Celex Basico 5 - Primer Examen
November 25, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1 task 2 Speaking 20% 2 escritos, classroom. 80% Name Ocupeccion Country Interesting
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Common adjectives Perfect Delicious Alright Boring Awful Strange Polite Stupid Seem Hesitates Moves Agree
Perfecto, perfeccionar Deliciooso, exquisito Bien, bueno, correctamente Aburrido, pesado, pegajoso Horrible, terrible, tremendo Extraño, desconocido, extravagante Educado, cortes, atento Bruto, atontado, estupido, pendejo, estulto, Parecer Vacilar, titubear, Se mueve Estar de acuerdo, acordar, convenir, aceptar,
Adjectives modify nouns Wedding = boda
Common adjectives
small talk
Charla, la platica, el palique, el parloteo
Seguir, vigilar, comprender, resultar, seguir sus pasos Brillante, genial, flamante
brilliant match relationships
Partido, el encuentro, la cerilla, el igual, la mecha , igualar, emparejar, armonizar Ralaciones
Cualquier momento
Meleducado, grosero, rudo, tosco, violento
Ganar, obtener, ganarse, percebir, merecer
Adivinar, conjeturar, suponer, imaginar, pensar
argument over Silly
El argumento, ,la discussion, el razonamiento, el alegato, la disputa Encima, sobre, por encima, arriba. Tonta, ridiculo, absurdo, bobo, imbecil
Gorgeous Lovely Amazing Bit Wedding
Preociosa, maravilloso, esplendido Encantador, precioso, hermoso, bello, delicioso Asombroso, maravilloso, espantoso Poco, el poco, el pedacito, la parte, el rato. Boda, las bodas, el casamiento
not mea Goes Before
Whose around
De quien, Alrededor, cerca, aproximadamente,
Something else Interests
Algo mas, otra cosa intereses
Generally does
Generalmente lo hace
Quick Lazy Absolutely Pretty Sure Really Especially Useful Tell
Rapida, pronto, agil, Perezoso, gandul, echado absolutamente Bonito, bastante, Por supuesto, Seguro, cierto, firme. De verdad, realmente, en realidad, verdaderamente Especialmente, ante todo Util, conveniente, bueno Decir, contra, saber
Forget Comment Straight Particularly Fairly
Olvidar, olvidarse de, dejar Comentario, la observacion, la glosa. Comentar, Derecha, directamente. Recto Particularmente, especialmente, en particular Equitativamente, bastante, justamente, completamente Separada, separar, separarse, divider. Independiente Enviando, el envoi Infeliz, triste, desgraciado Normalmente, Principalmente, mayormente Los gritos, el griterio, el jaleo, Llanto, Explicacion, la descripcion Dar, ofrecer, hacer, Alguien Enviar, mandar, transmitir Vender, venderse, vender para
separate Sending Unhappy Normally Mainly Shouting Crying explanation Give Someone send Sell
Vocabulary support Abroad = in another country Blog = information that you put on the internet regulary for people to read Cancel = stop something that is arranged Comment = words or message about something Instant message = (IM) a way of communicating very quickly online Realise = suddenly start to understand Separate, independent of each other = different Ex-boyfriend = a person who was a boyfriend in the past and is not now Idiot = a stupid person Florist = a person who sells flowers Marketing = a job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or service Wedding = the event when two people get married Blog
Cancel Quickly Realise Suddenly Different Florist
Cancelar, anular, suprimir Rapidamente, aprisa Darse cuenta de, realizar, entender De repente, de pronto, bruscamente Diferente, distinto, diverso Florista
involves encouraging Involves encouraging
Implica Alentadora, Implica animar
highlighted Absolutely Particularly Really Especially Pretty fairly
resaltada Absolutamente Particularmente Realmente, de verdad, Especialmente, ante todo Bonito, bonito, bastante Justamente, bastante
Frequency adverbs
Normally = normalmente
Generally = Mainly = generalmente, principalmente, en general mayormente Often = con frecuencia, a menudo, muchas veces Sometimes = a veces, algunas veces Hardly ever Casi nunca, Never = nunca, jamas, nunca en la vida
Casi nunca, raramente, rara vez
Wrote Countryside Through Wild spend Share Relatives Instead By the way
Escribio. Redactor, esribir Campo, la campiña, la campaña A traves de, por, mediante. Por medio de, hasta Salvaje, silvestre, agreste, loco, feroz Gastar, pasar, gastar dinero, agotar Cuota, compartir, divider, partir, la cuota, la participacion, la parte parientes En lugar de, en vez, A proposito
Long time no see Great to see you By the way Nice to meet you
Mucho tiempo sin verlo, hace mucho que no lo veia Genial verte A proposito, de paso Encantado de conocerte
How nice Sounds good
Que lindo Suena bien
V. where do you live ? J. I live in Mexico City. V. what did you do at the weekend ?
J. I went with my girlfriend and my friends to a party, also I went with my parents to eat at the restaurant. V. do you have some news? J. yes, I have. I bought a new motorbike. V. What are you studying these days? J. I am studying for my dynamic, thermal and refrigeration exams. Must go Again Must meet up Must Meet up It was really nice to meet you
Debe ir Otra vez Debe reunirse Deber, tener que reunirse Fue realmente un placer conocerte
Own colleague Down down Skills Seem Get in touch get heard Keeping
Propia colega Abajo, hacia abajo, bajo abajo Habilidades Parecer Ponerse en contacto Obtener, llegar, conseguir Oyo Acuerdo, la custodia, el cuidado
touch keeping in touch prefer to tell Receive
Toque, el contacto, el tacto Mantenerse en contacto Prefiero decir Recibir, acoger, cobrar
hope Summer Took slowly improving
Esperar, Verano, el estio Tomo Mojorando lentamente
pretty To all anyway much too quickly
Bonita A todos De todas formas, de todos modos, de todas maneras Demasiado rapido
go out
Salir, apagarse,
see you back
Nos vemos de Vuelta
Ahorro, el ahorro, la salvacion, el salvamento
Like your That would be great Thought If you like
Como tu Eso seria genial Pensamiento, la idea, la reflexion Si te gusta
Bold Most what was the film like
Negrita, audaz, intrepido, atrevido La mayoria, mas, maximo Como estuvo el filme
looks like
Parece. Parecer, parecer que
sound like
Suena como, parecer a
Podria, poder,
Diciendo, el refran, el dicho, el decir,
Looks like
Parece, parecer, parecer que
Sounds like
Suena como
getting started
Tenencia, la participacion, la posesion
happens next
Sucede a continuacion
Mendicidad, el pordiosero
Quizas, tal vez
Montada, montado
Divertido, la diversion, la alegria. Bromear,
Tartar, probar, intentar
Todo, entero, total el todo
Dicho, escrito
En algun lugar, en alguna parte
Reservar, anotar, fichar
sleep badly the night before
Dormil mal la noche
Listo, preparer, disponer, poner a punto
Hora de comer
Desempacar, desembalar
Valija, la maleta,
Microbus, el colectivo
Afortunadamente, por suerte, felizmente
suntan lotion
Hacia, para, tocante
Intento, probado
Llevar, transporter, cargar
things back
Cosas de Vuelta
just rest
Solo descansa
i got back
Until trip as said Show agree Try Hurry Offer Prefer Relax Engine
Hasta Viaje, el tropiezo, el disparo Como, mientras, cuando Dicha, dicho, escrito Mostrar, demostrar, enseñar Aceptar, estar de acuerdo, convenir Tartar, probar, intentar Apurarse, dese prisa Oferta, ofrecer, brindar, hacer Preferer, presenter, formular Relajarse, relajar, aflojar Motor, la maquina, la locomotora
Tourism Backpack Foreign currency Guidebook Map Passport Suitcase Sunglasses Suntan lotion
Mochila Moneda extranjera, el dinero extranjero Guia, la guia de turista Mapa Pasaporte Valija, la maleta, Gafas de sol , las gafas para el sol bronceador
Pasear, el turismo,
Visa, el visado
campsite souvenirs
Camping, el campamento Recuerdos
Dinero, la moneda, la riqueza,
Alojamiento, la acomodacion, la comodidad
Hostal, el albergue, el parador,
Aventura. Aventurarse, aventurar
Equipaje, el equipaje
away embassy
Lejos, fuera, en sentido opuesto. El Partido jugado fuera Embajada,
Conseguir, obtener, llegar,
En linea, conectado
Esplendido, maravilloso, vistoso
Travel collocations flight in toilet
Vuelo en el baño
Precipitarse, lanzarse, asaltar.
set off
Activar, compensar, partir, explotar
travelled around
Viajado alrededor
took of
Tomo de
Aterrizada, desembarcado, llegado
Hizo autostop
gave us a lift
Nos dio un aventon
got to
Tengo que
Abordar, Subir a, embarcarse en
La prisa, la Carrera
We travalled around Europe last year We set off in june We took off late but We landed on time in berlin We hitchhiked across Germany A kind man gave us a lift to frankfurt We boarded a train to paris We changed at strasbourg We got to paris at seven thirty
Visit many different places in a large area Start a journey Leave an airport by plane Arrive at an airport by plane Stand by the road and ask for free rides Drive another person to their destination Get on a bus / train / plane Get off one train and get on a different train Arrive at a place
Get on Get off
Subirse, subir a, ponerse, poner Bajate, bajar, bajar de, apearse
Travel collocations Missed Broke down Turbulence Had a crash Traffic jam Something wrong with Strike Got lost Long queue delay
Perder, fallar, extrañar Rompio, romper, descomponer, desglosar Turbulencia, los disturbios, el desorden Tuvo un accidente Embotellamiento Algo mal con Huelga, el ataque, el paro. Golpear, atacar, pegar Se perdio, Larga cola Retrasar, demorar, retarder. El retraso, la demora
Journey Someone Lift Take off Land anyone
Viaje, el viaje, el camino, el trayecto Alguien Levantar, el elevador, el ascensor. El alzamiento, la Carrera, el aventon Despegar, quitarse, quitar, salir, largarse Aterrzar, desembarcar, llegar, tomar tierra. Tierra, el terreno Cualquiera, nadie, cualquier persona, alguien
Cola, hacer cola,
Hurry Quickly Desk closed Believe Treat Customers In a rush Seat belt embarrassing Flight attendant Still Told Across Motorway Chatting Left Crashing Quietly Came back
Apresurarse, apurarse, acelerar Con rapidez, rapidamente, aprisa, Escritorio cerrado Creer, entender, Tratatar, curar, atender a clientes Escapado Cinturon de seguridad Enbarazoso, Auxiliar de vuelo Quieta, quieto, todavia, aun, a pesar de todo Dijo, relatado A traves, de un lado a otro, a traves de, tras, autopista Chateando La izquierda, dejado, quedado, salido, ido, Estrellarse En silencio, tranquilamente, silenciosamente, sin hacer ruido Volvio, Volver, regresar, replica
Suddenly something else happened Happened Else
Repentinamente Algo mas paso Sucedio Demas, mas, de otro modo, ademas.
tree destroys house
Arbol destruye casa
narrowly escaped death
Escape por poco de la Muerte
a tree blew over
Un arbol volo
over blew
Terminado, encima, por encima, arriba,. Encima de, a traves de soplo
Ladronas, ladrones
fell onto
Cayo sobre
Sobre, encima de
police stopped
La polocia detuvo
slowly moving
Moviendose lentamente
Task What makes people happy? ¿Qué hace feliz a la gente? GO ON HOLIDAYS WITH YOUR FAMILY FOR EXAMPLE TO THE BEACH, COUNTRY, STATE GO TO EAT WITH YOUR FRIENDS, PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, COUSINS AT GOOD RESTAURANTS GO TO PARTIES WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS, UNCLES GO DANCE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND, BOYFRIEND, FRIENDS GO SHOPPING WITH THE FAMILY How important is each one to you? ¿Qué tan importante es cada uno para ti? Good health in mind and body Buena salud en mente y cuerpo. mental health is important to me as it gives us peace of mind, love, calm, esteem no to have afraid, panic, stress, depression a healthy body makes us feel better we feel more energetic, more enthusiastic we are more active, happier, we feel less stressed,
A loving marriage un matrimonio amoroso a good partner helps us in life a good marriage helps us to be happy, joyful, loving a great couple help us solve our problems a beautiful marriage helps us to be better people in life with a great marriage one feels in harmony and peace a couple is for life Job satisfaction Satisfacción laboral with a good job you can buy more things with a good job you feel happier, with more energy, with more desire to work you have less stress at work you have more money to go on vacation with your family you work better with your co-workers
What do you think is the happiest time ¿Cuál crees que es el momento más feliz have a united, happy, loving, cheerful family have a partner who helps you in everything and is in the good and bad finish college and get a good job
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