Celta Assignment 4 Ptlls

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28 February 2012

Atakilte L Mekuria


CELTA Assignment 4: Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector  T  Task ask 2  T  Teacher eacher Role an res!onsibilities Colle"e o# $orth %est Lonon Coe o# Practice an Learner contracts  The colle"e&s Coe o# Conuct is !rinte at the back o# the L Learnin" earnin" A"ree'ent #or' (hich 'ust be si"ne an ate by all stuents at the ti'e o# enrol'ent) The Coe o# Conuct brie*y outlines (hat is e!ecte o# stuents an inclues, •

Stuent res!onsibilities -on ti'e attenance. hanin" in o# course(ork an ho'e(ork. !ro!er use o# the Colle"e resources/

Eniron'ental a(areness -!ro!er use o# litter bins. usin" esi"nate areas to eat an rink. re#rainin" #ro' # ro' usin" 'obile !hones in class/ na!!ro!riateunacce!table behaiour -bullyin". 'isuse o# centre&s co'!uters an 3re 3"htin" e4ui!'ents. use o# ille"al ru"s alcohol .carry or use a (ea!on/ 5utsie the classroo' the Coe o# Conuct is clearly is!laye (ith colour#ul !osters on notice boars an (alls aroun the ca'!us to re'in stuents o# its i'!ortance) Stuents can also access the Coe o# Conuct #ro' the Colle"e&s (ebsite) •

nsie the classroo' the Coe o# Conuct is en#orce throu"h teachers an stuents brie3n". isual !ro'!ts an en#orce'ent 'easures such as strict attenance recor takin". !rohibition an con3scation o# han hel (ireless technolo"y) E4ual 5!!ortunity Le"islation The Equality Act 2010 replaced all previous equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Se Discrimination Act! The "ollege is committed to the t he active pursuit o# a Single Equality Scheme $hich $ill address the needs and rights o# everyone in the "ollege and ensure that everyone is treated $ith dignity and respect, in an environment $here a diversity o# bac%grounds and eperiences is valued and celebrated!

&utside the classroom this commitment is transmitted visually through posters identi#ying and celebrating ethnicity, gender and nationality! 'nside the classroom teachers are brie#ed to  treatin" stuents as iniiuals o# e4ual (orth 6 re"arless o# "ener. race. back"roun an to enable stuents to !artici!ate in all actiities (ith sa#e clothin" a!!ro!riate to reli"ious reli"ious belie#7 to !lan (ork that buils on their cultural


28 February 2012

Atakilte L Mekuria


e!eriences7 to aoi "ener or ethnic stereoty!in" in "rou!in" !roceures7 to !roie !ositie role 'oels) The teacher also nees to consier. #or ea'!le. (hether e4ual nu'bers o# (o'en an 'en are !ortraye in resource 'aterials.

ealth an an Sa#ety Le"islation  The ealth Sa#ety Act 19:; a an n the Man Mana"e'ent a"e'ent o# ealth an S Sa#ety a#ety at % %ork ork Re"ulations 1999  These Acts Acts seek to !reen !reentt accients a an n to ensu ensure re that the colle"e(ork!lace colle"e(ork!lace is as #ree #ree #ro' risk as !ossible 5utsie the classroo' Stuents an teachers underta%e regular #ire sa#ety training training and  and fire drills) The location o# 3re etin"uishers an e'er"ency eits are clearly labelle) The colle"e !ersonnel are traine to "ie 3rst ai) nsie the classroo' the teacher shoul be tol. (ho is res!onsible #or ealth an Sa#ety 'atters in the colle"e. an (hat the !roceures are in res!ect o# health an sa#ety. e)") an"erous substances or e4ui!'ent. re!ortin" accients. 3rst ai treat'ent) The classroo's shoul be #ree o# cable (irin"s that 'i"ht tri! stuents or any kin o# obstructions that 'ay hiner #ree 'oe'ent in the class)

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