Ceiling Cassette Type Air Conditioners PDF

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CEILING CEILI NG CASSETTE CASSETTE TYPE AIR CONDITIONERS CONDITIONERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (Refrigerant : R-407C) • This unit is charged with new refrigerant, R-407C. • Be sure to use proper tools for R-407C, when installing the unit. • Please read this instruction sheet completely before installing the product. • When the power cord is damaged, replacement work shall be performed by authorized personnel only. • Installation work must be performed in accordance with the national wiring standards by authorized personnel only.

E  N  G L  I     S  H I    T  A L  I    A N  O

Indoor Unit

Anti-bacteria filter Air Intake Air Outlet

Outdoor Unit Air Intake (side, rear)

Connecting Wire Power Wire

Air Outlet Vents Air Intake (side, rear)

Connection Tube Drain Hose

Air outlet Control cover Connecting wire Connection Tube Drain hose

Cooling & Heating Model has included Drain Elbow

P/No.: 3828A20102U

E   S  P A Ñ   O L  F  R A N   Ç  A I     S  D E   U T   S   C  H


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OUT-LINE OF INSTALLATION 1.The following should be always observed for safety  ...............................3 2.Installation of Indoor, Outdoor Unit ............................................................ 4 Installation Works

Installation Parts


Required Require d Tools

1) Selection of the best location ......................4

• Connecting cable

• Level

2) Ceiling opening dimensions and hanging bolt location(unit: mm).................................5

• Pipes: Gas side Liquid side

• Screw driver

3) The Indoor Unit Installation .........................6

• Hanging Bolt (W 3/8 or M10 length 650mm)

• Hole core drill (ø70mm)

4) Remote Controller Installation ....................6 5) Wiring Connection.......................................8 ELECTRICAL WIRING................................9 CONNEC CON NECTING TING THE CAB CABLE LE TO OUT OUTDOOR DOOR UNI UNITT ......9 6) Connecting Pipes to the Indoor Unit .........10 PIPING CONNECTION.............................11

• Insulated drain hose • Additional Drain hose (Inner Dia.............32mm)

• Electric drill • Flaring Tools set • Torque Wrenches • Hexagonal Wrench (4mm, 5mm) • Gas-leak detector

7) Installation of Decorative Panel.................12 8) Indoor Unit Drain Piping............................13 HEAT HEA T INSULATION......... INSULATION...................................14 ..........................14 FORM THE PIPINGS................................14

3. Test running   ..............................................................................................15 1) PRECAUTIONS IN TEST RUN.................15 CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WHEN INSTALLA INST ALLATION TION IS COMPLETE ................15 2) Connection of power supply......................16 3) Evaluation of the performance ..................16

• Owner’s Manual • Thermometer

4. Auxiliary operation   ...................................................................................17 1) Two Two thermistor system ........... ..............................17 ...................17 2) Ajusting to the height of ceiling .................18 3) Group control (optional wiring)..................19 4) Central control (optional)...........................20



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1. The follo llowing ing should be alwa lways observ rve ed for safety fety • Please report to or take consent by the supply authority before connecting to the system. • Be sure to read "THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE ALWAYS OBSERVED FOR SAFETY" before installing the air conditioner. • Be sure to observe the cautions specified here as they include impor important tant items related to safety. safety. • The indications and meanings m eanings are as follows.


Could lead to death, serious injury, injury, etc.


Could lead to serious injury in particular environments when operated incorrectly.

• After reading this manual, be sure to keep it together with the instruction manual in a handy place .

WARNING Do not install it yourself (customer). •


Per Perfor form m the inst installa allation tion secu securel rely y refe referrin rring g to the installation installatio n manual.

Inc Incomp omple lete te in insta stallllati ation on could could cause cause injury ury due to fire, fire, ele electr ctric ic shock shock,, th thee un unitit fa fallllin ingg or a le leak akag agee of wa wate terr. Co Cons nsul ultt the the de deal aler er from from wh whom om you purchase purchasedd the uni unitt or special special ins install taller er..

In Inst stal alll the the unit unit secu secure rely ly in a plac place e whic which h can can be bear ar th the e weight weig ht of the unit. •

Perform Perfor m electric electrical al wor work k acco accordi rding ng to the inst installa allation tion manual man ual and be sur sure e to use an ex excl clus usive ive cir circui cuit. t.

When When in inst stal alle ledd in an in insu suffi ffici cien entt st stro rong ng pl plac ace, e, the the un unitit co coul uldd fall fall causing causi ng injured. injured.

Use the sp speci ecifie fied d wir wires es to conn connect ect th the e ind indoo oorr and the ou outd tdoo oorr un units its secur securel ely y and att attach ach the wir wires es firml firmly y to the terminal terminal board board con connect necting ing secti sections ons so the stre stress ss of the wires wires is no nott appli applied ed to the se secti ction ons. s. •

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If the the c ap ap ac ac ity ity o f th thee p ow owe r c irc ircuu iitt i s i ns ns uff uffii ci ci en en t o r the the rree i s inco incomp mple lete te el elec ectr tric ical al work work,, it coul couldd resu result lt in a fi fire re or an elec electr tric ic shock.

Att Attac ach h the ele electr ctrica icall part part cover cover to the ind indoo oorr unit an and d the servic service e panel panel to the ou outdo tdoor or unit unit sec secur urel ely y. •

Inc Incomp omplet letee con connec nectin tingg and fixing fixing cou could ld cau cause se fire. fire.

If the the el elec ectr tric ical al part part cov cover if the the indo indoor or unit unit and/ and/or or the the serv servic icee pa pane nell if the the outd outdoo oorr unit unit ar aree not not att attac ache hedd secu secure rely ly,, it coul couldd re resu sultlt in a fifire re or elec electri tricc shoc shockk due due to dust dust,, wate water, r, etc. etc.

Be sure sure to use the part part p pro rovid vided ed or spe specif cified ied parts parts fo forr the installa installation tion wor work. k.

Check that the refrigerant gas do not leak after installation is completed.

Th Thee use use of defe defect ctiv ivee part partss coul couldd caus causee an inju injury ry or leak leakag agee of water water due due to a fir fire, e, elec electri tricc shoc shock, k, theunit fall fallin ing, g, etc. etc.

CAUTION Perfor Per form m the drai drainage nage/pip /piping ing wor work k securel securely y according accordi ng to the inst installa allation tion man manual. ual.

Perform Perfo rm groun grounding ding •

• If there is a defect in the drainage/piping work, water could drop from the unit and household goods could be wet and damaged.

Do no nott co conn nnec ectt th thee grou ground nd wire re to a ga gass pippe, e, wa wate terr pippee arre arrest ster er or te tele leph phon onee grou ground nd wi wire re.. De Defe fecti ctivvee gr grou ound ndin ingg co coul uldd cause cause an elec electri tricc shock.

Do not not ins insta tall ll the the unit unit in a pla place ce wher where e an infl inflamma ammable ble gas leaks. leaks. •

If ga gas le leak aks s an and ac accu cumu mula the ar area ea su surr rrou ound ndin ingg the the un unitit,, it could cou lds cause cau se andexplos exp losion ion.late . tess in the


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2. Installation of Indoor Indoor,, Outdoor Unit 1. Selection of the best location y;



1) Indoor unit • There should not be any heat source or steam near the unit. • There should not be any obstacles to prevent the air circulation. • A place where air circulation in the room will be good. • A place where drainage can be easily obtained. • A place where noise prevention is taken into consideration. • Do not install the unit near the door way. • Ensure the spaces indicated by arrows from the wall, ceiling, or other obstacles. • The indoor unit must keep the maintenance space.

   e    r    o    m    r    o

Ceiling Ceiling Board y;

   0    3


   e    r    o    0   m    0   r    1   o

50 or more

Ceiling Board   s   s   e    l   r   o    0    3


50 or more

   0   s    5   s    l    2   e    e   r    v   o    o   0    b   3    3    A

Unit:cm ;y



2) Outdoor unit  • If an awning is built over the unit to prevent direct sunlight or rain exposure, be careful that heat radiation from the condenser is not restricted. • There should not be any animals or plants which could be affected by hot air discharged. • Ensure the spaces indicated by arrows from the wall, ceiling, fence or other obstacles.

More than 30cm

S    u    n    r    o  o   f     More ore than   cm 30cm

Fe ob nce  sta or cle s

More than 50cm More than 70cm

3) Piping length and the elevation  Pipe Size


(m) Elevation

CAPACITY 18K Btu/h 24K Btu/h H/P 28K Btu/h C/O 36K Btu/h 48K Btu/h






1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 3/4"

1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/8"

7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5

20 20 50 50 50 50

5 5 5 5 5 5

(m) * Additional refrigerant (g/m) Max. 8 8 30 30 30 30

25 30 40 30 40 50

• Rated performance for refrigerant line length of: 7.5m • If 18K Model is installed at a distance of 15m, 187.5g of refrigerant should be added ..................................................................(15-7.5)x25g


Indoor unit

A B Outdoor unit


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2. Ceiling opening dimensions and hanging bolt location • The dimensions of the paper model for installing are the same as those of the ceiling opening dimensions. 600 (Ceiling opening) 521(Hanging bolt)


570 Unit size   e   z    i   s    t    i   n    U    0    7    5

875 (Ceiling opening) 45


785 (Hanging bolt)


   5  .    1    0    1

   5    )    7   g   n    i    )   n    t    l    o   e   p    b   o    g    n    i   g    g   n    n    i    l    a    i    H   e    (    C    0    (    5    4    0    0    6    5    7

840 Unit size   e   z    i   s    t    i   n    U    0    4    8


   )    t    l    o    b    g    n    i    g    n    a    H    (    2    7    6    5  .    1    0    1

   )   g   n    i   n   e   p   o   g   n    i    l    i   e    C    (    5    7    8




• This air-conditioner uses a drain pump. • Horizontly install the unit using a level gauge. • During the installation, care should be taken not to

Level gauge

damage electric wires.

• Select and mark the po sition for fixing bolts and piping hole. • Decide the position for fixing bo lts slightly tilted to the drain direction after considering the direction of drain h ose. • Drill the hole for anchor bolt on the wall.

Ceiling board

NOTE: • Thoroughly study the following installation locations: 1. In such places as restaurants and kitchens, considerable amount of oil steam and flour adhere to the turbo fan, the fin of the heat exchanger and the drain pump, resulting in heat exchange reduction, spraying, dispersing of water drops, drain pump malfunction, etc. In these cases, take the following actions: • Make sure that the ventilation fan for smoke-collecting hood on a cooking table has sufficient capacity so that it draws oily steam which should not flow into the suction of the air conditioner.

• Make enough distance from a cooking room to install the air conditioner in such a place where it may not suck in oily steam. Air conditioner

Take enough distance Use the ventilation fan for smoke-collecting hood with sufficient capacity. Cooking table

2. Avoid installing air conditioner in such circumstances where cutting oil mist or iron powder is in suspension in factories, etc. 3. gas is or generated, is stored or vented. 4. Avoid Avoid places places where where inflammable sulfurous acid gas corrosive flows gas isin, generated. 5. Avoid places near high frequency generators.


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3. The Indoor Unit Installation Ceiling Keep the length of the bolt from the bracket to 40mm

Hanging bolt (W3/8 or M10) Nut (W3/8 or M10)

Flat washer for M10 (accessory) Ceiling board

Spring washer

  m   m    0    5    1

Air Conditioner body

Ceiling board

(M10) Flat washer for M10 (accessory) Nut (W3/8 or M10)

Paper model for installation

Adjust the same height

Set screw of paper model (4 pieces) Open the ceiling board along the outer edge of the paper model

• Drill the piping hole on the wall slightly tilted to the outdoor side using a Ø 70 hole-core drill.

• The following parts is option. Hanging Bolt - W 3/8 or M10 Nut - W 3/8 or M10 Spring Washer - M10 Plate Washer - M10

Wall Indoor


CAUTION   m   m    7   ~    5

• Tighten the nut and bolt to prevent unit falling.

4. Remote Controller Installation • Although the room temperature sensor is in the indoor unit, the remote controller should be installed in such places away from direct sunlight and high humidity. Installation of the remote controller • Select places that are not splashed with water. • Select control position after receiving customer approval. • The room temperature sensor is built in the indoor unit. • This remote controller equipped equippe d with liquid crystal display. If this position is higher or lower, display is difficult to see.(The standard height is 1.2 ~ 1.5m high) Routing of the remote controller cord • Keep the remote controller cord away from the refrigerant piping and the drain piping. • To  To protect the remo remote te controller cord from electrical n noise, oise, place the cord at least 5cm away from other power cables (audio equipment, television set, etc.) • If the remote controller cord is secured to the wall, provide a trap at the top of the cord to prevent water droplets from running.



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• Separate the under plate from Remote control box.

T   h e   l   o w  e r     p  p a  r   t 

Lever carefully the box open using a screw driver, etc.

Remote control box body

• Fix the cord clamps on the wall by ø 3 tapping screws (accessory). • Fix the remote control cord.

• Fix the under plate on the wall Face of wall

Cord clamp (accessory)

Under plate

Screw (accessory)


e mo mo e c o on n ro e r

(Main board) CN REMO


Wire and make sure that teminal numbers are matched on unit side and remote controller side. The maximum length of the cord is 100m. If the length of the cord exceeds 50m, 2 use a wire size greater than 0.5mm .


HOW TO INSERT BATTERIES Remove the battery cover from the remote controller. • Slide the cover according to the arrow direction.

• Do not use rechargeable batteries, such batteries differ from standard dry cells in shape, dimensions, and performance.

Insert the two batteries. • Be sure that the (+) and (-) directions are correct. • Be sure that both batteries are new.

• Romove the batteries from the remote controller if the air

Re-attach the cover cover.. • Slide it back into position.

conditioner is not going to be used for some long time.


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5. Wiring Connection • Open the control box cover and connect the Remote controller cord and Indoor power wires.

Indoor power cord

Control box cover

Remote controller cord

[Air inlet side view] Control box cover

 18K/24K/28K Btu  Heat Pump Model •

Terminal Block of Indoor Unit 3(L) 4(N) 5 6 7

Terminal Block of Outdoor Unit 1(L) 1(L) 2(N) 2(N) 3(L) 3(L) 4(N) 4(N) 5 6 7



Power Cord

 Cooling Model

Terminal Block of Indoor Unit 3(L) 4(N) 5 6 7

Terminal Block of Outdoor Unit 1(L) 1(L) 2(N) 2(N) 3(L) 3(L) 4(N) 4(N) 5 6


Power Cord

 36K/48K


 Heat Pump Model





Terminal Block of Outdoor Unit 1(L) 2(N) 3 4 5

Terminal Block of Indoor Unit 1(L) 2(N) 3 4 5


Terminal Block of Outdoor Unit 1(L) 2(N) 3 4 5

Terminal Block of Indoor Unit 1(L) 2(N) 3 4 5


 Cooling Model





The power cord connected to the outdoor unit should be complied with the following specifications (Rubber insulation, type H05RN-F approved by HAR or SAA).

    m     m       5  .       8

G  N    /  Y  L  2  0   m  m  

CAUTION The connecting cable connected to the indoor and outdoor unit should be complied with the following specifications (Rubber insulation, type H05RN-F approved by HAR or SAA).

NORMAL CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA 2.5mm2 (18K/24K/28K/36K) 3.5mm2 (48K)

    m     m       5  .       7

G  N    /  Y  L  2  0   m  m  

NORMAL CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA 0.75mm2 (18K/24K/28K/36K) 1.25mm2 (48K)

If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer or its service agent.

WARNING Make sure that the screws of the terminal are free from looseness.



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ELECTRICAL WIRING 1. All wiring must comply with LOCAL REGULAT REGULATIONS. IONS. 2. Select a power source that is capable of supplying the current required by the air conditioner. 3. Feed the power source to the unit via a distribution switch board designed for this purpose. 4. The terminal screws inside the control box may be loose due to vibration during transport. Check the screws for loose connection. (Running the air conditioner with loose connection can overload and damage electrical components.) 5. Always ground the air conditioner with a grounding wire and connector co nnector to meet the th e LOCAL REGULA REGULATION. TION.

Main power source

Circuit Breaker Use circuit breaker or time delay fuse.

Switch box

Refrigerant pipe

CONNECTING THE CABLE TO OUTDOOR UNIT 1. Remove the Cover control from the unit by loosening a screw. Connect the wires to the terminals on the control board individually as following. 2. Secure the cable onto the control board with the holder (clamper). 3. Refix the cover control to the original position with the screw. 4. Use a recongnized circuit breaker 20A(18K, 24K) between the power source and the unit. A disconnection device to adequately disconnect all supply lines must be fitted.

Outdoor unit Terminal block Over 5mm Holder for power supply cord


Connecting cable Cover control  Holder for connecting cable


Power supply cord

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6. Connecting Pipes to the Indoor Unit • Preparation of Piping Main cause of gas leakage is defect in flaring work. Carry out correct flaring work in the following procedure.

Copper tube


Slanted Uneven Rough


1) Cut the pipes and the cable. Use the accessory piping kit or the pipes purchased locally. locally.  Measure the distance between the indoor and the outdoor unit.  Cut the pipes a little longer than measured distance.  Cut the cable 1.5m longer than the pipe length. 

Pipe Reamer

Point down

2) Burrs removal  Completely remove all burrs from the cut cross section of pipe/tube.  Put the end of the copper tube/pipe to downward direction as you remove burrs in 

Flare nut

order to avoid to let burrs drop in the tubing.

Copper tube

3) Putting nut on  

Remove flare nuts attached to indoor and outdoor units, than put them on pipe/tube having completed burr removal. (Not possible to put them on after flaring work) Handle

4) Flaring work  


Carry out flaring work using dedicated flaring tool for R-410A as shown below. b elow.

Outside diameter mm inch 1/4 Ø6.35 Ø9.52 3/8 Ø12.7 1/2 Ø15.88 5/8 Ø19.05 3/4


Bar Yoke Cone

A mm 0~0.5 0~0.5 0~0.5 0~1.0 0~1.0

Copper pipe Clamp handle

Red arrow mark

Smooth all round Inside is shining without scratches

Firmly hold copper tube in a bar(or die) as indicated dimension in the table above.

= Improper flaring =

5) Check  Compare the flared work with figure below.  If flare is noted to be defective, cut off the flared section and do flaring work again. 

Even length all round


Inclined Surface Cra Cracke cked d Uneven Uneven damaged thickness


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Piping Connection 1. Form the piping according to its routing. Avoid bending and bending back the same piping point more than three times. (This will result in hardening the pipe.) 2. After deforming the piping, align centers of the union fitting of the indoor unit and the piping, and tighten them firmly with wrenches. 3. Connect pipe to the service valve or ball valve which is located below the outdoor unit. 4. After completing the piping connection, be sure to check if there is gas leakage in indoor and outdoor connection.

Liquid side Indoor unit Outdoor unit

Flare connection Gas side Flare connection

Vacuum Vacu um dr drying ying After completing the piping connection, execute vacuum drying for the connecting piping and the indoor unit. The vacuum drying must be carried out using the service ports of both the liquid and gas side valves.

CAUTION Use two wrenches and tighten with regular torque.

Ø6.35mm Ø9.52mm Ø12.7mm Ø15.88mm Ø19.05mm

Flare Fla re nut nut fa faste stenin ning g torque torque 1.8kg.m 4.0kg.m 5.5kg.m


6.6kg.m 6.6kg.m


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7. Installation of Decorative Panel The decorative panel has its installation direction.

Before installing the decorative panel, always remove the paper template.

1. Temporarily Temporarily fix two decorative panel fixing screws (hexagon M5 screw) on the unit body. (Tighten by amount 10mm in length.) The fixing screws (hexagon M5 screw) are included the th e decorative panel box. 2. Remove the air inlet grille from the decorative panel. (Remove the hook ho ok for the air inlet grille cord.) 3. Hook the decorative decorative panel key hole ( ) on on th the e screw screwss fixed fixed in sstep tep above above,, and and sslide lide the panel so that the screws reach the key hole edge. 4. Retighten completely two temporarily fixed screws and other two screws. (T (Total otal 4 screws) 5. Connect the louver motor connector and display connector. 6. After tightening these screws, install the air inlet grille (including the air filter).

Piping side

Air conditioner unit

Install the panel after making sure that the piping side of the unit body matches the piping indication of the decorative panel

Decorative panel fixing screws (hexagon M5 screws) Temporally fitting at 2 places (Tightening about 10mm)

Control box cover The arrow ( ) should point to the side where the pipes are.

Louver motor Inlet Grille

Decorative panel Display Key holes Lead wire for louver motor and display

Decorative panel fixing screws (Hexagon M5 screw)

Inlet Grille



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CAUTION Install certainly the decorative panel. Cool air leakage causes swe sweating. ating. Water drops fall fall..

Good example

Bad example Air conditioner unit

Air conditioner unit Air

Cool air leakage (no good)

Ceiling board

Ceiling board Decorative panel

Decorative panel Fit the insulator (this part) and be careful for cool air leakage

8. Indoor

Unit Drain Piping

Pipe clamp Indoor unit

• Drain piping must have down-slope (1/50 to 1/100): be sure not to provide up-and-down slope to prevent reversal flow. • During drain piping connection, be careful not to exert extra force on the drain port on the indoor unit. • The outside diameter of the drain connection on the indoor unit is 32mm.

Upward routing not allowed

Maintenance drain port


Piping material: Polyvinyl chloride pipe VP-25 and pipe fittings

MAX 700mm

• Be sure to execute heat insulation on the drain piping.

Heat insulation material: Polyethylene foam with thickness more than 8 mm.

Drain test

Feed water

The air conditioner uses a drain pump to drain water. Use the following procedure to test the drain pump operation:

Flexible drain hose (accessory) Main drain pipe

Drain Pump

Drain port

Glue the joint

Drain hose connection Use the clip (accessory)

Drain pan


• Connect the main drain pipe to the exterior and leave it provisionally until the test comes to an end. • Feed water to the flexible drain hose and check the piping for leakage. • Be sure to check the drain pump for normal operating and noise when electrical wiring is complete. • When the test is complete, connect the flexible drain hose to the drain port on the indoor unit.

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HEAT HEA T IINSULATION NSULATION 1. Use the heat insulation material for the refrigerant piping which has an excellent heat-resistance (over 120°C). Fastening band (accessory)

2. Precautions in high humidity circumstance: This air conditioner has been tested according to the "KS Standard Conditions with Mist" and confirmed that there is not any default. However, However, if it is operated for a long

Refrigerant piping time in high humid atmosphere (dew point temperature: more than 23°C), water drops Indoor unit are liable to fall. In this case, add heat insulation material according to the following Thermal insulator (accessory) procedure: • Heat insulation material to be prepared... Adiabatic glass wool with thickness 10 to 20mm. • Stick glass wool on all air conditioners that are located in ceiling atmosphere. • In addition to the normal heat insulation (thickness: more than 8mm) for refrigerant piping (gas piping: thick piping) and drain piping, add further 10mm to 30mm thickness material.

FORM THE PIPINGS 1. Wrap the connecting portion of indoor unit with the Insulation material and secure it with two Plastic Bands. (for the right pipings) •   If you want to connect an additional drain hose, the end of the drain-outlet should keep distance from the ground. (Do not dip it into water, and fix it on the th e wall to avoid swinging in the wind.)

Seal a small opening around the pipings with gum type sealer.

Drain hose Taping


In case of the Outdoor unit being installed below position of the Indoor unit.

Plastic Band

2. Tape the Pipings, Pipings, drain hose and Connecting Cable from bottom to top.

Connecting cable Power supply cord

3. Form the pipings gathered by taping along the exterior wall and fix it onto the wall by saddle or equivalent. Trap is required to prevent water from entering into electrical parts.



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In case of the Outdoor Unit being installed above position of the Indoor Unit.

Seal a small opening around the pipings with gum type sealer.

2. Tape the Pipings and Connecting cable from bottom to top.


3. Form the pipings gathered by taping along the exterior wall, and make the trap prevent water from entering into the room. 4. Fix the pipings onto the wall by saddle or equivalent.

3. Test running 1) •PRECAUTIONS IN TEST RUN   The initial power supply must provide at least 90% of the rated voltage. Otherwise, the air conditioner should not be operated. For test run, carry out the cooling operation firstly even during heating season. If heating operation is carried out firstly, it leads to the trouble of compressor. Then attention must be paid. Caution Carry out the test run more than 5 minutes without fail. (Test run will be cancelled 18 minutes later automatically) • The test run is started by pressing the room temperature checking button and down timer button for 3 seconds at the same time. • To  To cancel the test run, press any button.

CHECK CHE CK THE FOL FOLLO LOWIN WING G ITE ITEMS MS WHE WHEN N INST INSTALLA ALLATIO TION N IS COM COMPLE PLETE TE • After completing work, be sure to measure and record trial run properties, and store measured data, etc. • Measuring items are room temperature, outside temperature, suction temperature, blow out temperature, wind velocity,, wind volume, voltage, current, presence of abnormal vibration and noise, operating pressure, piping velocity temperature, compressive pressure. • As to the structure and appearance, check following items. Is the remote controller switch operated? Is there any faulty wiring? Are not terminal screws loosened?

Is the circulation of air adequate? Is the draining smooth? Is the heat insulation complete (refrigerant and drain piping)? Is there any leakage of refrigerant?

M4......118N .cm{12kgf.cm} M5..... M5......196 .196N N.cm{20kgf.cm} . . M6......245N cm{25kgf cm} M8..... M8......588 .588N N.cm{60kgf.cm}


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2) Connection of power supply  1. Connect the power supply cord to the independent power supply. • Ci Circu rcuit it break breaker er is requir required ed.. 2. Operate the unit for fifteen minutes or more.

3) Evaluation of the performance 

1. Meas Measur ure e the the temp temper erat atur ure e of the the inta intake ke and discha discharge rge air air..

2. En Ensu sure re the the diff differ eren ence ce betw betwee een n the the in inta take ke te temp mper erat atur ure e and and the the disc discha harg rge e one one is mor ore e th tha an 8°C (C (Cool ooling ing)) or re reve verse rsely ly (Heating).


CAUTION Af Afte terr the the conf confirm irmat atio ion n of th the e abov above e cond condit itio ions ns,, pr prep epar are e th the e wi wiri ring ng as fo foll llow ows: s: 1) Never fail to have an individual power specialized for the air conditioner. As for the method of wiring, be guided by the circuit diagram pasted on the inside of control box cover. 2) Provide a circuit breaker switch between power source and the unit. 3) The screw which fasten the wiring in the casing of electrical fittings are liable to come loose from vibrations to which the unit is subjected during the course of transportation. Check them and make sure that they are all tightly fastened. (If they are loose, it could give rise to burn-out of the wires.) 4) Specification of power source 5) Confirm that electrical capacity is sufficient. 6) Be sure that the starting voltage is maintained at more than 90 percent of the rated voltage marked on the name plate. 7) Confirm that the cable thickness is as specified in the power sources specification. (Particularly note the relation between cable length and thickness.) 8) Never fail to equip a leakage breaker where it is wet or moist. 9) The following troubles would be caused by voltage drop-down.

• Vi Vibr brat atio ion n of a magn magnet etic ic swi witc tch, h, dama damage ge on th the e cont contac actt po poin intt th ther ere e of, of, fu fuse se br brea eaki king ng,, di dist stur urba banc nce e to the the norm normal al func functi tion on of a over overlo load ad pr prot otec ecti tion on devi device ce.. • Pr Prop oper er start startin ing g powe powerr is not not give given n to the the comp compre ress ssor or..

HAND OVER Teach the customer the operation and maintenance procedures, using the operation manual (air filter cleaning, temperature control, etc.).



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4. Optional Operation 1) Two Thermistor System (1) Open the rear cover of the wired remote-controller to set the mode. (2) Select one of three selectable modes as follows. • Position 1: The room temperature is controlled by the thermistor of the main body. • Position 2: The room themperature is controlled by the thermistor of the wired remote-controller, control the temperature according to the position of wired remote-controller. • Position 3: The room temperature is controlled by lower temperature between the temperature of main body and of remotecontroller sensor. (3) Move the slide switch to set position. Room Temp. sensor Slide switch for 2 Thermistor TH


Position 2


Position 1 Position 3


R13H R12H

  O PP22



O P1 P1 R19H R11H

O P5 P5 R1 R1 66HH

O P4 P4


REMO MAIN OP7 2TH   R18H R17H OP6  C    0    7     0   





R    0    4     S   

R03S R01S

R    0    2     S   

Slide switch for ceiling height (4) Close the rear cover and check if it works normally.

CAUTION • Select the position after counselling with a customer. • In case of cooling mode, room temperature is controlled by the main body sensor. • To  To control the room temperature by a wired remote controller, install controller(room temp. sensor) to sense the temperature more accurately accurately.. • Maunfactured in the position 3.


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2) Adjusting air volume to the height of o f ceiling You can choose the RPM(or air volume) of indoor moto motorr according to the height he ight of ceiling to sup supply ply the comfortable atmosphere to consumers.

Procedure 1. Choose the selectable position in the table after measuring the height of ceiling.

Ceiling height

Mode of slide switch

Change of air volume

more than 3.3m

High Ceiling





less than 2.7m

Low Ceiling


Remark Manufactured in standard mode

2. In the case of changing the height as "high" or "low", open the rear cover of the wired remote-controller. 3. Move the slide switch to the set position.

Slide switch for 2 Thermistor TH

Low ceiling Standard (Default) High Ceiling




R13H R12H

  O PP22

O P1 P1 R19H R11H



OP6  C    0    7     0   


Slide switch for ceiling height


4. Close the rear cover and check if it works normally.




R03S R01S

R    0    4     S    R    0    2     S   



O P5 P5 R1 R1 66HH

O P4 P4



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3) Group Control(Optional Wiring) • You can can use use a grou group p cont contro roll oper operat atio ion n afte afterr conn connec ecti ting ng th the e br bro own an and d yel ello low w wi wire re of ea each ch air-conditioner. • Re Remo move ve th the e resi resist stor or "OP "OP 7" in re remo mote te cont contro roll ller er.. • It oper operat ates es maxi maximu mum m 16 Unit Units s by only only one one Wi Wire red d Remo Remote te Cont Contro roll ller er,, and and each each Un Unit it start starts s sequ sequen enti tial ally ly to pr prev even entt over overcu curr rren ent. t. Wiring design

Main PCB Indoor Unit 1

Indoor Unit 2

Indoor Unit 16

Terminal(Local Supply) Block Connector

Terminal(Local Supply) Block Connector

Terminal(Local Supply) Terminal(Local Block Connector



Main PCB #1



Main PCB #2







LO Time


Slide Switch

SUBFUNCTION Heater Preheat Defrost Humidify Filter Outdoor 1 2 3 4

Program set Timer Operation unit On Off Setno.Time 0 1 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 9 2 1 2 3

Wired Remote Controller




Main PCB #16

Connecting Cable(Local Supply)

OP7 Remote Controller PCB


• Us Use e Only Only One One Wi Wire red d Remo Remote te Cont Contro roll ller er wi with th seve severa rall ai airr cond condit itio ione ners rs(m (max ax.. 16 Unit Units) s) • Ran Random dom startin starting g to prev preven entt over overcur curren rent. t. CAUTION • Be careful not to exchange the color of wires. • The maximum length of connecting wire should be below 200m(25 Ω) on connecting each units. • Use a wire more than 0.5mm2


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