightmare. nightmare. When I woke up I couldn’ couldn’tt find the rings. r ings. After a short search se arch I  found them down the the back of the couch. The bride and bridegroom bridegroom had a row row and wanted to cancel cancel the wedding. As a best man, I met the bride and persuaded her to go ahead. I told her it would be a  shame to waste the wedding cake and presents and the dress. dress. In the end we had a lovely wedding  party..  party Group two story:  As I was walking down the the street, I heard heard a young lady crying. Somebody Somebody was trying to mug her. her. I went to the lady and shouted s houted to the mugger who ran away. As I was phoning the police the mugger came back with a group of people. We We ran away before they attack us. GW: Swap 2 people from each group and give them a chance to read the story of the other group.

Phonology Lesson Lesson Aim The target of the lesson is to allow students understand and use phonemic transcription. Evidence. My target will be achieved if ss can use the phonemic transcription accurately in the freer and controlled practice.



Red and blue game Ask student to choose two colors (say red and blue). The reds will sit on chairs in front of the board. The blues will stand behind the reds. There are 4 pieces of paper (containing conversation) stuck on the board. Instructions : The blues will go to the board, read one sentence, go to his/her red partner and tell them the sentence. The reds will write down the sentences. se ntences. When you come to the middle line of the sheet, the reds and blues will swap places. ICQs. Who is going to read? blues Who is going to write? red When you come to the middle line, what will happen? Sheet: Helen: Hello Ellen. Ellen: Hi Helen. Helen: Did you hear what happened to Henry Higgins yesterday? Ellen: What happened?  ___________________  __________ __________________ __________ _ Helen: He fell of the horse and was taken to hospital. Ellen: I hope it’s not anything serious. Helen: He broke his arm and was in terrible pain. Ellen: I hope he gets well soon.

Explain monophthongs Dominos game PW: Give a number of cards to each pair of students and ask them to connect them like dominos. Demonstration: Do one example cat father ɑ:  ɑ:  æ weed  bird ɛ: ɪ 

Explain diphthongs Two exercises: s -> PW -> OC 1) Write the phonemic symbol next to the word. Students can look on the table on the board. eight /ei/ hair hello house here high fly phone cow enjoy  beer noise way there 2) Circle the correct phonemic transcription a. why 1. /wei/ 2. /wai/ 3. /wie/  b. pay c. coin d. beard e. their f. house g. coat h. wait i. now



Explain consonants Freer Practice PW: Write Write one word in phonemic transcription and ask your partner tto o read it.

Controlled practice 8 flash cards are glued to the wall with blue tack. The card contain questions written in  phonemic transcription. Read the question and write the answer. The questions are: 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8. 

What is 3 squared? What is the capital of Australia? Who wrote the Da Venci Code? Where is the sea of tranquility? What is the highest mountain in Europe? Who are the stars in Titanic? Give an example of the first conditional. Who invented the radio?

PW: Check your answer with your partner OC: Seek feedback from whole class


Handout PRONUNCIATION AND THE USE OF THE PHONEMIC CHART 1) Why should I use the phonemic chart with students in the class?

  Familiarisation with the phonemic symbols means that students can become more independent language learners. They can go away awa y and look up pronunciation in the

without needing to model it able for them. When covering language inthe theteacher class, students are to note the pronunciation for   dictionary reference later (either in the lesson or at home).   It benefits visual learners who often like to see sounds represented visually as well as hearing them.

2) Do I have to teach my students all the symbols?

  It makes sense to start off looking at sounds that are problematic for a particular group of students, e.g. /b/ and /v/ for Spanish speakers, /v/ and /w/ for German speakers. It’s not a good idea to teach the whole chart to a class in one lesson – it’s better to introduce it gradually as needs dictate. s ymbols above the word on   If you’re dealing with a tricky word, you can write the word in symbols the board (in a different colour) or just the problematic part of the word. After a while students start recognising sounds that come up a lot (i.e. the ones they need to work on)

3) Do I have to speak with ‘Received Pronunciation’ English in order to use the chart? s hould be used to interpret the way that you speak English. It’s   Definitely not! The chart should unnatural to change the way that you speak. Although in certain dialects it’s useful for students to know what is dialect and what is commonly said by the majority of speakers.

4) Will students expect me to know and use the chart?

  It’s reasonable to expect teachers to have a decent working knowledge of the chart as a tool for clarification of vocabulary. vocabulary. You You can ‘sell’ the idea to students by pointing out that iitt adds

another dimension to independent dictionary use.


TP1 Feedback          

  

 

Don’t use connected writing on the board Sit down more Voice was too loud for f or the small number of students Be careful with correct language modelling Be natural with pronunciation drilling


Day 10, 21/3/2011 Focus on Vocabulary When do we need to teach vocabulary? 1.  2.  3. 

In pre-teach for receptive skills lessons (max 5) In vocabulary lesson (max 7) Before tasks if they include a difficult word.

What is the word activity (GW -> OC) Words are written on cards c ards with letters in random order, for example ‘register ‘register’’ is written as ‘rgeesrit’ Each group is given 9 cards, one person holds the card and the other try to guess the word. The group that finishes first says ‘stop the bus’

The 9 words connected to vocabulary are: register (formal or informal) spelling form example connotation (positive or negative) synonyms  pronunciation collocation meaning

Decide if this clarification of meaning is student-centred or teacher centred. 1.  Write words on the board (TC) 2.  Elicit with realia/picture/anecdote (TC) 3.  Contextualize the target language in reading text. Discuss meaning in pairs. 4.  Put all words on the board, students match to pics/definitions (SC) 5.  6.  7. 

Test-teach-test (SC) Categorize: inside/outside (SC) Words on cards (SC)



Ways of T Teaching eaching Vocabul ocabulary ary Teacher-centred


Visual aids, e.g. pictures, diagrams, realia Mime

Matching words to pictures/labelling diagrams Gapfill with/without list of words

Eliciting from a situation/story Using synonyms and antonyms Eliciting headword from examples of types, e.g. hammer, screwdriver – tools Labelling a cline (e.g. freezing freez ing cold, warm, hot,  boiling) Giving examples Building word families, e.g. fright, frighten, frightened Building lexical sets, e.g. car, train, plane

Matching opposites Brainstorming meaning in pairs or groups Matching words to definitions Deducing meaning from context (in a reading or listening text) Giving examples Explaining differences between similar words Sorting words into know/not sure/don’t know categories

Some other considerations with planning a vocabulary lesson:

  When selecting vocabulary, you need to consider the following criteria: o  Frequency of use o  Range – how many contexts can it be used in? o  Usefulness to learners’ needs o  Whether it is for active or passive use vocabulary.   Learners need to be actively involved in learning new vocabulary.   Memory of new words can be reinforced if it is used in a personally relevant way.   Learners need to record vocabulary in a meaningful context – they need to write a definition, not just a translation of the word. They also need to learn and note new words in  phrases (with dependent prepositions and collocations) not in isolation. they y can remember it completely.   Learners need to revisit a word at least seven times before the

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