CELTA Assignment 4: Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector T Task ask 2 T Teacher eacher Role an res!onsibilities Colle"e o# $orth %est Lonon Coe o# Practice an Learner contracts The colle"e&s Coe o# Conuct is !rinte at the back o# the L Learnin" earnin" A"ree'ent #or' (hich 'ust be si"ne an ate by all stuents at the ti'e o# enrol'ent) The Coe o# Conuct brie*y outlines (hat is e!ecte o# stuents an inclues, •
Stuent res!onsibilities -on ti'e attenance. hanin" in o# course(ork an ho'e(ork. !ro!er use o# the Colle"e resources/
Eniron'ental a(areness -!ro!er use o# litter bins. usin" esi"nate areas to eat an rink. re#rainin" #ro' # ro' usin" 'obile !hones in class/ na!!ro!riateunacce!table behaiour -bullyin". 'isuse o# centre&s co'!uters an 3re 3"htin" e4ui!'ents. use o# ille"al ru"s alcohol .carry or use a (ea!on/ 5utsie the classroo' the Coe o# Conuct is clearly is!laye (ith colour#ul !osters on notice boars an (alls aroun the ca'!us to re'in stuents o# its i'!ortance) Stuents can also access the Coe o# Conuct #ro' the Colle"e&s (ebsite) •
nsie the classroo' the Coe o# Conuct is en#orce throu"h teachers an stuents brie3n". isual !ro'!ts an en#orce'ent 'easures such as strict attenance recor takin". !rohibition an con3scation o# han hel (ireless technolo"y) E4ual 5!!ortunity Le"islation The Equality Act 2010 replaced all previous equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Se Discrimination Act! The "ollege is committed to the t he active pursuit o# a Single Equality Scheme $hich $ill address the needs and rights o# everyone in the "ollege and ensure that everyone is treated $ith dignity and respect, in an environment $here a diversity o# bac%grounds and eperiences is valued and celebrated!
&utside the classroom this commitment is transmitted visually through posters identi#ying and celebrating ethnicity, gender and nationality! 'nside the classroom teachers are brie#ed to treatin" stuents as iniiuals o# e4ual (orth 6 re"arless o# "ener. race. back"roun an to enable stuents to !artici!ate in all actiities (ith sa#e clothin" a!!ro!riate to reli"ious reli"ious belie#7 to !lan (ork that buils on their cultural
28 February 2012
Atakilte L Mekuria
e!eriences7 to aoi "ener or ethnic stereoty!in" in "rou!in" !roceures7 to !roie !ositie role 'oels) The teacher also nees to consier. #or ea'!le. (hether e4ual nu'bers o# (o'en an 'en are !ortraye in resource 'aterials.
ealth an an Sa#ety Le"islation The ealth Sa#ety Act 19:; a an n the Man Mana"e'ent a"e'ent o# ealth an S Sa#ety a#ety at % %ork ork Re"ulations 1999 These Acts Acts seek to !reen !reentt accients a an n to ensu ensure re that the colle"e(ork!lace colle"e(ork!lace is as #ree #ree #ro' risk as !ossible 5utsie the classroo' Stuents an teachers underta%e regular #ire sa#ety training training and and fire drills) The location o# 3re etin"uishers an e'er"ency eits are clearly labelle) The colle"e !ersonnel are traine to "ie 3rst ai) nsie the classroo' the teacher shoul be tol. (ho is res!onsible #or ealth an Sa#ety 'atters in the colle"e. an (hat the !roceures are in res!ect o# health an sa#ety. e)") an"erous substances or e4ui!'ent. re!ortin" accients. 3rst ai treat'ent) The classroo's shoul be #ree o# cable (irin"s that 'i"ht tri! stuents or any kin o# obstructions that 'ay hiner #ree 'oe'ent in the class)
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