CELTA - Lesson Plan
Short Description
Lesson plan...
Teacher Name
TP no
40 mins
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, learners will have an improved sense of writing in terms of linking the words together in a sentence, rewriting & oining sentences!
Personal Aims
"n this lesson, " will #e working on #eing more precise on setting $p tasks, giving clear instr$ctions & $sing sim pler, relevant relevant lang$age!
%lass Profile A group of 9-10 pre-intermediate, multi-lingual, young adults comprising of out! Asian " Ara# nationalities $!o $or% in &arious departments of a reno$ned !otel c!ain " some from a facility management company' (it! an o&erall preintermediate le&el, t!ere is some &ariation in t!e understanding le&el' ome s are t!e tal%ati&e ones, #eing more confident $!ile some lac% a #it of confidence' Almost all of t!em !a&e studied )nglis! at sc!ool " are !oping to impro&e t!eir *o# prospects #y de&eloping t!eir language s%ills more'
Materials + as% as%ss and eercises adapted according to t!e daily life/routine of t!e learners + as% as%ss starting from from #eing &ery controlled to #eing #eing semi controlled + .ints on card papers pasted pasted all around around t!e room room
Previo$s Learning'nowledge ( )Ass$mptions relevant to this lessonTimeta#le lessonTimeta#le *it+ hat do yo$ know or ass$me learners already know a#o$t what yo$ are teaching them today+ !at only some of t!e learners %no$ !o$ to $rite complete, structured sentences #y t!eir o$n + !at most of t!e learners prefer spea%ing more o&er $riting + !at t!e learners do seem to !a&e de&eloped a sense of relating $ritten $ords to pictures " situations
Meas$ring Learning ( )Achievement of Lesson Aims+ .ow will yo$ know if learning has #een s$ccessf$l or if yo$r lesson aims have #een achieved+ uccessful completion of t!e $riting tas%s + uccessfully *oining " relating t!e $ords to t!e gi&en passage + earners de&elop t!eir o$n sentences as t!e reasons in a gi&en eercise + onfidently $rite t!e missing $ords on t!e #oard
%onsolidation of Learning ( )*ollow /p+ hat do yo$ anticipate wo$ld #e a logical follow $p to this lesson at a later stage
+ et t!em more $riting practice $it! follo$ up eercises in t!e net sessions2continued if t!e eac!ing Practitioner c!anges + )ncourage t!em to de&elop t!eir o$n sentences #y using t!e *oining $ords2#ecause, so, #ut or t!en +
0kills lessons 1NL2 3 "f there is any P45(T5A%. le6is, what is it and how will yo$ clarify4emem#er, this #o6 is for 0'"LL0 lessons i!e! reading, writing, listening, and speaking 1NL2! + es, es, t!ey $ill #e using some $ords t!at t!ey already !a&e used in t!e pre&ious lessons' + 5orms of specific $ords li%e feel
LAN7/A75 ANAL20"0 *14M )for grammar, le6is of f$nctions lessons 3 N1T skills+
hat is the target lang$age called- )Also provide the act$al e6amples to #e $sed in the lesson!+
hat is the meaning of the target lang$age- )0tate what it meanswhen we $se it!+
.ow will meaning #e checked- Provide e6amples, e!g! %%8s, pict$res, g$ided discovery task, etc!
0how the key feat$res of pron$nciation, e!g! phonemes, wordsentence stress, contractions, etc!
0how the feat$res of form, e!g! grammatical str$ct$re, word class, spelling r$les, collocations, etc!
Anticipated Pro#lems with the Target Lang$age )$se the analysis a#ove to help here+
0$ggested 0ol$tions to the pro#lems identified
P41%5D/45 PA75 ( fill in as many stages as you re8uire for your lesson 0TA75 NAM5 Lead "n
0TA75 A"M
To generate interest in writing & the $nderstanding of developing sentences
9 ( : mins
"NT54A%T"1N 00(T, 00(00
P41%5D/45; + + + +
reet ' After as%ing a#out t!eir $ee%end, I $ill as% t!em a#out small con&ersations a#out t!eir daily life As% t!em to $rite do$n t!e sentences t!ey used in t!e con&ersations As% t!em to as% t!e person sitting to t!eir rig!t $!at did you do on t!e $ee%end and $rite t!e ans$er do$n After t!e small initiating eercise, tell t!em t!at $e are going to practice $riting " correcting/de&eloping sentences <
Anticipated 0ol$tions;
Anticipated Pro#lems; + earners cannot t!in% of muc! to $rite a#out + earners cannot de&elop sentences
0TA75 NAM5 Pre(Development Task
+ i&e &er#al prompts' )'g' I $ent to t!e :all of t!e )mirates, I $as!ed my clot!es and $atc!ed ;, I $ent to A#u minutes to fill in t!e missing $ords and to *oin sentences' 5orm groups/pairs + After > minutes of gi&ing t!em out t!e tas%, read out t!e gi&en lines " as% t!em for t!e ans$ers' + i&e t!em out t!e correct ans$ers, so t!at t!ey %no$ if t!ey are rig!t 2feed#ac% <
Anticipated 0ol$tions;
Anticipated Pro#lems;
+ i&e one-to-one suggestions to eac! group + i&e t!em eamples from t!eir daily li&es " encourage t!em to come up $it! $ords used in t!eir daily life
+ earners can find it difficult to find t!e most suita#le missing $ords
0TA75 NAM5 )0entence+ Development Task
0TA75 A"M
5nco$rage them to generate reasons o$t of the given sit$ations & rewrite the sentences $sing specific words
=@ min
"NT54A%T"1N 00(00, 00(T
P41%5D/45; + + + + +
(rite a situation of t!eir interest on t!e #oard " elicit responses As% t!em for an action t!ey did or a situation out of t!eir daily life and to come up $it! reasons for t!at action elling t!em to complete t!e eercise ? #y re$riting t!e sentences using t!e rig!t form of t!e $ord feel .and out t!e eercises i&e t!em collecti&e feed#ac% to let t!em %no$ t!e correct ans$ers <
Anticipated Pro#lems;
+ earners can find it difficult to find t!e rig!t form of @feel to #e used in re$riting t!e sentences + earners are not used to de&ising reasons out of a ituation
Anticipated 0ol$tions; + Bn t!e #oard, demonstrate completing different sentences using different forms of t!e same $ord + i&e t!e learners eamples of de&ising reasons for
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