CECE 4242 Advanced RC design 3 Credit Hours Prerequisites: CECE 3241 Goal To equip the student with an understanding of advanced concepts of structural concrete design to enable hi!her to present the coplete "inal design of building structures# Objectives Outcomes The course should enable the student to: 1# $nderstand behavior and design aspects of ore cople% reinforced concrete structures 2# $nderstand basic concept of prestressed concrete ebers under noral and unusual loads such as wind and earthqua&e
The students should be able to: 1# 'esign cople% concrete ebers such as: 2# (hort and slender coluns 3# )ne and Two*wa+ slabs 4# Concrete shear walls ,# -ridge and ultistor+ buildings .# -raced and unbraced fraes /# 0einforced concrete foundations # (pecif+ design considerations for accidental daage wind and earthqua&e # Present the coplete final design of structures 1# 5nal+6e and design pre*stressed concrete
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75 iniu nuber of four qui66es need to be conducted# 7 8ore than 4 qui66es can also be conducted# 7 Course lecturer can decide the no# of qui66es depending on the course# 75verage of best two qui66es ar& will be considered for 9ui6 ar&s weightage# 7The last qui6 is announced e%cept that all other qui66es are unannounced# 7o copleentar+ qui6 is given to absent student even for an+ valid e%cuse#
Assignments/ Mini Project o# of assignents and evaluation procedures and assessent depends on the nature of the course# 2! o" assignment scored mar# $i%% be reduced "or eac& da' o" %ate submission Midterm and (ina% E)ams 75ll topics covered in the given aterials will be included in the e%as# ;alid college
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