May 29, 2018 | Author: jh_ajj | Category: Nursing, Health Care, Public Health, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition
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Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses structure of celban exam...


CELBAN Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) is a language assessment test specific to health care scenarios for internationally educated nurses (IENs). CELBAN is approved y all the licensing odies through!out the Canada. "imilar to International English Language #est (IEL#")$ your proficiency %ill e assessed in listening$ %riting$ reading and speaking. #he acceptale scores for CELBAN to pursue %ith Nursing &rofession for all the modules are' Listening *+

eading ,

"peaking ,

riting -


As per NNA" language reuirements$ you are suppose to clear all the modules in one sitting for any of the acceptale language tests. CELBAN is an e/ception %here one can appear from speaking component separately from other three components. Listening 0uration 12 minutes Listening session composite of audio!video and only audio scenarios. 3irstly$ 3irstly$ there %ill e 1!2 video scenarios %here you may have to oserve the e/pressions to ans%er fe% uestions. #hen$ there %ill e 1 small patient oriented audio conversations. #here %ill e multiple choice uestions$ fill ups to complete information on ans%er sheet. 4ou 4ou need to practice a lot for listening as you %ill not e provided separate time to transfer your ans%ers as you are suppose to %rite on ans%er sheet simultaneously as you listen. 5o%ever$ you %ill have 1+ ! 6+ seconds efore and after completion of each session. Reading

0uration 1+ minutes eading consists for 1 tasks. #ask #ask *' In this you have to find out the information from the given 5ospital ecord "heet. #ask #ask 7' eading comprehension and you have to fill the gaps %ith ans%ers from the passage. #ask #ask 8' skim and scan from passage. #ask #ask 1' "kin and scan from hospital information sheet. Speaking

0uration 7+!72 minutes #here %ill e 7 e/aminers$ one %ill play as your patient and other %ill oserve and then they s%itch

"ection *' Introduction$ in this they %ill ask you some familiar topics regarding yourself and your e/periences. "ection 7' ole play * 5istory taking. 4ou 4ou %ill e provided provided %ith sample history taking form to direct your 9uestions. "ection 8' ole play 7' in this section you %ill e given a scenario and uestions: uestions: topic to discuss %ith  patient. "ection 1' general uestion %ill e asked %here you have to compare and contrast$ to state your opinion or to analy;e a situation to evaluate your range of language skills. Writing

It is comprised of t%o tasks #ask #ask *' (*+ minutes) you have to complete a health history taking taking sheet from a audio:video. #his audio:video %ill e e/actly same from listening task *. #ask #ask 7' (*2minutes) In this you have to %rite a 7 paragraph nursing report from the given notes in a report sheet. It can e an incident report or patient report. >>>>>

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