Cebu Country Club v Elizagaque Case Digest

August 8, 2018 | Author: edrearamirez | Category: Board Of Directors, Norm (Social), Government, Politics, Crime & Justice
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Cebu country club v elizagaque case digest FACTS Cebu Country Club, Inc. (CCCI), petitioner, is a domestic corporation operating as a nonpro!t and nonstoc" private members#ip club, #aving its principal place o$ business bus iness in %anilad, Cebu City. City. &etitioners #erein are members o$ its %oard o$ 'irectors. 'irectors. In *, respondent !led +it# CCCI an application $or proprietary members#ip. members#ip. T#e application +as indorsed by CCCIs t+o (-) proprietary members, members, namely namely /dmundo T. 0isa and Silvano 1udo. As t#e price o$ a proprietary s#are +as around t#e &2 million range, %enito 3nc#uan, t#en president o$ CCCI, o4ered to sell respondent a s#are $or only &5.2 million. 6espondent, #o+ever, purc#ased t#e s#are o$ a certain 'r. 'r. %utalid $or only &5 million. Consequently, on September *, *, CCCI issued &roprietary &roprietary 7+ners#ip Certi!cate 8o. 99* to respondent. 'uring t#e meetings dated April 9, : and 0ay 5;, : o$ t#e CCCI %oard o$ 'irectors, action on respondents application $or proprietary members#ip +as de$erred. de$erred. In anot#er %oard meeting #eld on o$ voting +#erein eac# member +ill drop a ball in t#e ballot bo?. A +#ite ball represents con$ormity con$ormity to t#e admission o$ an applicant, +#ile a blac" ball means disapproval. &ursuant to Section 5(c), as amended, cited above, a unanimous vote o$ t#e directors is required. required. @#en respondents application $or proprietary members#ip members#ip +as voted upon during t#e %oard meeting on
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